True Love Will Survive

By T Storm

Published on Sep 16, 2007


Disclaimer: This is a slow love story and not a fast fuck one. If this isn't to your liking, please don't bother reading. This story contains sexual acts between two males. If it offends you, then X out. Any comments or questions, email me and I'll try to respond promptly.

Chapter 6

"How come that girl is all over you?" Gray demanded, when he cornered me in the bathroom.

We were at our senior prom and the bathroom was deserted; everyone was busy dancing and having a good time, and making lasting memories.

I couldn't believe it was June already. May had passed so quickly, as in finishing up the year, preparing for final exams, and of course being with Gray; my days were jam packed. Senior year was going to be over and I had no idea where it went!

"She's just that kinda girl," I answered. "And she has had a crush on me, since forever," I admitted. "That's Cara."

"She's annoying as hell," Gray grumbled. "She keeps touching you all over and dancing all slutty," he snorted in disgust.

"You're watching us a lot?" I teased.


"Come on, I'm not going to do anything with her. I promise."

While Gray and I hadn't discussed our relationship, it was understood that we were together. We spent a majority of our time together, although less, because we were both hanging with our respective friends. School was just about done and we were expected to chill with our peoples. I didn't mind though, I missed being with Bill and my crew. I had to strike some balance. I did get to see Gray on weekends, during the morning and afternoons and they were laid back hangouts; eating out, seeing movies, babysitting my brother.

"She's driving me crazy," Gray said.

"You're with Kerry," I pointed out.

"We're strictly friends! Her boyfriend is in a summer program abroad. She's like my sister. And she's not all up on me, humping my leg," Gray said, his eyes flashing.

I groaned. "Gray!"

He grabbed me and pushed me into a stall, locking it behind him. He then firmly planted his lips on top of mine, forcing my mouth open, searching for my tongue.

I moaned and massaged his firm chest. He pulled me close, kneading my ass and I sprung an instant erection.

Fuck! I couldn't believe this was happening. We were at prom, with dates, for heaven's sake!

With great effort, I managed to push him away. "Gray!" I panted. "Not here."

"I want you so bad," he breathed, kissing me hard on the lips.

It was a bruising kiss; left my lips feeling raw. I was now horny and rock hard and definitely in no condition to go back out to the dance floor.

"You're going to ruin my tux," I groaned as he sucked behind my ear.

He smiled against my lips. "My bad."

My hand went to his front and he buckled and fell into me.

"Oh fuck," Gray muttered and I chuckled.

"Payback's a bitch," I murmured in his ear, tugging on it with my teeth gently.

"I'm going to pay you back," Gray whispered teasingly as he shoved me against the wall and pinned me there.

"Gray, no," I whispered as I felt his hands undoing my pants. But I couldn't help moaning and thrusting into his hand as he gently stroked me. "Gray, baby, you're killing me."

He laughed in my ear and I could feel the vibrations from his stomach as he pinned me. It was a happy, guttural laugh and it made me smile, in spite of my situation. He playfully kissed my neck and I giggled. He felt like a little puppy, kissing me, as his curls brushed my cheek and neck.

I squirmed. "Gray."

Gray hummed before kissing me tenderly, his hand moving back to my crotch, where he rubbed slow, tantalizing circles. I gasped and arched my back, moaning into his mouth.

"Gray," I said with great effort. "Seriously. Not. My. Tux!" I bit my lip to squelch down a scream.

"Ok," Gray breathed and he dropped to his knees. With one forceful yank, my pants and boxers were at my ankles and his hot mouth wrapped around my cock, only getting in two to three inches.

My eyes rolled back and I whimpered and pumped my hips. He bobbed up and down and wrapped his hand around the base of my cock and pumped rapidly.

I let out a silent, strangled cry as I erupted. I didn't even have a chance to warn him! I started thrusting and gushing inside his mouth, feeling the pleasurable sensations wash over me as I tensed, jerked, and shivered. My entire body was on fire, I was sweating and panting. I felt so good.

As I came down from my high, I practically fell over, but held myself up on Gray's shoulders. He gave my head a playful lick and I let out a squeak. Gray laughed and stood back up.

I looked into his eyes. "Sorry for not warning you. About my cum," I said apologetically.

"It's ok," he said kissing my nose. "Wasn't that bad."

I pushed him away roughly and he looked at me in confusion as I grinned.

"My turn," I announced and in a flash, I was down on my knees.

Thank Goodness the bathroom was empty. I guess everyone was so busy dancing, they were holding their piss in?

"Kevin," Gray stated but his voice was abruptly cut off as he squeaked when I swallowed a good five out of his seven inches. He moaned loudly and tangled his fingers in my hair, holding my head.

His cock was hard, hot, and leaking precum. It tasted salty, but delicious. I lapped my tongue over his head in order to get more and Gray trembled and made a crying noise. I chuckled and he hissed.

"Shit," he muttered.

I started moving up and down his rod, keeping a tight suction, my lips massaging his shaft, my tongue caressing the underside of his cock.

Gray was breathing hard and I knew he wouldn't last long.

Yeah, if Mark didn't enjoy my blowjobs, Gray sure did. Well, Mark's loss was Gray's gain- because Gray was surely enjoying this.

"Oh God!" he gasped. "Please. Oh God. Oh fuck!"

I started moving faster, sucking harder, licking his piss slit rapidly, and he whimpered and shook. I wanted him to cum really bad. I wanted to taste him. I massaged his balls and Gray grunted loudly and stilled above me, before I felt several jets of sperm hit the back of my throat.

I groaned as I swallowed quickly, continuing to lick him teasingly, while massaging his balls.

I ran my hands up and down his sweaty thighs and gripped him, continuing to nurse on his semi-hard cock.

"Kev, please," he begged and whimpered. Finally, I pulled off.

Gray stood there trying to catch his breath and we stared at each other in the handicapped bathroom stall.

I began laughing and he cocked his head at me.

The more I looked at his perplexed expression, the harder I laughed. He continued to look even more confused, which caused me to laugh more. It was a very vicious cycle.

"What?" he asked, smiling.

"I," I giggled. "I have never been so happy," I wiped tears from my eyes. "That they made handicap stalls!"

Gray looked around, at the both of us, pants at our ankles, dicks hanging out and he joined me in our laughter. I was bowling over with euphoric laughter as he started to pull up his pants. He eventually had to help me pull my pants up, cause I was still laughing so hard.

"Thanks," I said between giggles.

He kissed my lips. "No problem," he said softly, his hand caressing my face.

Suddenly there was tension in the air, and we both became severely serious. I was staring at him; he was staring at me, his eyes intense and dark.

He opened his mouth to say something, but the distinct sound of someone entering the bathroom caught our attention and we instantly put the seat down and crouched on top of it. Luckily the guy pissed fast and was out of there.

"Don't have sex with Cara at the shore," Gray said looking intently at me.

I smiled. "I won't."

"Even if she grinds you and humps you or whatever," he went on.

"No worries. Trust me, I'm not attracted to her," I said sincerely. "You'll be a good boy also?"

"Yes Sir!" he mock saluted.

I smiled at him and hugged him, loving the feel of his strong, ripped arms around me.

Gray kissed me one last time and we exited the bathroom one at a time.

I wanted to get prom over with. I wanted to get high school over with. I just wanted summer to be here, so I could spend more private time with Gray.

My Gray.

"Happy Graduation!" my Mom cheered as she presented me with a cake, homemade, frosting and all. It was graduation day and we had spent hours at the ceremony, and now everyone had dispersed and were going their separate ways to celebrate. No one was having huge parties until the weekends, so I was enjoying the quiet evening with my Mom and little brother.

Teddy clapped excitedly and stuck his little finger into the frosting, taking a large scoop to his mouth.

"Teddy!" my Mom scolded and Teddy looked at her wide-eyed, with his finger still in his mouth.

"It's ok," I said squeezing his cheek. I laughed and tugged Teddy into my lap, hugging him.

"Thanks Mom."

"I wanted to have you alone and give you your graduation present and a cake before all your friends parties," my Mom explained. "Otherwise, I'd never see you!"

"Oh Mom, you know I'd always make time for you and Teddy. I love you more than anything in the world," I said hugging Teddy tighter.

My Mom smiled. "I know baby. I'm just sad; my little boy is all grown up and going to college in the fall."

"Princeton Mom. Not that far. And if I hate dorming freshman year, I'll come back and commute," I said.

"It will be so weird not having you home during the week," my Mom said sounding sad.

"Aw, Mom! Please don't do that," I begged and she laughed, wiping her eyes.

"Ok, fine! Let's have some cake!" she said picking up a plate and a knife. "Teddy!" she scolded as my brother dug his finger in the frosting again.

I laughed and dug my fingers into his small stomach and sides and Teddy squirmed in my lap, giggling loudly. I kissed his cheek loudly.

"Love you, my little teddy bear," I said kissing his cheek and nose. "Little baby."

Teddy smiled widely and snuggled into my stomach. "Me loves you, Kevin," he said in his small voice.

We each dug into a large slice of cake and as I chewed, I reflected on the day's events.

Graduation Day wasn't that sad of an event. All the important people, the people that mattered, I'd definitely stay in touch with. Like Bill, and other good friends within my circle. No one else really mattered. The rest of my class were just people I was used to seeing on a daily basis for four years, like acquaintances, in a very structured routine.

That was what made me sad; no longer having that routine, that safety net. From here on out, it was meeting new people, new friendships, new relationships, new environments, constantly changing classes and schedules.

My situation with Gray also made me sad. I had grown really close to him during our short months together, first as friends, then as a private, secret couple. Now we just had the small summer break left together. I was going to Princeton in the fall, he was going to Dartmouth in North Carolina to play on their lacrosse team.

I also knew that high school relationships never lasted. It was just too hard with meeting new people all the time, being on our own for the first time, and growing and learning about yourself. Not to mention, how could two people who are in the closet last? Eventually the hiding out would become too much.

Lastly, I had no idea how Gray felt about me. I knew he cared about me, but I didn't know if his feelings were as strong for me as mine were for him. Maybe he was just taking it lightly, living in the moment, letting fate run its course or whatever. Hell, he could just be having fun, not worrying about whether or not he'd ever see me again and that pained me. My mind was a mess, plain and simple.

"Thinking about someone special?" my mother asked.

I looked at her and she smiled knowingly. I grinned. It was as if she had read my mind.

"A little," I admitted. "Can't help it."

"I know baby. The future is scary, so many unknowns. My best advice is just to go with the flow, ok? Go to school and take it one day at time."

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Hey, here is something I truly believe," she began and I looked at her. "If you and Gray are meant for each other, you'll find your way back to one another, no matter when. I've read articles of two people who were in love, broke up, got married, had divorces, and randomly met up, like, fifteen years later and had their happily ever after."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I joked.

She shrugged. "Yeah? Did I manage?"

"Half and half," I said. "You gave me hope," I said dramatically.

She threw her head back and laughed.

"He's a nice boy," she said.

"I know," I said.

"Make the most of your summer," she added.

"I know."

My feelings for Gray only grew during our short time together during our last summer before officially being adults.

We spent so much time together that I definitely knew for sure that I was falling in love with him. My first love. In high school, no less, while in the closet. It amazed me.

I got a job at Barnes Noble at the coffee shop. I loved closing at night and making myself a free drink before leaving. Luckily, the manager was young and in a span of two nights, we became tight. Hence, she looked the other way whenever I took free goodies.

Gray got a job at the gym across from the mall where Barnes Noble was attached to. So during breaks, we would meet up and sit at the café and eat a sandwich, have some free drinks. It was awesome, practically spending every day together and the occasional night where we watched movies, had dinner, played board games with my brother, while my mother cooked.

As fast as it sounded, Gray was like my husband- the way he was over all the time and my mother and brother bonded with him. My brother took a serious liking to Gray. And I loved nothing more than watching Gray play around with my brother. It was too bad I met Gray in high school. If we met later on in life, like college, we might have a standing chance of being together. I couldn't think those thoughts, though. No regrets. Life is too short for regrets.

Gray threw me onto the couch and jumped on top of me, while balancing his weight. Then Gray lent a hand to Teddy so he could join the human pile on top of me. Teddy giggled and Gray tickled the both of us.

"Gray stop!" I panted, turning red and laughing hysterically.

"Boys!" my mom called from the kitchen as she cooked a huge meal. She loved Gray since he enjoyed her cooking and ate endlessly.

Teddy laughed as his little fingers moved towards my armpits.

"Teddy!" I shrieked.

"Get him little T!" Gray shouted encouraging the small boy.

"No!" I wailed squirming. "I'm gonna piss myself."

"Not on my couch!" my mother hollered. "Clean up! Dinner is almost ready!"

Gray stood up, grinning at me, and picked Teddy up. "Ready to eat tiny bear?" he asked Teddy.

Teddy wrapped his arms around Gray's neck. "Me always ready to eat!"

Gray laughed. "That's my boy!" he said as he rubbed Teddy's small round belly, carrying him to the bathroom to wash their hands.

I followed behind, quietly observing them as they laughed and talked together.

As Gray helped Teddy wash his hands, balancing Teddy in one arm, while splashing water around with the other, I could not, for the life of me, take my eyes off of him.

A small smile made its way to my lips.

Gray looked up into the mirror and caught my eye and for some reason, he just froze. Our eyes were locked in the mirror, while Teddy messily washed his hands, oblivious to everything.

Oh yeah. I was definitely in love with Gray O'Neal.

I wonder what that would mean for my future. Our future.

"Will you miss me?" I asked quietly one evening. Gray had come over for dinner and since it was early enough, my Mom took Teddy to see a movie. Naturally Gray and I stayed back to have some private time together.

"Kevin, why do you ask those things?" Gray sighed. "Of course I'll miss you."

I hated how I was feeling and acting, but I couldn't help it. It was the beginning of August and every day and minute and second was moving way too fast.

Gray would leave me soon. That made me indescribably sad; add to the fact that I hadn't told him I was in love with him just yet. I didn't know if it was too soon to burst out the `L' word.

"I'll miss you. A lot," I said, peeking up into his eyes and he smiled softly, hugging me tighter into his lap, his hand caressing my side as his cheek rested against mine.

"I'll miss you more, my little cutie pie," Gray said pecking my forehead.

I sighed and snuggled in his arms. "I'll miss you the mostest."

"That's not even a word!"

"It is to!" I stuck my tongue and Gray laughed before kissing my nose and lips.

I opened my mouth to say something, but then shut it, not knowing where to begin.

"What?" Gray asked, sensing my need to talk.

"Nothing," I said quickly. I sighed. "I don't know."

"What's going on?" Gray asked frowning.

"I just," I sighed again. "I just have a lot on my mind," I finished.

"Want to talk about it?"

"I don't even know where to begin," I said.

"Start a thread and the rest will unravel itself," Gray said and I smiled at him.

"Let me collect my thoughts," I said and we were silent for the next few minutes while I gathered my ideas and he patiently waited for me to speak.

"I like what we have now," I began. "But I hate waiting for it to end."

Gray tensed and I forged ahead. "It's going to end, inevitably, by the end of August, and as much as I'm trying to enjoy right now with you, I can't help thinking about the future, without you, and how lonely and sad I'll be, in my dorm room, while you're off having a fun time with your jock buddies, frat parties, and slutty girls. You know sluts will be all over you, right?" I rambled in one breath.

His eyes were wide as he listened to all this. "Kevin."

I twisted so I could face him better. "I don't know if this was our intention- to get so serious, because I have serious feelings for you and if you're spending all your time with me, I'm thinking you have serious feelings for me as well."

"It just sucks going to Princeton and you going to Duke and having to get over you and meet new people," I said miserably. "I like meeting new people, but how can I meet guys, when I'll be thinking of you?"

"It's almost as if we shouldn't have even started this- whatever it is- that you and I have," I finally finished. Whew, that was exhausting.

There was silence from Gray and I looked at him. Now he appeared deep in thought.

I shot him a questioning look and he smiled slightly. "My turn to think. Hold up."

"Ok," he finally said and I gave him my full attention. "I have an idea."

"Yeah?" I asked somewhat impatiently.

"We give this a try," he stated.

"What?" I asked dumbly.

"I mean, we try to do this. I'm not ready to be out to my parents or even friends just yet," he said. "But I like what we have. It makes me happy. I'm not so sure either, if I'm willing to give it up. And I hate the idea of you with another guy."

I nudged him. "So it's all about jealousy then?" I demanded in mock anger.

"I know long distance will be hard," he continued. "But we're on the same coast. We can do it. There are so many ways to keep in touch. And if I don't have a steady girlfriend, no one will wonder considering it's college and I'm busy," he went on. He kissed my lips briefly.

"But wouldn't it be better to end it amicably now and have a chance in the future than to do this and have it blow up in our faces? And it could you know!" I exclaimed before he could interrupt me. "We could become bitter, too clingy, too jealous, either one of us, I might add," I clarified. "Then we hate each other and never talk. If we split now, we can be friends and then one day reunite? Right?"

He looked amused. "Do you always overanalyze things this much?" he asked.

"Yes! I'm Asian. That's what we do!" I announced and Gray laughed loudly, hugging me tightly.

"Stop thinking so much," he said kissing my temple and rubbing my chest. "Why can't we just see how it goes? Figure it out as we go along?"

"That's not how I do things," I argued. "The questions and what ifs will drive me insane!"

He gripped my chin and looked me in the eye. "Kevin. I don't think that I could, in like twenty days, say goodbye to you and forget you cold turkey. As you said before, I'm kinda deep in this and it will be just as hard for me as it is for you. Is that a good way to start college? All depressed?" he pouted comically and I giggled. "What if I fail my classes because you dumped my ass?"

I laughed at his choice of words. "Dump your ass?"

"Yeah, dump my ass!" he reiterated cackling, nearly falling over on the couch and taking me with him.

"I guess we could try," I murmured.

"That's the spirit," Gray beamed. "Were you really intent on us breaking up?"

"Why? What were you thinking?" I asked curiously.

"I hadn't thought that far ahead," he said simply.

"Really?" I asked in awe. "How could you not?"

"I was living in the moment; enjoying our time together; getting to know you, being with your family," he stated. "Enjoying life."

"Aww, you're so sweet."

"I know. That's why you're with me," he said kissing my cheek several times.

"Among other things," I said.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" he asked.

"You're really, really hot!" I exclaimed and laughed hard as he tickled me.

"Only with me for my looks!" he yelled out and I squirmed. "I see how it is!!!"

"Gray!" I squealed.

It took us awhile before we became serious again. Some kissing delayed us as well.

"We can visit each other," Gray suggested.

"Airfare is expensive and we'll be busy on weekends," I pointed out.

He frowned. "Letters."

"Emails," I corrected.

He smiled. "Facebook. Phone calls. Texts. Phone sex. Text sex," he said wiggling his eyebrows.

"I'll miss your face," I pouted and Gray touched my cheek.

"I know it will be hard," Gray said. "But I really, really," he emphasized. "Want to give it a try. If I don't, if we don't, I'll always wonder and then regret not having tried, you know? It's like you won't know unless you try, so fighting for what you want is important. What's life without fighting with a passion for something important?" Gray went on.

"And you say I talk a lot?" I asked in amusement. "Look who's rambling now?"

"I'm serious," Gray said.

I became solemn. "I know."

I stared at him and nodded slowly. "Ok. We'll try to make our relationship work."

Gray grinned. "Good."

"But if I get hurt, I'll bitch slap you back to Ireland," I said and Gray nearly fell down onto the carpet, laughing. "What?" I asked feigning hurt. "That's what they say in all those Rush Hour movies. You know, with Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker!"

Gray was nearly crying by this point. "You are so funny and so cute," he said talking to me like I was a baby. "That's why I love you."

I froze.

Gray froze.

I swear, I could hear the clock ticking and I didn't even know we owned a clock in the house! Maybe the neighbor had one.

I don't think either Gray or I blinked for at least five minutes.

Finally, I broke the silence. By clearing my throat.

"Umm," I began.

Gray started blushing. "Umm yeah. Um, I, well," he stammered.

"Do you mean it?" I blurted out.

He looked away briefly before looking back at me. He swallowed hard. "I know it's fast. We only really met at the end of January and started officially dating or whatever sometime in April, but I do love you. I could spend so much time with you and never feel unhappy or overwhelmed. I'm just me and you like me as I am, without the popularity, sports, or whatever. Although, I'm sure my looks make you happy," he joked nervously.

I scooted closer to him on the couch and practically sat on top of him. I looked into his eyes, tangling my fingers in his beautiful curly hair.

"I love you too," I said.

His face lit up. "Really?"

I laughed and kissed him. "Yes. Really."

His arms came around me. "Yay!" he cheered. "We're in love!"

I laughed and pressed my face into his chest. "Yes, you cheesy bastard."

"That you love!" he shot back.

"That I love," I said kissing his jaw, before moving my lips over his.

"I don't know how to do this," Gray said looking genuinely confused.

"Me neither. We have to learn it together," I said rubbing his chest, tweaking a nipple.

Gray jumped. "Hey!"

"That's foreplay baby," I teased and he eased away from me on the bed.

"We're not a guy and a girl. How does real sex work actually?"

"Anal sex," I stated simply.

His eyes widened. "Shit! That's got to hurt!"

I nodded nervously. "I'm sure it does."

"I'm scared," Gray said.

"I'm nervous too, but I want to do it. I want to try it once. If I hate it or you hate it, we don't have to do it ever again. Like you said, trying something, just so you'll know," I said.

Gray nodded. "I guess."

"You've slept with girls, right? It's the same thing, except I've heard that a guy's ass is tighter," I said. "Well, I've read that," I said.

"Man," Gray said. "Ok, how do we do this?"

"You do me," I said.


"I'll do you, if you want," I said.

He looked nervous and bit his lip. Then he nodded. "Ok. Ok."

"You don't have to do anything you don't want," I reassured. "Trust me, ok?"

"I do."

"Good." I handed him lube. "You're supposed to stick your fingers inside of me to stretch me out," I said all this, keeping my tone even. I was keeping a calm face, but inside I was nervous as hell. I finally had someone I was in love with and could go the next step with. But I knew I wanted to do this and since Gray would be leaving me in a few days, it seemed the perfect goodbye or `see you later' since we weren't breaking up.

"Um, that's like gross."

I laughed. "I shit and showered before, so I'm clean. I can shower again if you want."

Gray blushed. "Umm, I'll take your word for it."

"Good boy."

"Hey," he protested and I laughed, rubbing his nose.

"My beautiful man," I said.

He shrugged. "A little bit better."

"Gorgeous, sexy, rugged, and hot, MAN," I said grinning. "And all mine," I said grabbing his hard dick through his boxers. Guys got hard so easily. Gray and I just took off our clothes and the anticipation of anything remotely sexual got us hard. Amazing.

He bucked and hissed. "Kevin!" When he recovered from the sensations, he opened his eyes and pinned me to the bed. "Everything you just said about me is all true," he said grinding into my cock and I moaned. He kissed my lips, licking them briefly. "I love you," he said seriously, staring deeply into my eyes.

"I love you," I said quietly, feeling completely ready to give myself to Gray.

Gray lifted himself up and shimmied out of his boxers and my eyes immediately went to his hard cock, the tip purple and the tip oozing a small drop of precum.

I smiled. "Did you trim?" I asked, referring to his slightly smaller bush of curly brown pubic hair.

He flushed again. "Yeah, wanted to keep it nice."

"For me?"

"Maybe," he said impishly.

I laughed and placed my hands on his butt and pulled him closer.

"I like," I whispered. Gray smiled as his hot hands dipped below the waistband of my boxers and he slowly slid them down. I raised my ass and allowed him to completely pull them off, before dropping them to the side of the bed.

I groaned as our hot flesh came into contact. We had been naked together before and had fooled around plenty, but this had a different feel- since we both knew we were taking a huge step. To me anal sex was a big deal! For one thing, there was pain involved! More pain, the bigger the reward had better be!

Gray fumbled with the lube, uncapping it. He squeezed a large dallop on his fingertips and showed it to me. I nodded and I spread my legs, in anticipation.

"Just rub it around my hole and ease a finger inside me. Slowly," I instructed, since he started to look nervous again.

He did as I said and I jumped when the cold gel hit my hole and I shivered. He looked down at me with concern and I nodded for him to continue. He rubbed my hole gently and I took a deep breath as he pushed in a finger. I felt his finger moving deeper and deeper inside me and I gasped at the new feeling. There was a twinge of pain and slight burning, but nothing I couldn't get past with some deep breathing.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

I nodded. "Just feels different. Keep going."

Gray lubed a second finger and inserted it. This time he found my prostate and I howled, nearly knocking him over.

"Holy shit!" Gray cried out in surprise. "Are you ok?"

"Do that again. Fuck. Right now!" I ordered and he pressed two fingers on my prostate. Hard.

I groaned and arched my back. "Oh my god. That feels amazing."

Gray kept massaging my button and I was muttering incoherently, my mouth wide open, my eyes rolling. I could feel my cock leaking onto my abdomen, pooling in my navel.

"Please, just fuck me," I begged and Gray laughed.


"I want to cum so bad," I moaned.

Gray kept massaging and started going faster.

"Gray!" I squeaked.

"Cum if you want, baby. We have the whole night to ourselves," Gray reminded. His fingers teased my button mercilessly and I whimpered, writhing on the bed as my hips churned. I refused to touch my cock with my hands because I wanted Gray to make me cum from within.

He added a third finger and despite the pain, I started spurting, due to his manipulative fingers.

"FUCK!" I shouted as I shot directly onto his chest, so high, the arcs of my cum landed on my own chest, neck, and face. I felt like I would never stop shooting and I came and came. My toes curled, my body tingled and tensed, pleasure coursed throughout my body.

I shuddered as my orgasm died down and I breathed hard, my eyes still closed.

"Wow," Gray murmured and I opened my eyes to see his face in awe. "You're so beautiful when you cum. I did that to you."

"Yeah, without touching my cock," I reminded.

Gray smiled. "Let's see if we can do this again," he said, curling his fingers, touching my prostate. I sprung an instant erection. "Wow, look at little Kevin."

"This time, make me cum with this," I hissed, grabbing him tightly in my hand.

"Kevin!" he gasped. "Not so tight, otherwise I'll cum and you'll have to wait!"

I laughed. "Like you said, we have all night," I said stroking him up and down slowly.

"If you're going to do it, do it faster!" he growled. "I'm horny as fuck, now, after seeing you cum. Your face looks so hot when you're cumming," he grunted as he thrust into my hand. I tightened my grip and slid my hand over his slick rod, using his juices as a lubricant.

"Cum baby, cum," I encouraged huskily as I moved my hand faster and faster, rubbing my thumb furiously into his piss slit and I felt his cock expand.

"Kevin!" he bucked erratically and suddenly tensed as he unloaded into my groin. I felt his hot cream land on me and I continued pumping him, wanting him to cum more.

It seemed he shot seven or eight times and was still dribbling. I felt the comforter beneath me get damp.

"Kevin stop," he whimpered. "Too sensitive."

I pulled my hand off and rubbed his back gently. "Ready for round two?" I asked.

"You horny bitch," he muttered. "Give your man a rest," he said smiling. I laughed and pulled on his curls.

"That's no way to treat me," I pouted.

He chuckled. "I'm sorry baby. Please give me a rest," he said. He kissed me. "I'll be back `up' in no time."

"You'd better be, otherwise I'll find me a new man," I said and he bit my nose. "One that can deliver. Over and over and over again!"

"Hey now. You're all mine," he whispered, kissing me hard as he gripped my wrists and pinned them to the bed. I struggled even though I had no intention of running away. It just made it seem more exciting.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and humped his stomach. "Are you going to make me yours soon?" I asked.

"Tell me when baby."

"Are you ready yet?"

He paused. "I am now."

I grinned. "That was fast."

"Imagining my cock inside your small, pale ass," he said smiling and my mouth fell open in surprise. "I have a good imagination," he laughed to himself and I gazed at him softly as the bed shook with vibrations from his laughter.

"Condom," I said and Gray shifted around.

I leaned on my elbows as I watched him roll the latex onto his member and before he could move, I grabbed the lube and applied a generous amount to his cock, coating it until it was slick. Gray moaned and thrust.

"Careful baby," I warned. I lay back on the bed as he positioned his cock at my entrance.

Our eyes met and I took a deep breath, pushed out, and nodded at him. His pushed in and I could hear the popping sound as his cock entered me.

I gasped and grabbed his biceps. "Stop!"

Gray froze.

"Give me a minute," I panted. It took me two minutes to calm down. "Ok keep going."

Gray eased forward, his muscles straining as he exercised great control. It was hot watching him and it made me hot feeling his large, pulsing meat enter me.

It took awhile, with every inch he slid in, he had to wait at least two minutes for me to adjust. It was nearly fifteen minutes later before he was fully buried inside of me and by then, both our bodies were drenched in sweat. His sweat was dripping off of his chest, neck, and face, landing on me.

We groaned simultaneously.

"Finally," I muttered.

"So tight," he murmured.

"How do I feel?" i asked.

"Amazing," he answered. "I can't describe it."

I shifted around and Gray moaned as he squeezed his eyes. "Sorry, just trying to get used to the feel."

He nodded without saying a word, but his eyes remained closed.

I licked my lips and nodded. "I'm ready. You can move," I said, experiencing a full, tight feeling in my ass, but considerably less pain.

Gray gingerly pulled out all the way and I gasped at the sensation as did Gray. Then he slowly pushed all the way in to the hilt. I gasped and clutched the sheets with my fingers. He did this several times, gradually gaining speed, creating a rhythm.

I panted and he moaned as he moved inside of me, steadily.

"You feel so good baby," he gasped out at the same time I suddenly cried out.

His cockhead had found my prostate. And THAT felt amazing as hell!

His thrusts became harder and faster, deeper and more concentrated on my prostate, causing my eyes to roll back, my muscles to strain, and my fingers to clench uncontrollably.

"I'm going to cum," I said. "It just feels, I can't believe, it's so wonderful," I breathed as the bed rocked, our bodies smacking together. I started to push my ass into his thrusts, deepening both our pleasure.

"Oh god," Gray whimpered as his breathing became more labored and erratic. He grabbed my hips tightly and started slamming into me, literally pounding my prostate, without giving it a chance to rest.

I couldn't see; my eyes were constantly rolling and all I saw was black.

I gripped the headboard and screamed as I came. Hard. I lifted my ass off the bed as my orgasm hit and dugs my fingers into the wood of the bed frame. My head thrown back, I continued to scream and emit shouts of pleasure, while my cock spurted endlessly. My neck muscles were straining beneath my skin, my abdominals rippling as I continued to push backwards into Gray. I felt hot all over; I couldn't breathe.

My prostate kept getting stimulated as Gray continued to thrust into me brutally.

"Gray," I chanted over and over between howls of ecstasy.

"Kevin!" Gray yelled as he stilled over me, digging his fingers painfully into my hips as he held me in place.

I felt his cock expand and explode, spreading a warm feeling throughout my rectum. I moaned. Gray let out countless whimpers and curses that I couldn't register as I was too high on my pleasure.

I don't know how long our releases lasted for, but it felt like an eternity before we both calmed down. When we did, we flopped on the bed, totally exhausted and spent.

The tension drained out of our bodies and I knew we were well on our way to crashing for the night.

"Gray, roll over," I mumbled and slowly, Gray shifted beside me, intertwining our fingers.

I rolled onto my side and snuggled beside him. I sighed.

"I love you," Gray said quietly. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For giving me your virginity. I know it sounds cheesy and whatever, but the fact that I was your first, well, it means a lot. You didn't do it with Mark and you waited, and it makes me feel, amazing, to know that you thought I was worthy of your gift."

I stared at him stunned and even in the dim lighting I could see him flushing.

I touched his cheek. "You are special. You are amazing. That's why I love you and wanted you to be my first. Thank you for making my first time wonderful. I love you."

He smiled and we just stared at one another for a few minutes.

Soon, Gray fought back a yawn, but inevitably the yawn won out.

"I'm really tired. My turn tomorrow night?" he asked smiling.

"Really?" I asked, perking up.

"Yes, tonight was so great; I want to experience this as well. I know you'll be patient with me and won't hurt me. I don't think being a bottom is my thing," he admitted. "But my first and probably only time, I want it to be with you."

I kissed his nose. "Sure thing. I look forward to it."

"Me too," he said sincerely. "But now I'm tired and can barely keep my eyes open."

And his eyes shut firmly.

I laughed and sighed, closing my eyes. I settled beside my boyfriend and felt peaceful and calm.

In seconds, I heard Gray's gentle, even breathing and I smiled before drifting off myself.

Next: Chapter 7

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