True Love with Justin Timberlake

By moc.liamtoh@51_remaerdrats

Published on May 31, 2000


Ok guys here is my 4th chapter.I hope you guys enjoy it.(please post this)i know it is not right in a way for a 19 year old and a 15 year old to be together, but love holds no boundaries.(and besides this is just a story right? and you cannot blame me.i dream ok?) and none of you people cannot sit there and say when you were younger (or if you're my age or younger)that you did not ever have a crush on guy who was older than you. so please understand where i am coming from.I have put alot of work into this story to be rejected and such. (so please give me some credit)Please? email me at, thank you and if this is posted, enjoy chapter 4!

Chapter 4

I sat there on my cousins couch and tried to make the words form in my mind that Justin had just told me. "Justin? That came as a shock to me.I did not realise that..." I could not finish. A smile formed across my face.I could not help it. A gorgeous blue eyed pop sensation just told me I was fine as hell. How could I not smile?

I saw that he was smiling to. "I know that was not the best way to tell you I was gay, but it was the only way I felt comfortable in telling you." Justin said. "So you are gay?" I asked him. "Are you the only one, or any of the boys gay to?"

Justin laughed at my question. "Well" he said. "This is gonna be a bit surprising, but Jc is gay,Lance and Joey are straight, and Chris is bi." I could not believe what I was hearing. "Wow." I said. "So are any of them dating?" I asked. Justin looked at me. "None of us, but Jc. He is dating a boy your age. Shocking huh? But Jc is in love with him. He says he would never know..with the boy. He wants to wait till he is older, and understands it.He wants to know that this boy really loves him. Then when the boy is old enough, he will take the relationship to a higher level.Right now all they do is kiss, hug, cuddle, and say lovey dovey things to each other." Justin told me. I could not take all this in. "Wow.So whats the boys name?" I asked not knowing what to say.

"Brian." Justin told me. " He is going to be on tour with us when we stop by in Connecticut.He is going to tour with us for the summer." I just sat there. "I do not want to go back to the beach now." I finally said breaking the 5 minute silence. "I think I am going to stay in here." Justin looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes. "Look I am so sorry for hitting on you like that. I mean for all I know you could have been so offended that you could have slugged me. And I want to thank you for not doing that." Justin told me. I looked at him. 'Should I tell him I am gay to?' I thought to myslef.

Justin got up. "Hey I will be right back. The guys wanted a coke, so I am going to go give these to'em." He walked out the door. I stood up and paced the floor wondering if I should confess to Justin. "Why should I be scared? Justin is that way. He even told you he was hot!" I told myself. I sat back down on the couch. Justin walked in. He sat down on the couch and looked at me.

"Hey Justin?" I asked him. "Yeah?" He replied. I took a deep breath and let it out. "Justin. Im gay as well.And I wanted you to know you did not offend me at all when you told me I was hot, because I was flattered and I think your hot as well.Of course you probaly get that alot by now." I told him. He looked at me and smiled. "So." He said. "What other crushes you got? Hopefully none of the bandmates. I'd become extremely jelous." He said. I laughed at his cute little joke.

Me and Justin had stayed in all day talking about our crushes and such.The boy had good taste.He liked Joseph Gordon Levitt, Freddie Prinze Jr.,and absolutley loved Brad Pitt.I of course told him mine which were mostly the same only I did not like Brad Pitt. I had a thing for Ben Affleck. Justin laughed and said me and Britney would get along fine.

We were almost about to run out of things to say until Justin asked me a question that made that particular summer special.Of course he asked me another question that was of all time important, but were not there yet.

"Rj?" He asked me out of the blue. "Um, well I know you are here to visit your cousin and all, but I really want to asks you this. Of course I will talk to your cousin about it after I get an answer, because this will mean alot to me." I layed down on the couch, putting my feet behind him. "What is it?" I asked. "Well Rj, I want to know if you will come on tour with me and the guys.I mean, well...I want you to see what it is like to be on the road with us, and I really would like the guys to get to know you. We all agreed today, that you and your cousin are to cool to just leave behind and forget the things you did for us.But I want you to come.I mean if you want your cousin can come to, but I can't promise you that she will get alot of attention from me when your around." I know that was kind of mean for Justin to say about my cousin, but at the same time that was to sweet that I had to blush.

"Well Justin, I want to go, but I have to talk to Kim." I told him. He smiled. "Ok, well we leave out tomorrow, so that means ya gotta hurry up and talk to her. I am not expecting much, if you cannot go, I will understand. I'll call you everyday." Justin said. 'Boy this boy was to sweet for me.What would happen if me and him were to go out?' I thought. 'Its a nice thought, but would it ever happen?'

"Rj?" I heard a voice say. I broke out of my thoughts to see my cousin and the guys standing over me. "Oh sorry." I laughed. I looked over at Justin who was still sitting in the same spot. "Um,Rj." My cousin said. "The boys decided that for letting them get away from the fans-" Chris cut her off. "Were taking you guys out to dinner."

I smiled. "You guys do not have to do that." I said. Joey spke up. "Forget it man, your cousin already tried to sweet talk her way out of this one.But we refused to listen to her.Face it bud, were taking you out to eat whether you like it or not." I had to smile. These guys were all sweet. "Guys lets all go get dressed out of these clothes, and let them get ready. Then we'll take them out to eat." Lance said. "Ok." The 5 guys said in unision. They all walked out the door leaving me and Kim alone to get ready. "Ok, I am going to my room to get changed ok?" I told Kim. "Alright me to." We went to our rooms, and all I could think was 'dinner with N'Sync!'

We all hopped out of Lances new minivan. I found it quite cute. He had drove it over to my cousins house. The guys felt they needed off the tourbus, and into something more smaller. We all walked in the restaraunt, which smelled of mexican food. Justin insisted that we dine at Panchos.

We went through the buffet and found a booth big enough for all 7 of us to sit at. I noticed that when I sat down Justin had hurriedly sat down beside me as if to make sure none of the guys did. It was me, Justin, Jc, Kim, Lance, Chris, and Joey.We all began to eat and the guys started talking about the tour. That is when I remembered mine and Justin's talk earlier. I was about to say something when my cousin spoke up. "Rj, I talked to Mandy again today, and guess what?" She asked me. "What?" I asked not so sure I wanted to know.

Kim looked at me with a smile on her face. "Well Mandy is not going to be opening for N'Sync on the rest of the guys tour. She just got a call today that she is going on a tour of her own.And she asked if me and you could come along! Isn't that great?!" I smiled weakly. "Yeah, I guess it is." I turned to Justin for help. He quickly noticed my silent plea for help and came to my rescue. "Um Kim, can we talk about that for a moment?" He asked her.

All the other guys had set their forks down, and I noticed that they had that look. The one where they already knew this was going to happen. I figured Justin had told the guys while they were getting dressed that he asked me to come along.

"Yeah, shoot." Kim said. Justin took a deep breath. "Well see I kind of asked Rj to come along tour with us.Just for the summmer.And he said he wanted to go, but had to talk to you about it.And well now that the subject is up, and a problem has occured, you two need to solve it." Justin said leaning back.

I understood what Justin was saying. I looked at Kim. " Oh, Rj why didn't you tell me?" She asked. "I was going to. I promise, I just wanted to wait till the right time. But now what do we do? You want to go on tour with Mandy, and I wanna go with the guys." I asked. She looked at me. "Rj, I know this means alot to you.And that you are suppose to be spending this summer with me.I really wanted you to go with me and Mandy. And I see that Justin here has asked you to come along with them.Even though this is suppose to be mine and your summer, I have come to realise the chances we are facing are to miraculous, and only getting one chance at it.All I say is have fun with the guys, and wish me luck on touring with Mandy." She told me, and smiled as she looked from the guys to me.

"Kim, thank you so much!I do not know how to repay you!" I yelled loud enough for the others at thier tables to look at us. "Oh, hehe, sorry." I said embarrassed."Just do not tell your mom." Kim told me. I smiled. This summer was going to be the best.Justin looked at me, and smiled as he knew everything worked out just great. "Hey Kim, we promise your little cousin here will be in good hands." Chris said reaching over the table and grabbing my shoulder. "Im sure he will." Kim said.

"Ok, you have everything?" My cousin asked as Lance loaded my bags into the tour bus.It was the next day. "Yep!" I told her. Mandy looked at me. She had come to get my cousin. Her and my cousin were going to fly off to Europe the following day. "Make sure these boys don't get into any trouble. Im sure your more mature than them!" Mandy told me jokingly. I laughed.

I watched as each of the guys gave Mandy and my cousin a hug goodbye.I hugged them goodbye last. Before I walked myself into the tour bus, my cousin stopped me. "Here take this. Call your mom. I know you. Your going to end up telling her anyway. Your always the type to never keep secrets for long." My cousin said as she handed me a cell phone. It was her little black one.

Justin looked at me as of heard what my cousin said. "Actually Kim, I know a few secrets even you don't know that I know I can and have to keep." I told her.

Justin walked over. " He doesn't need the cell phone, we each have one. So when he thinks that he is ready to tell his mom, he can use one of ours."

I smiled. Justin was being way to sweet. "Ok, lets go guys!We have to do a show 60 miles from here, before we leave Florida!" Lance yelled. "Yes sir!" All 4 guys yelled in unision. "Well Ill see ya!" I told Mandy and Kim. I climbed into the bus with the other 4 right behind me. Lance had already taken his seat in the lounge. "I promise he will be in good hands Kim! If ya don't think so-tough!" Chris yelled as the bus door closed. I watched my cousin and Mandy as the bus pulled away. They waved. I made no use in waving back, because I knew they could not see through the tinted windows.I watched as the two got smaller and smaller as we decended down the road. Soon they were out of site. I sat down on the comfy couch in the loubge, and began to enjoy my surroundings. For this I knew, was going to be an unforgetful summer!

Ok theres chapter 4! I hoped you liked it. I must remind all, there is no sex in any of these capters! due to the age range between the boy and Justin. and that would look so bad on my behalf! anyways, i hope you enjoyed it! (look for chapter 5 coming soon!) email me with comments on this story at (

Next: Chapter 5: True Love with Justin Timberlake 5 6

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