True Strength Lies in Your Submission

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Apr 22, 2023


True strength lies in your submission Part 12 By Chaim

Your true strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate your life, through devotion, to something beyond yourself.

"That's right, it's Tanner. Not a slave you can do anything to and not care, but someone who is depending on you to treat him right. To know when he can take ten lashes and when he can take twenty. To know when enough is enough and when the slave needs to be held and told he's loved."

Jonathan swallowed, "Loved?"

"Yes loved, this isn't an S&M game we're playing here. You're developing a relationship with Tanner and Bobby. Do you think you'd care about what you promised him if you didn't love him?"

Jonathan buried his face into my chest. Effortlessly I picked him up and carried him into the living room and sat on the couch. Jonathan leaned up and kissed my cheek.

"I guess I've got as much to learn about being a good Master as Tanner does about being a good slave."

"More, because you're the one in charge. You all right now?"

Jonathan nodded.

"Cool, hey how long has it been?"

"Hour and a half, that enough?"

"Maybe, but we should go down and check."

"Good answer,"

I said and tickled his pits.

"Uncle, uncle,"

Jonathan spat out between giggles.

We arrived in time to see Tanner having a long but dry orgasm.

I took the leading Master position. Tanner was mainly Jonathan's slave, but I hoped Jonathan would learn from my approach of his slave boy. After Tanner's dry orgasm ended I remarked, "Is that the best you can do boy?"

I looked at my slave boy Bobby, who stood next to me, "Bobby, get my crop."

Tanner looked at me with fear an shame.

"Sorry Master, but you can see how full I've gotten the jar."

I looked and it was about half full. He was shocked since that didn't include the load in Jonathan's stomach.

"Well boy, that's a good effort, but I think you've got one more load in you but I guess I've got to encourage your balls to give it up."

"Here you are, Master,"

Bobby said.

With a flick of his wrist I brought the crop down on the top of the base of Tanner's cock, just above his empty balls.


Tanner yelped.

The second flick brought the crop right across Tanner's balls. Tanner responded with a soundless scream. Tears falling, he shook his blond head, his mouth moving in silent pleading.

"You going to cum again for me and Jonathan, boy?"

I said.

"Yes Master, I will, Master"

Tanner managed to say. Another crack on his balls and I said to him, "Good, and make it fast if you want some time outside in the sun."

Tanner's head snapped up and his eyes went wide. If he was a good boy and shot one more load, he'd still get to go outside. He dragged his mind away from the pain and towards willing his body do whatever was necessary. He wanted to cum badly to show his willingness and submission. He looked at Jonathan and probably dreamed about his Master fucking another load from his painful balls. Tanner groaned and sweat dripped from his tortured body. Fifteen minutes later Tanner howled as his raw cock twitched and shot out two short strings of boy juice.

"Take it down half,"

I called to Jonathan.

"It'll be off in a couple minutes, we've got to slow it down in stages. I'm proud of you boy, you took your punishment well."

Tanner groaned but smiled, "Thank you Master."

I stepped back, it was Jonathan's turn to train him now. Jonathan approached his slave boy, "Sir?"

He bowed his head to Tanner, "Yes, little slave boy of me?"

Jonathan said as he turned the machine down another notch.

"Please forgive me for taking your time, Sir, I'm sorry, I'll never do it again, Sir."

Jonathan resisted the urge to go over and kiss his boy. Instead he waited until he'd shut the milking machine off to speak.

"I know, you're sorry boy, and I'll think about the rest of your punishment while we're outside."

"Thank you Sir,"

Tanner said, suddenly relieved. They really were going to let him go outside.

"Jonathan, set the collar control on one,"

I said.


"Now Tanner, this is the lowest setting. Hit the button for five seconds."

Jonathan did and Tanner's head shook in a jerky circle. It took a minute for his eyes to focus.

He removed the collar from around Tanner's neck and showed him the small one.

"Bobby set the control for six."

"Done, Master."

Jonathan spoke to Tanner, "Can you imagine what six will do to your cock and balls, boy? At the least you'll piss and shit yourself. At worst you will never, ever have another orgasm. And if you go over fifty feet from the door, it won't go off if you come closer. It has to be turned off. Do you understand, Tanner?"

"Yes Master,"

Tanner said as he rapidly nodded.

"Good boy,"

Jonathan said patting Tanner's blond head. He carefully attached the ring behind the balls where no one could see it, and not interfere with the perfect, lineless tan he wanted the boy to have. Once it was in place Jonathan took the rest of the restraints off and released Tanner from the chair.

Bobby helped Tanner to his feet.

"Do you have to go to the bathroom before we go outside?"

Jonathan asked his slave boy. Tanner nodded, "and something to drink please Sir."

"I'll make lunch and bring it out to you. Regular or diet soda, Tanner boy?"

"As you wish master,"

came the automatic response.

Jonathan smiled and ruffled Tanner's unruly blond hair, "I choose to hear your answer."

Tanner stood a little straighter.

"Regular please, Master."

Once outside the backdoor Jonathan led Tanner to the pool area. A wall of ten foot high hedges protected the backyard from prying eyes, but laid out perfectly to catch the afternoon sun.

"Sit on the mat, boy. I'll put sun tan lotion on you, we don't want certain areas getting burnt do we?"

Jonathan said as he put a handful of lotion on Tanner's crotch and slowly stroked it.

"No Sir,"

Tanner said and smiled. His whole body ached and the cool suntan lotion felt good. As Ray smoothed the lotion all over his back and into his crack he thought back to everything that had happened since he'd entered the house. Jonathan moved to his front and Tanner sighed.

"What you thinking boy?"

He asked his boy, "How happy I am, happy being here, happy with you, being my Master, Sir. I know that sounds strange."

Jonathan kissed him quickly.

"To anybody else it probably would, but I know what you mean, and I'm glad. You may be our slave but we want you to be a happy slave. Tanner, I like to have you as my personal slave. Now put the lotion on me."

Jonathan handed Tanner the bottle and lay down on his stomach. He trusted the older boy, knew in his heart that he was broken and would, could never turn on him. He held the control in his left fist. As Tanner gently rubbed the lotion on his back Jonathan forced himself to enjoy the moment. Tanner's hand felt soft and good, he was a good boy, a good slave boy.

For Jonathan everything was also quite new, it had taken him weeks to finally accept that I wanted him to be more than my sub, bottom and Lover. That for some reason, a reason he still didn't understand, I had and did care for him, but wanted him to find his own path. He found his way, first being submissive to me and on the way finding his thrills and destiny being a Master and Top himself on this slave boy.

Tanner gently turned him over and started kneading the lotion into his chest.

"You have been on my side, Sir?"

"Yes boy, it started that way. I was Master's bottom boy, was totally submissive to him. Like you, I found pleasure and happiness in being his bottom and I wanted to be his slave. Now, as you are learning to be a Slave, I'm learning to be the Master."

"You are a good and kind Master, Sir,"

Tanner said with a smile, which made the muscular kid very handsome.

"And you are a better slave than I ever hoped for boy. Now suck me, but I don't want to cum."

Tanner quickly swallowed Jonathan's cock inside his mouth and started working on it as if it was covered with whip cream, not suntan lotion.

"Oh shit boy, you've got a hot mouth today,"

Jonathan said as he ran his fingers through Tanner's blond hair. He leaned back and enjoyed the sensations running from his cock head up his cock, through his balls and to his groin. His mind on what to do, if Tanner didn't stop on time. But Tanner did, twice in fact. After which the two boys lay on their pads by the pool talking about school and how they saw each other in the gym.

I looked at them and came out several hours later and had both boys stand.

"Much better slave, you look much healthier.

"Thank you Master,"

Tanner hesitated, "I have a question Master."

"Ask, I'll decide if I'll answer."

"Thank you Master. When I go to school and take gym. I have to change and I don't know how to explain being hairless and the marks I feel on my back."

"How do you do it, Master?"

"It's different, I switched school and started at college this way, and just told everyone that I didn't want to talk about it. I've just kept to that. I think it cost me some potential friends but that's part of the life we have and enjoy, Tanner."

"But I had pubic hair and a smooth back and will stay at the same school to do my final exams, Sir."

"You have two choices, and this goes for your parents too. First is you tell them it's none of their fucking business. Secondly, and in the long run this will be easier, be openly gay and tell them that you and your boyfriend were playing games all weekend."

They stood silently for a few minutes as Tanner thought.

"My boyfriend, Master?"

Jonathan smiled at him, knew this was close to something they were not ready for at the moment. He just nodded his head slightly. Tanner looked at him and said, "You are right as always Master, the second option is better, especially since it is the true one. Step one is to be openly gay, and to accept it for myself I'm not that straight acting dude anymore?"

Jonathan started to slap Tanner butt.

"Even though I know you are my Master, Sir and not my boyfriend."

Instead of a slap Jonathan caressed Tanner's cheek and they shaved a quick kiss.

I looked at them an walked over, "Now it's time to get ready for supper. Tanner and Bobby, there will be guests arriving at six sharp. You both will help serving dinner and whatever else comes up. A Master comes over and he's bringing a brand new boy with him tonight,"

I said to them.

Bobby nodded his head, "Yes, Master"

Tanner said like an eager boy, "Yes Master, I will, I have helped my mother with dinner parties."

"Good boys, now it's time for your enema and a shower. Bobby is in charge, he will look after you Tanner, follow his instructions, Bobby knows how I wanted it be done, I gave him my instructions and you Tanner, just follow his lead."

I said to them. Bobby smiled happy, .

He took Tanner to the bathroom.

Just thinking about Bobby giving him an enema had made his cock hard. When Bobby noticed his hard-on, he looked away. He moved Tanner down on his hands and knees on the tiled floor. Bobby kneeled behind Tanner and found his hole and he shoved the enema into him, just I had instructed him to do.

He leaned forward and this time very carefully pushed the enema tip into his asshole. Bobby then squeezed the bottle and Tanner felt the water flowing inside. When the bottle was empty he inserted the second enema into him. Tanner moaned as he slid the tip up his ass, his throbbing cock was a pretty good indicator that he was turned on. Bobby slid the tip in and out of his ass a few times. Bobby was quiet while he squeezed the bottle and finished forcing the water into him.

As he pulled the enema out of his hole, he said, "Sit on the toilet and expel the shit and water from your ass."

Once again he moved Tanner on all fours on the floor. Tanner expected another enema but I instructed Bobby otherwise. Bobby got behind Tanner, rolled on a condom and greased up his hard boy cock. He surprised Tanner by shoving a lube-coated finger in and out of his ass a few times and he pulled Tanner's hips back and shoved his boy cock deep into his ass. Bobby's cock wasn't very thick but it was long. After about a second or two of getting used to the warmth and tightness of Tanner's asshole, he started fucking him. He knew I rewarded him this way being my good slave boy.

He pulled out until just the head was in his ass and slammed it back inside of Tanner, so that he could feel his balls slapping against his crack. Tanner groaned under him. Bobby went on quickly, I gave him three minutes, and soon he felt his cock swell. Bobby thought about me, his Master and gasped loudly when he ejaculated inside Jonathan's boy. Tanner groaned, was hard and horny, but had no permission to cum.

Bobby was proud of the fucking that he had given Tanner. This way he did exactly what I ordered him to do and he liked Tanner, his former gym buddy. They were now in the same position: slaves of a Master.

Bobby cleaned himself, leaving Tanner on the floor. He showered and said to Tanner to do the same. He got a couple of towels so they could clean up everything. Soon everything was spotless.

The doorbell rang as the living room clock rang six. Jonathan and I were dressed in black.

For our slave boys my basic rule was: the kitchen was too dangerous a place for nudity. Jonathan gave Tanner a pair of his soccer shorts and a tank top, I gave Bobby nearly the same. Both too small for our slaves, but they squeezed in and looked sexy as hell.

I had removed the restraint collar around Tanner's cock and put a dog collar around their necks instead.

Tanner opened the door and looked up at a tall, slim but muscled white man in his early forties. Behind him stood a young boy wearing latex briefs and a white tank top.

"Sir, my master bids you welcome. Please follow me into the living room where he and his lover await for you."

"Thank you boy, come Benjamin."

After Bobby passed around drinks to me, Jonathan and our guest, our slave boys stood by the bar.

"So you just arrived?"

I asked.

"Yes, a dreadful flight, only made bearable by Benjamin here. I found a resort where they train boys. I was in the resort and ended up with Benjamin. Once I decided I had to have him for myself, I called you and we flew back. Benjamin is a novice, he's never been fucked by a man. Only butt plugs were used in his quite delectable ass. Benjamin, strip,"

Arthur said.

The little boy rose from his master's feet and quickly stripped revealing a hairless body except for a full head of brown hair and a nicely trimmed patch right over his balls.

"Let them see your body closer, boy."

Tanner and Bobby looked as the boy approached and felt a lust in their loins. Bobby let his eyes wonder all over the boy's body, until his eyes reached his hard, uncut six inches of boy meat pointing right at him.

I looked at my own boy standing next to the more muscular and stronger Tanner. I said to him, "Bobby, strip,"

I said. In seconds Bobby was showing off his naked, hairless body too. Both boys were cute and hairless.

"How long have you been training your boy?"

Arthur asked me.

"Since a couple of weeks and he's come a long way in a short time."

"They will be into the contest?"

I laughed.

"Bobby is a slave by heart, but too young and too new, my friend. Jonathan did most of the actual work on the other one, Tanner."

"Really Jonathan? You're moving up from slave to Master?"

"Yes Arthur, Sir, but my Master is guiding me every step of the way, but neither one of them is ready for the contest."

"If I could bear the thought of leaving Benjamin behind, I would have you train him for me. But strangely I've become fond of this one."

Jonathan blushed, "Thank you, Sir."

"Arthur, have you noticed that Bobby and Benjamin have little erections?"

I said. Arthur reacted with a smile, "What do you expect from slave boys? They don't even think with their cocks, they just react. Maybe we should do something about it."

I gave it a thought and said to him, "I was thinking about a contest here. They sixty-nine and the slave who shoots first loses the contest."

Arthur nodded and pointed to the floor between the couches. I flicked my fingers and naked Bobby joined the boy on the plush carpet. Bobby looked down into Benjamin's eyes and smiled. Wordlessly they knelt on the carpet and assumed the position. Each boy cradled the other's ass in his soft hand and drew the hard cock into their mouths.

Though both boys knew that the loser would face some punishment there was no rush to get the other one off. Silently they knew a rush to conclusion would displease their masters as much as losing the contest would.

Jonathan's eyes kept flicking back between the hot scene on the floor and his own slave boy Tanner. His cock strained against his pants but he refused to fondle himself until both of the real Master were doing so. It was killing him, but he made it through the first fifteen minutes until both masters started.

At about the same time both boys started speeding up their head motions, pulling the other boy deeper and deeper down their mouths.

Jonathan noticed Tanner's balls beginning to withdraw and was pissed until he saw Benjamin's were also tight to his groin.

Something like "Oh shit"

erupted from Bobby's stuffed mouth and a groan of frustration came from Benjamin's lips. With that both boys pulled out and simultaneously shot their loads over the others face.

"I guess we don't have a winner,"

Master Arthur said.

"I guess that means we have two losers now, and we know what happens to losers, don't we?"

I smiled at him, and added, "Anything in mind?"

Nifty needs your donations to provide these stories Chaim, The Netherlands 2017

Next: Chapter 13

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