True Strength Lies in Your Submission

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Apr 8, 2023


True strength lies in your submission Part 7 By Chaim

Both the boys were doing well, I was happy with their progress. I decided that the boys needed to build for a real target, so I told them,

"You are not allowed to cum at all for a while; you need full balls. I will fuck you both of them after practice. Bobby is in charge of consuming all the cum I produce. If you are not around, I will save it for you, to drink later. Clear?"

Both boys nodded their heads,

"Tanner, you are responsible for cleaning my cum out of Bobby's ass and cleaning my cock when we had finished fucking."

I started immediately, bent them over and fucked them. Both the boys would drip pre-cum like crazy when I fucked them, but that was all the relief they received, they were not allowed to cum at all.

I noticed that they both leave slimy spots in their shorts during practice. Their relief was coming but not until our night. I had something special planned for them.

Jonathan, I needed him and called him to give him my instructions. I fucked the boys in the afternoon when we had finished practice and quickly sent them on their way. They were under my instructions not to cum or go out. They could spend time together and suck each other but there was to be no orgasms. I knew Bobby could be counted on to hold to that rule strictly.

Jonathan arrived at 7pm as arranged. We had a quiet dinner that he helped me cook. Something about Jonathan scared me in a sense. I loved to hold him and make love to him, it wasn't just a fuck for me. There was a much deeper connection that we both felt. This was the first time either of us had been in this position. There was one very big change that was occurring within me that I wasn't yet ready to face. When Jonathan and I were fucking I had started to wonder what it would be like to be fucked. To feel Jonathan's cock in me, making love to me as I did with him. Jonathan was a bottom, but had to learn a lot, his desire to please me could have a lot of sides.

The boys could wait. I took Jonathan to my bedroom and we lay down. Jonathan's back against my broad chest, his firm rounded ass cheeks against my cock which was already firm and hard. I wondered just how far I could get before Jonathan would react. Softly and gently I moved my cockhead to the entrance of his ass. I grabbed a pump full of lube from the side table and coated my cock. Slowly pressing forward I could feel Jonathan's ass opening like a flower in spring. His warm velvety innards wrapped around my cock like a warm glove.

With a little more effort I pushed deeper into Jonathan and with the pressure he released a deep guttural moan.

"Oh, you horny fucker, keep working that cock of yours deeper into my bowels, it feels so damned good, sir."

he gasped.

I leaned forward and took his earlobe between my lips and began to explorer it with my wet tongue. This excitement caused Jonathan top push his ass back and pull his cheeks further apart. We began a long slow tender fuck, I changed the speed of my thrusts to keep myself back from the edge. I wanted to truly make love to him in my bed and show him the depth of feeling I had for him. We had been going at it. Emotions were running deeply threw me, mixed emotions and feelings I wasn't sure of nor how to act on them. My left hand

gently moved back and forth on Jonathan's cock in a pumping motion. Jonathan was

in heaven, in a state of complete bliss.

I slowly pulled my cock out of Jonathan's ass and rolled him on his back. I kneeled over him with my knees between his legs and kissed him deeply on the lips, our tongues entwined.

I have always been a top and in power, never before had I considered for a second a different role. I lifted my lips from his and gazed into his eyes.

"I love you Jonathan, I am in love with you completely."

Tears formed in the corner of Jonathan's eyes,

"Thank you, sir. I feel the same way, but I wasn't game to say anything to you in case you reacted the wrong way and threw me out."

I smiled at him,

"No way, I want to show you how much I love you, breed you like a lover."

Jonathan moved up and climbed forward on the bed and straddled over my tight stomach.

"I love you too, I want and need your little baby boys in me."

Jonathan took my hard cock again and guided it towards his open ass. He squatted down and slowly pushed out. My cockhead popped through his ass ring and it caused him to gasp this time. It took him some minutes of slow movements before he managed to get all of my hard cock into him and to feel my shaved groin all the way on my ass cheeks. I looked piercingly into his eyes for some kind of reaction.

"You gave me the most precious thing you had, Jonathan. I'm the man you chose to give your virginity to."

Jonathan leaned forward and kissed my lips. We passionately thrashed about on the bed eventually ending up with him on his back and my hard cock in his beautiful tight ass.

"Now fuck me, please, my lover and Master, make me your boy."

That was all the encouragement that I needed and I worked my cock in and out of his ass.

I fucked him without restrictions of hesitations. I fucked my boy and lover Jonathan!

For twenty solid minutes I pounded his ass, his moans of pain gave way to lustful cries of love and desire. I could feel him heating up. He was going to cum and so was I !

I pushed back to give the hardest thrusts so far, pounding him into the bed. I felt the energy well up in my balls and I let go, exploding gallons of cum in his ass. I squirted seven times and

thrust harder for each one.

I cried out breeding my lover, before collapsing back on him. I pulled my limp cock out of his ass and a whole well of cum just flowed out, the skin around his hole was all red and my cock had left a gaping hole.

This encounter made me far more eager to fuck the boys but I tried to keep it to basic sex and teasing to build their frustrations.

Tanner and Bobby got to my place an hour later. I had arranged for them to stay the night. Once inside I had Jonathan strip them both and bring them to me one at a time to shower. I hadn't told the boys that Jonathan was coming nor the special gift I had for them all.

I had my own way of dealing with them. I used my hard man cock to make sure that each ass was cleaned. I fucked them for a few deep strokes then had the boys suck my cock to see if they could taste anything. When they were ready I pulled out two new shorts for them to put on.

Tanner was my special project so I put ear plugs in Tanner ears and blind folded him. Bobby waited in silence, he was different, he excepted his new role being my servant and slave in my household.

There was a special surprise and I didn't want it spoiled. Jonathan and I locked Tanner in the bedroom to wait. I took Bobby with us and made the boy kneel next to Jonathan as his puppy boy.

"So, I hope you are still keen for a long hard fucking tonight Jonathan, I have got something special planned for you."

Jonathan looked at me with a smile, he didn't know what to expect.

"Hell, yes sir!"

He exclaimed,

"I can take everything, sir. My ass is yours and in desperate need of your long deep fuck."

I smiled at Jonathan,

"Well, I hope so, we have Tanner waiting in the spare room for you and sits Bobby next to you. They haven't cum in two weeks. They will fill you up."

I draw my attention to Bobby,

"Slave boy, in the meantime though get on your knees and start sucking this."

I pulled the front of my shorts down and my hard man cock sprang to life! Bobby's instant submission was real. The boy wanted and needed to serve me. Bobby opened his mouth and took my cock down his throat to the base in one fowl swoop. He started out instantly deep throating my cock and sucking my cock with all the gusto of a true cocksucker.

Jonathan's own cock was hard and dripping, I motioned for him to remove his shorts. Like the slut he sometimes truly was, his cute ass and the crack of the ass was shaved clean. I spat on my hand and grabbed Jonathan's cock. I pulled him to me.

"Now fuck puppy boy Bobby, Jonathan. Take you cock and shove it into his tight ass as hard as you can. Make the cunt squeal."

Jonathan groaned eagerly, stepped back and lined his cock up with Bobby's pink ass lips. With one single thrust his lube coated cock drove in to his balls with one movement.

The pain caused Bobby to take my cock all the way down his throat and let out a deep grain which vibrated around my cock. Bobby's fresh shorts were still around his knees and Jonathan continued deep dicking his hot slave hole. Bobby's sucking became frantic on my

thick meat and he was working my shaved balls well in his hand.

We could have taken our time to get to the kill, but I decided that my cum was going deep into his ass along with Jonathan's first load. I pulled my cock out of Bobby's mouth, slipped my shorts off my legs and removed my shirt. I laid down on the floor and slid under Bobby's body.

"Jonathan, I want you to hold for a second and we are going to Bobby to sit down and take both our cocks in his ass together."

Bobby was breathing hard,

"Oh fuck yes Sir, open me up and double fuck me with your lover Jonathan, you know what I like. Everything to serve you well Sir."

Jonathan, pull out your cock for a minute and let me get my cock in there. Jonathan pulled his cock out of Bobby's ass and I moved him back till I could feel his ass at the head of my cock. I really wanted to make sure this would be fun, so once I knew I could enter Bobby's boy hole I swiftly lifted my hips and jammed my cock deep into Bobby. He let out a deep breath of air and a low grumble of pleasure. I withdrew my cock nearly all the way, just

leaving the head inside his ass.

"Okay Jonathan, put your cock against mine and push you cock into his boy's cunt."

Jonathan followed my orders and without too much effort I felt his cock join mine inside of Bobby. Slowly we started fucking in unison. Bobby was moaning incoherently by this point and I felt his first load of cum start splashing over my stomach.. The pressure from our cocks had literally triggered his orgasm. Bobby's ass was in heavy spasms, griping and releasing our

cocks. The feeling of our cocks rubbing against each other was already amazing but with the added excitement of Bobby's orgasm was pure heaven.

There was no way we were going to last too long like this, or at least I knew I wasn't.

I increased the pace and Jonathan followed my direction, we were now fucking Bobby at a very quick pace. Our cocks slipping and sliding against each other bringing us closer than we could believe. Bobby was going off his head with ecstasy. Like wild animals we were all grunting and humping to the sound of skin slapping. My balls had pulled up tightly under my cock in anticipation of my impending orgasm. Fuck this was going to be one hell of a

blow. Jonathan started to jerk and make erratic movements.

"Oh fuck Yeah I am cumming. Take my thick load in your ass, Bobby! Oh Yeah your ass is hot!


All this talk pushed me over the edge as well. Almost on the same moment both of us

started to cum deep in Bobby's ass.

This was enough to trigger another orgasm from the boy. His young cock pumped more

cum onto my stomach and chest. As my cock continued to pound in and out of his dripping hole, I could feel my cum mixing with Jonathan's deep in Bobby's ass.

We collapsed on each other and lay in a hot sweaty pile on the floor.

"Sir, that was an awesome, thank you. Thank you both, sirs. I could really go for some more of that."

said Bobby and the boy blushed.

"Well we are a long way from being done Bobby. There is a fresh and very horny slave boy waiting in the spare room to continue our fucking."

I slide out from under the pile of bodies and walked to the spare room. Tanner was sitting on the bed in silence, still blindfolded and with ear plugs in. I touched him to make Tanner aware of my presence. I took him by the arm, helped him up and lead Tanner out to the lounge room. Bobby looked at Tanner with lust filled eyes.

"Get over here Bobby and suck Tanner boy till he is hard. And be careful, he haven't cum in weeks, just like you and his balls are very full."

Bobby crawled over on his knees and took out Tanner's cock. Almost instantly his cock responded and began to lengthen.

This was going to be a fun night!

I asked Tanner.

"Tanner, do you think you are ready to begin your training as a slave?"

Tanner looked at me with a mixture of wonder and pride,

"It was not yes and no. His opposition to his new role was still evident and the boy showed no conviction or determination. Tanner had to be broken. I felt a mixture of anger and pity.

"Yes Tanner. You will serve and obey us, if you want to stay."

I looked at him, my voice became a whisper,

"You want stay or do you want play outside with your friends, being insignificant and hang out with your lousy little friends. Just a little boy without a backbone?"

"You do not say that. I want to stay but don't want to be a slave. I will retain my pride, I'm a man not a boy."

I knew enough and asked Bobby the same question,

"Bobby, do you think you are ready to begin your training as a slave?"

A huge smile flashed across the young boy face as I, his coach and his master looked down at his hairless body.

"Yes sir. I will serve you all the way."

I pointed at Tanner,

"Let's get started and take this piece of shit downstairs, he needs a proper training."

Tanner stirred but a quick kick to the back of his head reminded him of his position again. I

quickly tied Tanner's hands behind his back.

I looked at them,

"I will explain my rules,"

I said,

"We go to the most private part of my House, which is my the dungeon. Jonathan, just watch and ask yourself you want to be my lover, servant or boy slave. Bobby is my boy slave, but has to learn a lot before I can give him the initiation ritual.

Tanner, oh boy. Tanner, you still are a piece of shit, a terrible loser. You have a long way to go. Obey everything and everyone, just be humble and stay as low as possible."

Bobby glowed with pride as he followed me, like the others, down the back steps that led from the bedrooms to the sub-basement. Bobby's hard, uncut four inches pointing the way.

Jonathan was different, my lover, I was going to teach him how to be a master himself, in the future he would only bottom for me.

Bobby's role came naturally to him from the beginning. He would have done anything for me who had given him the chance for this slave position.

"Turn the lights on boy,"

I said to Bobby as they reached the bottom of the steps.

Bobby squeezed by and flipped on a series of bright lights. I pushed Tanner down, he kneeled on the floor.

"Good start Tanner. We're going to hang you on the X-frame. I'll hold you in place and Bobby will strap you on. Bobby start with his wrists and continue with his ankles."

"Yes Master,"

Bobby said. I let Tanner hang from his wrists when Bobby moved to his ankles. By the time

the boy was finished I was back with various objects.

"Skip the blindfold, insert the small butt plug and the cock ring as close to his groin and

as tight as you can get it. Put the ball gag in and tie it securely. I am tired of hearing his

noise. Gag him strictly and if I hear him, it's you to blame, slave boy."

Bobby just said,

"Yes Master."

I headed to a small room off the chamber and returned ten minutes later carrying a large box.

"Boy, did you do as instructed?"

Bobby's response was

"Yes Sir, of course Master."

I looked at his work,

"No boy, you went a step further than instructed,"

I said tugging at the chain connecting the tit clamps that were almost drawing blood from Tanner's nipples.

Bobby knelt,

"Forgive me, Master. I thought he needed those tit clamps too."

I looked down at our new slave boy and decided to be generously,

"Rise Bobby, this time you are forgiven. From now on do only as instructed, no more, and no less."

"Thank you Master,"

Bobby said as he rose.

"Try these on, I had them made especially for you."

Bobby opened the box and pulled out the items. He gently stroked the latex and buried his nose and inhaled deeply, he slowly slipped on the skintight shorts. There were holes in the

back of the shorts over each butt cheek and three snaps were all that contained his hard boy cock. When Bobby was done he stood proud at attention so I could inspect him.

I smiled at Jonathan and fondled Bobby's hard cock through the latex shorts.

"Look at our new slave boy, you're the one here to own him too. Think about it."

I moved over to Tanner.

"Look you piece of shit, you're the one in trouble here. You will be punished for your attitude."

I said and motioned Bobby over,

"Now bend over, little slave boy."

Bobby responded immediately,

"Yes Master,"

Bobby said and bent over, hands on his knees. My hand fell sharply against his rear, but he didn't move. He took my swats without flinching.

"Good boy. First thing, as you know, slaves are little boys and little boys don't have any body hair. You will shave yourself twice a day, and shave Jonathan and me if instructed.

Tanner will become a humble slave, just like you, so shall be shaved too. This morning he didn't, there are stubble on his skin, so Go for it Bobby!"

We looked at Tanner, who squirmed, the first signs of real panic entering his eyes when he saw the razor blade I handled over to Bobby. The blade glittered in the light.

"Now don't move or you'll get cut, and cut in some embarrassing places, Tanner,"

I said as Bobby covered Tanner's groin with shaving cream. He carefully shaved our lowest slave in line, Tanner until the only hair left on Hank's body was the crew cut on top of his head.

I checked Bobby's work and nodded at him. Bobby smiled and was proud.

Tanner was already desperate. Bobby liked his new position being my slave and servant, Tanner felt in turmoil, but his fight to escape his fate was still prominent.

"Good boy, now we're going to start with the next step,"

I said as Bobby stood at attention.

"Jonathan, release his legs and raise his bottom of the X-frame to give us a clearer shot."

I said. Jonathan did as instructed and my hand came down on Tanner's exposed left butt cheek. I explained Jonathan and Bobby what I wanted and said,

"Very good, proceed."

Bobby grabbed a pair of handcuffs and snapped one cuff around Tanner's left ankle and secured it before he released the restraint that held it to the X-frame. As I had warned Tanner started thrashing his foot around but Bobby ignored it and rapidly cuffed it to the other ankle. Only then did he release Tanner's left ankle. Tanner continued to move around, his resistance was clear.

I nodded at Jonathan who took Bobby's place. He attached a chain and raised it some and smiled. He made sure the chain was taut before he continued. Jonathan stepped behind our terrified boy. Tanner's twitching ass was fully exposed and at the perfect height for a swing with a hand. I nodded and said,

"Yes, good work. Proceed, Jonathan,"

Tanner was staring at the ceiling, his breaths coming in short, rapid pants.

Suddenly he saw himself in a mirror hanging from the ceiling, and beneath him Jonathan. The first swing of Jonathan's hand seemed to happen in slow motion.

Jonathan looked at his target, wanting his blow true against our slave's ass. Holding his head still, imagining the still white cheeks were his target, he went into his swing. Jonathan felt his knees bend slightly as his arm headed upwards to meet the twin globes.

Tanner stared bewilderedly at the mirror above him. Still not believing what was happening to him.

Everybody at the gym knew Bobby was on the queer side, always dressing in those tight soccer shorts that left nothing to the imagination, since our special training started.

Now Bobby was there to watch him surrender. Tanner accepted my power as his coach and loved gay sex but was still in denial of being gay and being a true slave and servant.

My lover Jonathan stood there to swing his hand, to slap him hard. Jonathan's somewhat muscular arms bringing his hand back and now forward.

Jonathan hit Tanner's white ass. Tanner groaned in his gag.

Tanner's butt moved upwards as fast and hard as it could until the chains began to bring him back down. Right before he stopped moving Jonathan hit him again.

Jonathan felt his cock spasm with each hit, it made him horny. He slapped Tanner to punish him.

I pushed Bobby down, lowered Jonathan's shorts and made Bobby to suck his cock during his movements. We heard Tanner scream despite the ball gag as Jonathan continued, screaming louder with each hit. The red lines appearing with each hit across Hank's ass. Each hit crossing an earlier one. It went on and with the tenth hit Jonathan's body experienced one if it's greatest orgasms ever, he breed Bobby's mouth with his cum.

Jonathan screamed almost as loud as Tanner. He found himself sitting on the floor leaning against my leg, holding me. Tanner's body lowered and hanging straight and limp.

"You okay, Jonathan?"

I asked him.

"That was great, Master. The feeling, the power. Bobby's mouth, the sexual high. Is that what you feel Master?"

I laughed and tussled Bobby's sweaty hair.

"Well, my slave boy Bobby is a marvelous cock sucker. But yes, Jonathan, it takes me a bit longer nowadays, and I need a more experienced slave, but yes. Now rest a minute and think what you want to do next. I'm going to call their parents and see about their staying to serve us."

Jonathan smiled,

"Yes, sir."

Ten minutes later I returned and walked right up to Tanner,

"Can you hear me you piece of shit?"

Tanner opened his eyes and rapidly nodded.

"Good, I just got off the phone with your dad. He is okay with everything, it's up to me."

A nod. Then realization struck Tanner who shook his head even faster than before.

"Oh yes, they were so thrilled I was willing to have you stay here together with your buddy Bobby. Aren't you happy, slave?"

Tanner shook his head. Begging noises came from around the gag. I slapped Tanner's face and asked the question again. This time he nodded.

"You mean it master? Can we stay? You can keep Tanner and me, Sir?"

Bobby was jumping up and asked,

"Can I stay too, Sir? I want to serve you the best I can. Uh.. will he been broken?"

I smiled at him,

"Of course you can stay, Bobby, you are my slave and yes, I made a special arrangement for you. Your parents agreed, you can stay for a long time. I even told them I had clothes your size. Not that you'll be wearing any clothes. And believe me, Tanner will be been broken and you will be part of it!"

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Next: Chapter 7

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