True Strength Lies in Your Submission

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Apr 9, 2023


True strength lies in your submission Part 6 By Chaim

Your true strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate your life, through devotion, to something beyond yourself.

I pulled my cock out of Tanner's mouth and raise up on my haunches, my cock head finding its target of Bobby's asshole easily. I shoved my cock inside Bobby and pulled him back a bit and started to pump his ass with a steady rhythm. With each pump Bobby's ass gave up a little more and we were now coating Tanner with a mixture of pre-cum and lube.

As I completely went out of Bobby's ass and I pulled him back onto Tanner's open mouth.

I pushed Bobby off Tanner and reached under Tanner head to the Velcro that held his hood in place. The Velcro tore open loudly. Tanner was temporarily blinded as the light flooded back into his eyes. He looked up into my eyes, then at Bob's ass, then back to my eyes.

I leaned down and grabbed the plug pulling it roughly from his ass.

I slapped Bobby as hard as I could on his ass and he turned around. His cock was still rock hard and dripping.

"Clean this loser up, will you. Make sure he is spotless when I get back."

and I motioned at Tanner.

"And you, loser, you don't move a fucking muscle!"

I stepped over the boys and took Jonathan by the hand and led him into my bathroom. I closed the door behind us and pinned him to the wall. My tongue darting deep into his open mouth, my left hand holding his blond head firmly. My right hand grabbing the bulge in the front of his shorts and rubbing it. I felt a damp spot and the familiar slimy pre-cum feeling in the material. I pushed his shorts to the floor. Jonathan was wearing no underwear, of course. Copious amounts of his boy goo filled his shorts and covered his pubic area. Jonathan's cock slapped up hard against his stomach.

I forced Jonathan to turn around and pushed his face hard onto the tiles. My cock was still slippery from Bobby and Tanner. I took my cock in my hand and guided it between Jonathan's marble white ass cheeks. From his earlier fucking his ring was still red, as my cock passed over it. I went down a bit, bending my knees and pushed up, hard and demanding. My tool popped through Jonathan's opening and slid deep inside him. Soon my rock hard cock rested into his boy-hole.

From all the action of the evening I knew I wouldn't last long and I was like an insane teenager who was driven by nothing else but the need to cum. I pumped and ground my cock into Jonathan's ass over and over again. I could feel my cock bouncing over his love button, time and time again. There was a lot of panting and groaning coming from my hot lover, who I was using. Pretty soon I was at the point of no return.

I bit down hard on his shoulder and was licking and nipping his neck and ears like a mad dog. We both groaned and I felt a huge load cumming, My balls felt like they were pulled up to my throat.

"Oh fuck you, hot stud, here it is. I am gonna flood your ass with my ball juice. Yeah boy, take my load. Come on work that ass for me, milk my big cock, you fucking bitch!"

Taking my initiative Jonathan responded the same way,

"Yeah fuck me sir, give me your babies in my ass. Fill me up please, master do it. Own my ass. I need to feel you cum deep in my ass."

I groaned,

"You don't move and take it!"

My head exploded or at least felt like it did. My body convulsed, shook, you name it. This was like the most incredible orgasm of my life. I was completely exhausted, gasping for breath, I clung tightly to Jonathan's shoulders to stay upright. We were gasping for air. Soon enough I realized that his body had also been racked by an orgasm. His load stuck to the tiles.

After a few minutes to recover I slowly slid my semi hard cock from his ass. We needed to get cleaned up. I reached in and turned on the shower. Warm water was spraying in from both ends of the shower and the ceiling rose. We stepped into the shower and tenderly washed each other like kids finding love for the first time. I sat on the tiled seat and pulled

Jonathan into my lap. He wiggle his ass and rubbed in on my cock as he kissed me deeply. After what seemed like hours we turned off the shower and dried each other, then making out way back out into my bedroom.

Bobby was sitting on his heels patiently waiting for us, as a good slave boy. Tanner tilted his head back and looked at me as we entered the room. His cock now lay soft across to the left. Bobby's cock was still fairly firm.

"You haven't cum yet have you boy?"

I questioned, looking at Bobby.

"No Sir, you haven't said I could cum yet"

I smiled at him.

"Well I guess it is only fair that you do seeing how we all have. And seeing how Tanner has received all the pleasure tonight I think it is only fair that you use him to get off."

Jonathan moved to the bed to watch, while I squatted down naked over Tanner's head. I grabbed his ankles in my hands and pulled his legs back exposing his tight ass to Bobby. I sat back and forced my freshly cleaned ass into Tanner's face.

"Lick my ass and make sure you do it right, bitch boy."

I nodded to Bobby and he aimed and his cock and pushed it into Tanner's waiting ass. Bobby was a true bottom, but he was horny and wasted no time in picking up his tempo. He really got into fucking Tanner's cute ass. I waved to Jonathan to get off the bed and get in behind Bobby. Jonathan's cock was hard and horny from watching their action in front of him.

I wanted to see Jonathan as a top fucker. His devotion to me was clear, but in the pick order he was far above these two slave boys!

"Take your fair share, Jonathan. You received a lot of the pleasure tonight, but I think it is a good thing that you use Bobby to get off again."

Hearing my words Bobby paused for just a second, but that was all the time Jonathan needed to slam his cock deep into his ass. Things were now completely different, but pretty soon all understood how I wanted it.

We were operating as one, completely in unison with each other's lust. My cock was dripping onto Tanner's chest. Bobby was the happy meat in the sandwich and Jonathan was

experiencing the pure ecstasy of Bobby's tight little boy cunt. With all the noise we made it sounded like a real orgy. Jonathan was the first to go, blasting his balls deep into Bobby. Hot cum filling his ass was all that Bobby needed to push him over the edge and he hammered deep into Tanner until he let out a primal scream and froze.

Cum filling every corner of Tanner's bowels.

I jumped off Tanner's face and pushed Bobby out of the way, driving my hard cock all the way into Tanner in one go. I held Tanner's thighs tight on my chest and worked his ass hard. He began to thrash and then his cock exploded sending his cum high into the air. Tanner's anal spasms sent me over the edge and I dumped my fourth load of that day.

We all collapsed onto the floor, stayed motionless for times. I looked at the clock and it was 11.50pm.

I went up.

"Time for bed you guys, go have showers and get to sleep. Tanner you take the bedroom on this side of the bathroom and Bobby you take the other one. No one wanders during the night, Got it!?"

The boys replied.

"Yes Sir"

The boys replied.

Now fuck off and take this mess with you"

I waved flippantly at the cum and piss soaked rug on the floor.

"Yes Sir,"

The boys replied again. Jonathan looked at me,

"I best get going too?"

He announced.

"Get your ass into that bed, you are not going anywhere. You are mine."

Pulling the bed covers down I sat down on the cool cotton sheets, I reached out with both arms and grasped Jonathan's around the waist pulling him in towards me. I kissed his firm stomach and with a firm tongue started to lick the inside of his belly button.. I always find the belly button and nipples the most fascinating part of our bodies. Jonathan moaned with the renewed attention to his body, leaning forward and placing his chin on the top of my head.

"You know, I could get used to this"

he said.

"What is that?"

I question raising my eyes up to meet his gaze.

"Having dinner with you of course"

quipped Jonathan

"Oh, I like quite a variety of tastes to keep my appetite satisfied."

Neither of us were talking about food and we both knew it but neither of us was brave enough to say what we were both obviously feeling. With my arms still tight around his midsection I fell back onto the bed pulling Jonathan down with me. We rolled back and forth on the sheet kissing and licking each other. We eventually ended up spooned together and my semi firm cock wedged between those ass melons.

"I think we should sleep now stud, because I have to be up early and if we fuck again your ass is going to be red raw and so sore, we won't be able to fuck for a month and I sure don't want that."

It seemed like I slept short that night. I slowly unwrapped my body from the beautiful man in front of me. I slide out of bed and closed the bedroom door.

With the flick of the switch I had coffee ready. I padded slowly back down to the front of the house and opened Bob's bedroom door.

"Time to get up Bobby."

I whispered.

"Okay, be there in a minute Sir",

a very nice touch, I thought to myself. Making my way back down the hallway I went through the same routine with Tanner. Within two minutes both boys were sitting in around the kitchen table making short work of the food before them. I had forgotten that they didn't eat last night. They ate in silence as breakfast finished and plates stacked in the sink it was time to get to my private gym.

I quickly wrote note and left them on the counter. It was to Jonathan thanking him for last night and to tell him we were in my private gym.

I saw the boys standing in front of me with their heads lowered.

"What's up, boys?"

I enquired.

"Well we just wanted to say thank you for the great time last night."

Blurted Tanner. Now that surprised me, I expected that from Bobby but coming from Tanner it brought me as a little off balance. I stood there looking into his eyes with an unwavering stare. He finally crumbled or realized his mistake and cast his eyes back to the floor. With this signal I began talking again,

"There are a few rules that you two must follow, firstly there is no cumming without my authority. Secondly you will not have sex with anyone or anything without my consent and my presence. Thirdly, but most importantly, you obey my every command in public and private. I own you both now and from here on in you do as I say with no questions, Understood?"

I was still staring at them both awaiting their agreement.

"I didn't hear you."

"Yes Sir, we understand."

came the reply

"Good, because I am telling you both this now and I am serious. You don't get a second chance here, you fuck up once and you are out of our little group."

The training went by pretty uneventfully except for the belting I had to administer to the boys for not working hard enough after one hour. I gave them both ten paddles over my knee which gave them both roaring hard-on's. As a suitable punishment their cocks were bound with rope and hands behind their backs and left to stand with the vibrating butt plugs in their respective ass's.

They were under my strict orders for no ejaculation and punishments laid out if they happened to fail this order.

Jonathan came down,

"Good morning, Sir, I'm here to talk with you."

Oh fuck, I thought, he looked very serious. What the hell could it be?

"Good morning, sweet lover,"

I smiled. Tanner and Bobby looked at us and I freed them from their position.

"What's up, Sir?"

asked Tanner polite and submissive, head bowed and his eyes to the floor.

"Boys, I will talk to Jonathan."

Both Tanner and Bob's eyes were now cast to the floor. I held my head high but I don't think I was breathing, my heart tumbled in my chest. Remember, you love him, I was saying to myself. Jonathan just smiled at them and nodded to me,

"Now Tanner and Bobby you can get back to your workout. I think Jonathan and I need to discuss a few more things."

The boys looked at me for a signal that it was okay to leave. I nodded to them and they turned and left.

Jonathan brought me to the corner. He whispered at me,

"I loved every second of our encounters yesterday. Tell me, please why do you do so strictly to your boys, but double to me?"

I smiled at him,

"I can only suppose, Jonathan, being strictly for my boys is simple. I insist that they do their duties according to my requirements in the gym and in my Household. You think that's the same for you?"

Jonathan's eyebrows moved, but combined with his body language it was a definite message of some sort.

"Oh, I understand that, but I'm a bottom and willing to please you. I want to know my place in your Household, sir."

"Thanks Jonathan, you will find out. We will find out what fits you best."

I leaned over to Jonathan and whispered,

"I am going to take you on your journey, trust me, okay?"

Jonathan nodded his head to show that he had understood me. I had already set my goals for him and I don't want to sacrifice it. Jonathan and I needed to really get down and tight together.

I grabbed a towel out of my bag quickly drying myself. Picking up the rest of my gear and waited. As I stood up Jonathan looked up at me,

"Where are you going?"

he inquired.

"Little boys room, Jonathan."

I replied.

"Sir , I will come with you",

He stood and followed me towards the exit.

We entered my bathroom. Unzipping my shorts I aimed my cock and started pissing. I looked at Jonathan and there he was staring at my cock. His own cock held tightly in his hand, working the foreskin back and forth and he was licking his lips like a little boy.

"You like what you see, Jonathan?"

he just nodded his head and said nothing. Okay this was familiar territory, I was in control here. I stepped back from the toilet and shook the last drops of piss from my cock. Jonathan followed my movements closely. He fell to his knees and took my cock down his throat in one gulp. Man, Jonathan was one good cock sucker that much was for sure. He sucked and swallowed my cock for the next five minutes. He had lowered the front of his shorts and they had fallen in a pile around his knees. He was working his uncut cock fiercely with his right hand.

Well we didn't have too much time, so I did the only thing I could do. I pulled Jonathan to his feet and spun him around. I wanted his ass on my cock, that was for sure. My cock was dripping with all the spit he had lavished upon it. I aimed it at his tight hole and slowly slipped the head past his sphincter.

Jonathan let out a soft moan signally me to go ahead. I let myself go and pushed forward with a little pressure. His ass opened up like a blooming flower to take all of my cock in. Once I hit bottom I started to work his hole with more vigor. There was no way I was going to hold back here, we didn't have time. Jonathan started to moan louder so I clapped my hand over his mouth. What is it with these bottoms that they have to moan like a cheap whore whenever I fuck them, Jonathan was no exception. I worked myself up and dumped my load as quickly as I could.

"Thank you, Sir."

I smiled at him,

"You like me, Jonathan?"

He looked down to the floor,

"I love you, sir. I will do everything to please you."

I smiled at him again,

"You are the best. Go home, I will call you."

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Next: Chapter 8

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