Truth or Dare

By moc.atsivatla@44dyolf_knip

Published on Nov 24, 2001



Although all the characters in this story are based on real people, their names have been changed. And nothing like this crazy get-together ever happened anywhere outside of my head.

This is my first attempt at erotic fiction, so if you liked it please let me know. Constructive criticism would also be much appreciated.

Truth or Dare

I was invited to the sleep over earlier this week. Eric asked me at lunch time. "Hey, Connor," he said, getting my attention, "you wanna come to a party I'm throwing Saturday?"

"Sure!" I exclaimed. "What time?"

"It starts at seven thirty, but I'd really appreciate it if you could come a little earlier and help me set up. It's a sleep over, so you can leave any time Sunday morning."

"Cool! Anything I should bring, besides a sleeping bag and a change of clothes?"

"Well, I've got a pool, so bring some trunks. And even though I'm calling it a sleep over,' we're not going to be doing a lot of sleeping, if you catch my drift!" He smiled a big, gorgeous smile and winked at me.

"Oh, that kind of sleep over! Who all's gonna be there?"

"Well, lemme see: me, you, Ryan, Dustin, Sarah, Nicole, Ashley and Taylor."

"Eight, huh? Four of each..."

"We'll see what happens! Well, I've gotta go right now. I'll see you on Saturday!"

"Yeah, see ya!"

Well, that week passed pretty quickly. I was busy with school, scouts and work.

And so it was that I wound up at Eric's house at seven o'clock on Saturday evening. I knocked and he came to open the door. "Hey, Connor," he said, "thanks for coming early. Come on in!"

Eric had a really nice house. It had two floors, a huge living room, and a gigantic backyard with a pool. The ceilings were high, and there were lots of windows. Most of the floors were covered with really soft carpet. It's the kind of carpet you sink into, the kind that's comfortable to lay on.

"Okay," said Eric, clapping his hands together, "now that you're here you can help me out a little. First, we've got to clean up the living room and clear a space in the middle large enough for a group of eight to sit on the floor. Secondly, we've gotta get together all the items for the game of Truth or Dare later on tonight."

"Truth or Dare? Cool! Uh... How far are we gonna be able to go?"

"As far as we want to. My parents are in Tahoe this weekend, and my little brother went with 'em. We've got the house to ourselves!"

"This is gonna be awesome! So what do you want me to do?"

"Well, I'm gonna get the Truth or Dare stuff together, so why don't you clean up down here and move the coffee table to one side of the room. Just open up a spot in the center there," he instructed, pointing.

"Done," I said, and got to work moving stuff around.

All the guests had arrived by 7:45. Everyone placed their overnight gear around the perimeter I had set up. Eric was walking around greeting everyone. After the last guest arrived, Eric ushered us all into the living room.

I suppose now would be a good time to describe what everyone looks like. I'm 5'11" with wavy, dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I weigh 145. Eric is about 6'0" or 6'1". He probably weighs about 175. He has blue eyes and straight, bleach-blonde hair that he parts in the middle. Dustin is about an inch taller than Eric, and he's got brown hair and brown eyes and weighs about 150. Ryan is the shortest guy at about 5'9" or 5'10". He has red hair. He runs track, so he's all muscles. Even so, he doesn't weigh more than 125. Sarah is 5'8", Nicole is 5'11" and Ashley is 5'10". All three have blue eyes and blonde hair, but Sarah's is 16" long, curly and bleach-blonde. The other two have straight blonde hair that's 18" long. Taylor is tall at 6'1", and has dark brown hair that comes down to her breasts.

Once we had all taken our seats, either on the couches or on the floor, Eric told us about the evening. "I've got this night pretty well planned out," he said, "so I'll tell you what's gonna happen. We're going to start off with a game of Twister to loosen everybody up; we'll go swimming for a little while; then we'll probably call for a pizza. After that we'll play a nice, educational game of strip poker. Then everybody will get their clothes back, and we'll play Truth or Dare. Does that sound like a plan?" Everyone cheered -- especially us three guys! ;-)

"Good, then. Let's pull out Twister!"

Eric spun the wheel for what would be the final time. "Left hand red," he called out. I tried with all my might, but I just could not reach a red circle! My arm was jammed as far into Ryan's side as it would go, and he couldn't move any further because his back was already smack up against Sarah's butt.

"Ahhh!" I yelled as I collapsed in a heap of sweaty arms and legs.

"Game!" cried Eric. "Who's up for a dip?"

I raised my hand and, out of breath, gasped, "me."

"All right, then," said our host, matter-of-factly, and led the girls to the den where they could change away from the guys.

So there I was, changing in a room with three guys. Not that this is a new experience -- I changed in the locker room every day before and after P.E. -- but it was a chance to check the others out discreetly.

I've got to admit, I've always had a thing for boxer shorts. I wore briefs for 15 years because that's what my mom bought, but I've always thought that men in boxers look much better than men in briefs. So, as the three others changed, I scoped them out. Of the three, only Ryan wore briefs. Eric had on a pair of Taz boxers while Dustin was wearing a plain pair of red plaid flannels. I had on my favorite pair of black, cotton print Marvin Martian boxers.

The most interesting thing to see was how each guy undressed. Eric and Dustin stripped down to their boxers and then rummaged around for their board shorts. Ryan got his trunks out before he undressed, and then turned his back to put them on. Dustin and Eric weren't so modest: they faced the center of our makeshift circle as they removed the last of their clothing, exposing their crotches to the rest of us. I compromised, removing my shirt, unbuckling my belt and unzipping my pants before I went to find my shorts. I really couldn't cut it halfway, however, when it came to stripping totally, so I went with the flow and faced forward, hoping no one else noticed my chubby.

With all those naked cocks in the same room, I just had to have a look around. I didn't stare, but I did want to see what my competition was, so I glanced casually at each of them as I changed. Dustin had a 3 1/2-incher flaccid. He was uncircumcised, as I am. Eric was cut, but his dick was about 4 1/2 inches soft. I could tell his was a big one - 7" hard, at least. That gave him a little less than an inch on me, and probably about the same on Dustin. As for nuts, we were all three about the same: large walnuts hanging between 3 and 3 1/2". Unfortunately, Ryan was immune to all this comparison as he had chosen to keep his cock 'n' balls a mystery -- for the moment.

As soon as Eric was finished, he ran out through the French doors and did a cannonball into the pool. Everyone else followed, and pretty soon the pool was full of teens horsing around.

I was sitting at the edge of the pool thirty minutes later dangling my legs in the water. I was taking a rest after several splash wars. Just then, Sarah swam up to me and got out of the pool. She was wearing very little to hide her stunning figure and ample breasts. All she had on was a tiny, 2-piece, neon yellow bikini. The only thing between me and her tits were two small, 4" equilateral triangles of fabric. The second half of her swimsuit was equally skimpy.

"Whatcha doin'?" she asked.

"I'm through swimming," I told her. "I'm ready to start that game of strip poker."

"Really?" she asked. "You've always seemed the straight-laced type, not one who'd be willing to risk being stripped in front of seven other people."

"Well, I dunno. Of course, I'd be happier if someone else got stripped -- "

"Like me?" she interrupted, placing her hand on my thigh.

"Uh... Yeah," I stammered. I really didn't know what to do as she started to gently rub my leg, so I fidgeted with my hands in my lap. She slowly moved her hand higher, toward my crotch, but still I didn't do anything.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "Why are you so nervous?"

"Well," I said as easily as I could, "to tell you the truth, this is about the most intimate thing I've ever done with a girl."

"That can't be true," she laughed. "Kissing is much more intimate!"

"Yeah, it is," I returned.

"You mean," she said, puzzled, "you still haven't had your first kiss?"

"No," I answered.

At this point, her hand stopped massaging my thigh and moved to my package. Her hand was warm through the nylon, and her fingers plucking at my semi-hard dick and my loose balls (the pool was heated to about 90 degrees) gave me a throbbing hard-on in no time at all. "Let's change that," she said softly.

"Umm..." I mumbled, unable to think clearly because of her hand on my crotch.

She tilted her head back, reaching up to me. As our lips touched, I could feel her tongue pushing through to mine. I opened my mouth and she slipped her tongue inside, darting all over. I felt like I was falling off a cliff as our tongues battled inside our mouths, licking everything, moving constantly, around and around.

I was so overcome, I let my body take over. I placed one hand on her right breast as I reached around her with my other arm to caress her lower back and butt. After awhile, my first hand moved from her tits down her belly to her cloth-covered pussy. I was in heaven! My greatest jackoff fantasy was coming true, and it was only 9:30!

I don't know how long we kissed, but it was probably for longer than five minutes. We were interrupted by Eric shouting that it was time to come in and get changed and dried off for pizza and strip poker. I pulled back from Sarah, out of breath from the exertion. "So," she asked, grabbing my cock through my board shorts and giving it a squeeze, "how was it?"

"That was incredible!" I said. "Now I know what all the fuss is about."

"I certainly hope so!" she said with mock indigence. "I went to all that trouble!"

"Well, trouble is what we're gonna be in if we don't get inside quickly. Come on!" I cried, lifting her to her feet. We both raced to the living room holding hands, but parted so we could go to our appointed rooms to dry off and change.

Eric had brought out four towels for us, and I picked one up on my way over to my bag. I dried off my hair, chest and back. Then I got to my shorts. I wasn't sure what to do about them, considering my 6" woody. After a moment's hesitation I figured if anyone commented it would just be a chance to brag about my getting some action with Sarah, so I pulled them down and went about drying my crotch.

Sure enough, Dustin made a comment straightaway: "Hey, homo," he sneered, "what's with the hard-on?"

"Oh, that," I said, smiling ear-to-ear. "That's just me getting some action with Sarah over by the deep end. I see you aren't sporting a hard-on." I nodded at his crotch. "Guess you weren't so lucky."

Eric and Ryan both started laughing. I chuckled as Dustin blushed beet red. He put on his boxers as quickly as possible, followed by his tan corduroy shorts. "Serves you right!" laughed Eric. "'Hey, homo,'" he mocked, "'what's with the hard-on?'" This brought a new chorus of laughter from me and Ryan. Dustin was scowling, but I could tell it was only an attempt to keep from laughing at me and Eric.

"All right," he said, annoyed. "Let it go!" Then, as a last-ditch effort to deflect the ridicule, Dustin commented, "well, Eric didn't have a hard-on either, and I don't know about Ryan."

"Yeah," said Ryan, still laughing, "but we were smart enough to keep our mouths shut about it!" More laughter!

"Hey, you guys, what's so funny?" asked Nicole, walking into the living room.

"Nicole!" Eric cried, clumsily covering himself with his towel, "couldn't you at least check first?!" In our hilarity, Eric and I hadn't bothered to put anything on, so we were both stark naked.

"Oh, sorry!" she said, covering her eyes and retreating to the hallway. "Are you almost done?" she called.

"Yeah, they'll only be a minute," said Ryan. He was already done, himself.

"'Serves you right,'" repeated Dustin. "At least now we're even."

"Whatever, loser," I said, giving Dustin a half-hearted rat tail with my towel before putting my clothes back on.

Poker went poorly for me. Eric thought it would be better if, to speed things up, the guys and the girls played two different games. This was good, because it guaranteed I'd get to see a girl naked at the end of the game, but it wasn't so hot because I was playing with people who were much better at poker than I was.

Eric lost his shoes and socks (one item of clothing, by his decree). Dustin lost his shirt and footwear. Ryan and I, though, were down to our underwear before I got dealt a great hand and Ryan finally lost.

Eric had said there would be a special penalty for the two losers, and since they were going to be naked already, it was probably going to be a good one.

The girls' game was much closer because none of them played poker very well. In the end, though, it was Ashley who lost.

"Okay, everyone, let's give our complete attention to Ryan and Ashley," said Eric, motioning for them to come to the front of the room near the hearth. "Now, these two have fought valiantly for their clothes, but it just was not to be." Chuckles from the audience. "They lost their respective games, and now they will have to pay the price of losing."

Everyone in the room was on edge. What was he going to make them do? "By the power vested in me by myself, I order you two to act like dogs in heat in front of the group!"

Wow, Eric really went for the balls on this penalty! This was gonna be interesting! After the laughter died down, Eric threw in a caveat: "That is, after you perform a strip show to remove your last pieces of clothing!" Whoa! What gall! But the two losers were obliged to comply.

"All right, let's go!" cried Eric. The strip show began.

Ryan and Ashley began to sway to music that only they could hear. Ryan started rubbing his stomach, and moved his hands slowly up his chest, past his well-defined pecs and toward his neck and shoulders. Ashley started at her mouth, sucking on one of her fingers before making a trail of saliva to her dark snatch just visible above her white lace panties. Ryan turned around and bent over, still gyrating, as he slowly lowered his briefs to reveal his tight butt. After he had stepped out of his briefs, he placed them over his crotch before turning around to watch Ashley finish denuding herself. She had already unhooked her bra in the back, and she now bent over and shook to get it to slide off her breasts. This made for a wonderful show, her C-cup tits bouncing back and forth as her bra slipped off her arms. (Eric, Dustin and I were forced to adjust our packages at this point!) Then she did the same thing as Ryan had, turning her back to us and bending over before she gently removed her panties. After that, she turned around, just her hand and panties covering her hot pussy. They both counted to three and then threw their hands away, exposing their crotches to the rest of us. It was straight out of "The Full Monty"!

Ashley had a beautiful body. Her tits were nice and large, and her snatch was closely shaved. The real surprise, though, was Ryan. His cock, fully hard from his workout, was circumcised and at least 8" hard. He was two years younger, yet he had two inches on me! Apparently I wasn't the only one surprised by Ryan's showing, as there were several gasps and one whistle when he removed his underwear.

"You're only halfway finished!" reminded Eric. He was anxious to see what would happen when these two beautiful teenagers got on all fours. Eric wasn't disappointed. The two dropped to their knees and began walking about the room. Ashley came up to me and started sniffing my crotch while Ryan pretended to mark the couch and several other things.

Eventually, Ashley "noticed" Ryan. She ran over to him and sniffed his butt. Ashley grimaced and we laughed. Ryan noticed her at this point and swung around to smell her butt, stopping to quickly lick one of her tits. Ryan didn't linger very long at her ass. Instead, he came around and put his hands on her shoulders. He sidled closer to her and placed his 8" monster between her legs. He didn't penetrate her, but he did act like he had. Rubbing his cock along her stomach, he gradually increased his rhythm. Ryan's balls, hanging at a respectable 4", slapped against Ashley's thighs and stomach as well as his own penis. This went on for a few seconds, until Ryan let out a howl and backed out of Ashley. He then laid down, panting, and promptly pretended to fall asleep! Everyone about died laughing.

Eric stood up. "Wow, guys, that was much better than I was hoping for! You two did such a good job, that counts as your first dare for each of you!"

"Cool," said Ryan, standing up. "Can we put some clothes on now?"

"Sure. Stay here, though, I'm gonna explain the rules for our next game, Truth or Dare. Now, the first and most important rule of Truth or Dare is that what goes on here is strictly confidential. If you tell anyone else who did what Dares, or the answers to Truth questions, you'll be banned from ever playing again." Eric went over to a corner and grabbed a large duffel bag. "Here," he explained, pulling out three different boxes of 3x5 cards, "are the Dares. If you're the darer, you ask 'Truth or Dare?' If the daree chooses dare, you can either give him your own dare that you make up, or you can direct him to the box of cards. The cards are grouped by severity. Each daree has the option of refusing the first dare in favor of a penalty dare, which will be drawn from the third box. Blue cards are for guys, pink cards are for girls. White and green cards are for anyone. If you're a guy and you get a pink card, you can skip to the next blue, white or green card. Vice versa for girls. The green cards are homosexual cards. If you're a guy and you get a lesbian card, you're in luck. If you're a guy who gets a gay card, or a girl who gets a lesbian card, you must do the dare -- you cannot take a penalty dare. It's a little confusing at first. You'll all figure it out. Any questions?"

"Yeah," said Taylor, "how are we going to make sure everyone gets called on the same number of times?"

"Oh, I almost forgot! Thanks for asking that, Taylor. Someone cannot be called on again until every other person has been truthed or dared to do something. I'm going to be writing down who gets asked, so we won't lose track. Anything else?"

"Yeah, can you give us a sample dare from each box?" asked Nicole.

"Uh-huh," answered Eric, choosing a card from deck number one. "OK, deck one: 'Drink soda out of the belly button of someone of the opposite sex.' That's pretty exemplary of the first deck. All right, here's deck two: 'Drop your pants and underwear and lay across the lap of someone chosen by the group while they call you a bad boy / girl and spank you. (Specify time.)'" At this point, several people started laughing. "And finally," said Eric, pulling a card out of the third deck, "here's a good example of a penalty dare: 'Have your pubic hair shaved by someone picked by the group.'" Eric grinned as the group erupted in laughter. "So," he queried, "are we ready to get started?"

"Yes!" I shouted, along with everyone else.

"All right, then, let's go!"

"Who's the first daree?" asked Nicole.

"Well, Ryan and Ashley have already completed their first dare, so they should choose. Ashley?"

Ashley and Ryan went into a huddle to decide who to ask. Sitting up, Ryan said, "Eric."

"Hmmm," contemplated Eric. "I'm gonna go for a dare. Just to get the game going, you understand."

"Okay," said Ashley, "choose."

Eric picked a card from the deck. It was blue. "'Choose another guy. Both of you strip to your boxers and hug each other for five minutes in front of the group.'"

"No prob," said Eric. "I choose... Dustin."

"Oh, man," he complained, "why me?"

"Why not?" Eric asked rhetorically, pulling his shirt over his head. "Let's go. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can get dressed." Dustin started to despondently remove his clothes.

For me, the sight of Eric and Dustin standing practically naked in front of the group was interesting. I was surprised by their lack of erections. Both of them had little bulges in the front of their boxers, but it wasn't any more than normal. If that had been me up there, I would have had a hard-on already. In fact, I did have a hard-on, even though I wasn't standing practically naked in front of seven other people. This was partially because of my make-out session with Sarah a little while before and partially because I was seventeen. ;-)

Anyway, the two of them were standing up there, waiting for Sarah to start her watch. "Okay," she said, "Go."

Eric grabbed Dustin's shoulders, then pulled him over and gave him a big bear hug. Dustin seemed a little unprepared for this, but soon recovered and wrapped his arms around Eric. They stood there for about a minute and a half, and nothing happened. I was beginning to think that they would actually make it the whole five minutes when I saw the front of Dustin's boxers give a little jerk. Everyone else saw it too, and we all laughed. This caused Dustin to blush all the way down to his shoulders. Eric said, "oh, so you like this, huh?" which set us to laughing again. Dustin was now totally powerless to prevent his dick from slowly rising and making a tent in the flannel fabric of his boxers.

It got bigger and bigger, jumping a little each time, until it reached about a 60 degree angle, where it snagged on his shorts. Everyone snickered, and when he moved his hand to adjust himself, Ashley called out: "No you don't! You're supposed to be hugging Eric, not worrying about your penis! Put your hand back, and leave it alone! You've only got a few minutes left."

"Two minutes, thirty-five seconds," specified Sarah.

"But," Dustin whined, "it really hurts!"

"I'm sorry, young man," said Ashley, in a very authoritative voice, "but you're just going to have to deal with it. Be a man!" At that, everyone, including Eric, cracked up. What a predicament Dustin was in! Yes, I was glad I wasn't up there with Eric. Speaking of Eric, all this talk of penises seemed to get him a little aroused, too. His cock was growing now as well, rapidly using up the available space in his Taz boxers.

Eventually his Johnson got stuck on the fabric of his shorts as well, and he said to Dustin: "You know, you're right. This really does hurt!"

"Ah-ha!" cried Ashley. "So you couldn't control your penis either, I see. What a shame. Well, it serves you right for giving Ryan and me such a horrible penalty!"

"What did I ever do to you?" asked Dustin, jokingly. He appeared to have gotten past the discomfort. Maybe his woody was waning. It appeared so, for just at that moment it slipped down the inside of his boxers... and out the fly! We launched into fits of riotous laughter as his penis was fully exposed -- and there was nothing he could do about it! He had what I've read is called a soft-on. His dick was pretty close to its maximum length, but it wasn't standing up, it was flopping around.

Once again he reached for it, but not before Ashley's voice cut him off, saying "Uh uh UH! Play it as it lies!" And so, for the second time, his hand retreated and his newly-exposed flesh began to swell.

"Dammit!" he spat. "That's what I get for buying shorts without a button fly."

"One minute, fifteen seconds," she said.

"Shit." was all Dustin had to say.

After the five minutes had expired, the two boxer-clad studs separated themselves and put their clothes back on.

"All right," said Eric, "who to pick? Let's go with Nicole."

"Truth," she said without hesitation.

"Oh, I forgot a rule," said Eric. "If you choose truth, you can answer the question, but then you must remove a piece of clothing which will stay off until noon tomorrow. Bra and panties are two separate pieces, but shoes are one and socks are another."

"That's a fair rule," I chimed in. "That'll keep the game more lively."

"OK, I want to know if you walked in by accident or on purpose. And I want to know what you saw."

Nicole smiled really big and began giggling.

"See, I knew it was on purpose. Now I want to know if you got anything out of it!"

"Well," she responded, "I did mean to walk in. I wasn't sure if you all were done or not, but I figured that instead of asking, and risking my chance to see you guys naked, I would just walk in. As for what I saw, well I got about two seconds of full frontal Eric, and a split second when you turned. Your... uhhh... package flew out to the side when you spun around to get your towel. Your dick wasn't hard. And I also got a great view of your ass -- it's nice and firm, looks like, with a nice little pucker. And it's hairless. I like that! And you weren't the only one I saw."

"Oh, no!" I said.

"Yup, I saw you too, Connor. Your balls were about the same length, but you aren't quite as long as Eric over there. But you've got some nice, hairy legs." Everyone laughed. I just smiled. "Unfortunately, the other two had finished more quickly, so I wasn't able to get any inside information about them." As she slipped off her shoes, she said, "okay, so I pick... Dustin."

"Truth. I've been daring enough without even being called on!"

"Well, I want to know three things: Do you masturbate? If yes, how often and when was the last time? Finally, who or what do you think about when you're jacking off? Tell us everything."

"Jeez, that covers a lot. Yes, I masturbate -- just like every other guy on the planet! I usually only have time to do it once a day, but I like to get two or three spread out when I can; like once in the morning, one about three, and another in bed before I fall asleep. The last time was..." he consulted his watch, "about six hours ago." The girls busted up laughing. "What?" he asked, uncertain of what was so funny. "Hey, you asked!"

"I know," gasped Nicole, "it's just that I was expecting like 'yesterday' or 'last night' or something, and you were so exact. I'm sorry, go ahead." Nicole wiped her eyes.

"Okay. Well, before I get myself off I like to set up a situation. Then I play out the scene in my mind while I beat off. So, an example would be me at Taylor's house without her parents there. Or me in the girls' locker room showers, naked. Or maybe me being at a party where two girls corner me in a room and we have all have mad, passionate sex. I love thinking about light bondage, like getting tied to the bed."

"Okay, not bad. Go ahead and call the next person."

"I choose Connor," said Dustin as he took off his shoes.

"Dare, for 100, Alex."

"Okay, pick a card."

I picked one and read it: "'French kiss every member of the opposite sex in the room for at least thirty seconds. Then tell which one kissed the best.'" All RIGHT! Good-bye inexperience!

I turned to my left where Sarah was sitting expectantly. I put my arm over her head and leaned in toward her face. I kissed her briefly, for about five seconds, then I pulled back, looked into her eyes and said, "Ummm, deja vu." She smiled and reached back over to kiss me.

Our tongues sparred for about forty-five seconds, at which point Eric said, "there's three more, Connor." That made us laugh, and we broke our kiss. We looked each other deep in the eyes for a few seconds longer. Then I leaned in, giving her a quick peck on the lips, before getting up to move on to the next girl. This happened to be Nicole. I sat down and leaned over quickly. It was one fluid motion, so she was a little startled when I finally ended up only inches from her face with a big smile.

This set her to laughing, while I just chuckled for a few seconds. When she had finished I asked her if she was quite ready. She said of course, and I kissed her. She had the same tongue probing my mouth, and the same beautiful, full lips that tasted wonderful. All the elements were the same, but there just wasn't chemistry. She kissed like she had done it a few times before, and in that regard it was great. But I still liked kissing Sarah far better. This judging continued for another several minutes, as I finished off the last of the contestants.

In the end it came down to Sarah and Taylor. (Apparently Dustin had been giving Taylor a lot of practice!) I really liked Taylor's aggressive kissing style, but I truly believed that Sarah was the better kisser. "Well," I said, "I think Sarah's the best kisser in this group."

"What a surprise," I heard someone mumble. I didn't care if they laughed. "Okay, my next choice is Sarah."

"Oh, so you're playing favorites now, huh?" joked Nicole.

"Relax," I responded, "you'll get your turn. Sarah, truth or dare?"

"Dare," she answered.

"Okay, pick from the deck." She drew a pink card. "It tells me not to read it out loud, just to start the dare." She turned to me, looked me straight in the eye, and asked: "Cut or uncut?"

I was a bit taken aback. So was everyone else, judging by the total silence followed by spontaneous laughter. I answered her: "Uncut."

What happened next was even more unexpected. "Prove it," she demanded.

"What the hell, you just want me to whip it out right here?!?" I asked, flabbergasted. This game wasn't progressing that quickly!

"No, not unless you want to," she said. "You just need to prove to me that you're telling the truth."

"Well, okay," I said, "c'mon." I got up from the couch and made my way to the bar that was on the other side of the living room. She followed me. Once we were there, where the rest of the group could see only our upper torsos, I turned to her, unbuckled my belt, unzipped, and dropped my pants and boxers. Moving my shirt out of the way, my "soft-on" lay there for her to examine.

Sarah reached over and took my cockhead in her hands. She stroked it softly, and retracted the foreskin covering it. Then she put it back and repeated the process. Meanwhile, her other hand was gently scratching my shrunken ballsac. "Wow, Connor" she asked loudly, "how do you piss with this Prince Albert?" I don't have a Prince Albert -- this was purely for the benefit of the other six people, who erupted in laughter.

Her hands continued to pleasure my dick until it was as hard as it had been when we were out by the pool. At that point, she announced, "yup, he's uncut," turned around, and went over to Dustin. "Cut or uncut?" she repeated.

"I'm circumcised," he responded. Now everyone knew that wasn't true because they'd seen his dick only a little while ago.

"Prove it," she commanded. Dustin unzipped his fly, pulled it up so it made a large tent, and held it open for Sarah's hand. She reached into his pants, and rustled around for quite a while. I knew she was giving him the same treatment, getting him hard only to leave him unsatisfied. After rummaging for about a minute, she announced that he had lied -- he wasn't cut.

In order to prove it to the audience, she said, she would show them. She whipped out his 6", rock-hard cock for the whole group to see. Dustin protested, but shut up quickly as she reached into his fly again and presumably grabbed his nuts. Sarah then showed how he did, in fact, have an intact foreskin by covering and uncovering the head several times for everyone. "That'll teach you to lie," she said, leaving Dustin with his dick hanging out of his pants and moving over to Eric.

"Cut or uncut?" she asked.

"Cut, ma'am," he replied.

"Let's hope you're telling the truth. You know what happened to the last one that didn't..." She shot a smile over at Dustin. "Okay, prove it."

Eric and Ryan both got short hand-jobs with no surprises. When Sarah returned to her seat next to me, I put my hand on her leg and leaned over to thank her for her great performance with a kiss. WOW. I just couldn't get enough of that!

"Moving on," said Sarah, "Taylor. Truth or Dare?"

"Truth, please," she answered, smiling.

"OK, don't answer until I'm finished asking the question. Have you ever given a blow job?" Laughter. "If yes, how many times? Describe your first one. I wanna know who, where, when, how old you were, what you did specifically, 'blow-by-blow,' a description of the penis, did you swallow or spit. Did you enjoy it? If so, what about it did you enjoy?"

"Well... Yeah, I have given a lot of blow jobs. I can't count how many... Probably close to a hundred fifty."

"Hey, Taylor, you wanna go out with me?" Ryan interrupted. Everyone laughed really hard at that.

"Um, my first blow job was a little less than two years ago. I had just turned sixteen. I went out with a guy and we went back to his house afterwards. He told me his parents were out until at least one, and it was only ten o'clock. When we got to his house, he turned on the radio. It wasn't really loud, but you could hear it easily. We necked on the couch for about twenty minutes. Then he asked me if I would give him 'a BJ.' I wasn't too sure, because I had never done it before, but he said, 'you'll have to learn eventually. Why not now?' Finally, I said I would.

"He sat up on the couch and had me kneel down between his legs. He just sat there, with his head back and his eyes closed, and he wasn't moving to take anything off, so I figured he expected me to. I pulled up his shirt to get at his jeans. I unbuttoned them, then I unzipped the zipper. He was wearing some plain red flannel boxers. I grabbed his jeans and his boxer shorts. He lifted up his butt, and I slid them down to his knees. His dick got caught on the waistband of his boxers and whipped back, slapping against his stomach.

"His dick was about six inches long and about this big around," she held up her right hand. The first segment of her thumb just overlapped the first segment of her first finger. "He was uncircumcised. I wasn't sure what to do then, so I just started feeling him up. I took his balls in my left hand and rolled them around for a few seconds. Then, keeping my hand on his nuts, I licked from the bottom of his balls to the tip of his cock head. He shivered. I took my hand and wrapped it around his shaft near the head. Gripping tightly, I moved his foreskin back, uncovering his huge purple head. I moved down and took just the head into my mouth, tickling his frenum with my tongue. I moved my tongue in circles around the head, starting at the outside and getting smaller until I stopped on the piss hole. His precum tasted really salty. He really liked this -- he was moaning. Then I moved my tongue back and forth, really quickly, along the groove his piss slit made. He went wild at this, thrashing around and moaning really loudly.

"I thought he was close to cumming, but it hadn't been that long, so I backed off. I licked my way back down to his nuts. I licked all around his ballsac, and then I took his left nut in my mouth. He moaned. I massaged it for about thirty seconds, getting it good and wet. Then I dropped that one, and sucked his right one into my mouth. I massaged that one as well. Then I got both of them in my mouth. I gently closed my mouth over the top of his sac and pulled away from the base of his dick, being careful not to bite his scrotum. After that I dropped both of his balls, but I sucked on them to get most of the saliva off. He especially liked that.

"I blew on his nuts to air dry them and they withdrew about half an inch. Then I pulled gently on a few of the hairs on his scrotum. After that, I gave the base of his cock a few short licks. I continued up the shaft, exploring every square inch and licking it with my tongue. When I got to the head again, I blew hot air down the length of his dick. Then, making my lips into an 'O,' I took as much of it into my mouth as I could. I began bobbing up and down, my tongue weaving around wildly. He was really close, and it took only about ten seconds of this before he exploded."

We all waited expectantly for Taylor to finish answering the question. She had not yet said if she swallowed or spit, if she had enjoyed it, and, most importantly, who this lucky guy was.

"So, did you enjoy it?" asked Ashley.

"Yeah, I enjoyed it a lot. I liked having that much power over him. He would have done anything to keep me from stopping halfway. He was moaning and thrashing and practically yelling 'YES! YES!'"

"OK," said Sarah, "but you've left out two very important details, Taylor. Did you swallow or spit? And who was this guy?"

"Well -- " she hesitated, "I didn't swallow or spit because just as he started cumming, his parents walked in the door, two hours early." That set everyone to laughing. Taylor smiled, very embarrassed, and continued. "I was so startled, hearing the door open, I jerked my head off his dong, but I'd already sent him over the edge. His first shot landed on the underside of his chin, and the others landed pretty much everywhere: his pecs, his abs, his belly button -- I even got some in my hair!"

"Oh my God!" I practically yelled, rolling on the floor. "The best blowjob of his life, and his parents walked in just as he... AHHAHAHAHA!!"

"Oh, Jeez!" said Ryan, wiping the tears from his eyes with the back of his hand. "Who was the poor sap?"

"Umm..." said Taylor, stalling, "it was Dustin."

Now everyone was ROTFL! Dustin! The same Dustin that had insulted me just an hour before! I actually began to feel sorry for him. "Holy shit, Dustin, what'd your parents do?" I asked him.

"They flipped," Dustin said. "My mom just about had a stroke, and my dad went ballistic. He told Taylor to be gone in 30 seconds, or he'd call her parents. Then he yelled at me to get my ass up to my bedroom, and that I was grounded for six months. He later revised that to only two months, but it still sucked."

"I'll say!" cracked Eric. God, this was too much!

"Taylor," asked Nicole, "did your parents ever find out?"

"No, thank God," Taylor responded. "Dustin's mom and dad never told my parents."

"How'd you get home?" asked Sarah.

"I took a taxi."

"And you guys went OUT again after that!?!?" I asked.

"Against my better judgment," Taylor said, smiling and looking fondly at Dustin. She slipped her hand into his. "We've been together for two years now."

"Oh, man," sighed Eric. "That was great. Taylor, you really have a knack for storytelling! Let's move on, though. You were the last one of that round -- everyone's gone once now. So Taylor, you can pick anyone you want, and all dares must now be drawn from the second deck. So get ready guys, these ones get pretty wild! Oh, and don't forget to take something off."

Taylor removed her sweatshirt and called out "Ashley."

"Dare," she responded.


She picked a green card. "'Have another girl lick whipped cream off your breasts in front of the group.' Wow! These are a lot worse than the other ones!"

"I told you," said Eric. "So, who're you going to choose?"

"Sarah. Where do I get whipped cream?"

"I've got some right here," he said, pulling out a metal cannister. "And it's still cold."

Sarah came over and kneeled next to Ashley who had sat down on the floor. Ashley took off her shirt and her bra and laid back on the carpet. Her tits were nice: not too big, not too loose. They were probably a small to mid C cup. Her areolas weren't very dark, and they were of average size. Laying down on the floor made her tits slide out to either side so that they were almost falling off. Sarah shook the whipped cream and squirted some on the breast closest to her. She used a circular motion, working her way out from the nipple. Then she laid a track down across her chest over to the other one. There she also spread the cream around. Ashley giggled that it tickled her terribly.

When both tits were sufficiently covered with whipped cream, Sarah set the cannister aside and bent her head down. Her first lick went straight across the left nipple; Ashley shivered. Sarah proceeded to eat it all off of Ashley's perky breasts. With no sound effects it was a moderately boring show, so I called out "C'mon, Ashley! Get into it! Let's hear some moanin'!" Everybody laughed, but she did start whimpering. Sarah's white tongue would slide slowly across the soft skin of her boob and Ashley would cry out softly. It became even sexier really fast! Ashley soon added writhing to her act, as well as moaning. She looked so pitiful, lying there on the ground, totally at the mercy of Sarah, who was pleasing her with only the strokes of her tongue.

Pretty soon, most of the cream was gone, but Sarah continued licking. In fact, she started sucking on her tits in earnest. She mostly paid attention to her nipples, flicking them with her tongue, gently rolling them between her incisors. And just before she finished, Sarah took each nipple totally into her mouth and sucked for five seconds on it. Ashley was going crazy at this point. It had definitely passed the point of being an act because Ashley had her right hand in her pants, and it was moving quite a bit.

Sarah finally came up for air. There was applause. Ashley took a few seconds to re-orient herself with reality and began redressing. Sarah went and sat down again, and Ashley, still in the process of putting her shirt on, said "Eric."

"Yeah?" he responded. I guess he thought he was going to be asked a question.

"Truth or Dare."

"Are you sure you want to pick me?" he asked. "You picked me last time."

"I'm well aware of that," she said.

"Okay, then," he said apprehensively. "Dare."

"I want you to go in the bathroom, jack off into a cup, and then come out here and drink it in front of everyone." We all cracked up. What else could we do? The thought of Eric in the bathroom, forced to jack himself off was just too hysterical. And then having to eat it!

"Ugggh!" he spat in disgust.

"Sorry," she said. "Hey, at least I'm letting you leave the room. You didn't allow us that courtesy. Come on, 'let's get the game going!'" Eric scowled at his words being turned against him.

"Fine," he said, "but you're gonna get it for this!"

"I'll go get the glass," offered Sarah, running off to the kitchen.

"Get a clear one, Sarah," called Ashley. "We wanna make sure he holds up his end of the bargain! All right, mister," she said, turning to Eric, "it's off to the bathroom with you!"

Eric stormed off to the bathroom, grabbing the glass from Sarah on the way, and slammed the door. "I wonder if he's going to try to trick us," I asked.

"Maybe," said Ryan, "but he won't get away with it. We all know what cum looks like, and it's certainly not hair conditioner. Besides, if anything, you can't fake the smell. God this is so much fun! I'm gonna go heckle him!" Ryan ran off to the bathroom door. "Gee, Eric, you've been in there quite a while. Are you sure you don't need some magazines?" Eric threw something at the door as Ryan doubled up laughing.

After another minute, Eric emerged holding the clear glass with some liquid in it. He walked to the front of the room and was about to drink it when Ashley said, "Wait a second, let me smell it."

"Fine," conceded Eric. "Let's just get this over with, OK?" Ashley went up to Eric and, bending down, smelled the contents of the cup.

"Yup," she announced, "That's semen. OK, Eric, go for it!" Eric brought the glass to his lips and threw his head back. Unfortunately, the cum took several seconds to slither down the side of the glass into Eric's mouth, prolonging his torture. Once it was all in his mouth, he swallowed, eliciting cheers and applause. Then he grimaced, causing everyone to laugh. Finally, he ran off to the kitchen for a glass of water. While he was there, we all congratulated Ashley for her great choice of a dare.

"Connor," said Eric.

"Oh, great," I sighed. "Well, I suppose I'll take a dare."

"Damn!" Eric exclaimed. "I had the perfect truth question thought up for you! Well, I don't have any ideas for a dare, so I guess you should draw from the cards."

"OK," I said, and chose a card. It was a blue card, so I knew it probably had to do with my Johnson. My suspicions were confirmed. "Shit!" I exclaimed after reading it. "This sucks!"

"Go on, read it to us!" said Ryan, beaming.

"Why're you so happy, huh?" I snapped. "'Go into the bathroom and come out wearing nothing but a cup (tumbler/glass/mug/etc). Leave it on until the end of your next turn.'"

"Oh, damn," said Sarah. "This is gonna be good!"

"Where do I get one of these cups, Eric?" I asked. "It'd better be pretty big!"

"Actually, I've got one right here, just your size," he said, producing a 35mm film cannister.

"Ha ha," I deadpanned. Everybody else thought it was a lot funnier, though. They started laughing and jeering about how big 'it' really was.

"OK, here's the real cup," he said, handing me a plastic fast food cup. "See you in a minute or two!" His smirk really got to me. I got up and left the room.

It took no time at all to strip naked. After that I needed an erection. That took a little longer, but not by much. I sat on the pot and reminded myself of the short make out session I had had with Sarah an hour and a half ago. My dick went from limp to rock hard in no time at all. Standing up, I placed the cup over my penis and quickly opened the door. Sarah fell into the room.

"Spying on me, were you," I scolded, wagging my finger at her.

"I was trying to," she said, "but I've got a much better view from down here!" She craned her neck to see under the cup to the tip of my cock.

"No you don't!" I cried, grabbing the cup and whirling around. "Out of the bathroom!"

"Touchy!" she laughed. "All right, I'm leaving." She picked herself up and stood just outside the door.

"Come on, then," called Eric from the living room.

"Yeah, yeah," I said, and moved toward the door. Very quickly I realized that I couldn't go very far without the cup bobbing up and down on my dick. As I walked toward her, Sarah stared at the cup and started moving her head up and down in time with it. I shook my head in disgust, and she just laughed. I walked down the short hall to the living room where I made a sharp left turn. This set the cup to weaving left and right again. It also set the whole group to laughing.

All eyes were on me as I came in and very carefully sat down on one of the couches. Sarah sat right beside me. I gave her an inquisitive look. She leaned over and whispered in my ear, "you'll need some help keeping it up for forty-five minutes, won't you?" I smiled as she reached around behind me and placed her hand on the small of my back.

Now it was my turn to choose someone. "Taylor," I said. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," she said.

"All right," I said. I had a good one! "I want you to demonstrate for all of us how to bring yourself to orgasm with a banana."

"You want me to do WHAT?" she exploded, as the room burst into laughter again.

"FINE," she said, clearly displeased. "Peeled or what?"

"No, not peeled. And you're going to have to be naked during the whole thing."

Her jaw dropped. She simply couldn't believe what was being asked of her. No, required of her. I was loving every minute of it. I really did want to see a girl get herself off with a banana, but I was also glad to know that, because of me, all the rules had just been thrown out the window.

"Eric, you've got a banana in the refrigerator, right?" I asked.

"Set aside for just this sort of occasion," he nodded. He got up to fetch it.

"So, Taylor," Ryan asked, "are you going to do this here, or are we all going to go to a bedroom?"

She gave Ryan a look that said 'I want to kill you,' then replied "I'm going to do it on his parents' bed." Not like Eric had any part in her current hell, but she was just trying to spread the misery as much as possible. I didn't blame her in the least.

Neither, apparently, did Eric. He joined back up with us as we were making our way to his parents' bedroom. I told him Taylors' plan, not knowing what his response would be. "Whatever, man," he said. "I don't care where she does it. I just want to see a chick get fucked by a banana!" My sentiments exactly!

ge all assembled in the master bedroom. It was nice, with a large bed and lots of room to accommodate 7 people. I took a spot at the foot of the bed. ;-) So did Ryan and Eric. The girls were mostly standing to the side looking relieved that it wasn't them about to strip and masturbate in front of this group.

Dustin stood to the side, visibly torn between being turned on at what was about to happen and needing to show sympathy for Taylor's plight if he was going to get any tonight.

Taylor unceremoniously shed her clothes. First came the shirt, then the bra. Her breasts jiggled as she leaned over and shook it off. Her jeans and panties came off in one motion, exposing her vagina. The three of us at the foot of the bed were surprised and VERY turned on to see that her crotch was entirely shaved

Stepping out of her jeans, she walked over to Eric with her hand out. He placed the banana in her hand. She grabbed it from him, turned on her heel and made her way back to the bed. She sat down on it, bowed her head for a few seconds, then swung her legs onto the mattress. Having positioned herself roughly in the middle of the bed, Taylor spread her legs to about 30 degrees, picked up the banana and moved it to her crotch.

"Uh, Taylor?" Eric interrupted the silence. "I almost forgot to ask you, do you want to use some KY? I've got some right here." He produced a tube from one of his cargo pockets.

"Yeah, gimme it," she said. Taylor applied some lube to the skin of the lucky fruit. Dropping the KY on the mattress, she resumed her position and brought the banana to her lower lips.

Slowly she slipped it into her. One inch. (A quick intake of breath.) Two inches. (Taylor shuddered involuntarily. It had come straight out of the fridge!) Four. Eight! All of the banana that she wasn't using to grip was now buried in her. "Holy shit," Ryan muttered under his breath.

It was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. Taylor began the in and out motion very slowly. She kept the same pace for about thirty seconds. Glances at her face showed that she was completely emotionless. She was not enjoying this at ALL.

During this, Dustin had been standing at the side of the bed. "Oh, Taylor," he said, showing his concern. He laid down on his side next to her and began to caress her face. He put his lips to her ear and started whispering to her. Then it became more than whispers as he began using his tongue.

Taylor closed her eyes and her hand started moving slightly faster with each stroke. A hint of a smile crossed her face.

Dustin's hand made its way down from her right cheek to her right breast and his mouth moved to hers. He began gently caressing and rubbing her breasts while kissing her very deeply.

Taylor's left hand (the one not otherwise occupied) came up to her left breast and began copying Dustin's motions. He broke the kiss and moved down her face to suck on her neck.

Taylor was now pushing the banana in and out of her at a medium pace. It was clear that she was actually enjoying herself now. Dustin's touch appeared to have been the missing component before!

Dustin continued his oral trek down her body, crossing the peak of her left breast and continuing southward.

I don't need to tell you that this was THE hottest thing I had ever seen. I had no trouble keeping the cup on during the show! In fact, Ryan and Eric had their hands in their boxers, discreetly tending to what must have been massive erections. If I'd HAD any boxers on, I would have been doing the same.

Sarah walked up beside me. Turning my head to see her, I was greeted with a French kiss as passionate as the one Dustin had just given Taylor. Then Sarah walked behind me, reached a hand around and cupped my balls. We stood like that, her head on my shoulder, and watched the show unfolding on the bed in front of us.

Dustin had traversed Taylor's abdomen to her navel and spent a few seconds there. He gave her belly button a sensuous lickdown and a minor hickey to boot. Taylor's breathing was getting loud, and she was starting to moan as well. As he continued licking his way toward her snatch, Taylor's utterances started to take form.

"Oh, yeah, Dustin," she groaned. "Yeah, baby!"

Dustin had arrived at where all the action was. He laid his head down on her stomach, his mouth practically at Taylor's entrance. He placed a hand on her leg and gently squeezed. His tongue slowly reached out and twice stroked the skin only millimeters from her labia. She shuddered again, but from heat this time.

"Oh, Jesus," Taylor was mumbling. "Oh, God!"

The long fruit was plunging in and out of Taylor's cunt at an ever-increasing speed. Dustin reached his hand out and put it on hers. Taylor jumped a bit, opening her eyes, which had been closed since Dustin first kissed her. The rhythm was interruped for a split second, in which time Dustin took control of the banana.

He started where Taylor left off, fucking her vagina over and over again with the yellow dildo. Taylor's legs slid further apart. Her right hand, no longer needed to keep her clit stimulated, she placed instead on Dustin's head. Grabbing a handful of hair, she held on for the ride.

"Oh, Dustin! Oh FUCK!" Taylor was talking quite loudly now. "Oh, yeah, baby! Fuck me! Fuck me, Dustin! Harder! Ooooh yeah! That's sooo good! Unnngh!"

Taylor was close to the edge. She put both her hands to work kneading her breasts, paying special attention to her sensetive nipples. She pinched them both, rolling her nips in her fingers.

Dustin increased the speed of his hand, giving Taylor the full length of the banana faster than she had ever had it. Again and again he pounded it into her. Taylor's moans became yells.

"Yes, oh, yes! Keep... going! I'm almost... I'm gonna... AAAAAGGHH!"

Taylor came, hard. Her body bucked up and down on the bed. She moved her hands to Dustin's head in her crotch. Her fingernails dug into his hair, threatening to tear it from his scalp. Her legs spasamed, her head thrashed from side to side uncontrollably. And her voice! She must have said 'yes' 500 times in the 10 seconds her orgasm lasted!

When it was over, people started breathing again. Dustin slowed the speed of the banana, but kept pumping while he repositioned himself and gave Taylor another knockout kiss. Taylor moved her hand down to Dustin's and caressed him while he continued fucking her slowly.

After about thirty seconds, they finished and Dustin sat up on the bed again. He took a deep breath, slid the banana from its hiding place for the last time and proceeded to peel it. To be sure, the inner flesh was slightly bruised in places, but other than that the fruit was none the worse for wear. Dustin took a bite. "Mmmm," he said, "tastes great!" He offered Taylor a bite, which she took.

"That was fucking awesome," said Ryan in a very matter-of-fact tone. "Can I have a bite?" Dustin chuckled, but surrendered another inch of the banana to Ryan. Then he offered it around the circle. I took a bite; so did Eric. The girls all abstained. I can't imagine why.... ;-)

Taylor was soon through getting dressed again. I walked up to her as everyone else was filing out of the room. "Uh, at the beginning there you, uh, didn't seem to really be having a great time.... So I kinda wanted to apologize if... if you were upset or anything...." I told her.

"Oh, Connor," she responded, "that is THE hottest thing Dustin and I have ever done! I was pretty pissed at the beginning, yeah. And it was weird having all these people around. But GOD, he made up for all that!" She looked off into space for a few seconds and smiled.

"Anyway," she continued, coming back to our conversation, "thank you for letting me have that tremendous experience. I'm not mad at you. But you're lucky Dustin did that, cause otherwise..." Taylor made a scissors with her right hand and mimed them opening and closing a few times.

I got the point! "All right, great. I just didn't want any hard feelings. Let's go!" We returned to the living room to find everyone else already there. I took my seat next to Sarah. She leaned over to me.

"What did you say?" she whispered to me.

"I just made sure there were no hard feelings. She said no, that was the hottest thing they had ever done together."

"You're telling me!" she retorted. "That was amazing!"

Taylor was in the process of choosing the next player. "I pick Nicole next. Truth or dare?"

"Dare," she said. Taylor motioned that she should draw, and Nicole picked a card from the second deck. It was a pink card. Nicole got an evil grin on her face when she read it.

"Well come on," I urged. I was pretty sure whatever it was had nothing to do with me. After all, I had just recently gone.

Nicole read the card: "Fondle a guy's groin until he's hard. Then take him somewhere that the group can see only his torso (laying on the floor of another room, behind a couch / counter / desk) and bring him to orgasm."

'Pick me! Pick me!' I thought to myself. Sarah's hand moved from my lumbar region down toward my butt. Her soft, light touch really tickled, but it also kept me hard. That was good, because I didn't want to be fully exposed -- not at this point in the game when everyone else had all their clothes on.

"Can I pick my victim?" asked Nicole.

"Well, shouldn't it be the host?" asked Eric, joking.

"Very funny," she returned. "No. I pick..." All four of us guys were leaning forward in our seats. "... Ryan!" Oh, shoot! I'd just have to wait until later in the evening.

"All right!" Ryan exclaimed, jumping up. Everyone laughed at his enthusiasm.

"Sit back down," commanded Nicole. "Let's get started." Ryan sat down on the couch, and Nicole sat carefully beside him. She reached her right hand over to his crotch and placed it on his package. Suddenly, she squeezed it, and Ryan jumped. "Relax!" she chided him.

Nicole continued rubbing Ryan's bulge. Meanwhile, Sarah had moved her hand from my back around my waist to my inner thigh. She was gently tickling and pinching me there. As Nicole started to really get into massaging Ryan, Sarah moved her hand up to cup my balls. We were both watching Nicole's hand, and Sarah moved her hand in time with Nicole's. It was as if Nicole was rubbing my nutsac from across the room!

I glanced over at Taylor. She had her hand in Dustin's lap, doing the same thing as Sarah. Ashley had her hand on Eric's mound, too. Did the four of them plan this? At that point it didn't really matter -- it was just clear that you could cut the sexual tension in the air with a knife.

The tent in Ryan's pants was becoming very apparent. It looked like it was pretty close to becoming painful. Having a hardening penis stuck in the fabric of one's jeans can hurt a lot. Ryan, grimacing in pain, pulled his shirt up and was about to 'rearrange' with his left hand when Nicole stopped him. "Hold on," she said. "The card said I was supposed to get you hard. It didn't say anything about you helping."

"But this really hurts," Ryan complained, gesturing to the tent he had pitched in his pants.

"Well, I can help you with that," she said. Nicole took the hand that had been giving Ryan a rubdown and slipped it inside of his briefs. In front of everyone, Nicole handled Ryan's 'problem.' Her hand rustled around in his crotch for a few seconds, and then he let out a sigh of relief. Her hand stayed inside, though, to continue the job.

"Oh," Ryan breathed, "this is awesome."

Smiling slyly, Nicole sang, "Baby, you ain't seen nothin' yet!" Ryan had his head back. He was relaxing, enjoying the massage. "Well, Ryan," Nicole finally said, a little too loudly, "your penis is hard!" It was a statement of the obvious, and we all chuckled. "Now for phase two."

"Where are we going to go?" he asked.

"We're going to use the desk in the study. Come on! And don't lose what I've been working on for the last five minutes!"

"Oh, don't worry," he responded, laughing. "I couldn't if I tried!" He almost dragged her to the study. The rest of us followed. We wouldn't miss this show for the world!

Upon entering the study, Nicole took control. "All right," she ordered, "sit in that chair." She pointed to the black leather, high-backed executive chair behind the desk. Ryan complied, sitting eagerly on the chair. "Good," said Nicole. "Now lower it as far as it will go." Ryan's stomach sank out of view as he pulled the lever to lower the chair. Now all we could see was his chest and his smiling face.

"Okay," she said. "Now lemme get under the desk and the real fun can begin!" Ryan swung his legs aside to allow her to get under the desk. We couldn't see Nicole any more, but we could tell she was taking off his pants because he was squirming around in the chair, lifting his butt up off the seat. "Let the games begin!" called Nicole. Ryan leaned his head back on the chair and just smiled.

Then he giggled and said, "Oh, that tickled!"

"Come on, Ryan," Sarah said, "We can't see it, so at least give us a play-by-play!"

"You want me to narrate?" Ryan asked, perplexed, before bursting out into a new set of giggles.

"Yeah, let's go, Ryan!" piped up Dustin. "Share the love!"

"OK," he said, "Well right now she's just licking all around... down there." He gestured downward. "She hasn't actually touched it yet."

"Come on, Nicole!" called Dustin, "hurry it up, will you?" All six of us were laughing when Ryan sat bolt upright with a look of total surprise on his face.

"Oh my GOD!" Ryan almost shouted. "OH my God! That feels so AWEsome! She just swallowed the whole thing!"

"Ryan, this is your first Bill Job, isn't it?" I asked. He laughed a little at my joke but was too wrapped up in the sensations Nicole was giving his penis.

"Are you still breathing?" Eric asked.

"Yeah, baby," Ryan moaned. "Oh, yeah!"

"All right, what's going on now?" Ashley asked.

"She's actually pulled off it, and she's just licking the shaft all over. OK, now she's licking my nuts. Oh, SHIT, she just swallowed them!"

"What are her hands doing?" questioned Dustin.

"Well, one of them is caressing my knee/inner thigh area, and the other one is up under my leg, getting pretty close to my butt. OK, she's sucking the saliva off my balls. You're right, Taylor, this feels fanTAStic!"

"Yup," Dustin smiled, hugging Taylor closer to him, "Taylor sure knows how to take care of a hard-on!"

"Whoa," reported Ryan, "she's moving down below my balls now. Oh my God, she's licking my asshole! This is fucking AWESOME!"

"Hey," snapped Eric, smiling, "watch your language! There're ladies present."

"Oh yeah. OK, now she's moving in for the kill. She's just lightly licking the head. Oh DAMN, that feels good!"

"What feels good?" I asked.

"She's playing with my slit, and my frenum like at the same time! Oh damn, I'm pretty close, Nicole."

"Yeah, Nicole, finish him off," said Eric. "We gotta get back to the game. All the rest of us are dying for some action, too!"

"Hey, speak for yourself!" said Ashley, slapping him playfully on the chest.

"OK," said Ryan. His breathing was really getting ragged now. "OK, she's got the whole first half in her mouth how, and she's sucking it, moving up and down. She's actually jacking off the other four inches, but in a way that it feels like an extension of her mouth. I mean, her hand's in time with her head. Oh, God, I'm close. Oh, Nicole, keep going. Oh, yeah... HEY!!"

"What?" we all asked in unison.

"She pulled off! Oh, come on Nicole! That was SOOO good! Finish, please!"

"Oh, I'll finish, all right," we heard her say from under the table. "You'll just have to wait for it!"

"Oh, damn! Come on!"

"All right, stop whining! Here we go..."

Ryan got his awed smile back. Pretty soon he was almost convulsing while crying, "YES! Oh my God, YES! Oh, suck it! Suck it girl! Oh, yeah, oh this is good! AAAAAAHHHHHH!"

With that, Ryan let out a long moan and slumped back in the chair. Nicole moved him aside and stood up, smiling from ear to ear.

"So," asked Eric, "was it as good for you as it was for him?"

"Oh, definitely!" She affirmed. "I loved having that huge cock in my mouth. And his balls are big too! His ass was a tiny bit hairy, but that's OK. I didn't give him any time to prepare. Oh, and he got a little impatient there at the end." Nicole glanced reproachfully over at Ryan's still-limp form. "But overall, he was a pretty good BJ recipient."

"All right, all right," said Ryan, standing up, "But enough about me!"

"Oh my GOD!" gasped Sarah, staring at Ryan.

"What?" I asked.

Sarah pointed at Ryan's monster boner, still hard even after Nicole's blow job. "I knew he was big," she said, "but I didn't realise he was THAT big! It looks so much bigger from up close! How long did you say that was?"

Ryan's face flushed crimson; he was clearly embarrassed. "Umm, uhh, well," stuttered Ryan, "it's about eight inches long."

"No, I mean exactly," she pressed. "When was the last time you measured it?"

"Well, uh, I don't know..." said Ryan, clearly at a loss for words. "Umm... It's been awhile...."

"Well, I want to know how long it is right now. Does anyone else?" All the girls voiced their approval while the guys just laughed at Ryan's predicament.

"All right then," said Sarah in an authoritative tone, "that settles it. Ryan, you're going to get your penis measured right now! Sit down again and get it as hard as you possibly can. Eric, do you have a piece of cloth tape? We're going to want to do both length and girth." Eric said his mom had some in her sewing kit, and went off to get it. The room fell silent as everyone watched Ryan caress his cock and balls while quietly murmuring to himself.

It's a tough job keeping it up for a long time, and I knew all about it. Sarah had been playing with my ass, thighs and balls continuously to help me keep my cup on. So far it had worked, and being in the same room with a guy getting a blow job had helped some, too -- I had imagined it was me in the hot seat with Nicole between my legs and I was just as hard as every other guy in the room, despite my lengthy continuous woody.

Eric returned quickly with the cloth measuring tape. Sarah took it from him and walked around the desk saying, "All right Ryan, the moment of truth has arrived. Sit up straight!" Sarah knelt down between his legs and gently pulled Ryan's engorged shaft out to a 45 degree angle. She gave it a few strokes for good measure, then placed one end of the tape up against his curly red pubes and pulled it out taught. "OK, Ryan's penis is exactly..." She reached her head around to get a head-on view (no pun intended) of the measuring tape. "Eight and five-eighths inches long. WOW! Now for girth. At the base, it's..." Sarah paused to reposition the measuring tape. "It's six and one quarter inches around. Jeez, Ryan, you've got a nice salami there!" Everyone laughed at her callous complement.

"Well, thanks," said Ryan, "but can we get on with the game now? I want to see someone else do something for a change."

"Yeah, good idea," piped up Eric. "Let's all move back to the living room. Nicole, why don't you think about which one your next victim is going to be: male or female."

"Oh, I already know. Tag, Sarah. You're it!"

"OK," She said, sitting down next to me on the couch again. "Well, I'm chicken so I guess I'll take a truth."

"Perfect!" said Nicole. "I want you to tell us what one of your favorite sexual fantasies is."

"Hmmm," said Sarah, "well, I've always been a little bit into domination and light B/D. A fantasy I think about often when I'm masturbating is having a really cute guy with a cock the size of Ryan's be my slave." Laughter. "I'd order him to strip himself and lay down on his back spread-eagle on my four-post bed. Then I'd tie him that way with leather straps and blindfold him. I'd take off my clothes and commence teasing this guy mercilessly. A little tickling in the right places, lots of massaging sensitive areas with massage oil and a whole bunch of licking and kissing. All this everywhere but where he really wants it: on his dick.

"After this, I'd straddle him and, after leaning down to French kiss him, I would begin to fuck him really slowly. I would only do this for a few seconds, maybe thirty, at which point I'd pull off of him and lick his asshole like mad. After a minute or so of that, I'd grease up a small vibrator, about seven inches long and really thin and slip it gently into his hole. After fucking him with it for a minute or two, making sure to rub his prostate up really well, I'd climb back up on top of him facing his legs and fuck him for another thirty seconds.

"Then I'd stop and, leaving his dick in me, I'd reach down and turn on the vibrator. This would no doubt surprise him, as I wouldn't have turned it on before, and he would probably have thought it was a dildo. After massaging his ass with the vibrator for another several minutes, I would turn it off and continue humping him, but only for a very short period of time. Then back to the vibrator. I'd do this several times. At this point, he'd be ready to shoot any second, so I'd turn on the vibrator while continuing to fuck him, and then lean forward, bending his penis back towards his toes. I'm sure it'd be one hell of an orgasm for him, but it would be a great one for me as well."

Every guy in the room was staring at Sarah, imagining with her what it would feel like to have that entire episode acted out on them. It may have been Sarah relating the fantasy, buy it was a fantasy shared by every boy there.

I raised my hand and announced that I would love to take part in her fantasy. She looked at me and smiled knowingly. Whoa, she really was into me! I'd give myself to her in a second. This night was just getting better and better!

Eric thanked Sarah, then reminded her of the rules: "Okay, so take a piece of clothing off now." To everyone's surprise and delight, Sarah pulled her shirt over her head, exposing her tanned torso and her white lace bra. And inside the bra were two of the most beautiful breasts I had ever seen. I whistled, which was rewarded by a 20 second French Kiss from Sarah. "Look at that cup go!" said Eric, pointing, and everyone looked down at it. My cock was so hard, and my pulse so fast that the cup was bobbing up and down fairly rapidly. My face was also flushing quickly.

"Okay," I said to change the subject. "Who's next."

"Eric, truth or dare?" asked Sarah.

"Dare me, baby," he said.

"Pick a card, any card." Ryan drew a blue card from the deck, unsure how he'd fare. It seems the gods were smiling on him today.

"It says 'while blindfolded, feel the naked breasts of every girl in the room. Attempt to correctly match each set with its owner.'" This was a thousand times better than the last blue card that got drawn! Why can't I be the lucky one and draw these ones? Oh, well. It would all be over soon. And I couldn't wait!

Eric had produced a handkerchief which he folded into a blindfold. He handed it to Ryan. Ryan stood and walked to the center of the circle. He put on the blindfold. Then he put his hands up and squeezed an imaginary set of breasts. The guys chuckled.

The women, for their part, had all gotten up and formed a makeshift line. The first girl to get felt up was Taylor. She lifted up her shirt and bra, letting her tits hang free. Walking up to Ryan, she pushed them into his palms. He palmed them for a few seconds, then ran his thumbs around her areolas several times. After that, he placed his hands on the underside and hefted them slightly, attempting to judge their weight. Finally, he patted them and dropped his hands.

The dare proceeded in silence. Sarah went next. And I felt a slight twinge of jealousy at having a Sophomore manually assaulting the breasts that I had all but claimed for my own. But such is the game. Ryan patted her breasts when he was done with her as well. Ashley sauntered up.

The same ritual was acted out on Ashley's rack and then, finally, on Nicole's. Now it was time for Ryan to see if he could make anything of all the information he had gathered.

"All right," he said, "I think it went Taylor... Ashley, Sarah, Nicole."

"Is that your final answer?" asked Eric.

"No, wait..." Ryan said. He bowed his head, trying to figure out the right order. "No, switch the middle two. Sarah, Ashley, Nicole."

"And that's my final answer," he smiled.

"Well, that one's right," stated Eric. "Good job." And then, more quietly "lucky bastard." Everyone giggled.

"Dustin's next," said Eric. "He's the only one who hasn't gone in this go-around."

"Umm..." said Dustin, thinking. "Dare."

"Oh, you're a brave one, huh?" said Eric. "Here's your card." Eric handed Dustin another blue 3X5 card. Innocent enough, but no one knew what the card would make him do.

Dustin read the card and blushed every shade of red. "Oh my God," he said, "I can't do this."

"What are you talking about?!" countered Eric. "Of course you can. What are you supposed to do? Read us the card!"

"Oh my God! 'Have a cockfight with another guy of the group's choosing!'" Dustin read aloud. Three of the girls were laughing hysterically, but the guys were a little uncertain. After all, it was going to be one of us doing this.

Then Ashley piped up: "What exactly is a cockfight?" she asked.

"Well, there's an explanation here on the card," answered Dustin. "It says: 'Two guys strip totally and are responsible for making their own penises fully erect. Then they sit facing one another about two feet apart. Each takes the other's penis and strokes it to orgasm. They are allowed one 15-second time-out between the two of them. The first one to orgasm loses. The penalty for the loser (or the reward for the winner; or both) is determined by the group.'"

"Oh, this is gonna be good!" said Eric, relaxing. It appeared he had come up with an excuse.

"What are you so excited about?!" shot Dustin. "It could be you!"

"No, it couldn't. You haven't cum tonight. I have. That would give me an almost-unbeatable upper-hand. You're gonna have to fight with the only other guy who hasn't had an orgasm yet tonight." Every head in the room turned to look at me.

"Oh, no. I don't think so. Nuh-uh. Not gonna happen. No!"

"Well, since the group is supposed to pick the person to fight Dustin, why don't we vote. All in favor of Connor?" Six people raised their hands -- including Sarah.

Turning to her, I asked her "How can you let them do this to me?!?! Please, say no!"

"I think seeing you get off with another guy would be really hot," she said giving me a sultry smile. Then she leaned closer and whispered in my ear, "And if you do this without any more complaining, you will get a reward." Then she licked my ear really slowly. It felt incredible!

"Well..." I hesitated. I really didn't want to do this. It wasn't so much the cockfight itself as the fact that six other people would be watching. Of course, one of them would be Sarah, and she did say it would turn her on, so... "...Okay. I'll do it." The girls cheered, Eric and Ryan let out sighs of relief, and I stood up. "I'm going to have to get naked for this, huh?" I asked. Then, without waiting for a response, I pulled the cup off. "Let's go, slowpoke!" I urged Dustin. "Take 'em off!" Chuckles all around.

"Nope," said Dustin, "I'm not gonna do it. No way."

"Dustin, c'mere," said Taylor. She leaned over and whispered something in his ear. It was probably very similar to what Sarah had told me. Whatever it was that she said, Dustin started taking off his shirt right away. "All right, then," he said, standing, "let's go." Dustin finished with his shirt, and then he sat down to take off his shoes. After that came his jeans and finally his boxers. He and I were just standing there, naked. The only difference between us was that he wasn't hard yet, while I had had quite a bit of practice at keeping it up.

"Okay," I said, "get it up and let's get this over with." I started hitting my fists together and jogging in place Rocky-style. I backed up and sat back down on the couch to wait for Dustin. Sarah put a towel over my head and started telling me to "go get him!" and such. There was some manual stimulation as well, for good measure.

In the other "corner," Taylor was busy giving Dustin's dick a pep talk -- and it was working. Between him holding his balls and jacking and her extra stimulation of his groin, Dustin was ready in no time.

"Assume the position!" said Eric, a bit too cheerily for either of our liking. Neither of us were really in any position to argue, though, so we sat down in the middle of the room facing each other. At first we sat cross-legged, but then we realized that we weren't going to be able to get close enough with our knees in the way, so we repositioned. His legs went under mine and actually almost came around in the back. I put my legs over his and pretty close to around his waist. This way we had only about a foot in between our torsos, but the other guy's penis was much more accessible. We were settled... Now it was time for the competition to begin.

"OK, guys, are you set?" Eric asked us.

"Yeah," I answered. "Set and about as hard as I'm going to get."

"Yup," said Dustin. "Let's just get this over with, OK?"

"Fine by me," said Eric. "Start on three, only one hand each. No fondling of the nuts or legs or anything else: straight penile stimulation only. Here we go: One. Two. Three!"

And we were off. I tried to start out slowly so that he could get some sort of pleasure out of it, but Dustin was of a different mind. He started beating my meat so hard it felt like it was about to fall off. After figuring out what his strategy was, I altered mine a little bit. I sped up to a little less than his pace.

This went on for a minute. Then two. I was certainly surprised that I'd been able to last so long, not to mention Dustin. I think it was because I was concentrating so intently on my job that I was zoning out everything else, including my impending orgasm.

Soon, though, I was getting closer, and I could feel him getting closer as well. Sarah was cheering for me, while Taylor and Ashley were cheering for Dustin. It got pretty rowdy. Dustin and I, for our parts, were just staring into the eyes of one another. That's when our eyes weren't closed imagining some horrendous catastrophe, such as having our testicles slammed in a P.E. locker or our dicks cut off. (I don't actually know what he was thinking about, but my thoughts sure kept me from going over the edge too quickly.)

After two and a half minutes, Dustin called a time out. Eric started his watch. We both just caught our breath and sat back on our arms. All too soon, Eric said: "Fifteen. Go!" and we began again, newly refreshed.

My arm was getting tired, but I was determined not to let that affect my speed. Dustin seemed to feel the same way, as he wasn't slowing down any.

Having another person's hand on my dick was weird at first. It was a guy, so he knew what to do. That part meant it felt good. But it was another person's rhythm and another person's hand. It just felt... different.

In no time at all, we were both very close. It was then that Ryan said, in a perfect British accent, "Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day! Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day!" That set everyone to laughing, but it didn't stop Dustin and me. I could feel my nuts contracting, getting ready to explode. I tried to hold back the flood of jiz, but I just couldn't: Dustin's hand "flogging my dolphin" just felt too good. I let out a cry that was a cross between orgasmic ecstasy and defeat as my dick exploded, shooting cum all over Dustin's chest and face. He was surprised at first -- I guess he didn't feel it coming. After that, though, he pulled away from me and let go of my cock. I let go of his, too, and we both collapsed backwards on to the floor.

Dustin's crowd went over to congratulate him, Sarah came over to me. She thanked me for doing the dare. Then she told me that it had really turned her on and that she wanted to give me an installment on that reward she had promised me. She moved her head down to my cock and licked the whole thing clean. Then she moved slowly up to my head, cleaning the rest of the cum off my chest on the way. She paid special attention to my belly button and my pecs. After such a fantastic lickdown, I was in heaven. Then she kissed me! It was a soft passionate, sensuous kiss that lasted at least a minute. I felt my cock begin to stiffen again at the amazing oral stimulation I was receiving. Finally, she pulled off and whispered, "remember that when they give you your penalty. You're gonna love what I've got planned for you!"

"Connor," said Nicole, "The six of us have decided what your penalty is going to be."

"The five of you," corrected Dustin. "I had no part in this decision!"

"All right, then," I said. "Lay it on me. What do I have to do?"

"You need to finish the job you started with Dustin without using your hands."

"WHAT!?" I exploded. I wasn't expecting them to force me to give a guy a blow job! I thought it would be something embarrassing personally, or something. But this!

"Oh, and one other thing," added Ashley, giggling, "you've gotta make it last at least five minutes."

'Oh my GOD!' I thought to myself. 'This can't be happening!' I was hoping to get away with a quickie, but no dice.

"There is one bit of good news," said Eric. "We took a vote and decided that this will be the last round of the game. That, and the author can't think of any more interesting dares right now."

"A lot of good that does me now!" I complained. "Well, I suppose the sooner I get started, the sooner it'll be over." I was only optimistic because I was thinking about what would happen with Sarah after the game. I crawled over to where Dustin had seated himself on a couch. He was slouched in his seat and still nude.

This was not going to be fun.

"Is there any way I could take a penalty dare?" I asked as a last-ditch effort.

"This IS your penalty dare, remember?" said Taylor. "You lost the cockfight."

"At least you don't have to blow Ryan," said Nicole. "You could choke if you're not careful!" Ryan blushed again as she leaned up and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Think of it as a chance to see how it feels to give head without being considered gay," suggested Sarah.

"Oh, THAT helps," I said. It was nice that everyone wanted to make me feel better about the situation, but it was what it was: I was about to put a penis in my mouth.

"Okay, Dustin. Are you ready?"

"I'm sorry, man," he apologized. "I don't want this any more than you do, but I didn't have a choice either."

"Stop speaking and start sucking!" cried Eric. He and Ryan busted up. I made a mental note to get them both back for that, and leaned in toward Dustin's cock.

"You've got five minutes, so take it slow," cautioned Sarah. "I'm gonna be timing."

I breathed hot air on Dustin's penis and he shivered. 'Well, here goes nothing,' I thought, and took five of his six inches into my mouth.

Dustin jumped a little, then relaxed. Everyone else clapped. A flash went off. Bastards!

Dustin's dick was really hard. He must have been very close when I came, just seconds away. But now I had to make this last five minutes! How was I going to do that? Well, certainly not with "straight penile stimulation." With that in mind, I pulled off his dick and licked my way down to his balls. I played with them for a while, running my tongue around the base of his cock, between his nuts and around the back of his sac. Then, to eat up more time (no pun intended), I sucked them both into my mouth. (Whoever had the camera was having a field day with this.) I played with them a little more in there, bouncing them around on my tongue. Then I let them fall out, scraping on my teeth. He moaned when I did that, so I did it again.

"Three minutes left!" called Sarah. Time was sure moving slowly.

I moved my tongue down a little toward his asshole. He squirmed while I gave him a slow rimming. I licked all over what of his butt I could reach, and I pushed my tongue into his hole just a little several times. When I'd had enough of that, I switched to tickling his inner-thighs with my tongue. They were pretty hairy, but at least the hair wasn't coarse. Instead it was really soft. He started laughing and Sarah called out: "Two minutes!"

I didn't want to be stuck still blowing him after the five minutes had expired, so I licked my way up to the tip of his dick. I pushed his foreskin back with my lips. This took some doing, as his cock was so engorged that the foreskin barely fit over the corona. With the entire head now exposed, I licked around the rim. He really liked that, but he liked it even better when I took his helmet in my mouth gave it a serious tongue-bath. I paid special attention to his piss slit and frenum.

"One minute!" said Sarah. OK, now it was really time to get to work. I swallowed more of his Johnson, burying my face in his pubes. Now it was just a matter of stimulation, so I began bobbing my head up and down while mercilessly licking his head.

"Oh my God," moaned Dustin, "I'm getting really close!"

"Fifteen seconds!" called Sarah.

The camera went off several more times. Someone would pay for this!

Dustin started moaning uncontrollably while also thrashing about. I kept at it though, sucking on and licking his cock like a popsicle until he cried out "AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" and shot into my mouth. "You'd better swallow that," he said. I didn't much care what he wanted, but Eric and Sarah chimed in that yes, it wasn't really giving head if I didn't swallow. Fearing ANOTHER penalty dare, I grimaced and swallowed. I didn't like the salty taste of his cum in my mouth at all, but that was okay, because I didn't intend on ever having to do this again. I swallowed, knowing now why Eric ran for a glass of water when he swallowed his own.

"Done," I announced, standing up. Dustin was sitting very still, slouched down on the couch, panting as his member quickly shrivelled.

"Very well done, Connor" congratulated Eric. "I think you have a future in giving head!" That set everyone to laughing again.

"I don't," I returned, grabbed my clothes and headed off to the kitchen to rinse my mouth out. As I was pouring myself some OJ, I heard someone come up behind me at the counter. Before I could turn around, they were at my back and I felt breasts through a bra. This was certainly Sarah! And her nipples were certainly hard.

She began to sway her hips a little left and right, brought her hands up under my arms to my nipples and began to rub them. I placed my hands on her forearms and giggled. So did she. Then she lifted her hands from my chest and brought them directly to my crotch. Before this little incident, I wasn't aroused. That had changed completely.

As we stood there dancing, she whispered in my ear that what I had just done had made her VERY hot. "Oh really," I said. "That's good."

"And now that the game is over," she said softly. And then, breating more than actually speaking, she said "I want you." Right at that moment, she could have been stoking my hard-on. She could have been grabbing my butt. She could have been doing a million aggressively sexual things. But she wasn't. Instead, she was lightly playing with my foreskin. Her fingers moved the skin, lubricated by precum, back and forth across my dickhead at an agonizing pace. I groaned.

Her other hand moved to my nutsac and lightly caressed my balls. She was moving slow enough that it could have tickeled, but deliberatly enough that it didn't. Instead, electricity flowed from the bottom of my scrotum all the way to the tip of my dick. I was getting restless.

"Let's go upstairs," I suggested. The 'and get it on' was implied.

"All right," she said, "follow me." I picked my clothes up and she started for the stairs, still grasping my hard-on.

So there I was, being led to a quiet room by my cock. Dustin and Taylor came into the kitchen holding hands. Dustin took one look and grinned. "Going to walk the dog, I see," he quipped to Sarah.

"Oh yes," she replied, "he needs a good, hard work-out."

"You kids have fun," he called as we mounted the stairs. "Wear a rubber!"


There you have it. I've been looking at it for awhile, but I'm really not sure that I'll be able to successfully pull off a straight sex scene. That's really not the purpose of the Archive anyway, so I believe it's best to end the story there.

I have been writing this story for a very long time. It started when I was the age I state in the story, 17. I'm 20 now. I hope the three years of off-and-on work were worth it! Please let me know if you liked it... I may be able to be persuaded to write down some other thoughts I've had from time to time, although the cliche "There's plenty more where that came from" is entirely inaccurate in my case.

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