Tulemans New Friends

By story dreamer

Published on Jul 22, 2010


This story depicts male on male sexual situations that involve fictional characters at least 18 years of age. Minors may not read this story. Keep this and all adult material out of the reach of minors.

I continue writing out of a sense of duty to all my readers who are kind enough to take time to let me know they are reading this story. I also enjoy the many comments, both good or bad. I'm not thin skinned, OK?

Tuleman's New Friends

Buddy Carlson was moving around Shannon as he was on all fours, naked, on the ground. Revenge was in Buddy's eyes and he was intent upon venting his anger at big jocks who had humiliated him in Oklahoma. Now he was the one with the power over the jock. With the camera hanging around his neck, he moved in front of Shannon. Grabbing him by the hair, he twisted his head upward and glared at him. "You're a cocksucker, aren't you?" He spit at him.

Shannon said nothing but stared upward at the younger boy.

Buddy slapped his face hard, waiting for a response from Shannon.

Shannon cringed below him and begged him to please not hurt him.

Buddy was amazed. He'd never seen a jock act this way. Hell, even he would have tried to fight back. It dawned on him that Shannon had no fight in him. He was intimidated by a smaller guy who had power over him. He slapped him again, knocking him down in the dirt. Shannon curled up in a ball as a means of self defense. Buddy knew now that there was no need to continue hitting him. Shannon was afraid of him and was now his to use as he saw fit.

Gently, Buddy pulled Shannon up on his feet, telling him he was sorry he'd slapped him. "I was just trying to get you to understand that you need to listen to me and be obedient. You understand that now, don't you boy."

"Yeah, that hurt." Shannon answered, rubbing his face.

Reaching up, Buddy grabbed his hair again and pulled his face down. "Look down here in my eyes boy. When you speak to me, from now on, it's sir this or sir that. You better listen to me."

Yes sir, Shannon answered.

Pulling his cock out, Buddy pushed Shannon down on his knees and pulled his face forward. His cock slid into Shannon's mouth easily. He was surprised by how Shannon went right to work with his tongue and lips. He needed no instruction. Shannon's arms went around Buddy's legs, hugging him, his hands on Buddy's ass. Buddy kept his composure enough to remember to snap some digital pictures of Shannon's face sucking on a cock. He couldn't hold back and almost immediately sent shot after shot of cum into Shannon's mouth. He could see Shannon swallowing the cum without so much as a dribble coming out of his mouth. He remembered himself when his own mouth was being raped by those guys in Oklahoma. He had gagged a lot and most of the cum had run out of his mouth while they were fucking his face. Shannon obviously liked the taste of cum and seemed intent upon getting more out of his cock. Tenderness forced him to push Shannon off his cock. This was the first blow job Buddy had ever had and the feeling was absolutely awesome.

Pulling Shannon up, he handed him his clothes, telling him to dress and get in the car. Driving back to town, Buddy thought the events of the day over. He did not want Shannon to jump on Terry for telling him about the video, when he actually hadn't. It probably wasn't a big deal because he now knew he could handle Shannon with a little rough stuff. He decided he would instruct Shannon to keep quiet about what happened between the two of them for now. Having his cock sucked had been the best thing that he'd experienced and he knew he was going to want more of it. Pulling into the McDonald's parking lot where Shannon's car was, Buddy shut his motor off.

"Shannon, I want you to keep your mouth shut about you and me. If I hear one word from Terry or anyone about me letting you suck my cock, I'll paper the high school with pictures of you naked and sucking a cock. You're going to be sucking my cock whenever I want you to." Buddy said, looking at him. "This parking lot here will be our permanent meeting place and when I want you to suck me, you'll come here and we'll hook up. Give me your cell phone number and then you can go home."

Bob Olson was online looking at the salary schedule for 1st round NBA drafted players. Players who were drafted anywhere from 5th to 15th all were being paid over two million dollars for the 1st year. Switching to the rankings for high school basketball players, he found Shannon Tuleman ranked 11th in the nation. Depending upon how well he did in college ball, he anticipated that Shannon could be worth several million dollars over three or four years he thought. He had started following Shannon's career ever since Terry had sent him the video. He had known when watching the boy play that he was exceptional and an impact player. Probably not as high a pick as one through five, but possible somewhere around ten or in that area. If Shannon entered the draft after one good year playing college ball, it could mean the boy was going to be in the big money.

Bob considered himself a good judge of character and very good at manipulating people. It was a game he enjoyed to the fullest. He had played the game with Terry and won. Terry's entire life had been redirected by Bob. Bob had never looked at it as destroying Terry's life so much as just tweaking it a bit. Terry was very intelligent and Bob knew he would have a good life. Just not exactly the kind of life he would have had if Bob had not entered his life. Terry had taken to homosexuality like a duck to water and probably would have found it eventually without him. Terry was always very nervous and when it was pointed out to him that having a cock in his mouth seemed to calm him down, he used that as an excuse to ask Bob to let him suck on his cock. Bob knew Terry loved to suck and giving him an excuse to do it worked out well for both of them.

Bob had been thinking of what would bring Shannon into a dependency relationship with him. It would have to involve fear of being exposed as a cocksucker and especially fear that his mother would find out.

Bob saw the little message appear at the bottom of his screen telling him that Shannon66610 had just signed in. Bob brought up a site that he'd minimized. The name of the site was INFERIOR FAGGOTS and showed a young naked male kneeling on all fours kissing the feet of his master. He quickly typed in Shannon66610 in a box and hit submit. A message appeared, telling him that an invitation to join Inferior Faggots was being sent to Shannon66610. He kept the home page of the site open on his computer. If Shannon joined, it would show up as a new member just joined.

Five minutes later, Bingo, A new member, Shannon66610 had just joined. Bob smiled, got up and went to the kitchen to make a sandwich.

In Shannon's locked bedroom, A naked Shannon was sitting at his computer, looking at the latest gay porn he had suddenly started acquiring on his computer. The picture of the naked guy kissing his master's feet made his heart skip. His left hand slowly pumped his hard cock as he scrolled down and looked at the posted messages. A member who called himself Suckingboy wrote that he had just been taken as a slave and was so happy that he could serve a real man. Sissygirl was a boy but his master wanted him to dress and act like a girl. Cockslut77 was asking what he should say to his master that would let him know that he wanted him to use his mouth as a urinal. Shannon's cock was jerking as his fingers played with it. He groaned as he was lost in lust. The lasciviousness of what he was reading was sending his mind reeling.

Bob had been directing pornography at him steadily. Shannon had been staying up until the early morning hours pouring over the sites. He would take breaks from the new sites to go back to Bullyboy to view the pictures of young men being forced to suck cocks. The message that came with each picture was always different but it was words being directed at the male, telling him he was a cocksucker and a faggot. The closeup pictures of cocks being sucked were fascinating and exciting to Shannon. He began seeing himself in each picture. The dominating person in the picture kept changing. Shannon in his mind was seeing himself being dominated by Buddy, Bob, or Terry. His cock was wanting release, but he held back to experience this wonderful feeling of lust.

Shannon thought about Buddy. He was very forceful and he had smacked him a couple of times. For some strange reason, the thought of being slapped by Buddy was exciting to him. He was much bigger than Buddy, but Buddy had treated him like he was a sissy or a girl and he had called him a cocksucker and faggot. He realized that he'd liked being treated that way. He envisioned himself kissing Buddy's shoes again and calling him master.

"Ding", Shannon was taken out of his dream by an instant message from Cockslave4ever.

Hey, Shannon, You there dude?

Yeah, I'm here, how are you?

I'm doing great. Are you jacking right now?

Lol, How did you know?

Lol, I just guessed. What are you jacking over?

Oh, a new website I just found.

OH, whats it called?

Well, I just got an invitation to join it. I wasn't even looking for it. so I'm just looking at it now.

What's it called Shannon?

Uhh, Inferior Fags.

Oh, I never heard of that one. Is it good?

Oh man, you wouldn't believe what the guys are posting there.

Like what?

Well, one guy wants his master to use him like a urinal. lol

What's so funny about that guy?

Well, I can't imagine anyone pissing in my mouth.

I'll tell you a secret. One of the men I know does that to me some times.

Oh really. What's that like?

Well, I can tell you because you're like me. You are kind of new to this compared to me, but you would love it. The way it makes you feel is amazing. One day I asked him if he would piss on me and at first he kind of didn't want to do it, but then he changed his mind and put me in the shower and pissed all over me. I asked him a couple of weeks later if he would do it again and he did. While he was doing it, he was calling me faggot piss boy and piss licker and faggot which I really liked. Later I got to wondering what it would feel like to have him piss in my mouth. I mean wow, you can actually feel the piss moving down his cock with your tongue. It doesn't even taste bad and I really liked him doing it to me. I mean I know I'm a faggot and I love being a fag and this made me feel more like a fag than I ever did before.

Oh man, I don't know

You should ask that older guy. It would probably make him more protective of you. I mean, kind of like an insurance policy. He wouldn't want people to know he did it to you just like you don't want anyone to to know he did it to you. Also it will let him know you respect him as a superior male. Kind of like you were his property and he was marking you as belonging to him with his piss. I mean a master has the right to mark his property, doesn't he? Oh, I see.

So were you able to suck a cock today?

Yeah, I sucked 6 or 7 cocks today, including one just a couple hours ago.

Bob caught the implication immediately. Who would that have been, he thought. Maybe he met up with Terry again.

Oh, who did you a little while ago?

That guy that started me in this stuff told another kid about me sucking his cock and demanded I suck his too.

So you did?

Shit man, I had to or he said he'd put my pictures out all over the school.

He took pictures of you sucking his cock?

Yeah and kneeling on the ground naked, kissing his shoes.

Bob paused, stunned as he learned this news. Fuck, what the hell did Terry think he was doing telling another student about Shannon. This could fuck up his plans for Shannon. He needed to find out more about what had happened and who this new guy was.

Wow, sounds hot. Who is the guy?

His name is Buddy and he's almost a midget. I'd be surprised if he weighs more that 120 pounds, but he slapped the shit out of me.

Why'd he do that?

I didn't want him to take pictures of me but he hit me so I had to do what he said.

You're really submissive aren't you? You ever been in a fight before?

I guess I am. No I never was in a fight.

You afraid of getting hurt?

I guess so.

So if a stranger comes up to you and says down on your knees fag and suck my cock and looks like he could hurt you, you'd do it?

Yeah, I guess I would. I don't know why?

I know why. It's because you're a faggot cocksucker, just like me. I wouldn't fight either. You and I are like sissys and all we want to do is suck cock. Am I right?

Yeah I guess so. Let me ask you a question. Is it true that once a guy starts sucking cock that he will always want to. Is he always going to be a cocksucker?

Bob smiled, knowing Shannon was questioning whether he was always going to be sucking cock.

Sure, thats just a known fact. Why?

Oh, nothing, I was just wondering.

OK, Hey I am a member of a really good website that shows anime movies if you want to see them. I'll give you my site ID and password if you want to see them. It's all about gay cocksuckers and being abused.

Yeah, thanks man.

No problem Shannon. It called faggot slaves and you just sign in as fag cocksucker and enter the password, cocksucker. OK?

I got it, thanks guy. I really have to get off here.

OK, bye now.


Bob picked up his phone and texted Terry.

A few minutes later, Terry called him.

Hi Bob

Hi Terry, What are you doing?

I was just helping my mom do some things.

I have a question for you. Do you know anyone by the name of Buddy?

Uh, Yeah, There's a kid in school called Buddy Carlson. Why?

Have you talked to him lately?

I did a few days ago in school, but just hi. I really don't even know the guy. Why?

Oh, I heard something about him. What's he like?

Well for one, He's the shortest guy in school. Barely over 5 feet, if that. Cute guy, moved here from Oklahoma not too long ago.

OK, Terry I have to run. See you later.

OK, Bye.

Bob sat in front of his computer and thought. Bringing up his favorite search engine, he typed in Buddy Carlson. Several listings came up and then he saw one from Oklahoma City. clicking on it, he read. Buddy Carlson A young man from Oklahoma City was treated at Memorial Hospital after suffering several injuries from an attack by several other students after a football game at Clinton High. He has been released from the hospital and is home with his mother. The young man was uncooperative with the police and refused to answer questions or give descriptions of his attackers. The investigation is continuing.

Bob noted that it was a couple of months ago. Something in his head told him that it was possibly a sexual assault. But, how does that square with the boy being abusive to Shannon? Bob would have to think about this.

On Friday night, Bob had listened to the game on the radio. It was an out of town game in Kansas City. Topeka had been upset by a team they were supposed to beat by 20 points. Shannon had played poorly, scoring only 12 points and fouling out early in the fourth quarter. The announcer said that Tuleman seemed wore out and ineffective in both offense and defence.

Bob had a feeling that he knew what Shannon's trouble was. He had not seen either Terry or Shannon since last weekend. He'd had to go out of town to take care of some business and had returned this morning. Bob turned the radio off went to bed.

At 11:30, his phone rang waking him up.


Hello Bob?

Yes, Who's this?

It's Shannon. Would it be ok if I came by to see you tonight?

It's late boy, What do you want?

Well sir, you told me that I could come by whenever I felt the need to...you know...sir.

Now Bob was fully awake. I'd like that very much boy, but it's really late. Why don't you come see me in the morning around 9.

Yes sir, I will. I'm sorry to bother you this late.

No boy, don't be sorry. I told you to come whenever you need me. However, I don't want you to masturbate until you are here with me. Do you understand boy?

Yes sir, thank you sir.

Tomorrow is Saturday, You may play around on the computer for awhile, but I want you offline at 1 AM and my house at 9: AM.

Yes sir, thank you, I'll be there at 9 sharp sir. good night

Good night boy.

Bob got up and turned his computer on. 15 minutes later, Shannon appeared online. Shannon saw that cockslave was online and IMd him.

Hi cockslave

Hey Shannon, how's it going.

Oh, not so good, but could be worse.

Oh oh, you sound down.

Yeah, well, it'll be ok. Thanks for letting me use your password for the ainme site. It was awesome.

So did you get to suck some cock tonight?

No, I didn't. But I'm going to in the morning. I talked to that older guy and he invited me over.

Oh, great, He going to let you suck his cock?

Yeah, he said I could suck it if I needed to and I think I really need it.

So, it sounds like you're accepting the fact that you are in fact a faggot.

Well, everybody can't be wrong I guess.

What's he gonna say about that guy hitting you dude?

Oh, Buddy told me not to tell anyone about me sucking his cock.

So, you're still afraid of him?

Well, he told me if he heard one thing about me sucking him, he'd put my picture with a cock in my mouth all over school. Yeah, I'm definitely afraid of that.

So you aren't gonna say anything to him tomorrow.

I just can't.

Well, it don't seem right to me. Here, he's nice enough to offer you his cock to suck and you lie to him.

I'm not gonna lie to him guy, I just won't mention it to him.

I gotta tell you, you need help. You need someone smarter than a kid to guide you and take your life over for you. If I were you, I'd ask him to be my daddy, lawyer and advisor. Being a faggot cocksucker can get real complicated and you're not smart enough because you can't think of everything like he can.

Hmmm, I never thought of it that way.

You better think it over before tomorrow or you might fuck up any chance of him helping you steer your way through life.

Thanks for the advice, I really do appreciate it. You gave me some things to think about. I gotta go now, ok. Bye


Shannon went to explore all the porn pictures and stories he'd been sent. Naked with his hard cock in his hand, he clicked the mouse again and again. Keeping his eye on the clock, at 1: AM, he signed off.

To be continued

storydreamer2006 I love to hear comments from my readers

Next: Chapter 11

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