Tulemans New Friends

By story dreamer

Published on Oct 9, 2011


Tuleman's New Friendsby storydreamer2006

This is an adult story involving male on male sexual situations. You must be an adult to read further. Keep this story and all adult literature out of the hands of minors.

I'm sorry for the long absence. I'm back and more chapters will follow. Thanks for all the comments.

Tuleman's New Friends

Chapter 13

Shannon was awakened by his mother. "Honey, There's someone on the phone for you. He said his name is Buddy."

Shannon bolted upright in bed. "I'll be right there mom, thanks." Shannon looked under the covers for his pajamas. He'd started sleeping naked so he could play with himself as he went to sleep. Slipping them on, he hurried downstairs to the phone.

"Hello." Shannon said quietly.

"Listen Shannon, I've been calling you. Why isn't your phone on?" Buddy asked him.

"Oh, sorry, I was charging it overnight." He answered

"From now on, leave it on while you charge it. Got it?"

"Yeah, sorry man."

"You forget what you're supposed to call me boy?"

"Sorry sir."

"Be at our meeting place in one hour."

"Uhh, I haven't had breakfast yet sir.

"I'm gonna get your breakfast for you. One hour."

"Yes sir, I'll be there."


Shannon hung the phone up and turned to see his mom standing there, looking at him funny.

"Shannon, why did you call him sir?" She asked

Shocked at seeing her so close, Shannon stuttered an answer of just kidding around with a friend.

"You're not doing anything wrong are you honey. You seem to act differently lately and you seem so tired, especially at the game Friday night." She said. "Are you feeling ok, your lips look a little swollen."

"Yeah mom, I'm fine. I was a little tired Friday night for some reason, but I'm ok." Shannon said, hugging her.

Mary Tuleman wrapped her arms around her oldest son. She was proud of Sherri and Shane too, but Shannon was unique. He was movie star handsome and a smooth unblemished athletic body that she knew the girls were drooling over. She worried alot about Shannon and girls that could cause a lot of trouble for him. She'd kept him from dating as long as she could and was happy that he was spending almost all of his time with his male friends. She tried to give him as much free time with them as he wanted without asking questions.

Last year, on the advice of some knowledgeable friends, She had taken Shannon to a sports clinic and had a complete physical done on him. They had suggested that he was going to be able to play college and professional basketball and be paid big money. Taking their advice, she had taken out an insurance policy on him guaranteeing him five million dollars if he should be injured in any way that would prevent him from playing college or professional basketball. She had taken out a loan to pay for the insurance, but knew that money would be returned over time. She had not told Shannon about the insurance amount, so he would not feel guilty about her having to borrow money for the premiums. She smiled as he ran back upstairs while yelling that he didn't have time for breakfast.

Shannon turned on his cell phone and saw he had several messages. Two were from Buddy and there were three from Terry. Listening to them, Buddy was mad at him for not being available and Terry was demanding he call him immediately. Terry reminded him that he was in charge and Shannon was supposed to check in with him. Shannon decided he better not talk to Terry until after he got back from seeing Buddy. He showered quickly and got ready to leave for the McDonald's parking lot.

Bob Sommers laid the Sunday morning paper down and ran his fingers through Terry's hair as the boy held Bob's cock tightly in his mouth. He enjoyed reading the paper while Terry kept him hard but just short of cumming. Terry had been on his knees for over an hour while Bob read.

"Well Terry, It looks like your boy Shannon doesn't have much respect for your authority. At least he doesn't seem to anxious to answer your phone calls." "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to take direct control over Shannon. Don't worry though, I'll make sure you have a lot of play time with him. I imagine you're more than a little mad at him yourself.

Terry kept sucking and listening to Bob and getting madder at shannon. He would show Shannon not to fuck with him again.

Shannon was sitting in the parking lot when Buddy pulled in and honked at him. He looked around as he jumped into Buddy's car. Buddy said nothing as he drove. It looked like they were going back to the same place as the last time.

Parking in the grove of trees, they were pretty well hidden from view and could see if anyone were coming in time to avoid trouble. Buddy got out, telling Shannon to get out also.

"Get your clothes off and put them in the car." Buddy ordered.

Shannon knew not to argue. He found himself afraid of the little guy. He'd seen his temper.

Walking up to him, Buddy reached out and grabbed Shannon's flacid cock. "Big fucking basketball star, huh?" Buddy said, looking up at him. Holding Shannon's balls in his hand and squeezing them, "Who owns these balls cocksucker."

"You do sir." Shannon grimmaced in pain.

"I'm going to teach you to keep your cell phone on 24/7. I never know when I'm going to need a cocksucker. Lean over my car trunk cocksucker." Buddy spat at him.

Taking off his belt, Buddy began whipping Shannon's ass. After several swats, Shannon collapsed to the ground, crying uncontrollably. Naked, in the dirt, shannon put his face on Buddy's shoes and held on to Buddy's legs.

"Please sir, don't hit me anymore." He blubbered through tears. Almost incoherent, he lay at Buddy's feet shaking in fear. "Please, oh please sir, I'll do anything you say."

Buddy stared at Shannon in the dirt. Stunned, he saw the red marks on Shannon's ass. Marks that he was responsible for. The belt dropped to the ground. Buddy now found himself crying for what he'd done to Shannon and to himself. He'd become like those animals in Oklahoma. Doing to Shannon what they'd done to him. Lowering himself, he pulled Shannon up on his knees and went down to his, and wrapped his arms around the boy.

Crying, He hugged Shannon tightly, "I'm sorry Shannon, I'm so sorry. I won't ever hurt you again. please forgive me. It was a terrible thing for me to do. I don't know what happened to me or why I did that."

The two stayed together until the tears no longer fell. Buddy helped Shannon up. He handed Shannon his clothes and helped him dress. As they sat in the car, Buddy told him about what had happened to him in Oklahoma and that he must have been seeking revenge for what they'd done to him. It now made no sense to him to treat Shannon the same way. Over and over again, he apologized.

"It's Terry's fault, he should never have told you about me." Shannon said.

Buddy confessed that Terry hadn't told him at all and explained how the whole thing had happened and that Shannon had outed himself to Buddy through a misunderstanding.

Shannon felt a sickening feeling and anger at himself for stupidly assuming Buddy knew and then willingly giving Buddy such private knowledge of himself. Damn, he was so stupid.

Buddy asked Shannon why he'd picked on Terry in the hall at highschool and Shannon explained what all had happened and that it had been planned so no one would suspect him of doing gay stuff with Terry.

"I had a thing for Terry back then, and even asked him to call me sometime, but he never did." Buddy said quietly.

Shannon thought about telling Buddy about Terry and Bob and the other guys, but decided not to. "Please don't tell Terry about you and I." Shannon said, looking at Buddy.

"I won't Shannon. and again, I'm sorry. As far as I'm concerned, nothing happened between us and I don't know anything about you. OK?" Buddy smiled.

Both young men shook hands and headed back to town. "Breakfast at McDonalds is on me." Buddy said as he got on the blacktop road.

After eating, Shannon shook hands again with Buddy and watched him drive off. Shannon picked up his cell phone and turned it on, finding another message from Terry.

Gathering his thoughs, he called Terry.

"About time you called. What's the matter with you? Get over to my house right now.


Shannon was again gripped by fear of being beaten. He hurried as fast as he dared. He parked his car in front of Terry's house and was greeted at the door by Terry who pulled him inside.

"Get your ass up to my room and out of those clothes NOW." He yelled.

Sitting on his bed, Terry watched as Shanon was soon standing before him naked. Terry was angry but the nearness of this beautiful boy was too much for him. He put his arms around him and hugged him to himself, letting his hands roam down over Shannon's ass and legs. Lowering his head, his mouth engulfed Shannon's growing penis. The smoothness of it against his tongue was more than he could stand. He pulled Shannon onto the bed and began kissing his legs and turning him over. His lips and tongue moved over Shannon's legs up to his ass. It was when he opened his eyes that he became aware of the red stripes across his ass. Sitting up quickly, He turned Shannon over.

"Shannon, what happed to your ass? Who did this to you?" Terry demanded.

"Never mind Terry, just let it go, ok." Shannon said quietly.

Shannon refused to budge on revealing who had beaten him until Terry told him they would have to go show Bob and let him decide what to do. It was at that point that Shannon confessed that Buddy had done it. He also told Terry the whole story about how Buddy had accidentally found out that he was a cocksucker for Terry and that He had apologized and told him that he would not bother him again.

Terry was silent as he thought about Buddy being so dominant. He realized his cock was hard.and he was excited at the new possibility of sucking Buddy. Terry kissed Shannon, telling him they both needed some loving. He turned around and felt Shannon begin sucking on his cock. Terry nuzzled his nose into Shannon's pubes and licked on his balls before slipping his lips over Shannon's cock.

As Shannon's lips held the hard cock in his mouth, his tongue rolled slowly around the crown, eliciting moans from Terry. His thoughts though were alternating between Bob and his friends to the many cocks in the video booth. He realized that they were right. He was now a cocksucker and all he wanted to do was suck cocks. He knew in his heart that for the rest of his life, he would be searching for the next cock to suck on. Cum still made him gag some, but the joy that his swallowing brought to the men made him happy too. All these men were really closer friends to him than all the guys at school. The men knew he was a cocksucker and a faggot and it was ok with them. He knew that they wanted him to be their friend. He liked it when they told him he was a great basketball player and cocksucker. If he made a lot of money playing basketball, it would help him make sure he had a supply of cocks. He could even give Bob a bunch of money to repay him for his kindness. Bob had spent so much time teaching him and he wanted Bob to be proud of him. He thought about how shocked Bob would be some day if he put a gift wrapped present in his hands and when he unwrapped it found thousands of dollars. bob would be so proud of him and love him just like he was his son. A shot of warm sperm in his mouth brought him back to the loving feeling he was experiencing right now. He realized that Terry's cum tasted so good and with Terry's hands lovingly caressing his ass and his tongue rolling around his cock head, his body trembled as he reached climax and ejaculated into Terry's mouth.

To be continued

I'm back

Email the author storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 14

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