Tulemans New Friends

By story dreamer

Published on Jan 2, 2012


This is an adult fictional story containing male on male sexual situations. Minors may not read this story. Keep this story and all adult oriented material out of the hands of minors. Thanks to all my readers for their emails and comments. I will answer all email, so let me know what you think. Oh, before I forget, This story ignores real life situations like violations of laws and sexual diseases. This story is Fiction! OK?? Unsafe sex in this day and age is stupid and can cause death, pain and misery. Don't do it.

On a more serious note: So you think you're in charge of your life. You think your little secrets and fantasies are still hidden from your wives and friends. What if someone has seen you and decided to switch a track or two up ahead of you. Without you knowing it at the time, the train you're riding onward to your next destination is going a different way than you had planned. suddenly you say Wow, I didn't see this coming or I hadn't planned on this happening. Is it just accidental or is someone else now driving your life and you've just become a passenger? Whatever...hang on.

Tuleman's New Friends

Chapter 15

Earlier that day. Bob reached out and shook hands with Thomas Stone who had entered Starbucks and made his way to Bob's table. After ordering his coffee, Stone asked Bob what his call to meet him here was all about.

"Tom, first of all I wanted to tell you how sorry I was to hear about you and Tonya splitting up. I suppose that problem at school was too much for her. Anyway, I wanted to call you but didn't figure you'd feel like talking at that point." Bob said.

Bob had gleaned from the stories in the paper that Tom had been fired from his position as the small college psychologist and guidance counselor for having multiple sexual contacts with young college girls. Accusations of trading grades for sex had been the talk in town and the school had acted quickly by dismissing Stone from the faculty. The notice of emergency divorce in the paper had followed quickly. Tom had since opened his own office in Kansas City where he was not quite so well known as in Topeka.

"I appreciate that Bob. Yeah, well, I got a little greedy for young pussy and paid the price. It will take some time, but I'll be OK. Tonya and I were getting tired of each other anyway. Now what's this little meeting all about?" Tom asked as he sipped the coffee the waitress had sat down.

Bob talked quietly as he laid out his involvement with a certain high school student who was virtually assured of playing professional basketball for big bucks. Bob had known Tom since their college years when they had been room mates. Together, they had ran a couple of scams on naive residents in the Kansas City area to fund their drinking and partying. They had even dallied with the then popular date rape drug and gotten away with it. Bob knew that if Tom was the same old Tom he knew back in school, that ethics would not be an impediment to securing his psychological expertise. He hoped that the promise of a lucrative payday at sometime in the future would be enough incentive for Tom's participation.

Bob and Tom went back and forth with questions and answers being freely discussed. The planning went forward as the two men moved to Bob's car and a plan of action began to take form.

Tom lit a cigarette and held out his hand. "Count me in, my friend, but I will expect to be paid handsomely for my service."

"Welcome aboard Tom. You will be. Follow me home." Bob said, shaking Tom's hand.

Later that day, Shannon stood at Bob's door. There was a car in the driveway he didn't recognize. He felt nervous but yet excited. This door was all that stood between him and two cocks for him to suck. He had showered with the other guys and had tried to hide the fact that he was sneaking quick looks at their swinging cocks. He also had to hide his own plump semi erect cock. Truth be told, Shannon craved Bob's cock. His hand brushed the bulge in his pants when the front door opened.

"Come on in boy, how did practice go today." Bob asked, gently pushing him into the living room.

"I had a great practice Bob," Shannon replied excitedly. "I was draining 3s like I couldn't miss. The coach told me there were going to be a couple of college scouts here tomorrow night." Suddenly, he saw a stranger sitting on the couch and quickly shut up.

"Shannon," Bob said putting his arm around him, "I want you to meet a friend of mine, Dr. Thomas Stone. He's from Kansas City and I've asked him to take a look at you for me."

Shannon looked confused and suddenly scared. He had never liked Doctors and the last Doctor that his mother had taken him too had put him through a strenuous workout and a serries of x-rays for some insurance policy she had taken out on him.

Shannon took a step back and tried to tell Bob he didn't want to be examined by another doctor when Bob put his hand around his neck and gently pushed him into the living room.

"Who's your daddy, boy? The doctor is a personal friend of mine and knows all about you being a faggot cocksucker. He's going to have you sign a medical form that's just a formality. I'm paying so don't worry about that. Just sign it and make sure he knows that you love being a cocksucker and that I'm like a dad to you. You do whatever he wants you to do. I'm going to be gone for awhile so you two can have a nice visit. Now get in there." bob said, swatting Shannon's ass.

Shannon swallowed and walked into the living room and asked the doctor what this was all about.

Shaking Shannon's hand, The doctor invited the boy to sit down in a chair facing the couch.

"Shannon, Please read and sign this release form for me. It's just verifying your information."

Shannon looked briefly at it and signed his name with the pen the doctor gave him.

"Now, Shannon, tell me, how do you feel about yourself. Are you doing OK?"

"Yes sir, I'm doing fine."

"Are your grades OK?"

"Yes sir, I'm carrying a 3.4 grade average."

"Excellent, and how about your basketball career."

"It's coming along fine."

"Any problems at all in school?"

"No sir."

"Any girlfriends?"

"Uhh, nothing steady."

"Why is that. Do you not like girls?"

"Yes sir, I like girls a lot."

"Bob tells me you're a cocksucker. Is that true?"

Shannon blanched at being referred to as a cocksucker by the doctor. His face flushed with embarrassment, He lowered his face in shame.

Tom needed to get inside Shannon's head. Bob had legitimate concerns about Shannon's mental state. Suicide was his uppermost worry. Some young men could not handle their abnormal sexual deviancy and attempt to take their own lives. Some succeeded. Others suffered through their shame as they continued the deviant behavior. Still, others took to the habit happily and made it their life's hobby. They needed to find out where Shannon fit into the mix.

"I see that you're embarrassed. Your silence tells me that you are indeed a cocksucker. Does your mother have any idea that you're a homosexual?" Tom asked.

Shannon shook his head sideways and tears came down his cheeks.

"Look at me Shannon." The doctor said. " Do you enjoy sucking on cock?. Does it get you excited? Do you get a hard-on?"

Still crying, "Yes." Shannon answered.

Tom handed his handkerchief over to Shannon who took it and held it to his face as he continued crying. The thought of his mother finding out about him was more than he could bear.

"Dry your eyes and stop crying. You're a big boy now and I want you to tell me how you started this lifestyle." Tom said.

As Tom laid bare his life to this stranger, He kept his eyes cast downward. Tom saw that he was calming down and the tears had stopped.'

At the end of Shannon's lengthy confession of his life change, Tom could see that with a little help the boy would easily embrace his character flaw and in fact already had. He seemed to accept the fact that he had certain homosexual tendencies and taken the view that it would always be a part of his life and he would have to fulfill his destiny of being a cocksucker. This boy was not in danger of suicide. That would hurt him and Shannon was afraid of pain. That fear was a built in protection for him and should insulate him from harming himself. Bob would be pleased to hear that.

"So Shannon, if there was a naked girl and guy standing here, which would have your attention?" Tom asked.

Shannon kept looking down, " I don't know sir."

"I need some answers from you Shannon and you won't cooperate. Take all your clothes off, leave them on the floor and stand in front of me." Tom said firmly.

Shannon, knowing he had no other option, slowly stripped and stood with his hands in front of his cock until the doctor told him to keep his hands to his side.

Tom opened his briefcase and with his right hand held up a picture of a naked woman and his left hand held a picture of a man sporting a hard-on.

"Now Shannon, I want you to look first at the picture of the woman and imagine you fucking her." Tom looked at Shannon's semi hard cock as he looked at the woman.

"Now Shannon, Look at the man's hard cock and imagine you are inferior to the man and know your place is to be on your knees sucking his beautiful cock and bringing him pleasure." Tom smiled as Shannon focused on the male. Shannon's cock began rising immediately and pointed upward. Purposely wording his instructions in such a way as to arouse Shannon was grade school psychology, but brought out the sought after reaction he was looking for.

Shannon felt embarrassed, being naked with his hard cock throbbing in front of the doctor. He wanted the doctor to leave so he could suck on Bob's cock. He could feel the Doctor looking at him, and he was naked with his cock on vulgar display.

"Take the man's picture and hold it. As you look at it, I want you to slowly fondle your cock. I have studied many men and boys sexual orientation and you fit into a specific group. The incidents that happened which set you on this course you find yourself on was not simply happenstance. It could have been anything or anyone that would have triggered your particular sexual deviancy. If it had not been Terry or Bob who currently satisfy your unnatural sexual cravings, it would have been someone else."

"You neglected to tell my about the hours you spent at the adult bookstore, where you debased yourself for hours sucking on who knows how many unknown cocks. My studies in sexual deviancy tell me that you are a true cocksucker. Lay people would refer to you as a faggot, homo or queer. There is nothing you can do to change your sexual cravings."

"Stop playing with yourself Shannon. Just gently massage your balls and listen to me. This is important for you to understand." The doctor said when he noticed a small amount of cum leaking from Shannon's cock.

Shannon was embarrassed, ashamed and wanting to cum. He was staring at a picture of a man's cock while he was naked in front of another man who was watching him playing with himself. The doctor was telling him he was always going to be a cocksucker and he needed to accept the fact that he needed to suck cocks or he would have many problems in his life.

Tom continued talking to the young man who despite the humiliation he was enduring, remained hard and focused on the doctor's words.

"You have to understand exactly how vulnerable you are. You are like a baby rabbit out in the world all alone. Picture yourself as that baby bunny, hiding in the grass and weeds. All around you are predators wanting to kill and eat you. You're afraid of hawks who are looking for you. Fox and coyotes who are searching for you. One false move or mistake as you move from place to place looking for grass to eat and you're dead. That is how you must now live your life."

"It's not grass you're looking for, but cock. You're not just a homosexual, but a particular kind of homosexual." The doctor was giving Shannon undeniable proof that he was gay. He would no longer be able to debate or question whether he was gay or straight. A real doctor who knew about these things had examined and diagnosed him.

"Just as there are hawks, fox and coyotes looking for that baby bunny so they can kill and eat it, there are many predators outside looking for you. When you are home, at school, or anywhere, you are hiding from the predators. Some predators just want to beat you up because you're a queer. There are some who would kill you because of it. Others would want to take advantage of you by using you for sex and some would want to blackmail you for money. I understand you are expecting a full ride scholarship to a university and possibly a professional basketball career making lots of money. As you go through life, many predators will see you and watch for you to come out of hiding. That is when you will crave to suck someone's cock. That is the predator's opportunity to catch you. Then you will belong to the predator and he can make you do anything or take anything from you and you can do nothing, because he can expose you to the world as a faggot cocksucker, homo, queer."

"If someone finds out you're a homosexual, and exposes you to the public, no college or sports team will want you You will have to leave your family and friends and find a new life somewhere else. Even there, new predators would be looking to identify you as a cocksucker. In your own home, there are predators. You say you have a brother and a sister. If they find out you're a cocksucker they may tell their friends who may tell someone else who will blackmail you. Your mother is a friendly predator. That said, she will still harm you by trying to protect you and change you, which you know is impossible. She may send you to endless psychiatrists and doctors in an attempt to change you back to the Shannon she knew and loved, and word will get out at school that you've turned homosexual. Once she realizes that you'll always be a cocksucker, she may just turn away from you in disgust. You must do all you can to hide your new life from her." Tom said. He could see Shannon was hanging on every word he said.

"Now, you know what your friends at school are like. Only you know how they would react if they knew you were gay. Would they make fun of you? laugh at you or would they abuse you physically and sexually. I'm afraid your friends would make your life hell."

Tom got up and stood beside Shannon putting his arm around him. Tears were rolling down Shannon's face. Yet, Tom noticed Shannon was still hard. Tom wanted to stick his own hard cock in the young man's mouth, but he knew his words would carry more weight if he remained professionally neutral. Taking the picture from Shannon's hand, He held it low in front of the boy's cock.

"Go ahead Shannon. A faggot would want to masturbate onto the picture. Pump your cum onto the picture and then you can lick it up. That will confirm to me that you are the fag cocksucker I believe you to be." Tom said and patted Shannon's shoulder as he began masturbating and sending his cum splashing onto the picture. His knees grew weak and Tom held him securely until he had finished debasing himself.

Bending down, Tom laid the picture on the carpet and gently nudged Shannon down. He felt the satisfaction that comes when his work produces the desired effect as Shannon went to all fours and began licking up his cum from the picture. Tom sat back down and watched, gathering his thoughts to wrap up his talk with Shannon.

"When you finish Shannon, come over here and kneel between my legs." Tom said.

At the thought of having Dr. Stone's cock in his mouth, Shannon licked the last of his cum up and crawled over between the doctor's legs. He was disappointed to hear the doctor say he would not be sucking his cock.

"You must pay attention to what I'm going to tell you son." The doctor said as he let his hand pet Shannon's head.

"Do you understand how precarious your situation is Shannon? Tom asked

"Yes sir." Shannon answered, looking down.

"No, I don't think you do boy." Tom replied.

"According to what I've seen and heard from you, you are in the advanced stages of being a submissive faggot. That means there is no way back for you to return to being just Shannon."

"You must understand that you now live in two different worlds. The world where almost everyone is a sexual predator and you are their prey. This is the dangerous world where you must do everything you can to remain hidden. I see that you're starting to develop cocksucker lips already. If people start mentioning them, you might suggest that your family has a little negro blood in it." Tom said, smiling as he saw the fright in Shannon's face.

"The safe world you live in also has many predators. These predators mean you no harm. It will always be best for you to be submissive to them and do your best to bring them pleasure and keep them happy. You have to remember, these people are your true friends. They know you're a cocksucker, a faggot and a perverted sexual deviant. They know you'll do most anything to be allowed to suck cock and eat cum and yes, even drink their piss. You'll do all of these things because your brain will make you. It's the only way for your brain to release the pleasure your body needs. You'll find yourself submitting to the most degrading and humiliating acts to receive that pleasure. As long as you do these things in your safe world, you'll enjoy your life and have lots of special friends."

"Bob is the most important friend you have. You're only 18 years old and very immature. You know little of the world and because of your need to suck cock, you'll find it harder to concentrate on things you need to be aware of. I advise you to stay close to Bob. Listen to what ever he tells you. You don't want your mom to find out about you. You will be wise to come to Bob with everything that happens in your life. Your mom is not as smart as Bob is and since she doesn't know the whole story of what you've become, the decisions she makes regarding your career may not be best for you. "Don't let your mother make final decisions for you. You can listen to her as a son should do, but tell her you have to think about it first. Then go to Bob and let him tell you what to do. Your mother will be proud of you and see you're able to handle these things for yourself." Tom said, knowing Shannon was listening intently.

"Yes sir, thank you doctor." Shannon finally said. "Can I get dressed now?"

Tom put his arm around Shannon and walked him into the dining room. "Shannon, when you're in your secret world, and among friends, being naked would be the nice thing for you to be. It would tell anyone permitted to see you, that you're not a regular male. In the world out there, you need to pretend you're a man, but here, you need to show everyone that you're not. In your secret world, there is no longer any need for you to pretend you're a man. Instead, you need to display your naked body to real men and always appear submissive to them. That is the way you receive respect from real men. When you're with your real friends, you should always try to be naked without being asked to. It's simply the right thing for a faggot to do."

Yes sir, doctor. Thank you for helping me." Shannon said, even thought he was not sure Bob would want him to do that.

Tom and Shannon sat down at the dining room table with a coke as Bob continued his perverting of Shannon's receptive young mind.

"Shannon, I need to ask you how close you and Bob are.." Tom asked.

"Pretty close, doctor." Shannon replied. "Why sir?"

"This conversation is strictly between you and I." The doctor lied to Shannon.If you tell him I told you what I'm about to say, I will deny it, understand?"

"Yes sir." Shannon said feeling uncomfortable but curious.

"Do you have any idea of the mess you would be in if Bob got tired of you or mad at you and told you he didn't want to see you anymore?" Tom asked him, looking serious.

"Yes sir, I mean no sir. I guess I would be in trouble." Shannon replied. He tried to think of what he would do if that happened.

"Don't you see that within a week, half of Topeka and your mother too would know that you're a cocksucker? Your phone would be ringing off the hook with kids making fun of you, people cursing you and anyone who answered the phone. You'd be dismissed from the team and you'd have to leave school. Your friends would probably beat you up, and you'd get no college scholarship. Your basketball career would be over." Tom said sternly.

Shannon was now shaking and crying. The very thought that this could and probably would happen to him had shaken him badly. He'd never pictured such a horrific thing happening to him before.

"How can I make him not want to do that to me doctor?" Shannon cried. "I can't let that happen to me. I love my mother. I don't want her to find out about me."

The psychologist looked deep in thought as he listened to Shannon telling him he needed to know how to keep Bob liking him and helping him.

"Shannon, have you ever heard of bdsm?" The doctor asked.

"Yes sir, I joined some yahoo groups that someone had sent to me on my computer." Shannon replied.

"Did it appeal to you at all?" Tom asked.

"I don't know, I guess." Shannon said.

"Did you masturbate as you read about it Shannon." Tom said looking away.

"Uhh, no, not really." Shannon lied.

"Well, I do know of another young man in Kansas city that was in a similar situation as you are. He wasn't good at sports, but he was very smart and was going to get a scholarship but he got in trouble because he was arrested for sucking a cock in a restroom. He was a real faggot slave and owned by a man who had just become his master. He wasn't supposed to be sucking cocks in restrooms without his master's permission, but because he was owned, his master stepped in and paid some people some money and got him out of jail and no one found out about it." Tom said.

"The reason I am telling you about this guy is because he was fortunate that he was owned by his master. When a master owns a slave, it not only means the slave has to be obedient to his master, but it means the master is responsible for his slave. It is like the young man was his master's son. A father is always responsible for his son. A master is responsible for his slave. Not only because he owns him, but if a master chooses a slave, it is because he cares for his slave, maybe even loves his slave like a son. Does Bob love you like a son, Shannon?" Tom asked, looking deep into Shannon's eyes.

"Well, was the slave disobeying his master by sucking that cock in the restroom, or was he doing what he was told?" Shannon asked

"Shannon, it didn't make any difference if the boy was being disobedient or not. What father hasn't had a son who was disobedient at times. The father still loves the son and does what he can to protect him. As a matter of fact, the slave boy was being disobedient and although his master saved him from jail, the master still punished the slave by spanking him. Just like a father would do to his son. Do you understand?" Tom asked.

"Yes sir, I see what you mean. I don' t know if Bob would do that for me or not." Shannon said softly.

"Well, have you asked Bob to take you as his slave?" Tom asked.

"No sir, I guess I never even thought about something like that." Shannon replied. "I don't know how I would do that. Should I just ask him to?"

Tom had never considered himself gay or even bi, but this was getting difficult for him to finish his job. He needed release but this was no time for him to interject himself into the plan. He was however thrilled at how well his leading of Shannon was going. The 18 year old boy was out of his league and Tom felt he was actually doing him a favor by leading him into voluntary slavery. The boy needed structure in his life. He was going to become quite wealthy and would become a target of others who would fleece the boy with his eyes wide shut. He needed a father figure, or master like Bob who would have absolute authority over him. They would have to figure out how to deal with his mother. He obviously loved her so they'd have to ease her to the sidelines very delicately. The last thing that wanted was to have an angry mother. For now, they would let her assume she was in control of Shannon's future.

To be continued comments appreciated storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 16

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