Tulemans New Friends

By story dreamer

Published on Oct 14, 2012


Tuleman's New Friendsstorydreamer2006@yahoo.com

This fictional story contains gay sexual situations and unsafe sex. Keep this and all adult oriented material from minors. You must be an adult to read this story.

Tuleman's New Friends Chapter 16

Parked in the same place where Buddy had sexually assaulted Shannon, Terry was on

his knees in front of Buddy. Buddy ran his fingers through Terry's hair as Terry knelt with Buddy's cock in his mouth.

"Like I told you Terry, I'm sorry I treated Shannon so rough." Buddy said. "I'm not that kind of guy really. I was just getting back at him for something that happened to me last year. I think you and I can be real good friends and.....Oh man, you are one helluva cocksucker, Buddy groaned with pleasure."

Terry was happily sucking his new friend's cock and thinking about how his life was now changing for the better. He already knew he was falling in love with Buddy and his beautiful cock. He felt Buddy's cock explode into his mouth. His mouth was suddenly flooded with rich thick cum that he swallowed as his tongue encouraged more to come. Finally, Buddy pulled his cock out and wiped it off on Terry's face.

"I want you to know right from the get go Terry, I'm not a cocksucker. I may be bi, but I really don't know yet. Right now, I want you to be my cocksucker. I really like you and If you like me too, you'll do what I tell you, when I tell you." Buddy said quietly.

Inside, Buddy was thrilled how Terry, while still kneeling, hugged him tightly as he smothered his cock and balls with kisses. Terry proclaimed his love and devotion for Buddy and assured him he would always do what Buddy told him to.

Terry was in love for the first time in his life. Not just the love for cock, but the love of a boy who was dominating him and making him his personal cocksucker. He would tell Bob that he was not longer available to suck all their cocks anymore. He thought it would work because Bob and the guys now had Shannon as their cocksucker. He felt bad

about that but reasoned that Shannon liked cock now and nothing could change that.

Heading back into town, Buddy asked Terry for his cell phone. Taking it, he gave Terry his own cell phone. " From now on, you use mine. Nobody calls me anyway, so it's like a new phone and you shouldn't get any calls except from me. Keep it on 24/7 so If I need you, I can find you. If you think that's high handed and controlling of me, well, welcome to my world. As of today, I own you, so either submit to me or don't ever talk to me again."

"I love you buddy and I'm glad you own me." Terry said quietly as tears of love came down his cheeks.

"Good. For now, our relationship is somewhat secret. Your rep at school is in the toilet and right now, I don't want everyone knowing about us. Call me if you need to talk about

something or ask something, but you don't acknowledge me at school other than to say hi. It may change , but right now, that's the way it is. Got it?"

"Yes Sir." Buddy said quietly. "When can I suck you again?"

"I'll tell you when my little cocksucker." Buddy laughed..

Dr. Thomas Stone was sipping a soft drink with Shannon in Bob's dining room. He had dropped a bomb on Shannon and shattered his world. No longer the confident basketball star, the boy was shaking with fear and pleading with the Dr. to help him.

Tom Stone again began his psychological twisting of Shannon's ability to focus his reasoning ability. Black could be white, Up could be down. Shannon was lost and slowly he began to surrender his individual power to the


"I think it would be wise of you to start thinking of yourself as being an owned slave." Tom said as he watched Shannon tremble. You are naked in my presence and that is the way it should be. Whenever you're with your friendly predators, you should always be naked. Another thing, It shows disrespect when you take it upon yourself to sit in a chair or anywhere except the floor in front of a man, you know as a predator."

Shannon stared at the Doctor, not quickly understanding. The Doctor said nothing, but looked Shannon sternly in the eye. "Uhh, Should I sit on the floor now Doctor? Shannon asked, not sure of what to do.

"Well, I'm not a predator, but I am a man and I know you're a faggot cocksucker, so it would be showing me respect if you were to sit on the floor while we

talked." Tom said.

"I'm very sorry Doctor, I didn't know. I'm so sorry sir." Shannon apologized.

"That's ok boy.;Try to remember and I'm sure Bob would be pleased to see you show him the same respect from now on." Tom said "If you would like Bob's protection and be safe from being outed as a cock sucking faggot to your friends, classmates, family and especially your own mother, you need to beg Bob to take responsibility for you. You would not be his slave, but you would be giving him the same authority over you that you would give your Dad, if you had one. That way, he can supervise your cock sucking in a way that keeps you safe from those dangerous predators who would ruin your life. You need to show Bob that you can take care of all his sexual needs and anything else he needs you to do for him and convince him that you'd make him a

good obedient son. I would suggest that you remind him that you will be playing professional basketball and be drawing big money and that you would want him to control your finances for you. Let him know he would be doing you a huge favor by taking control of you."

"Will he let me be his slave, I mean son Doctor? What if he don't want me?" Shannon

stuttered. I mean it seems like I would be asking him to do a whole lot for me sir."

Tom smiled at the boy who had pulled his knees up high and was resting his forehead on them as he sobbed. Under his legs , Tuleman's flacid cock and balls rested on the floor. Tom could not help but think how much more rewarding it was tearing down a boy's self esteem than rebuilding it. He had destroyed Shannon's life with simple examples of what could happen in the wildest unbelievable scenario;that he was able to make Shannon believe it could and probably would happen.

Tom pulled the naked Shannon to him and rubbed his shoulders as he comforted him with tenderness. "Hush Shannon. It doesn't have to end up like that for you boy. When Bob comes home, You have a chance to convince him you would be a good son for him. Maybe he wants

a slave, we don't know.

Maybe he hasn't even thought about it. If I were you, I'd just

beg him to let you be his son, If he won't take you as his slave, judging from my experience with young males your age, you'll make a mistake and be outed to all your family and friends before too long. I doubt if you'll make it through basketball season before everyone knows you're a faggot cocksucker."

"Please Doctor, How can I ask him to do this. I'm afraid he;ll be mad at me and make me leave." Shannon said. The thoughts of impending doom that Dr. Stone had put in his mind had scared him to death. Already, Terry and Buddy knew he was a faggot and how long would it be before they told others and soon everyone would know.

" I suspect your mother will be the main problem. You'll have to tell Bob everything that she wants you to do and then do what he says. You can tell your mom that you're old enough to make your own decisions

and she may not like it at first, but she will realize that you're maturing and taking responsibility."

"There is one more thing you might offer Bob for taking control of you. You're not to tell him I told you this, but just yesterday, bob was telling me He'd love to have a boy drink his piss whenever he had to go. I told him you would probably do it for him, but he said he didn't want to force you to do that. If you offer that to him, I bet he'd let you swallow his piss for him. Do you think you could do that Shannon?"

"I don't know sir. I never done that before but I heard about it that slaves do it for their masters." But I'll have to do it if that will help Bob decide to take me."

"Well, I have to piss now, if you want to try it out, you can practice with me or wait til Bob

comes home. It might help you to know more about it before you try it for Bob."

Shannon felt a jolt of excitement at being able to have the Doctor's cock in his mouth. "Yes sir, I'd like to practice with you sir." He said.

Dr. Stone spread his legs. " Go ahead boy, take it out."

Shannon scooted up between the Doctor's legs and carefully pulled his zipper down and gingerly reached inside his pants for his cock. He noted that the Doctor's cock was hard as he wiggled it around so it would come out the opening. Looking the cock in the eye, he thought it was so beautiful. He glanced up at the Doctor who nodded to him.

As Shannon's lips encompassed the hard cock, he heard the Doctor telling him that he needed to make a good seal with his lips so so piss escaped his mouth

and messed his pants up.

"Coaxing piss from a hard cock takes longer than if it were soft" Tom said. "Just be patient and don't do any sucking on it. That would just keep it hard. Your mouth is simply serving as a urinal for my piss. Be ready for it to start. It may come out in spurts and a little at a time at first, but then it will be more of a steady stream so you will need to concentrate on swallowing quickly and breathing through your nose. Remember, if you fuck up and choke or gag on it and I end up with wet pants, I will not be happy with you and I'm sure Bob won't either. You can make him proud of you by swallowing all my piss without making a mess. When Bob comes home, and has to piss, you can beg him to allow you to drink it for him so he doesn't have to get up and go to the bathroom. He'll be happily surprised and that may be all you need to convince him to take

control of you. Here it comes boy." Doctor Slone said

Shannon listened intently to the doctor and felt a forceful spurt of urine hit the back of his throat. Quickly, he swallowed it. Another shot came through. He felt the cock pulsate and send another squirt into his mouth. Then a more steady forceful stream. Shannon swallowed rapidly, keeping pace with the cocks pulsing and squirting. He could see Doctor Stone smiling at him and he felt pride for pleasing him.

Doc Stone was smiling as he enjoyed using the boys mouth. He'd never done this before and he was simply enthralled at the pleasure it brought him. He'd always had his eye on the ladies but being able to influence a boy into drinking piss and mind fucking him has been the greatest turn on of his life. He thought of the young boy in Kansas city who was constantly being bullied by the older boys and

forced to suck cock. His mother told him to fight his own battles but the small pretty boy could only submit to anyone who threatened him. With a little mental programming, the remaining shreds of his self esteem and confidence would be disposed of and he could be turned into the type of pleasure boy Shannon was becoming.

He pushed more piss into Shannon's mouth as he watched the boy swallowing, his eyes now closed as he concentrated on his drinking. He'd done what Bob had asked him to do. Shannon was ready for voluntary slavery and bob was going to be the treasurer who held on to the boy's purse. He knew Bob would deliver on his promise of $200,000 when Shannon's payday came.

The sound of Bob pulling into the garage brought his thinking to an end. "Thats all of it boy, lick the last drop off and put my cock away like a good boy.

You did well and I'm sure Bob will be very proud of what you can do for him." Tom said as Shannon tucked his cock in his pants and zipped him up.

Next: Chapter 17

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