Tulemans New Friends

By story dreamer

Published on May 22, 2010


Tuleman's New Friends Chapter Four by storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

The following story is adult in nature depicting male on male sex. Keep this and all adult material away from minors. You must be an adult to read this story. Sorry to be so late getting this out. I'll try to do better now guys. Thanks for reading it and thanks so much for the emails.

Chapter Four

Friday morning came and Terry awoke with his usual morning wood. He lay there playing with his cock as he thought about having Shannon as his lover. This morning he would put on a good show and get Shannon out of trouble with his friends. Shannon would appreciate it and would be a good secret friend of Terry's'. He decided to fore-go the jack-off session and wait for tonight or Saturday and get together with Shannon. Standing in the bathroom after his shower, He took a pair of scissors and carefully trimmed the hair around his cock and balls a little shorter. He wanted to make them look nice for Shannon. As he cut, his cock bobbed up and down like a puppy wanting to play. Terry finished dressing for school and snarfed down a quick breakfast of eggs, sausage and toast his mom had made.

Sharon Wallace was an attractive woman of 35. 5-4 and slightly overweight. Having lost her husband years ago in an auto accident, she had struggled to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. She watched her son eating and was overcome with pride at how he had developed. He was smart and for years had worked part time jobs cutting grass and cleaning garages for people she didn't even know. He had pretty much made his own money by working hard and it had helped that she didn't have to keep giving him money. She had tried but he had always refused, saying he had some money. He even bought his own clothes. Sharon gave him a peck on the cheek as he headed for the door.

It happened right after 1st hour. Terry was at his locker getting his 2ND hour book out. He was keeping an eye out for Shannon. He was excited at helping his new friend escape the stigma of being gay. He knew how it had affected him his whole school life. Unlike Shannon, he had embraced it and he was happy being gay and sucking cock. He had several adult men friends but Shannon would be his first school friend. This had to look realistic to everyone who saw it. Then, he saw Shannon walking his way with some of his buddies.

"Hi Shannon, How's it going." Terry hollered cheerfully.

SLAM, BANG. Terry's head was slammed against the locker. Shannon grabbed Terry by the shirt and yelled at him. "DON'T FUCKIN TALK TO ME HOMO. Pulling him forward, he then threw him to the side where Terry lost his footing and fell to the floor. "Keep away from me punk." Shannon said with a sneer. Kids had gathered around to witness the clearing of Tuleman's reputation. Terry watched from the floor as his friend Shannon walked away with his friends slapping him on the back and laughing over the very funny thought that Shannon might be gay.

Terry got up, his head hurt from being slammed into the locker. He wasn't expecting Shannon to be so rough but he was happy it was over. He closed his locker and turned to go to class and glanced at Buddy Carlson who was looking at him by his locker.

"You OK Terry?" He said,

"Yeah man. thanks." Terry responded.

"Tuleman's an asshole for doing that to you." Buddy said as he closed his locker. "Take care of yourself. If you ever need someone to talk to, call me at home." With that, he turned and walked away.

Terry stood there with his mouth open, watching Carlson walk away. He'd never ever talked to him before now and he saw had seen sincere concern in his face. True, he'd waited until no one was around to speak to him, but he couldn't be blamed for that. Terry watched his ass as he walked away and suddenly realized that the guy had actually invited him to call him. Buddy wasn't very big. Actually, he was just about the shortest kid in school. Some of the guys called him a midget behind his back. Buddy was a junior and had arrived here in Topeka shortly after school had started. He wasn't athletic or outgoing, and looked like he should still be in grade school. Still, he was a good looking kid and the girls sure liked him a lot. Terry would never have thought that he was gay. Maybe he's just being nice to me, he thought. Closing his locker, he too headed for class, feeling good about Shannon and Buddy.

At Starbucks, Terry waited again for Bob. He'd decided to hold back information about Shannon. The less Bob knew about him, the better it would be for both he and Shannon. He didn't want bob to get hold of him if he could help it.

Bob turned the corner and Terry ran out and hopped in. "Hi Terry, glad you could make it." Bob said as he took off.

Terry handed Bob a cup of coffee he'd bought for him. They talked about the weather and school for a few minutes until they pulled into his driveway.

Sitting down in the living room, Bob put on the TV and went over to his computer and brought up the video Terry had sent him. Sitting back down, they watched Terry's seduction of Shannon.

"Terry my boy, Tuleman is going to make a fine cocksucker. I can tell the way he was getting into it. He may have some reservation about it, but trust me, he'll accept the fact he's gay before long. He just needs a little help and we'll give it to him." Bob said as they watched.

Terry looked over at Bob before asking him to stop the video. "Bob, I shouldn't have sent you the video. It wasn't right for me to do it. I kinda tricked him into the whole thing and I feel real bad about it now. If it wasn't for me, he'd never suck a cock."

Bob smiled at Terry and put his arm around him. "I think I know how you feel Terry. Tuleman's a big time basketball star and you think you screwed his life up. Terry, he's going to be around naked guys for years and sooner or later it was going to catch up with him. If not now in high school, then in college. If not there, then in the NBA. Nobody sucks cock unless somewhere inside him, there's a little queerness. It was always there, you just brought it to the surface. Look at the video. Did that look like someone that wasn't excited and happy to be fucking your face and having a cock to suck on?"

"Bob please, He's not like me. it's going to mess his mind up if you and the other guys start using him like you do me. He won't be able to take it." Terry said quietly.

Bob ruffled Terry's hair as he unzipped his pants and took out his hard cock. "I know what you need boy." Gently he pushed Terry's head a little until Terry couldn't stand it any longer and dropped his head down, taking the head of his cock into his mouth. Bob knew how to control the his little cocksucker. Terry was a full blown cock lover. Wave a cock at him and you had his full attention.

Bob listened to the sounds of a cocksucker happily engaged in his chosen profession and closed his eyes as he felt the familiar sensations shooting through him.

"What we will do is give Tuleman every chance to walk away from this. We're going to suggest to him that it's in his best interest to become our friend and enjoy our protection as he's allowed to explore his sexuality in a safe way. Here, he won't have to worry about his friends and family finding out about him being a cocksucker. I'll tell you what. If he objects and won't play with us of his own free will, then he'll be free to just walk away and we'll never say a word to anyone about it. Does that sound OK to you Terry?" Bob asked as he played with Terry's ear.

Terry nodded his head as he listened and sucked the big cock. He felt so much better having gotten that out of the way. Bob had been like a father to him and had always made sure he was taken care of. He'd never worried about going hungry or having to take money from his mom for school lunches and pictures and stuff. Bob's cock was about 7 inches hard and very fat. He was uncut and Terry had enjoyed moving the foreskin around with his tongue. He felt Bob stiffen and his mouth was flooded with his load. He always got a thrill when he felt it splatter against his back throat. The bitterness he'd first experienced had long since faded as he had gotten use to the taste. There was also the thrill of feeling used and being inferior to an adult. It was a feeling that had always been with him and one that had been firmly implanted in his head by Bob and all the other men who had praised him for becoming a cocksucker. It was a feeling that would shape

his entire life.

Terry had taken his clothes off and was laying on his back across Bob's lap. Bob was playing with Terry's 5 inch cut cock and balls. The video was playing again and Terry was watching through half closed eyes, his body feeling spasms of pleasure as he involuntarily reacted to the sensations his cock was experiencing. Bob was talking quietly to him, his relaxing words telling him to trust Bob and everything would be OK.

"I want you to think of all the fun and pleasure you've had since you became a cocksucker. You know how good my cock feels in your mouth or your ass. If you were like Tuleman, you would never have know the joy of being like you are now. I doubt that he has ever fucked a girl or had a blow-job. You know the kids at school are not sexually active like you are. Why would you want to deny Tuleman the same delights that you know. You and I have the power to guide him into the homosexual lifestyle that he would never have had the opportunity to explore if you hadn't lusted after him. Now you just have.....RING

Terry's cell phone went off and Terry looked at the number and shouted, "It's Shannon." before quickly answering it. "Hello."

"Terry, it's me Shannon."

"Hi Shannon."

"Look Terry, You keep your mouth shut about what happened. IT NEVER HAPPENED! If you say one word about it, I will deny it. Not only will I deny it, but I'll kick your fuckin ass from here to Kansas City. From now on, You don't know me, you don't talk to me. EVER! You understand me homo? YOU DON'T TALK TO ME, YOU DON'T CALL ME AND YOU SEE ME COMING, YOU BETTER FUCKIN HIDE! ...CLICK

Bob watched the boy's expression turn from bright and cheery to pale white. Terry sat listening and began trembling. He slumped forward and quietly began crying. Bob held him close, not saying anything. Obviously, Tuleman was being uncooperative. He had figured that Terry had actually fallen in love with the stud and was going through his first ever dumped episode. This was going to make Bob's plans for Tuleman easier. He could maybe replace that love he'd had for the star athlete with some righteous anger and revenge and get Terry to help him more than he'd thought possible.

Wiping Terry's tears away, He held him until he'd stopped crying. Then his hand dropped down again to the boy's cock and gently squeezed and pumped his cock until it started to respond. After Terry had repeated what Shannon had told him, Bob reassured him that Shannon would still be his friend and that they would show Shannon that he was going to be a cocksucker no matter what. Shannon had no idea that they possessed a video of him that would ruin him if people saw it. He explained his plan to Terry and could tell that the boy was once again on board and feeling better.

Terry was hard and approaching climax. His cock shot it's spurts up on his chest and neck. Terry opened his mouth as Bob retrieved the cum with his finger and fed it to him. He thanked Bob for helping him and taking the time to make him feel better. With sex out of the way, Bob showed Terry how to burn a DVD of Tuleman's first homosexual video. He explained to Terry how they were going to show Tuleman that he should change his mind.

At this very moment, Shannon Tuleman was having his own problem. Basketball practice had finished and he was in the showers with 15 other boys. Nothing but naked boys wherever he looked and he was having trouble keeping his eyes off their cocks. His fucked up brain was replaying images of Terry's cock just inches from his face and the softness of it as it slid in and out of his mouth. Oh shit he thought, he couldn't get it off his mind or the cocks away from his eyes and he felt his cock beginning to inflate. He thought of himself kneeling down in the showers and all the guys lining up to fuck his face. Quickly he hurried out of the shower and ran to his locker where he could hide his semi hard cock. He dried and slipped his underwear on before the guys saw his hard on. He finished dressing and ran out to his car before the other guys finished. Driving aimlessly, he found himself going by Terry's house. His cock was still hard and he had taken

it out and was playing with it. Finally, he drove out on a country road, got out and masturbated, shooting his load into the palm of his hand. Looking at his hand full of cum, he brought it to his mouth and dipped his tongue into it. It had that bitter taste and he spit it out and wiped his hand off in some grass. Driving home, the images of Terry's cock and all the cocks in the shower disappeared. He felt depressed again and vowed to never again jack off. He would never see Terry again and everything was going to be OK tomorrow. Putting his favorite tape in, he sang along with the music until he reached home.

As he got out of his car, he was aware of another car pulling up at the street and yelled at him to come to the car. He saw that it was Terry with some guy driving.

"What do you want? I told you to leave me alone." Shannon said standing away from the car.

Terry threw a DVD out at him on the grass. "I'm sorry Shannon, but please look at this when you're alone before you decide what you're going to do. bye."

Shannon watched them drive off. He didn't get a look at the driver. He picked up the DVD and stuck it in his pocket. Suddenly, he felt depressed again.

To be continued


Next: Chapter 5

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