Tulemans New Friends

By story dreamer

Published on Jul 18, 2010


Tuleman's New Friends Chapter 9 storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

Adult story, no minors allowed, This story depicts male on male sexual situations. It's fiction and all characters are at least 18 years of age.

Thanks for all the email and encouragement. The story will continue. Please let me know what you think. I also appreciate the suggestions.

Tuleman's New Friends

Shannon walked into the living room. His clothes were not where he had last seen them. The men and Terry were there, Terry was kneeling between Bob's legs with his cock in his mouth. "Here's our boy now.

"I have to go home now. My mom is expecting me and I have to help her. Where are my clothes?" Shannon asked.

"Is sucking cock starting to bother you Shannon?" Bob asked.

Shannon looked at Bob. "Yes sir, I never did this before and I'm going to play college basketball after I graduate and I can't be doing this anymore. People are going to find out and my whole life will be ruined. Please, I have to get out of here and go home."

Bob smiled. "Terry, get Shannon his clothes. Sucking cock has become a problem for him."

Terry brought Shannon's clothes over to him and Shannon began dressing, anxious to leave.

"I'll follow you home and talk to your mom. I wouldn't feel right letting you go off alone feeling like you do." Bob said

Shannon stopped dressing and looked at Bob in horror. "No, no, you can't come to my house. You can't talk to my mom. She can't know anything about this!" He said excitedly, still holding on to his pants.

"I'm sure you'd rather not have your mom know about you sucking all the cock you've been sucking, but I'll feel a lot safer if she was aware of it so she can help you deal with trying to quit. Once a guy sucks cock, its harder than hell for him to quit. She may have to take you to a special clinic and have some psychological treatment for you. The bad thing about that is you could be away from school and basketball games for several weeks and hopefully no one will find out why you've been locked up in a hospital." Bob finished and looked directly at Shannon who seemed in a daze. "I'm not sure what she'll want to do, but I do need to talk to her and alert her to what you and Terry have been doing together. She's going to want to see the video of you two, I'm sure." Bob added.

"I was hoping you'd accept the fact that you're a cocksucker and want to be our friend." Bob said. "Maybe you just need to spend more time with us. Now, do you want to stay longer or should you and I leave?" Bob asked.

Shannon needed no more incentive to stay. He threw his pants in the corner and slowly took his shorts off. "I'm really ok with you guys. I don't need to go. Can I stay?" Shannon asked.

"Well, I kind of wanted to talk to you mom, but if you think you're ok with cocksucking, I'll let you stay." Bob said. "But if I think you're having a problem with being a faggot, I'll have to come over and speak to your mom. If you'd like me to speak to her while you're in school, I can do that. I know where you live." Bob said.

Shannon tried to put on a happier face. "No please, I'm ok with being a cocksucker. I kind of like it."

There were several chuckles from the men sitting around. Bill and Don got up and thanked Bob for the entertainment and shook hands with Shannon telling him they hope to see him again real soon. Frank and Carl also made their excuses and all four men made their departure, leaving just Terry and Shannon with Bob.

"Terry, why don't you go take a shower and get cleaned up while Shannon and I talk." Bob said to Terry. Terry made his way upstairs to the bathroom.

Bob pulled his shorts down and spread his legs. "Come over here and kneel between my legs Shannon."

Shannon fell to his knees in front of Bob. Bob's cock was just semi hard.

"I want you to relax Shannon." Bob told him. "You're not going to suck me today. I think you've had enough cock for one day. I do want you to take my cock in your hand and explore it with your eyes and by touch."

Shannon's hand reached out and held the big cock. The touch of it was pleasant to him. The unnatural act of actually holding an older man's cock while he watched him and talked to him about it caused a stir in Shannon's own cock. All the sexual activity he had been involved in this morning and he had not realized that he himself had not been allowed to cum.

"You see how how soft a man's cock feels." Bob said softly. "You know how good it feels in your mouth.

Shannon nooded his head. He kept his eyes on the cock in his hand because he was embarrassed to look up at Bob. He could feel the cock jerk in his hand and begin to grow. He also knew that his own cock was growing also. The bizarre scene in front of him was unlike anything he had ever imagined. He was naked in front of a naked adult and he was holding the man's hard cock in his hand. He cupped the man's balls in his other hand. He kept hearing the words cock and cocksucker. It was dawning on him that he was being called a cocksucker and he suddenly knew in his heart that he indeed was a cocksucker.

I know it's not your fault that you became a cocksucker at this time in your life, but there is no doubt that you were destined to become one. Sucking a cock once may be considered a mistake of no consequence but the second you took it in your mouth again sealed your future as a cocksucker. Your brain releases a stimulant when it senses pleasure. Just like a cigarette smoker. When your brain doesn't receive it's nicotine, it lets you know that it needs it. A smoker becomes very irritable and nervous until it gets the nicotine. The smokers body then gets the stimulant from the brain that gives him that pleasurable feeling.

"Likewise, your body has accepted cocks in it's mouth and your brain now has identified cocks as a source of pleasure and rewards your body with that stimulant as a reward for putting cocks in your mouth and sucking them. The cum that you swallow is a part of that. Swallowing another man's cum brings you additional pleasure because by doing it, you know you are pleasing the man by elevating him above you in status. You therefore are being fed pleasure stimulant by your brain for making yourself available as a faggot cocksucker. Some men may ever refer to you in crude terms such as cumdump. Yesterday, being called a cocksucker, faggot or cumdump would have been demeaning and insulting to you. Today, you know that you are all of those things. Rather than being angry at being called them, you may now learn to not only accept them as being true, but secretly be proud and happy to know at last what you are. It had been

hidden from you causing you misery and unhappiness and you had no way of knowing why.

Shannon now feasted on every word that Bob was telling him. His 18 year old brain was grasping this information and storing it in it's archive. Shannon did not understand feelings that were happening to him. His cock was rock hard and twitching up and down. The beautiful cock in his hand had grown to it's fullness and he had never been able to be so close to such a magnificent cock and study it's beauty. His other hand was lovingly holding the cock's heavy balls. Shannon's face reached forward to take this wonderful cock into his mouth and bring it pleasure. His tongue was out to taste the bead of precum that had leaked out. He knew he needed to take care of the cock and swallow it's offering to him.

Bob's hand stopped Shannon from reaching the prize. "No, my little cocksucker. I will not allow you to suck my cock at this time. You are at my home because I requested you to come. I will let you suck my cock when you come here by your own will. There will be times that your brain will demand that you satisfy the craving of your body for a cock to suck. You will need the pleasure stimulant from your brain and it will only be given when you find a cock to pleasure. When you find a man to submit yourself to. When you lower yourself at his feet and use your body to bring him pleasure. Only then will your brain give you the pleasure you need. You will find and experience other ways to receive the pleasure that your brain will give you. You will learn that the very act of submitting yourself to humiliation and degradation will stimulate your brain into giving you what you crave."

Shannon was feeling the craving that Bob was talking about. A bubble of precum had appeared on his cock head and Shannon dipped his finger in it and brought it to his mouth. The slick cum tasted good and Shannon felt more pleasure being released by his brain, his own cock jerked some more.

Bob sensed his attack on Shannon was bringing results. Shannon had done a 180 degree turn-a-bout. His mental faculties were in retreat and Bob kept pressing the battle for shannon's mind.

Bob pulled Shannon up and sat the big boy on his lap. His hand took Shannons hard cock in his hand. Talking very softly to him, He gently squeezed and massaged his cock. "There will be many times you will need to masturbate because there are no cocks available for you to put in to your mouth. Masturbation will help you get throught those times until you can find a cock to suck. To get as much stimulant from your brain which your body craves, you will want to swallow your own cum and not waste it by throwing it away and that's a good thing for you to do. Eating your own cum will help you develop your taste for cum. Masturbation will help you, but you will need to find a cock to suck in order to get the most pleasure."

Numbly, Shannon sat there watching his cock being manipulated. His right arm went around Bob's shoulder for support as his ears listened to every word.

"Now Shannon, I think you should go home and think about being a cocksucker. If tomorrow, you feel like you need my cock in your mouth, You may come here and you can suck it as long as you want and it will be just between you and I. Is that OK with you?" Bob asked. as he pushed Shannon off his lap, Shannon's cock still hard and swinging.

Shannon dressed without looking back at Bob who was now holding his cock in his hand while he watched the basketball stud dress. "You don't have to wait for Terry, I'll take him back home." Bob said.

Shannon drove to McDonalds and bought a hamburger, fries and a drink. He sat in his car eating and thinking about what he'd done. 'Shit if any of the colleges found out about this, they wouldn't offer him a scholarship. If anyone in school heard about it, his life would be hell.' He could still taste the cum he'd swallowed.

A car parked next to him and he recognized the driver as Buddy Carlson. They exchanged glances and Shannon gave him a polite greeting and turned his head back around.

"Super stud can be nice or be an asshole can't he." Carlson said through Shannon's open window.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean Carlson?" Shannon answered.

"Whatever you want it to mean. I saw what you did to Terry. It was sick and I ought to tell

the principal. What would all those college coaches think about you then." Buddy said as he walked away.

"WAIT BUDDY", Shannon yelled, getting out of his car and walking quickly after him.

Carlson stopped and turned around, ready to defend himself. He was little but he'd always had a chip on his shoulder from being teased and he'd learned to fight even though he always lost.

Shannon was shaking when he caught up to Buddy, but he didn't look like he wanted to fight. Buddy stayed alert, not knowing what Shannon wanted.

"Please man, don't say anything to anyone. He promised me he wouldn't show the video to anybody. Please, I'll do whatever you want but I can't let people know what I did." Shannon blurted out, close to tears.

Buddy was stunned. He had no idea what Shannon was talking about. Buddy was talking about Shannon knocking Terry down in the hall at school. It dawned on him that Shannon had done something that he was ashamed of and thought that he had seen a video of it. Buddy was small but he wasn't stupid.

"Get in my car and we'll talk about it." Buddy said and walked back to his car. Shannon meekly got in on the passenger side. Buddy's mind worked quickly. Shannon had done something and he didn't want anyone to know about it. He would have to be careful with his questions so the stud wouldn't know he knew absolutely nothing about it.

"OK, now, tell me why you did it." Carlson said, looking at Shannon with a smug look.

Tearfully, Shannon laid everything out about how he had sucked Terry's cock and that Terry had caught it

on video and made him suck him again. Shannon was careful not to mention Bob and the other men. Shannon ended by pleading again for Buddy to keep his secret.

Buddy's heart was beating rapidly. Oh shit, this was huge. The biggest stud in school was a cocksucker and didn't want anyone to know and he thinks I know.

Thoughts of school in Oklahoma City flooded his mind. The beating he had taken trying to avoid having to suck the cocks of several members of the football team. In the end, he still had to suck their cocks. His mother had wanted to sue the school for his medical bills and charge those kids who'd done it with sexual assault, but Buddy had talked her out of it. They had moved to Topeka where his mother had a sister. He couldn't go back to school there in Oklahoma. All the students there knew that he had sucked cock and it was just too embarrassing.

That was why he had felt so sorry for Terry Wallace when he'd seen Tuleman knock him down.

Buddy started his car and pulled out of the Mcdonalds parking lot. He asked Shannon about him knocking Terry down in school and listened as Shannon explained that it was just an act.

Buddy drove and listened as Shannon begged him to not say anything to anyone. Buddy already knew what he was going to do. Providence had put this high school basketball star into his hands. The events in Oklahoma were going to be finally avenged. Tuleman was over a foot taller than he was and probably outweighed him by a hundred pounds. Buddy was going to give Shannon an opportunity to convince him to keep his secret. Turning off the paved road, Buddy slowed down on the rough dirt road, telling Shannon that there was a quiet place by a pond that they could


Pulling into a grove of trees, Buddy turned the motor off, took a deep breath and faced Shannon.

"I still think I should say something, but I'm starting to feel sorry for you. Here you are, a well known basketball star and everyone in town knows about you. Well, they don't know everything I guess. I know you're aware that if they found out you're a cocksucker, you'd have to leave town and you'd probably never play basketball again for anyone."

Shannon lowered his head and tears rolled down his face as he listened to the boy talk to him.

"I had to miss a whole school year because of an accident I was in," Buddy said calmly. He was more excited than he'd been in his life. "I'm 18 and only a junior, but I'm smart enough to know that you're in a helluva fix.

If I say anything to people about what you did, your reputation is going to be fucked up, big time."

"I want you to tell me what you're willing to do for me in return for me keeping quiet." Buddy said.

Shannon looked up at him. " I don't have any money but".........

"I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT MONEY!" Buddy yelled at him. "What else are you good at doing for me right now, here?"

The implication was plain. The little squirt wanted me to suck him too." Shannon thought. He knew he would do it. He would do almost anything to keep the world from knowing he was a cocksucker.

"I will suck your cock for you Buddy, but please don't tell anyone." Shannon said. his eyes down.

"Get out of the car

Shannon." Carlson said as he got out too.

They walked to the back of the car. Shannon watched as Buddy jumped up and sat on the trunk. "Take all your clothes off and hand them to me." Buddy said.

Knowing it was useless to object, Shannon removed his clothes and shoes, standing before him completely naked. Shannon's cock was plump but not hard.

"The first day I attended school here, You pointed at me and laughed at how little I was. Do you remember that?" Buddy asked.

Shannon remembered and nodded his head.

"I said do you remember that boy?" Buddy said louder.

"Yes, I remember Buddy. I'm very sorry I said that. Really sorry." Shannon said looking at


"Unzip me and take it out" Buddy said.

Shannon unzipped his pants and pulled out Buddy's hard cock. Shannon was surprised that the short dude had at least 6 inches of cut cock.

"Now, lick around it first and then I want you to bathe it with kisses and then start sucking." Buddy said.

As Shannon did as instructed, He did not see the wide grin on Buddy's face. Buddy had never had anyone suck on his cock and he loved the sensation that was going through his body. The power that had suddenly been given to him by Shannon himself was something he had never dreamed of. He remembered his digital camera in the glove box of the car. He had to get a picture of this, he thought. Pushing Shannon away from his cock, he hopped down and got his camera out of the


"Hey, no pictures." Shannon said backing up.

" Get your ass down on the ground now, cocksucker. Don't you ever tell me what I can and can not do." Buddy yelled at him. "You want me telling the whole school you're a fag cocksucker? Do You?"

"No sir, please no, I'm sorry." Shannon blubbered while falling to the ground.

"Good, now crawl over here and kiss my shoes fag."

Shannon quickly crawled and began kissing Buddy's shoes. Buddy was clicking away with his camera.

"Now, stand up and let me see what's between your long legs." He ordered.

Buddy was surprised by Shannon's hard cock. "You're hard. you cocksucker. You like being

treated like this don't you?" Buddy laughed.

Shannon nodded his head and murmured a yes sir. He stood there submissively as Buddy moved around him taking pictures.

To be continued


Next: Chapter 10

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