Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Oct 12, 2000


Okay okay... seems like this is becoming a weekly thing. I'm really trying to get these out at least twice a week but blah blah blah excuses excuses... I know... oh well. Anyways... I finally started writing my other story, which is gonna be for all you JC/Justin fans out there but... yup theres always a but... but I can't seem to think of a title for it so that kinda sucks... can't post it without a title, right? Exactly! So thats where my faithful readers come in. If you want a peak at the first chapter just e-mail me using 'untitled story' as the subject and a little message saying that you love 'Turn Around' and that Vocal76 is the best thing that ever walked the earth and you worship the ground that he walks on and... naw... you don't have to do all that... hehehehe... just wanted to see if ya'll would really do it... grin... so everyone that already started typing all that... um... hit the backspace key now... unless you really want me to smile and feel good about myself... and just say you wanna check out chapter 1 of untitled JC/Justin story or whatever... cool deal? cool. And for the title that I do choose the winner gets... drum roll please! A trip for two to McDonalds in the Bahamas!!!!! Okay maybe not... but I'll dcc you or e-mail you some .$29 hamburgers if I see you online in the boybands chatroom for all of you that kick it there.

Anyways... You guys rock! keep on reading and for those of you that do... keep on writing... okay on with the story.... Oh yeah, and enjoy! =)


Don't know them, wish I did though... Not implying that I know their sexuality (or homosexuality), wish I did though... if you're not 18 you shouldn't be reading... actually if you're not at least 18 you shouldn't be reading cuz that first statement implies that only 18 year old could read this so that disqualifies everyone that is over 18 and under 18... damn discrete mathematics course... look what schools doing to me... um... if you don't like homosexual material then you know where to go and its starts with an 'h' and has 4 letters... not hell silly... I meant home... =)

Turn Around Part IX ===============================================================================

"Whoa man... thats a hell of alot of cars dude." Justin called from the back seat of Marc's car. He gave no argument what so ever to JC having the front seat.

"Yup, welcome to the car show. I bet most of these cars out here are all show and no go." Marc smiled in the rearview mirror at Justin who just giggled.

Alan, Marc's kuya, took the other three guys in his van after informing them that he blew his motor being stupid early on in the day. Which of course made Marc laugh as he had boasted earlier that his car could indeed take Marc's car out. They parked off to the side and Justin was busy exchanging stupid faces with Chris and Joey through the window. Something caught JC's attention as he scanned through the entire line of import cars lining the makeshift drag strip.

"Hey babe," He threw a little sarcasm into his voice much like how he used to joke with Justin. "Check that out over there." He pointed off to a little red and all too familiar Civic SI parked off to the side at the lot across from them.

"Hmmmmm... I think I just found me a race... care to see some redemption?" Marc had a devilish smile on his face as he started his car back up.

JC smiled almost as evil as Marc. "Yeah, you wanna race bitch?" He started giggling hoping the Civic would be killed as bad as Marc had claimed.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwww yeah... I think we got a victim." Justin was nodding his head back and forth cockily.

They let the other guys know of the impending race. Alan suggested that JC and Justin switch over to the van to reduce the weight in Marc's car. Marc, on the other hand was confident that he'd be able to take whatever car came out at him even with two passengers. Joey, Chris, and Lance gathered to the front of the van to watch the race.

Marc pulled up in front of the civic and rolled down his window. "Hey man... you wanna race... bitch?" He added the last word in hesitantly which made Justin start rolling with laughter. The driver agreed after more shit talking and they lined up on the straight. Marc made them both buckle in and prepped himself for their run. They had a guy to flag both cars out for the drag run. Marc went into racing mode immediately watching the flagger intently ready to break off the line at the drop of his hands. Both cars were ready, the civic driver just smiled arrogantly already thinking he had the race. Then the flagger dropped his hands. Both cars scrambled for traction but while the civic spun his tires at the line Marc grabbed immediately and jumped ahead by a whole car length. By the top of first gear Marc was already 4 cars ahead but the civic still didn't give up. Going into third gear the civic was at least 10 cars behind. Justin sat amazed as he was plastered into his seat. JC looked in the side mirror to see the civic's headlights way in the back. They hit fourth and the civic was still trying as best he could to catch up though he was at least 15 car lengths behind Marc already. After being thoroughly whooped on they headed back down towards the start line. The civic drove by them slowly, dogging them to which JC could only respond, "Turbo baby!" which just pissed him off even more. The other guys were ecstatic about the whole ordeal until Chris made a comment insinuating that Marc's car wasn't that fast and that if he really wanted power he should have got a Camaro or a Vette. Hearing that JC, totally confident that Marc could take out either one, began looking through all the parked cars and eventually found a Camaro. Marc took him out too, much to the entire crowd's delight. With that and a few other kills under his belt they headed home leaving Chris utterly speechless.

It was 5:00AM when they all started waking up to prepare for Moroso. Joey and Lance decided to crash at Justin's pad since they got back late from the races. Marc was the first one up and ready. He woke Justin up first and the two of them had their fun waking the rest of the guys up. Alan came by with his Pathfinder to tow Marc's car down to Moroso. They really were a Nissan loyal family which Chris didn't fail to comment on. He also threw in side comments about Amercian muscle cars defending that the Camaro Marc took out the night before must have been an automatic. With Marc's Sentra loaded on the trailer all that was left was to wait for Lance to finish getting ready. He was constantly losing the bathroom war as the rest of the guys were able to sneak in before he could even have time to argue. JC had his jeep loaded up and was hoping that Marc would ride down to Moroso with him. Alan, however, had wanted to play catch-up with Marc and insisted that Marc ride with him, much to his disappointment. JC worried even more when Marc invited Justin to ride with them. Lance finally made his way out of the house and sprinted towards the jeep.

"Hurry up LOSER!" Joey and Chris yelled in unison holding big L's over their foreheads as they laughed.

"Fine, fine already!" Lance decided to cut through the lawn rather than make his way all the way over and down the driveway. He didn't see the sprinkler and hose strewn across the lawn as he ran and eventually got caught in it and landed face forward in the grass with a splat much to Joey and Chris's amusement.

"KLUTZ!!!!!!!! LANCE IS SUCH A KLUTZ!!!!!!" They both roared in laughter, doubling over in the jeep.

"Hey you guys, thats not nice man." Marc looked at Joey and Chris seriously as he made his way over to Lance to help him up.

He leaned down to pull Lance up as JC and Justin looked over to check out Marc's rear again. They looked over at each other realising what the other was doing and threw each other smiles and a giggle then of course looked back for one more glimpse.

"You guys he's not a klutz, thats so mean man." Marc looked over at Lance and helped him brush himself off. "You okay man?"

"Yeah, don't worry about them teasing me. I'm used to it. Besides I'll get them back later anyways." Lance smiled at Marc. "You know you're pretty cool. I'm glad JC found... um... JC and Justin met you."

Marc threw his arm over Lance's shoulder and helped him to the jeep. He looked at Joey and Chris sternly. The two of them looked away ashamed after seeing Marc angry with their treatment of their own friend and brother.

"He's not a klutz guys thats so messed up. He can't help it if he's coordination deficient." Marc helped Lance into the jeep and started walking off cooly.

"Yeah... I'm not a klutz, I just kept help it if I'm... HEY!!!!!" Marc's words finally made their way into his head. "I take that back Marc." Lance called out as Marc took off running for the Pathfinder. It only elicited more laughter from the rest of the guys as well as Lance.

Chris slung his arm over Lance's shoulder in the backseat. "I'm gonna like this guy. We're gonna have some fun with you Poofu." He grinned and ruffled up Lance's hair as they drove off.

JC grinned at Chris's last comment. It just made him feel good thinking that the rest of the guys would accept Marc with open arms. He hoped that Joey and Chris wouldn't trip out once they found out about his and Justin's secret. He glanced over at the Pathfinder and doubts started swimming over his face as he saw Justin and Marc in the backseat rolling in laughter at some joke the two were sharing. He drove on to Moroso in silence trying to think things over.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Pathfinder...

"So how did you end up hooking up with the New Kids on the Block, Marc?" Alan asked from the driver's seat. He glanced into the rear view mirror at Justin and grinned.

"Anyways... They're not New Kids on the Block kuya. My god you're so old. And I was all here thinking that you were still cool." Justin smiled over at Marc for defending him. "Anyways. These Backstreet boys have been really cool to me since I met them." Marc grinned back at Justin.

"Hey!" Justin punched Marc in the arm lightly and they all started laughing.

"Ow!" Marc pretended to be hurt as he rubbed the spot Justin had punched. "I think thats a lawsuit right there."

"Awwwwwww... you want me to kiss it and make it better?" Justin started talking as if Marc was a two year old. He leaned in and kissed the spot on Marc's arm. "Fuck he's hot, and damn he smells good too." He thought as his lips touched the sleeve of Marc's t-shirt.

The whole car broke off into laughter. Jeanie, Alan's wife, turned around and smacked Justin on his thigh. "No kissing on the first date." The four of them burst into laughter yet again.

Justin looked out over at the jeep following next to them. Joey and Chris immediately started doing their stupid faces routine. He looked on as JC stared straight ahead looking serious as he drove. Justin crawled over and was practically sitting on Marc's lap. He and Marc started doing blowfishes against the window causing more laughter between both cars. The entire ride to Moroso was a blast between Marc and Justin's antics in the Pathfinder and Joey and Chris's antics in the jeep. They arrived a little after 10 just in time to complete last minute registration. JC looked a little lost and withdrawn as he was thinking and worrying about Marc again. He even managed to brush Justin off a few times. But he still couldn't say no to Marc.

"Hey Josh, can you help me get the car off the trailer?" Marc jumped up behind JC still bundled with energy from the ride over.

"Sure, what do you want me to do?" Of course if Marc asked him JC was going to go along.

"Um, just guide me off it while I drive it off. Tell me if I'm gonna scrape the front end off or if I set the angle too steep. Cool?" Marc jumped up on the trailer and into his car. He fired it up with a low grumble.

When the car was off the trailer Marc ran around to the trunk. JC started to walk off again to lose himself in thought when Marc called out to him again.

"Hey Josh! Where you going man?" Marc ran up behind him and jumped on his back, still hyper about running his car at a real track.

"Um, I was gonna go up to stands where all the other spectators are." JC turned his head a little to look at Marc, who was resting his chin on his shoulder. Their faces were mere inches apart. With that, Marc jumped off, leaving JC sighing.

"Nope, here, wear this." Marc tossed JC a jacket.

"Whats this?" JC held the jacket up to see the back.

"Its my 'Mo Speed' jacket. Thats my race crew back home. It means you're gonna be part of my pit crew." Marc beamed a smile back which served to just melt JC all over again.

"You sure, I won't really know what I'm doing, I won't be much help." JC was hesitant about putting the jacket on. "I dunno, what about Justin?" He had been thinking that Justin was having second thoughts about turning Marc over to him and he wanted to do the right thing and return the favor. Plus it looked like Marc and Justin had been clicking pretty good on the ride down to Moroso.

"C'mon man! I thought you were gonna be my cheerleader." Marc whined and pulled JC by the hand back to the staging area.

"Yeah, but I mean, I thought Justin wanted to help too." JC pushed a little.

"Um... okay... I guess I'll let him use my other jacket." Marc pulled another jacket out of his trunk. "YO JUSTIN!!!!!" He called Justin over and showed him a jacket.

They looked over to the stands and saw Jeanie, Chris, Lance, and Joey waving at them. Alan made his way down to the staging area with Justin. Marc tossed Justin the jacket and told him to put it on. Alan already had his own Mo Speed jacket on being that he was from the Florida chapter.

JC helped out as much as he could as they prepped the car. He was very eager to learn and everytime he looked doubtful Justin would push him which only served to confuse him more. Marc's test run finally came up and they made their way towards the lights.

"You really expecting to hit an 11.01 with that thing? You don't even got no slicks on that baby." An Integra owner was being staged against him on this test run. He smirked as he talked.

"Yup, and I don't need no slicks. I'm pretty sure I can post it on my street tires." Marc said casually.

"Not in no Sentra. Get a real car!" One of the Integra's little pit crew called out and sent the rest of them into laughter.

"Look man, you haven't even..." JC started to get angry for Marc but Marc cut him off.

"Josh, don't worry. We'll let the car do the talking. And trust me it'll shut them up." He smiled at JC to ease him. "Plus at least I know what Honduhs are in Japan." He whispered to JC and smiled even more.

"You better tear him up then, or... or..." JC smiled then decided to finish. "Or you're not getting any of this tonight." He turned around and slapped his own ass, then smiled at Marc seductively.

"Hey, don't make promises you won't keep. Cuz this is as good as mine." Marc slapped JC's ass playfully. Justin watched the entire exchange and sighed, then threw JC a smile when JC caught him staring.

"Wish me luck!" With that Marc jumped into his car as they lit up the lights on the tree.

JC, Justin, and Alan stepped back to their little area. The announcer mentioned that Marc was running with a full interior and on street tires. When he mentioned Marc's dial in time JC and Justin could hear alot of laughs from the crowd. It made them feel bad for Marc and JC hoped that Marc could pull it off. Alan looked just as cockily confident as Marc did and saluted him as the lights counted off.

The lights hit the green and Marc flew out of the box. His tires gripped evenly and he made his way down the straight leaving the Integra behind about a quarter ways down the track. His final time was true to his word as he posted the 11.01 second quarter mile at 126mph. The crowd threw up roars of disbelief and awe. Even the announcer was in awe as no front wheel drive car had ever posted a time that fast with street tires and a full interior until Marc set that run.

"OH MY GAWD!!!!!" Marc ran from his car towards JC, Justin, and Alan jumping up and down in excitement. "I didn't think I'd come that close! Shit I hit it right on the dot. I mean... DAMN!!!!! 11.01 on street tires with a full interior! Its just not done. Oh shit! Did you see the Integra? He had slicks and I smoked him! But DAMN!!!!! 11.01 seconds... my run! I haven't even had a chance to run in Cali yet! And I threw down 11.01 in Florida! Shit! 11.01... DAMN!!!!!"

"Calm down bro. C'mon breathe." Alan acted as if these things happened everyday.

"Calm down? You want me to calm down?" Marc was practically yelling. "I just hit an 11.01 second pass and you want me to calm down? I just set a record kuya!"

JC stared on amazed at how much of a bundle of energy Marc was at the moment. He was so cute when he was all worked up and excited like this. JC just couldn't hide the smile on his face. Justin nudged him and looked over to Marc. He looked at Justin questioningly and Justin kicked him and told him to congratulate him.

JC walked up to Marc shyly. He extended his hand then pulled Marc into a hug once he connected. "Congratulations man." He patted him on the back and held him for a while. "Man, you need to calm down buddy. You're heart's beating like a million miles a minute babe."

"Sorry... its just that... damn... 11.01. The Integra didn't even come close. It's something that hasn't been done before, at least not in the states. I'm not even sure if its been done in Japan. Especially not in a front wheel drive Nissan. And I did it. I actually hold a world record. In a car that I built."

JC pulled him closer. "C'mon calm down. Breathe, like you're kuya said."

Justin watched the exchange and smiled. They looked so perfect together. It almost brought a tear to Justin's eye. He hoped they would get together soon because watching them both was just killing him.

"Man... I just can't believe that I did that. It's like I hold a record for something and I built that car. I mean... man." Marc was still rambling.

"Hey, calm down, man." JC giggled and still held Marc until Justin broke them.

"Ahem... I think I'd like to give him my congrats too you know." Justin tapped JC on his shoulder pushing for him to release his grip on Marc.

"Um... sorry." JC blushed a little realizing that he had been holding Marc like that for quite a while.

"So this is as good as mine then." Marc slapped JC's ass jokingly which brought giggles from the three of them.

"That was an awesome run bro." Justin pulled Marc into a hug and released him. "Gotta give you mad props."

Justin and Marc did some little handshake that they had made up on their way down to Moroso. JC looked on and frowned a little seeing that they had something that intimate going on. He and Marc didn't even have a handshake and they had spent more time together. JC started to get confused all over again.

A few other mechanics and teams came down to greet Marc and congratulate him on his run and for the new record. Several of them were amazed that he was able to pull that run off on street tires with the full interior, much less in an older Nissan Sentra, an underdog in the sport compact car market. It was almost two hours before Marc ran again. He set up on the line again revving his engine at the lights to the crowd's delight. The lights lit up again and he was off as the crowd roared. He was even more amazed when his new time was posted, shattering the record he had set earlier. This time he posted a 10.24 second quarter mile at 135 mph. Unfortunately he was eliminated for breaking his dial-in time.

Marc came running out of his car again. This time he busted two backflips from all the excitement which caused JC, Justin, and Alan to laugh. "I am a god!" Marc screamed excitedly, causing JC, Justin, and Alan to laugh even more.

"You could be my god." JC thought to himself as he smiled.

"Did you see that?????? I just killed my time! I hit a 10 second quartermile in like 10 seconds... I mean... in my car! And I built that thing! Did I mention it was all done on street tires???? And with my full interior? And I drive the car everyday on the street? And I'm not even running full boost yet? And I built it? Wooooohooooo!" He did another backflip to signify his happiness.

"But they eliminated you though? I don't get it?" Justin was a little confused but happy as well for Marc.

"When you do bracket racing you need to stick as close to your dial-in time but not beat it. He pretty much slaughtered his dial-in with this run so they had to eliminate him." Alan ruffled up Marc's hair and congratulated him as he explained it all to Justin. "How's the car running now Marc?" He threw in to make sure the car was still driveable.

"Its awesome.... I mean... nothing wrong whatsoever. I mean... its totally driveable home, even after those two runs. I mean... shoot... I built it man... and I hit a 10 second pass... Do you think ateh Jeanie got it on camera? I need to send that back home. Mike will be shitting in his pants when he sees that. Oh my god... I need to get my timeslips... shoot. I hit a 10 second pass." He was still brimming with energy and rambling on about his run.

"C'mon, lets get you something to drink and get you calmed down babe. Maybe you should walk some of that energy off." JC swung his arm over Marc's shoulder and started walking with him. Marc still rambled on as they walked, bringing a smile to JC's face.

Justin smiled at the sight of them. Alan wore a smile as well but looked like he was frowning as well. It worried Justin a little and he smiled at Alan as they packed up their tools and loaded them back up on the pathfinder. They all got ready to go and called the others down from the stands. Marc got a few numbers from some local mechanics and racers who were more than willing to help him out with his car if he ever needed it. He was still bounding with contagious excitement when the others came down. Alan had pulled Marc aside to talk to him for a bit and Justin could see the serious look on both of their faces as he talked to him. Justin wished he could know what they were talking about when Marc came back minus most of his hyper energy from earlier.

Justin rode back to Orlando with Marc in his car. Alan and Jeanie decided to stay down to visit some friends for the rest of the weekend. JC, Chris, Joey, and Lance rode back in the jeep. The entire time JC just stared on as Marc and Justin seemed to be having a blast in his car. He had wished that Justin would have driven, thinking that could have been him in Marc's car. He was feeling a little bad that he was feeling all this jealousy towards Justin at that moment. He also wondered why it seemed that Justin had changed his mind on the whole Marc deal anyhow. It was about 6PM when they finally pulled back up to their place in Orlando. JC immediately went up to his room complaining he was a little tired and just wanted to go to sleep. Joey, and Chris just teased him for being his normal sleepy headed self. Marc and Justin pulled up after the rest of the guys had gone in and unpacked.

"Honey we're home!" Justin yelled as he Marc in like a bride. The rest of the guys laughed at how corny the whole thing looked.

"That was just too freaking awesome today Marc. I totally take back everything I said earlier about your car being slow man." Chris congratulated Marc on his two awesome runs earlier.

"Yeah, that was the shit man! I mean who would have ever thought you could fit a V-8 in there and make that much power." Joey added in excitedly.

"Um... its a four, we went through this with Josh yesterday." Justin stated as if he was now some sort of car guru.

"For reals?" Joey said surprised.

"Yup... with a turbo and a Marc built engine." Justin smiled as he got to spiel what the whole deal on the car was.

"You built that thing too, Marc?" Chris asked surprised.

"Yup, him and his best friend back home did all the work themselves." Justin answered proudly.

"Thanks Marc, when did you get so tall and white all of a sudden." Chris shot back sarcastically. Marc laughed at Justin and Chris's exchange.

"Um, where'd Josh go?" Marc asked taking notice of JC's absence.

"He went upstairs to nap, you know him." Lance rolled his eyes. "Mr. Sleepy head as always."

"Yeah, so what Mr. Coordination Deficient." Joey shot at Lance trying to defend JC but really looking for a window of opportunity to pick on Lance.

"Hey man... just kick me when I'm down Big Red." Lance shot back at Joey.

"Um... I'm gonna go see whats up with him." Marc ran up the stairs and knocked on JC's door lightly. He could still hear the rest of the guys horsing around downstairs. "Josh?" Marc pushed the door open lightly and saw JC resting on his bed. He walked over and shook him lightly again. "Josh."

JC had wanted to pretend that he was asleep but just had to answer Marc in the end. "Um yeah?"

"You're tired huh?" Marc laid down next to him and stared at the ceiling.

"Yeah, a little." JC still had his back turned to Marc but knew he had laid down.

"Guess it was a busy day, huh?" Marc asked.

"Yup, but you got to do your thing. Justin seemed to have a blast helping you today though." He kind of wanted to cry thinking of this and talking about it.

"Yeah, but I didn't really get to spend alot of time with you though." Marc turned his back to JC.

"Yeah, it just looked like you and Justin were having a blast though." JC couldn't think of anything else to say.

"You already said that silly." Marc chuckled a bit, then got silent. "Um... you wanna do something tomorrow... I mean... if you're not busy." Marc asked timidly.

"Um... sure... but I thought you had to go your aunt's or something." JC answered, still trying to dodge Marc, though he wanted to be with him.

"Oh shoot... forgot about that. Um... how about you go with me? Its like a practice tomorrow night for their culture show. I mean, if you don't mind. You don't really have to go, but I mean if you wanted to go then I'd be happy to take you as my guest and..." Marc rambled on.

JC turned over and pressed his chest against Marc's back. He draped his arm over Marc's waist and pulled him close. "Thanks, and sure I'll go." Marc nuzzled up against him a bit.

"Cool. So I'll pick you up tomorrow then. Um we could do something before if you wanna." Marc gently ran his fingers over JC's playing with them a little as he flirted with JC.

"Yeah, sure, whatever you want." JC smiled. He just felt so right being here with him but confused him to no end as he remembered Justin and Marc earlier in the day. He turned back over releasing Marc so that he could think.

Marc had a confused look on his face that JC couldn't see. He sat up slowly. "Um... well... I'll call you tomorrow then? I better go though. Its been a long day and I think I just wanna go to sleep too." He sat there contemplating if he should hug JC or not but finally decided to do so, then got up and walked out leaving JC alone in the room.

"You could've slept here with me." JC mumbled to himself when Marc closed his door.

A few minutes later Justin came in the room and bounced on JC's bed.

"Wake up you ass!" Justin shook JC violently. "I know you're not sleeping jackass!"

"What?" JC grumbled.

"Marc just left but he looked a little distressed. What the fuck man?" Justin seemed a little angry and annoyed with JC at that moment.

"Oh, really? Why?" JC kept his back to Justin.

"Thats what I'm here to find out dork." Justin bounced some more. "Get up."

"No, I'm sleepy." JC shoved his head under his pillow hoping that Justin would go away. The whole Justin and Marc thing was confusing him and he didn't really want to be around either one.

"Nope, whats bothering you? You've been detached since we got to Moroso. What's wrong. The truth too. No beating around the bush either. Simple truth to my face." Justin pushed at JC wanting to know what he could do to make it better.

"Okay." JC paused a bit and bit his lip. He wanted to cry but found himself talking eventually. "You still like him, don't you." He closed his eyes as he felt the first of many tears slide down his face.

"OH MY GOD! Is that what this is about? Josh you are such a dork!" Justin got up and paced the room.

"You do, don't you?" JC curled up a bit but didn't sob, he just let the tears trace paths down to the bed as he lay there.

"Fuck! I spend the whole day practically spilling my all on you to gauge a reaction from him and you know what? Its you that he's into man. My god! I thought you were bad. But he wouldnt' shut up about you all the way up from Moroso not to mention all the way down in his brother's car." Justin was on the verge of screaming.

JC perked up a bit. "Really? You're not lying?" He wiped the tears from his face and turned over in surprise.

"No shit sherlock! It was Josh this... Josh that... Josh is so funny... Josh is so sweet... Josh did this... Gosh... if thats not any indication..." Justin tried to call himself down. He picked up JC's phone and dialed a number. "Here talk to him when he answers."

"Justin I..." JC was cut off before he could even finish.

"Talk damn it." Justin held the phone to JC's ear. JC picked it up.

"Um... hey... I guess you're not back yet then... um... call me when you get back .. I just wanted to make sure... you were um... okay... and all. So when you get this message I guess just call me when you get his message. Um bye... and I hope to hear from you soon." JC obviously couldn't think of what to say.

"Yeah, that didn't sound too gay Josh." Justin stated as he hung up the phone.

"Yeah, I guess so, huh?" JC giggled a little thinking how stupid he must've sounded.

"You were crying over this, weren't you?" Justin said as he pulled JC into a hug. "I'm sorry man. I guess I should've told you what I was up to."

"No its okay, you're too sweet Justin." JC sighed in Justin's arms. "If only you were Marc." He thought secretly.

The phone rang and JC and Justin stared at it. Justin finally picked it up and handed it to JC to answer with a good idea who it would be.

"Um... hi. Yeah, I just wanted to make sure you got home okay... you know for my own peace of mind." JC smiled as he used Marc's own line against him. They both giggled a bit.

Justin got up and left and JC mouthed a thank you to him on his way out the door. Justin threw him a smile and closed the door. He leaned up against it and sighed listening in for a few as he let a single tear roll down his face. He wiped it off and composed himself and walked downstairs to hang out with the other guys.


Okay yeah, not as long and I think less dialogue as I've been making the other chapters and still kinda blah. But I'm getting to the point and trying to um... develop? the characters... hehe yeah, lame excuse. Anyways... hopefully if people poke me and prod me enough I can have chapter 10 out maybe Sat or Sun. so wish me luck and crack that whip... and as always... Questions, comments, flames, whatever can be directed to my e-mail at vocal76@hotmail.com ... peace and adobo grease!

Next: Chapter 10

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