Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Oct 17, 2000



You can skip this if you're over 18 and you like homosexual material... but just gotta let you know I really really really really really really really really wish that N Sync was gay but they're probably but I don't know that for sure since I don't know them. Cool? Okay read on...

Okay... suggested reading... You have to read these. I mean must or you will die!!!!!!!! Okay yeah, overexaggeration but hey... you really have to read these if you're like a huge JC/Justin fan like me... even though 'Turn Around' is screaming otherwise but hey... anyways... I'm just babbling and stuff now so I'm gonna just get to the point.

Any Path/No Painless Way....... by Dara Lynn

This set of stories is the bomb!!!!!! Dara Lynn is like this totally

awesome writer that is like light years ahead of anything my feeble self

could ever come up with.

Interludes.......... again by Dara Lynn

See above for gracious comments for Dara Lynn. =)

Devotion..... by Angel1313

Awesome story. JC and Justin are like sooooooooo cute in this one...

you have to read it.

Josh and Just..... by AJ Shukla

Problee one of the longest running JC/Justin stories out there. Love the

way those two are in here, practically married. Hehehe...

Dirty Mind Games.... by Vocal76 <-------- ME!!!!!!!! Wooohooo!!!!!

I'm having fun with this one... I think I love to write JC as an airhead

even though Justin's the blond one. hehehe... This one is gonna be all

JC and Justin.

Um.... theres a ton of others too... but I really think I should get to the story though... don't want you guys to be reading like 71K of suggested reading and only like 30K of story... hehehe... that would kind of be funny, huh? Alright...

Turn Around Part X ===============================================================================

It was close to 11 AM when Marc came over to the house. He was dressed in his church clothes. White button up, shirt, black tie, black slacks, relatively simple attire, but he looked good none-the-less. Justin, of course, didn't fail to comment on that fact either. And even without his cereal he smiled for Marc. JC was still asleep so Marc went in to wake him.

"Josh, wake up man... I knew I shoulda called." Marc lay down next to JC.

JC had a peaceful smile across his face. He slept smiling. Marc turned on his side and shook JC lightly again. He smiled a bit more then turned and pulled Marc close to him in his sleep. Marc tried to break free but JC just pulled him even closer and smiled and ended up nuzzling his head to Marc's chest. Marc didn't have the heart to try and wake him further so he lay there thinking. He absentmindedly ran his fingers lightly through JC's hair, kissed his forhead lightly and then drifted off to sleep as well.

Justin lay in his room contemplating. He had watched the whole thing through JC's open door. He saw Marc kiss his forehead. The huge thing that did seem to keep gnawing at him was the way Alan had talked to Marc the day before, before they left Moroso. It bugged him even more than the thought of being without Marc and JC. He eventually drifted off back to sleep.

The phone and a warm body brought JC out of his slumber. He looked up to see Marc smiling down on him in his sleep. He snuck a kiss in on his cheek hesitating for a bit before he picked up the phone.

"What do you want Lance?" JC grumbled into the phone.

"Um... its Joey, and you need to uh... WAKE UP!!!!!!" Joey screamed into the phone causing JC to wince in pain.

"I am... what do you want?" JC grumbled, obviously upset.

"What are you gonna do today? Anymore races?" Joey asked excitedly.

"I'm going out with Marc later. And no races cause he has to work tomorrow." JC said plainly trying to hide his annoyance. He looked up at Marc and smiled at his sleeping face.

"Cool, where are we going?" Joey still wreaked excitement.

"Um... we're going to his aunt's house to help out, I don't know what you're doing though." JC smiled hoping that Joey would get the point.

"Ooooooh, does he have any cute cousins? Asian girls are sooooo hot." Joey drooled out over the phone.

"Um... I don't know." He raised his voice a little getting frustrated that Joey could be so dense sometimes. He quickly looked at Marc to make sure he was still napping then rested his head back on Marc's chest. "And didn't I say that I didn't know what you're doing?" JC pushed hoping desparately that Joey would get the point.

"Duh! You just said we're going to Marc's aunt's." Joey obviously wasn't getting it.

"No, I said we, as in Marc and I, are going to his aunt's house. And I don't know what you, as in you, Chris, Lance, and Justin, are doing." JC sighed in frustration again seeing that he would obviously have to spell things out for Joey.

"Awwwwwwwww c'mon! Don't hog up the new guy! Me and Chris haven't had alot of time to kick it with him!" Joey whined.

"Man, you make it sound like he's a toy!" JC spat out over the phone, his frustration with Joey overwhelming him.

"Yeah, and you and Justin been hogging him up since day one. I'm gonna tell mom. MOM!!!!!" Joey yelled over the phone again. He was really getting on his nerves now. Plus he screamed loud enough to wake Marc up.

"Call you back later, man." JC quickly hung up the phone. "Nice nap baby?" He asked Marc before laying his head back on his chest.

"I came here and you were sleeping." Marc yawned and stretched a little as he lay with JC resting on him. Marc smiled down at JC as they laced their fingers together.

JC snuggled back up against Marc. "Sorry. You look like you just came from church or something."

"Um... yeah... like oh man... almost three hours ago. Had a nice nap though." Marc replied after glancing over at the clock. "You really do sleep in, don't you?" He giggled a little as he ran his fingers softly through JC's hair.

"Ooops... sorry... it looks like I... um kinda drooled on you." JC averted his eyes from Marc's gaze once he saw the wetspot on Marc's nice button up shirt.

"Looks like you did, huh?" Marc giggled a little as he looked down on his shirt and JC. "Don't worry about it. I have a change of clothes in my backpack anyways." He motioned over by the door where his backpack lay.

"Here... lemme get this and wash it though, its the least I could do." JC knew very well that he was flirting and wanted an excuse to just touch Marc all over. He straddled Marc and locked his gaze with his. He reached up and loosened Marc's tie smiling seductively.

"What... what are you doing Josh?" Marc's voice wavered a bit as JC slid his fingers down to the top buttons. He shifted a little beneath JC.

"What does it look like I'm doing silly?" JC giggled a little as he stared on at Marc seductively. He slowly undid the top few buttons before Marc grabbed his hands and steadied them. JC shook his hands off and and placed them by his sides, then continued to work his way down. He reached the waist of Marc's pants and started to tug and loosen Marc's shirt. They still locked eyes. JC slid his hands up Marc's stomach and to his chest. He could feel his heart beating fast as if in a fit of nervousness. He slowly parted the shirt and was about to lean down as if to kiss him.

"MORNING GUYS!!!!!" Justin ran into the room and jumped on the bed knocking JC off of Marc. "Well afternoon anyways." Justin smiled at JC who glared at him evilly.

A few minutes later Chris walked by the door. He stuck his head in and saw JC, Justin, and Marc laying on the bed. He shook his head and proceeded down the stairs.

Marc got up and finished taking his shirt and tie off. He handed it to JC. "Um... I'm gonna go get changed in the bathroom." He left the room kind of in a hurry.

JC picked up a pillow and began beating Justin profusely. "You asshole." He spit out each time he hit him.

Justin grabbed the pillow and pinned JC to the bed. He leaned down to whisper into JC's ear. "Hey, I was enjoying the free show too, but you left your door open and I saw Chris coming down the hall and I know you'd rather have me barge in than him."

JC pulled him into a hug. "Thanks, you could've just closed the door and let me finish what I was doing though." JC smiled and looked up at Justin.

"I would've but then I wouldn't get to see the free show which I was enjoying so much. See?" With that Justin ground his erection into JC's thigh to let him know just how much he was enjoying the show. Then quickly jumped up, adjusted, then ran to his room laughing.

"You pervert!" JC called out as Justin left.

Marc walked in with a puzzled look right after Justin ran out laughing. "What was that all about?" He inquired.

"Justin's just being his usual asshole self." JC spit out nervously. He got up and started picking clothes out. He looked at what Marc was wearing and smiled and continued picking out his clothes. "Um... make yourself at home. I'm gonna take a shower." He turned to leave then looked back in seductively. "No kinky shit on my bed with Justin... wait til I get back and we could do all the kink you want." He hurried off to the bathroom giggling.

JC walked back into his room staring at Marc lying face down in his bed. His khakis hugged his bottom snugly accentuating the nice bubble shape of his ass that he and Justin so often looked at much like he was doing at that moment. Marc's breathing was slow and rythmic, which probably meant he had fallen back asleep. JC finished toweling off his head and moved onto the bed slowly, trying not to stir Marc.

"Mmmmmmm..." Marc rolled over and looked up at JC as he slowly came to. "Hey, you. All ready and beautiful?"

"Yeah, sorry I woke you. You must be tired though. We could nap for a bit more if you wanna..." JC made a move to lay down next to Marc.

Marc slowly sat up and pushed JC back to a sitting position. "Yeah, thats what I get for talking til like 3 in the morning." He giggled a little. "You know, this is becoming a habit with you."

"Sorry I'm a bad habit." He frowned a little thinking that Marc would think of him like that.

"I wouldn't say bad. I mean if I thought it was all that bad I wouldn't keep doing it... besides you're addicting though... in a good way so you better take that frown off your face boy... and um... I appreciate having someone my age around.... its um... kinda cool... I've never really... um... yeah." Marc realized he had started rambling and decided to stop himself from babbling further.

"Um... did you eat yet Marc?" JC asked trying to change the subject to make Marc feel a little more comfortable. He knew just how akward someone could feel after babbling. Besides he did it more often than anyone he knew.

Marc's stomach growled. "Um... guess that answers the question." He giggled as they both stood up. "You wanna go grab a bite to eat or something? I'll drive."

"And I'll ride... I mean... um... that didn't sound right..." JC turned away in embarassment. "Um... I think we might have something downstairs." His voice cracked a little due to his embarassment from his previous comment. He started to walk out of his room and Marc jogged after him.

Justin and Chris were sitting at the kitchen table having a very late breakfast. Justin looked up at them and smiled as they strolled into the kitchen. Chris looked up at them, then looked over at Justin.

"What the fuck is this? A freaking Gap commercial?" Chris started laughing at what each of them was wearing.

Justin looked at JC and Marc. They were dressed almost identical which was just so disgustingly cute and sick. They were both sporting khakis and tee shirts. Marc's fit snugly accentuating his physique while JC had a white button up shirt over his own. Justin then looked down at himself and joined Chris in laughter. He had a white button up over his wife beater and was sporting khakis similar to JC's.

JC blushed as he looked at what the three of them were wearing. He looked Marc up and down and then met his eyes. His brown eyes could be so warm and inviting. Marc wore a smile on his face as JC looked on. He quickly turned his head back seeing that he had just got caught.

"Jeans or khakis?" Chris spit out between snorts of laughter. He almost fell over in his chair.

"Hey... just remember that I was ready before either one of these bozo's besides... look at you and your brown pajamas pants and your white Backstreet Boys tee shirt." Marc managed before cracking a smile.

"Ha ha... I am not wearing a Backstreet tee shir..." He glanced down to double check his attire and his jaw dropped. "I swear this isn't mine... I don't even know how it got on me..." He did indeed have a white BSB tee shirt on as well as the brown pj's Marc was referring to.

"Sure, you just keep on telling yourself that... and we'll believe you." Marc patted Chris on the back as he passed him to take a seat between JC and Justin.

"For reals... its not mine!" Chris was frantic as he ran upstairs to change.

"That was tooooo good." Justin sat laughing.

JC looked at him curiously. "Um... I don't get it." He was truly confused at how Chris ended up with a BSB tee on.

"WHAT THE HELL IS ALL THIS???????" Chris came running down the stairs with his arms full of shirts and other parapharnalia of every other boy band and wanna be boy band out there.

Marc and Justin looked at each other and whistled off innocently. JC shot them both looks of curiousity.

"Who did this, man???? Thats just not cool!!!!! I want my real clothes damn it." Chris threw his clothes on the table.

"Um... those are real clothes Chris." JC stated pointing to the pile on the table. He fished through the pile and pulled out a baby tee obviously meant for a girl. "NKOTB? Kinky. You really are old school." JC chuckled as he began to slowly understand what was going on.

"Where's my clothes Justin? I know you had something to do with all this." Chris demanded. He loved playing jokes but hated when the joke was on him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Besides, I think you'd look cute in your little NKOTB baby tee.... c'mon try it on and flaunt it." Justin brought forth laughter from the other two guys sitting with him.

"You guys suck. When the hell did you find the time to swap my entire wardrobe with all this crap?" Chris pointed at the pile of clothes and threw the NKOTB tee back in the pile.

Joey, Lance, and Britney casually walked in to see the pile of clothes on the table.

"You guys really need to learn to lock your door." Lance scolded as they made their entrance.

"Whats this a Gap commercial?" Britney asked pointing out JC, Justin, Marc, as well as Chris, though the previous three were dressed more appropriate.

"Ooooooh how cute, NKOTB!" Joey fished the baby tee out and held it up against Chris. "This is soooooo you Christopher! Like oH mAh gAwD!!!!!" Joey used his best flamer voice as he teased Chris.

"Stunning wardrobe Christopher." Lance joined in mimicking Joey as he pulled out a pair of sequence disco pants to match the NKOTB baby tee. "Faaaaaaaabulous I must say." He nodded his head as Chris began to turn red, whether from anger or embarassment they were unsure.

Chris stormed off back up the stairs with whatever usable clothes he could find in the pile. They heard him jump into the shower muttering something to himself, loud enough so they could hear him from downstairs.

"Josh, you locked your door, right?" Justin smiled over to JC.

"Um... no, should I?" JC questioned as he had gained a little bit of insight as to what was going on.

"I'll lock it for you. You have your key right, bay... um Josh?" Marc asked.

"Um yeah..." He picked up Marc's near slip and smiled as he stared dreamily as Marc hustled up the stairs. A few minutes later Marc returned.

"You are so awesome Marc. I can't believe we actually pulled this one off and man... what a joke too. Even I couldn't think of something like that. Chris always gets us with the good pranks but this was..." Joey praised Marc for the entire idea.

"You were in on this one babe?" JC leaned over to Marc and whispered in his ear as the others talked about how they finally got Chris.

"Yeah... well I thought of the idea kinda... Brit and Chrissy helped out with the wardrobe though and Justin and Lance swapped his clothes." Marc smiled a little embarassed.

"I wish I would have known." JC frowned a little seeing how Justin was involved in the ordeal and not him. He began to get confused all over again.

"Well yesterday you kind of went off in your own little world. Justin said you probably just needed to time to think... and um... I was worried about you but I... um... I kinda figured that you just needed to think so we kinda planned all this last minute and stuff... I'm sorry man." Marc sighed seeing that JC had gotten hurt over not being included.

JC smiled again seeing that Marc really cared and it helped to ease some of his own worries. "Its okay... just seeing Chris all like this is priceless anyways." He ruffled Marc's hair a little and wanted to place a kiss on his cheek again. His attention, however, was turned back to the rest of the guys.

"Ooooooooooh... are you two whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears? How Kaaaaayooooooooooooooooooooooot!" Joey teased them both making them both blush and look at each other. "But I thought that was Justin's job... Justin you better watch out... looks like someone else is tugging the leash today." Joey burst out into laughter and was only met by silence from the rest of them.

"You're just jealous cuz you want a cutie like Marc." Britney spat out and winked at Marc which just caused him to blush even more.

"Well if he had tits and an ass then that would be different." Joey tried to defend his sexuality as Britney threatened it with her teasing.

"Um... he does have an ass... I mean look at that." Britney walked over to Marc and pulled him up quickly spinning him around. "See..." She patted his bottom as JC and Justin looked on shocked. Marc quickly sat down embarassed at Britney's blatant actions and turned his face away from the crowd as he blushed even redder than before.

"Marc baby, you don't have to be embarassed that you've got it goin on. You are just too cute, you know?" Britney ruffled his hair and resumed her seat next to Lance.

If Marc could've turned any redder he would have. JC smiled at him and grabbed his hand under the table and gave it a comforting squeeze.

"Um... we'll leave you guys to deal with Chris... um... Marc and I really need to get going to his aunt's house though. So we'll see you guys later?" JC phrased the last part as more of a question than a statement.

"Sure, you two sweethearts go and do whatever and don't worry bout lil ol me. I'll handle the big bad Chris all by my lonesome." Justin teased as he tried to usher them out the door.

Joey protested and was getting up to tag along with Marc and JC but Lance, Justin, and Britney managed to hold him off as the two made their escape. They hopped into Marc's car and prepared to leave.

Marc pulled JC into a hug and rested his head on JC's shoulder as soon as they were both in the car. "Thanks for getting me out of there."

JC just pulled him closer and rubbed his back soothingly. "No problem man. But you shouldn't be embarassed that you look so damn good babe." JC smiled nervously as he made his statement waiting for any uneasiness to show in Marc's embrace. None came which brought a sigh of relief from JC. JC contempalted kissing the top of Marc's head as he held him but restrained himself from doing so.

Marc pulled away slowly. "Um so what do you want to do? We have like an hour to kill before we have to show up. And I can always use the excuse that I couldn't find it if we decide to make a fashionable entrance." He grinned as his normal color gradually returned to him.

"Um... we could get a bite to eat. We didn't get to eat yet with all the gang showing up, and I know you're still hungry." JC pulled back so he could see Marc's face.

"Yeah, what do you want to eat, though?" Marc asked as he drove.

"Um... we could go to that one Chinese place where we went to before." JC suggested. He immediately remembered their waitress from there and how she had been hitting on Marc and started cursing himself.

"Um... let's not... um Trisha might be working... you remember that one girl from last time... I kinda don't really wanna deal with anyone right now." He paused, contemplating as he nibbled on his lower lip nervously. "Well, anyone other than you at least." He avoided JC's staring eyes by fixing them on the road ahead.

"Good answer!" JC thought to himself as he grinned. "Thats cool. How about we just get some McDonalds or something and we go somewhere and eat it... like a picnic or something." He was just full of suggestions today.

"Yeah, that sounds good. My treat though." Marc smiled as JC was speechless.

It took them a while to find the perfect place to eat and by the time they had found it they were already going to be late to help Marc's aunt. They managed to wolf down their food and make their way over to Marc's aunt's house. Marc was obviously still hungry.

"Auntie Lydia!!!!!" Marc ran up to a shorter Filipina lady and pulled her into a hug that almost sent her flying. He set her down and smiled.

"You are so very very big now!" Her accent was thick suggesting that she had only been in the States for a short time, Marc knew otherwise.

"It hasn't been that long Auntie." Marc rolled his eyes at his aunt and she laughed at him.

"And you are very pogi pogi naman! You have girlfriend yet? I bet you have lots of babaes after you." She pinched his cheeks.

"Auntie!" Marc whined. "Anyways tita Lydia, this is my friend Josh." Marc pulled Josh by the hand to his aunt.

"Hi, nice to meet you." JC extended his hand to auntie Lydia but she pulled him into a hug instead.

"Any friend of my nephew is more than welcome in my home. You two come now to the backyard. Did you eat yet? I cooked lots of foods. And we have hamburger for you American boys if you don't like." She led them both to the backyard smiling.

Auntie Lydia's yard was huge. There were several people practicing several dances in the backyard and a few lounging around eating. Alan was one of the latter along with another guy who looked to be Marc's age.

"Chill!" The other guy ran up to Marc and swept him off his feet. "What up dawg!"

"Yeah yeah... love you too kuya Bryan." Marc rolled his eyes at Bryan. "You know I hate it when you call me that, you know... YAM." Yam was his nickname for his Bryan and he hated it as much as Marc hated being called Chill.

"Fine fine already... I'll stop. Who's this?" Bryan pointed out JC as he questioned Marc.

"Oh this is my friend Josh. Josh this is my cousin Bryan. Can't tell we're related since I'm sooooooo much cuter, huh?" Marc giggled as he pushed his cousin aside.

JC shook his head and giggled at Marc. "You are so full of yourself, you know that?"

"And you say that like thats a bad thing." Marc shot back smiling.

"Because it is dumbass!" Bryan leapt on to Marc's back. "C'mon I gotta embarass you in front of your boyfriend now."

Marc blushed as he looked up at JC who was also blushing. "I wish I was his boyfriend." JC thought.

Bryan led Marc to the lawn where a group of younger people were going through steps to a routine. "Check this out fool." Bryan jumped off Marc's back and called out to the rest group. "MABUHAY EAST SHOW 'EM WUSSUP!!!!!"

The group scrambled into a formation all too familiar to Marc. Marc shook his head as he saw that a single spot up in front remained empty.

"C'mon fool. You choreographed this shit so I saved the head for you." Bryan grinned at Marc. "Plus I bet ur friend wants to see you move that over rated body of yours, don't you JC." Bryan winked at JC letting him know that he knew who he was.

"You are such an ass Yam." Marc walked reluctantly to the front and took his position. "Don't laugh if I mess up."

"Yeah I love you too Chill. Now shut up and dance." Bryan nodded over to a girl who was seated next to a boom box. She hit the play button and the music boomed out.

It was mix of high energy and techno remixes. The routine was fast paced and always kept the group moving. There were times where the group would part and split into smaller groups but the transitions back into the whole group always went smoothly. By the time they were done they were all out of breath due to the fast pace of the whole thing.

JC stood clapping. He went up to the rest of the group. "That was awesome man, who choreographed all that?" He was genuinely amazed at how fast paced it was and how it left no room for the crowd to lose interest.

"This guy right here." Bryan pushed an out of breath Marc towards JC. "He's good ain't he... but only you would know about that." Marc turned around and glared at Bryan.

"That was awesome Marc. So what other talents you hiding in there?" He poked at Marc's head and giggled.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Bryan spit out jokingly as he laughed. He caught Marc's death stare. "Um... I'm gonna go to the bathroom cuz someones bout to kick my ass." He took off running into the house.

"He's so lucky I'm not in the mood." Marc said as he straightened up. He looked up at JC a little embarassed.

"C'mon lets get you something to drink." JC led Marc back to the food table. "You really have alot of talent, its something you should think about Marc."

"Yeah, but I really want that degree and I'm so close to getting already." He took a swig from the bottle of water he pulled from the icechest.

"You could be like our next choreographer or something." JC suggested hoping Marc would take up the offer.

"And deal with you guys everyday?" Marc laughed. "I don't know if I'd be able to put up with Chris and stay sane, much less you and Justin." He laughed again.

"Awwwwww you know I won't pick on you." JC whined and tried to baby him into changing his mind.

"I know... but I just really need to finish school." He smiled at JC as he took another swig.

"Hey you decided to show! Oh my god! And you brought your friend too." It was the waitress from the restaurant.

"Um, yeah... you're here too?" Marc was surprised and looked a little uneasy.

"Oh my god... thats where I recognized you. You're Auntie Lydia's nephew she's been talking about and you sing with..." She got cut off by Bryan.

"Yo Trish! When you show up girl? Thought you were working or something." Bryan hid behind Trisha as he eyed Marc.

"I got off work early, duh. Anyways, this is Auntie Lydia's nephew and his friend JC." She took the liberty of introducing them to Bryan all over again.

"Um... duh! He's my cousin, obviously." Bryan spat out at her sarcastically.

"Who?" She said surprised.

"JC... who else?" Bryan laughed at her ignorance.

"Whoa... this is just too weird." She looked at them.

"Anyways girl, Auntie Lydia wants to talk to you so we'll leave these two to do their own thing." Bryan smiled at Marc as he led her away.

"But I wanted to..." She continued as Bryan dragged her away.

"So much for not dealing with anyone." Marc sighed as he leaned up against JC.

"Yeah." JC looked a little worried with her being here.

Marc tried his best to avoid Trisha but she hung all over him everychance she got. It made JC jealous as Marc tried to be nice to her as well. A few times Bryan and Alan had to pry her off of him as he went through the steps with the cultural dancers. JC lurked around and watched amazed as Marc taught. It was really in him to teach and to pass all that knowledge off to the next generation of dancers. It was around 10 PM when they made their exit. Of course Trisha had to follow them to his car.

"Whoa, tight." Trisha complimented his car. "Its all decked out."

"Um... yeah... I did all the work myself, well, with my bestfriend too." Marc answered.

"Cool. Maybe you could work on my car for me." She was hanging on him as JC stood off to the side.

"Could she be anymore on his nuts? I don't wanna know." JC thought to himself.

"Maybe, what kind of car do you have?" Marc asked curiously.

"Eeeeeeeew... don't tell me you're really straight. I thought you didn't want to deal with her." JC still stood off to the side as Trisha endlessly flirted with Marc.

"I have one of those new Civic SI's. I had a body kit put on it last month. It looks tight." She leaned into Marc as they waited for Bryan to get all his stuff so they could drop him off.

"Aren't Honda's just grocery getter economy cars anyways." JC spat out bitterly targeting Trisha.

"Hey, my car's quick. Besides what do you know?" She spat back out trying to defend her little grocery getter.

"Obviously alot if he's dogging on HonDUHs." Bryan ran up and jumped right into the conversation. "Way to say it JC! I see my cuz is already doing his work on you with the Nissan thang, huh? Besides, Honda's are too trendy. Everyone and their grandma and their grandma's neighbor's uncle's brother's cousin's stepchild owns them and tries to race them now." Bryan snickered at Trisha.

"Well we should get going I have to be at work at 6 so I'll see you Trisha." Marc pulled away from her.

"Call me okay?" She placed a kiss on his cheek and walked off. Half way up the driveway she turned around and looked at him seductively.

JC wanted to bash her head into one of the cars. He never imagined that he would get so jealous over someone that wasn't even his. And it hurt him to see that Marc actually smiled after her kiss.

"Whew boy! Looks like Trisha's gonna dig her claws into you." Bryan called out from the back seat as they piled into the car.

"Yeah, whatever." Marc didn't make eye contact with either of them as he started the car.

"Yeah, looks like someone has an admirer." JC said dejectedly.

"Whatever. I wouldn't even have time for a girlfriend anyways. Plus I'm just wanting to concentrate on school and work right now anyways." Marc shot out, he looked annoyed that they were both teasing him about his new admirer.

"But if someone comes along that changes all that bro... don't let anything stop you." Bryan looked over at both of them.

"Yeah, but I doubt its gonna happen anytime soon." Marc drifted off into thought as he drove on.

"But if it does..." Bryan started up.

"Yeah, but not with Trisha." Marc spat out defensively bringing silence to the car.

They arrived at JC's. Marc pulled up on the driveway and pulled the e-brake. JC moved to get out of the car after he thanked Marc half-heartedly as he thought about Trisha. In his mind it really did seem like they might end up together and thinking of Marc as being straight confused the shit out of him.

"Um... I'll walk you to your door. I mean, you've done the same for me already... so um... I figured..." Marc stepped out of the car and walked around next to JC.

"Um... sure, whatever." He didn't intend to sound angry or anything but he was confused yet again.

"I had a great time today, spending it with you... um even if I had to teach most of the time." Marc matched JC's slow pace to the front door.

"Yeah, me too. Just wish we could have actually spent more time with just us and no certain third parties." JC said, regretting it immediately after he spit it out. His head still wasn't on straight.

"Yeah, tell me about it. How the hell do I get myself into shit like this though? I was supposed to just be teaching and Auntie Lydia throws me into like 8 different dances. Plus I can't believe I let Yam talk me into doing that routine with them. Can you just slap me now." Marc tried to joke to lighten up the tension they were both feeling. Tension caused by Trisha.

"Yeah, but you're really talented. And I'd love to see you up there dancing this Friday too. I can go, right? Or..." JC trailed off inviting Marc to finish for him.

"Yeah, I'd really like it if all of you guys could go. I mean if you're not busy or anything... I'd..." Marc was shushed by JC.

JC placed his index over Marc's lips to stop him from babbling further. "I'd love to go. And I'm pretty sure I can drag the rest of the guys to go if it would really mean that much to you."

"Thanks man." Marc pulled JC into a hug and rested his head on JC's chest.

"You're such a hugger you know?" JC giggled as he matched Marc's embrace. Marc started to pull away at his comment but JC pulled him closer. "I meant that as a good thing. You're so huggable." JC smiled as he held him there.

"Hmmm... so I'm huggable, and ticklable... anything elseable?" Marc giggled as he swayed in JC's embrace.

"Fuckable too, Loveable definitely." JC thought as he smiled. "But you better go and get some sleep. And when you get home... um... just call me and leave a message on my v-mail... that way I won't keep you talking til like 3 in the morning. We can do that again this weekend." JC grinned at Marc as he let him walk off.

They pulled away and Marc waved bye to JC. Bryan stuck himself out of the window blowing kisses at JC and giggling. Marc squished Bryan's face into the window as JC smiled on. He watched the car drive down the street and turn the corner before walking inside.


Okay... yeah yeah... I said I'd have this out by Sat or Sun... so what. But its here. =) But I did get DMG out with two chapters and I am working on the next installment so hold your pants up. Tell me if these things are toooooooooo long and I'll try to shorten them up. I think I've just been trying to cram like all kinds of dialogue into them lately. Lots of gears turning in my head. I'll really really really really try my best to get another chapter out by the end of the week so please be patient with me. Thank you to all of you guys that write me each time I post. I love hearing from you and it truly truly keeps me wanting to write. Thanks!!!!!! Hugs for everyone!


Next: Chapter 11

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