Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Jan 24, 2001


So now its vocal76@yahoo.com Yeah... been a while I know... no... I didn't forget about this story. I should be writing alot more chapters because they gave me my vacation at work next week so... kinda cool too... I get like an 11 day break from having to seeing those god awful envelopes... hehehe...

Evil Disclaimer: I don't know who they do in their spare time cuz they don't tell me cuz I never talk to them anyways. Not 18? Too bad.... LEAVE!!!!!! =) All settled? Cool. Read!

Turn Around XVIII ========================================================================

Wind blew through Justin's hair as he leaned over the railing on the balcony. He looked back through the glass and into the dark room. JC and Marc laid on the bed snuggling, both sound asleep with angelic smiles on their faces. They were perfect together. He knew JC had found his happiness and true love.

Mike probably lay curled up on the floor on the far side of the bed. The side he couldn't see from the balcony. He turned back towards the city, folded his arms over the railing, and rested his chin on his forearms. He blew some stray curls out of his eyes. Arms wrapped around him then a head rest itself against his back.

"Its kinda cold out here and you have next to nothing on." Mike spoke softly and sweetly.

Justin looked down at himself. A wife beater, some boxers, no shoes, slippers, or socks, and a breeze flowing over both of them. He looked back and the curtains had been drawn. Mike probably did so before he stepped out to join him.

"You could heat me up." Justin smiled and let his hands wander to Mike's as they rested on his waist. He heard Mike giggle.

"Maybe we should've got our own room." Mike giggled again and let go of Justin so he could stand by him.

This time Justin moved behind Mike. He wrapped his arms around Mike and rested his chin atop Mike's head. He breathed in sharply making sure to intake as much of Mike's scent as he could.

"Do you have to leave tomorrow?" Justin whined a little.

"Yeah... I have work and school on Monday." Mike frowned a little but Justin couldn't see it.

"And we probably won't get to see each other for a really really long time." Justin tried to hint that he wanted Mike again.

"I'm pretty sure you'll be able to find another fuck buddy that would give it up for you as easily as I did. I mean you're famous, right? You should have guys and girls practically hurling themselves at you." Mike giggled, obviously not picking up on anything Justin was hinting at.

"What if I don't want just any other guy." Justin turned and walked back inside leaving Mike alone on the balcony.

He laid down on the floor and pulled the covers up over his head. After a few minutes Mike came in and shut the door softly. He padded over to his spot on the opposite side of the bed. Justin heard him rustle up under his own blanket and curl up. He watched under the bed as the pile on the other side that was Mike slowly relaxed and fell asleep. He nodded off himself and slept fitfully.

"Hey, we'll meet you two out in the parking lot, kay?" JC told Mike and Justin as he and Marc headed off towards the garage.

Justin and Mike walked off towards the front. Marc and JC trailed behind flirting. They were almost to the garage when the hotel manager came walking towards them.

"Mr. Arcino, I need to speak with you." He greeted them formally.

"Yeah, um... whats up?" Marc smiled over, then looked at JC and giggled a bit.

"We've been having complaints." The manager stated.

"Oh, about me?" Marc's mood turned serious. A look of worry crossed over his face.

"Yes, apparently some of our guests have been complaining that the noise from your car is setting off their car alarms." He looked over at Marc again, then towards JC. It was evident that he had something else to say.

"Um... okay... I guess I'll just park it outside then." Marc tried to rectify the situation without causing an argument.

"No... you're a guest too and you shouldn't have to do that." JC bumped in.

"No... its okay Josh, I kind of thought it might happen." Marc smiled weakly at his boyfriend. "Is that all sir?" he then turned his attention to the manager.

"Also... we've been receiving complaints from some of the neighboring rooms. Apparently you're being visited by several um... how can I put this?" The manager paused for a bit to think.

"You've been visited by several male friends. One of our guests even heard some very disturbing noises coming from your room once. Might I remind you that we are not that kind of hotel." He smiled cheerily over to both of them.

"Well, if thats it then." Marc's face went blank and you could see the anger building up.

"So you're accusing him... my god... he's a paying customer and you're..." JC started to argue.

"Josh, come on... if thats all he has to say." Marc grabbed JC's hand and was about to turn.

"We're asking you to find another place of temporary residence if your activities continue." The manager smiled to both of them and turned to walk away.

"YOU'RE ASKING WHAT?????" JC yelled.

"Babe, lets just go." Marc tugged on JC's hand.

"I can't believe that shit!" JC stood and stared at the manager as he walked off.

They walked quietly into the garage, both angry at the episode with the manager. Marc opened the car for both of them. He stepped on the gas and started the car. The ensuing roar triggered off several alarms in their immediate vicinity. He sped up and down the garage in first gear making sure to set off everything he could.

"Babe... you're... you're scaring me." JC stated simply, worried.

"I'm just giving them something to fucking complain about... god that was so fucked up." Marc fumed.

"Babe, come on..." JC tried to calm him down.

"The nerve of that asshole." Marc said angrily as he revved his engine up more setting off more alarms in the process.

"BABE..." JC almost yelled.

Marc looked over at him and saw just how much he had scared him as he lost himself to anger. He stopped the car in the middle of the garage then leaned over and wrapped his arms around JC.

"I'm sorry... Josh... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to scare you like that... its just that..." Marc got cut off as he held JC there.

"I know.. you're angry. I am too. Let's just go okay?" JC pulled back so he could stare into Marc's eyes. They glanced out of the window and saw the manager walking up towards their parked car.

"Here's something for them to really complain about." JC smiled over at Marc evilly.

JC grabbed the back of Marc's head and forced him into a sloppy yet somehow passionate kiss directly in the manager's view. He stopped shocked. Marc slowly pulled away dreamily to see a grinning JC. He turned to see a shocked manager. Then stuck the car in first, floored it, peeled out and set a few more car alarms off. They sped through the parking lot and parked by an impatiently waiting Justin and Mike.

"Um... we'll just take your car if you don't mind Justin." JC looked over at Marc and smiled.

The ride from the hotel was quiet. Marc seemed a little out of it. JC seemed worried. Mike was indifferent. The airport was noisy as usual.

"Call me when you back to Cali?" Marc asked Mike as he hugged him goodbye.

"Yeah." His eyes locked on a tired looking Justin and he tried to smile though it hurt him to leave.

Justin moved over and hugged him goodbye. "I'll keep you posted?" It was more of a question than a statement and he breathed Mike in one last time.

"Thanks." Mike wasn't sure whether to or not to hug him back but he did so anyways, then moved over to JC and gave him a goodbye hug before boarding his plane.

The three men watched him leave then turned and headed back towards Justin's car.

"Um... so where to now?" Justin asked tiredly. His eyes drooped slightly since he didn't really sleep all that well.

"Um... I guess back to my place... I need to pack." Marc said, seeming a little angry.

"Marc, babe, you can stay with us, theres a guest room at the house and I'll call Lynn today to make sure its okay." JC told him, hoping that he'd agree.

"Wait... what happened to the hotel?" Justin was lost since they hadn't made any mention of it.

"They asked me not to come back because of some stupid stuff." Marc crossed his arms over his chest.

JC saw this and climbed into the backseat. He wrapped his arms around his lover in hopes to soothe him.

"They're kicking you out? Thats bullshit... how come you didn't tell Mike????" Justin sounded a little angry but tried to remain calm.

"Cuz he would've stayed. I don't want him to stay and watch over me like he always does. I don't want him to worry." Marc

Justin kept driving. He bit at his lip and contemplated turning around to chase Mike's plane. He knew it would be gone by the time they got back to the airport but the thought of seeing Mike again ate at him.

"Did... did they say why?" Justin asked curiously. He wondered if he was being too nosey but dismissed the thought anyways.

"They said because guests have been complaining that his car is too loud and its always setting off their car alarms or it wakes them up in the middle of the night. And then the fucker at the front desk said something about him having all sorts of different guys coming into the room. And then the fucker even said 'our hotel is not that kind of hotel' to follow up his fucking comment." JC answered for Marc. He rarely spoke that harshly about anyone.

"I've never ever felt so bad to be gay..." Marc stated. It looked as if he wanted to cry but he held it in.

"Um... do you want me to take you back there now?" Justin asked.

"Um... can you... can you just take us by our place? I'm gonna stay with him and calm him down. I think my jeep would be better to use to get his stuff anyways." JC told Justin as he held Marc close.

He dropped them off at the house. Fortunately and surprisingly Chris and Joey weren't there to bug them. Justin figured they'd need some time alone anyways and made himself an excuse to go talk to Britney. She didn't seem too happy when she answered her door.

"And what kind of fucked up shit was that that you pulled on Lance, Chris, and Joey yesterday?" She stood there in the doorway, hand on her hip, staring at Justin impatiently.

"Sorry." He pushed his way in and sat himself on her couch.

"Did I say you could fucking come in?" She shut the door and sat next to him. "I'm mad at you and JC, Justin." She told him.

"Thats nice." He grinned at her, like a kid hiding a secret that he was dying to tell.

"Spill it damnit!" She looked over at him knowing that look.

"Spill what?" He teased, trying to act innocent.

"Fucking spill it Justin, I'm still pissed off at you." She glared at him.

"I know who's in love..." He sang then started giggling.

"Who?" She still glared from her seat next to him, arms crossed over her breasts.

"I know who's in love with Joshie..." He sang again and giggled some more.

"Oh that... as if you couldn't tell..." She rolled her eyes and got up to go to kitchen. She pulled some juice out and poured herself and Justin a glass.

"And its not like Lance I didn't know already anyways." She smiled over at him as she gave him his glass and downed her own.

"What?" Justin exclaimed.

"After last week..." She grinned at him surprised even she was able to keep quiet about it that long. "After what happened last week I made Lance go check on Marc to see if he was okay and to apologize. Marc asked Lance if Josh hated him. Then he kinda mumbled and asked him if Josh hated him because he was gay." Britney smiled evilly after revealing something she had known that could've saved them all the trouble from the last few days.

"You evil bitch!" Justin almost yelled. "You didn't tell me and you knew that Josh was going through hell!"

"Hey... besides you said that Marc had a boyfriend, right? I mean you called like right after Josh came home crying. If Marc has a boyfriend then he doesn't deserve to be with JC anyways. Thats why we didn't say anything up until now. And then you take days to make your presence known to us again." She sat back down next to him and smiled before flipping on the TV.

"Well... Marc has a boyfriend... so what?" Justin laid back in the couch and grinned.

"Then there's no way in hell I'm letting him near JC, hottie or not, he's not going to play with JC's heart like that." She sounded just a little bitter.

"Um... Josh kinda has a boyfriend too." He said timidly, still keeping the grin.

"Oh my god! You did not!!!!!" She exclaimed. He just smiled back at her with a pretty good idea what was going through her mind.

"Well..." He smiled bigger.

"So what? He comes home crying because the guy he was like so in love with is with someone else and then he can only turn to you... his one true love... did you guys have sex? Did you make love to him or something? Did you at least kiss him Justin?" She was brimming over with enthusiasm.

"I didn't have sex with Mike!!!!!!" Seeing as the past few days had been nothing but a tease session on he and Mike it came out as an almost natural reflex.

"Who the fuck is Mike?????" Britney almost screamed.

"Um... he's um... shit." He sighed defeatedly and covered his eyes and shook his head knowing he was busted. Justin looked up, covered his mouth and nose with both hands then exhaled.

"Um... sit down." He told her not daring to look in her eyes.

"I fucked him... I fucked Mike... and I let him fuck me too..." He said plainly. He went on and told Britney about everything that had happened since they last talked. She sat there, mouth agape, partially in shock.

"Justin Randall Timberlake I can't believe you let some guy use you for sex." She scolded in an almost motherly tone.

"Hey... don't come down on him... it worked both ways... we filled each other's need... I used him just as much as he used me... I don't mind... really..." He slumped back on the couch and stared up at the ceiling. His eyes glazed over with a few unshed tears.

"Then why does it look like you wanna cry?" She put an arm around him and laid his head on her shoulder.

"Because... because I think somewhere along the line I started to fall in love with him and I couldn't tell him... and now... now he's gone... and I probably won't ever see him again." He let himself cry on her shoulder.

"Why didn't you say something to him?" Brit rubbed his back gently as she spoke.

"I... I tried... I tried but... I couldn't just come out and say it because I don't want to be in love with someone that couldn't love me back..." He pulled away and leaned back into the couch again.

"Why hide it from Marc and Josh then?" She finally asked. The question had been scratching at her since he first started telling the story.

"We didn't want them to think that their best friends were easy. I mean... Mike and I didn't know each other at all... we wanted to beat the shit out of each other when we first met. But then we ended up having sex... Oh god girl he just hits it soooooooo fucking good... the first time he fucked me I came so hard I thought my freaking head was gonna spin off." He closed his eyes and shook his head a little as he remebered the first time he and Mike had sex.

"I can't believe you just told me that." She smiled and giggled a bit.

"But he does." He repeated and giggled with her. He stopped and sighed.

"And now its like... after giving myself to him... its like I don't want to be with anyone else. I mean... sexually I think I'm gonna compare every single fucking guy that I get with to him... if I ever get with anyone else. And then he's soooo cute... I need to steal one of Marc's pics of him. And he's nice... and he's smart... he's gonna be a civil engineer girl... he's thoughtful... he's sweet... he's caring... and I want to believe that if circumstances were different... like if we didn't live so god damned far away and we had actually taken the time to get to know each other before we started fucking... then I think he and I could really be an item." He sighed again.

"Oh god you sound just like JC did a few weeks ago... you should hear yourself." Britney laughed at him a little.

"Hey, but you can't say anything. Please, just don't say anything." Justin pleaded.

"Oh, you know me." She smiled innocently.

"Not even to Lance... not to anyone." He repeated.

"You suck Justin." She pouted and looked over to him.

"Yeah... but only for Mike." He grinned before they both broke into a fit of laughter.

"I still can't believe that you kissed me like that in front of him." Marc sat down on the couch and pulled JC down with him.

"But the look on his face was priceless babe." JC gently kissed Marc's cheek.

"What if he goes to the press or something... I don't want you to lose your job because of something like that." Marc pulled back to look at his boyfriend.

"I could care less about that, I told you." JC smiled and ran his fingers through Marc's hair gently.

"Yeah, and I told you..." Marc was cut off by JC's lips on his own.

"I know what you told me." JC pulled away slightly.

"But I just want you to know that you're the most important thing in my world and I've waited forever for someone like you and..." JC paused a bit and moved back in a little closer, lips almost touching.

"Shut up and kiss me before you kill the mood." Marc smiled back and kissed his boyfriend.

JC forced him down on the couch and climbed on top of him. Their hands roamed over each other's bodies as their tongues darted in and out of each other's mouths.

"All calm now?" JC pulled back and smiled before going in for another kiss.

"I think I might need a few more of those and I'll be good." Marc smiled then was met with another kiss.

He took JC's hands in his own and brought them under his shirt. JC took it as an okay and ran his hands up and down Marc's body, feeling him up as they continued making out. He could feel both of their bulges grinding against each other as he lay on top of him.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!! HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!" Some screamed from the doorway.

They both stopped suddenly and shot up to see who walked in.


So who could it be... who could it be? Oh yeah... a few little changes in some things. I wrote Justin and Mike in this one because I'm just gonna use the other story for when they... you know =).. but otherwise any other developments in their relationship will happen here. Um... guess thats it... but for those of you that haven't noticed yet... I changed my e-mail address. so new e-mail addy peace and adobo grease! vocal76@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 19

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