Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Jan 29, 2001


So now its vocal76@yahoo.com Oooh... actually updating like I said I would. HELL HATH FROZEN OVER MY PEOPLE!!!! Run for your lives!!!! Hehehehe... well since I do have alot of spare time on my hands figured I'd get this one out. Got a big surprise for the next few chapters too

Evil Disclaimer: They don't bang me but sometimes I wish certain ones did but then again they have no idea who lil ol me is anywho. Hooked on Crack worked for me!

Last time on Turn Around: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!! HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!" Some screamed from the doorway.

They both stopped suddenly and shot up to see who walked in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Turn Around XIX ========================================================================

"Chris! Joey! Lance! Christina! Oh my god!" JC scrambled to straighten his clothes as he blushed a bright red. Marc did the same and set a throw pillow on his lap to hide his erection.

"You guys were... oh my god!" Joey looked dumfounded. Lance and Christina smiled on at the two.

"Oh my god." JC shook his head as his eyes darted back and forth between his four friends.

"Oh god I'm so sorry you had to see that." JC apologized to his friends as they still stared on.

"Babe..." Marc called out to JC and JC turned to see him with an embarrassed smile.

"Uh.. yeah?" JC flashed an uncomfortable smile back at him.

"Um... you might want this." Marc handed him a throw pillow.

"For what?" JC looked back at his boyfriend questioningly.

"Um..." He followed Marc's eyes down to his own crotch.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!" JC turned a brighter shade of red as he held the pillow in front of his crotch to hide the bulge.

Christina, Joey, and Lance laughed at the whole episode. Chris stared on at JC and Marc in slight disgust. They all decided to sit and annoy the new couple.

"So how did it happen?" Lance inquired, brimming over with joy for his friend.

"Um... it just sort of did..." JC managed. He hated being put on the spot like that and hoped to get a little more settled down with Marc before coming out to his friends.

"Details... come on boy... details..." Christina beamed at both of them.

"Um... really... it just sort of did." JC smiled uneasily then slung his arm over Marc, both of them still with pillows on their laps.

"Oh come on... Marc do you care to enlighten us... how'd you get Joshie here to finally admit that he was like so into you?" Christina smiled back knowingly.

"Um... its just like Josh said... it just sort of happened. We were hanging out one day and we just sorta kissed and then things went from there." Marc blushed slightly, revealing his slight discomfort with the disucssion.

"You guys fucked last night, didn't you???? Oooooooh!!!!!" Joey spoke up smiling.

"JOEY ANTHONY FATONE!!!! I can't believe you!" JC almost yelped in embarrassment at the accusation.

"Well... Lance said you guys seemed to be in hurry to leave so you could not pick us up yesterday." Joey grinned back.

"Yeah... but... we didn't... we're trying to take things slow." JC shot back.

"Define trying." Lance stated simply then high fived Joey.

"You guys suck." Marc pouted as he tried to think of some clever way to defend himself and his boyfriend.

"Hey... we're not the gay ones here." Lance smiled back before joining Chrisitina and Joey in laughter.

"Could've fooled me Lance." JC shot back earning laughter from everyone except Chris as well as a blush from Lance.

"So... um... you guys are okay with me and Josh... um... being like how we are?" Marc spoke up timidly wanting desperately for everything to be okay among them.

Lance looked over to Joey and Christina. They both nodded in agreement and smiled. Then he looked over to Chris. Chris met him with a blank stare.

"Josh, can I talk to you for a second?" Chris stood up and walked towards the stairs.

"Um... can it wait?" JC asked, happy that his friends were accepting him.

"Um... not really." Chris stopped at the foot of the stairs then proceeded to walk up after casting a glance at the couple.

"I'll be fine babe." Marc smiled and squeezed JC's hand reassuringly. JC leaned down and gave him a quick peck on the lips, causing them both to blush slightly as their friends looked on. Then he made his way up the stairs listening to the chatter that was Christina, Joey, and Lance interrogating his boyfriend.

"Whats up Chris?" JC asked as he plopped himself on Chris's bed.

"Are you sure about this?" Chris fiddled with a picture on his dresser.

"About me and Marc?" JC asked surprised. He leaned up on one elbow and stared at Chris's back.

"What else would I be referring to?" Chris said annoyed.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life." JC smiled back uneasily as he picked up on Chris's discomfort.

"Hey look... I'm just looking out for you." Chris still toyed with the picture frame, running his fingers over the border nervously.

"Well you don't have to." JC sat himself at the edge of the bed.

"Look, you don't really know him. You've known him for like what? Three weeks at most?" He still stood, back to JC.

"Look, I know him well enough, okay?" JC picked at the blanket on Chris's bed.

"Do you really?" Chris laughed a little.

"And thats supposed to mean what?" JC shot back annoyed.

"I'm just saying... look... how do you know he's not just using you. You're a celebrity did you even bother to think about what it would do to the group?" He still failed to look JC in the eyes as he spoke.

"Where the fuck is this coming from? Everyone else trusts him! I'm in love with him and he's in love with me. He's not that type of person. Get that through your thick skull." JC managed to keep his voice down though he wanted nothing but to kick and scream at Chris.

"Everyone else trusts him but I'm not everyone else." Chris picked another picture off his dresser to fiddle with.

"Well you better learn to trust him because he's gonna be living with us until he goes back to San Diego." He raised his voice a little.

"He's gonna what????? You didn't even ask me. I live here too." Chris whirled around to finally stare at JC's angry face.

"He has nowhere else to go and I already asked Lynn, Justin, and Paul." JC smiled back angrily.

"So its okay with them that you'll be boinking your little asian slu..." Chris started to say, knowing very well he'd hit a nerve.

"I swear if you even finish that sentence I'll fucking kick your ass. We're not having sex and we don't plan on doing so anytime soon." He pursed his lips and clenched his fists as he stood there.

"Oh... so he's a prude then." Chris smiled back.

"Fuck you Chris! What the fuck is your problem anyways?" He raised his voice again.

"You're the one with the problem. I'm just expressing my concern over the situation." Chris stated smiling as he pushed at JC's buttons.

"Earlier you and Joey were constantly teasing us like you wanted us to hook up. And now you're spewing this shit. What the fuck?" JC started pacing angrily.

"Yeah... but it was just teasing. I never expected you to go out and boink him." Chris said calmly.

"We're not boinking okay. And what? So you can only have selective gay friends or what? You're such a fucking hypocrite Chris." JC raised his voice yet again.

"Hey its different having to live with one though." Chris spat out and almost immediately regretted it.

"Fuck you Chris!" JC pushed past him and stormed out the door.

"Josh... wait." Chris grabbed at his shoulder as he walked out.

"I never thought one of my own brothers would make me so sick." He shrugged Chris's hand off and walked down the stairs to join the rest of the guys.

"Babe, lets go see what Brit and Justin are up to." JC grabbed Marc's hand and yanked him up.

"Ow... that kinda hurt babe." Marc complained.

"I'm sorry." JC pulled Marc into a hug and kissed the top of his head. "Let's just go please?"

They made their way out to JC's jeep. JC drove silently to Britney's apartment.

"Um... everything okay?" Marc finally spoke up.

"Just dandy." JC spat out still fuming over his argument with Chris.

"Is... it... did I do something wrong?" Marc asked shyly.

"Um... no.. sorry... I'm being a dick to my own boyfriend." JC reached over and took Marc's hand in his own.

"Are you okay though babe?" Marc asked as he squeezed his lover's hand.

"Yeah... its just... I hate it when Chris lectures me and treats me like a little kid." JC furrowed his brow, still angry.

"You wanna talk about it?" Marc asked soothingly.

"Um... maybe when we get to Brit's. I don't wanna get all emotional while I'm driving and stuff." He flashed a smile towards Marc. He didn't really want Marc to know that Chris disapproved of their relationship but knew he couldn't avoid it either and it was bound to come up once Marc moved in.

Brit's door was open so they just walked in. Justin and Britney sat laughing on the couch.

"Yeah... sure come on in you two." Britney laughed as they entered on their own.

"So how's my two favorite gay lovebirds doing?" Britney smiled as the both sat down.

"Justin! You told?????" JC startled Justin with his outburst.

"Hey... she said she already knew for sure that you guys liked each other." Justin raised his hands up in defense as he started giggling.

"I think you two make an adorable couple. Now Marc don't you have any cute friends you could hook Justin up with?" She smiled then looked over at a scared Justin.

"Um... I'll find someone on my own thank you Britney." Justin spurted out quickly.

"Just trying to help Justypoo." She smiled back evilly.

"Ooooh... so how did it happen Marc? How did Joshie finally work up the guts to tell you?" She played along innocently already knowing the whole story seeing that Justin had told her earlier anyhow.

"Um... we like kinda kissed and things went from there." Marc smiled uneasily as he was interrogated yet again.

"Um... Justin can I talk to you for a minute?" JC cracked a half hearted smile over to Justin before they both walked off towards Britney's room to talk. Marc watched as they receded down the hallway almost oblivious to Britney's endless batter of questions.

"Okay... you five will be kicking off this new tour in a few weeks. I hope you enjoyed you're break and I apologize for all of the delays and red tape." Johnny Wright paced up and down the conference room as he spoke to the five of them.

"You will be doing an appearance in New York for a benefit in one week. No ifs, ands, or buts about it." The guys groaned as Johnny went on and on lecturing them.

"If there are no questions I suggest you high tail it out of here and enjoy whats left of your day." Johnny smiled as he dismissed them.

Everyone scrambled to get out, Johnny being the first one out. Chris stopped JC before he could leave the conference room and closed the door.

"I need to talk to you." He stated plainly, smiling a bit as he halted him. JC turned around slowly.

"What is it this time?" The past few days Chris had found every little thing to nit pick at Marc and it was constantly driving JC crazy.

"This." He pulled out a manila folder from his backpack and threw it across table in front of JC.

"Oh... and I was here thinking you were gonna actually apologize for your bullshit. Silly me. I don't need this shit." He slid the folder back over at Chris and stood to leave.

"Just look in it." Chris shoved it back at JC.

"I'm tired of your bullshit Chris." JC tossed it back over to Chris then started for the door.

"Well I guess you don't really wanna know about your little psychotic asian whore's criminal record." Chris smirked as JC reached the door. JC immediately whirled around and rushed Chris. He picked him up and slammed him onto the table.

"Don't you ever ever I mean ever call him that or even suggest it... not even as a joke. I'm fucking tolerating you because I have to live with you and because I have to work with you and mostly because Marc wants really wants us all to get along. He knows that there is tension between you and I so you should be thanking him that I haven't kicked your ass yet... but you're really trying my patience." He gritted his teeth as he stared into Chris's scared expression.

"Just fucking read it then." He reached over and grabbed the folder and set it in JC's hands.

"Look... what the fuck did I just tell you." JC spat out angrily.

"Just open it." Chris smirked back.

JC opened it and gasped. "Okay... you had me going for a bit. You know Chris, you're really pathetic that you'd stoop this low and fake something like this."

"I didn't fake it. You can call San Diego PD and get a copy for yourself." Chris smirked back.

"Whatever Chris." He tossed the folder back on the table and turned to walk back out.

"God JC! You're such a fucking idiot. Did you even read the report? He followed the guy and fucking beat the shit out of him. He left him in the hospital for crying out loud! He fucking served like a year in jail. Are you gonna wait til he does the same to you???? I'm not gonna fucking stand by and watch it happen." Chris yelled, trying to voice concern.

"He'd never hit me, alright? I know him. You don't." He stepped towards the door.

"Just be careful Josh. I'm gonna watch him." Chris still voiced his concern.

"Well don't because he'd never hurt me. That I know. And you're an ass to think otherwise." JC turned and walked out of the door. Chris grabbed the file and shoved it in his bag and followed.

"I'm just saying be careful." Chris caught up to JC and spoke up again.

"Look..." JC stopped in the corridor. "That was from years ago anyhow and he had to have a really good reason if he really did do it. Don't go starting any more shit because I don't know how much longer I can last with this shit."

"It was probably some ex-boyfriend. Did you ever think of what would happen if you tried to leave him?" Chris suggested as he tried to change JC's mind.

"Look... okay." JC stopped again. "He was reluctant to get with me. I'm not letting him go. I won't have to worry about what would happen if I tried to leave him because it won't happen. So leave us the fuck alone or be happy for us." He resumed walking and they came into view of the rest of the group.

"Justin can we go?" JC looked over to him, anger still on his face.

"Um... yeah sure... I think Marc's over with Brit and Chrissy making us dinner." Justin knew JC's anger was due to his talk with Chris.

"Just like a bitch." Chris mumbled.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY??????" JC hurled himself at Chris again. Joey and Lance did everything they could to restrain him.

"What the fuck crawled up your ass and died Chris." Justin asked, angry as well.

"Don't look at me. I didn't say anything" Chris smiled back innocently.

"LET ME FUCKING GO DAMNIT!!!!! LET ME FUCKING GO!!!! I'LL FUCKING BEAT THAT LITTLE SHIT!!!! LET ME FUCKING GO!!!! GOD HELP ME LANCE LET ME FUCKING GO OR I'LL!!!! FUCK!!!!!" JC flailed out with his arms and legs as Joey and Lance dragged him down the hall and towards Justin's car.

"You just have to keep pushing his buttons don't you. Why can't you just face the fact that they're together and that they're happy. Keep this up and we'll all end up hating you." Justin turned then paused.

"Just because you're having so many issues with Dani doesn't mean you have to bring it out on us." He then hurried out of the building leaving Chris by himself.

JC sat restrained in the back seat of Justin's Mercedes. "I swear let me back in there. I'm not gonna let him get away with that shit. You guys better fucking untie me and let back in there." He still rambled on.

"Jace, calm down man. Maybe you heard him wrong." Joey tried to cover.

"YOU HEARD HIM TOO DAMNIT!!!!!" He yelled. "He called my boyfriend a bitch!!!!!" He toned his voice down a bit.

"Shhhh... not so loud." Lance shushed him. "You want everyone to know that you're gay?"

"I DON'T CARE IF EVERYONE KNOWS THAT I'M..." He started yelling as he got extremely angry all over again. Lance shoved a sock from Justin's gym bag into his mouth. JC yelled profusely in protest.

"Sorry buddy... its for the best." Lance cracked a smile as JC turned red in anger.

Joey moved up the front seat as they drove to Britney's. JC kicked and screamed all the say there.

"Okay... if we untie you and ungag you are you going to behave?" Lance looked over at the still fuming and humiliated JC. He nodded his head with narrowed eyes. He ungagged him then started to untie him.

"I should fucking kill you all." He crossed his arms over his chest and sulked in his seat.

"Kill us from keeping you from doing something so stupid that would have cost you your boyfriend? You should be thanking us Josh." Justin stated as he pulled into the complex.

"That little fucker is asking for an ass kicking." JC spat out angrily.

"Josh, do you really want Marc to see like this?" Justin spoke up as he parked.

"No..." JC's eyes welled up with tears and Justin climbed into the back seat and held him.

"Its just that he's already gone through so much and he and I shouldn't have to be dealing with Chris's bullshit." He started sobbing into Justin's shoulder.

"Shhh... come on... well he'd be retarded if he did decide to join us for dinner." Joey smiled back.

"Come on... wipe your tears so we can see how happy you and your cutie boyfriend are." Lance smiled over as JC finally decided to calm down.

"Stop checking out my man you fag." JC smiled as he wiped the rest of his tears away.

"Hey!" Lance protested.

"And I swear if you ever stick one of Justin's dirty socks in my mouth again I'll kill you before I even touch Chris." JC smiled again as he walked up to Britney's apartment.


Yeah... so I made Chris a buttfungus. One of them had to be right? Oh well. Chapter 20 will be up like really soon too cuz I have no more work! Yay!! Well at least not for a while anyways. So enjoy the frequent updates while you can. so new e-mail addy peace and adobo grease! vocal76@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 20

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