Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Jul 11, 2001


Oh yeah... really long time coming for this one. I've been busy and could probably use every excuse out there but like if you guys would believe me anyways. hehehehe... yeah but so here it is. I hope you guys remember this story for those of that you that still read it or remember me. Go! Read! Go! Now!

Evil Disclaimer: Only in my wettest dreams are JC and Justin gay since I don't really know them. If you're not legal then please run along and watch Barney or something. If this material offends you then whoop dee doo on you. Why are you reading it anyways?

Turn Around XXIII ========================================================================

"So did you still want to meet up in Texas?" Mike asked shyly over the phone once Justin answered.

"Man... no 'hi' or anything? No 'I miss you' either?" Justin teased.

Mike giggled. "Yeah, I miss you too Justin. Do you want me to fly out to Texas still?"

"Oh man do I ever." Justin smiled as he talked to Mike.

"You're just horny." Mike giggled again as he teased Justin.

"I learned it from watching you." Justin smiled over the phone as they flirted.

"Oh my god you're such a dork. And don't even repeat it" Mike rolled his eyes.

"You do realize that I am totally willing to do whatever it takes to see you again and again though." Justin smiled.

"Really now?" Mike asked sarcastically.

"Really I would. I'd even fly all the way out to San Diego just to hang out with you." Justin smiled as he tried to hint towards something more.

"Oh... hanging out with me... is that what we call it now." Mike started giggling again, obviously convinced that Justin just wanted sex.

"Really. We could maybe go do the movie thing. Maybe the dinner thing. Plus I hear the beaches over there are really nice. And I don't think I've ever shared a California sunset with anyone before." He imagined what it would be like to share all those things with Mike as they talked.

"And then you could fuck me like crazy on the beach, right? Get my knees all dirty in the sand, right? Pretty tight Justin." Mike giggled even more.

"Yeah... that would be pretty crazy, huh?" Justin frowned.

"You better be ready for me in Texas." Mike grinned.

"Oh you can bet I will be." Justin answered, still frowning.

"Ow..." JC turned to snuggle up close to Marc. He was sore, he knew he would be but to him it felt good.

"You okay?" Marc asked groggily as he snuggled up to him with eyes closed.

"I'll be fine..." JC started rubbing his back and wrapped his arms around his lover.

"Does it hurt alot baby?" Marc asked, eyes still closed.

"Nothing I won't be able to handle." JC whinced again as he shifted.

"You wanna go take a bath? We could soak in the tub and it might help things." Marc smiled and ran his hand up and down JC's body.

"That sounds nice." JC moaned a little as Marc continued to rub his body.

Marc sat up abruptly and gathered one of the sheets around his naked body.

"Come back to bed baby." JC groaned playfully.

"I'm gonna go get the tub ready." He turned around and smiled before heading off to the bathroom.

The water turned on and was soon followed by Marc's sweet voice singing something in Tagalog. Marc returned a few minutes later .

"Ready baby?" He leaned down and kissed JC.

"Yeah. I just wanna lay in my room all day with you." JC smiled back before joining Marc in the sheet.

They both made their way into the bathroom and sat in the tub.

"Can you stay until I go back to Orlando?" JC wrapped his arms around Marc and pulled him close resting Marc's back against his chest.

"I wish I could but you know I have work on Monday and you're not going back until Wednesday." Marc leaned back into JC and closed his eyes.

"Is there anything I could do to make you change your mind?" JC reached around towards Marc's crotch and smiled.

"Hey now..." Marc smiled and swatted JC's hand away.

"I can't stand being without you, you know?" JC kissed the top of Marc's head.

"Same here, but we both have work and I can't miss anymore days. But if it makes any difference I'd like to stay... its just that I can't." Marc frowned a little. He took JC's hands in his own as they soaked in the tub.

"I know... but its like you only have a few weeks left here in Orlando and then you have to go back to school." JC pouted a little.

"I know it sucks but you'll be back home in a few days and we'll be able to spend more time together." Marc smiled. He placed JC's hands around his waist and rested them on his stomach.

"Home... I wish you could make it your home..." JC started rubbing Marc's stomach.

They sat in silence for a few minutes. Marc remained quiet and slipped his hands into JC's once again.

"But you have to go back to San Diego so you can graduate and stuff." JC sighed then placed another kiss on the top of Marc's head.

"Yeah..." Marc agreed and sighed.

JC kissed him again, this time on the corner of his mouth. Marc smiled but was still feeling a little akward.

"Last night was beautiful." JC kissed him again.

"No regrets?" Marc asked, searching for reassurance.

"No regrets." JC answered before kissing Marc again, this time on the lips. They lingered on for a few minutes.

"Honestly?" Marc asked as he pulled back a little. He went back in for another kiss.

"Honestly." JC answered in between kisses.

"Even if I decided not to stay with you and leave you tomorrow?" Marc asked him and kissed him again.

"Even if you decided not to stay with me and you left me tomorrow." JC reassured him.

They sat in silence again. JC spoke again.

"Because I got to share one special night with my special someone and even if you decided to leave me forever I'll always remember you and I'll always hold you in my heart." He smiled then placed another kiss on Marc's cheek.

"You mean that?" Marc questioned.

"I mean it. I mean it with all my heart." JC took brought Marc's hands to his lips and kissed them.

"I mean it with all my heart." He repeated.

Marc snuggled up into his boyfriend and smiled.

"Thanks Josh."

"I do though."

"I know."

They soaked in the tub for a few more minutes then got out, dried off, and changed.

"Awwww shoot." Marc blurted out as they were getting ready.

"What?" JC asked smiling.

"I forgot to pack a toothbrush." Marc frowned.

"Um... you could use mine." JC smiled and tossed him his toothbrush.

"Gross babe." Marc scrunched up his face and tossed the toothbrush back to JC.

"Whats so gross about that?" JC asked confused.

"I don't know where your mouth has been." Marc stated.

"Oh YOU know where my mouth has been." JC smiled as he joked with his boyfriend.

"Gross. I might as well suck myself then." Marc rolled his eyes.

"Can I find out if thats possible?" JC smiled raising his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

"Perv." Marc tossed a pillow in JC's direction then headed for the door.

"Where you going?" JC whined.

"Downstairs to buy me a toothbrush." Marc turned and smiled.

"We can call and have them get you one." JC whined some more.

"No... I think you need a timeout for being so pervy." Marc smiled again and opened the door.

"Aw come on babe. I'll be good." JC paused and then smiled.

"I'll be REALLY good." JC added in and smiled even more.

"See what I mean." Marc rolled his eyes. "You're getting a timeout mister."

Marc closed the door behind him leaving a pouting JC on the bed.

Justin caught up with Marc in the hallway.

"So how was it?" Justin smiled as he slung an arm over Marc's shoulder as they walked to the elevators.

"How was what?" Marc feigned ingorance.

"You know... it." Justin smiled as he tried to squeeze details from Marc.

"It?" Marc still played dumb.

"Oh come on! I know that JC gave himself to you last night. Its not like I couldn't hear you two." Justin cried out in frustration.

"Sorry I don't screw and tell... and what the hell were you doing listening in anyways you perv? I thought the walls were supposed to be sound proof?" Marc commented.

"They are but the doors aren... um yeah..." Justin turned around embarrassed and walked the other way.

"You perv! You sat with your ear to the door didn't you?" Marc called out at Justin as he laughed.

"Bye Marc." Justin called out before he started running.

Marc turned around to find Chris facing him.

"I kinda need to talk to you." Chris looked at him.

"Can it wait?" Marc smiled and pushed on towards the elevators.

"Its kind of important." Chris told him.

"Okay then... just for a minute Chris." Marc followed him to his room.

Justin turned around just in time to see Marc walk off with Chris.

Chris led Marc to his room and shut the door.

"Okay so what do you wanna talk about Chris?" Marc sat down on Chris's bed.

"This." Chris pulled out the folder he had showed JC earlier.

Marc caught the folder as Chris tossed it to him. He opened it up and thumbed through it. His eyes opened wide once the realization hit him.

"Where... where did you get this?" Marc asked nervously as he stared on at Chris.

"I have to look out for my brothers, you know." Chris grinned at him.

"Chris... just... don't show Josh this... please." Marc almost sounded like he was begging.

"Then leave him and fly back to Orlando and when you get there take your dirty asian whoring faggot ass back to San Diego and find someone else to fuck. Alright?" Chris snatched the folder from him.

"Or I show Josh all this and he can see the truth about how ugly you really are." Chris snickered.

"I..." Marc sighed. A few tears started to slip.

"You what?" Chris continued to grin.

"I... just get Josh away from his room so I can pack my things and go." Marc stood up and wiped the tears away with the back of his hand.

"Good... I knew you'd see things my way." His grin just wouldn't fade as he made his way to the door to show Marc out.

JC stood at the door about to knock. He looked in and saw Marc with tears in his eyes.

"What the fuck Chris?????? I knew you were up to something." He quickly made his way over to Marc and wrapped his arms around him.

"Are you okay baby?" He cupped his face in his hands and looked in his eyes. Marc turned away.

"Tell him Marc. Tell him what you're going to do as soon as you walk out that door." His triumphant grin was still plastered on his face.

"Tell me what baby?" JC tried to look in his eyes again. Marc still kept his head turned to the side.

"Oh nothing much. Marc made up his mind to go back to San Diego. It looks like your little whore used you Josh." Chris stood there and watched them squirm.

"Is this true baby? Is it?" JC looked as if he was going to cry as well.

Marc just nodded his head.

"Marc why? I thought... and we... last night... why?" Tears started to slip from his eyes too.

"Josh... I just can't..." Marc tried to break free but JC just held on to him even tighter.

"What the fuck did you tell him Chris? What the fuck did you say to him? I know you did something?" JC turned to glare at Chris, anger evident in his stare.

"Marc please... tell me... please?" JC turned his attention back to his lover.

"I just can't Josh... please... please just let me go..." Marc pleaded.

"What the fuck Chris?" JC repeated again. He turned to glare at him again afraid to let go of Marc. He caught sight of the folder in Chris's hand.

"Is this what the fuck this about?" JC made his way over to Chris and yanked the folder out of his hand. Chris flinched fearing JC would hit him.

Marc started for the door.

"Babe, please. Don't go." JC called out to him.

"I already saw it and I don't care. I just know that there has to be a reasonable explanation for it all." JC looked toward Marc, eyes pleading.

"Yeah... I'm soooooooo sure there has to be a reasonable explantion for it all." Chris mocked JC.

JC turned and glared at him. Chris flinched.

"Babe?" JC called out again.

"It was my sister's ex-boyfriend." Marc kept his back to them both.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh... so you were boinking your sister's boyfriend too. Such a scandalous whore." Chris threw in bitterly.

JC whirled around and drew his fist back. Chris cringed.

"Josh don't... please don't... don't hit him." Marc sat back down on the bed.

JC dropped his fist and scurried over to Marc to hold him.

"There you go babying him again." Chris snorted.

"Shut the fuck up Chris." He glared at him again.

"Josh..." Marc pleaded again.

It was quiet in the room for a few minutes.

"Well." Chris blurted out into the silence.

"Well what?" JC asked bitterly.

"I'm still waiting for an explanation." Chris said impatiently.

"Or are you still trying to make something up?" He threw in.

"Lets just leave this jackass babe." JC stood up and helped Marc up.

"I wanna hear what your pretty boy has to say." Chris stared at them both smiling.

"Babe, its not gonna change the way I think about you." JC smiled at his lover reassuringly.

JC sat down and pulled Marc down onto his lap.

"It was my sister's ex-boyfriend." He paused.

Chris stared at Marc and grinned again.

"Shut up Chris." JC said before Chris could open his mouth.

"I didn't say anything." Chris threw up his hands defensively and smiled.

"But you were going to." He glared at him yet again.

"Go on babe." He turned back to his boyfriend and smiled comfortingly.

"I was eighteen. I came home one night and he was leaving our house. The house was dark. And when I went in and turned the lights on my sister was curled up in a corner in the kitchen with a black eye, her nose was bleeding, and her lip was busted."

JC rubbed Marc's back soothingly.

"I got really angry that he would do something like that so... so I got in my car and chased him down. And when I saw him stopped at a light I got out of my car and pulled him out of his and beat the crap out of him for what he did to my sister."

The room went silent again.

Chris broke the silence with his applause.

"Bravo bravo! Good story! Good acting! And the Emmy goes to..."

"Shut the fuck up Chris." JC said frustrated.

"You don't actually believe all that shit now do you?" Chris looked over to JC surprised.

"I have no reason not to." JC stood up and helped Marc up again.

"Come on JC! Open your fucking eyes! He's fucking manipulating you for Christ's sake! What is it gonna take for you to see this shit?" Chris followed them to the door.

"You are the one being manipulative. You're the one fucking going around behind our backs digging shit up. You're the one that is trying his best to make things not work. You're the one that just needs to fucking get over whatever it is you have against us. I'm gay. I'm happy and I'm in lo... and I found someone that I care for deeply that feels the same way for me. So get the fuck over it." JC slammed the door in Chris's face and walked Marc to their room.

"They're not gonna fucking stay together. No way in hell am I gonna let that chinky eyed whore keep perverting my little brother like that." He mumbled to himself before picking up the phone.


Hopefully I can start the ball rolling again and keep writing and stuff. But here is a small start for me again. I've been really rusty and almost forgot where I was going. hehehe... I'm hoping it starts to take off again and I can just flow these out again. Thanks for sticking with me on this one.

peace and adobo grease! vocal76@yahoo.com

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