Turn Around

By Mel Mac

Published on Sep 17, 2000


Okay... blah blah blah... this is my first time writing one of these stories and blah blah blah blah... first time posting to Nifty... lets see what else blah blah blah... this is fiction... blah blah blah... don't know the true sexuality... or homosexuality of the characters portrayed... if you don't like homosexual material you know what to do... blah blah blah... 18+ = good... 17- = bad... read on and enjoy (hopefully)

Turn Around Part III =============================================================================

"Well... its just that I'm... I'm... well... I'm..." JC was interrupted by the phone. " I'm gonna answer the phone." He chickened out as he bolted for the kitchen.

Justin sighed. JC was so close to starting up the conversation that he had been dying to have for the past few years and the whole thing had to be ruined by the damn phone.

"Um yeah sure, Brit... JUSTIN... ITS YOUR GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRLFRIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEND!" JC shouted. As he walked into the living room he tossed the cordless to Justin avoiding eye contact. After Justin caught the phone he quickly ran up the stairs to his room.

JC stared at himself in his bedroom mirror. "Chicken shit faggot bastard!" he said to his reflection. He grunted to himself in frustration. "You're a LOSER!" He was talking to his reflection again. He moved over to his bed and stood there for a while, contemplating what to do. He let himself fall onto his bed. He sighed again.

"Perfect timing Brit! What do you want?" it was obvious that she was the last person that Justin wanted to speak to at that moment.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Brit asked annoyed.

"Rather what didn't crawl up his ass and die," Lance added in giggling.

"Fuck you Lance," Justin retorted.

"Calm down Justin it was only a joke. Did something happen? Did you tell him?" Britney scolded.

"Gosh... might as well talk to you guys. Let me go to my room though... I don't want Josh walking in on me saying anything or anything like that." Justin trudged up the stairs.

JC could hear Justin come up talking to Britney on the phone. He heard Justin stop just outside his door. He could barely hear what Justin was saying when Justin started walking again.

"Well he was going to tell me something when you sooooo graciously decided to call... but thats about it... nothing really important..." Justin sounded a little annoyed with the both of them.

"Oh yeah... nothing really important Justin... I'm just a loser fag that has... had... has .. I dunno... had... had... the hots for you up until I saw some guy that I just can't seem to meet... and now... FUCK I HATE MYSELF!" JC mumbled to himself as he heard Justin walk off. He heard Justin's door close.

"What do you think he was gonna tell you?" Lance asked.

"I think he was gonna tell me that he was gay... you assholes..." Justin spit out as he laid down on his bed.

"Did you tell him that you were?" Britney sounded eager.

"Well... I was waiting for him to say it first. But nooooooooo my giiiirlfrieeeeeeeeeend just had to call me... and I bet its not even for anything important either... thanks a fuckin lot you assholes..." Justin said in a mocking tone of voice.

"Hey watch your language mister... you should have told him Justin... make it easier on him. I'll bet he's deathly afraid that you'll hate him because he's gay. You know how Josh is. He hates starting conversations like those." Lance tried to sound encouraging but it didn't help much.

"What about making it easier on ME?????? Of course I want my best friend to know that I'm gay... thats a huge secret off my chest... but I just don't really know how to say it yet... thats all." Justin answered a little whiny.

"Well you already know he's gay right? So since you know he's gay then you know he's not gonna hate you Justin. So what are you worried about? Talk to me... us... we're you're friends. We want to help you Justin." Britney tried to sound reassuring but it didn't help either.

"Well... I feel for him... I really care alot for him... I mean a whole lot... but I'm not sure if it really is love or anything like that... and I'm attracted to him physcially... gosh he's just soooooo hot... but..." Justin paused thinking of what to say next.

"But...?" the duo asked curiously.

"But... but... I'll see like this really hot other guy thats not Josh when we go out... anyplace... and I'll... I'll just think of what they would be like if... well... you know... GOSH I CANNOT BELIEVE I'M TELLING YOU GUYS THIS! I mean... if its love right... then my eyes and my mind won't be wandering around like that, right? And if I truly loved him like that then my mind wouldn't even be thinking those things, even if I did notice other guys being attractive right? I just want to be sure before I do something really stupid. I don't want Josh to just be a piece of ass, you know?" he sighed as he made his last comment.

"What makes you think he'd be a bottom anyways? You're the one with the incredibly cute tush Justin. I think you'd be the bottom" Britney tried to lighten up the conversation to make Justin feel a little easier.

"You are soooo not helping Brit," Justin droned.

"Why does your ultra enhanced super duper gaydar pick things like that up too Justypoo?" Lance added in jokingly.

"No... I just see myself as more of a top than a bottom... I guess... I mean... if I ever did get with Josh... which probably won't happen anytime soon... if ever... I'd probably let him... you know... do me... just to try it... and if I liked it then hey... but for the most part I think I'd mostly like to be doing him... if you know what I mean." He giggled a little bit, still in disbelief that he was actually having a conversation about this with Brit and Lance.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew... Justypoo is a peeeeeeeeeeeeerveeeeeeeeeeeert." Lance added in childishly.

"As if you don't fantasize about all the things you could do to Britney... and oh god... the pictures you have of her Lance... wherever did you get those... that stash you got of Britney pics has got to be able to fill an album the size of a phone book with all those pics." This was Justin's way of getting back at Lance.

"I do not have any pics of Britney... I dunno what you're talking about Justin... well at least any like that... I wouldn't even know where to look..." Lance was a little embarrassed.

"Um hmmmm... whatever boy..." Justin joked back.

"Lance? Do you have pictures of me?" Britney asked curiously.

"No... I don't... not like Justin's talking about... I mean just stuff you gave me... us... the guys thats all... tell her you're lying Justin... tell her you're lying..." Lance pleaded with Justin.

Justin almost started to crack up, he decided to dodge the subject and make Lance sweat a little more. "Well so what did you guys really call me for? I know there has to be a really good reason other than to interrogate me." Justin said playfully.

"Justin tell her your lying... you better tell her you're lying... tell her you're joking Justin damn it..." Lance was frantic.

"I mean you guys did say that you wouldn't pressure me anymore on the telling JC subject so..." Justin trailed off avoiding Lance's pleas.

"DAMN IT JUSTIN! Tell her you're lying or I'll... I'll..." Lance couldn't think of anything he could hold over Justin to turn the game around.

"Or you'll what?" He giggled a little as Lance got silent. "Thats what I thought."

"I'll fucking drive my ass over there right now and and tell JC how much of a fucking fag your fucking faggot ass is alright thats what!" The anger was clear in Lance's voice. He didn't really mean to say it like that but it just came out.

"Alright. It was a joke Brit... I'm sorry asshole." Justin hung up the phone and threw it across the room. He shoved his face into his pillow and began crying. What Lance said hurt him. It wasn't so much that he threatened him but rather the words that he used to threaten him. Only in his worst nightmares did anyone he ever cared about use those words to hurt him. Fifteen minutes later the phone rang again.

Justin wiped his eyes and went to pick the phone up again. "Good... not broken... my mom would so kill me..." he said as he picked it up. "Yes speak." He knew it would be either Lance or Britney or maybe even both.

"Justin I'm sorry... I didn't mean to say those things and I know I hurt you but... its just... its just that sometimes you take your jokes a little too far... and... I'm sorry about saying what I said... and calling you what I did... and for my language... and... gosh Justin I didn't mean to hurt you... I wouldn't even be able to gather up the balls to do what I said I would... and I'd never hurt you like that... I'm sorry Justin." Lance started crying on the over the phone. He didn't try to hide it. He was angry with himself for hurting one of his closest friends the way he did.

"Well it hurt okay... saying what you did just totally made all my worst nightmares come true... how the fuck do you think I feel... I trust you with a huge secret... and you go back and threaten me with it... but its not so much that... its just the way that you said it... thats what hurt the most Lance... it makes me feel dirty." Justin started crying again. He sniffled and tried to wipe the tears that streamed down him cheeks.

"I'm sorry," Lance wailed over the phone. "Please forgive me... I never meant to hurt you... I'm sorry."

"Lance, Justin, the both of you calm down and stop crying or you're gonna make me cry too," Britney was still on the line with the both of them. "Justin, please, accept his apology, don't be mad at him... or try not to... he knows what he did was wrong. Please Justin?" She added in.

"Fine. Lance, you're forgiven... and... I'm sorry too... I know I don't know when to stop sometimes... but... I guess I get it from Chris... so I'll blame Chris since he's not here to defend himself." He giggled a little and tried to lighten himself up as well as the whole situation.

"Thanks... yeah... you do tend to take things a little too far... but yeah... I guess we can blame this all on Chris." Lance giggled a little too and calmed down. The line went silent for a while.

"So... well... so..." Britney tried to break the silence. "Well we wanted to see if you wanted to do something with us tonight. You, me, Lance, and JC... we could hang out while we're all on vacation. The four of us could go out... and I think Chrissy's in town too, we could call her up and do something."

"Um... well... tonight's actually kind of bad because my mom is bringing over a dinner guest... and she kind of wanted me and Josh to not go anywhere really... cuz of the guest... and so... well... maybe tomorrow or something." Justin suddenly remembered Marc and didn't want to miss meeting this guy for the world, vacation or no vacation.

"Dinner guest?" they both inquired in unison.

"Yeah... somebody she works with. It was really last minute so..." Justin trailed off he didn't want to tell them about Marc just yet. He had to see what was to come out of it first.

"Well... I guess we could do something tomorrow then. How about we go see a movie and have lunch or something?" Britney sounded a little disappointed.

"Yeah, that sounds cool." Justin was just agreeing. His mind was on Marc, then on Josh, then on Marc and Josh.

"Why don't you ask Josh about it?" Lance said eagerly.

"Um yeah... hold on... I'll go check with him." Justin got up and went to JC's room. He knocked on the door.

JC heard Justin walk up. He heard the knocking. "I don't wanna see you right now... please just go away," he pleaded in his mind.

"I think he's asleep... or maybe he left without me knowing or something. Let me check inside." Justin turned the knob slowly and opened the door.

"Leave me alone... sleep... I'll pretend I'm asleep... sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep... I'm sleeping... I'm sleeeeeeeeeeping... go away... I'm sleeeeeeeeeeeeping... get the picture... I'm sleeeeeeeeeeeping... I don't want to taaaaaaaaaalk to you." JC chanted in his head.

"Um... figures... he's asleep... I'll just talk to him later... he's sooooo..." Justin trailed off as he walked out of JC's room and closed the door.

"I'm soooooo what? I wanna hear... talk louder... I wanna hear... wait... I thought he said gorgeous... say it again... I'm fucking crazy... I'm crazy..." JC thought.

"He's soooooo what Justin?" Lance asked.

"He's soooooo gorgeous when he's sleeping. I feel like I can watch him forever when he's sleeping... he's just so peaceful and cute." Justin giggled.

"Well just as long as you talk to him when he wakes up... and I don't just mean talk to him... you know what I mean Justin." Britney pushed.

"Don't worry I'll tell him... before midnight... or I give you my M-class since you want it so much... don't know why you don't just buy your own though." He knew if he set a goal and a consequence that he'd get it done. No more procrastinating.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry care to join me?" Lance asked.

"Naw... I just ate lunch with my mom and Josh so you two go on ahead. And I promise to call you two as soon as I tell him. Okay?" He reassured them, then the three of them hung up and Justin went back to his room to play some video games.

JC was up his room thinking about everything. He wanted to meet Marc, but then there was Justin. Up until last night it had always been Justin Justin Justin Justin. After Marc sang it had seemed that Justin instantly became part of his past. Marc was his future, Justin was his past. He thought it was so funny how things could turn around so quickly. But he still felt for Justin, it was inevitable. He was still attracted to Justin, but Justin was straight-- or so he believed. And then there was Marc. Marc might be straight, but he might be gay.

"If only my gaydar worked," he thought to himself giggling.

He hoped Marc was gay, but with his luck he was probably straight. He started fantasizing about having dinner with Marc later that evening. Maybe he could get Justin and Lynn to leave the two of them alone. That would be something. Add some candles, some romantic music, maybe serenade him and confess his love to this man. He chuckled a little at how silly it seemed. But was it love, couldn't be. He didn't even know him. Infatuation at best, but not love. Not love at first sight anyways. Now the first time he heard him sing was something else. Maybe love at first song. Again he chuckled at himself for thinking so off.

Lynn pulled up the driveway. She made her way into the house and set the groceries she bought on the counter. She was humming to herself absentmindedly as she put the groceries away.

JC heard Lynn walk into the house. He bolted up excitedly and ran out of his room.

Justin heard the garage door close and figured his mom was home. He dropped his controller and dashed out of his room.

The two met in the hallway almost knocking each other over as they made their dash for the stairs. They looked at each other and shared a laugh. Then together they bounded down the stairs to pester Lynn.

"Is he coming????" They both beamed enthusiastically. They looked at each other and shared another laugh.

"Unfortunately not," Lynn frowned. She saw the frowns on both of their faces.

JC felt his hopes dashed yet again. "Why why why why why why why why why?" he thought to himself.

"Awwwww man... I wanted to meet this guy too," Justin pouted.

"Well he had plans for tonight,but he did say he could make it tomorrow night. So I bought some groceries for dinner tomorrow." She said as she finished putting away the groceries.

"Awwwwwww whats so important that he couldn't have dinner with us? Anyone would die just to have dinner with us." Justin whined.

"I would die having dinner with you, especially the way you talk with your mouth full," JC joked. He was itching to ask Lynn what Marc had planned but held back since Justin was there. He didn't want to lead on that he had a thing for Marc, not that he hadn't done it before but he figured he'd try and not take the chance.

"Actually he had to go to the gym. His sister has been nagging him everyday since he arrived in Orlando to keep up with his workout. I guess he missed all his workouts on his last week in California because of finals." She leaned over the counter.

"Its good to be in shape though," JC added in trying not to sound excited. He wondered about just how in shape Marc really was.

"So which gym is he going to? I mean did he have to get a membership to some gym over here or what?" Justin asked curiously. He could tell JC was holding back on his questions so he tried to weasel a few things out of his mother.

JC looked at Justin curiously. "Why is he asking things like that. He couldn't... naw... Justin's straight as an arrow. I still need to talk to him though... just hope he doesn't hate me when I tell him." He broke out of his trance when he heard Lynn talk again.

"Well he said some fitness center he uses back home has a branch out here somewhere near where he's staying. That and they said they'll let him use his membership card there so he doesn't have to pay any extra dues. So it looks like things are starting to look up for him." Lynn yawned a little.

"So where's he staying?" Justin smiled a little when JC's head snapped back at him. He stared JC straight into his curious eyes and smiled again. "I'm trying to help you you big dork... clueless as ever... maybe your gaydar is working now..." He thought.

"They actually have him at the Marriot, so I guess its not all that bad where he's staying. I probably made it sound worse off than he actually is earlier. But really, if they say they're going to get you an apartment then they should." She stated defiantly.

"So... what time was he gonna head out to the gym... I mean... couldn't he go like after dinner or before dinner or something... I really wanted to meet him." Justin pretended to pout but inside he was smiling.

JC looked over at Justin a little curious. "What is he up to... why do I feel like he's trying to set me up?" he thought to himself.

"Because I am you doofus... obviously you're blowing every chance you get to meet him. If he is the one then you'll meet him tonight. Gosh you are such a dork Josh... thats why I love you... pitiful." Justin thought, picking up on what JC was thinking.

"Well he said he was gonna go around five or so and probably work out for about two hours. He must be a real health nut, spending time in a gym for two hours. I think thats alot. But I guess it pays off." Lynn answered Justin's question.

"And I could soooo imagine how much it would pay off on someone like him. Josh, you are so lucky you're my friend. Make me pass a gorgeous guy like him up." He thought. He looked at his watch and smiled. "4:00 that means we have like an hour... better finish my little set up," he couldn't help but giggle a little at his thinking.

"Whats so funny J?" JC asked him. He knew he was up to something and was hoping that Justin wouldn't use Marc as a pawn in his next prank on him.

"Um... nothing... I just remembered I have a date with my Playstation so... I'll catch up with you guys later." He bolted up the stairs to his room.

"What was that all about?" inquired Lynn.

"I dunno but I'll see if he wants to hang out with Lance today." JC followed Justin up the stairs slowly, a little curious.

Justin heard JC coming up the stairs. "He makes things waaaaaaaaay to easy... predictable .. he better be happy that I'd do something like this for him. For him... I'd do pretty much anything for him..." Justin sighed and stood up and looked in the mirror.

"Knock, knock?" JC knocked on Justin's door and casually strolled into his room. Justin was looking at himself in the mirror. "I was wondering if you wanted to see what Lance was up to since we're not having dinner with... um... what was his name again?" He tried to make it look as if he wasn't really paying attention to the conversation about Marc.

"His name's Marc, oldtimer," Justin said. "Ha ha... if you think you can cover yourself now you are soooooo dumb Josh," Justin thought. He scrunched up his face as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"What's wrong J? You look a little disappointed." JC voiced a little concern at Justin's facial expression.

"Josh? Am I flabby? I mean... am I still as toned as I used to be?" Justin fought hard at the smile that tried to form on his face.

"You're fine Justin... I mean you look good... I mean... you know what I mean." He sighed as he checked Justin out. "You... Marc... You... Marc... You... ugh... I hate myself," he thought.

Justin cocked an eyebrow at JC. He was gonna start in on another tease session but figured he'd save it for later. "Well I think I am... I think I wanna go work out... all that talk about working out and fitness kinda bit me. Um... you wanna go... to the gym... or something instead?" Justin knew JC would fall right into his game but didn't want to get too cocky.

"Um... sure... let me um... go get ready," he replied nervously. "Okay he's up to something, why the hell are you playing into his stupid games dork?" he thought as he walked to his room to change.

Justin smiled as he watched JC walk out worriedly. "Gotcha boy... and we'll see about getting you and that hottie together," he mumbled to himself.

JC met Justin downstairs with his backpack full of some extra clothes. "Ready?" Justin nodded. "So um... you driving or you want me to drive?" JC asked.

"Oh I'll drive." Justin smiled. "Too easy Josh, you're not even putting up half a fight, whats wrong with you... other than you're probably one of the biggest airheads on the face of the earth." Justin smiled to himself.

They drove off and headed for the gym. JC noticed that they were in the vicinity of the Marriot before he started really worrying again. "Oh God... I soooooo know what he's doing. Why can't he just leave it be and not use innocent people as pawns... he can be such a butthead sometimes." he thought. He looked over at Justin who was smiling and singing to whatever was playing on the radio.

They went to five different gyms and health clubs. Each time they got to a gym they only stayed a few minutes scoping it out. JC knew what, rather who, Justin was looking for and it only added to JC's worries. Soon they were on the road again.

"Justin, do you realize that we probably paid for memberships to every health club, fitness center, or gym in Orlando? If you wanna work out then work out." He sounded a little angry with Justin. It wasn't because he had to pay for all the memberships but because he knew what Justin was trying to do, or thought he knew what Justin was trying to do.

"Well I just don't feel comfortable at those ones... I wanna be comfortable when I work out, you know?" He tried to cover but felt frustrated that Marc was nowhere to be found. He glanced down at his watch. "Shit... 6:15, we have less than an hour to find him... please let this be the one," he thought as they pulled up to yet another fitness center.

"Okay whatever Justin..." JC still sounded angry.

They walked in and paid for yet another membership that they probably would never use after that day. Justin looked around frustrated, knowing that JC was angry with him. He thought it was the whole money thing. He spotted Marc at the bench press and smiled. He led JC over to some benches set aside for curls. They both started working on their arms.

"Oh gee... that looks like that one guy, what was his name again... oh yeah Marc? Doesn't that look like Marc, Josh?" he tried to sound a little playful and casual.

JC's head snapped in the direction Justin was pointing. "Don't point Justin," he whispered. "He'll probably think we're stalking him or staring at him or something," he scolded as he pushed Justin's arm down. He glanced back at Marc working out and stared dreamily.

Justin noticed this. "Well, whats there not to stare at?" he toyed. "I mean look at him, those arms, strong arms, nicely toned, couldn't you just imagine those wrapping around your waist?" he tried to sound a little seductive and erotic. It was working.

"Um hmmmm," JC droned, not really knowing anything else to say.

"And you could see how defined his body is through his tight, white, t-shirt..." he played it even more.

"Um hmmmm," he agreed, lost in his fantasies.

"I wish he would've wore some shorts though so I can see how nice his legs are," he fought the little giggle that threatened.

"Yeah... shorts," JC was still caught up in his fantasies.

Justin leaned down behind JC placing his head on JC shoulder. "Go get him Tigger, if you want him that bad go get him," he whispered.

"Wha???? I dunno what you're saying Justin... I don't get what you mean... want him that bad... huh?" JC was a little frantic and spun around to look Justin in the eyes. He saw the smile on Justin's face and just wanted to beat the crap out of him right there.

"I said if you wanted him that bad then why don't you go get him. Must I repeat myself?" Justin said playfully.

"I don't... Justin..." he tried to hide his embarrassment.

"Look Josh... that boy is just toooooooo cute to pass up... if you're gonna pass this one up you have to be the stupidest guy in here. If you don't want him then I for sure am gonna go for him." he started to get up and head towards Marc. JC grabbed his hand.

"Wait... um... how did you know? I mean... this isn't one of your stupid jokes, right?" He looked at Justin pleadingly.

"Oh as if it wasn't obvious," Justin laughed a little. "Yeah... shorts..." he mimicked JC in a monotone, Homer Simpson-like voice.

JC scratched his head. "I guess it was, wasn't it," he said, a little giggle escaping from his mouth. "Um... so you're okay with this... I mean... the you know..." he trailed off curiously anxiously waiting for Justin to answer.

"Look we'll talk about this all later, okay. But right now you have a cutie to catch up with. And Josh, I swear if he walks out right now I'm going after him and you'll be sooooooooooooorry." He was teasing.

"Fine... okay... I'll go already... but... but... I don't know how to pick up on a guy..." he said a little ashamed.

"You don't know how to pick up girls either, and you still manage somehow... the Lord must love you or something..." Justin teased. "Now will you go? Just ask him if he needs someone to spot him or something, then let the conversation follow freely."

"Okay... I'm going," he smiled at Justin as he walked towards Marc. He turned around briefly and mouthed a thank you to Justin.

He walked up to Marc nervously. "Hey there."


The story is really writing itself now. I think I've finished 2 chapters within like 2 days or something. With any luck I should have chapters 4 and 5 up by the end of the week. Maybe even chapter 6 if I'm lucky. Okay... shoulda done this at the top but I'd like to thank everyone that responded. I'm just so happy that I'm not the only one reading what I'm writing. =) I'm gonna try to answer all you're e-mails when I get the time. As it stands the story really is pretty much writing itself. I have some thoughts on where it will end up but it seems more like I'm writing whatever ends up popping into my head. So I guess I can't really say what is gonna happen. But just as long as you guys are enjoying yourselves with it. At least I can keep you smiling on how stupid JC can be. Questions, comments, flames, whatever can be directed to my e-mail at vocal76@hotmail.com... peace and adobo grease!

Next: Chapter 4

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