
By Chris G

Published on Jan 18, 2000


The following story contains scenes of sex (and yes, even love!) between young males. If this comes as a surprise to you, I can't even begin to imagine what you are doing here. My hope is that you will enjoy my story, and that you will let me know what you think at cgalt08@yahoo.ca

Turnabout -THREE-

We lay there in the afterglow, just staring at each other. Will, who had looked so different to me when I had seen him first at noon, had changed even more since, and was now a completely new person. I gazed at him, pondering.

One thing was for sure-he looked a hell of a lot better out of his clothes than he did in them. Amazing just how much influence clothes play when you look at someone. The guy who had seemed such a scarecrow of spare parts, and poorly-matched ones at that, now lay revealed as a long, lean, but actually well-defined man. And in the cock department, long and lean about summed it up.

But what was actually uppermost in my mind was how much Will had changed from the character I had assigned to him all the while I was busy holding him, not to mention the rest of the world, off. Total geek plus three parts dork? Sheeeshh! I felt my face flush at the thought. Will had been gazing at me all the while my attention had been focused on him. "What?" he said when he saw the red in my face.

I reached out and stroked his cheek. "Just thinking about what I thought of you . . . before."

Will gave one short bark of a laugh. "Total geek, right?"

I drew a deep breath. "Plus . . . plus . . . three parts dork."

Will rolled onto his back and clutched his stomach, laughing loudly and long.

I had been so upset with myself for thinking of him like that, my face felt sore from trying not to twist itself up in disgust. To see him laughing-actually laughing at my complete dismissal of him as a human being-was a total shock. But-I couldn't help it. With him lying there laughing so hard, I felt my lips twitch into a smile, and then I was giggling. I launched myself on top of him, pulled his hands to his sides so I could get the full length of myself pressed up against him, and then stopped his laughing mouth with mine.

I rolled away again, onto my side, and once again looked into his eyes. "Will . . ."


"What do you see?"


"Yeah, but what do you see when you look at me?"

He could have said any number of typical teen joking things, but the beauty of it all was that he didn't. He didn't speak; instead, he just reached out and very gently ran the tip of his index finger down my nose.

He said, "I see someone I'm very glad I took the trouble to get to know."

I felt my face get hot yet again.

He said, very slowly and almost harshly, "David. Get over it. Yeah, you've been a complete prick to me ever since I first met you." His tone lightened. "But I get a very strong impression that we've moved beyond that. It's over. It's history."

"Yeah," I responded. "As long as history doesn't repeat itself."

"And why would it?"

"That's why I asked you what you saw. I'm not so sure I know what I see in me. I need a second opinion."

"Well," responded Will with a chuckle, "I'm not so sure I'm not biased at this point. Anyway- to take the obvious part first, I see a not-too-bad-at-all body with a really gorgeous cock . . ." Here he reached out and lightly stroked it. It jerked to his touch and swelled slightly. That made him giggle. "I think he likes me!"

"Yeah, I'm not surprised! You showed him a pretty good time just now."

"But more important is the guy it's attached to. Sure, I like sex as much as anyone. But what we felt went way beyond a need for cumming. We were together, Davy." It was the first time he'd ever shortened my name. No one had ever called me anything other than David. The thrill I got hearing him say it went way beyond novelty.

Once again he read it in me. It seemed I was an open book to him. "I've been watching you since I first met you. I've been-it's like maybe-trying to catch you . . . trying to get you to come to me. I've gone home after school most days analyzing everything I saw about you, everything you said to me when we were together, trying to get into your head. One thing's for sure: you're way scared of people."

That hit home. "Well, I guess . . . I mean, being gay and all . . ." That just came out without the slightest hesitation, just as though I'd known Will all my life. I gasped in surprise as I heard myself say it.

"Hardly a surprise to me. I mean, after all . . ." He didn't really need to spell it out.

"Are you? . . . I mean . . ." I stuttered to a stop.

He waved off the embarrassment of the question. "Dunno for sure. I've been looking at girls for a while now, thinking about . . . And yeah, a couple of guys too. Then you came along."

I wasn't sure I could process that statement fully. He seemed to be telling me that I'd driven every thought of any other person out of his head.

"Look man, you do it for me. You want to know what I see? I see a guy I could really come to love." He said it completely naturally, with no hesitation, no stuttering, not making it sound like a cheap throwaway. There was a solid reality behind the statement I simply couldn't avoid. It forced my eyes away from his and down to the bed covers.

"L . . . Love?" I couldn't say it without choking.

"Davy." He said it so softly. "Hasn't anyone ever loved you?"

Oh God. I almost blacked out from the intensity of the emotion that seemed to rush out of some deep recess in my mind-my little chamber of horrors I kept buried at the back where no one could ever find it. I even managed to lose it and forget its existence most of the time. Two big tears welled out and rolled down my cheeks.

Will was next to me in a flash, folding me into a strong, soft embrace. There was nothing soft about my response. I grabbed him so hard I heard something crack, and then my face was buried in his neck as I sobbed my heart out. His hand stroked the back of my head as I howled my distress, and he responded with a murmur of "Oh, Davy" over and over into my ear as my emotions proceeded to shred themselves into ribbons.

Tuesday and Wednesday passed in the usual flurry of school and homework. Will and I met for lunch as usual. After the combination of first-time sex and the aftermath of confession I could have ended up either as a complete basket case or as a new, improved David Preston. Fortunately, it seemed as though the latter was the case.

Will commented on this at lunch Wednesday. "Gee, David," he said after we had munched away at our specials, forcing ourselves to swallow the goop the cafeteria gods had decided to favor us with, "I haven't seen you look this happy in a long while."

"Well, all thanks for that go to you," I said, looking over at him with a broad smile. "I mean, I'm amazing even myself. Not to mention everyone else. I got into a discussion during the break this morning, which is something I've always avoided doing. Then, when we broke up, I noticed a couple of people giving me these really odd looks as though they were trying to figure out who I was."

"I can go you even one better. I've actually had people comment to me about how you've changed all of a sudden. You've been talking to people in a way that one of them described as 'actually nice'."

"Ouch!" I commented ruefully. "Well, OK, I've been a total prick for such a long time-no wonder people are shocked at the turnaround. Again, I owe it all to you."

We stood up and carried our trays to the return counter, then moved to the doors taking us outside and up into the trees. We flopped down under the same tree which had sheltered us Monday afternoon.

"Speaking of pricks," I said, with a slight hesitation, "I'm already missing yours."

Will chuckled deeply. "Well, I can say the same about yours. What about curing that need after school?"

"Right on! No one's home at my place until late tonight!"

Will turned an amused face toward me. "Not too eager at all, are we?" he laughed.

I blushed and turned away, confused. Will's hand cupped under my chin pulled me back to him. He kept leaning in and his lips were on mine, sweetly, gently, lingering softly. I began to moan and wrap my arms around him. He pulled back then, murmuring gently, "Too long at this right here is dangerous." He continued, "Davy, don't be afraid to say what you feel. You want me. I want you. That's OK. Relax with it. I'm only teasing you. I want it-as much if not more than you do, dude."

I gazed back at him, still amazed at the depths of understanding and caring in him. "Will . . .?"



"What for?"

I paused, considering. "For rescuing me."

"No need. I figure I'm more than rewarded for all the work I put into it."

The afternoon passed too slowly. All I could think about was being with Will, alone, in my room, and what would happen between us. Our first encounter was nothing more than a blur in my memory. As much as I had tried to resurrect the details in my mind during my mad bouts of jerking off afterward, I really had only a blur of impressions and sensations I couldn't bring into any kind of clear focus. I really wanted to go into this next one fully alert to all the emotions and physicality of our sex.

I don't know how I got around between classes. I think I was fully hard from the moment I sat down in the first afternoon period until the final bell (in my mind the finally! bell). I was going to have one awful case of blue balls if something didn't happen soon.

I was on the steps leading down to the parking lot, waiting for Will to appear, when Debbie Harkins approached me. Great, I thought, just what I need-a talk with one of Josh Barretts' prize bitch-goddesses.

"Well, David," she began, in a very patrician tone, acid dripping from her vowels, "you must be very happy!"

"And why must I be very happy, Deborah?" I inquired in an ironic tone, trying to dampen the impression she was making on me.

"Well, I mean, you've only managed to get Josh Barrett kicked out of school for three days."

"Debbie, I think you're slightly confused on this point. As I recall it, I was nowhere near Josh Barrett when he got himself that three-day."

"You know what I mean!" she almost screamed, losing her cool. "You're the one who caused the whole thing!"

"I can't say I follow you on that. I certainly admit I was careless in barging around the corner the way I did and knocking him down. From that point on, everything that happened was in Josh's court. He did what he did to get himself that suspension."

"You . . . you . . . absolute nobody!" Debbie was so upset by now that she was practically croaking. "Do you know who Josh Barrett is? How important he is to this school?"

"I know who Josh Barrett is. I have no idea why he is so important to this school. And what's more, I have no idea why his suspension from it has anything to do with me."

"Hey, David." Will was standing beside me, his hand on my near shoulder. "What's up?"

"Miss Harkins, here, is remonstrating with me on my ghastly behavior in the matter of the suspension of Mr. Barrett," I replied with the same acid-etched tone I had been using in my replies to her outrage. "Miss Harkins considers this upsetting of the natural order of things to be entirely of my contriving."

Will smiled broadly at Debbie. "Give our best to Josh, Debbie. Tell him we miss him. Come on, David."

We moved away down the steps, leaving Debbie standing there with her mouth open for a response, but nothing had come out by the time we cleared the gate and headed down the sidewalk.

"Should be interesting when Josh gets back tomorrow," I commented.

"Yeah, but that's tomorrow," Will replied. "Right now we have more important things to think about."

"Like . . .?" I inquired.

"Like . . ." Will replied, with a meaningful glance at my crotch. It immediately sprang back to the fullness it had lost under Debbie's assault.

"My goodness!" continued Will. "Does he always behave like that?"

"Well," I said, somewhat red in the face, "I think he likes you."

"I remember thinking the same thing Monday afternoon," replied Will. "Let's get to your place and see if our theory is correct."

We didn't race or anything. We both knew what we were going to do and by common consent, without saying a word, we let the anticipation build. Along the way, we would brush against each other. I would do it to Will, then a few seconds later he would do it to me. I think we were both getting a charge built up by doing that. Every once in a while, one of us would look over at the other, and we would both grin and blush at the same time. Ah, love!

We got to my place and climbed the stairs. We were actually slowing down by the time we reached my room. I think it was nerves. I know I was feeling absolutely kid-like in my awkwardness. I put my back pack down on the floor and promptly tripped over it on my way to pulling the shade down over the window. I dropped the CD I picked out to put in the player, then I couldn't figure out why there was no music until I realized I hadn't turned the amp on. I finally fumbled through getting everything going, and then turned to face Will. He was standing watching me with a slight smile on his face.

"Well," I laughed, "the service isn't great in this place, but the price is right."

"Davy," was all Will answered, "come here."

I slowly walked toward him and as I got within reach his arms came out and gathered me to him. My arms automatically wrapped around him and he pulled me in, making contact between our two bodies at every possible point. We were a perfect anatomical match-our two hard poles lined up against each other. We just stood there, our heads resting against each other, feeling our cocks rubbing slowly through our jeans. Will's hands caressed my back as they had done before. I was just frozen. I mean, I loved it, but I just couldn't make myself move.

More time passed (seconds? minutes?) and then Will heaved a great sigh and his rubbing hands moved down onto my ass. He pulled me toward him, thrusting his pelvis forward to meet mine, mashing our spears together and at the same time clutching my two cheeks really, really hard.

The jolt blasted me loose. People always talk about the "lightning bolt". This was way beyond that-this was something so internal, so primal, it couldn't be compared to anything physical. I felt myself wanting nothing but to bring Will into me, to bring me into him, to become one with him, to make one body out of our two selves. I gave a deep groan/moan, and he echoed me a moment later. Our mouths found each other, wide open, and our tongues met and fought. We each pushed as tightly as possible against the other-almost like a vertical wrestling match.

Finally, Will scaled back and stepped away from me, but keeping his hands clenched around my biceps. He said hoarsely, "Davy-I want you so bad . . ."

All I could muster in return was a croaked, "Will . . ."

His fingers moved up to my shirt buttons. Even this flare of passion did not make us hurry what was happening. We both wanted to savor and remember every moment. He pulled my shirt out of my pants and pulled it down my arms, which I held back to allow the sleeves a clear slide. He stopped, gazing at my out-thrust chest and slowly bent forward to place his mouth on my left nipple. He tongued it and then sucked, hard. I moaned loudly, and tried to bring my arms around, but he held them still. I needed to touch him so badly.

He pulled back and looked at me. His face was a study in wonderment, as though he couldn't process what he was experiencing. He shook his head slightly and finished removing my shirt. As soon as my arms were released, I grabbed his tee shirt and pulled it from his pants. I ducked my hands inside and ran them up his ribs, thumbs forward on his chest. When I reached his nipples, I stopped and flicked them rapidly. I love playing with my nipples, and wanted him to know how good it felt.

He got the message. His head went back and his mouth dropped open. If I'd kept it up, I think he would have gone right over backward in ecstasy. I pulled him forward and pushed the shirt up and off over his head.

Will lost patience then. His hands moved to his jeans front and fumbled at the snap and zipper. I followed suit with my buttons and we each were naked within seconds. Then Will took a deep breath and seemed to regain some control. He moved to my bed, lay down on his back, and held his arms toward me. "Come here!" he breathed.

I seemed to flow to him. That's the only way I can describe it. I don't remember walking over, I don't have any impression of putting a knee down on the bed, climbing over him, doing any of that mechanical stuff to get into position. It's as though I'd been lifted and set gently down on my lover. I felt his heat approach mine and then blend, and then the beautiful sensation of skin on skin, mouth on mouth, and the slow shifting of limbs and cocks to make the most beautiful of sensations: body on body.

I felt tears start and well out of my eyes, and then Will's hands cradling my face as his mouth kissed the tears away. I forced my eyes open and saw his damp as well. I brought my hands to his head, my lips to his tears, and we drank each other's joy.

All the while, our hips had been grinding slowly against one another's and our rigid cocks were by now coated with the lube which had been flowing almost steadily since we had come together. Our breathing deepened and the pace picked up. I was enraptured-I had found someone who apparently wanted me as much as I wanted him. Everything was coming together to encourage me to greater heights of passion: the warm, soft flow of his hands over me; the almost searing heat of his tool rubbing against mine; the smell of him, a combination of tangy male overlaid with the subtler essences of fresh soap; and most of all, the murmured comments and wordless expressions of delight and satisfaction which he voiced without hesitation.

Will was so into this, I was so into him, we were so into each other. His hands came up my back and grabbed my head. Planting a firm kiss on my lips he pulled my head back from his and gazed into my eyes. "I want to taste you," he breathed.

He rolled me over onto my back, and his lips went to my neck. His hand went to my straining pole which he squeezed firmly, thumbing the resulting lube over the head and down the shaft. His mouth returned to mine, and resumed the kiss. Our tongues explored and danced together for what seemed like hours. Will continued to milk my cock of its lube and spread it up and down the shaft, even onto my balls.

Finally breaking the kiss, his mouth moved down over my chin, then into the hollow of my throat. Will's tongue lapped at the tender skin there, then moved over the shoulder, the lips spreading to take in the firm round curve there. Then the moist tongue lapped its way down the outside of the arm, stopped momentarily to tickle the skin at the elbow, then moved on over the top of the hand. By now, I was writhing on the bed. I wasn't sure what this was all about, but man was I loving it!

My breathing turned ragged as Will proceeded to take each of my fingers in turn into his mouth, treating each like a little cock, sucking at it avidly. Then onto the palm, where a passionate kiss directly into the center seemed to me to almost burn in its intensity. Then the soft swell under the thumb, which Will lightly bit, tonguing it as he did so. More kisses on the inside of the wrist and so up the forearm. My biceps was the site of another light bite and then Will raised my arm and continued on into my armpit, breathing in deeply and tonguing the hairs there.

From there, the hot wet tongue traced the outline of my pec, travelling in broad swooping swirls, circling in ever closer to my nipple. Will lingered there when he finally arrived. He seemed to find my nipple a raging turn-on. Under his tongue, it seemed to swell harder the more he manipulated it. I had never managed to give myself half the feeling that he was giving me now. It almost seemed as though the nubbin was giving him milk. I thought sure it was going to burst until he finally let it go, and moved diagonally up to the other shoulder, repeating the downward and upward tongue sweeps of the other arm, coming finally to rest on my other nipple.

I was sure I was going to pass out before he got done. Did you ever have such a feeling that you thought you couldn't contain it-that you had to black out just to get away from it? That's what it was like as Will licked and sucked at me. My hands were in Will's hair, stroking and stroking, moving down occasionally to his back. I could feel my whole body beating to the pulse of my heart, helplessly waiting for the next sensation induced by that steadily lapping tongue. My cock was being continuously squeezed, and I was producing gob after gob of lube, which Will was spreading up and down my shaft and over my balls.

Will moved into the V of my chest, and licked his way down. He poked into my navel and swirled his tongue there for a moment. Then he lay his cheek down on my soaked tummy and watched what effect his hand was having on my cock. No pumping, just a steadily repeating squeeze. He watch the generous beads of lube which appeared at the slit, ready to be smeared down the already-slick shaft.

Sighing deeply, he lifted his head and started down the tops of my thighs. This time he moved back and forth from one leg to the other, tonguing and nipping lightly, savoring the flesh. He tickled each kneecap, but I was so entranced I didn't even notice the tickling effect.

As Will moved along my shins, he carefully placed my shaft along my tummy. My hand immediately came up to continue working it. Will placed a hand over my wrist and murmured, "Davy, please don't." I dropped my hands to my sides and concentrated on Will's lovemaking. He had reached my feet, and after licking across the tops of both, knelt in front of them, placing the sole of each one of them over each of his pecs. He lowered his head, then took each toe in turn into his mouth, treating them as he had my fingers.

Finished with this, he raised my legs higher and proceeded up the backs of them, opening his mouth wide at the calves and scraping his teeth lightly across the mounds of muscle while tonguing them avidly. Behind each knee he placed warm moist kisses, and then moved up onto the soft, smooth thighs. The higher he went, the more he pressed my legs back onto my chest. I could feel cool air on my exposed asshole and felt curiously vulnerable, but that just made me the more excited. Will was now lying stretched forward, and he went into a licking frenzy over the hairless skin of my mounds. He swirled his tongue continuously, depositing wet circles over every square inch. He paused, and then I started in surprise as he swooped in and gave my hole one quick kiss, then lay my legs back down.

Straddling them, he laid his own cock up against mine, and brought the two heads together in a moist and sticky kiss. He slowly rotated them around each other, smearing even more lube over them.

"Oh, Will," I breathed, "that was fucking awesome, man!" I lay there, almost in suspended animation, waiting for Will's next action. I didn't know what I wanted, I only knew I wanted to give myself to him completely.

It was as though he'd read my mind. He didn't hesitate as he bent down and, with his hand firmly wrapped around the base of my cock, he began tonguing up and down the shaft, licking off all the precum he'd spread along its length. My writhing motions, which had stopped, began again as he brought his tongue up to my cockhead. Then I felt this beautiful, soft, warm, wet embrace and realized that he'd sucked the head into his mouth. I almost lost it right there, and fought valiantly to prolong the feeling.

He knew what he'd done to me, and showed no inclination to let me linger. The hot, wet sucking speeded up and I couldn't resist. The boiling heat I'd been feeling down in my balls hit the crisis point and surged up my shaft. I blasted into his mouth as I screamed in release, giving out with a great groan on each of the succeeding spasms. I had absolutely never, ever cum like that before. If it hadn't felt so great, I'd have thought I'd seriously injured myself.

I regained consciousness (well, it seemed like that) a few moments later to find Will stretched out beside me. I was being cradled in his arms, with my head on his shoulder. He felt me stir and placed a very soft kiss on my cheek. "Thanks," he whispered.

I couldn't speak because tears were trickling down my face. I brought my lips to his and forced his mouth open, shoving my tongue in and then marveling at the taste of myself that I found. We didn't break apart for what seemed like ages.

"How come you're thanking me?" I wondered.

"You've given me the greatest gift anyone ever has," his trembling voice replied.

I stroked his hair. "Funny. I was just going to tell you the same thing."

We lay there in contentment, and talked about all kinds of stuff. In spite of what seemed to me to be Will's great experience in sex acts, he admitted that this was his first time, and he'd been living out some things he'd read about in the stories he'd downloaded from the net.

"You sure have a great way of turning fiction into fact," I told him.

"Yeah, well, you're enough to inspire creativity in anybody."

I pulled back and looked at him. "You're really serious about this, aren't you?"

His eyes dropped, then came back up. He took a deep breath, and slowly said, "Davy, I am really, seriously, hopelessly in love with you."

"Wow," I breathed. Now who's the dork? I immediately thought to myself. The guy tells you he loves you, and all you can say is "Wow"?

Will didn't seem to mind though. I reached out a hand and rubbed the back of it up and down his chest and over both nipples. He shuddered the full length of his body. I felt something clutch at my insides as I saw that. Was this love? I wondered.

Next: Chapter 4

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