
By Chris G

Published on Jan 25, 2000


The following story contains scenes of sex (and yes, even love!) between young males. If this comes as a surprise to you, I can't even begin to imagine what you are doing here. My hope is that you will enjoy my story, and that you will let me know what you think at cgalt08@yahoo.ca

Turnabout -FOUR-

My hand continued its motions across Will's chest. His shuddering showed no signs of lessening as I went on with my caresses. His breathing became more ragged, and with my thumb and finger I nipped one of his buds. The resulting gasp startled me so much I instantly withdrew my hand.

"No, do it again!"

"Man, I thought I'd hurt you! I like doing that to myself; I didn't know for sure if you'd like it."

"I love everything you do." It was another of those simple, direct Will-statements I'd come to admire so much. "Keep going!" he begged.

I went back to the nipple, and slowly increased the pressure of my nipping fingers. I started pulling a little too. His head fell back on the pillow, his mouth dropped open, and his chest began heaving, dragging the air into him.

I got up and straddled him, nestling my slathered cock up against his straining member. Mine twitched into firmer life at the feel of his pulsing heat. I went to work on both his nipples together. Will's eyes were shut, his head pressing back into the pillow with the intensity of his feelings. I decided to shift gears. He wasn't the only one who had been reading those stories.

I brought my knees together and forced open his thighs, murmuring, "Open up for me." He did. And the next thing I made Will feel was the faintest of faint tingles as I began to brush my fingers against the skin just under his balls. The pressure I used was maybe just a bit heavier than a breath. The constant swirling of my fingers against his skin went on, up under his balls, down toward his asshole.

It got to him big time. He opened his legs wider and pulled his knees up. I knew what he wanted-I seemed to have connected to him on some fundamental sensory level. My fingers traveled onto his thighs, asscheeks, and then back to that most sensitive patch right under his balls. Never any pressure, just the faintest of strokes, the merest brushes of flesh on flesh. He started to moan, a low growl in his throat as those tingles spread from where I was touching him out across his body.

His hand, seemingly on its own, reached for his straining cock, needing to react against what he felt. The cockhead was now a rich plum-like purple,. I saw his hand start to move and knocked it gently away, saying nothing more than, "Let it happen!" Will's eyes reacted to the growl in my voice, but apparently he trusted me and put his hands back to his sides where they began convulsively gripping and releasing the bed covers.

His hips began rotating and lifting, trying to push against my still-moving hand. But I adjusted to his thrusts, keeping just the merest gentle touch against the silky smoothness of his flesh. I teased him further by running that gentle touch up the underside of his shaft, but I didn't touch the head. Will's legs were now wide apart and drawn up. So great was his need for release that his lower body writhed uncontrollably and his moans never paused.

His hands shot up and grabbed me, pulling me up next to him. I was careful to keep my lower body a little away so that his cock couldn't touch me. It strained hard into the empty air as my hand continued to send waves of tingles, chills, and delight up and down his body. My hand never stopped.

Now Will's mouth was wide open and panting. I wanted to kiss him, but I knew I couldn't because he was breathing as though he'd just finished a marathon. His moaning had become louder, his hips were lifting off the bed, but I still kept the gentle, oh-so-gentle strokes going up and down, round and round, cherishing that warm soft flesh between his thighs.

He couldn't take it any more. He stopped his moaning pants long enough to get out a single, faint "Please!" I relented. With a sudden fierceness I grabbed his straining, aching pole around the base with a crushing grip and shoved my pursed lips down over the head.

Will screamed once, loudly, and rammed his hips upward to shove himself into me. If my fist hadn't been clenched around the bottom of his dick, he would have spitted me on that burning steel rod. There was no more need for gentleness now; quite the opposite. My man was hurting in his need to release. I'd never sucked a dick before, but I learned in a hurry what I needed to do. I operated like a piston, my lips and tongue working his head, my hand working his shaft. The single loud scream Will had given was replaced by a rising crescendo of harsh, almost sobbing moans as his climax approached.

Then, with one last trailing high-pitched wail, I felt the cockhead expand in my mouth. I almost lost the tip of my tongue down the gaping slit, and when I pulled it back an explosion of jizz blasted into me. I swallowed frantically, trying to keep up with what seemed like gallons of boiling cum. Somehow, I managed to keep it all in me.

Will collapsed back, pulling in great gulps of air, his chest heaving upwards until I thought his ribcage was going to pop out through his skin. I looked down at him, licking my lips and reveling in my first taste of man-cream. My man's cream, I thought in a fond haze of love and gratitude.

Will's gasping breathing gradually calmed. Then, gently, ever so gently, I placed my mouth on his. Our tongues joined, and Will started licking around the inside of my mouth, tasting himself as his arms come around me and gathered me to him as though he wanted to pull me right inside of him.

Later, we sat in the kitchen, having by mutual consent pulled on our jeans to go down in search of sustenance. In other words, we both had a major need for food. In companionable silence we had raided the fridge of everything we thought fit to eat, bulldozed our way through it, and now the remnants of it all were spread around the table. Simultaneously, we both leaned back in our chairs and sighed contentedly. The synchronicity of it reduced the two of us to a helpless fit of giggling.

Recovering first, Will sat forward again and leaned his elbows on the table. He looked across at me, the smile disappearing from his face as he studied me. He took a big breath and said, "What did you do to me?"

I immediately stopped giggling. "Wha-what do you mean, Will?" Now I was nervous.

"I mean what you did to me up there just now. And I don't mean the moves you laid on me. I told you already: you've hooked me. I am totally, absolutely, insanely, desperately, hopelessly, and forever in love with you."

I felt the flush start in my toes, travel up my legs, hit my stomach (which promptly dropped several feet lower than normal), flashed up across my chest, and finished by flaming my face with what felt like 200-degree heat.

"Gee, Davy, I hope red doesn't mean 'stop' in this case." Will flashed a quick smile.

"Go-goddammit Will, you're so. blunt! You keep firing stuff at me and I feel like I haven't had time to catch up with everything that's been happening before you get on to something else!" He immediately leaped off his chair and came around to me to kneel at my side. He draped his arm along the back of my chair, but otherwise he didn't touch me.

"Davy, I'm sorry!" he said contritely. "But man, you absolutely just blew me away!" He gave one short bark of a laugh and continued, "Sorry for the bad pun!" I couldn't help but give a quick grin at that. "But David, and you've got to believe me here, I feel just exactly the same way you do. I'm just as excited and just as bewildered by this whole thing as you are. And the only way I know how to deal with it is by being as honest with you as I can. I want to know how you feel about absolutely everything, and I want you to know exactly how I feel. It's not that I'm trying to pressure you, to push you into anything, to try to get you somewhere you don't want to go. If we make anything work out of all this, it's going to be because it's right for both of us. I just wanted you to know exactly how I feel."

I slid down in my chair to rest the back of my head against the arm he had behind me. I rubbed it back and forth a little. Actions have always suited me better than words, and right now I needed to tell him as best I could that I really wasn't bitching at him.

"I'm really not bitching at you," I said. "It's just that. well, you know ."

"No, you tell me. Try really hard to tell me exactly what you're thinking. I want to know. I need to know."

I drew a deep breath. "When you said what you did just now, about lo-loving me," I almost whispered, stumbling badly over the big L-word, "I just about lost it. I mean, well, you already know about how lonely I've been, and you've come along and filled that big hole in my life. I still have trouble believing that even that much has happened. And now you sit across from me in my own kitchen and tell me that I've done this really major thing to you. You see, I can't even say the words!"

I got up and went over to lean on the counter, my back to him. The flush hadn't died away; in fact, my face was faintly throbbing.

I felt, rather than heard, him come up behind me. His hands fell gently on my shoulders. He didn't try to turn me around.

"What you're saying is you don't believe you have that kind of power," he murmured.

"How could I? In just these few days I've turned from being an absolute shit into someone who. who." I couldn't figure out how to say what I had become.

Will finished it for me. "Into someone who has made me love you," he breathed onto the back of my neck as a soft kiss landed on my nape. His tongue made small circles against my skin for what seemed like minutes.

Then he stood back up and gently turned me to face him. "Davy, you have become that person. And the only reason I can think of for why that happened is that that person has been inside you all along. You were just covering it up. Let's face it: haven't you really been thinking, if not actually saying it, that the same thing has happened to me? Where's the geek?"

I hung my head at that. He cupped his hand under my chin and forced it back to the level to look him in the eye.

"Hey, I admit it-no doubt about it. I was every bit of it. But I think that was my way of hiding who I really was. Davy, we've found each other." His voice throbbed as he said that. I was spellbound by his intensity. "And each one of us has brought the other one up from the darkness to the light. Geez, could I get any more dramatic?" He snorted in self-derision, but then added, "I'm really serious about this. We are neither of us who we were last week. We've done that for each other. It's new for both of us, and we're both going to be learning as we go. There. Now tell me what you think."

He still held me by the shoulders, still held me in his gaze. There was no getting away from him.

I took another deep breath, and finally I felt in control of myself. The flush finally died away.

"Will, I think you're right. I wasn't really complaining about anything. I think I'm just scared by the newness of it all, by how much everything I've felt has changed so suddenly. I-I think I love you!" I blurted out.

"We'll see," Will replied calmly. "You may feel like you're being rushed into something. God knows I do. But there really isn't any need for us to rush into anything. What I said to you just now was my reaction to the most intense experience I've ever had with another person. There's no rule that says you have to feel the same way about me."

"But." I was starting to panic again. "I don't want to feel any different than you do!" No, it didn't make a lot of sense, but then what else did?

"Why not? You're a different person. But Davy," he continued as his hands slipped behind my shoulders to pull me into him, "we've got all kinds of time to find out how we both feel. And right now we need each other, right?"

"Right!" I said without hesitation, and pulled his head to mine and into a long, passionate kiss.

Next: Chapter 5

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