Turning a Dad

By moc.mia@61nltih

Published on Mar 11, 2011


Turning A Dad: Part 17 By: Damien James Email: hitln16@aim.com

This story is complete fiction, and is not meant to offend anyone.

When I went to school today, my best friend Mike was waiting for me, an angry stare screwing up his square jaw. His eyes were intense and glaring. I was almost scared.

"You fucked him?" he spit at me. He shoved my shoulders, and I could feel anger rising in me, as my balls tightened in my sweat pants.

"Who?" I said, not moving away from him as we both gripped each others bodies, his clothes crumbling stiffly under my fists, are sides both against the hallway of steel lockers.

"My fuckin dad, man," he said. He seemed to lose some anger, as a kind of sadness came over his face. For a moment, I could have felt bad for him, but I remembered sliding in and out of his old man's asshole, wrapped tightly around my fat dick, and I knew it was worth it.

"No dude, I didn't. Why the hell would you think that". He let go of my shirt and stepped back, rubbing his head in agitation.

"I'm sorry, its just that he's been acting weird. Your the only one who knows about him, and a couple of times he felt loose".

"Well, I didn't fuck him," I lied. The truth was that I fucked him a couple times, enjoying taking that man's ass.

"Alright, I'm sorry then," he said.

At this point, teachers were in the hallway, sending us to the principal. No one heard our conversation, but I guess they saw us almost fight. They made us sit apart, even though we were now cool. Mr. Jackson, the principal was a pretty angry guy, always screaming in someone's face. He almost got fired several times for hitting bad kids. But, at least no one ever cursed at him again.

I went into his office first, sitting across his desk, watching as the veins in his forehead expanded over something on his computer.

"Why were you fighting?" he asked calmly, more threatening because of the knowledge of his explosive rage, which could reach across the desk any minute. Normally I wouldn't have cared, but I'd already been in conflict today, and just felt like going home and taking it out on some nice juicy asshole.

"Uhh, it wasn't really a fight sir," I said, until he cut me off with an outburst.

"You bein smart boy?"

"No Sir, I'm not."

"You better not fuckin be, I'm not in the mood for your shit," he said adjusting his cock in the leg of his pants between his wide stretched legs, as if to try to show me how much of a man he is.

"Yes Sir," I said getting tired of appeasing this guy, spreading my own legs wide to show off my cock through my sweat pants.

"So what are we going to do about this boy, suspension. I'll have to call your parents down," he said.

"I don't know," I muttered not really caring. He stood up, walking slowly until he was behind me. I felt the tense grasp of his manly hand around the back of my neck.

"You think your something special boy? I can break your little ass in two" he said into my ear, as his hands gripped me harder. I grinned in amusement.

"Do it then."

After the words left my lips, I thought maybe I should take them back, but he already had me standing, my ass hitting the top of his desk with all the force of his big body slamming me down. He ripped my sweat pants, as he pulled them down my thighs. He didn't wait for them to be fully off, before his his wet lips were between my legs, slurping at my asshole. I was still mad, but his tongue was rough, big, and hard against my taint and hole, and felt perfect drilling me. I held his face into my head, shoving it in further, as I rode my hole across his nose, lips, and tongue as he made my hole wet and juicy. My cock was rock hard, even before he began licking. I took some precum, forced his mouth open by pressing his cheeks, and slid it onto his lips. Once he had a taste he liked it. He stared licking my own precum into my hole, the warm sticky feeling sliding inside me.

Then he stood, undoing his belt and sliding his pants down underneath his dress shirt. He pulled his tie to the side, over one shoulder. His cock was big and fat, but not the best I had ever seen. He came at me, thinking I was going to take it. I stopped him, turning him onto the table, taking his dick into my mouth. He was beginning to slam it in, as I gagged on his rod. It took a little while, but soon I had him in my previous position, with his legs spread. I didn't eat him though, as I just wanted him wet for my cock. His ass was hairy, and his pussy was pink in between his hairy man ass cheeks. I shoved my dick in before he could stop me, fucking him until I shot load after load of cum inside his tight hairy cunt. He took it all, the veins in his face throbbing against the desk that I had him bent over. He was exhausted his body lying flat, after I finished. I left his office, glad that I was out of trouble and minus a load of cum in a possibly virgin asshole.

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