Turning Fourteen Series

Published on Apr 9, 2023


Turning 14 chapter 4

Disclaimer: This work is of pure fiction and any resemblance of the characters and settings to real life persons, events, circumstances, etc. is purely coincidental. This work involves the workings of love between consenting characters of teenage years and some stuff you might find offensive. If you are not a fan of this kind of literature, please proceed somewhere else. You know who you are and you should know whether or not to read this stuff. Think about the legal, moral and all those other shitty lines you might be crossing. This is not a quick jack off story.

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I'm loaded with work related stuff, but I just can't leave this story alone. As promised, an update per week, at best :) Hope you enjoy this one as much as those other three chapters! Oh, Oh!! You might wanna read the A/N at the end of this chapter :)

And here's this little reminder again:

Paragraphs in italic are intended to be as flashbacks.
Otherwise, all other paragraphs in regular, unformatted font adheres to the present time perspective.

© kkrimson © Oran 2014

~Turning Fourteen~
At Heaven's Door and marking some Dates

Wednesday – April 2, 2014


"Not really."

"Are you scared?" Alex asked.

I felt his hand tighten around mine, his eyes showing real concern and yet looked brave enough to conquer the unknown.

"Are you ready?" I asked him.

"We can't ever be ready, y'know."

"My point exactly."

He smiled and looked ahead. I mean, way ahead and above both of us. This climb would be the toughest yet in my life. I haven't read the signs telling me how many steps there were to take. The only thing I knew was this would probably be a gruesome climb. The weathered steps looked threatening and almost crumbling to pieces. There were chunks and bits of rock laying on it and cracks almost everywhere on its surface. However, knowing that so many people had conquered this climb, I felt sure that I would soon follow their footsteps. And with Alex holding my hand so tightly, as if afraid of ever letting go, there was supposedly no room for me to doubt each step we took.

"It's really high, big bro," he mumbled.

"You wanna back out now?"

"Nope!" he declared. "We're here, aren't we? It'd be a shame if we don't see this to the end."

Funny that he should mention the end.

"This is only the beginning," he thoughtfully reminded.

"And I'd make sure it won't end."

He looked at me questioningly, as if trying to decipher the meaning behind what I said. I gave him a weak smile and he nodded as he took the first step upward and I started following him.

Soon enough, we'd be right at Heaven's Door.


Wednesday – March 19, 2014


After a long and adventurous night and with Alex having given me the best blowjob ever (he stuck to his word, I assure you), there we were, lying naked on my mattress up in my tree house. His head rested on my tummy and his hair felt so soft against my skin. His right hand found its way on top of my left thigh, inches away from my crotch. I should've had a raging erection by then, but he sucked every last drop of cum I had a while ago. If I could personify my dick, it was way too drunk and its throat felt dry. It would take hours for it to become sober and let itself be sucked and left gasping once again. For now, with my arm over his chest and my right hand going through every detail of his cute nose, the moment just seemed perfectly serene.

"I'm an angel, am I not?" he said, looking at me.

"It's too early for April Fools, don't you think?" I smiled at him and he shrugged.

"And you're the demon, Mikey."

I raised my eyebrow at him and he giggled.

"I had done you justice," his voice suddenly sounded like a character from a movie. "...and put out your hellfire."

"You sucked me dry, dummy." I pinched his nose. "How was I s'posed to counter that?"

"Y'know," he paused. "I've read too many stories of angels and demons falling in love with each other."


"I didn't think it was true. I mean..."

He looked deep in thought, even furrowing his eyebrows with his eyes staring right up at the ceiling. I waited for him to continue.

"It's just impossible, right?" he said and I just shrugged. "No angel can fall in love with a demon."

"Who told you that?"

"I thought of it myself."


"Think about it, big bro." He shifted to lay on his side, removing his hand from my thigh. "Heaven is up, hell is down. Angels up in heaven and demons down in hell."

"So? Does that mean they can't fall in love?"

"No," he answered. "It only means they can't fall in love where they live."


"Heaven is too good to be true," he pointed out. "...and hell is just so miserable."

"I think I know what you mean," I told him.

"See?" he exclaimed. "The only way they can fall in love is when they meet halfway..."

"...here on earth," I finished for him.

"We're living on a breeding ground right now."

"So we're here just for the sake of sex. Is that what you mean?"

"Not just for it. We bring something new into this world every day. Most are small things, but they count when it matters most."

I was astonished at his sudden shift to maturity. He sounded so far from his age, but his voice gave it away.

"How'd you get to be this...profound?" I asked.


"What exactly?"

"I'm an angel," he told me again. "...and you're a demon. And the rest, I'm sure you know already."

Did I really know what he meant? Was he an angel on earth, or was he an angel that didn't even exist? Was I too desperate to fall in love to have dreamed an angel into existence?

I stared at him, not saying a word. He stared back, smiled at me and sighed. Lying on his back again, his hand found its way to my thigh once more and I seemed to have counted the last strand of his hair.



"Wait up, big bro!"

"C'mon, you slowpoke!"

Halfway up the steps, Alex let go of my hand and decided that we should have a race to the top. Never to back down on his challenge, I easily outran him as he fell three to four steps behind me while demanding that I slow down. I didn't give in to his plea, though. Instead, I teased him and was laughing hysterically at how slow he's gotten and how desperate he was for some deep breaths. I was running out of air, too, but Heaven's Door was right in my view so I ignored that basic need for air and ran even faster while urging Alex to do the same.

He looked exasperatedly back at me, but he did chuckle and picked up his pace once more. Soon enough, he was only one step behind me. We passed by other people who were going back down, their faces weary and satisfied with what they had seen up there. That only got me more excited as I yelled for Alex to hurry the hell up.

"Hah...," he breathed out. "Haaaaaaaaaaah!"

"Took you long enough," I told him, in between my ragged breaths.

"Shut up!" he barked and we soon ended up giggling.

The view from the peak was magnificent. That was a severe understatement, I tell you. Looking down below, the sea looked so wide and the horizon suddenly curved on both its ends. The blowing wind was refreshing, the summer sun warm on my skin and Alex's laughter only made the scenery more wonderful.

"I can't believe we made it," he said.

"Piece of cake."

"Yeah, right," he chuckled. "...took your mom a lot of convincing for my folks to take us on this trip."

"All worth it."

"Thanks to your dad," he reminded me.

Yes. All the credit should go to my dad. Well, not all of it, but the whole idea was his. If it wasn't for him taking my mom on their second honeymoon on some faraway island, I wouldn't have ended spending the start of my summer vacation with Alex's family. My mom was against the whole arrangement, convincing herself that we'd resort to doing abnormal things again. She even discussed the circumstances with Alex's parents pretty bluntly and she never missed out a single detail. If you must know, she seemed to have engraved in her memory every single moan she heard that night coming from my tree house.

Little did she know that Alex and I had his folks do some sort of role play. They played the oblivious parents, shocked at the news my mom delivered and assured her that they would keep a watchful eye on both of us. They even stressed on the possibility of attending a summer boot camp if we didn't straighten out. That pleased my mom so well that she agreed to leave us alone while she enjoyed the hot summer sun with my dad. For all I knew, they'd only spend it locked inside their hotel room and fucking the hell out of each other. My mom didn't like the sun so much. Her skin was porcelain and she wanted to keep it that way.

"Still out of breath?" I asked, noticing how Alex seemed to still be catching his breath while crouched in front of me.

"A bit," he whispered.

Then, as he might have been expecting this whole time, I got down to his eye level before leaning in to give him a breath-giving (not breath-taking) kiss. He smiled against my lips. Thankfully, there weren't many people around and the ones who were there even took a picture of us. I heard the sound of the camera click and the giggles from an old lady nearby. They were at Heaven's Door and the scene that they captured was of two boys kissing. I wondered if their faith approved of that.

"Better?" I whispered.

He nodded meekly.

"Let's rest for a while," he said. "...then we'll have lunch with my mom and dad down by the beach. What do you say?"

"Cool," I answered. "This one's off your list now, isn't it? We reached the peak."



"This wasn't on my list. It just happened."

I looked questioningly at the side of his face. We were now standing up and leaning forward against the rails overlooking the dangerous slope. Seeing that he was far too intrigued and captivated by the scenery, with boats and their colourful sails cutting through the tide out in the open sea and overly huge umbrellas fighting the gust down by the shore, I took out my phone and scanned his `diary'.

After several minutes of silence between us, with me considerably deep in thought, Alex finally spoke up.

"What are you looking at?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing," I told him, putting my phone back into my pocket.

In my other pocket, I knew my mom's tracker was pretty much indiscreet in sending our location – on top of a mountain peak, near the vast ocean and in a faraway province which held so much pride in their beaches and natural rock formations.

"C'mon," he urged and took me by the wrist. "It's our turn."

Looking through a mounted binoculars, Alex was eagerly tugging at my shirt and pointing out toward the ocean, telling me that he saw some cute looking boys by the beach. He didn't let me have a turn though, which wasn't a problem since my mind was still troubled after scanning his `diary' once more.

`It just happened,' I told myself.

I didn't know if that was true, but there was really nothing written on his `diary' about the two of us spending our vacation this way. It just happened.

"So...," Alex trailed off, still looking through the binoculars. "Wanna get some ice cream?"

"You won't even let me have a turn with that thing?"

"No. You might see someone better looking than me and I don't want that."

"How `bout you then? You've seen some cute boys, right?"

"Not as handsome as you, I promise," he said, after the lenses closed on his vision. "I'm thinking chocolate flavour, but I really want to taste some of yours, y'know."

Despite his olive complexion and the sun beaming on his face, his tiny blush was noticeable. His eyes hinted of mischief and his voice sounded so...suggestive. There was still an hour before lunch so I'm guessing that we'd spend that time back in our cottage. We did, in fact, and it tasted a whole lot better than any flavour of ice cream.


Friday – April 4, 2014

`Tell him I'm about to die? No. Too depressing. Tell him I don't love him anymore and that...that I only played with his heart?'

I felt a shiver run down my spine at the sudden cheesiness of what I was thinking. Truthfully, I wanted to get back at Alex for playing the worst kind of joke on me on April Fools. I didn't want to wait a whole year to have my revenge. Oh, NO. He needed to be punished.

"Hey," I felt him nudge my shoulder. "...still mad about that joke?"

"I thought you really drowned, damn it!" I snapped. "You scared the living shit out of me!"

His joke was childish actually. But he went to such lengths as to even have the lifeguard commit to his plan. He urged the other kids to stay out of the pool and paid another kid to have him be pushed into the water while we were innocently taking a stroll by the poolside. When that happened, the lifeguard was nowhere to be found and Alex was doing such an incredible act with his stunt. The eight year old boy who pushed him was laughing like a madman and I badly wanted to throw him out into the sea and feed him to the sharks after I gave him the worst wedgie of his life.

Now, as Alex's arms flailed and splashed and his shouts inviting lots of onlookers, I just stood there, thinking that my heart stopped before finally realizing that I needed to dive in and save him. The dive wasn't so bad. I swam toward him and put his arms around my neck while kicking downward to have both of us floating. The only problem was, my foot hit the bottom of the pool. And Alex was giggling in my arms.

"April Fools," he told me, smiling.

"What the fuck?"

"It's just four feet, big bro," he told me. "...and I actually know how to swim."

Four fucking feet. That was the pool's depth. It was hard to judge that by just looking through the water's surface since its floor reflected the sky so much. It looked to be deeper than 20 freakin' feet.

"Sorry," he mumbled, taking my mind back to where we were.

The night sky had settled above us as we sat comfortably in front of a bonfire. We had set up camp in between his parents' and our cottages. Our tent danced in the light breeze while party music played somewhere nearby.

"I'll get back at you, don't worry," I told him.


There were lots of people taking a stroll down the beach and we could even see his mom and dad sitting comfortably on the sand some distance in front of us. They were enjoying their wine, it seemed.

"I was thinking...," said Alex. "It's kinda unfair that I made that list."

"Which list?" I asked, which made him look at me strangely. Oh, right. He didn't know about me reading his `diary' (his first list) and also his bucket list.

"That list I showed you, remember? Those things we're s'posed to do?"

"Oh, yeah. That list. Unfair, how?"

He shifted closer to me, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"I wrote those stuff long ago when I first saw you. You made me want to do so many things all at once. Stupid, I know, but...I wrote it anyway."

"It's not stupid," I remarked. "It's actually sweet for you to do that."

"I guess so."

A moment of silence, both of us waiting for each other to continue.

"You were saying unfair...how?" I told him.

"I bought a jar earlier," he said.

"A jar? For what?"

"For another list we'd be making together."

`Okay,' I thought.

"I bought a couple of pens and some paper, too," he continued. "Let me get them for a sec."

As he entered our small cottage, I could only stare blankly at the fire burning before my eyes. Despite the loud music from a beach club nearby, I could vividly hear the crackling sound of burning wood.

"Here," Alex said when he got back, handing me a pen. "...and here's your paper."

"You tore it to pieces?" I asked as I got handed some small pieces of paper like the ones found in fortune cookies.

"I've been busy while you were asleep."

Facing each other, I waited for Alex to tell me his idea of writing another list. The empty jar was set in between both of us, by our bare feet.

"We have five minutes, okay?" he said and I nodded. "Write down anything you wanna do and we'll do it together. Ready?"

I nodded again.


As fast as I could, I wrote down silly stuff on my little sheets of paper. Here are some of the things I wrote:

Hop on a plane and go somewhere far without telling anyone

Go scuba diving

Island hopping

Get drunk

Jet skiing



"Stop!" Alex exclaimed and I only managed to insert one last thing on my list which I don't plan on letting anyone else know as of now.

"Now what?" I asked.

"Gimme that," he said. "...and here. We'll read what each of us wrote."

Except for that one piece of paper, I gave him everything I wrote down. I made sure to be quite discreet in hiding the last thing I wrote down in between my palm. After he gave me his pieces of paper, I squinted my eyes and raised my brow at what I was reading.

"Skydiving? Skinny dipping?" I read aloud. "These are the exact same things!"

"Yep! I still want to do those stuff."

I heard him giggle and chuckle as he read through my list. I, too, was giggling at how childish Alex was based on what he wanted both of us to do.

"You wanna steal a lollipop from a baby?" I asked.

"Could be fun, y'know."

Scanning through the other things he wanted to do, I abruptly stopped and stared at a single piece of paper in my hand.

"What?" he asked, giggling.

"Are you serious with this one?" I held it up for him to read.

"Yep. Totally."

Oh...wow. I couldn't believe he actually wrote this down. Here, take a peek at his blunt writing:

Have sex with my boyfriend

After we were done going through our separate lists, Alex reached for the jar and opened the lid while starting to roll the pieces of paper that contained the things I wanted to do.

"This way," he began. "We'd get to do everything together. We'll pick one every day and if we can do what's written on it, we'd do it then."

"What if we can't?"

"We'll save it for another time."

"And that...uhh...sex thing..."

"What about it?" he asked.

"You're really sure you'd take the risk of it being drawn randomly? I mean, what if you don't feel ready yet and we pick that one out too soon?"

"It'll save us time, big bro. Besides...we can't ever be ready so it's best if it'll be a surprise for both us."

"Okaaaay," I said as I rolled his pieces of paper.

When we were both done, we put every rolled piece of paper into the jar and I made sure to put the one I hid away earlier inside. There was no way for us to know what was written on it anymore. It was like a jar full of fortunes without cookies. Alex closed the lid and that was it. We had another list in our hands.

"Now for the second part," he said as he took something out from his pocket. "This was my previous list. Since we can't use it anymore, why don't we burn it?"

"You sure?" I asked, but in the back of my mind, I hoped he could also burn that `diary' of his.

He nodded and started unfolding his bucket list.

"From now on," he declared, much like doing a ritual. "...it won't just be my list. It'll be our list."

The sheet of paper quickly turned to ashes. The ink written on it faded to nothing but an orange glow. It was like a piece of amber under the dim lit sky. I looked at Alex and he stared back me as he held the gentlest smile I've ever seen on his face. His hazelnut eyes also had that bright orange glow in them.

"We start tomorrow," he said.

That was when his mom and dad made their way back to us and said they would spend some time at a bar before calling it a night. Since we were far below the legal age of drinking, we were advised not to stay up way too late and be sure to put the fire out before we retreated into our tents.

"So...," I trailed off, lying under a blanket inside our small tent with Alex's hand resting on my chest. "...we're calling it a night?"

He chuckled and hurriedly threw the blanket to our sides, leaving us naked with a little lamp over our heads. Alex moved his leg and rested it over mine before he breathed in deep, taking in my scent, perhaps.

"Not a chance," he said before pushing himself up and sitting on my torso.

Then, he moved downward and placed his butt over my slowly hardening dick. He wiggled a bit, inciting a full erection before turning 180 degree and showing me his wonderful virgin hole. I gulped at the sight.

"You do know that everyone can see us from outside, right?"

He giggled shyly before reaching over and turning off the lamp.

I felt his balls glide over my chest as he lay on top of me in the famous 69 position. I could smell his crotch and it didn't smell like lemons this time. It was peculiar, weird even. It must've been the mixture of scents from the suntan I applied on him that afternoon, the sand, the sea and the wind that left its wonderful aroma stuck to his skin. It was cold outside so we weren't sweating that much.

"I've seen this on the internet," he told me. "...mind if we do it like this?"

"No problem." I smiled at him, eagerly staring at his dark spot and hanging nuts.

"You better shave tomorrow, okay?" he said. "I don't like any pubes on you."

"But I'm just starting to have them," I protested, proud of that little patch above my dick.

"It doesn't feel good in my mouth, big bro. I love your bare skin more."

I sighed and conceded, but on only one condition.

"What?" he asked.

"You're going to shave that off me and," I paused, tracing his dick with my index finger down to his cute butthole. "...you're not going to have any pubes either."

He giggled, the ticklish way, and proceeded to poke his tongue at my glans. I held his waist and pulled his closer. His knees were right above my shoulders, right beside my face. I poked my finger at his navel, still adoring the way it protruded. I didn't know if he was comfortable kneeling over me that way, but I was soon pulled (my dick being pulled, for that matter) to lay on my side so he could also get comfy.

His wet tongue tickled my cut dick, sending shivers up my spine. He made sloppy sounds as he stroked my shaft and cupped my balls. I could've been devoured totally by what he was doing, but I had to take care of his dick as well. Mimicking his moves, I pulled his foreskin and licked under it. I got a satisfied gasp from him and I poked his butthole with my finger.

Then, he lovingly moved his leg over my face and under my left arm, allowing me better access to his ass. I loved the way his bum resembled a bubble. I spread apart his cheeks and left his dick alone for some time, trailing my tongue down his nuts and over his hole. He didn't have a single hair on him and that made his skin feel so soft and smooth. I was about to give him a rimming when he surprised me by doing the exact same thing to my butthole. I heard him giggle as he felt my body stiffen.

"...feels good," he whispered or moaned. "...doesn't it?"

I nodded and continued with licking him clean before going back to his dick. I suddenly had that urge to stick a finger up his ass, but I didn't know how he'd react so I asked him.

"Alex...can I, uhm..."

I heard my dick pop out of his mouth.

"Is it okay if I...put my finger...y'know."

I couldn't see his reaction, but his response was yet another surprise for me. His wet finger made its way into my butthole, shallow at first, but slowly inching deeper. My flesh burned inside, a bit of pain shooting through me. I tried holding back my grunt, wanting to force his finger out, but it only ended deeper inside me.

`Shiiiit,' I thought.

I soon recovered and began to lick my own finger before putting it inside Alex's anxious butthole. He wiggled again, accommodating my index finger inside him. Then, another finger went up my ass. Oh, fuck. He was turning this into a competition.

I put a second finger in his hole and he only seemed to be wanting more, moaning so loud all the time while sucking my dick. My mouth was busy with sucking him as well and my other hand continued to cup his balls. My eyes were closed, my breaths pretty short and fast and I could feel our bodies sweating like hell.

"...faaaaster," Alex begged, mumbling with my dick down his throat.

His hips thrust into my face and I could finally make out the distinct smell of his nuts. It still smelled like lemons after all. He withdrew his finger from my ass and I did the same, rubbing down his crack one last time before picking up my strokes and sucking him `til he'd run out of cum.

His thrusts strengthened and so did mine. We were so desperate to cum and this new position sent jolts of electricity through our bodies. I moaned, closed my eyes tightly, curled my toes and I felt that same feeling way below my gut as I shoot my cum down his throat. Seconds later, I felt his warm jizz inside my mouth. I didn't get to swallow all of it, though. He left me gasping for breath after making me cum and I could've choked if I took every drop of his jizz without breathing.

"Haaaaaahhhhhh," he breathed out. "...that was the best!"

"You always say that," I told him, wiping his cum off my lips before licking some that trickled from his peehole.

"And I always mean it."

He shifted and lay on his back, his limbs spread apart. I lay on my back, too with his leg settled over my chest and his fingers trying desperately to tickle my bare foot.

"I'm not ticklish there," I told him.

"Where then?"

"Not gonna tell you," I said and tickled his foot, inciting that wonderful laugh of his.

"This is going to be the best summer ever!" he declared after I stopped tickling him.

"Best yet," I corrected. "We have lots of summers ahead, I'm sure."

I heard him sigh before pushing himself up and lay beside me, both of us facing each other. His eyes still looked beautiful. It was that same afterglow in them every time I made him cum.

"I love you," he whispered, kissing my cheek.

"Love you, too."

His eyes slowly closed, my arm going under his head as he hugged my chest. His hair smelled nice and his warm breath was soothing. We didn't need any blanket right now. We had enough body heat to sleep comfortably through the night.


Saturday – April 5, 2014

"Don't all of this seem weird to you?"

"Who are you again?" I asked.

The boy in front of me smirked, taking a sip of his smoothie before looking back at my annoyed expression.

I had met him earlier, telling me that he knew a lot of stuff about Alex and asked me how I knew him. Apparently, he saw both of us at Heaven's Gate and was astonished at our display. Alex was lazing off in our cottage, saying that he wanted to sleep in for just a little while. This was our last day at this beach before hopping on a ferry later that would take us to another island that afternoon.

"Thomas," he answered. "Tom, if you'd like. I'm Alex's friend from elementary school. Now back to the subject..."

"Dude," I interrupted. "...if you're talking shit to me, you better just go. Okay?"

"What if I say that I know about December 28?"

"What?" I asked disbelievingly.

Surely, he wasn't talking about that entry saying Goodbye, right? How could he know about any of that?!

"Goodbye," Tom chanted. "Isn't that written there? I'm sure you've read it already. Your reaction made it obvious."

"What are you talking about? And how do you know about his `diary'?"

"Is that what you call it?" he curiously asked.

"Doesn't matter what I call it."

"It's not a diary, bro. It's a calendar."

Okaaaay. What the hell was he saying?!! If I thought that I'd get near any answer by listening to him, I was horribly mistaken. A calendar?! How was that a fuckin' calendar?

"It's not the first time he's done this. Every time I read it, there's always a date where it simply says Goodbye."

"So this isn't his first `diary'?"

"Calendar," he argued. "Not his first. But I have a feeling this is the last."


"Each time the date saying Goodbye arrives, it doesn't happen. He keeps on writing it over and over again, but it won't happen."

"You mean..."

"Yah, bro. You won't be saying goodbye to him."

"But...how...," I paused, still trying to grasp what he was saying. "...how do you know about this?"

"He sends it to me."

"The dia-...," I stopped when I heard him clear his throat. "I mean, calendar. He sends you the calendar?"

"I received this one a few days ago," he said. "I knew you were coming here so I looked for you."

"Just for that reason? Why?"

"I figured you'd have lots of questions and I wanted to find out if you've read it. I was right. You did read it. And this calendar is special. He'd do everything to make it happen, but seeing that you're also in it, I'd say he'd do so much more to make it come true. You weren't s'posed to read this, ya know. `Coz if you did..."

"I'd try to stop it...," I finished on his behalf.


"You were saying earlier," I said as he raised his brow and took another sip of his smoothie. "...how do you know this will be the last one he makes? Won't that mean that he'd get to say Goodbye at last?"

He smirked again. I hated his smirk. His thin lips curved slyly, his piercing emerald eyes appeared to be so deceitful and his ghostly complexion made him look almost dead. If it wasn't for his orange hair, he would've looked like a goth. One peculiar thing about him was his strong scent of cool ocean wind. It seemed like he bottled the ocean's breeze and turned it into his perfume.

"I dunno," he told me. "But don' try to stop it. Awful things happen if you do."

"What kind of awful things?"

"You'd lose him like...," he trailed off, staring disturbingly at me.

"Like what?"

"Like how I lost him."

"You mean..."

"I knew him back then, but not the way you do now. We weren't...boyfriends. I didn't even know he was gay, bro. That was long ago, we don't talk to each other now."

"But he sends you his calendar?"

"He's only trying to prove something."

"And that is?"

"He can make everything come true."

I'm sure the sound of thunder should fit the scene we were in. It felt like some big revelation in a horror movie just got confessed to me. However, the sun was clearly beaming over us and the air was filled with lots of laughter and cheerful shouting.

"That's all I can tell you, Mike," he said as he stood up. "I don't like beaches. See ya, bro."


I wanted to ask so many more questions, but he just walked away and waved with his back turned toward me. Soon, he disappeared into the crowd and I was left to pay for our smoothies and I didn't even get to enjoy mine. Still, I had a feeling I'd meet him again soon.

`A calendar?' I thought.

That seemed reasonable, perhaps. It had dates, yes. And like how one would mark a calendar for some special event or holiday or anything at all, Alex did the exact same thing. He was marking the dates with events that he'd make sure would happen. And I wasn't supposed to stop him. Let it be and...I won't get to say Goodbye?

"Big bro."

I turned around and was met with Alex's wonderful smile. He had a floral shirt on, some loose shorts and flip flops on his feet. He walked to my table and sat where Tom had been sitting a while ago.

"Were you with someone?" he asked.

"Yeah. Just...some old friend, I guess."

"From school? Who?"

"A childhood friend. To-," I paused. "Tony. Yes. He just dropped by to say hi."

"Too bad I missed him, huh. Well, wanna go for a walk before we start packing our things later?"

"Yep!" I smiled at him while trying to ease my mind off the things that Tom told me earlier. "You look handsome, Alex."

He blushed.

Taking a walk down by the shore for one last time, I made sure to make it memorable for Alex. I took a deep breath in and grabbed his hand. He looked at me, surprised at our indiscreet affection. I just smiled at him and he smiled back.

Lots of people were looking at us, but none of them shouted hateful names. They didn't seem to care. Maybe Alex was right after all. I didn't have a reason to fear being out of my closet. My mom, you say? Well, I'm sure my dad had her occupied for the time being.

"Hey, look!" Alex exclaimed.

Ahead of us was a crowd gathered around some guys with cameras that looked like the ones they used in shooting a movie. Sure enough, there was a sign saying that they were taping a scene for an upcoming movie next year. Some audience were allowed and even urged to just continue walking and acting normal like the cameras weren't even there to give it an authentic summer environment.

It was a romantic scene they were shooting. The lead star was with his leading lady, holding her by the waist before proceeding to kneel before her and pulling out that ring he hid in his pocket a while ago behind the scenes.

"I have an idea!" Alex shouted as he dragged me over to the whole scene.

When we got near the crowd, he whispered to me.

"Act normal."

We continued walking as the cameras continued rolling. The actors were to our far right side as we were strolling by the shore. Kids were running before us and didn't seem to mind that they were being shot in a movie scene.

Then, halfway on our normal stroll, Alex stopped and took a couple steps back. I turned to look at him and he seemed to be counting down inaudibly. I was curious right then.

"Will you marry me?" I heard the actor say.

Three, two, one..., came Alex's quiet countdown.

"Yes!" The actress exclaimed.

And when the actor stood up to kiss her, Alex moved closer to me, held my face and pulled me in for a kiss. My eyes popped out of my head, my heart racing like never before. We were kissing with so many people around and right beside us, not far away, the leading man was also kissing his bride.

I wasn't quite sure which couple the people had their eyes on. Was it on that hunk of a leading man and his lady or on two teenage boys making out by the shore?

As quickly as that happened, Alex drew back and was holding yet another beautiful smile.

"CUT!" Someone shouted. Of course, the Director. "THAT WAS BRILLIANT!"

`Huh?' I thought.

Did he get a shot of us or not? To answer my question, the Director guy looked over at us and gave us a thumbs up. Okaaaay.

"Now everyone will know," Alex told me.

"Yeah," I whispered. "Right. Everyone."

"Is that okay with you, big bro?"

I sighed and took his hand once again, leading him down our unfinished walk by the beach.

He can make everything come true.

I wasn't thinking of those entries in his diary or calendar or whatever it was for the first time. Right now, only one thing was on my mind. I stopped us in our tracks and looked at Alex's questioning eyes once again. It didn't look so mysterious all of a sudden. It just looked...innocent and playful and beautiful.

"I'm finally out, aren't I?" I said. "We can finally be special together."

He smiled and hugged me so tight. I brushed his hair before lifting his chin and kissing him gently.

He may or may not have anything to do with all the things he'd written. I'd solve that some other time. I wouldn't know if I'd try stopping them or not. However, if the things he'd written there were good stuff happening to both of us, I wouldn't dare ruin the happiness he'd make sure would befall us.

Besides, we'd written another list last night and we haven't even picked out what to do for today. Unlike his so-called calendar, the list we made was something that we both would strive to do.

"I love you," I whispered into his lips.

He bit softly and mumbled, "Me too."

~ End of Chapter ~

So it seemed Alex revised his second list with Mikey's input this time. Hmmm. Now, as a little gesture of gratitude toward all of you who've expressed so much love and complimented my little story, I'm inviting all of you to send me your own lists of things that you want to see Alex and Mikey do in the coming chapters. I'd appreciate any creative ideas from all of you. I can't promise to incorporate everything you send in the story, though. I'd only pick some and build on those ones :) Soooo, send in your lists so we can make Alex's and Mikey's list even longer!!! Email me, okay?

Next chapter, the continuation of their summer adventure and Mikey's decision regarding Alex's diary (calendar) entries.

Oh, and please do check out my other finished story here:Singing Hearts

And this one's still ongoing: Measuring Love

Anyway, send me your awesome messages here. It considerably warms my heart knowing you reached out to me in as much as how I reached out to you with my stories. krispykrimson@gmail.com

With love and always wishing you the best,
kkrimson. (Oran)

Next: Chapter 5: Turning Fourteen 5

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