Turning Jonny

By Chunky Chains

Published on Aug 20, 2017


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behaviour of the actual person.

-------------- TURNING JONNY - PART 5 --------------

Set in the summer of 2003

For DS

"Wilko!" cheered Ben Cohen, greeting his newly-turned fellow cumdump.

"Hi" Jonny said quietly, staring briefly at his teammate before looking around the other men in the room. He couldn't believe the array of world class sportsmen in the room, all of whom had clearly been subjected to Sean's advances before him.

"How you feelin' buddy?" asked David Beckham.

"Er, I dunno" replied Jonny.

"A lot to take in, huh?" said Frank Lampard.

"Yeah" said Jonny, nodding. "So are you all, er..."

"Cumdumps?" said Josh Lewsey, smirking. "Yeah, we've all had a massage from Sean."

"And you're OK with it?" Jonny asked.

"You get used to it after a while" said Matt Dawson.

"How long have you been, er, with Sean?" Jonny asked him.

"Seven years" replied Matt. "I'm the longest serving member of the team."

"Jesus" said Jonny.

"Tim here was the newbie before you" said Michael Owen, pointing at Henman. "Still adjusting, aren't you mate?"

Tim nodded while looking at the floor, not saying anything.

"So" said James Beattie, "you ready for Part Two?"

"What's Part Two?" asked Jonny.

"You'll see" said Beattie, smirking.

The guys continued to chat, eventually sitting down on the chairs or floor and each recounting their own tales of conversion from alpha males to one of Sean's boys. Jonny's mouth was agape for much of the conversation, but inside he did start to feel a bit more relaxed as he listened to their stories. From the sounds of it he had been one of Sean's easiest turnings, which made him feel both a bit proud as well as a bit uneasy.

After about an hour, Sean returned to the room with the three coaches behind him.

"Jonny my boy, time to move things on" he said.

The others all quickly got up and started getting their clothes back on, while Jonny watched them all wondering what was next for him.

"Should I get dressed too sir?" he eventually asked Sean.

Sean smiled at him, and then took a plastic bag from Clive and tossed it to Jonny.

"All you'll need is in there, so it is" he said.

Jonny slowly pulled the scant garments out of the bag, revealing just a pair of white training shorts, a black vest and some blue flip-flops. He got off the sofa and went to put on the shorts, and then noticed that there was a large tear in the rear. He paused, and then continued to put on the clothing knowing full well the rip was meant to be there.

"Right boys" said Sean to the others, "you've done your duty for today. I'll be callin' you all soon I'm sure."

"Yes sir" they all said in unison, before heading out the door. Erikkson and Gilbert went with them, leaving Jonny alone with Sean and Clive.

"Right boy" Sean said, when Jonny was fully dressed, "let's get you off to where you need to be."

"Wh-where am I going?" Jonny asked Sean, his eyes darting to Clive's.

"You'll find out soon enough" said Sean, grimacing at the rugby player.

Jonny sat in the back of Clive's 4x4, looking out the window as he tried to work out where they were going. Soon they were on a road through Richmond Park, and Clive took a turning in to small and otherwise deserted parking area. He turned off the engine before he and Sean climbed out, so Jonny dutifully did the same.

"This way boy" said Sean, striding off down a path alongside a dense patch of trees. Jonny paced after him, with Clive walking behind him carrying a rucksack. They made their way about two hundred metres, and then Sean turned and made his way into the woodland. Jonny followed, struggling to walk on the uneven ground a bit in his flip-flops but doing his best to keep up. They soon reached a small clearing in which there was a fallen tree.

"Right, here we are" said Sean.

Jonny stopped and looked around the clearing, wondering what on earth he'd been brought here for. Clive then plonked the bag down on the fallen oak, opened it up and pulled out a towel and a bottle of lube. He laid the towel over the trunk of the tree, and then handed the bottle of lube to Sean.

"Get yourself bent over this here tree" Sean said to Jonny.

"What?!" said Jonny.

"Assume the position boy" said Sean, a frown on his face.

"Here?!" said Jonny, stepping back. "No way, someone will see me."

"That's the point boy" said Sean.

"No, no way" said Jonny, shaking his head. "This is too public, plus who is it you've got coming here."

"I've got no-one coming here, they'll come on their own" said Sean, "now get yourself over this log."

"Strangers?!" yelled Jonny. "You've got strangers coming to fuck me?!"

"As I said boy, I haven't got anyone coming to fuck you. They'll come here on their own and fuck whatever they find."

"No fucking way" said Jonny, "they'll infect me with someone, and what if someone takes my photo."

"Boy, I've had about enough of your insolence!" yelled Sean. "Get yourself on this fucking log. NOW!"

Jonny had a panicked look on his face, and turned to Clive for help.

"Do it son" said Clive, "it's the only way."

"The only way for what?!" said Jonny.

"It's the only way all those videos and photos we took of you earlier won't find their way to the press" said Sean.

Jonny turned to him, his mouth wide open and tears beginning to form.

"What, did you think I'd risk you running off without having something to keep you in line?" said Sean, an evil grin appearing on his face. "You're mine now boy, and you better get used to it."

Jonny started openly crying, and turned back to his coach.

"Why?" he asked quietly, a pleading look on his face.

Clive stared at him for a moment, and then looked down. "I know Sean's dad" he said, rather quietly.

Jonny then suddenly realised what was happening. His coach was as much under Sean's influence as he now was, and he guessed the other two older men who had been at his house earlier today with their progenies in tow were in the same situation. Jonny felt the fight drain out of him, and his shoulders sagged. If someone like Clive could have this happen to him, then there was no hope for himself.

Jonny slowly walked over to the log, and bent over it so that his arse was sticking out. He repositioned his legs to spread himself apart a bit, and then hung his head down in defeat.

"That's better boy" said Sean, before he made his way behind Jonny, jammed the lube bottle between his cheeks and squirted some of the goo in. "Ye probably don't be needing this given you're already full of cum" he said, as he pulled the bottle out and walked away.

Sean and Clive stood and looked at the toast of English rugby, prostrate over the log awaiting his fate, and then they turned and made their way back into the trees to find a good position to watch.

Jonny felt numb. He had kept count, and was now on eleven. Ten strangers had fucked him and fired their loads into his arse, and the eleventh was well on his way to adding another. There were others waiting around the clearing too, and he had resigned himself to putting up with their use of him as there didn't seem to be any other alternative. So far no-one had come round to the other side of the log, and he guessed they probably wouldn't as this whole activity seemed to be about the anonymity of fucker and fuckee.

The gangbang went on until well after dark, and Jonny could tell by the lack of planes flying overhead into Heathrow that it must be getting on for midnight. He assumed he was going to be here until there were no more visitors, and by 2am he was proved right. The nineteenth man was the last, and after he had laid there for a bit he heard the sound of two people approaching his side of the tree.

"Well done boy" said Sean, "you've done your duty."

"Yes sir" Jonny croaked in response.

"Up you get" Sean commanded, at which Jonny pushed his aching body up from the tree. Cum was running down his legs, and he could feel the back of the shorts he was wearing was soaking wet. Strangers' cum. Cum containing god knows what else.

"Here, take this" said Sean, handing Jonny a bottle of water and a pill.

"What is it?"

"A little something to stop you getting sick if any of those gents were looking to give you a gift" said Sean. "You'll get some more for the next few weeks."

"Thank you sir" said Jonny, before putting the pill in his mouth and washing it down with some of the water.

"Get those shorts off" Sean said, "I don't want ye messing up your coach's car."

Jonny slid the soaking shorts down his legs and stepped out of them. Clive then handed him some tissues, which the rugby player used to wipe his rear end before stuffing a few in the crack to soak up any more cum that might leak out. His coach then gave him another pair of un-torn shorts, which he put on before re-donning his flip-flops.

"Right, back we go" said Sean, turning to leave.

"Sir" said Jonny, "can I just ask why?"

Sean turned back to him.

"Why what?"

"Well, er, why did you make me do this?" asked Jonny.

Sean let out a deep breath. "My boy" he said, "you're a cumdump. You know that now. It's what you are, and there ain't no going back. From here on out you'll be giving up yer arse to the great and the good."

Jonny stared at him, and then nodded.

"But it's important to know how cumdumps without your money and talents have to live. Ye'll be getting the five-star hotels, the satin sheets and the men with money, but your less fortunate cumdump comrades have to get it where they can" continued Sean. "Occasionally I'm gonna be reminding ye of that."

Jonny stood and stared at his master, and then looked away. "Yes sir" he whispered.

With that, Sean turned and strode off into the trees towards the path. Jonny paused a moment, and then started to follow him.

"You're lucky son" said Clive from behind him. "Tim Henman was whored out to a gang of homeless men under a bridge in Whitechapel."

"And you?" said Jonny, without looking back.

"The docks" replied Clive. "The last year they were open."

The two men said no more, following Sean out of the trees and back to the car.



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