Turning Point

By T O

Published on Sep 12, 2005


It was decided that Matt and I would move out at east to attend college. I would start in January and Matt would start take a couple classes through correspondence throughout the winter and summer months and we would both start our second year together in September.

The remaining days before the Christmas holidays were extremely hectic, as we not only had to get Matt out of the university, which involves breaking the news to his folks, but also find a place to stay in New Brunswick, once January hit, and make up for lost time, through the time we were separated, and the couple of weeks that we would be apart for the Christmas break. Also, I couldn't forget that I still had exams to study for, as did Matt. However, the only thing that I wanted to do at that time was to be with Matt. Also, it was important to Matt to be true to his word. He did come out to the people close to him, and proclaim that we were a couple. First, it as our floor mates and a lot were disappointed. They were happy for us, but sad, as most of our floor was female, and they all wanted a piece of him. Sadly, ladies, he is all mine.

The intimate times I had with Matt were too few and far between. Our exam schedules were similar, but we have totally different techniques of studying. I need things to be verbal, and hear them out load; Matt just needs to read in quiet, so study time had to be apart. Between, the phone calls to potential landlords in Moncton, studying, saying good-bye to the friends we had made, through various functions and such, there was very little alone time. The only time we truly had together was right before we went to sleep and right when we woke up each morning.

Matt had the ingenious idea to convert his room as the sleeping area, where we took the mattress of my bed and put it on the floor next to his bed for extra comfort. Then we converted my room into a study/work center where Matt could quietly study or make phone calls or hang out with people. The sanctity of Matt's room however was to be our little piece of paradise. For my final three weeks at the University of Ontario, I am pretty confident that no one was in Matt's room. He was quite insistent on this be our place.

One evening, Matt went out with his football friends, to break the news to them, that he wasn't returning after Christmas, and that we were an item. I personally tried to convince Matt that he just had to tell them that he was leaving, but Matt wouldn't hear of it. He claimed that they were close to him, and they deserved to know about the most important aspect of his life. Any will to argue with Matt over this point was lost. He left telling me not to wait up, as he probably would have some drinks with the guys, and that he would try not waking me upon his return.

Later that night, must of been close to midnight or something, I heard a whimper in the washroom. At first, I thought I was hearing something maybe across the hall or in the hall, but suddenly it got a little louder. I knew it was coming from the washroom, and this concerned me. So I got up and walked into the bathroom, and saw Matt standing at the sink just staring at himself, tears coming form his face.

"Oh, hey Jared, sorry did I wake you?" as Matt was rubbing the tears away, trying to clear up the redness, hoping that I wouldn't have noticed.

"No, don't worry about it, is everything ok with you?" serious concern coming from my voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine; just stub my toe on the corner here." He was lying. He was such a pathetic liar. I walked over and hugged him. Not a lover's hug, you know what I am talking about, but more like a comfort hug, a mother hugging a child when the child had a nightmare.

"Are you sure, I mean, Matt, I know something is bothering you and I just want us to be honest. Did something happen tonight? Are you hurt? Did the guys take your news well?"

"You can see right through me, can't you Jared (Ah ha!)? Yeah, I was having some drinks with the guys, having a good ole time just shooting the shit with them and the subject of next semester came up. I thought, wow, this would be a perfect segway into the big news I was going to tell the guys. Anyway, the guys didn't take the news of me leaving very well, especially once they found out why. The names they called me, I mean I can't get over how many derogatory ways that they called me gay, the terms they used, and then they just started to yell to everyone that I was a fucking faggot. It was horrible." I stood there in terror as Matt was telling me all this. "I just had to get out of there, and I left, but I didn't want to come back right after, as I thought you were studying or sleeping, so I just walked around for a bit, just thinking of everything, but that only made things worse."

"Hey baby, I am so sorry that happened to you. Are you okay? What can I do to help you? "

"Can you hold me?" Wow, every night as we sleep, Matt is always the one to hold me. He spoons me, I rest on his chest, and this was a real role reversal in the way we had been since us started our relationship. Whatever it was, I was going to do what ever it took for Matt to feel as safe as he always makes me feel. With that we stripped down to our boxers (no nothing sexual here) and I spooned Matt to make him safe.

"How's this buddy?"

"Great! This is exactly what I need. As attracted as I am to you, I love the nurturing, kind side of you even more."

We just laid in the bed, not saying a word, I rubbing Matt's bare chest and six-pack abs gently with my hands, feeling the tiny hairs on his chest, just trying to relax him. Working real hard, to keep my ever present boner down, as it was not the best time for Mr. Happy to make an appearance, but Matt's nice firm ass made that extremely difficult.

After about an half hour later, I heard Matt sniffle...

"You ok?"

"Jared, I am scared? (He turned around to look at me.) Is this what we are going to have to face out east? Is it going to be this hard, this secretive, this 'abnormal'?"

"I am not going to lie to you Matt. Moncton, maybe a city, but it isn't Toronto. Even though I haven't spent much time there, the enlightened people who think gays are equal hasn't hit the east coast in abundance. There are a lot of people that are totally against gay marriage, and did some protests and stuff, and a lot of the MP members being conservative, were the one's trying to go against the idea of equal marriage. Moncton, I think is quite liberal in its thinking, but no matter where we go we are going there will people who suck. (wow, where is this coming from?" However, Matt, as long as we have got each other , I can say 'screw off' to those who don't like it, and just be with you. Is that's what is bothering you?"

"Yes, well, no, not really. While I was walking, I was trying to figure out how to break the news to my folks and grandparents about moving out east."

"What?!? You haven't told them yet. We are finished in little over a week. We do you expect to tell them, as you are going to the airport. 'Hey Mom, just thought I would tell that instead of flying to Ottawa, I am going to switch my ticket in a move to Moncton. See you later.' I mean, how are you going to explain all the gear you are going to take back with you?"

"I know, I know, but I am scared to tell them. I mean, I never told them that I like guys."

"Wait, I thought you had a serious boyfriend in Toronto, and that everyone knew?"

"Everyone except for my family, or anyone who would tell me family. Jared, I told you that I wasn't very close to my family. That we were rich, cold and distant. Well, in my family, we have a 'reputation' to uphold. It is more of a don't ask don't tell. It goes from the money that my grandparents have, the business they run , the one I am supposed to run as soon as my Grand dad retires in about 5-10 years. They are very powerful people in Toronto, and I am quite certain they are not going to take the news good."

"I am sure that they will Matt, or at least not punish you for it."

"Oh, I disagree. First off, I am leaving my granddad's alma mater to a school out east where very little interest is given to their students. I leaving the place where my family donates a lot of money too, and moving out east with the MAN I love, as that is where he is going to school. I have heard, my mother and grandmother's talks about this 'friend' of her's son who is gay. I mean, to them it is just like having leprosy or something. They are not going to take this well. Wait, what am I going to do. Once I tell them, there's a good chance I may be banished, or cut off financially or something. It's not like they are an emotional pillar that I rely on, but deep down, how they feel does affect me"

"Matt, are you having second thoughts about us, about moving out east? " I stated in concern. I didn't want to worry him any more, but the direction of his speech was starting to scare me.

"Hell no! Jared, why do you go right for that. I know I left you once, but get this through your head. I am with you for the long haul. I love you more than my own life. You make me feel like nothing I have ever felt before. COMPLETE. Do you understand that?"

"I do, but what happens if your family doesn't take it well?"

"I don't know, and that what scares me. What if they cut me out, then I can't afford to go back to school, and will probably be a financial burden upon you, which in itself sucks as you don't have much either."

"But we'll get through. I know a thing or two about squeezing a penny. I didn't have the luxurious life that you had. I fought for all that I have, and my folks have done the thing. We may have a small fixed income, but we can do it Matt."

"I know, but it doesn't make it any easier."

"Well what if after our Calculus exam, we go to Toronto together to break the news. I have three days after that exam before can pick up the U-haul to take my stuff home, and if things go terribly, you can come back with me."

" Not exactly."

"What do you mean, Not exactly?"

"I haven't told them, but to be honest I wasn't sure if I was."


"Well, you see, my parents have never met you, so I was going to call you my roommate out east, once I got settled, and claim that we met there. I am sorry, but the relationship with my folks is a wee bit different from yours. I have a loving relationship with them. We are very close, and I rely quite heaving for their emotional support. I also know the extreme religious background that they have, especially my mother, and were hoping not to come out quite yet."


"I am sorry Matt. I don't want you to think that I don't believe in us, it's just as you are, I am petrified of being alienated from my parents. I hope you aren't mad."

"Jared, I am not mad, a little shocked but not mad. It's just that how are going to explain to your folks who I am, if I come home with you?"

"I'll cross that bridge when we get to it. I wasn't going to keep you a secret for long. Matt, I love you with all my heart, and I feel that we could be together for the long haul. I guess I just wanted to prolong the inevitable."

"I understand."

"Matt, You are the most important thing in my life. I want you to know this. If I have to come out to my parents sooner than I expected, so be it. I will be at your side for as long as you'll have me, so it might as well start with your folks. I know I will want you there when I tell my folks."

"I can't impose you to go to your own funeral. If things go as I expect, I can't ask you to stay for the verbal lashing and abuse that you'd have to take."

"Alright, you're not asking then. I am demanding that I go and help you. If at very least, I will be there as support. You can just reach to me, when things are going rough, and I will stand by you, You will have someone on your side. "

Nothing more on the subject was said that evening. I looked at Matt, still with a little worry in his face and kissed him. Yes, I did instigate this kiss. It was a kiss of passion, of desire and of comfort. I know Matt needed to be with me more than ever, and I knew that I needed him just as much.

As we were kissing, I noticed that his cock was bulging out of his fly of his boxers. I felt the flesh touch mine, and the hole in my fly was open and our cocks seemed to mix as if we were. We both took off our boxers and went back to the intense passioned filled kissed on each other. Our tongues were wrestling each other for supremacy, but neither one was winning, just love that all.

As we were kissing, I kept gently rubbing Matt's ass. Both cheeks and his crack. He seemed to like that as I could feel the pre-cum drip out of his oozing dick. Then a moan came out of Matt " I need you inside me."

We had never done this before. I was a complete virgin to the anal sex concept, and as nervous as I was, I was so turned on by my lover that I had to comply.

"Where's the lube and the rubbers?" I croaked out.

"Here wait, (he went to the bed side drawer and got the lube and the box of condoms) FUCK!!! "

"What's wrong?"

"I'm out of rubbers." He looked at me. I looked at him.

Maybe it was the horniness, or the lust but I said." Matt are you 100% sure that you're clean?"

"Yeah, when we broke up a month ago I was tested at the clinic. I knew it was time of my physical and since I have had sex before the doctor performed the tests and I am clean. "

"But what about the girls you had in our room at the beginning of the semester? I mean some diseases may not truly show up for a year."

"I never fucked any of those chicks. I got some head, even some lousy head, but I didn't go any further. What about you, are you clean"

"100%. I am a virgin, except for our blow jobs, I am a rookie to the whole sex thing."

"Aww sweet."

I was horny, and he was making fun of me. I couldn't have any more distraction when I said "Shut up and kiss me."

That's what happened. We started back up with the kissing, I went to lick his tits when Matt said "ok, start loosing me up."

"What do you mean?"

"Put some lube on your finger and stick it up my hot ass."

I did what I was told, put the lube on my finger and started entered his ass.

"Amah ! so cold. Warm up the lube next time."

"Sorry Matt"

"Paybacks a bitch!" and he kissed me to know we were cool, and I continued what we were doing. His ass felt quite different than I thought it would. It wasn't gross, or disgusting. It felt warm and safe. I explored it, and then Matt said " Stick another one up." I did what I was told, remember to warm up the lube, and explored some more. then along the lining I pressed onto this somewhat firm area, and with that a big 'AHHH" escape Matt

I knew I found the g-spot as Matt's cock couldn't get any harder. " Stick another one up." he said then, and with that, I had three of my fingers up his ass. After a little more exploration Matt said, " I ready, please go gentle."

"Let me know If I hurt you Matt, I couldn't stand it. "

I lifted his legs onto my shoulders and replaced his fingers with my hard cock and slowly went into his ass. A third of the way in, I noticed a little bit of resistance, and stopped that's when Matt said " keep going, I need your hard fucking cock in my ass right now!"

Wow, that force, I couldn't disobey now could I. "Ok Captain!" with that I continued in, and till I had pretty much all the way in.

"Just let me get used to this ok?"

We just stopped, gently touching each other over each other's chest until he gave the go ahead. Then I started to fuck Matt, at first it was very gentle. I mean, I was too wrapped up with the warmth that his ass gave to the cock, the pleasure it was giving me, and the beautiful look on Matt's face, that I was really enjoying this.

I then started to going in and out of MAtt with shorter, faster strokes. I was trying to jack Matt off at the same time, but he pushed my hand away as he was close to cumming and didn't want to go over the edge. I kept fucking him harder, groaning loader, hearing the neighbours bang on the walls, but it didn't stop us. We kept going at it, for several minutes until I couldn't hold it in any more.

"I'm CUMMMINNNNNGGGG!! AAAH!" and I spewed my oozing goodness into my lover's internal love track. As I was cumming, I rubbed the Head of Matt's dick a couple times, and sent three or four big gobs of his cum onto his chest.

It was the most amazing orgasm I had ever had. I mean I am not that experienced, but this was much better than the great head Matt gives, and for sure better than the wack jobs my right hand can give me.

My dick slowly left matt's ass, as it started to decrease in size. No more words were said, as we went to sleep quite soon after. We didn't even clean up after the sex, we just slept, with Matt in my arms unknowing how the future is turning out. It didn't really matter. Matt is all that I need in the future, and with t he love we showed each other that night, I was sure that any future would be great with him.


Next, the go to Toronto... (Darth Vader's theme music in the background.)

Next: Chapter 9

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