Twelve Days of Domination

By Nycjohnny44

Published on Jan 11, 2015


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This story is about Domination between adults. Any sexual contact in real life should be between two consenting adults.

As always, I am so grateful to those who take the time to let me know they're enjoying the story and what they like and don't like about it.

I am so thankful for those who've taken the time to write.

Twelve Days of Domination 8 Feel the Pain

Daniel watched as the pain prevented me from getting up off the floor. He turned to Alex. "Tear him apart."

I rubbed the feeling back into my right hand with my left and slowly stood up. I'm not an aggressive man by nature. I think there are very few problems that can only be solved with a fist. That being said, I anger as easily as anyone else, and I must admit that as much as I loved what Daniel had done to me, I was angry that I fell under his control so easily. What was it that he had seen in me that I could be broken down so easily? I knew that serving him made me no less of a person, of a man, than I had been before, but I still felt like a weakling being pounded by a bully.

Alex stood there, with his hands on his hips, looking at me. I feinted a left, swinging wide, knowing he'd dodge and when he moved to the right I remembered my boxing class at the gym and slammed my right fist into his stomach as hard as I could and stepped back, waiting for him to fall to one knee.

He looked down at his stomach and smiled. "Nice shot, buddy. I almost felt that." He lifted his shirt for me, showing me a six pack that could have appeared on the cover of any magazine. He took advantage of my surprise and hesitation and took a moment to remove the shirt all the way. He was big and ripped and I stepped back in a bit of fear. He smiled again, enjoying it and faster than I would have thought he reached out and grabbed me around the waist, throwing me over his shoulder. He bounced up and down and he moved me into a more comfortable position (for him) and the air was pushed out of my lungs each time my torso slammed against his hard shoulders. He walked around the living room and I hung there, helplessly, as he chatted with Daniel and Scott, showing me how easily he could lift me.

"I could slam your back onto the floor as hard as I could. Or, maybe I'd have more fun, if I held your little body to my chest and ran full speed into the wall. Or, I could push you over my back and see if you landed on your face." I started to struggle harder, suddenly afraid that he would do any of those things and terribly certain that he had the strength to do all of them. He laughed again and didn't prevent me from slipping down his chest to land on the floor. I stumbled over my own feet and fell down onto my ass. Grabbing my hands, he yanked me up, and interlaced his fingers with mine. He got down on his knees and stared at me, unspeaking, until I was shaking with fear. "Let's play a game. I'm going to give you a two minute head start on this one. We're gonna play mercy and I want you to really do your best."

I turned to Daniel and saw him watching me, impassively, almost as if he were studying a mildly interesting movie. I pushed down on Alex's wrists as hard as I could and bent my knees to try and give myself a slight advantage. I pushed and pushed and I could feel beads of sweat on my forehead and back. I was breathing heavily, trying to get, at the very least, a grunt of pain out of him. I heard an alarm on Daniel's cell phone ring and Alex smiled cruelly. He flicked his wrist and without any effort sent me down to my knees while he stood up to his full height. I was down on both knees when he flipped his hands around and pushed up bringing me to my tip toes. He inhaled a bit and curled his arms, bringing me off the ground. My feet flailed and he brought me back down to the floor and switched his hand grip back to an overhead grap, pushing me back to my knees. He and Scott were laughing, Daniel smiling at me as Alex repeatedly made my body into a yo-yo. He dropped the grip and wrapped his hands around my waist, bringing me up to his eye level. My feet dangled off the floor. His laughs no longer seemed to have any humor, as if he just got off on humiliating and overpowering me, showing me how weak I was. He turned around and with a casual toss threw me onto the sofa next to Scott. Alex and Scott laughed at my wekness and I felt my face get hot and red at the feeling of utter helplessness. When I had the collar around my throat earlier, when I was on my hands and knees with a chew toy, I could have removed it any time. I chose to not stand up. This time, the choice of submission wasn't mine and it pissed me off.

Without thinking about it, which I clearly should have done, I pushed myself off the sofa and shoved him as hard as I could in the chest. He didn't move much more than and inch and I could feel my own anger building even more than I thought possible. Whether it was at myself for being so weak or at Daniel for making me perform like a trained seal or at Alex for being some sort of sadist I had no idea. I just knew I was angry. I growled and started swinging my fists, left and right at Alex, aiming for his face and body. He blocked them all and took a step back. I went after him, still swinging.

"Whoa. Slow down." He grabbed each of my wrists in his hands and held me back. "It's ok. It's ok." I kept struggling, so he trapped my arms inside his own and lifted me off the ground, bearhugging me slightly, stepping back into the middle of the room, so that my flailing legs wouldn't hit either the table or a chair. "It's ok, puppy. It's ok."

I didn't realize I was crying until Daniel came over and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Puppy, what's wrong? Tell me." I felt the anger suddenly drain out of my system, as if I'd exhaled it with a breath and Alex, bent down, letting my feet touch the ground.

He took some of the pressure off of me and I worked my hands out of his grip, reaching for Daniel as if I were a crying infant needing his parent. Alex let me go and Daniel came forward, holding me close. He hugged me and lifted me off my feet, bringing me to the chair. He sat down and without letting me go, swung my legs carefully over his thighs. I was still crying and he rocked me back and forth. He didn't say anything, which I was grateful for, just let me cry and take strength from his comfort. I don't know how long I clung to him, but it must have been quite some time. When the tears stopped and I simply heaved with silent sobs, he took one hand from my back and brought a tissue to my face. He smiled at me, gently, kindly and wiped my nose first.

"Blow," he said, his voice easy and steady. I blew my nose into the tissue and he dropped it on the floor. He took another one and told me to close my eyes. He carefully wiped my cheeks and then blotted my eyes.

"Are you all right?" I nodded slowly. "Good. It's okay. That's one of the reasons I have Alex do this. He can take it. He's a tough man. It's also pushing your buttons. I want you to know that anger happens. Sometimes I might make you do things that will make you angry, but you might be restrained and I wanted you to know what it would be like to lash out; to feel both angry and helpless but be able to physically manifest that." He wiped again at my face with his thumb. "We all have things in our past that make us irrational. Some people are bullied and the humiliation makes them hurt in a way that I didn't intend. Some people might have abuse or some kind of violation of their body or their trust that will set something off inside of them. Maybe something they didn't even know was there. That's why I wanted you to be able to strike out. To lose that control in a way that would make you realize how you need to be controlled. The next time you're in restraints you should remember there's a reason I have you tied up beyond the fact that I find it amusing." He framed my face with his hands and looked me in the eyes, his voice neutral and his tone soft. "But you are never to lash out at me physically. You saw what happened with Alex, and I'm not as strong as he is, but I'm still strong enough to cause some damage." He paused for a minute to let the words sink into my brain. "I have things that bring up bad memories as well and one of those things is having someone try to hit me. You can always tell me to stop, use the word 'red' or tell me you're starting to react to something in a way you didn't expect, but you will never attempt to hit me, do you understand?" I sniffled and told him that I did. He leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead. "You want to sleep now, puppy?" I nodded as he carried me into the bedroom and put me down on the bed. "Would you mind if Alex stayed with you for a few minutes, while I clean up? I don't want you to have someone nearby right now and there are a few things I need to do. It shouldn't be more than five minutes." I nodded, both exhausted and wired and Alex crawled into the bed with me, pulling me against his chest, holding me as if I were fragile.

Daniel closed the door behind him and I shifted uneasily a few times trying to get comfortable.

Alex leaned in to speak quietly. "This may not work for you, but the first time I had a snap like that when I was training, my Dom gave me a baby bottle full of warm milk to soothe me." I looked at him. "I know. It's not the first thing I'd think of either, but it worked for me. Just kind of soothing and gentle. Brings you back to a softer place. I don't think Daniel has a bottle here, but you can nurse on my nipple if you want. No pressure. It's up to you." I thought about it for a minute and I'm not sure, even now, why I did, but I shifted up a bit and carefully put my mouth on his nipple. I sucked gently and I felt him, shift up against the headboard and he moved me easily, to make it comfortable for me to lean against his chest and suckle. It was comforting, the slight in and out of his nipple in my mouth and the rise and fall of his chest. He rubbed my hair and I could feel him shift when Daniel entered the room.

"I think he likes nursing, Daniel."

"Scott's waiting for you in the front hall. Thanks for coming by. See you at the gym tomorrow?"

Alex laid me down gently and I curled up on my side. "Yes, Sir. See you then."

Daniel dropped his sweats and tshirt on the floor and got into the bed with me. I moved as close as I could without actually climbing inside his skin. He moved so that my head was against his chest and he simply said: "Nurse, pup."

My mouth moved over to his nipple and I sucked it gently until I drifted off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 8

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