Twilight Tale

By moc.loa@loocosllenoj

Published on Nov 7, 2009


This is a complete work of fiction based off of the book "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyor.

A Twilight Tale

I wasn't sure what to expect when I got off the plane, I wasn't really sure what to expect period when I came to Forks. My name's Aden Swan and I had never been here, mostly because I never had a reason to. My father had told me, before he died, that he had a brother that lived here. It was the day he found out he was terminally ill that he told me, which was on a Tuesday in July. My mother died while giving birth to me and had no living relatives, so it had always been just me and my dad. He had never mentioned his father or mother, no siblings either so I just assumed they were dead as well and never asked. The shock of everything caused me to kind of shut down. I didn't speak to him for about 2 days. I was hurt but, I got over it. I sat down with my father and he told me everything. My father and mother were an interracial couple (him white, my mother black) and my grandparent s didn't approve of their relationship so they disowned him. They cut him off financially and emotionally. If my uncle tried to have any contact with my father, the same would've happened to him but my father couldn't have that on his conscious so he just left everything behind. For him, for my mother, and for me.

About a month after finding out about my dad, he decided it was time he gave his brother a call. My uncles name was Charlie and I didn't know what I would say when I got the chance to talk to him. My father talked on the phone for about an hour, before he called me downstairs to the kitchen from my room to take the phone. I had spent the time upstairs thinking of the first thing I would say..."Um, hi Uncle Charlie" or "Hey Charlie, what's up"? I decided neither sounded cool enough so I ended up with a simple...

"Hello?" into the phone. The voice on the other end was very gruff and seemed a little uncomfortable.

"Um...Hey, is this Aden?"

"Yes...and this is...Charlie?"

"Yep...Uh...How are you?"

"I'm okay I guess..."

That's pretty much how our conversation went, asking the generic icebreaker questions and giving the one-word answers. I think it was pretty awkward for the both of us, although I did find out that I have a cousin who's the same age as me. I think he said her name was Isabella or something. We only talked for about 5 minutes before he asked to speak with my father again. I went around the corner of the kitchen and stood, hidden, behind a wall. I listened to my father talking and laughing with Charlie and assumed they were talking about good times. All of a sudden my father became quiet and his voice serious. He told Charlie about his illness, how he was sorry for not keeping in touch and just sorry for everything. He was sobbing into the phone by that time and I just couldn't stand there and listen to him cry, so I silently made my way back upstairs to the bathroom. I looked myself over in the mirror, my hazel eyes were watered but I wiped away any tears that fell from them. I began thinking of whom my looks favored more, my mother or my father. I had my mothers complexion, which reminded me of Cinnamon Toast Crunch (my favorite cereal, by the way), and my fathers eyes. I brushed my teeth about 4 times a day and used peroxide on them 3 times a week so my teeth were really white and I had a great smile which I got lots of compliments on. I had neat little scar beside my right eyebrow that I got from a bike accident when I 6( I'm 17 now and haven't ridden a bike since) and I thought it looked pretty cool but you could barely notice it unless you were looking for it. I kept my hair cut close because I didn't like the way my hair looked long. After I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I went back to my room and stretched out over my bed and thought about how much my life was about to change.

My dad died a few months later in October. I was in class when I got called down to the office by my principal. I had a feeling I knew why I was there since I've never gotten called to the office. A week later we had his funeral, which was paid for by the construction company he worked for. It was a small service, people he worked with and a few family friends were there. They all said their apologies when the service was over and left. I didn't want anyone else hanging around feeling sorry for me. I said goodbye to my father and walked home. It was a 3 mile walk but it didn't matter. I used the time to get my head together. My father told me that when he died I was to live with Charlie. When I got home, movers were already there putting things up. The only things I planned on bringing to Forks were my family photos, clothes, my computer and all that other teenage crap. Over the last few months with my dad, we sold pretty much everything in the house one by one. The money we got, which came out to be a little over $21,000, was put into an account that I wouldn't have access to until I was 18. The next day, I was on a plane to Forks, Washington.

I wasn't sure what to expect when I got off the plane, I wasn't really sure what to expect period when I came to Forks. My name's Aden Swan and I had never been here, mostly because I never had a reason to...

The flight from San Antonio wasn't too bad. It took about 4 hours to get here and the plane probably had 7 other people on it. I grabbed my backpack and made my way off the plane. When I got to the terminal, there was a tall, dark-haired man in a police uniform standing with shorter girl that seemed to be around my age. The man was holding a sign in his hand that read "Aden Swan" and I knew that had to be Charlie. I walked up to them with an unsure smile on my face and extended my hand toward him.

"I'm guessing you're Charlie?" I said, my voice as unsure as I looked.

"Uh...Yeah, I'm Charlie and you must be Aden? It's good to finally meet you..."

"Likewise" I said, shaking his hand with a firm grip. I turned and looked at the girl he was with. I assumed she was Isabella. She was an inch or two shorter than me (I'm 5'8) and I guess she was pretty attractive. She had dark-brown hair, like her father, a little past her shoulders and was very pale.

She introduced herself first.

"Hi..I'm Bella" she said, extending her hand for me took shake.

"Aden" I replied with a smile.

There was a short awkward moment with us just staring at each other. I was looking at Charlie. He and my dad didn't look alike besides the color of their hair. I broke the silence first.

"I guess we should go to baggage claim, right?"

"Yeah..Right" said Charlie. He seemed like he didn't know what to say other than that. And I couldn't blame him. It's not everyday you find out you have a nephew from your brother that just died a week ago.

The three of us made our way to baggage claim; no one said anything until we got there. Bella asked me how old I was, I told her...

"I'm 17 and how old are you?"

"I guess we're the same age then, `m 17 as well."

"That's cool...what grade are you in?"

"11th, the school here isn't so bad...I'll introduce you to some people I know and hopefully you'll adjust a bit easier."

"That'll be cool. I'm in 11th grade too..I'm ready to graduate."

"I know what you mean, high school can be very tiresome...But when you think about it, you can meet some incredible people in high school..."

I looked at her when she said that and she was looking away, blushing. I wanted to ask her about it but Charlie called me over to the conveyor belt to make sure he got the right bag.

We left the airport at around 6:30pm and arrived at my new home at around 7. I didn't know Charlie was a police officer, let alone the sheriff of Forks, so I thought it was a little weird riding around in the back of a police car. Bella rode in the back with me, probably to make me feel like I'm not alone, and for her I was thankful. It was a quiet ride, mostly because I kept dosing in and out of consciousness. Charlie asked me if I was hungry. I was, but I would've rather went to sleep so I told him "no thanks." When we got to the house Charlie gave me a short tour of the home and showed me where I was sleeping. My room was next door to Bella and down the hall from Charlie's room.

I thanked them and told them I was going to take a nap. Before I closed the door Charlie told me that before my dad passed away, my father sent him all my transcripts and documentations for school and that I would start on Wednesday. I thanked him again and shut my door. I flopped down on my bed and looked around my room. It was smaller than what I thought it would be but it was comfortable. I was glad I was starting school again because honestly..I didn't want to be alone. If I was alone I would just think about everything that's happened and that's too much to handle right now. School will be starting for me tomorrow and Ill be ready. I leaned back and rested my head on my pillow as I thought of my classes and who I'd meet tomorrow, then I thought back to the airport when Bella had said "...You can meet some incredible people in high school." And on that thought, I drifted off to sleep.

Okay so what did you guys think?? This was my first attempt at writing anything and I decided I want to do a story on Twilight. I know It was slow, but this first chapter was just to set the stage for more chapters and to give a little background to the main character. Please email me at to give me your thoughts and what you would like to see happen. I'm always open for new ideas!

Next: Chapter 2

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