Twilight Tale

By moc.loa@loocosllenoj

Published on Nov 26, 2009


This is a complete work of fiction based off of the book "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyer.

Twilight Tale- Chapter 3

I looked away casually as I finished taking a bite out of my pizza. I was a bit too nervous to look at them again, so I tried to listen in on Angela and Bella's conversation on some random topic, but my curiosity got the best of me again. I took a chance and guided my eyes across the lunchroom once more and landed on their table again. This time, they were talking amongst themselves, which gave me an ample amount of time to look them over.

Bella must've seen me staring. "I can introduce you to them, if you want?" she said, facing me.

I turned toward her, embarrassed by being caught and asked, "So you know them?" I emphasized on the `you' part.

She nodded. "The girl with the long blonde hair is Rosalie and the jock-ish guy with his arm around her is Emmett. The little girl with the short brown hair is Alice and the one making the uncomfortable face is Jasper, her boyfriend. The guy sitting at the end of the table is Edward...My boyfriend."

It took me a few seconds to realize what she had just said.

"So let me get this straight." I said, turning and facing Bella head-on. "That's the Alice, who you told about me coming to live here, who ended up telling that guy Edward over there, who happens to be your boyfriend?"

"Well yeah...That's the gist of it." She said thoughtfully, making sure she heard right.

I looked back at the table again. This time it was just Edward looking back at me. He nodded to me, which kinda caught me off guard, so I nodded back. I'm sure I looked pretty lame doing it.

I faced Bella again. "If he's your boyfriend, why aren't you guys sitting together?"

"Its..Complicated." she said, looking down at her fingernails.


What she said confused me, but Bella is always confusing me so I tried not to let that bother me. Instead, I finished eating my pizza and took a few more glances towards `their' table, until the bell rang, dismissing us to fifth period.

The rest of my school day was filled with an uncertain dread. Mostly because I just wanted the day to be over, and partly because of the Cullens. I had nothing against them, but they just seemed so..Weird. Not the `bad' kind of weird. They just seemed so out of place in that lunchroom. And I noticed that they only talked to each other. They didn't even take a second look at anyone else in the cafeteria...And who waits in line to buy food, only to end up not eating any of it? What a waste of money..

When the last bell of the day rang, I was the last person to leave the classroom. A feeling of relief washed over me as I exited the building out of a side door and made my way to the parking lot to meet up with Bella. I stood by her truck for about 15 minutes, watching as the lot slowly emptied until there were fewer than 20 cars left. By that time, I hade already climbed into the bed of the truck and decided to look over a few notes from my physiology class, when I heard a voice to my left.

"So you're a nerd, huh?"

I turned to see Jacob, standing there with a big shit-eating grin on his face. I ignored his remark.

"How long have you been standing there? I didn't hear you come up."

"Long enough to learn that you have a passion for the human body..You should've seen the way you were concentrating." He said, smirking.

At that point I became annoyed.

"Ugh..What do you want Jacob?"

He looked around before leaning on the edge of the truck. A serious look came to his face and he lowered his voice just above a whisper.

"Bella had to leave early..There was an emergency."

My muscles tightened as he spoke.

"She asked me to take you home."

"What was the emergency?"

" I can't really say.." he said, looking away.

"What do you mean? You can't or you won't?" I asked, my voice taking on an agitated tone.

"Both." He said casually, taking a step back and stretched his arms out over his head.

I stared at him for a moment, debating on whether I wanted to hit him in the face while he was distracted, or not.

"Whatever. Just take me home." I said, climbing out of the bed and into the passengers seat of the truck. Jacob got in and started the engine.

As we pulled out of the parking lot, I stole a glance at Jacob out of the corner of my eye. He looked as good as I had remembered him from this morning and was just as big..I'm pretty sure he had changed his shirt too. It was still black, but while this morning it was crew-cut, he had on a v-neck now.

Jacob turned his head briefly towards me before returning his gaze back to the road.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" he asked. He sounded annoyed , but his face looked calm as ever.

I didn't want to tell him I was drooling on myself over him, so I came up with a quick excuse.

"You've got a leaf in your hair." When I looked up at his hair, he really did have a leaf in his hair. It was tiny, and had little woodchips surrounding it.

"Oh." He said, as he tried shaking it out. Some of the pieces of wood came out, but the leaf remained. He ran his fingers through his hair and he managed to push the leaf further down into his hair, while the remaining woodchips fell out. I watched, with a smile on my face, as he struggled with his hair to get the leaf out. I felt bad for him, so I leaned over and gently reached my hand out to pull the leaf free.

"Thanks." Was all Jacob said and that's the only thing I wanted to hear come out of his mouth.

"No problem..What were you doing, running around in the forest?" I asked jokingly. Jacob turned to me and actually smiled, for real, at me for the first time. I hadn't noticed how white his teeth were.

"Yeah, I was actually." He simply said.

Before that moment, it had never occurred to me as to how Jacob managed to get to our school.

"Hey Jacob, you go to school on the reservation right?"


"What time do you get out of school?"

"Hm..I think we get out at the same time as you guys."

"And nobody dropped you off at our school?"

"No...What's with all these questions? I feel like I'm being interrogated."

"Sorry, I was just curious." I lied. Jacob seemed like he didn't have his defenses up all the time like Bella, so I thought I could try to get some information out of him.

"I've never met a credible Native American so I find you..Intriguing ." Which was true. Many people that I knew claimed that they had some Native American blood in them, so I think it's pretty cool meeting a pure-blood Native American.

"Intriguing? Whatever."

Since he didn't tell me to stop asking questions, I continued on.

"So what tribe do you belong to?" I asked.

"I'm Quileute. My family has lived here for generations so.." He trailed of turning the wheel.

" I hadn't been paying attention to where Jacob was taking me. I just assumed we were going back to Bella's...My house. We had turned onto the highway.

"Jacob, where are we going? I thought you were taking me home? I asked, looking out of my window, confused.

"Bella only said to take you home. Yours or mine, well...That's up to me and you're coming to my place. Besides...You'll be safer with me."

I turned and looked at Jacob. The look on his face grew serious again. I wasn't sure what I should've said to that. Why were the people in Forks so confusing?

"Pull over." Was all I said.

Jacob glanced at me before the truck slowed to a crawl and stopped on the side of the road.

I tried to gather my thoughts as we sat in silence. Their air was filled with a familiar tension.

"Why'd you have to come here?" Jacob said, twisting his body so that he could face me. He sounded frustrated."You just made our lives a lot more difficult, ya know?"

I was stunned. I thought we had been making progress, Jacob and I, or at least that's what it felt like; but for him to say that to me..It made me feel like dirt. I know I'm the new guy or whatever but..I'd never had someone be that..Blunt to me. I didn't even respond to him. Looking down, I opened up the door and got out..I couldn't be around Jacob any longer. I heard him let out a sigh as I shut the door.

"Aden!" Jacob shouted at me as he got out of the truck as well. I kept on walking. I saw a small path that led into the woods so I decided to follow it.

"Damnit Aden, wait for me!" Jacob said running up behind me. He reached out for my arm.

"Don't put your hands on me." I said snatching away from him. We were pretty far into the forest now."You've got no right..No right to talk to me like that. You don't even know me." My eyes started to water. All of my pent up anger and fear just started pouring out of me.

"I'm sorry." He said. I could tell he meant it, but I just needed to get everything out.

"You're sorry? Save your sorry for someone who wants it. I'm tired of people being sorry for me." I was backing away from him slowly as I said this. I guess we were standing on a hill, because I lost my footing and tumbled downwards. It was like being on one of those spinning rollercoaster rides at a carnival, minus the pain; I landed on my butt, with my back hitting a log. I heard Jacob yell my name and saw him run down the hill with agility that I had never in my life seen. How could he move down the hill at that speed without tripping over a branch or something?

"Aden, are you alright?" he seemed sincere with his question and he wasn't even out of breath.

"Yeah, I think I'm okay." I spoke too soon because when I tried to stand up, a searing pain shot up from my ankle. "Ah shit!" I said, falling back to the ground. I pulled up the end of my jeans to see my ankle, which was swollen. Jacob gently grazed his fingers over it, which made it worse.

"Ouch! Don't touch it." I said, smacking his hand away.

"Well it doesn't seem to be broken.." he said, concentrating on my ankle.

"Oh, so you're a doctor now?" I said, not hiding any of my annoyance.

"Do you think you could at least try walking?" he asked.

"If I could, I wouldn't be sitting here."

"Damn..Well looks like I've got to carry you." He said casually.

I looked at him incredulously. "What do you mean carry me? I know you're probably strong and all but did you see the way I fell down that big ass hill? What if we both fall?"

"You don't have any faith in me?" he asked, feigning hurt.

"None." I said looking away.

"Whatever. Just watch." And with that he lifted me up into his arms.

"Hey, what are you doing?! You can't be serious?" I said, flailing my arms about. Jacob didn't say anything after that. He effortlessly jogged up the hill in less than a minute. He slowed his pace to a walk when we reached the top. I grew silent as he carried me through the forest. Things were awkward enough since he was carrying me, I didn't want to say anything until we were back at the truck but Jacob began talking.

"You know I meant it right, when I said I was sorry?" He was looking down at me now. Instantly I felt self conscious. I looked away.

"Uh, yeah. It's whatever."

"Its just that I've been under a lot of pressure and you were the only one around and so I just.."He sighed in defeat..

It was quiet again. The only noise came from Jacob's footsteps and the forest itself.

"So what did you mean when you said you were tired of people feeling sorry for you?"

His question seemed genuine enough and I didn't want there to be anymore assumptions about me so I told him.

"My father died. That's why I came here...And that's why I'm making your life so difficult." I said with some bitterness at the end.

Jacob stopped walking and his muscles tensed up. I looked up into his eyes. Some rays of light shined down through the leaves of the trees and reflected off of them, making his eyes a light brown. He stared down at me with a blank expression. I felt my blood rush to my face instantly and my breathing stopped. At that moment, Jacob's head snapped up towards his right. I followed his gaze. There, standing on top of a large boulder, was a grayish black wolf the size of horse, with piercing yellow eyes. I tried to yell, but I couldn't find my voice. Jacob's grip on me tightened. I let out a scream, as the wolf lunged.

Okay so that's the end of Chapter 3! I'm sorry to those of you who I have not yet replied to your emails. I've been so busy with my schoolwork and this holiday..It's just been a lot to deal with. I know some of you have been wondering how often I will be uploading my stories. I'll try to update once a week, but as I said, I have school work and sports to deal with so don't be mad if I skip a deadline or two =)

Email me at and tell me your thoughts or opinions on the story. I'm always open to new ideas!

Next: Chapter 4

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