Twilight Tale

By moc.loa@loocosllenoj

Published on Jan 9, 2011


Disclaimer: My story is based off of Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight Saga." The rights go to her. If you don't want to read my snippet at the end, you can reach me by email at Enjoy!

Twilight Tale- Chapter 7

The thoughts going through my mind began to run together, like an incoherent chorus. The loudest of the voices screamed, "Jacob!" I tried to take a step back, but my legs were like noodles. They failed me when I needed them most and I ended up falling to the floor, immobilized by fear. The animal took a step toward me and I inhaled sharply, holding on to what could've been my last breath of air.

Before I could comprehend, Edward was between the wolf and I. He spoke to the wolf in what sounded like a whisper to my ears before slamming the door in its face. Edward spoke to me over his shoulder,

"No need to be frightened, Aden. The mutt is leaving."

As soon as the words left his mouth a deep, animalistic grumble came from the opposite side of the door. I listened carefully to the creaking of wooden floor boards as the wolf slowly retreated from the porch. My breathing slowed and my heart began to beat at its regular pace. Looking around I noticed Alice and Jasper had come into the room. Bella extended her hand to me, which I took, and helped me up on to shaky legs. My gaze drifted calmly towards all the faces staring back. I was wondering why everyone, including myself, wasn't taking extreme measures to call animal control or something. Jasper spoke,

"I bet you're wondering why we're so calm right now..why you yourself have been calm the whole time you've been here. Edward told you about vampires and their gifts, correct?"

I nodded, slowly.

"Well Alice and I happen to fall under the category of "special," like Edward. You see, I have the ability to control the emotions of people, from how angry they can become to as you are now, calm."

Thinking back, he was right. From the moment I walked into the house, its been as if nothing was everything came so naturally.

"I'm sorry I put you under my..influence. We couldn't risk you running around crazed, so we thought it best if I were around to put you at ease. I hope you understand."

"I do. At least I think I do," I mumbled to myself. I held my hands up to my face, looking at them quizzically, trying to see or feel any indication of Jaspers ability. Nothing was there. Jasper smiled, realizing what I was doing.

"Its more of a psychological thing, if you were wondering."

Embarrassed at having been caught, I placed my hands in my pocket before returning my attention to the faces looking back at me. It seemed as if everyone was expecting something from me. After having seeing that wolf, I was expecting a little more from them as well.

"Well, should we sit down again?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"No, Jacob will be back. He plans to take you back to La Push to..explain his side of things," Alice spoke, her eyes were somewhere else, as if she were in a haze. At the sound of her voice, Edward shot a glance towards Alice, as did everyone else in the room. It was strange. Before I could think anymore about it, the doorbell rang and an impatient Jacob could be heard from the other side of the door.

"Open up, I can smell your dead bodies by the door," He called. Bella opened the door; Edward was busy staring at Alice. Jacob stood in the door frame, he didn't enter. For some reason he was shirtless, not that I was complaining, but it didn't make sense. I wasn't as concerned about him being shirtless as I was about his safety.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked him. As I approached him, I began looking him over for bite marks or scratches of any sort.

"What do you mean?"

"There was one of those giant wolves, like the one we saw in the forest, on the porch. You said that you would be on the porch so I kind of...Assumed the worst." I was glad Jasper was here, I probably would've been all over Jacob if something wasn't restraining me.

"Yeah about that, we need to talk." His whole demeanor changed when he said that. His shoulders tensed up and he wouldn't look me in the face.

" then."

"No, not here..not like this." When he said that, it was as if he was speaking more to himself, than at me. "Come on, we're going back to La Push." Jacob turned around and walked to the truck. I looked back at Bella and the Cullens. Edward looked kind of frustrated, Alice's face was neutral, Jasper was hovering over Alice and Bella was looking at them the same way I was, confused.

"I thought you couldn't see Jacob in your visions." Edward was looking at Alice coldly.

"You saw Jacob? That's what that whole `Jacob' thing was about wasn't it?" Bella asked. As I was listening to them, it was clear that I had no idea of what they were talking about. Edward elaborated on my behalf.

"Alice has the ability to see the future. Although her visions are likely, they aren't set in stone, so they can change. Jacob is what you would call a..." Edward was interrupted by the honking of Bella's truck.

"Hurry the hell up in there!"

"Don't rush me!" I screamed back. I'd forgotten where I was and was instantly embarrassed. I turned around and gave everyone a meek half smile. The Cullens quickly returned to their sour moods. It seemed Bella was the only one really paying attention to me. She smiled at me and I mouthed the word "bye" as I exited the house. The Cullens were still caught up in themselves so I thought it best to just make my escape then.

Jacob rolled his eyes at me as I got into the car, and we were on our way to La Push.

Back at the Cullen residence...

"What exactly did you see Alice?" Edward asked.

"It was Aden and Jacob..they were at La Push and Jacob was telling Aden about being a dog." Alice sneered when she said the word, `dog'."

"But that's not possible," Jasper spoke up.

"No. It's unlikely, but it is possible," Edward said. "Up until a few hours ago, I started hearing the thoughts of people in Port Angeles. Jasper, when you were using your power did anything feel different?"

Jasper thought to himself quickly before responding,

"Now that you mention it, it was a little easier than normal to keep Aden under control. I probably could've influenced him to become completely docile when I think about it."

"The strange thing is when I try to see Jacob or any of the wolves now, everything goes all fuzzy again," Alice said

Edward's eyes focused on Bella's brown opals, trying to rationalize what had happened. Alice and Jasper both turned to look at Bella in unison.

"What are you guys looking at me for?" Bella asked cautiously.

"The fact that I cannot hear your thoughts makes you different' from anyone else Bella. There's a good chance that when you're turned,' you may develop an ability like we have," Edward paused looking towards Alice and Jasper.

"Yes, I know. We've gone over this a million times; I'm gonna be some kind of `special' vampire like you guys." Bella stated, pointing anxiously at the bodies in front of her. Edward gave her a crooked smile before continuing,

"After the events that took place today, there's a good chance that you may not be the only one in your family who's `different.'"

Chapter 7- End

So, it's been almost a year since my last update and I'd like to send a special thank you to the folks that kept riding me, asking "When are you going to update?" And "Are you going to finish the story?" I want to apologize for my leave of absence. Life's a beach, and I was just playing in the sand for awhile, lol. I had finished this chapter a minute ago, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to add more to it, I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this chapter, but I think it's at a good setup for the next chapter. Yes, the story will be continued! Getting that out of the way, you can still reach me at my email, I'd love a reason to keep writing, feedback would be lovely :]

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