Twisted Revenge

By Trevor Steele

Published on May 24, 2023


Twisted Revenge By Trevor


The following is a work of fiction. All characters are over 18 years of age. There are depictions of sexual acts and homoerotic themes. Please do not read any further if you are not legally eligible or would be offended by the material.

Hey, I have a Tumblr page now. I might post releases there if I have the time to do so.

Chapter 2: Coming out of the closet

It has been a few days back since I made my sexual advancements on Jack. Knowing that Jack would continue to be submissive to me after savoring the delicious bitter sweet taste of my cum, I had closed an eye wirh Jack as I had more pressing issues, my company.

While I started to find a way to get back my company in my mansion, I heard a knock on my door. Opening the door, I see Jack with an evil grin on his face. "Remember a few days ago when I sucked your dick, It was just a set up. Now I have video evidence of YOU doing gay shit. I have sent the video to all your friends and family. See what they will think about it." Rage soared through my veins hearing what Jack has to say. Deciding that it would be better that I play it off cool, I composed myself and said "Lets see about that". Slamming the door shut, I took a few moments to calm my frenzied mind.

A message from another dear friend of mine alerted me. It was a screenshot of me driving my dick into Jack's mouth but Jack's face was blurred out but mine wasn't. "Nice, never thought you were into men ;)" said the message from my friend Mikhail. Interesting comment, I thought. I would take note of that and deal with it later after I deal with my family.

"Mom, I'm gay. Sorry for not telling you this earlier." "WHAT!? Is this a prank? Are you joking?" "No Mom, I'm not" "I knew you had some of your dad gay genes! Good thing I divorced him a year ago! Fuck off, I have no son now!" Even though this fallout was horrible, I found out about some people close to me were gay too. Let's hope for the best, I have some plans now.

A year ago, my Mom found out my dad was cheating and would not tell me who she was. Her reason was to protect the lady from getting beaten up by me. Now I know the real reason, she was actually a he. "Hey dad, I'm sorry about how I beat you up last year and all my mean comments." "What's wrong son? This call is very unexpected." He suspiciously questioned me. "Are you out of money? I don't have that kind of money to keep your business running." "No dad, I'm gay and I know you are too. That's why mom divorced right?" Chuckling nervously, he replied "let's meet up and grab a cup of coffee instead alright?" "Yeah sure, 2pm tomorrow, same place you know."

The next day. Walking up to me was a slightly bulkier man, arms now filled with tattoos, my dad. He was wearing all leather, leather boots, leather pants, leather vest, hell even a leather hat. "Wow that's a makeover." I laughed. Behind him was ghastly skinny man, wearing a similar outfit. Both of them set down across the table. "I think you should get to know the real me after finding out my secret. This is my slave." Pointing towards the ghastly skinny man who is now looking down towards the floor embarrassed. This is getting interesting. "Well uhh. How do I say this. Your mom was not putting out so I needed to find an alternative. Men were so much better at satisfying my certain desires so..."

I told my dad about the fall out between me and Jack. He was shocked yet surprised at the same time. I told him about my plan and he was fascinated by it. "I'm in." Said my dad and soon after left. It was time for the greatest operation in my life.

"Hi Jack, I heard that your company sells some Lamborghinis. I would love to check then out and buy a few of them." said my dad. "Sure thing, may I know how to address you sir?" "Just call me Mr D." "Okay Mr D, come down anytime during Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm, we'll be open." While my dad was on the phone with "Nick's Autosports" I was drafting a legal document with my trusty loyal. Time to entrap Jack. The plan was to get him to sign something unknowingly.

"Hi, you must be Mr D" said Jack enthusiastically. "Cars, the more the merrier. What kinds of Lamborghinis are you looking for?" "Nothing infact" my dad proceeded to stamp and snap his fingers simultaneously. I quickly ran towards them from my hiding spot.

"Relaxing deeper, deeper, deeper, the deeper you go, the more relax you are, the more relax you are the deeper you go. Just let it go, all anxiety flowing away, just drifting comfortably like you are a cloud. Deeper, deeper, deeper, now thats it, feeling so relaxed. The moment I ask you to open your eyes, you must remember everytime I say the word faggotjack close your eyes and go to a state as deep as this, as relaxed as this. Eyes open, now sleep." I had to have a faster way to induce him into hypbosis, choosing "faggotjack" as the word, I chuckled.

"faggotjack, you now think you are gay and have urges to submit to Nick. Whenever you come near Jack. Your dick will be persistently hard for an hour. You will only able to Ejaculate when you think about me fucking your arse. After you wake up, you would have the sudden impulse to sign your signature on this paper. Now are you ready to be awake again? 10..9...8...7..6...5...4...3...2...1 Wake up." Jack started furiously signing my agreement. Once he signed finish, he snapped out of half trance while me and my dad ran for it. Got this sucker good now.


Thank you for reading my story! I hope that you have enjoyed it as this is only my first story. I was too busy with life and had no idea what to write next since I limited my self a lot of what I could write avout with the previous chapter. Please send me emails about what you think should happend next. Sorry this chapter took a while.

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