Two Bodies

By Stuart James

Published on Dec 23, 2013



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Two Bodies

It was not unusual in this part of the Highlands of Scotland to see military jets flying low along the valleys and around the coast. Darren liked to watch the jets and listened for the boom as they shrieked overhead. One day he heard a particularly loud boom and stopped his car, got out and looked up into cloudless blue sky. It was sometimes difficult to spot the planes once you have heard the roar of the engines as sound travels much more slowly than light and the plane will have moved far from where the noise you heard originated. But Darren looked around and found the plane in the sky. The plane seemed to be flying very low above the ground and Darren thought he could see smoke coming from the back of the fighter jet. The plane was in trouble. Darren watched it as it came towards him. The plane was clearly doomed and Darren saw something fly out of the top of the plane. He realised that the pilot had ejected.

The plane flew into the barren ground about a mile away and did a couple of summersaults before coming to rest in several large pieces. Darren could see flames. The pilots' parachute had opened and he was sailing to the ground. But the strong winds were driving him towards the burning wreckage. Darren set off at a jog towards the remains of the plane and to where he thought the pilot might land. He came down about 75 metres from the largest piece of burning wreckage. Darren got to him shortly after he hit the ground. Darren knew little about military jets but he did know that they carried a lot of highly combustible fuel and he was afraid that there might be an explosion that could well kill both the pilot and himself. Darren banged the round knob on the pilots chest that said 'release'. The wind caught the parachute and took it and the harness away. Although Darren was a fit young man he would not normally have had the strength to lift the pilot in all his gear. But the pilot was not moving and adrenaline must have cut in as he lifted the pilot over his shoulder and in a crazy lurching run took them both away from the burning wreck. He had gone perhaps two hundred metres before there was a loud explosion. Darren braced himself and soon felt hot air on his neck. But they were not consumed in a fireball or hit by flying debris, for which Darren gave a silent prayer.

Darren carefully laid the pilot on the ground and looked back to where he had landed. There was now burning wreckage all over the area. If he had not moved the pilot - and himself - they would in all likelihood have been killed. Darren was not sure if the pilot was alive or dead. He was not moving. He decided that there was little he could do. He knew he should not remove the pilots helmet in case he had head injuries. But as the helmet had a mirrored visor he could think of no other way to see if he was breathing. He got out his 'phone and called the emergency services. He then sat on the ground as the exhaustion of the fireman's lift he had given the pilot swept over him. A police car arrived after about 10 minutes and the ambulance a few minutes later. The ambulance crew got the injured pilot onto a stretcher and into the ambulance. They drove off with sirens blaring.

More police cars arrived. By now Darren was feeling a little better. He gave one policeman a brief statement of what happened and his name and address. He then went back to his car and drove home. He took a shower, and although it was only mid afternoon, went to bed and slept soundly through to the next morning.

Darren read about the crash in the local newspaper. No mention was made of him, for which he was glad. He was also pleased to read that the pilot, who was named as Hank Taylor, had only minor injuries - which were unspecified - and was expected to make a full recovery. Darren set to work on the novel - his second - that he was writing. The first had been published but fizzled without trace. He had higher hopes of this story. His grandparents had left him comfortably off and so he had no need of regular paid work and could indulge his passion for writing. Even if he had wanted paid work, he wondered what he could do in this part of the world, as jobs outside of agriculture, were scarce.

Two days later he heard a car draw up in his drive. He went to have a look through the window. A middle aged man in uniform got out and came to the front door. Darren opened the door. The visitor introduced himself as Colonel Burke of the US Airforce. Darren invited him in and poured them both a cup of coffee which they took into the glass conservatory that gave a panoramic view of the coast and the sea.

"The US airforce would like to thank you for the action you took to save Hank Taylor. He would certainly have died if you had not moved him. Hank is a former military pilot, now a civilian one, who was testing a new version of one of our most reliable jet fighters for us. We were testing it here as we hope to sell you Brits some. We do not yet know what caused the malfunction. But we will get to the bottom of it. I have been asked to tell you that the Secretary of Defence will be presenting you with a citation honouring your bravery."

"There really is no need. I only did what anyone would have done," Darren replied.

"I doubt that, sir. On a more personal level, Hank has asked to see you so that he can thank you himself. He is in your local hospital. He has a private room, courtesy of Uncle Sam, and you can visit him whenever you like."

The Colonel stayed for a few more minutes finishing his coffee and then the two shook hands and he left. Darren, who was quite shy, would rather have just forgotten about the whole thing, but felt that he had little choice but to visit the injured pilot.

Early that afternoon, he drove to the hospital and was told where the second floor private room was located. He knocked and went in. Opposite him and sitting up in bed was the airman. He had a broad smile on his face which showed off his white teeth. He had short dark blond hair and clearly had not shaved for a couple of days. Both his hands were in plaster up to about half way up his forearms and both were supported just above the bed in slings. He was wearing a white paper short sleeved smock, that showed he was well muscled. All this Darren took in in the instant before Hank said "You must be Darren. I owe you buddy. Sorry I can't shake you by the hand but I have done some damage to both my wrists."

Darren went over to the bed and put his hand on the pilots right shoulder and said "Think nothing of it. My pleasure to help."

"I don't mean to be rude," Hank said "but how did you manage to carry me in full gear so far away from danger? You don't look so strong."

"Fear I think is the simple answer to that. Or maybe one of us had an angel at our shoulder." At that point a nurse came in with a beaker of coffee for the invalid. She was going to go to the other side of the bed to help Hank drink it, but Hank said "It's ok. You can give it to my good buddy Darren to feed me." The nurse gave the beaker to Darren and said that she would fetch him a cup. Darren took it, not exactly sure how he should give the drink to Hank. But he held the spout of the beaker to his lips and he drank some of the coffee. Darren must have tipped it a little too fast as some of the coffee trickled out of the side of his mouth and down his chin. Darren grabbed a tissue from the locker next to the bed and wiped up the liquid. Darren could feel that Hank's stubble was quite strong.

"You need a shave buddy. Don't they do that for you?" Darren had decided to adopt the term 'buddy'.

"They have offered, but I guess I don't fancy having some woman shave me. Say, would you be prepared to do it?"

"I guess so. Should I go and buy some disposable razors and things from the shop?"

"Would you mind going to my cottage and getting my own things? I have always thought that shaving is a rather personal matter. And maybe you could bring me my iplayer? It gets so boring here." Hank told Darren to get the keys from his locker and told him the address was on a card in his wallet. After they had both finished their coffee, Darren said he would go and be back that evening. "Thank you buddy," Hank said with a wink.

Darren set his satnav to the address on the card and followed the instructions. It took him over an hour to get to the old stone cottage that was situated in a small village. He got out of the car and went to the front door, which he opened with the Yale key on the bunch. He went inside and closed the door behind him. He went into the lounge and looked at a room that was quite a mess. He actually wondered for a moment if the airman had been burgled. But he soon noticed that most of the mess was plates and cups and glasses from refreshments never properly cleared away, and piles of newspapers and magazines. He went into the bedroom which was also a mess. The bed had not been made and there were clothes dropped everywhere. He picked up a white cowboy hat off the bed which he put on his head. "Guess you are one messy cowboy, Hank," he said out loud, while admiring himself in the mirror. Darren often spoke out loud when working out the dialogue for his novels. Playing the parts of various characters came naturally to him. He had often wondered if he preferred playing his fictional characters to being himself.

Darren, who liked things to be tidy, started to clear up. He got the dirty clothes basket from the adjoining bathroom and started to pick up the discarded underwear, t-shirts, shirts and jeans. Both pairs of jeans he picked up were soiled with mud. So after he had collected all the dirty clothes, he took the clothes basket into the kitchen where he found a washing machine. He loaded the machine and set it going.

As he got up from the machine he noticed a pair of cowboy boots by the back door. They were also covered in mud. Darren picked them up and put them on the draining board by the sink. Closer up, he could see that the black leather boots were liberally inlaid with what he guessed was silver and grey snakeskin. There were gold coloured metal toecaps over the pointed toes and attached to the boots by two small nails into the soles. He turned one boot over and looked at the under slung heels that he guessed must be two inches tall. Darren picked up a damp cloth from beside the sink and began to carefully wash off the mud with it. He did not really think about what he was doing. Bringing order to chaos was just part of his nature. When he had cleaned one boot, he did the other. Then he looked around and found a soft duster. He plunged his hand into one boot so that his fingers were right into the pointed toe and the shaft of the boot nearly came up to his elbow. He then polished the boot with the soft cloth, which made it shine.

When they were both done he carried the boots back to the bedroom. As he went in, he could see his reflection in the long mirror on the wall and noticed that he was still wearing the Stetson. "Howdy cowboy," Darren, who was a great lover of cowboy films, said out loud. Darren realised that he was still carrying the boots. He did a double take of his image in the mirror and then sat on the bed, pulled off his own shoes and, one after another, pushed his feet down the shafts and into the boots. He pulled the legs of his jeans over the boots and got up and looked at himself in the mirror. He smiled back at his reflection. After admiring his booted feet from several angles he sat down again and removed the boots. He opened a door next to the bathroom door and found it was a walk in wardrobe. There were racks where clothes were hanging and on a shelf above the racks were a dozen pairs of cowboy boots. Darren examined some of them. Some were fancy and some plain. Most were pointed and high heeled but there were pairs with square toes and low heels and a couple of pairs of harness boots. There were also a number of cowboy hats. Rolled up on some shelves were a number of thick leather belts and detachable brass and silver buckles. Hank was obviously a serious cowboy. He put away the cleaned boots and the white Stetson in the spaces where he guessed they lived.

Darren spent the next couple of hours cleaning and tidying the house; washing up the dirty pots and dealing with the clothes when they came out of the washer and then the drier. He left the house in probably the best state it had been in for many months.

Darren had meant to just get the shaving gear and then go home and have some food. But time had passed and he thought he had better go straight back to the hospital. He went up to Hanks room. This time he did not knock before he went in. "Hey, Buddy," Hank said. "You got my razor?"

"Yes. But I hope you realise that I have never shaved anyone before."

"Well you better be careful. It would be a pity if after having saved my life you slit my throat." Hank thrust his chin out to expose his throat which showed off his large Adam's apple.

Darren sat on the side of the bed and sprayed some shaving foam from the can onto his hands. He then smeared it over Hank's face. As Hank was not in a position to speak, Darren kept up a monologue about himself while he gingerly at first and then with more confidence, shaved his chin. As he was coming to the end of the chore he said "It's a great little cottage you have their. Hope you don't mind, but it was in a bit of a state. So I cleaned it up and did some washing and things. There was a pair of muddy boots in the kitchen. I got the mud off, but as they seemed to have snakeskin inlays I was not sure how to clean them properly. But they seemed ok when I had finished."

Darren got a wet cloth and wiped the remnants of foam from Hanks face, which he then dried. He wiped the back of his hand over both of Hank's cheeks. "Think that will do."

"Now you will have to come and visit me every day, buddy." The two men smiled at each other.

"Say, did you like those boots?"

"Yes, I do. Bit difficult to walk in." Darren looked at Hank as he realised that he had just told Hank he had tried them on. Hank gave him a broad grin.

"Don't worry buddy. I owe you. You are welcome to anything of mine. If you walk around in the boots some, you can soon get used to the heels. Tell you what. Go back to my cottage tomorrow and get the boots. I want to see my barber wearing them when he visits tomorrow. And a cowboy hat."

"No, I couldn't," Darren replied knowing that not only could he but that he would. He was being given permission to play a different character for real. At that moment a nurse came in and told him that he would have to leave. Darren went over and put his hand on Hank's shoulder. "See you tomorrow buddy."

"Yes, see you cowboy."

Darren arrived at the hospital at about 10.00am the next morning. He had taken Hank at his word and was wearing not only the boots and hat, but a pair of Hank's tight legged jeans that only just went over the shafts of the boots, a buckled belt and a white embroidered denim shirt. He liked playing this character and so had not been concerned by the looks he had been given in the hospital. He went into Hank's room and found the pilot listening to music on his headphones. "Hi there cowboy ," Hank said. "Told you that you would manage the boots. Can you get this contraption off me?" Darren went over to the bed and took off the headphones and turned off the iplayer.

Darren sat on the chair by the bed and they chatted for a few minutes. Darren found Hank very easy to get on with. "Look buddy," Hank said "I have a very special favour to ask you."

"Ask away. If I can help I will."

"We'll see about that. Apart from my wrists, there is nothing really wrong with me. But they are planning to keep me in for lord knows how long as I cannot do much for myself. Not only am I bored but I keep getting complete strangers in to wash me me with my other ablutions." At this point Hank nodded his head in the general direction of the middle of his body. "If I can get someone else to look after me 24/7 I think they will let me go home. What do you think buddy? I could pay you."

"Wow," Darren replied "I am not sure I would be much good as a nurse and dealing know...waste matter."

"But I wouldn't be asking you to do anything you don't do for yourself. And I guess you manage that OK. Just look on it as having two bodies to look after rather than one. I wouldn't ask you except I look on you as my best buddy in this country. Maybe my best friend in the whole world. I used to share the cottage with another ex-airforce guy who looked after me and kept things neat. I guess I am a bit of a slob. He would have done it except he went back home last year. I know it is asking a lot and I already owe you. And you could write your novel just as easily at my house as your own. Please buddy, I shall go mad if I have to stay here....."

Darren raised his hand to stop his new friend who he thought would go on and on until he surrendered. And as a guy who had no really close friends the idea of being a best buddy to someone he found so easy to talk to, appealed to him. There might even be a novel in it. "Ok, if they will let you out into my custody I will do it."

When the nurse next came in, Hank asked her if he could see his doctor. Half an hour later a small middle aged woman of Indian heritage came into the room and Hank explained what he wanted to do. She listened and then directed her comments as much to Darren as to Hank.

"Mr Taylor, I know you think that it is only your wrists that are a problem, but you and your body had a terrible shock. You need a great deal of rest to get over such a trauma. You would be better off here, at least for the time being."

This time it was Darren's turn to do the pleading. "I am sure I can look after him. I will make him do everything I tell him."

"I am not sure," The doctor replied.

"If I swear on my oath that I will obey Darren in absolutely everything, will you let me go? I will even write it down and sign it," Hank said waiving his useless hands around.

"I can't keep you prisoner here Mr Taylor."

"But I can Hank. Your arse belongs to me now," Darren said in a phoney American accent. Both men laughed out loud. The doctor just looked perplexed.

The doctor explained to them both that it was essential that no strain be put on Hanks wrists; that he should get lots of rest but that some exercise would be good. Darren left Hank to go home and get some of his things while the final paperwork was being done. He also went to the cottage to get Hank some clothes. He kept things simple - jeans, a sweatshirt and trainers. After going to the supermarket to get some groceries, Darren got back to the hospital at 2.00pm. He helped Hank dress trying hard not to look at his cock and balls as he pulled up his underpants. Fortunately the paper smock that he was still wearing covered them. Then he took Hank down to his car and drove him home. He helped him out of the car and into a chair in the lounge. Then he brought in the groceries and then a bag of his clothes. "Where am I going to sleep, buddy?" Darren asked.

"There is only the one bed, so I guess you will sleep with me. Anyway you promised me 24/7 nursing and I want my moneys' worth," he said with a grin. For two people who had only met the day before, they got along and joked together like old friends. Darren was attracted to the pilots easy manner. "What's in the bag?" he asked.

"Just some clothes and things."

"You won't be needing those. You're a cowboy 24/7 as well as a nurse."

Darren turned at looked at Hank. "You said you would obey in absolutely everything. I thought I was in charge, buddy."

"Well you are, technically. Well the body anyway. Just humour me."

They sat and chatted together while they both shared a beer. "I think I need your assistance, Buddy. I need to piss." Hank managed to stand up on his own and Darren followed him to the bathroom where he stood in front of the toilet.

"Would it be best if you sat down to piss?" Darren asked.

"I'm not pissing like some woman. Just get my cock out and point it at the porcelain. I can do the rest." Darren undid the fly of his jeans and put his hand inside. He got hold of the cock and got it out. Darren knew that this point would come and had decided that he would just pretend to himself that it was his own cock and then he would be able to act quite naturally. But the cock was about a half as big again as his own - about 7 or maybe 8 inches. As he pulled it out of Hanks jeans he said "It's cut. Does that make any difference?"

"No buddy, just point." Darren took hold of the penis about three quarters down the shaft and pointed it at the toilet bowl. Hank started pissing and Darren had to change the direction slightly to avoid making a mess. Hank let out a strong stream of yellow liquid and seemed to piss for much longer than Darren ever did. When he had finished, he said "OK shake the drips off." Darren tried but was not quite sure how to do it with a cut cock, or how tightly he should grip it, and decided to wipe it on a piece of toilet paper. As Darren put the cock back in Hanks jeans he said "You never seen a cut cock before?"

"Well I have seen one but never held one before."

"I am looking forward to seeing yours. Not seen many uncut ones." Darren thought he was talking generally, and was about to go back to the lounge when Hank said "No go on you have a piss. Don't think we are going to have many secrets from each other when your nursing stint is over. So let's get any embarrassment out of the way now. You've seen my cock. Now I want to see yours. The two men changed places and Darren got out his cock while being watched by Hank.

"I'm not sure I can do this with you standing there."

"Well I had to, so come on piss." With a bit of straining Darren managed to relieve himself. They repeated the performance once again before the dinner that Darren cooked and once before bed. Darren asked Hank what he slept in as he got some pyjamas (that he kept for visits to his sister's house) out of his bag.

"I don't wear anything buddy. So you won't either. Got a lot to teach you about being a cowboy."

Darren was not sure what he meant by that. But he helped Hank out of his clothes and into bed, before removing his - or rather the gear he had borrowed from Hank - and got into the other side of the bed. They said goodnight and Darren turned off the light.

Darren was awoken at about 4 in the morning by hank knocking him gently with his plastered hand. When it was clear that Darren was awake, he said "Think I need your help again buddy." Darren made no effort to move. Guessing correctly why Darren was reluctant to get out of bed, Hank said "You got a morning wood on buddy? I would have too if I did not need a piss so badly. So don't be shy." Darren again did not move. "Shift you arse cowboy or I'll piss all over you."

Darren got out of bed and helped Hank out. In the light of the bathroom Darren's solid cock was very obvious. "Sorry buddy I did not mean to embarrass you. I guess when you have been in the forces, seeing a guy with a hard on in the morning is nothing special." They were soon both back in bed and asleep.

Darren opened his eyes to see that Hank was already awake and looking at him. "Morning nurse," Hank said. "Sorry buddy, but I have got your problem from last night. And whereas you can do something about yours, I need you to do something about mine. It's ages since....well you know what. Pull the bed clothes back." Darren did and could see Hanks engorged cock pointing at the ceiling. It must have grown about an inch and was fatter with the head of his cock being bright red. "Just grab hold of it towards the end and .... well just pretend it is your own cock. You know what to do."

Darren kept the covers over his own cock which was also throbbing as he got hold of Hanks penis and started work on it. Hank gave him a few breathless instructions such as 'hold it tighter', 'nearer the tip', 'faster'. But Hank clearly had a lot of pent up spunk which he shot in 8 blasts after about 90 seconds of work by Darren's hand. The spunk seemed to fly everywhere. Some even landed on his face. But Hank who had raised his head to look at what Darren was doing, fell back to the bed with his eyes shut. "I needed that buddy. Hope you don't mind adding that to your daily list of chores along with washing and shaving."

Darren got out of bed and went and helped Hank get up. They went to the bathroom and both got into the shower. Darren told Hank to hold on to the top of the shower door above his head in order to keep his hands and arms dry, while he washed his pilot friend, making sure he got the spunk off his face and chest. He washed his cock and balls carefully and was entranced by the beauty of his cut cock. He had never seen one so close and the lack of excess skin gave it a nice simplicity. Then he washed himself. Darren got out of the shower and fetched a towel with which he dried Hank. Hank got out and sat on the toilet while Darren dried himself. Hank told him which drawer the underwear was in and even selected which each should wear, choosing a white jock strap for Darren and white briefs for himself. Darren did what he was told. Hank chose plain white tee shirts for them both although he made Darren get a second one when he did not think the first was tight enough. "You're a nice shape buddy. Show it off." He also chose a very tight pair of blue jeans for Darren that he had difficulty doing up. But when he looked at himself in the mirror, he liked the way they made his arse look almost bubble like. Hank was having no more of trainers and selected high heeled and pointed cowboy boots for them both - plain black for himself and plain brown for Darren. He took the same trouble in selecting buckled belts for their jeans. Darren had at first been taken aback by the careful way Hank directed what he wore, but by the time he pulled on his boots, he was quite at home with the way that Hank was directing his performance. It was clear that he was only in charge when Hank let him be.

They went to the kitchen where Darren made breakfast. They just had cereal and coffee, which Darren had to feed the pilot between mouthfuls of his own. Then Darren set about changing the spunk covered bed and generally clearing up and doing some washing. Hank stayed with him and they chatted as he worked. Hank told him about growing up on a farm in Arizona, about his family, about the cowboys his folks employed, about buying his first pair of real cowboy boots and much else. Darren mainly listened and enjoyed becoming a party to his friends life. When Darren had finished the chores the two cowboys went for a walk around the Scottish village. The weather was rather cold so Darren was instructed to wear a fringed fawn suede jacket while Hank wore a black leather bomber jacket suitable for a pilot. Both, of course, wore Stetsons. As they walked around the village Darren was surprised how pleased everyone they met were to see the American, and they were invited into a number of houses to tell the story of the accident. Hank was obviously well known and popular. Hank, much to Darren's embarrassment, emphasised the heroic role of his friend in his rescue both from the accident and from the hospital. One person asked Hank if Darren would be moving in now that Paul had left. Darren guessed that that was the name of the guy who had previously shared the cottage. Darren said "I sure hope so. He looks after me so well I am not keen on letting him get away." The constant stopping meant that it took over two hours for them to walk the mile or so around the village.

In the afternoon, Darren tried to work on his novel, but found he could not concentrate. Instead he started to write the story of how he had seen the plane in the sky and what had happened since. When he read it back to himself later on he was surprised about how much detail he had included about Hanks looks and about his body and his cock. But he decided that he was only being thorough.

They both had an early night as Hank was tired and told Darren that he had better go to bed at the same time. In the morning Darren was woken by being nudged by Hank with the comment "Come on buddy, I need your right hand." Darren started playing with his friends cock. He had not been as careful to keep himself covered that morning and Hank noticed his erection. "Why don't you do yours at the same time buddy. You have got to look after both bodies, remember. Darren took his own cock in his left hand but it was clear to Hank that Darren was not used to a left hand wank. "Hey Buddy, get up on top of me and hold them both together and do them. Darren was now well used to doing what he was told and straddled Hanks waist. He held the two cocks shaft to shaft in both hands and started to rub them. Darren loved the feeling of having Hanks large cock along the shaft of his own. He shut his eyes and started to speed up. "Slow down Buddy, let's enjoy this." Darren opened his eyes and stopped the wank. "You seem to be getting closer than I am". Darren let go of his own cock and just played with Hanks. "Why don't you suck it? You keep licking your lips when you look at my cock."

Darren looked at him wide eyed. "I said suck it, Buddy. Now."

Darren moved down the bed until his face was close to the cock he had in his hand. He looked at the piss slit and put out his tongue to lick the cock pushing the tip of his tongue down the slit. Then he moved his lips down the shaft and began to go up and down using his tongue to massage the stiff tool. "I am going to shoot buddy and you are going to drink me. Move the cock head to the back of your mouth if you don't want to taste it so much. Darren could feel Hank stiffen and took the cock into his mouth as far as his throat would let him. He felt the thick warm liquid hit his throat and he gulped it down. When the eruption had subsided, Darren opened his mouth and released the cock. Hank had his head off the bed looking at his cock and Darren. They could both see a little spunk oozing from the cock head. "Clean it up, buddy." Darren took just the head into his mouth and sucked the cock clean. "Now get back up here and finish your own wank. I want to see how much spunk you have in you."

Darren straddled Hank again and started stroking his own cock, all the time staring into Hanks brown eyes. He came in long spurts that went over Hanks chest neck and face. "Good boy," Hank said putting out his tongue and licking up a little of his friends spunk.

They did not speak as they showered and indeed Darren tried to avoid Hanks gaze. Once again Hank dressed the two cowboys. When they were sitting having breakfast Hank said "Are you OK Buddy? Sucking a guys cock is no big thing and it feels really good. Guess I should not have made you swallow it first time though. You'll get used to it."

"No its OK. You were right I did want to suck your cock. I can't explain it. It just looks so magnificent compared to mine. And I loved sucking it. And while I didn't much like the taste it was OK swallowing your spunk. You said that I would be in charge of looking after 2 bodies. But I guess that you are in charge of me. But whatever... I really want to look after and serve your body as well as I can. I guess that makes me some sort of cocksucker and pervert. But doing things for you makes me feel good. And I love the way you make me play the cowboy. I guess you must think me sick."

"No you are not sick. I think you have just found your role in life. I told you I had a good buddy in the air force who looked after me. He sucked my cock and loved to let me fuck him. We were perfectly matched. I sort of got used to having someone there for me. After he left I really missed him and never thought I would meet anybody like him till I met you. Guess I have just been trying to manipulate you to new partner and I suppose his replacement. I love making you serve me. Guess it is a power thing. But don't get me wrong. I do like you and do want us to be equal buddies as well. Guess I am the one who has a problem. I shouldn't have done it to you after you saved my life. I guess I have not been very fair. If you want to leave I will understand."

Darren looked up and smiled at Hank. "Guess the major problem we have now is how to stretch my hole so that monster between your legs will slip in. If I am to look after your body properly, and be your partner, I want to do the whole job and feel you deep inside me."

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