Two Bulls for Damian

By Boyatt Hart

Published on Feb 4, 2016


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by Boyatt Hart

Chapter 6: The Big Day Gets Bigger

My cock, which stayed in Damian's ass and surprisingly hard throughout Luther's stunning display, at last deflated enough to slip out of him. He snuggled against my thick body and pressed his face to my chest while kneading my shoulders.

Luther observed with his arms folded and resting atop his firm belly.

Suddenly I felt a few big globs of my cum drop onto my relaxed genitals from his well-worn sphincter. Luther unfolded his arms and inspected the boy's butt, then began smearing the seepage around on his hole.

"Looks pretty swollen," he said.

"I will be fine," Damian softly assured him and then gazed into my eyes.

I threw an arm around him and pressed him to me while slipping the fingers of my free hand between his parted cheeks to inspect him for myself. His pucker indeed felt swollen and formed a trough-like furrow as I ran my finger over it. He sighed.

"You felt great," I praised him, gently patting his fanny, "Like sinking my dick in satin."

"Thank you...that makes me happy," he said in a near whisper.

I let him rest against me a few more minutes then said, "I should go clean myself off."

He slowly climbed down onto his knees beside me and licked up his cum from my fuzzy belly.

"I squirted my milk on you...I'm sorry," he said looking concerned.

"It's nothing to apologize for," I said with a reassuring smile, "That's why we like having dicks."

He laughed and then, before I knew what was happening, I felt his tongue on my balls and heard him lapping up my cum from them. He rose up with a proud smile, a bit of our fuck juice smeared on his left cheek where he had pressed it to my cock in the process. He briefly fondled my nipples and before I could say anything his head disappeared below my belly again. To my shock he began noisily Hoovering up the heavy coating of cum and ass slime on my dick.

"What the hell is he doing, Luther?" I asked.

Luther sat beside me on the edge of the bed and raised a finger to his lips as he watched him, "Taking care of your every need, sport. Hope you don't mind me keeping mum about this but I didn't want to spoil all the surprises for you. Don't think, just lay back and enjoy. Had never seen the likes of it myself before last weekend, but I sure took to it like a duck to water."

Damian popped back up licking his pretty lips and glowing as though he had just finished a cup of cocoa with marshmallows, "All clean, Mr. Anderson!"

"Thank you," I said reaching out and squeezing one of his soft titties.

He giggled and reached back with his right hand to massage his sore hole as he looked back and forth at Luther and me.

"I am now fucked by a STRONGMAN!" he boasted

We laughed and Luther said, "You sure were, baby sure as hell were!"

Damian squealed out something in Spanish that I was unable to translate as he hopped off the bed and went to Luther's bathroom to tend to his own needs.

The big man turned his winning smile to me and asked, "How you feeling?"

"Like a million bucks!" I replied having warmed to the idea of Damian sucking our fuck juice off my cock.

"Good! That's exactly how you looked with that boy riding your dick," he said in his satisfied baritone, "His hole was pulling out pretty good on you while he was sliding it up. Thought for a minute you might turn him inside out but decided it was best to let him carry on. He didn't seem to be in pain."

I laughed and said, "I'm glad you were there to keep an eye on him. Oh, and you were right...even his chute was tight!"

He used my belly as an arm rest as he said, "By the way, you've probably got another surprise or two coming."

"I can't imagine," I replied.

"No, sir," he said with a knowing grin, "You can' can't."

Damian walked back in and piled on the bed with us, alternately grabbing at our cocks and nipples, practically purring. We managed to stretch back out on the bed amid his excited groping and Luther dragged him onto his burly bulk and then laughed as he began vigorously squeezing the young man's plump, soft titties. Damian lit up as he gladly gave himself over to it and Luther emitted a low growl while he worked the youth into a frenzy on top of him.

I used the opportunity to get up and look at Damian's hole for myself. The furrow didn't look as pronounced as it had felt a few minutes before, but it still looked somewhat like the pouting lips of an angry child and had a decidedly purplish hue to it.

Suddenly I found myself, like Luther in his stories about the Korean whores, thinking how cute it looked on him and feeling a tad proud of myself. I lay back down beside them to enjoy the show and bask in my accomplishment.

Eventually he wore Luther down on their game and the man wrapped his huge arms around him. He found Luther's handsome patch of chest hair a very arousing tactile sensation and couldn't keep his small hands out of it.

"Now you fuck me!" the highly aroused teen almost demanded of the giant as he twined it around his fingers.

"My dick's soft as putty after using your mouth," he said.

"I can make you big and hard again," Damian insisted.

"I know you can," Luther laughed, "but..."

"Easy, Damian," I chimed in, "I just took a look and I'm sure your hole needs more time to recover...especially before you stretch it over a dick the size of Mr. Bruchner's. It's early in the day still."

"Yes, sir," he said sounding disappointed.

"Mr. Anderson's right, you know," Luther comforted him, "As much as we like fucking it, a hole that little was never intended to be gored by bulls. We're afraid we might hurt it if we aren't careful."

The boy melted into Luther's enormity with a smile and said, "I understand. You are good bulls...nice bulls."

"Do you like to swim?" he bribed him.

"YES!" the teen snapped to life.

Luther rolled Damian off his belly onto the bed beside me and went to his linen closet. He came back with three beach towels and we filed into his kitchen to go into his backyard. It was a big yard and he had a privacy fence, but there were some noticeable gaps big enough for someone to easily see through if they wanted to.

"Should we wear underwear or something?" I asked.

"Naw...anybody who decides to take a gander at the likes of you and me in the all-together deserves whatever they get," he said with his usual flair for self-deprecating humor.

We dove in at the deep end and swam toward the shallow end to a point where the water was about belly button high on me. Damian energetically did a couple of laps up and down the pool before stopping in front of us where we rested, with Luther to my right and our hands behind us on the concrete apron. He sank down till only his head was exposed and giggled as he played with our cocks and balls under the surface.

"The water is cool. It feels nice on my hole," the kid said, sounding coy.

"I thought it might," the giant affirmed with a smile.

"How do you make such big muscles?" the admiring teen turned to me and asked.

"By lifting things that weigh as much as I do," the big man grinned.

His eyes grew big, "You can lift him?"

"Not quite," I said giving Luther a mock look of reproach for his exaggeration.

"How heavy a thing can you lift?" he wanted to know.

"308 pounds at my last workout," I said, trying in vain to suck in my belly while hitting a double bi-ceps pose.

Damian lit up at the sight not getting my joke at all.

I'm pretty sure I saw him trying to convert the figure and did some quick addition in my head using the metric equivalents imprinted on my weights, "About 140 kilos."

His mouth dropped open as he said, "That is nearly two of me! Lift me!"

He rose out of the water and I squatted down enough to slip my hands under his arms, pressing my fingers to his ribs with the heels of my palms against his chest.

"Brace your arms on mine," I said.

He followed my directions and I easily lifted him out of the water onto my belly, then did ten not too taxing, slow, fully extended presses with him. He laughed and squealed like a kid on his first rollercoaster ride. The last six reps I could feel his little hard-on raking against my belly and in the furrow between my pecs. At the top of the extensions his hooded cocklet was right in my face so, on the last one, I decided to give him a thrill and pecked it with a little kiss.

Luther was belly laughing at the sight and when I lowered Damian onto his feet in the pool again he excitedly threw his arms around my ball of a gut and squeezed it tight.

"Look at this, Damian!" Luther beamed, running a big hand over my upper body.

I had to admit it was bouncing out pretty nicely from my impromptu workout. Damian had to have weighed something a little less than 200 pounds, so it was not as much as I normally used in that lift but enough to provide me with adequate resistance. He took a step back and swooned, then took hold of our cocks again.

He laughed as he looked at Luther and said, "Yours is hard!"

Luther quickly stuck an arm under the water and swallowed the boy's cock in his big paw then laughed as he said, "So is yours!"

I reached over and grabbed onto Luther's fat prong, causing me to quickly erect, too.

"Now you are!" Damian said aiming his laughter at me.

"Can't help it," I said as I made a show of stroking it, "it's B-I-G."

Damian belly laughed then ducked under the water and gave us each a quick suck.

"Now?" he asked when his head broke the surface again.

"Let's have a look at that hole," the big man said to me.

To Luther's amusement I playfully roughhoused the boy by putting a hand on his head and easily bending him toward me, quickly tucking him under my arm and hoisting him butt-first toward the giant. Damian's joyous laughter rang out behind me.

Luther pried his cheeks apart and said, "The swelling's gone down but it's not exactly pink as a rose yet. Let's give it a while longer."

I set him down and we all swam and played in the water for a while. The next time we checked him it appeared to have fully rebounded so the three of us climbed out of the pool and dried off, laughing like kids as we playfully grabbed at each other's hard-ons and nipples. As we headed back into the house I couldn't help thinking how much fun our little excursion had been and how nice it had felt to romp outside, completely naked and aroused, unfazed by the thought that someone might see us.

I was last in line through the door and as I watched Luther and Damian disappear into his living room the big man said, "How about grabbing us a beer, sport?"

"Damian?" I asked.

"Yes, please," he responded.

By the time I arrived I found Luther on the couch with Damian in his lap, leaning back into the big arm behind him while excitedly leafing through the fuck mag I'd left on the coffee table. I handed them their beers and sat in Luther's recliner.

He turned a page and then looked at me.

"He could be Mr. Anderson," he said to Luther pointing at the picture.

"I thought the same thing," Luther said smiling.

He slowly worked his way through the photos until he finally turned to a page and stopped. His eyes grew big and his mouth dropped open. Then he looked at Luther and belly laughed as he pointed at it.

"She looks funny!" he blurted through his uncontained laughter.

"She sure does...but he sure looks happy," the giant said with a giggle.

"That is what matters," the kid said as he stared in amazement, still chuckling at the picture.

He then pitched the book back onto the coffee table and sank back into Luther's comforting bulk to play in his chest hair again. He began giggling as he started running his small fingers over the big cock head peeking up from between his thigh and the big man's belly.

Again I couldn't help thinking of Norman Rockwell and broke into a chuckle of my own.

We swigged on our beers and then Luther asked, "What's the time?"

I looked at the wall clock behind them and said, "Going on 3:30."

"Ready for round two?" he asked, jostling the teen in his lap with his arm.

"YES, SIR!" he anxiously exclaimed.

"Then get me ready," he said with a smile as he easily lifted the chubby young man from his lap and set his feet on the floor between his legs.

Luther sank back into his couch as Damian dropped to his knees and dutifully stuffed his mouth on the man's fat cock head. His eyes closed as he tried his best not to suck while he slobbered on it. I moved to sit by Luther to get as close as I could to the same view he had. He draped an arm across my shoulders and sighed.

Whereas the kid had been able to take something over four inches of mine into his small mouth, leaving 3 to 3 1/2 inches exposed, the extra inch Luther had in each of his length and girth absolutely mocked him. I wondered how on earth he would be able to stuff such a thing balls deep into someone so small.

"He'll be fine, sport. Don't worry," he said with a smile, seeming to read my mind, "He came back, didn't he?"

I couldn't argue with that.

Damian pulled off and looked up at Luther with the eyes of a puppy, his expression earnest as he said, "You taste good, Mr. Bruchner."

I couldn't argue with that either as many times as I'd had that beautiful thing in my mouth. But I was a little over three-quarters Luther's size. In my hands and mouth...against the backdrop of my own physical bulk...contrasted against the thickness of my impressive as it looked even then, it just didn't loom before me with quite the same authority as it did before Damian.

I leaned forward for a better view and both of his small hands were on Luther's dick. I knew they were shielded from his view by his belly, but I found myself wishing Damian would remove them for the sake of mine. Suddenly the boy turned his eyes to me and, as if reading my mind as well, moved them to the big man's hefty scrotum.

I estimated there had to be a good five inches of intimidatingly fat cock teeming from the kid's tightly stretch lips and mine began throbbing and twitching as I watched. Damian let out a muffled giggle as he witnessed my reaction. He was undeniably a first rate showman on the business end of a big one.

He removed it from his mouth and inspected it. Assessing its size he seemed to think it needed more and peeled Luther's skin back to coat the exposed head. Suddenly my balls itched and I reached down to scratch them.

Damian emitted a muffled chuckle and pulled Luther's dick from his mouth again just long enough to say, "Your chest is jumping!"

I smiled at the teen, then heard Luther laugh behind me and turned to look at him.

"He really likes that about you!" the big man beamed.

"So do you," I reminded him with a smile.

He laughed again and pushed my face back toward the action with a huge hand. More muffled laughter came from Damian who seemed to take great pleasure in Luther's and my unabashed mutual admiration.

He pulled Luther's cock from his mouth and announced, "It is ready."

"I'm gonna do him on the couch here," Luther informed me as Damian rose to his feet and awaited further instructions.

Luther and I stood up and he pointed at the end of the couch near the recliner and said, "Damian, you get on your knees here with your legs together and rest your elbows there on the arm."

Damian looked confused so I patted the arm at the other end.

Damian got it and immediately obeyed Luther's instructions. I saw his plan so I went ahead and moved the coffee table out for him.

"Thanks, sport," he said as he placed his right knee between Damian's ankles and the back of the couch, aimed his hard-on straight out from him and then worked his left leg away from the couch until it was perfectly lined up for penetration.

I couldn't help taking a minute to admire the striations along the outer side of his massive, shapely thigh and the way his inner and outer heads of huge calf balled up like a fists.

He stuck his fat thumb in his mouth and got it dripping wet with spit. He then parted the boy's buttocks and spat a large projectile of saliva on his hole, immediately working his thumb into it. The thickness of the man's thumb had him moaning as though he were already getting fucked.

The giant pulled his thumb out of the teen and began smearing his cock head in pre-cum with his ample hood as he said, "Now, slick him up for me, sport."

Luther watched with interest as I imitated the procedure he had performed in advance of my turn up the boy's chute, swiping my meatus with my middle finger and massaging my pre-cum into his hole several times.

"That should do it," he said, "Mind holding his butt cheeks apart for me?"

I moved the end table at Damian's end and knelt with one knee on the edge of the couch as I dragged my balls over the back of his head, letting them along with my drooling hard-on come to rest between his shoulder blades beneath my belly.

Luther's eyes were glued to my display. I gave him a minute or so to enjoy it then leaned forward and slipped the fingers of both hands into Damian's crack, prying his cheeks apart tightly enough to open his tiny hole to about the size of my big friend's meatus. He leaned in, his big belly brushing my face and arms, and quickly located his prize.

"Great job, sport!" he praised, "Found it right away!"

"No problem," I said as I felt him press for entry, floating several deep grunts out over me.

"Bear down, boy...bear down," he reminded Damian between grunts.

"I'm trying, sir," Damian replied between pained groans.

After a couple of minutes the giant backed out of the boy's saddle and began slicking his cock head again, "Mind putting some more of your slick 'em on his hole?"

I quickly swiped my drooling glans and applied it to Damian's pucker a few more times.

He placed his huge hands on the boy's butt cheeks and said, "Your hole's tensing up on me because of how painful it was when I worked my way into you last weekend. Try to focus on how good it felt once I started fucking you instead."

He leaned in again and tried some more but after a couple more minutes he ended up backing out again for us to repeat the process.

"Third time's the charm, baby boy. Now remember to bear down and let me in," the behemoth soothed him.

"Yes, sir," Damian anxiously replied, "I'm ready."

Luther moved back in again looking determined.

For nearly a minute Damian whimpered and groaned until at last I watched in amazement as his ring finally gave in and s-l-o-w-l-y swallowed Luther's blunt instrument of a cock head. The boy began to quake and wailed like a diva in the midst of an aria beneath me.

I gently massaged his back as Luther nodded at me then wiped his brow with his thick left forearm.

I backed out of the scene and stood to the side to watch the giant load him up and saw a steady white drool streaming onto the cushion between Damian's knees.

"Wow!" I said, completely impressed, "Your dick's making him cum like crazy!"

"Couch is vinyl," the big man huffed, "Wipes right up."

"I will clean my mess," Damian apologetically assured us between pained grunts, bringing the two of us to laughter.

I knelt in front of the teen and tried to distract him by massaging his scalp like a vet giving an animal a shot as I said, "Sorry...wasn't thinking too clearly was I?"

Because Luther's shaft had slightly more girth even than his whopper of a glans Damian struggled mightily to accept him.

So I began bouncing my pecs for him as I said, "Be strong! Be S-T-R-O-N-G!"

He tried to smile back at me but the pain of his labor was unmistakable in the expression on his baby face.

Luther was exercising incredible patience as he slowly fed his cock to the boy's hole by the millimeter it seemed.

"So damn tight! If I can get my balls on him without cumming first he'll get a good ride out of me, though. Already shot two loads today, but...phew!..." he said with the boy's tightness clearly testing him.

"Keep bearing down, now," he urged Damian again.

"Yes, sir...o-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h...yes, sir!" he cried out.

I checked his progress and saw he still had about a third of his hulking member to go before making his goal.

"We've got all evening, Luther," I said patting his big butt.

He paused and, after a couple of minutes, pressed on with his big belly taut and his huge chest heaving. I saw that Luther's impressive girth had the boy's fleshy cheeks rolled up around it like a doughnut as he bore down on him so I went back to Damian's end of the couch and reached in to spread him apart once more.

"Spit on my dick," the giant said.

I tried to find a position but couldn't maneuver around the big man's belly. I ended up just spitting on my fingers and carefully reaching in to smear it around a few times.

He gave it one more slow, sustained push and I watched his belly finally settle into the small of Damian's back. I stepped aside to admire their accomplishment, feeling good about the part I had played in it.

Damian groaned in lust as he reached back between his legs and cooed, "M-m-m-m-m...huevos GRANDES!"

"He said 'big balls'," I told Luther with quick a pat on his butt.

I went to Damian and asked, "How are you doing here?"

His brow was sweating but this time he succeeded in flashing his beatific smile at me. I patted his head. Luther began gently rocking his hips into the boy.

"Oh-h-h!...oh-h-h!...oh-h-h!...oh-h-h!..." the teen began singing out.

Luther stopped and I knelt beside Damian laying my arm across his well-padded back, "You sure you're alright?

"I am fine...I will be fine," he whimpered.

Luther looked at me and I gave him a thumbs up. With that he took the boy by his hips and began slowly rocking him on his member instead. I began to see more and more of his dick showing with each one till almost the entire bottom half of its length was in use. The giant pinched down on his skin at the base to make sure it slid out as well.

He spat into his hand several times, smearing his exposed base with it till it formed a slick foamy coating, then slowly sank balls deep back into Damian's hole in one sustained push, seeming to empty the boy's lungs of air as he did so. He then slowly dragged it back out, in the same manner and to about the same point, and repeated the process.

Soon he was working the entire bottom half plus a little more in and out with ease and Damian began coming to life. Watching this stunningly built man at work was truly something to behold. In spite of his effort to go as easy as he could on the teen, his determined expression made clear the he made no apology for what nature had endowed him with.

I couldn't believe the man's stamina and control. Just getting Damian to open up enough to receive him had taken over five minutes of near constant pressure on his cock head. That he withstood that without losing his load was a feat in itself. After that came nearly another five minutes just to reach the boy's butt with his balls. Once that was accomplished he'd spent more than ten priming his chute for a proper fucking and still had some work ahead of him on that score.

Damian, to his credit, was giving the huge man his all; not the least bit resentful of how unavoidably painful this process was because he knew Luther was doing everything in his power to spare him as much pain as he could. He knew he could've opted out at any time and Luther would've respected his wish and stopped. But he wanted more than anything to please him and was willing to endure whatever was required to accomplish that. I admired his determination, too.

Little by little the out strokes were lengthening and Luther's patience and skill at forming the boy to his impressive length was breathtaking. The concentration required to do the job without giving up his load before he was ready showed in his rugged, manly face and his resolve was an inspiration to me; sheer force of will.

His persistence finally paid off when, a few minute later, he was gently and easily stroking Damian's hole with everything below the head. Even though he was relying on his foreskin for its freedom of movement at that point, he was at least working the boy's hole on the entirety of his formidable length.

That would probably have been enough for any other man of similar endowment. He would simply have been satisfied with that deep, full penetration and spent his load on it. But not Luther.

He expected to enjoy the full complement of pleasurable rewards this act had to offer. He wanted to experience that incredibly stimulating sensation of Damian's hole slipping and sliding over the surface of that unavoidably punishing cock of his. The resistant orifice had no choice but to eventually comply and begin helplessly gliding on him, suspended on a slippery film Damian's own ass would soon provide due to the overwhelming depth of penetration his enromous tool armed him to achieve.

That meant he had one more job ahead of him. He still needed to make the teen's unruly, clutching sphincter understand that it was simply no match for his uncommonly large, uncompromising girth and surrender the fight.

To do that he continued reaming the tender tissue that resided beyond the boy's rectum and up in the reaches of his colon, allowing his sheath of loose skin to afford him the play in his stroke necessary to induce its self-defensive juicing. Then, as soon as he felt those juices leaking out onto his balls, he pulled out till only the head remained inside him and peeled his skin back, pinching it to his thick base. From there it was only a matter of lengthening his 'in' strokes until the disobedient ring of tightly stretched muscle finally cowered and yielded to his will.

And, of course, it soon accepted that it had no other choice. His face told me all I needed to know about how intensely satisfying he found the sensation as he assertively tested his newfound freedom of movement.

To see Damian submissively knelt before Luther's kingly chest and belly while he stuffed his soft, fleshy butt on his royal scepter of a cock you might have thought it was rape. But the blissful expression on his cherubic face would have immediately and completely disabused you of that notion. His own patience had paid off with the ride of his life and he clearly knew it.

With a steady rhythm, tempered with benevolence, the behemoth was at last fucking the boy on the terms he'd set forth. Even as stout as Damian looked for his height, he still looked meek and frail compared to the huge man riding him. His plump butt was by then making noises that could even be heard above his constant moaning. They sounded exactly like it was sucking on the fat cock that had confidently conquered it.

His head was comfortably resting on his folded forearms as the giant freely sampled the full complement of spoils he'd won, and they both looked for all the world as though they were in heaven. The kid opened his eyes and saw me slowly stroking my raging hard-on.

As it had for Luther his mouth flew open for me. I recalled Luther describing him as looking like a baby bird and had to laugh as I stepped forward to slide my cock into his open mouth. I chose to feed it to him from the side so Luther had a clear view of the action.

With my right hand on my hip I slowly pushed his head down on me with my left until I felt him slightly recoil and then stopped. The big man riding in his squishy sounding saddle smiled approvingly as he watched.

Moving my right hand to the back of Damian's head I used my left to press down on my pad so Luther could see my full length as I started methodically fucking his mouth. I stroked his orifice with a precise depth that easily reached his gullet with plenty of dick to spare, but were short of making him gag on me. Luther's gaze was intense.

I slowly pulled my cock from his mouth and smiled down on him as I playfully thumped it around on his face a few times. His mouth still open as if begging me to stuff it more, I slid back in and resumed fucking with deliberate restraint. The behemoth's actions told me all I needed to know about how stimulating he found what he'd seen.

He rammed his dick up Damian's ass and used his hips like reins to cinch him up snugly to his loins, bringing a pained groan from his cock stuffed mouth. But rather than struggle he began sucking me with abandon so that I didn't even have to move my hips. Happily writhing on the huge dick Luther had burrowed balls deep into his butt, he began fucking his own gullet on me with a force that exceeded mine.

Fearing he might squeeze my trigger in his fervor I took his head in both my sinewy hands, my triceps swelling against my sides as I steadied it, and took control once more, fucking his mouth again at a pace that better suited my stamina. The contentment beaming in Luther's round face as he watched me fuck the boy's mouth while he squirmed on the big man's member made him look like the handsomest man I'd ever seen.

His eyes glued to the scene, he slowly backed out of Damian's hole then pulled his skin tightly to the base of his fat cock. I tried to count them in my heated passion and, as close as I could manage, at least fifteen times he drove it up into the boy as far as his thick forearm would permit him to. He was clearly savoring Damian's tightly stretched hole as it slipped over its slick surface while sliding in and out of him.

Damian fairly sang on the end of my dick as Luther's took him to heights of sexual gratification he had never experienced before. The last time Luther drove up into him he held his position and just watched me working the boy's mouth. Damian's head still in both my hands, I repositioned it so Luther could clearly see his lips stretching out on my girth, then slowly drilled my cock through them with deep, purposeful strokes.

"He looks awful happy," the big man intoned softly.

He then slipped his thick forearm out from between them and took Damian's hips in his huge hands. Next the behemoth methodically rammed him with several short, ball slapping, groan inducing jabs before cinching his ass up against his loins one last time and giving up his load to the teen's well tenderized chute with a sustained, boisterous growl. When he came back to earth he homed in on my probing of Damian's oral cavity and grinned from ear to ear as he watched.

He slowly backed his meaty, glistening tool completely out of Damian's hole and, just as slowly, pressed his thighs to the boy's rump, causing the raging hard beast to lazily slide up from between his butt cheeks onto his back. Almost as an afterthought, with his left hand balled up into a huge fist on his hip, he reached down and fished for his sagging balls with his right hand and hauled them up alongside it.

I couldn't take my eyes off what lay before me beneath that magnificent belly of his. It was undoubtedly the most intensely masculine display I had ever seen. His round face proudly beamed his sexual contentment and, comfortably resting there on this small young man's back, his ordinarily large looking organs appeared down right vulgar in their enormity and potency.

Not only was his dick shimmering in their fuck juice, so was the top side of the plump scrotum lying beside it, which he'd been pressing against Damian as it flowed from his cock stuffed hole. Cum was still leaking from his hooded glans into a puddle on the kid's back.

He had wrung a heavy covering of deep anal froth from the tender walls of the boy's incredibly tight chute with the tremendous length and girth of his majestic member. It generously coated the more than four corpulent inches from the head back just past its midpoint and quickly filled the large room with the pungent, unmistakable, yet oddly pleasant aroma of vigorous and persistently administered butt sex.

The pace of my fucking became fevered as I feasted my eyes and nostrils on the scene, yet somehow without ever losing my sense for how much of me Damian could comfortably accommodate. He was putty in my hands as I powered into his willing mouth.

Still enjoying my show the giant absent mindedly stirred his thick fingers in the puddle of cum at the end of his dick and began seductively smearing it over the huge orbs that made his leathery scrotum bulge obscenely. At that point I lost it and pressed Damian down on me until he was securely affixed to my cock and exploded in an electrifying orgasm. Unable to swallow my cum with my hard-on so deep in his mouth it seeped out from his stretched lips and dripped from his chin onto the couch cushion below him.

Both of us spent from our intense orgasms I found myself still admiring Luther's display with my arms akimbo and my cock, coated in cum and saliva, at half mast beneath my belly. Luther trained his gaze on me with the same look of lustful admiration.

I looked at Damian and he had lain his head back down on his forearms, but so that it was turned toward the back of the couch. I checked the clock and it said 4:45. We had been putting the kid through his paces for just over an hour. I suddenly felt a tinge of worry as he hadn't yet moved.

I hooked my left arm under his chest and reached with my right over his back to his soft tummy and easily hoisted him up onto my round torso. He weakly wrapped his arms around my neck and hooked his legs together around my hips with his feet as I slid my left arm under his butt. His ass cheeks, genitals and the insides of his thighs were sticky with cum, mostly Luther's, which I could also feel collecting on my arm as it leaked from his battered hole.

"How do you feel?" I softly asked as I cradled him like a baby against my muscular bulk.

"Tired," he meekly sighed, "but very good."

He then pressed his lips and cum streaked chin to my beard in a kiss. I turned his face to mine in my right hand and stuck my tongue in his mouth to taste my load in it, then pulled away with a smile to see his reaction. His boyish face beamed his contentment as he tightened his arms around my neck and nuzzled his cheek to my beard.

Luther rose up off the couch heaving an exhausted sigh, his huge balls sagging and his limp but still bloated cock remaining a deep crimson in color.

He gently stroked Damian's back as he said, "You're a very special young man...very special."

Damian turned with a smile and reached an arm out to him. Luther stepped up and pressed him between our bellies as the boy's arm went around his neck. I carefully handed him off and began putting the room back in order as the gentle giant took over comforting him in his firm embrace.

(I hope you're enjoying yourself. To be continued as time permits. Our weekend concludes in the next chapter.)

Next: Chapter 7

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