Two Bulls for Damian

By Boyatt Hart

Published on Feb 5, 2016


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by Boyatt Hart

Chapter 7: Thanks For The Memories

I nimbly padded around the two of them as I moved Luther's furniture back into place, struck by the fatherly figure he cut as he bounced the young man on his burly bulk while tenderly massaging his abraded sphincter. I had no doubt it burned like a building on fire after spending close to an hour stretched over that enormously thick hard-on of his.

Damian appeared to feel safe in his strong arms, though.

"So long and fat dicks as these are beautiful to see," the boy sighed over Luther's shoulder as he watched me, "but in sex they must be respected."

"Worth noting," Luther comfortingly chuckled.

I stopped to massage Damian's shoulders and take a quick peek at his exposed hole as I asked, "Any regrets?"

" regrets," he bravely replied.

"Good," Luther said patting his back.

Relieved that I had not seen any damage I went to the bathroom to get a damp rag to begin wiping down the copious cum spills on Luther's couch. By the time I returned Damian was on his knees beneath Luther's perfect belly, dutifully cleaning the big man's cock in his mouth. I paused to admire the scene and patted the boy's head as he gave it one last, thorough slurp and then began licking the mixture of cum and butt juice off of the giant's prodigious, sagging scrotum. Luther stood head back in his familiar and strikingly handsome 'arms akimbo' pose, his eyes closed as he signaled his pleasure with a deep sigh.

"All clean, Mr. Bruchner," the boy declared with a smile.

"Thank you," Luther said looking down and running his fingers through Damian's thick head of hair.

He pecked each of the man's testicles and then his cock with a kiss.

Luther helped the boy to his feet and said, "Why don't you go empty yourself out and clean up, then get in the pool while we finish up in here."

"I would like that," he said, "I want to be gored more by my bulls."

Luther directed him to a bathroom and he disappeared through the hallway door rubbing his tender hole all the way out of the room.

"How did it look?" he asked me as the bathroom door closed.

"Pretty swollen," I said, "but as careful as you were there was no tearing or other evidence of bleeding."

"Good," he said, "I knew I was taking good care of him but it never hurts to check just to be sure. I want him to be glad we fucked him."

"He's already talking about more," I said patting his belly.

"As bad as he wants it," he paused deep in thought, "'s just probably a good thing him and me ran across each other when we did."

I had to agree with the big man. Damian was obviously determined to find someone to hold him over until he could get back to see his great uncle, and who knows what could have happened to a kid as trusting and innocent in the ways of the world as he was had he not ended up with us.

This was nothing I wanted to make a habit of, but I had to admit that Damian was in the safest hands he could've ended up in, Luther and I did both seem to find watching each other fuck somebody else a very arousing treat and, much like his tales of his Korean adventures, under his direction it did all have the feel of wholesome fun.

Don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying his mother should have been grateful to us, two 300 pound men on average with roughly eight painfully thick inches of dick apiece, for skewering her son at both ends like a pig at a spit roast. I'm just saying it beats the hell out of sending him off to a foreign country for a college education only to wind up getting 'the phone call' and end up spending the rest of her life wondering 'why him?'.

Damian had slipped outside unnoticed and we could hear him splashing around as we went back to Luther's bathroom to freshen up a bit. He ran a couple of wash rags under warm water and pitched me one.

We were trying to clean ourselves up as we talked until Luther got the bright idea that he could see mine better than I and I could see his better than he. It all had the strange ring of some religious parable, but it worked like a charm and our still faintly ass slimed genitals and other casually contacted regions were spic 'n' span in no time.

Damian was sitting on the edge of the pool when we went out to check on him. We each got the same idea at the same time and ran for the pool, thoroughly dousing him with a 600-plus pound, butt naked, belly man cannon ball. He tried in vain to shield himself from the ensuing huge splash but could only laugh like the overjoyed kid he was as it came raining down on him.

We played in the water with him for about half an hour before Luther got the idea to fire up his grill and cook us a steak dinner while I kept Damian in the pool to maximize the healing effect of the cool water. He got the coals going and, in no time it seemed, we were sitting down at his patio table to expertly grilled choice cuts of meat with all the sides and trimmings. Damian stared in awe at his heaping plate and announced that it was a lot more than he usually ate in a whole day, much less at one sitting.

" too," Luther said feigning disgust, "But that guy," (he pointed at me) "guess you gotta eat muscle to build muscle."

Then we all dug in and he finished before I did, as usual. Damian could eat no more than a third of his, but was noticeably aroused by the way 'his bulls' ate.

I helped Luther clean up and we were back inside by 8 o'clock. Damian was ready and raring to go with his next round of bull riding...the kind where the bulls rode him. He was all over us to go back to Luther's bedroom and had already arranged what he wanted in his young fertile imagination. So Luther and I let him call the shots.

The fine details he had yet to work out, but eventually he settled on doggy position diagonally across one corner of the bed with one of us at each end and lots of hole switching. Luther went to get our beach towels to protect the fresh bed covers from any unexpected cum spills. The idea had a strangely appealing twist I thought, but no matter how hard we tried to visualize his kinky little scheme it seemed our cocks simply wouldn't rise to the occasion.

"Don't worry! I will make you both big and hard!" he insisted.

"Surprise numero dos," Luther said under his breath with a sly grin.

"Hey!" I replied with a laugh, "You're getting pretty good at Spanish!"

Damian ordered us onto the bed and told us to roll over on our stomachs. Luther and I took our respective sides and he was first to roll over so I decided to watch.

The teen crawled up between Luther's shapely legs from the foot of the bed to sit with his knees together and touching the big man's balls as they rested on the mattress. He reached up under them and pulled his cock head into view, one ball on each side of it. To my amazement he pried Luther's butt cheeks apart, then stuck his tongue out and buried his face between them letting them go so they closed up around him.

His head began working furiously up and down the deep cleft as Luther started giggling like a kid, "Oh, God...oh, God...OH-H-H-H, GOD!...OH-HO-HO-HO-HO-HO-HO-HO-HO-OH-H-H-H-H-H-H, GOD!"

I had no way to see what was happening with Luther's dick but my mine shot out hard as a rock before the second 'Oh, God!'.

Damian pulled his face out of Luther's big butt smiling and laughing then looked down.

"It is done!" he proclaimed, prying Luther's cock head up and letting it go so that it thumped the mattress with a resounding thud.

Luther maneuvered onto his back all smiles, proudly waggling his big hard dick around for us.

"My turn!" I insisted.

"But you are already big and hard," Damian said.

"I don't care!" I exclaimed to his and especially Luther's laughter, then rolled onto my stomach with the head of my already rock hard cock trapped beneath it.

I heard Luther still laughing as Damian gave me the treatment. I had never felt a tongue on my asshole before and it was both electrifying and, as promised, highly arousing. He never tried to penetrate it with his tongue, it remained flat against it. But the feelings it created as he vigorously slid up and down over it defied description.

I maneuvered onto my back and waggled my raging hard-on around for them.

"That's what it looked like before you rolled over!" Luther said in mock exasperation.

"Spoilsport!" I shot back.

Damian was belly laughing as he scrambled into position. We got up and joined him at the foot of the bed.

"Okay, boss," Luther boomed with a big grin, "which dick in which hole?"

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Bruchner!" he said joining in our playful banter, "They will both fuck both holes...many times I hope!"

We all laughed as Luther landed a playful swat on Damian's butt, "Manners, boy...manners! Why don't you do his butt first, sport. Me going in as soon as you pull out will make it a lot easier on him."

"Good thinking," I said as I joined him behind Damian.

We happily joined together in the task of slathering his hole in our pre-cum until Luther began dabbing one of his huge thumbs at each of our drooling cock heads, then easily and noisily pumped the boy's hole with it as his grand finale.

"Slicker than oil on ice!" he pronounced and then positioned himself at Damian's open mouth.

"Your teeth got me last time I used this hole so I'm gonna do things a little different this time," he warned the boy.

With his usual flair for masculine showmanship his right calf cinched up into a stunning pair of knots as he lifted his foot up onto the bed, flanking Damian's left forearm and causing his enormous scrotum to sway seductively in the boy's face. He shoved his fat glans straight into the boy's mouth so that it could play to his spectacular width, close to a half inch wider than mine and with nearly no taper along the sides. He then inserted about another inch, as much as his small mouth could comfortably hold, and angled Damian's head to his left on the five or so inches that remained exposed.

He looked up at me and asked, "Can you see everything okay?"

I lifted my left foot onto the bed beside Damian's leg and leaned in so that my rock hard drooling cock slid up into view from behind his butt and lay down in the small of his back below my belly.

I hauled my admittedly less impressive testicular endowment up next to it as I asked, "Does this answer your question?"

"Clear as a big church bell! Well...the clapper, anyway!" came his swift response.

Damian's command of English didn't allow him to join us in our laughter at Luther's clever joke. I backed out and lined up at his butthole for a slightly downward angle of penetration.

"How 'bout you, big man? Can you see okay?" I checked.

"Perfect!" he said, "Do me a favor and go in easy, sport...I'd hate for him bite that thing off."

As I slid the head through I met some resistance, but not near what he'd given me that first time in...not as slick as we had him and after having spent most of an hour stretched out on Luther.

"I'm a lot more worried about his teeth as hard as you are!" I joked as I steadily fed my dick to Damian's hole till my balls came to rest on him.

A mildy pained groan emitted through his nostrils as I ground my hips to him and stirred his insides on me.

"You first, big man," I said.

His left hand on the back of Damian's head with his right balled up in a fist resting on his muscular thigh, I watched with fascination as his huge balls swung into motion beneath his belly and raised leg when he began gently fucking into the boy's mouth.

"M-m-m-m-m-m-m!" Damian tried his best to say.

I chuckled at him as I slowly pulled out all but the head and held still momentarily before making a grand show of sinking all the way back in, causing Damian to make a series of grunts.

"Umph...umph...umph...U-M-P-H!" came out through his nostrils, the last and loudest one coming exactly as my balls snuggled up against his perineum once again and causing Luther to laugh.

"It's been over three hours since you had your dick up this thing and it's still formed to you," I observed with an admiring laugh, "It's like fucking a bowl of pudding resistance whatsoever."

I established a rhythm of full strokes to match Luther's so we were going in at the same time to double Damian's fun.

"Umph..umph...umph...umph...m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m..." came his nasal response.

"You've really got his motor running now, sport!" the behemoth beamed at me.

Luther suddenly righted the boy's head on his cock and withdrew it from his mouth. Thinking he was ready to switch already I pulled mine out of his ass. Instead he sat on the bed and took Damian's face in his hands.

"Remember that picture you liked so much?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," the boy meekly replied.

"Remember what you said when I pointed out how happy the man looked?"

"Yes, sir."

"I'd like to see my friend here look that happy. Would you be willing to help me?" he asked.

"Oh, yes," he assured the big man, "I want only to take good care of my bulls."

"You have," he said with a warm smile as he stood and fitted the boy's mouth back onto his swollen cock.

"Sounds like you've got an invitation to gape the boy," he announced, "Try not to hurt him...but remember, make sure his hole know who's boss."

I was overwhelmed that Damian was willing to help Luther make this gift to me and was eager to prove I would not abuse his trust. I aimed my dick at his hole and, bearing my strength in mind, and set out to administer Luther's method as gently but firmly as I could. 'IN!' I went.

"U-U-U-U-M-M-M-M-P-P-P-P-H-H-H-H!!!!" came Damian's pained response.

"I'm sorry! Are you alright?" I checked on him, feeling terrible about how badly I had misjudged my force.

The boy nodded as best he could.

"Don't let it scare you, sport...he trusts you," Luther said looking serious, "Again...but not quite that hard."

I put my trust in him, then pulled out and eased back even more on my delivery as I powered through his ring again, sinking in balls deep.

"U-U-U-M-M-M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-p-h!" the boy moan with satisfaction.

"Perfect!" Luther praised me, "Now, pull out a little harder than you went in that time...and remember to count to five between each stroke...and just keep it up till you see what you're looking for."

He had already schooled me on the particulars of his method and given me his thoughts on why it was so infallably successful; how the end of our cock head shocked the hole from the outside prying it open so quickly and the corona, or 'big lip' as he called it, shocked it yet again from the inside ripping through it on the way out, basically softening the muscle from both sides. Then, with the help of the pauses between strokes to confound and torment it, it was eventually punished it into resisting its reflexive urge to clamp down on your dick.

I had a good idea of the number of 'playthings' the young Luther had used in perfecting his technique. But I suddenly found myself wondering just how many hours he must have spent buttfucking them to have invested that much creative thought into the design of our cocks while devising it.

Feeling better about my skill in applying it to our young guest after his last response, I commenced.

OUT! 1-2-3-4-5 IN! 1-2-3-4-5 OUT! 1-2-3-4-5 IN! 1-2-3-4-5...

Damian resumed his contented moaning and was soon pressing back against me like crazy between us as the method played out. I kept it up for several minutes but to no avail. I had about decided I was going to have to throw in the towel because the pressure on my cock head during the 'IN!'s was bringing me dangerously close to spilling my load.

So I pulled 'OUT!' thinking I probably had only one more good 'IN!' left...and when I looked down...there it was. Staring back up at me was a butthole gaping open exactly to the size of my girth, closing up maybe 20 seconds later in about three herky-jerky steps. My jaw dropped and I looked up at Luther.

He let go of Damian's head and assumed his signature 'arms akimbo' pose as the boy took to hungrily nursing on his cock head beneath that beautiful globe shaped belly of his.

"Welcome to the club, sport!" he proudly beamed at me.

"That was great!" I exclaimed, "And a little easier than I thought it would be!"

"Well," he said looking pleased with himself as he resumed gently working the boy's head on the end of his cock, "when you told me he felt soft as pudding I figured his chute was up to the task of you working his hole over."

I confessed that I didn't think I could go back in without spending my load after seeing that.

"Sure you can," he encouraged me, "Pump it up as fat as you can get it, then pinch it off at the base and just relax that muscle down there while you open him back up. It'll happen again in no time now that you've already done it once. Pulling your dick out and seeing it stay open waiting for you shove it back in is the best part."

Again I followed his instructions to the letter. To my amazement his hole was gaping open again after about nine or ten good jabs. Damian's hole was beautiful, yawning open as if begging for my hard-on. At that point I left off with the counting and began stuffing my entire length through it with every millimeter at my disposal to insert. Luther proudly looked on as Damian moaned like a bitch in heat between us.

His hole became funnel-like as I firmly powered through it from sometimes as far as three to four inches out. I didn't even have to aim for it after a minute or so. I heard a familiar deep growl and looked up at Luther. He stood at the other end of the boy just contentedly smiling as he watched me. The growl that had caught my ear was mine!

Immediately I looked back down to enjoy the view of my cock head sliding out and back into the gaping hole I'd created and knew without question what had set Luther off in search of his foolproof 'method'. It was an incredibly empowering sight.

I realized my right hand had been squarely in the middle of Damian's back for most of the time and quickly moved it, taking the boy by both hips to give Luther an unobstructed view. I saw him light up and kept at it for him until I was on the verge of an another orgasm, then cinched him tightly to my loins.

"You cumming?" the big man asked.

"Trying not to," I said.

He looked down at Damian and smiled. When I felt steady enough to withdraw I slowly slid out and asked Luther to switch holes. Suddenly the room reeked of that deep anal aroma and I looked down to see the top half of my dick liberally slathered in the boy's frothy juice.

I watched Damian's hole until it closed up with that precious herky-jerky uncertainty, as if checking with me first to make sure I was through with it. I nearly came at the sight yet again, but successfully fended that one off, too.

I started around the foot of the bed to change places with Luther but, after righting Damian's head and removing his dick from his mouth again, he stood stock still and stared at me with lust in his eyes. I stepped forward and pressed my belly to his until our cock heads rubbed together in an effort to dislodge him from his space. I was unable to budge the giant. Instead he put a hand behind my head and proceeded to give my mouth a noisy tongue fucking as Damian looked on. When he released me and stepped aside I saw the teen's gaze glued to us with an adoring smile.

"Never had a friend like you before, sport!" he softly intoned in that sepulchral bass that had nearly made my knees buckle the first time I met him.

He moved to Damian's butt, looking on proudly as I aimed my heavily ass slimed dick at the boy's face.

I swelled with pride when he giggled and kissed my cock head, licking his lips before asking, "Did mine look so funny as hers?

"No," I replied with a smile as I pushed my dick through his parted lips, "it looked beautiful...and thank you."

I watched Luther's battering ram of a cock slip through his freshly gaped hole like a hot knife through butter and easily sink in balls deep.

The giant let out a contented sigh as he took a couple of slow, full strokes in the boy's hole and said, "He sure feels like a bowl of pudding now, sport."

For the next hour we gave the teen a leisurely double stuffing, switching holes another three times. His moaning and grunting was constant but for his occasional pauses to steady our swaying balls in his small hand so he could suck and kiss them. Whereas our cocks looked like they might not be able rise to the task of implementing Damian's fantasy at the outset, he had to have wondered at some point if they were ever going to go down and let him get on with the rest of his young life.

When at long last we did finally exhaust our stamina, our balls were tightly drawn and loaded to bursting. Luther pulled his blue ribbon cock from Damian's mouth first and made a great show of painting the delighted boy's face with a whopping spurter of a load, looking very pleased with himself as he admired the result while listening to the teen's excited accolades.

Seeing him assert himself like that, the physically dominant man he was simply born to be, quickly brought me to the brink. I managed to last just long enough to witness Luther's bold finish before pulling out of Damian's butt and arcing six blasts high in the air. The first one reached all the way to Luther's belly and all of them crisscrossed on the boy's back like a Jackson Pollock masterpiece.

Luther grinned from ear to ear as he scooped up what I'd shot on his belly and proudly ate it with both Damian and I looking on. I slid my cock back up his ass to let the rest of my load roll into him and watched the big man milk his onto Damian's outstretched tongue.

He mussed the teen's hair when he was done, smiling broadly as he said, "I liked your idea here best, baby boy!"

It was late by the time Damian finished happily stuffing his cum streaked face on our cocks and cleaning them for us. He said he wished more than anything that he could stay to have more fun with our morning hard-ons, but that exams were approaching and he had to be up for an early study group in a campus library.

We let him shower first and get back into his clothes. We then said our goodbyes and he assured us he was leaving with his sexual appetite completely sated until the semester would soon end and he could get back to visit his uncle over the summer.

"Nice kid," Luther said after our showers as we stretched out on his bed exhausted, "Hope he gets everything from life he wants."

"Amen!" I seconded.

"So what did you think when you looked down and saw him with an asshole as big as his mouth?" he asked, smiling with his hands clasped together on top of his belly.

"I thought how lucky I am that Luther Bruchner chose me to be his friend," I answered.

"Well, I've always thought of myself as a pretty good judge of character...and you're definitely a character," he said with a gleam in his eye.

"So what was that third surprise you said I might get?" I asked

"Well, sport," he began with a contented sigh, "if you don't mind I'll let you have that gaper for your special memory of him...and I'm gonna keep mum about that third thing he did last weekend for mine."

"Don't mind a bit," I said as I reached over and gave his supreme endowment an affectionate squeeze, "So how 'bout you, big man? Did today turn out to be everything you were hoping for?"

"Maybe more."

"How so?"

"I don't know...I probably shouldn't even mention this...but...whenever I'd be on leave in Korea and some guy would invite me to tag team a whore with him, he'd end up laughing and making jokes about how he never knew fat boys could have big dicks too...usually some skinny little guy with higher 'self-esteem' than he warranted if you get my drift. Now I've never had a problem with being told I've got a big dick, mind you...but 'fat boy'...that hurts a fella," he said with playful elbow to my side.

"I kind of follow...I think," I replied.

"Well...I'll be the first to admit I've always liked being big like this...but it always made me feel like some kind of sideshow attraction, freak of nature...the odd man attract that kind of attention from the other get set up to be made fun of later when I wasn't around. Guess I just always wondered what it would've been like if I could've done this with another man like me...just be the other guy fucking somebody and not the butt of some little fella's jokes," he confessed, "You made that wish come true, sport. And I think maybe after today I've finally moved on from it...thanks."

"Alright, I get you now," I confirmed, "but to be honest, Luther...for me...seeing how good you looked stuffing that big dick up somebody else's butt, or in somebody else's mouth...didn't begin to compare with how good it feels when you do it to me. And performing for you wasn't nearly the kick I get out of performing with you. Whatever this friendship of ours is...and for however long it can last...what I keep coming back for is to spend whatever time I can with a man...a man I respect...who's got a bigger chest than mine to press my big chest against...a bigger belly than mine to press my big belly against...a bigger cock than mine...bigger balls than press my big cock and balls against."

He went silent as we lay together, each processing the events of our big day in our own way.

"I wish I had your way with words, sport," he said as he slipped a huge arm behind my head.

I looked into his eyes and said, "You do have a freakishly big dick for a fat boy."

"SON OF A BITCH!" the giant boomed...folding his huge arm around my neck, swinging his other huge arm across his huge chest and locking his huge hands together in a full force headlock, pinning me under that huge spherical belly and mashing my balls on the huge head of his fat hard just 'rasslin'' naked in the usual...laughing at a sleep over.


(Thank you for reading and I hope you found something worth jacking off to in it. Feel free to write and let me know if you did. Till next time, BH)

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