Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on Mar 13, 2000


Hello all. I know this is late. I've been distracted. You know - playing on the net - talking to all of you on IM - all the fun stuff. So now I am sitting down and doing some work. So here is the next parts of the story. Hope you all like it. Remember - I love e-mail so send you thoughts and professions of undying love for me to

The legal stuff: This story is a work of Fiction. It is a graphic depiction of male/male sexual relations. If this offends you or your are prohibited from reading this material, stop now. The story is a fantasy and implies nothing about the real lives of the members of N Sync.

Justin lay in bed, half way between consciousness and sleep, dreaming of Lance.

'Lance slowly strips Justin's clothes off. He kisses down the boy's body working towards his growing manhood. Lance takes Justin's engorged member into his mouth. He twirls his tongue around the shaft as he begins to bob up and down. Justin places his hand on the back of Lance's head, pushing more of himself into the warm, willing mouth. Lance tugs lightly on Justin's balls, kneading them as they roll in his hands. The tip of Justin's cock hit's the back of Lance's mouth and then slowly slides into his throat. Lance eagerly swallows it. Justin begins to buck his hips as his climax approaches. Lance makes one last tug on the boy's balls and Justin begins to unload into Lance's mouth.'

The orgasm brings Justin out of his slumber as he screams out in ecstasy. He looks around and realizes that it wasn't a dream. Lance was actually sucking him awake. He lifted up the blanket to greet his lover and found Joey milking the last drops out of his cock. Justin let out another scream, but this time from surprise, not pleasure.


"Joey, it's Lance. Open up. I heard Justin scream. Is he okay?"

Joey crawled out from the covers and answered the door hiding behind it to cover up his erection.

"Uh, hey Scoop. Yeah Justin's here. I was just waking him up. Think I scared him out of a dream or something."

Lance walked over to Justin.

"Where the hell did you go last night? I was worried sick." Lance lectured, sitting on the bed. Lance glanced down and saw something holding the blankets up. It looked as if Justin was hard. He pointed and asked "Uh, Just? Is that you?" Justin turned bright red and pulled his knees up to hide his erection.

Joey quickly jumped in, "Yeah - that's why I woke him up. I was sound asleep and he started moaning your name and I thought I had better wake him up before he made a mess of my bed."

Lance nodded and said, "Well, we can discuss you not coming home last night in private, so lets go to our room, okay?"

"Give me a second to . . . um . . . compose myself and I'll be right there" Justin timidly replied.

As soon as Lance left, Justin shot Joey a look and hissed "How dare you? How fucking dare you take advantage of me like that? I come here as a friend and you. . . you rape me. I love Lance. What you did is wrong."

"But Justin, I thought . . . I mean you were sending such mixed signals. You kissed me and said that stuff about friends being close and all. I just thought . . .I was trying to thank you. I meant nothing by it. I woke up and saw you were hard and thought I'd help. I didn't mean to hurt you and Lance."

"Joey, just stay away from me for a while."

Justin pushed past Joey and headed for the door, stopping to pick up his clothes on the way out. He went across the hall, composed himself for a second and then went into the room.

"It's about time you got here."

"I'm sorry Lance. I went out to make sure Joey was okay but didn't know where he was, after wandering forever, I found him, made sure he was okay and we came back here. We talked for a while and I realized it was really late and didn't want to wake you up."

"So you sleep with Joey instead of me?"

" I . . . I . . . He offered. I was going to sleep on the floor but he wouldn't let me. I'm so sorry Lance. Please for . . . "

Lance cut him off with a kiss. "It's okay. I was just worried. I love you and would die if anything happened to you."

Lance slowly led Justin to the bed and sat him down. He kissed him more passionately. He reached over into the opening of Justin's boxers.

"Hmmm. Looks like Joey didn't wake you up quick enough. It's a little wet in here."

Justin turned bright red. Lance stroked Justin's penis, but it wouldn't get hard.

"Uh Lance I think he was traumatized by being woken up by Joey - can I take care of you first?"

"You know I'll never turn down an offer like that."

Justin went to get down on his knees as Lance reached over to get a condom.

"Oh I thought you meant . . ." Lance started.

"No it's okay. We can do that." Justin added.

"How about both!" Lance grinned.

Justin took the condom from Lance and then removed the older blonde's boxers. His mind drifted back to the dream and he did to Lance everything he pictured Lance doing to him. As Lance got close, Justin pulled off and tore open the condom wrapper. He rolled the condom down Lance's length. He jumped on the bed and got on all fours. Lance got behind him and started to lube Justin's tight hole. When he felt Justin was ready, he began to push in. After a little work and some complaining from Justin, Lance was fully inside Justin. He reached around and began to stroke the boy's now hard member as he began pistoning in and out. It didn't take long for Lance to reach his climax. He thrust into Justin with one final push and filled the condom. He immediately pulled out, rolled Justin on his back and took him into his mouth. Just as Lance reached the base of Justin's hardness, Justin began to shoot. Lance backed off to taste him lover's seed. When Justin had finished, Lance pulled the boy up to the top of the bed and held him in his arms. He looked into Justin's eyes and said, "You know I love you right? And would never hurt you? No matter what."

Justin nodded yes.

"Will you answer something honestly?"

Again Justin nodded.

"I heard what happened in Joey's room and what you said after. Did you really know it wasn't him? Or were you so into it you didn't care?"

Justin's jaw dropped open and a tear came to his eye.

"I . . .I . . ."

Meanwhile in Joey's room, Joey was pacing thinking about what he had done. He tried so hard to be straight, but he knew deep down that he liked guys just as much as girls. He thought of what he had done to Justin. He took advantage of his friendship. And possibly hurt what Justin and Lance had. If they ever broke up he would never forgive himself. He went to pick up the phone to call and apologize when two things happened. First, he kept hearing Justin say "Joey, just stay away from me for a while." Secondly, he noticed a wet spot on his bed. As much as he hated himself for what he did, he knew he liked it. It felt right. And it excited him a lot. He looked down at the tent in his pants and decided to take a shower. The warm stream of water felt good as it ran down his body. He tilted his head back and let the water run over his head. He reached for the shampoo and poured some into his hand. He reached to rub it into his hair when he stopped, thought for a second, and then reached down and rubbed the shampoo into his groin. He slowly began to stroke himself, thinking of the act he had just performed.

JC woke up and saw the sunlight streaming through his window. He noticed something else. He was in bed alone. He rolled over and looked around. He got up and checked the bathroom. No one was there. Kyle had gone to bed with him, but now he was gone. And it was early yet. Too early for Kyle to be working. As he walked around the room he saw a note on the bed.

"JC, I had to leave. I just can't do this right now. You're my 'boss' and I don't think where we are headed is appropriate. If only the time and circumstances were different. Come to my room when you get up and we can talk.

Sincerely, Kyle."

Josh collapsed on the bed. He held his head in his hands as he began to cry. After a minute, he got up, stormed across the hall and pounded on Kyle's door. Kyle answered it saying, "I expected you'd be upset."

"Save the shit for someone else. Why? Why would you do this? Play with my emotions and leave. Is it the job? Quit. Leave. I have enough to take care of both of us. Just don't leave me. Not like this. Not for this stupid ass reason."

"JC, let me explain. Management is worried. They heard about Joey's incident and they know about Lance and Justin. The are very concerned about your image as a group. There are a lot more screaming girls out there buying your album than there are gay guys. I didn't have much of a choice. If they find out about you they'll flip. If they know I'm with you, I'll be gone so fast you won't even know it happened. This is for the best. For the group, for you, and for me. It's not what I want but it's what I have to do."

"BULL SHIT. You can do whatever you want and you damn well know it. No one has to know. We can sneak around. We can even hide it from the guys. The new album will be out soon and then everything will settle down. You know that."

Kyle just looked at his feet. "JC I can't my hands are tied."

"Look me in the eye and say you don't care about me. Look me in the eye and say you don't want this."

Kyle still looked at the floor and said, "JC, I. . . I can't do that."

"Then don't do this. We can make it work."

Kyle stood quiet. JC broke down into tears and then screamed out in agony. He stormed out of the room and into his, blowing by Chris and Sarah in the hall. The two looked at each other and shrugged. Chris spoke up, "I'll talk to him when he calms down. For now I'd say he won't be at rehearsal today." Sarah nodded and the two entered their room.

Okay - well lots of cliffhangers there. Sorry about that. I had hoped to write more - but I am way behind on work and that comes first I guess. I promise to try to play less online and get the next chapter out soon. Say by Friday?!? So anyway - keep e-mailing me!!! Be good y'all!

Next: Chapter 18

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