Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on Jan 22, 2000


Hey all. Me again. I got a lot of great responses so I guess that means I'll be continuing. What can I say - when my inbox is full and happy, I'm happy! So here goes part two of the story hope you enjoy it. Remember - comments, criticisms, etc. can be sent to at !

Formalities: This is a story about male-male relations. If you aren't supposed to read this or aren't interested in reading this leave now or forever hold your "piece". This story is fiction and doesn't imply anything about the members of NSync. Copyright of this story is mine .. Any resemblance to other stories or reality is purely coincidental ... You get the point. Now on with the fun.

2 out of 5 - Part 2

When last we left our superstars, Lance inadvertently yelled out Justin's name at a "climactic moment". Justin came to see what was up and found out it was Lance that was "up". Justin ran to his bunk and Lance locked himself in the bathroom. Chris went to check on Lance and Joey was talking with Justin and mentioned the he knew Justin had some naked pictures of Lance. And now . Part 2.

Joey and Justin entered the lounge to talk.

"Justin listen, let me explain everything."

"Joey there's nothing to explain. You guys can't mind your own business. You never could. And now I find out you're going through my personal stuff."

"Listen to me Justin. I don't care about the pictures. I heard you in your bunk the other day and you were obviously `relieving some tensions'. I got to thinking about it and it had been a while for me too, and I thought maybe you had a good magazine or something that could help me out. What I found was the pictures of Lance."

"So you just think you can through my stuff whenever you want."

"I'm sorry Just. Next time I'll come and ask you if you have good magazines I can jerk off to, alright!"

That broke the tension a little as Justin realized Joey finding the pictures was completely innocent. Then another thought crossed his mind and he went white as a ghost.

" Um Joey ? Does , uh, Lance know I have the pictures?"

"No he doesn't. Not that I think he'd mind at all!"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Let's see here for a minute. `OH JUSTIN!' And by the 12 shades of red you turned I'd bet he wasn't wearing much when you went to see what he wanted."

"Oh yeah that." Justin replied as his face started to redden again.

"So, how long have you known you were gay?" Joey asked bluntly.

"I AM NOT GAY" Justin shot back.

"I guess that mean's the pictures were just for your scrap book then right?"

Justin felt tears come to his eyes as he realized there was no way out of this. He just closed his eyes and cried, hoping that at any minute the bus would hit a bump and he'd wake up; all of this just being a bad dream. Next thing he knew he felt an arm around him and he was being pulled into someone. He opened his eyes just enough to see that it was Joey. He rested his head on Joey's shoulder and cried.

"It's okay Curly. It'll all be okay. I'm here for you." Joey comforted the younger band-mate.

The words helped to stop the tears, but even more so it was the shock of what was going on. JC was the one who always comforted him, not anyone else. As Justin started to calm down he spoke.

"I guess I've always known. Even in MMC, my eyes were always on JC and the other guys rather than Brittney and the girls. . I can't believe I'm telling you this. You have to promise you won't tell a soul. Please?"

"Well Just, I will do my best but I'll tell you that Chris knows about the pictures. I had to tell him though. He was freaking out wondering what happened to the pictures. If anyone got a hold of them, management would burn him at the stake!"

"How about JC? Does he know? I don't want anyone to hate me."

"Listen Curly, Chris didn't seem to have a problem with it. Lance OBVIOUSLY won't have any problem with it. You and JC have been so close I doubt that it would bother him at all. Besides he lives with you, so if he gives you a hard time just kick him to the curb!"

Justin was quite while he let everything Joey said sink in. He then very meekly asked "What about you Joe?"

"What about me?"

"You said it would bother the other guys, but you didn't say anything about you."

"Would I be here if it bothered me. Actually I think it's great. If the guys know at least you can be your true self around them. Plus ... well, never mind."

" Never mind what??"

"It's not important."

"So I tell you all of my dark, hidden secrets and you won't tell me anything?"

"As I recall, you didn't tell me anything. I had to drag it out of you. But if you really want to know I'll tell you, but if ANYONE finds out I'll hunt you down and kill you. Got it?

Justin simply nodded his assent.

"I've been with a guy." Joey mumbled under his breath.

"You mean you're gay too?"

"No. Probably bi-. It was only once. I still like women, but that night with Kevin .. I mean John . was fun. In that sort of rebellious secretive way. "

" `Kevin . I mean John' huh? Anyone I would know? Not Kevin as in Backstreet Boy Kevin, was it?" Justin asked.

--- Meanwhile in the bathroom ---

"Well I guess we both know why I'm here" Chris said to Lance.

"We do?" Lance replied "How about I tell you what I know to be true and you fill in the rest of the details, okay?"

Without waiting for an answer from Lance, Chris continued "I won't lie to you Lance, we've all questioned your orientation. Not that we care one way or the other. It's just we all go out on dates from time to time and you never do. Plus you have a habit of sometimes walking by female fans and going over to male ones to sign autographs. Despite our questions, we never had proof until you decided to yell out `OH JUSTIN' today."

Lance turned bright red and hung his head at Chris' recount of earlier.

"The look on Justin's face when he checked on you proved that he obviously caught you red handed."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lance retorted.

"It means Justin turned as red as Joey's hair and then you go running off with a flag pole stickin' up in your shorts."

Lance really turned red at that remark, which Chris quickly picked up.

"For future reference, boxers don't do too good of a job hiding erections." Chris suggested while thinking to himself `Especially ones that big.'

Lance didn't find Chris' comments nearly as fun as Chris himself did and in a rage of anger he lashed out "So what, you're here to tell me I'm out of the group. That you all hate me. That there's no place for a fag in NSync?"

"Woah! Calm down the Scoop." Chris quickly responded. "It's nothing like that. I'm here to tell you that we'll all support you no matter who you are or who you fantasize about. That's the deal, remember. We support each other even if we don't 100% agree with them. Brothers for life."

Lance smiled at that thought, but then thought about Justin. "I bet Justin doesn't agree you. He's probably packing my stuff up right now. My God, how sick of a person am I to lay there fantasizing about my band mate when he is about 10 feet away from me. I should be committed."

"Lance, trust me on this one, but I don't think Justin will be too upset about this. And there's nothing wrong fantasizing about someone, even if it is someone you are close with. The only sick part is that you would be thinking about someone like Justin when we all know I'm the real heart-throb of the group!"

With Chris' last comment Lance felt most of the tension leave his body as he started to laugh. "Oh yeah Chris. That's why all our fans throw themselves at you. And all those stories on the internet are about you and not about Justin or JC or even me!"

"What are you talking about? What stories?" Chris asked.

"Never mind." Lance replied "So you think Justin might be okay with this?"

"I may be straight, but if my gaydar is right Justin won't have any problems."

"Justin is gay? Wow, I never thought .." Lance trailed off as he head was spinning about his revelation. He has hoped but now this could really happen.

Chris took Lance by the hand, pulled him up, and walked him towards the lounge. As they entered, Justin was just thanking Joey for his support. When Justin saw Lance enter there was silence in the room. Justin and Lance just stood and stared at each other. Slowly thy walked to meet in the middle of the lounge. They embraced each other in a hug and both said "I'm sorry for everything". Chris and Joey smiled at each other and quietly left the room.

Justin looked up into Lance's eyes and they both just knew this was right. Nothing was said. Nothing had to be. Their eyes said it all. Lance broke the silence saying "Are you okay with everything? I mean I shouldn't have done that. I .."

Lance was quickly silenced as Justin put his finger up to Lance's lips.

"Don't talk. I understand. Now if you promise not to wake everyone up by screaming my name again, we can go to bed. Together."

Lance smiled, took Justin's hand, and walked to the bunks. Lance crawled into Justin's bunk, leaned against the back wall and stretched out. He slid his hand under Justin's pillow so Justin could lay on his shoulder. When he did, he felt some papers. He pulled out the papers to find that they were pictures. Pictures of himself .. Naked. Justin turned bright red and tried to explain. Lance smiled, rolled himself over on top of Justin, and kissed him. He threw the pictures out of the bunk an onto the floor.

Just at that moment, Joey and Chris were walking by to check on the two. The laughed as they saw the Pictures fall to the floor. Chris said, "Looks like Justin won't be needing those pictures anymore!" Joey laughed, reached into his bunk and held up 2 shiny packages in his hand. Chris put his hand over his mouth, attempting to contain his laughter. Joey slowly pulled a corner of the curtain to Justin's bunk aside and threw in the two condoms. He and Chris were ready to run in case of retaliation. To their surprise there was no retaliation, just a moan saying "Thank you."

Joe and Chris walked away shaking their head. Before leaving the bunks Joey said loudly, "What did we do. We created 2 monsters! Now we'll never get any sleep." Chris laughed and in his highest possible voice said "Oh Justin." Joey replied "Oh Lance." They left chanting "Oh Justin . Oh Lance . Oh Justin .."

Giggling to each other in bed, Lance turned to Justin and said "now that they're gone" and he kissed Justin deeply.

"God Lance, for someone who just got off a little while ago, you sure seem happy to see me!"

"I can't help it. He's insatiable!" Lance replied. "Now let's see if we can help get you off."

Justin quickly pushed Lance's hand away. He could tell that Lance was much better endowed than he was and felt embarrassed about being smaller. He instead reached over to Lance saying "I can wait a while. Let's take care of you first." With that he slowly leaned over and started to remove Lance's boxers. He revealed Lance's member inch by inch. His jaw dropped lower and lower with his amazement at how huge Lance really was. He finally pulled Lance's boxers off and gasped at the sight before him. Lance had to be at least 8 inches; and thick too.

He went back up an laid his head on Lance's shoulder. "So, exactly what were you thinking of when you called out my name earlier?" Justin asked.

Lance responded "You."

"No really, I though you were thinking about JC again and just got our names confused! What were you thinking about me doing?"

Lance not wanting to answer that question just smiled looked into Justin's eyes and pulled him into a kiss. He then took his hand and slowly pushed Justin's head towards his very excited penis.

Justin smiled and said "Oh you mean I was doing something like this?" and quickly took the first few inches of Lance's cock into his mouth. He didn't move at all, just sat there with it in his mouth for a while. He was new to this and wanted it to be just right. He slowly removed it from his mouth and looked a it. He kissed the head and started to lick it down one side and then up the other. Lance shuddered with pleasure. It was much better than in his mind. Justin swirled his tongue around the head a few more time eliciting moans from Lance. Then he went to work. He closed his lips on the head and started to suck. As he sucked harder, more and more of Lance's penis was fed into his mouth. Lance had all he could do not to yell out in ecstasy. Before Justin knew it, Lance's dick was pressed up against the back of his throat. Not wanting gag as he'd read about in oh so many stories he stopped there and went back up to the tip of Lance's lower head. He continued this until his jaw started to ache. He decided the only way to get this over with was to pick up the pace. He went into over drive sucking up and down Lance's member at a rapid pace. He was also using his hand to stroke the lower half of Lance's cock which he was afraid to swallow.

All the attention' Lance's penis was getting was pushing him over the edge. Justin worked Lance over in ways Lance had only dreamed about. Lance knew he was close, and then it happened. Justin reached between Lance's legs and pushed a finger against Lance's opening. Lance about jumped off the bunk while simultaneously filling Justin's mouth with the biggest load he's ever shot. Justin didn't know what to do. He just sat there and took it all in. He eventually swallowed, not having anywhere convenient to spit out Lance's gift'. Lance lay there coming off the biggest high of his life when he heard Justin coughing. He shot up and looked down to check on the younger blonde.

"Are you okay Just?"

"Other than the fact you just tried to drown me without any warning what-so-ever, I'm doing okay."

"Sorry about that. I didn't think it would happen that quick."

"I tried to push things along. My jaw was getting sore!"

Lance reached down and pulled Justin up into a kiss before turning him onto his back. While kissing him he reached down and started to rub Justin's crotch. Justin quickly rolled over and asked "Can we just snuggle now?"

Lance replied, "Sure whatever you want." He pulled Justin in close to him and just held him. As he drifted off to sleep he wondered `Why won't he let me touch him? What's he hiding? Maybe he doesn't want to go that far. I'll talk to him when he wakes up.'

There it is. Part 2. As per a few requests, I have reformatted some of the dialog. I hope this makes it easier to read. You know what they say "Anything for the fans"!!!! I hope you enjoyed it. Any comments can be sent to

Next: Chapter 3

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