Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on Apr 19, 2000


I know, I know - it's been ages since the last chapter, right? Well - this one will be kinda short - but something is better than nothing, right? Life has been way to crazy to even think about writing, but things are getting better now, so I should be getting back on track. For those of you who didn't read the announcement I posted a while back, I have been in the process of moving, have taken on a lot more responsibility with work, AND have been seeing someone. Just in case you all forgot - I love e-mail and you can write me at .

Now for the legal stuff: This story is a work of fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the real lives of the members of N Sync. If you are prohibited from reading pornographic material and/or are offended by male/male sex, please leave now. Otherwise - on with the show.

Two out of Five Chapter 19

Last time . . .

Lance says "We have clouded the lines of friendship with the lines of infatuation and lust. We have a lot that lay ahead of us right now. The album release is a week away and we will be in NY for 2 weeks promoting it. After that we have a few weeks off at home and then back on the road. I think it is best that we keep the lines between the five of us strictly as friends. It has become more than obvious that we cannot survive as lovers."

Justin slowly got up, took the bracelet Lance bought him off his wrist and laid it on Lance's lap. He walked to the door, and calmly walked across the hall. As Lance looked down, he saw the bracelet. The inscription side was face up.

"To the music of my heart. Love always, JLB"

Lance began to shake. Tears welling up in his eyes.

"What have I done?" he sighed.

Lance sat in the chair crying for what seemed like hours. He had ruined the best thing in his life. He was finally able to be his true self and found someone who loved him but he gave it up.

Darkness set in and all 5 of the guys sat in their rooms thinking of the events that had happened over the past few days. JC had fallen in love with Kyle who couldn't return that love. Joey had become an outsider to the group. Chris and Sarah had started to date. Justin and Lance dated, broke up, dated, and now broke up again. It was a lot to take.

By 8:00 Justin had cried himself to sleep. Joey had gone downstairs to the bar to try and forget the days events. Chris and Sarah were at dinner together. Josh paced around his room trying to find a way to win Kyle over. And Lance just sat there. His eyes were fixed on the TV but the television wasn't on. In his mind he replayed moments of the past week with Justin. The laughter and tears and flowers. The thoughts made him cry harder.

"Why did I do it? But I didn't. HE was the one who slept with Joey. But I do love him." Lance thought to himself. He got up from his chair and quietly walked across the hall. He gently knocked on Justin's door, but there was no answer. He still had a key to the room so he let himself in. He found Justin curled up on the bed. As he approached the sleeping boy, he realized the pillows were soaked from his tears.

Lance wanted to get into bed with Justin, but was afraid of being hurt again. Instead he tucked the boy into bed and kissed his forehead. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the bracelet he had given Justin. He laid it on the pillow next to the younger blonde's head and quietly left the room.

When the door closed, Justin woke up, looked around and spoke out, "Lance?" Not hearing a reply, he snuggled back under the covers and hugged a pillow, imagining it was the one he loved.

Morning came quickly and it was going to be a busy day. They had a guest appearance at a radio station, then a concert, and they left that night to head to New York. They would have concerts in 2 cities on the way and then 2 weeks in the Big Apple promoting the new album.

At 6:45 the guys each received their wake up calls. They all got up and got ready. After they had packed, the took their luggage into the hall and met for breakfast. There was an uncomfortable silence in the room as they ate. They hardly spoke to one another. When they were finished they headed to the bus with their final possessions and then got into a limo and headed to the radio station.

The interview was going well. The DJ asked about the tour, the new album, etc. He then asked if the guys had a good valentines day and if there was anyone special they spent it with. Justin immediately began to cry and ran out of the booth. Lance wasn't far behind. The other 3 were left to try and explain what just happened.

JC was the first to speak. "You'll have to forgive Justin. He was kinda seeing someone and they broke up on Valentine's day."

"Was it Brittney?" the DJ asked.

"No" Chris responded. "It was someone he had met a while back on the road. They had become friends and were starting to become something more but our professional lives got in the way of it."

"Oh. That's too bad." The DJ responded. "So any of you guys have anyone special?"

"Well . . . . " Chris started "There is this girl I've had my eyes on!" Chris beamed at the thought of he and Sarah being together.

"I'm single." Joey said.

"Me too" JC added.

"What about Lance?" the DJ asked.

"He's single. He's too romantic to find someone when we're moving around all the time. He likes to take it nice and slow." JC commented.

Meanwhile in the bathroom. . .

"Come on Just, please come out and talk to me."

"Lance, just go away. You said enough last night."

"Justin . . . I . . .I think I want to try again."

"Sorry Lance. I wouldn't want to cross any lines of business and pleasure so from now on we are just business associates."

Lance kicked the door and yelled out "Fuck you Justin. You know what I meant."

"You meant you wanted to break up with me. And then you come into my room and try to play mind games with me by giving the bracelet to me again."

"I gave it back because I mean what it says. I love you. I have never stopped loving you. I was hurt. My God, you fucking slept with Joey. How am I supposed to feel? Am I supposed to overlook you running off with every guy you see?"

"Lance you know damn well I didn't mean for that to happen."

"But it did. And it hurt."

"I'm sorry Lance."

With that Lance heard a click. He tried the door knob and found it had been unlocked. He went in and closed the door behind him. Justin looked up at him through red, puffy eyes. Lance went over and pulled him to his feet and into a hug.

"Justin, I never meant to hurt you."

"And I never meant to hurt you."

"It will take time to get over this, but I'm willing to try if you are."

Justin reached up and pulled Lance's lips to his own. He began to hug Lance tighter.

"Justin, you're crushing me here." Lance gasped out.

"I'm never letting go of you again."

"Hmm, that could be interesting. Dancing on stage with you attached to me!"

Both Justin and Lance smiled for the first time in 2 days and thy held each other. They exited the bathroom just as the other guys were leaving the booth. They walked down to the limo and got in. Nothing was said about what had happened earlier. As they traveled to the arena, Joey looked over and saw Justin asleep on Lance's shoulder. He also noticed they were holding hands. He nudged Chris and pointed at the two. Chris just shrugged his shoulders as Joey shook his head.

The guys got to the arena and Lance and Justin headed to the dressing room to change into their warm-up gear. When the others came in to change they noticed that Justin was sitting on Lance's lap. Justin quickly got up and went out to the stage. As Lance got up, Chris and Joey gave him questioning looks."

Lance simply replied "Later" as he headed out the door.

OK - well I said short, right. But it's all the time I have to write today. You can all harass me if the next one isn't out in the near future. Let's say around the weekend - no later than Sunday! Well, that's all for now. Hope you enjoyed it. Remember - e-mail me at .

Next: Chapter 21

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