Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on Jun 29, 2000


Okay - so it's been like a month. I'm sorry, but things have been a bit crazy. You know - work, significant other, and so on. Don't make me beg for forgiveness!!! (Although - it has been said I'm good on my knees . . .!) A little more drama in the upcoming ones - so hold tight. And of course with drama there's less sex - sorry.

Well - without any further interruptions - on to the legal stuff: This ride is not intended for: minors those with a heart condition people who live in an area where reading this is illegal those with neck or back injuries anyone offended by male/male sex and/or relationships those who think this is real - because it's not - it's fiction

Now - keep you arms and legs inside the car at all times. Failure to do so will result in ejection from the park!

Two Out Of Five Chapter 22

JC knelt next to Kyle's unconscious body and began to cry. Lance quickly came over and felt for a pulse. He moved his fingers around the man's neck trying to find a sign of life.

Lance got up and walked over to JC. He put his arm around him and stroked his hair.

"What is it? Is he okay?" JC began to panic.

"Josh, I couldn't feel a pulse. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"NO!" JC wailed as he collapsed on the pavement.

Chris and Joey ran to Kyle's body and Justin ran to JC.

"It'll be okay Josh, I promise." Justin comforted him.

After a few minutes, Joey asked, "Um guys? Do dead guys breathe?"

"What do you mean, 'do dead guys breathe'?" Lance asked.

"Well, Kyle's chest has been moving up and down since I walked over."

"WHAT? " JC screamed as he dove towards Kyle. "HE'S BEEN BREATHING ALL THIS TIME AND YOU LET ME SUFFER?"

JC got up and started yelling at Joey and Lance. During his screaming, someone put their hand on his shoulder which he shrugged off.

"JC." A voice said.

"Hold on."

"Josh." he repeated.


"JOSHUA. TURN AROUND." The voice yelled.

JC turned to see Kyle standing there.

"Thanks for helping me up."

"I thought you were . . . they said you were . . . " JC broke into tears as he hugged Kyle.

Kyle moaned in pain. "Could you go easy, I'm a little sore from the fall."

JC released his hold on him and took him to sit down on the bus step.

"I think we should get you two to the hospital to make sure you're okay." Lance said.

"I'm fine." Justin responded.

"Me too, I just have a head ache." Kyle added.

"Well, I don't care. You're going - like it or not." Lance ordered.

"What's all the commotion?" Sarah asked from behind the guys.

Chris turned around and hugged Sarah. He then filled her in on what had happened. She agreed that the two needed to be checked by a doctor.

"We're only 40 miles from our next stop. We have the day off, so as soon as we get in, you two get checked out." She stated.

Before they could protest she added, "And you have no choice in this, right guys?"

The other 4 guys stood next to her and nodded.

"Guess we're going to the doctor, huh Kyle?"

"Looks like it Just."

The guys took Justin and Kyle inside the bus and got them comfortable in the lounge. In no time they were at the hospital. The two guys were discreetly ushered into a private waiting room.

"Um guys? Do you think this is a good idea?" Chris asked. "I mean how many tour buses sit outside emergency rooms?"

"Good point." Sarah spoke up. Chris jumped.

"Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Anyway, I was thinking the same thing so I came up with this plan. I'll stay down here with Justin and Kyle and you guys are going to go up to the pediatrics ward to visit the kids. We'll get some PR in and cover up the little accident."

They all agreed with Sarah until Justin spoke up. "What if they ask where I am?"

Sarah thought for a second. "We'll say you're on another floor visiting people there."

They all agreed but were somewhat hesitant about leaving Justin and Kyle behind.

Kyle stood up, "Go on. Get out of here. If you're not back by the time I'm done I'm leaving. I hate these places!"

The guy laughed and went out the door. They had no sooner left and 2 doctors came in. They escorted the guys to 2 separate examination rooms.

Kyle's doctor immediately order a CAT scan and then examined Kyle's reflexes, eye sight, and responsiveness to light. AS soon as he was done a nurse was there to escort him to radiology.

Justin's doctor performed the same checks, but felt the boy hadn't suffered a concussion from the fall. He was concerned that he seemed to be limping a little though. He decided to examine Justin's leg to make sure everything was alright.

"Mr. Timberlake, I see no evidence that you have any head injuries from your fall. I am a little concerned as to the apparent limp you have. I know you are a performer and dancing is quite important to your act, so I would like to check it out and make sure everything is alright."

"Um, doctor. My legs are fine."

"Well perhaps I should just check. I mean I can see you are limping."

"Ugh. Ok - I'll just tell you. I have a limp, but it isn't from a leg injury, alright?"

"What do you mean."

Justin looked at the floor and whispered, "I have a boyfriend and we uh . . . "

The doctor chuckled to himself.

"What's so funny?" Justin shot his head up.

"Oh, nothing. I just find it amusing that all these girls throw themselves at you boy groups and are completely oblivious to the fact you're gay."

"We're not all gay." Justin pouted.

"I'm sorry Mr. Timberlake. I didn't mean to insult you. Well, anyway - as long as you are sure your limp isn't from the fall, I'll finish up these papers and you can go."

The doctor finished up the paperwork and discharged Justin. Before Justin left the doctor handed him a small bag and whispered, "Remember to be careful." The doctor patted Justin on the shoulder and went back into the ER. Justin peeked inside the bag to find it filled with condoms. Justin turned bright red. At that moment JC came running up to Justin.

JC grabbed Justin's shirt and pinned him to the wall.


"What? What the hell are you talking about Josh? Get off me."


At that moment Sarah and Chris came running down the hall. They pulled JC off Justin.

Chris grabbed JC by the collar and walked him down the hall.

"What the fuck was that about?" Justin asked.

"JC's a little upset. It seems Kyle has a slight concussion and they want to keep him here overnight to monitor him. Josh flew off the handle and took off.

"Does everyone blame me?" Justin sheepishly asked.

"No honey. No one blames you. Josh has just been through a lot today and cares deeply for Kyle. He just needs time to cool off."

"Oh." Justin said looking at the floor.

"Come on - let's go see the other guys." Sarah led Justin up to Kyle's room where everyone was standing around the bed. Justin made his way through to Kyle's side.

"Kyle, look - I'm really sorry about what happened. I didn't mean for you to get hurt."

"It's ok Just. Don't worry about it. Besides - it gets me a few days off and I get some peace and quiet away from you insane people. Now go! Get out of here. Let me rest!"

The guys protested but eventually Kyle won out.

"Sarah? Could you stay here for a second?"

"Sure Kyle."

"Listen - make sure Josh knows I'm okay. Don't let him blame Justin. And check me into the room next to his. Maybe connecting rooms if they have them. Okay?"

"Big plans for your boy?"

"No. Not yet. I just want to be close to him."

"No problem. You just take care. We'll be back later to see how you're doing."

"Don't worry about me. Go and enjoy your day off."

Sarah gathered up the guys and headed back to the bus. They went to the hotel and checked in. JC ignored Justin the whole time. Everyone settled into their rooms and decided what they wanted to do for the day.

As Josh lay on his bed, there was a knock at the door. Josh went over and opened it.

"Hey Lance. What's up?"

"Not much. Got a sec?"

"Yeah. What's on you mind?"

"Listen, Justin is in his room crying because he thinks you hate him. It was an accident Josh. He didn't mean to hurt anyone. And no one was seriously injured. You can't keep ignoring him. You know how he looks up to you. It will kill him."

"I'm not really mad. Just kind of in shock. It has been quite a day. Kyle finally starts warming up to me, then I think he's dead, then he's up and looks fine, then he has to stay in the hospital. I'm not going to loose him now. I'm finally winning him over."

"I understand that Josh, but you can't push Justin out of your life because of this. Everything will be fine. Trust me on this."

Josh stayed quiet for a minute, then broke down crying. Lance held him in his arms as Josh got all of the pent up emotions out of his system. As JC calmed down Lance rubbed his back and asked, "Feel better?"

JC nodded. "It's just been a really fucked up couple of weeks."

"You can say that again!"

JC chuckled.

"Listen, I'm not saying right now, but please just stop over and talk to Just. He feels really bad."

"I will. And Lance - thanks for everything."

"Anytime bud, anytime."

Lance walked out into the hall and back to his room. Justin was curled up in a ball on the bed. Lance cuddled up next to him and put his arm around the boy. The two drifted off to sleep after their very hectic morning.


Joey paced around the hotel grounds. He didn't have anywhere to go really. There was no one to go anywhere with. Justin had Lance, Chris had Sarah, and now JC had Kyle. So - it was official. Joey had no one. That was a thought that brought a tear to his eye. He didn't care where he found companionship - in a friend or in a lover. Or in a man or a woman. He just hated being alone. He always had Chris to hang out with or one of the other guys. And now he was the odd man out. Hell - since Chris cut off the dreads, he was even the least popular among the fans. Why was he here? Why did he bother?

Joey sat on a bench and watched the traffic go by for about an hour. He eventually made his way back to his room when he lay on the bed and cried himself to sleep.

Okay - there is yet another part. And I am going to sit here and write the next one too so you all don't have to wait a month for it to come out. I hope you all enjoy it. Let me know - . Later!

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