Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on Jan 28, 2000


Guess Who! Well, here is chapter 5 of the story. This is the last of the chapters that I had "pre-prepared" before I started posting - meaning that the following chapters will take a little longer as I have to write them as I go. If you would like to see something different develop in the story, let me know. I say this because chapter 3 illicited a whole 4 responses and I want to make sure everyone is happy with the story. Remember comments can go to .

Now for the legal stuff: This is a work of fiction and in no way implies anything about the members of NSync. If you aren't supposed to be reading this, then don't. If you don't want to be reading this, don't. You all know the drill. Words . words .. words ..

And now the good stuff . Chapter 5

"Hey J, who you talking to out there" Lance asked through the bathroom door.

"It was just JC." Justin replied.

"What did he want?"

"I don't know. I told him I'd talk to him later. Probably wants to yell at me or something."

"You know I'm here for you no matter what he says."

With that Lance came back into the bedroom only to find Justin covered up in blankets. "You cold J?" he asked.

"No, I'm just not used to laying around naked is all." Justin responded.

"You are so bashful. I think that's very .."

"Lame, stupid, childish, what? What were you going to say." Justin snapped.

"Actually, I was thinking somewhere between cute and a huge turn-on. " Lance said.

"Grrrrrr." Justin growled throwing off the blankets and pouncing towards Lance, who was standing at the side of the bed.

JC had barely made it into the elevator before he broke down crying.

"I've thrown it all away. All I wanted was to have him back and now he won't even talk to me. I'm so stupid."

It was at that moment that JC realized the elevator had stopped moving. He looked up to find that the doors were open and people were standing there looking at him.

`Great. Now all these people are standing there staring at me sitting on the floor of an elevator crying.'

JC got up from the floor, put on his sunglasses and quickly walked out of the hotel. He kept his head down hoping no one would recognize him. He wasn't in the mood for fans right now and he didn't want the world to see him crying.

All he had to do was keep his mind off of Justin and he'd be fine. He walked aimlessly for what seemed like hours. It had started to get dark and he decided food was a good idea. He found a neat looking brew- pub and decided to go in. There was quite a wait for a table, by he was told he could always sit at the bar and eat.

`What the hell, I'm alone so I might as well have the bar tender or someone to keep me company.' He thought. He took up the hostess' offer to sit at the bar and meandered in that direction stopping to look at the huge stainless steel and copper brew vessels that adorned the place. He sat down at the far end of the bar so he could see everyone coming and going. There was also a fire exit conveniently located right behind him just in case he was spotted and mobbed.

"Hey there." The bartender said "What can I get ya?"

"Um .. I'll try the fire-water ale." JC responded.

"Can I see some ID." JC obliged and took out his license.

"Hey, you aren't .." the bartender was quickly cut off by JC "No, I'm not if you want a tip."

The bartender winked at him and went to get the beer. He gave the beer to JC who quickly picked up the mug. As he was setting the glass down, he noticed something written on his napkin.

`I don't want to make a scene for you, but if I could get an autograph my daughter would be thrilled.'

JC motioned for the bartender who handed him another napkin and a pen. JC signed the paper and went back to drinking. After 2 hours and countless mugs of beer, he decided he should order some food.

Back at the hotel ..

"Guys, JC is no where to be found. I'm sure he just wanted to eat alone. Now we can stand here all night until we're so hungry we resort to cannibalism or we can go eat." Joey stated.

"I'm just worried about JC, that's all" Justin replied.

Lance rolled his eyes. 'Does he think of anyone besides JC?'

"It isn't like him to wander of and not tell someone or leave a note, but I'm sure he's fine. He a big boy now and can take care of himself. NOW LET'S EAT!" Chris said.

The guys went downstairs and asked the Concierge a good place for Italian food. After choosing a restaurant they piled into the limo and were off.

Back at the bar ...

JC had finished yet another mug of beer and decided he had to go to the bathroom. When he stood up he realized he'd had a lot to drink. He managed to make his way to the bathroom without falling over anyone, but he was obviously drunk. When he was finished he went back to the bar, paid his bill and left. The bartender wanted to call a cab for JC, but being as stubborn as he can be, he slurred, "I'm fine. Just gonna walk home. Thanks."

JC left a started to walk towards the hotel. On his way down the road, he walked into a parking meter. As he was apologizing to the meter, a police officer came up behind him. "Sir are you okay. Looks like you've had a bit much to drink."

"I'm fine occiffer. Really. I'm staying at the hotel right there" JC said pointing to a building down the street.

"Son, that's a bank and I doubt you're staying there. Hey aren't you with that singing group my daughter listens too.. 'In the sink' or something like that?"

"It's NSync. But I doubt I'll be with them much longer. They all hate me. Especially my best friend. I don't deserve to be with them." JC said starting to cry.

"It's okay son. Things will look better when you've sobered up a bit. Now what hotel are you staying at?" The officer asked.

"The Hilton." JC replied through his tears.

The officer walked him to the front door and wished him the best. "You seem like a really nice kid. Don't ruin your life drinking so much."

JC nodded and asked "What's your daughters name?" as he pulled out a pen.

The officer took out his notebook, handed it to JC and said "Her name is Susan."

"To Susan Love JC. PS you've got a great dad."

The officer read the autograph, smiled, and then held the door open for JC to enter the hotel.

JC went to the elevators and started up to the floor that was assigned to them. He had a new found determination to get Justin back. Even if it meant having to be involved with him physically. The elevator doors opened and he stumbled down the hall. He looked at the room numbers and started pounding on a door.

"JUSTIN! JUSTIN! I know you're in there. I know you don't want to have anything to do with me but you have to hear me out. I need you in my life. I need your friendship. If you need more than that in return I can do that to. If you want you can come out and fuck me right now. I just need you back."

As JC went on and on, everyone on he floor had come out because of all the racket.

"God JC. You're drunk." Justin said from behind him.

"What are you doing over there?" JC asked.

"Um, my room is over here." Justin responded.

"No it's not it's over here. You're in the 6th room on the left." JC protested.

"You're right JC. I AM in the 6th room on the left. You're pounding on the 6th room on the right." Justin said.

JC turned around, fell to his knees and crawled towards Justin. He grabbed Justin's ankles and begged "Please don't leave me. I need you. Don't shut me out of your life. Whatever you want I can give to you. I love you like a little brother and if you want more I can do that too. Oh please come back to me."

Justin, not really sure what all this was about just stood there. He was looking around for someone to help him. As he looked around he saw Lance, Chris, and Joey all standing there giggling at the sight.

"Do you think it would be to much of a problem to get this drunken fool off my ankles so I can get back to sleep?" Justin said a bit agitatedly.

At that Joey and Lance came to rescue Justin. Joey took JC by the shoulders and pulled him off of Justin's feet.

"Oh hi Joey. What are you doing up the late?" JC questioned.

"Nothing much. Just seeing how my favorite drunk was doing!" Joey answered.

"It's nice to see you. You wanna go out for a drink with me?" JC continued.

"I think you've had enough for one night big guy. How about we get you ready for bed." Joey replied.

"You aren't going to leave him alone are you?" Justin asked with concern.

"No, he can sleep in my room as long as he promises not to throw up on anything!" Joey laughed.

JC started jumping up and down like a grade schooler. "Oh goody. A sleep over in Joey's room."

Joey was ushering JC towards his room when suddenly JC turned around, sprinted towards Justin and kissed him deeply on the lips. He was quickly pulled off Justin by Lance who dragged him down the hall and threw him into Joey's room.

Chris stood there shaking his head thinking 'This is going to be a very interesting tour!'

In Joey's room, Joey got JC ready for bed. He tried his best to hold JC upright as he took his shirt off but JC kept falling over on top of him. After a seemingly endless struggle, Joey managed to get JC's shirt off. He then pushed JC onto the bed and started undoing his pants. When he started to pull the pants off, JC moaned "I love you too Justin."

Joey all but ripped the pants off of JC thinking 'I'm getting this done before it gets ugly.' He quickly went into the bathroom and got ready for bed . . . again. When he re-entered the room, JC was out cold on the bed. Joey covered him up and turned the lights off.

In Lance and Justin's room . . .

"I can't believe you let him kiss you." Lance said while pacing around the room.

"Let him? LET HIM? You think I had a choice in this matter? He all but tackled me, but I let him kiss me." Justin snapped back.

"I'm sorry. It's just that I thought you would be all mine. That we could do this just the two of us." Lance mumbled.

"Lance, what are you talking about?"

"I thought that I could just date you, not you AND JC."

"You are dating just me. I love you James Lansten Bass." Justin said as he pushed Lance down on the bed.

"And besides, you kiss much better than JC does!" he added with a giggle.

Lance smiled and tried his best to imitate the drunken JC "But Justin. I luhve you. Be mine. Come fuck me in the hall right now. I neeeeeeed you."

"Enough out of you smart ass. Are you going to kiss me or what?"

Lance rolled over on top of Justin and kissed him. Lance then slowly started to undress to younger blonde. Justin grabbed Lance's hands, stopping him. He rolled the older boy onto his back and started to undress him.

Lance questioned, "What are you doing? I wanted to prove I can be better than JC."

"I already know that" Justin smiled "I'm just settling the score."

"What are you talking about?" Lance asked.

"As I recall, it's two to one and I owe you one!" Justin said with a devilish grin. He then looked down, his face turned red and he said softly "that is if you count the misfire earlier."

Lance all of a sudden knew what Justin was talking about and said "Justin we don't have to worry about keeping score you know."

"I know. It's just that since you're so old I wanted to make sure you didn't fall asleep in the middle of it or something!"

"Okay smart guy then get to work." Lance said smugly, putting his hands behind his head.

Justin undressed Lance as quickly as he could. When Lance was just in his boxers he protested "I think you're a little over dressed for the occasion so why don't you take care of that!"

Justin reached over Lance and turned the radio in the alarm clock on. Backstreet Boys' 'Larger than Life' was just coming on. Justin stood up straddling Lance and started to strip for him. Justin tried his best to mimic the moves in the video as he 'performed' for Lance. Lance smiled as Justin twirled his pants around over his head. Justin turned so his back was facing Lance and, while still dancing, slowly removed his boxer-briefs. Lance quickly pulled down his own boxers at kicked then off his legs.

Justin stepped out of his underwear and turned around to face Lance again. His dancing was causing his rock hard member to bounce around. Lance watched it in a near hypnotic state. He slowly sat up, grabbed Justin's gyrating hips, and swallowed his entire penis down. Justin gasped and stopped dancing.

The next thing he heard was JC's voice. Both of them froze in their place. After a moment they realized that it was just the radio promo they had recorded for Wednesday's concert. They both giggled for a moment and then "Bye, Bye, Bye" came on the radio. Justin instinctively started to move his hips. He soon realized he was plunging his cock in and out of Lance's mouth. Lance began to suck harder and Justin's knees weakened.

Lance pulled Justin down and the two got into a 69 position. Lance returned his attention to Justin's member and Justin eagerly went down on Lance. Lance sensed that Justin was getting very excited and pulled off, kissing the boys inner thigh. Justin had work as much of Lance as he could without gagging and continued his ministrations on the older blonde's throbbing member. Lance went back to working on Justin's penis. He kissed the head and slowly sucked it all the way in. Justin moaned with delight. It wasn't long until Justin felt the tell tale signs of his orgasm building. As his climax built he let Lance's cock fall out of his mouth. Lance slowed down as he began to suck harder. He moved to the head, swirled his tongue around the tip, and went back down. Just as Lance was al the way at the base, Justin screamed out "OH FUCK LANCE. THIS IS IT. Uhhnn. Yeah. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Lance's mouth was flooded with 6 forceful spurts of Justin's cum. Lance continued to suck until Justin started to giggle from the sensitivity.

Justin lay there lifeless trying to catch his breath. When he finally composed himself, he looked over to see Lance laying on his side looking at him.

"What? Do I look different now?" Justin asked.

"Yes and No. You look ... perfect." Lance replied.

Justin blushed at the comment.

"I warned you before that you turn me on when you do that." Lance laughed.

"From what I can see, you were pretty damn turned on before I turned red." Justin commented.

"Well, if someone wouldn't tease me and finished what they started instead of worrying about their own pleasure I wouldn ... Ahhhhhhh... Ohhhhhh... Yeah. That's the spot."

Lance's comment was cut off by Justin returning to 'finish what he started'. He went down on Lance like a pro. He swallowed as much as he could, then back off, then went back down. Not only was Lance's cock getting a great workout, but Justin was able to take more and more of the enormous member in each time. Justin became determined to take all of it in. He kept working away, ignoring the fact that his jaw was getting tired. He went up to the tip of Lance's organ and flicked the tip with his tongue. He then went down. He went as far as he could then forced himself to go a little farther. Just as he thought he would gag, Lance put his hand on Justin's head and pushed. The remainder of Lance's cock was fed down his throat. Lance screamed at the top of his lungs "OOOHHHHHH JUSTINNNNNNNNN!"

With that he started to shoot his load. Justin pulled up so that only the hea was in his mouth. He caught all 5 spurts in his mouth and then greedily swallowed them all. Justin lay between Lance's legs, suck his member until is was totally soft. Lance leaned down, kissed Justin and pulled him up into an embrace. The two lay in each others arms until they were both fast asleep.

Well, there's part 5. I hope you were amused by. I enjoyed it thoroughly! Can never get enough of Lance! (Justin's okay too, but don't you think he needs a hair cut?!) As always you can send comments, concerns, questions to . Hate mail can be sent to ... well, do you really want me to tell you where to send it??? (j/k) Stay tuned for Chapter 6:JC vs. Lance and the hot and steamy chapter 7!!!

Next: Chapter 6

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