Two Out of Five

By Kevin Michael

Published on Feb 7, 2000


Hey Nifty readers! Me again! Let me take a minute and share a few thoughts before we begin. First off - I get this e-mail congratulating me on being nominated in the Boy-Band Awards. Of course, I've been so busy writing the story that I was completely oblivious to this fact. So - thanks to whomever nominated me in all those categories and to any of you who may have voted for me thus far. Secondly - I have gotten tons of e-mail all but begging me to hook JC and Justin up. Well..... Sorry guys. You see, if I make JC gay instead of bi-, then I have to change the title of this to 3 out of five, and one of them is going to be left out in the cold. We can't have that now, can we? So we'll stick with Lance and Justin and find someone for JC to play with.!

As for the last chapter - sorry about the formatting. My computer (more specifically MS Word) wasn't playing nice and is royally screwed up the spacing/paragraphs. Hopefully it wasn't too confusing. So, with all that said, I'll get down to business.

If you are under 18 or are prohibited from reading this for whatever reason, please stop reading here. If you are offended by male/male sexual relations, you should probably leave now. If you have a heart condition, injured neck or back, or are pregnant you are prohibited from riding this ride. All others please stow your tray tables and return your seats to the full and upright position as we prepare for departure!

2 out of 5 Chapter 8.

The clock flashes 6am. Justin is snuggled closely to JC with his back to the older boys chest. JC's arm is wrapped around the younger boy as the two lay in a deep sleep. A small moan escapes from JC's mouth indicating the kind of dream he is having.

JC dreams: `Lance and JC walk into their room. Lance slowly closes the door, then turns to face JC. JC lays on the bed bad and says "I'm exhausted". Lance gets a devilish grin on his face, pounces on top of JC and says "Oh no. It's play time!!"

The two kiss passionately. Lance slowly kisses his way down JC's neck. He begins to unbutton the older boys shirt. JC moans in anticipation of what lay ahead. In no time Lance has JC's shirt open and is gliding his tongue across JC's nearly hairless chest. JC stops Lance and pulls the blonde's shirt over his head. Lance rips JC's pants open and removes them. He starts to kiss JC's rock hard member through his CK boxer briefs.

Lance slides his hands to JC's ass. He takes the front of the waistband in his teeth and the back with his re- positioned hands. In one swift motion, JC's underwear is at his kness. Wasting no time, Lance dives on JC's throbbing cock. He swallows all 7 inches down in one move. JC starts to thrust his hips forward, fucking Lance's face. This continues on until JC reaches the point of no return. He grabs Lance tightly and moans as he climaxes wildly in the younger boys mouth. `

Back in the real world

"JC! JC!"

"Mmmmmmm. Huh?"

"JC wake up!"

"What? Who? Oh hey Justin."

"Are you quite through now?"

"What? "

"Are you finished with my leg so I can have it back?"

"Your leg?"

"Yeah. About 20 minutes ago I woke up to something stabbing my leg. I tried to wake you up, but you must have been having one hell of a dream."

JC turned bright red.

"Oh my God Justin, I am sooooo sorry."

"Yeah whatever. "

"No really J, I'm really sorry."

"Josh, it's cool. Sometimes I have those dreams too. Of course, I normally don't latch on to a friend's leg. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to go rinse you off of me."

Josh lay there in disbelief of what he had done as Justin went into the bathroom. Justin got inside the bathroom, quickly closed the door, and looked in the mirror. His own cock was all but breaking through his boxers.

God, it felt so good to have JC hold me. he thought. ` STOP THINKING THAT! You have Lance.'

He was so excited, he dropped his boxers to the floor, grabbed some tissues, and stood there stroking his aching member. It took about ten strokes before he felt the tell tale sign of the pending explosion. He quickly grabbed the tissues and wrapped them around the pulsing head of his penis. He threw his head back as he unloaded into the wad of tissues.

He flushed the tissues down, wiped himself up from JC's little mess, then grabbed his boxers. As he held them up, he could see where JC had sprayed all over the back of them.

"Josh, you always have to make a mess." He yelled out the door.

"Justin, I told you I'm sorry."

Justin emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, holding his boxers in his hand.

"OK Einstein" Justin started "Now where are my clothes?"

"In your room. Where else?"

"Very good. And who else is in my room."

"Oh shit - Lance!"

"So I can either go across the hall naked or I can go over wearing these and try to explain just how I got Josh-juice all over the back of me."

JC giggled slightly, causing justin to jump on top of him and start beating him with a pillow. JC started to tickled Justin who immediately dropped the pillow, laughing uncontrollably.

JC managed to flip the younger boy over onto his back when all of a sudden Justin yelled out "EWWWWW!"

"What?" JC questioned.

"Why do I always have to sleep in the wet spot?" Justin whined.

JC turned red again realizing he had thrown Justin into the leftovers from his dream.

"Oh God Just."

Justin cut him off by putting his finger up to JC's lips.

"Josh would you please stop worrying about it. Worse has happened."

"But this is different. This was sexual."

"You were asleep Josh. And as far as being sexual - we've been there before. I mean you were the one who showed how to "take care of things" on my own. I guess I owed you this one!"

With that Justin kissed JC's forehead and pushed him off his chest saying "Now, I'm cleaning up from you AGAIN. You're getting me a pair of you boxers so I can go back to my room and get changed without Lance flipping out on me. Then you're gonna get your sorry ass in the shower so you can actually make it to rehearsal today!"

Justin went into the bathroom, cleaned himself off with the towel that was wrapped around him and turned around to find JC standing there with a clean pair of boxers in his hands.

"Some people knock you know." Justin said. "Just because I let you hump my leg doesn't mean you can walk in whenever I'm naked!"

JC quickly ran out of the bathroom. Justin put the boxers on and went across the hall to his room.

"God Scoop, you look like shit." Justin said seeing a very tired looking Lance.

"Couldn't sleep until we made up." He replied.

"Lance listen, this is all new to me. I've never been in a relationship before. We've always been close and now we're even closer. And I really like that. I just couldn't stand seeing you and JC fight. "

"I'm sorry about that. I was out of line. Can you forgive me?"

"Maybe. " Justin said flatly. He then turned, batted his eye lashes and continued "if you kiss me!"

Lance ran to Justin and looked into the younger boys eyes. Lance was so excited he was shaking.

"Well, you going to stand there all day or are you going to kiss me?"

Lance leaned down and kissed Justin deeply. Without breaking the kiss he laid the two of them down on the bed.

"Hold on there killer." Justin protested "We have to be at rehearsal soon and after yesterday Fatima is gonna kick our asses if we're late."

Lance reluctantly got up.

"God, you do kiss better than JC!" Justin joked, still recovering from the kiss.

"It's all the experience!" Lance kidded back.

Justin got very serious and asked "Can we talk about that sometime?"

"We can talk about whatever you want. What's bothering you?" Lance sat next to Justin.

"Well, you seem to know exactly what you're doing, and it's my first time at everything. I mean I guess I don't want to disappoint you or anything."

"You can never disappoint me. I just hope I don't disappoint you."

The two returned to their kissing, until interrupted by the phone ringing, which Lance answered.

"Hey Scoop, this is Joey."

"Hey Joey."

"So, you and Justin cool?"

"Yeah I think so."

"Any good makeup sex yet?"

"No. Maybe if the phone didn't ring..."

"I don't think I want to hear anymore. Anyway, Fatima is pacing the halls so I recommend everyone being ready ASAP!"

"We'll be there in a few. Bye."

Lance hung up the phone.

"J, we gotta get going. Fatima is waiting already. We don't have time for 2 showers so why don't you go ahead and I get one later."

Justin took Lance's hand and pulled him off the bed, leading him to the bathroom.

"Just, I think this might take longer than 2 separate showers."

"I can control myself, can you? Besides, I'm not being next to your smelly ass all day if you don't shower!"

The two stripped and got in the shower. Justin busied himself cleaning up while Lance helped him.

"Lance, you're not getting any cleaner by washing me."

Lance sighed "yes mom" and went to work washing himself.

The two dressed and emerged from their room to se everyone else gathered there as well.

"Imagine this. All five members at the same place at once." Fatima laughed. "Are we all playing nice?"

As she looked around, JC was next to Lance, Lance and Justin were holding hands and Chris and Joey were breathing a sigh of relief.

They rehearsal went better than expected. They worked from 8 until 1 when they broke for lunch. As they sat eating, three members of management walked in. Kevin was obviously nervous as he stuttered out "S.s.s.see. I tols you everything was okay."

All of a sudden a light went on in Joey's head. The guys finished up their small talk with management and went back to eating. As the 'slave drivers' were leaving, Joey pulled one of them aside and asked if they could meet with him privately after the afternoon rehearsal. The man readily agreed and Joey went back to the guys.

"What was that about?" Chris asked.

"Kevin." Joey replied.

"I don't like him" JC said very defensively.

"Why?" Lance and Justin asked.

"I have my reasons." JC answered.

"That's nice, but I think we need to discuss everyone's reasons if my plan is going to work." Joey interjected.

"Plan?" the other 4 queried.

Joey continued "Based on a number of incidents with Kevin in the past I feel it is in our best interest to get him out of here. ESPECIALLY with the new development of Justin and Lance."

"What about us?" Lance asked.

"Alright how do I say this. This may be a shock, but just hear me out. Last year when we were on tour, Chris was going out with Jesse. Well, we all went out to a club and had a few drinks and Chris passed out. Jesse and I got a little friendly. You all remember Chris and I not speaking for a week or so, well I told him everything that had happened. The reason was that Kevin had seen us together and was going to tell Chris everything if I didn't do what he said. So I . I . He made me have sex with him."

Everyone's faces dropped.

"Now the harder part. Guys, I'm bi-. I really like girls, but hell - sex is sex right? So to save Chris and my friendship I had to go through with it. I ended up telling Chris anyway. We worked it out. But Kevin used me. Blackmailed me. "

"He tried the same thing with me to." JC spoke up.

"Justin - I don't know how to say this. When you left and we got your notes, we were devastated. Lance was on the floor crying and I read the note and I started crying. We hugged each other for comfort and we ... we kissed. It was nothing and it was my fault, please don't blame Lance."

Justin sat there in shock, but still held on to Lance's hand.

JC continued, "I thought no one had seen it, but Kevin must have. He told me that if I didn't have sex with him, he'd tell Justin we were 'going at it' instead of looking for him. Justin, please know that's not the truth. Lance loves you very much. If you have to blame anyone, blame me."

"I don't blame you guys. Just don't let it happen again. He's all mine." Justin said pulling Lance into a kiss.

"Hey, we're eating here." Chris yelled out.

"Jealous?" Justin mumbled out, his lips still touching Lance's.

"You know it baby!" Joey said jumping on Lance's lap.

Justin pushed him off saying "He's mine and you can't have him" in his best 5 year old's voice.

"HE'S MINE AND SO ARE ALL OF YOU" Fatima yelled. Everyone jumped, not knowing that she had entered. "NOW GET YOU LAZY BUTTS BACK ON STAGE!"

They all jumped up and ran towards the door.

"I don't know how she does it, but you never hear her coming." JC laughed.

"She's part ninja!" Chris joked.

"She's part Hitler." Justin groaned.

"She's part hearing you!" Fatima yelled through the door.

The afternoon's rehearsal went as well as the morning. They all hurried to the limo to get back to the hotel. There was a note on Joey's door from management saying they'd be there at 8:00 to go over whatever Joey wanted to.

They decided to have dinner in Joey's room. Joey ordered and they all went to their rooms to shower.

In Lance and Justin's room...

"Justin, you're being very quiet."

"Just thinking."

"About what?"

"About this whole Kevin thing, about yesterday, about my boyfriend kissing my best friend."

"Justin, you don't know how sorry I am. Please ..."

He was cut off by Justin saying "I don't want to deal with this now. I want to take a shower and relax a few minutes before we have to deal with this Kevin thing. After that I'll deal with you and JC."

Lance hung his head and walked to his suitcase. Justin silently got up and went to the bathroom to shower. He came out and Lance went in. When Lance finished his shower, he found the room empty. Justin had already left for Joey's. Lance dressed and walked down the hall. He stood there looking at the door for a minute, took a deep breath and walked in.

They all sat around eating and joking until Joey spoke up.

"Let's get down to business."

They all agreed and began discussing Kevin again.

After they all agreed that Kevin had to go Joey said, "OK, Here's the plan..."

Don't you just hate when that keeps happening?? You think you're getting to the good part a 'BAM' ... to be continued... Sooooo - what did you think? Let me know. . Stay tuned for Chapter 9. What is Joey's plan? Will it work? Will Justin and Lance make up? Will Lance end up with JC? Only time will tell!

Next: Chapter 9

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