Tyler and Andrew Go to College

By moc.oohay@enyawyltnerb

Published on Aug 9, 2005


I've been a Nifty reader for a while now and suddenly felt inspired to write a story. This is my first time so go easy on the criticism. I have never really written anything before and I do not claim to be a writer, but I hope you will find this enjoyable so let me know what you think. I will except a little criticism but don't rip me apart and make me cry. :) Oh yea...nice comments and praises are ALWAYS nice and very much welcomed if you think they are deserved. brentlywayne@yahoo.com. If you are underage to read this material or it is illegal where you live, please go back! I have just revised the story. Apparently I saved it in the wrong format and question marks were showing up everywhere. I hope I did it right this time. Thanks for the comments! I'm glad you guys enjoyed the first story. I should have part 2 up in a day or two. Also, this story is only fiction.

To start the story out I'll introduce myself. My name is Tyler. I'm an average 18 year old. I have brown hair, blue eyes, and by no means am I buff, but I've got some noticeable muscles. I stand at 5'11 and my cock stands at 7 inches uncut. When it's not up and begging for attention it hangs at 5 inches. Oh, I'm also gay living in the south. Being gay and living in the south isn't exactly a good position to be in. Luckily, I've never been a fem and could act the part of a man. The only thing that might have given me away was my love to shop and dress my smooth country butt in Abercrombie and American Eagle. Family and friends really didn't question that part of me however.

I live on a small farm in the hills of Arkansas. I find farm life very beneficial in keeping in good form. However, it can be a real drag. Summer is always the worst. You must get up early in the morning which isn't so bad, but working the garden and repairing the fences and equipment around the farm can be hell when standing in the blistering heat. Of course, as you will soon find out, the heat can be beneficial as well. Those are the times that I truly didn't mind the 110 degree sunrays.

As I was saying, I live on a farm and we usually get up around 6 am to get a head start on the work before the sun pops up. This particular morning was a little different than the usual. I seemed to bounce right out of bed when I normally don't start bouncing until after 9 or 10. I was feeling great. I felt alive and excited. I really couldn't explain it. It's like when you are a little kid and your parents take you on vacation to Disney Land. You might wake up most mornings feeling like you're ready to go back to bed, but knowing that you are getting up and will soon be on your way to Disney Land...well it just makes you want to go out and get to where you're going. Like you wake up with a caffeine high. That's how I woke up that particular morning. I was ready to get to work. Ready to be outside. I really didn't know why though. Was something great going to happen? Could it happen to me? I wasn't sure but was soon to find out.

I padded down the stairs to the kitchen with a smile on my face and a boner in my pants, which I had to stuff under the waist band of my Calvin Klein boxer briefs. Now this boy might be country, but I know what I want wrapped around my package. Only the best will do.

I do love my southern food, but as I am planning on attending college to major in Dietetics I try to stay clear of the homemade biscuits with fresh white gravy, bacon, pancakes, ham, and other delicious foods that we love to eat in the south. I usually take in some oatmeal, fresh fruit from the garden, and maybe a slice or two of bacon. On this morning however, I wanted to be quick about breakfast, so I made a couple pieces of whole wheat toast and spread some Muscadine jelly on it and ran out the door. I could not figure out why I was so driven to be outside this particular morning. It was beyond strange.

As I walked out the door I laid eyes on the most beautiful sunrise I had ever seen. The colors were singing as they broke through the few clouds in the morning sky. Red, yellow, purple and other beautiful colors seemed to be speaking right to me. I took a moment to admire the sunrise then made my way to the garden to pick a few purple hull peas. As I made my way down the rows of peas I glanced up for a moment and noticed that the house next to ours had a moving van in the front yard. I thought the property sold very quickly to be out in the country. Our neighbors moved out only a few days ago. I was excited about welcoming our new neighbors and getting to know them.

I went on about my business taking care of the usual farm choirs. About 10 o'clock rolled around and I was one the verge of heat stroke. I quickly removed my shirt and as I lifted it over my head and reopened my eyes, I caught a glimpse of the new family moving their things into the beautiful house. But what really caught my eye was the fine piece of man meat that I would have guessed to be about 19 helping carry a couch into the house. Actually I lost my breath and my stomach twisted into knots. Was this love at first sight, or was it lust at first sight? I wasn't sure at that particular moment. All I knew was I had to make my way over and make him..........um, I mean them; feel as comfortable and at home as soon as possible.

This guy literally took my breath away and all I could do was drop the bushel of peas I had just picked and go ga ga over this angel. Now I have never been one to be shy, but I couldn't seem to move my feet in the direction of Mr. Wonderful. What was happening to me? Why the crap was my body failing me at this time? Why was I a nervous wreck? I wanted to meet this guy but I couldn't seem to even stand up. I couldn't believe he was doing this to me. So not fair!

Eventually I was able to pull myself out of shock and managed to stumble shirtless and sweaty through our joining lawns to greet them. Well he was really my only concern. It seemed the only thing I could focus on while walking their way was his shirt. It was a blue polo shirt with little yellow strips running horizontally. Actually it was more the way his chest popped out of the shirt. You could see every detail of his male tit masterpieces. Oh what a sight. This really was a problem as my cock could attest to at that moment.

I finally reached him as he was just coming back outside with his dad. I held my hand out to shake his dad's hand.

T-"Hey guys. My name is Tyler Floyd. Me and my parents live next door. Its great to have ya'll living next door to us."

R-"Nice to meet you Tyler. I'm Randy Strickland and this is my son Andrew."

As soon as I shook Andrew's hand, I felt electricity going through my whole body.

T-"H-h-ey An-d-drew. I-its n-niice to mee you."

A-"Hey man. How's it hangin?"

Crap! Crap! Crap! You idiot! What are you doing? were the exact thoughts running through my mind. I was hoping he wasn't too obvious to my stuttering. I looked to his dad in hopes that I could speak and told them that I was sorry for my temporary speech impediment. I explained that I had been up since 6 am working around the farm and that the heat was about to kill me. This was a total lie. Andrew shook my hand firmly and smiled despite my problem. Or should I say problems? I am talking about my speech and the cock in my jeans that was ready to burst out and explode all over Andrew.

R-"No worries Tyler. I understand what you mean. I lived around these parts when I was growing up and know all about the summer heat and humidity."

T-"Yea, it's a killer this time of year." I looked back at Andrew to ask if he was still in High School. When I turned my head to speak, I noticed him staring at my shirtless body. My stomach once again felt like a jumbled up mess.

T-"Umm... a-are you still in high school Andrew?"

A-"Just graduated. I will be starting my freshman year at UAMS in Little Rock."

T-"That's awesome. Have you declared a major yet?"

A-"Yea man. Dietetics."

What? Did he just say Dietetics? How weird and amazing at the same time. I was so excited that we had this in common. Maybe I would end up being a regular at his house and him at mine. Could this day have gotten any better?

T-"No way! You are kidding me!"

A-"Way man! I'm so pumped at UAMS and studying Dietetics."

T-"That's crazy! I will be attending UAMS this semester too."

A-"Man that's great! Maybe we could be roomies"

Did the sexiest man in America just tell me that we could be roomies? Maybe this day could get better.

T-"That would be awesome dude."

A-"So what's your major Tyler."

T-"Well you know...you're never gonna believe this, but its Dietetics"

R-"Well it seems you too boys have a great deal in common."

A-"It seems we do Dad."

I can't believe...I mean this day was totally rockin! Roommates and study partners. Once again another little perk in the day. I believe this just could have been the happiest day of my life. Even though I still figured he was straight.

T- "It was great to talk with you guys. I should get moving though. I still have a few things to get done before lunch."

I smiled as I looked Andrew in the eyes and he smiled back. My heart was mush at that moment. The whole world seemed to stop when I looked in his eyes. I was hoping he had the same feelings, but I knew that a glance at my body was not a sure sign of anything and choose to believe he was straight as to not get my hopes up.

"R-Tyler it was great to meet you as well. I hope we will be seeing a lot of you from now on. You and Andrew should get to know each other before you go shackin up together in a small dorm room."

Oh wow! If only he knew what I wanted to do to his son. He would probably refuse to let Andrew go to the same University. But I certainly wasn't going to let him know about my feelings.

A-"Tyler, it was awesome meeting you. Maybe you can come over later and we can chill."

T-"Yea man! That would be cool. I`ll see you guys later!"

As I walked back to my yard all I could think about was Andrew. Think about his smile and his big blue eyes. The way his blonde hair fell down into his eyes. The way his clothes look on him. I was praying that we could be roommates and very VERY close friends.

Andrew was about as tall as me. I would say he might be an inch taller. I was hoping to find out so much more about him.

Ok...so this is the end of the first chapter. I really don't know how long this story is going to be. I thought I would sit down and write a single story, but I realized that this story writing is very fun. So I will be dividing the story into separate chapters. I am very anxious to hear from you guys. Like I said, I am new to this whole thing and if the story is horrible just let me know and I'll know not to go on any further. HAHA

Next: Chapter 2

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