Tyler and Andrew Go to College

By moc.oohay@enyawyltnerb

Published on Aug 11, 2005


Here is part two of "Tyler and Andrew Go To College". Enjoy! Comments are welcomed. Just send them to brentlywayne@yahoo.com

That hot summer day I finished up my work pretty early. I seemed to be moving at break neck speed. After all, now I have a reason to get work out of my way. That afternoon around five I walked over to Andrew's house to invite him and his dad over for supper. I knocked on the door and was very surprised to find Andrew greeting me in nothing but cotton shorts. What did I tell you about the benefits of the summer heat? His smooth body glistened in the setting sun that was pouring over his body. He had perfectly chiseled abs and male tits that were pure muscle. I'm not into they body builder type and luckily he didn't look that muscular. He was perfect. I couldn't help but get a quick glimpse down to see what he had hidden away. I must say I wasn't disappointed. It looked to be 4 or 5 inches long. His cock looked fairly thick too.

After I was able to catch my breath and speak I asked him and his dad over to supper.

-"Hey Dad, Tyler's here and he wants to know if we will come over from dinner" Andrew yelled up the stairs and sounding rather excited.

-"Yea I'd love to. I'll be right down" Randy yelled back.

-"Come on in and have a seat Tyler"

-"Thanks. So what have you been up to since we last spoke?"

-"We finally got our stuff in the house. I've been getting my room together. You wanna come check it out?"

-"Sure man. I'd love to see your room!"

Whoa! I hope I didn't sound to excited to be with him in his room. I just couldn't help myself. This man was so sexy. Don't get me wrong though. I felt a connection with this stud. I hoped he felt the same.

-"Dude! You like Simple Plan?" I exclaimed as I saw a poster of the band on his wall behind his bed.

-"Yeah. I love them! They are my favorite band. Let me guess, you like them too?"

-"I love them. They are the best! So who else do you like?"

-"Beside you"

Did he just say "beside you"? I couldn't quite make it out as he said whatever he said under his breath. I then noticed his face was turning a little red. Could it be? Could he really have said what I thought? Naw! I'm just dreaming. He wouldn't like me. I'm sure he has all kinds of girlfriends.

-"Sorry. I was just talking to myself. I like Simple Plan, Maroon 5, Bon Jovi, Coldplay, Michelle Branch, Linkin Park, 50 cent just to name a few. How about you?"

-"All of the above except 50 cent. I love old stuff too. Journey, REO Speedwagon, John Denver, Olivia Newton-John, Pat Benatar."

-"No way! I have a few of those artists' in my cd collection as well."

He then went over and pulled out some Olivia Newton-John, and Journey. I must say this boy has some great taste in music. I about died when I saw that he had Olivia's 1978 album "Totally Hot". I have been trying to find that album for years. That is one of her best!

-"Dude! Where did you get "Totally Hot" at? I have been hunting that one for years."

He turned around and walked to his closet. He opened it up and started digging through some boxes. I noticed that he had a poster of Justin Timberlake on the inside of his closet door. I was getting very excited about the possibility that this guy was at least bi! He then turned around and did the sweetest thing. He handed me a copy of "Totally Hot" that was still wrapped.

-"You are kidding! You have two? Man I don't know what to say. I owe you big time."

-"Yes you do and I'm sure I can think of something for you to do later. I actually received two copies when I ordered it off the internet. I guess whoever packed it up didn't know how to read."

I was beginning to really fall for this shirtless hunk. I just hope he didn't notice how much I was falling for him. My shorts seemed to be tenting just a little obviously. I quickly sat on his bed to hide the fact that he had my cock ready to explode. He then came and sat right next to me on the bed and started telling me his favorite songs from the album.

-"My favorites are `Boats Against The Current', A Little More Love', and the title track."

I was a little shocked when we both went into chorus singing "Give me what you got, ready or not, my love is totally hot" I was rather excited at the same time. He seemed to be rubbing his thigh into mine. I could also tell he was sporting a half hard boner. It looked so hot. I wanted to go down on him right then and there.

I then stood up and started singing the other part of totally hot. The part where Olivia singings "Oohh if my mama could read my mind she'd lock me up. And I'm burning, you must know. Whenever I bust your trail my breaks just fail. My love is so hot, totally hot"

He was cracking up as I stood there pointing at him doing my best Olivia impersonation. Then his dad walked in and asked if we were having fun.

-"Oh yea. I'm glad we moved here after all. I wouldn't have known what I was missing out on. This boy can do a hella good Olivia Newton-John".

-"Tell me about it stud!" I said in reply, which is the first line Olivia tells John Travolta after she makes her transformation from good Sandy to bad Sandy in Grease.

-"See what I mean. You have real talent Tyler. Screw college. You should go to Vegas and do the whole drag queen thing. HAHA!"

-"Ok! Now you can shut up! I said as I held him in head lock position and abused his sexy head with my fist.

-"What time do we need to be over at your house Tyler?"

-"About six. My parents are really excited about meeting you guys."

-"We're excited about meeting them too! I'm sure they will be great if they are anything like you."

The next few weeks went by fast. School was about to start and I had not yet fulling figured out which team Andrew was pitching for. I wished that I could tell him that I loved him. Yes...sometime over the course of about two months I had fallen in love. Everything seemed great. The world just seemed to be better for me. The birds were singing prettier, the rolling hills of Arkansas seemed more green and sprouting with wild flowers, and my attitude and happiness had really improved.

It was a mid August morning when I came dragging into the living room after getting out of bed. I saw Randy sitting in the living room. It seemed a little strange for him to be at my house this time of the morning. He got up to greet me and asked to speak with me. My first thought was that something had happened to my Andrew.

-"Tyler, I know you and Andrew have become very close in the two months we've been here, so I'm sure he has told you about his mother."

-"He has told me a little. He told me that your wife had been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and didn't have long to live. He then said that after a few months of living in Denver without her you decided it was time for a change and then you moved down here."

-"Yes. We miss her very much. Andrew took it very hard though. Harder than most people would. He was constantly depressed and withdrew from his friends. He pretty much stayed in his room and kept to his self."

-"I'm sorry to hear that, but he seems to be doing fine now."

-"Yes Tyler he does. That's why I'm here. I want to thank you for taking care of him and being such a good friend. He is happy now and all he ever talks about is what you and him do."


Oops...I think my smile and eyes became a little to big when I said that. Crap I hope he doesn't see in my eyes how I really feel about his son.

-"Andrew has always been an outgoing and popular kid with his classmates. I want to see him happy again. I really do appreciate your friendship with him, but I'd also like to see him become more social. Maybe you could introduce him to some of your friends."

-"Yes sir. I'll see what I can do. I know my friends would love him."

After chatting with Randy for a little bit longer, I decided to go into the barn in our back yard and get some fresh eggs. Yes we have our own chickens. Actually they are more mine. I prefer to eat organic when I can and having my own chickens that eat what chickens really should eat assures me that the eggs are free of hormones, chemicals, and other deadly stuff you shouldn't put into the body.

I picked up a couple of eggs and turned around to walk out. As soon as I turned around I ran into Andrew who had snuck up behind me. This caused a mess for the both of us. We had eggs all over the front of our shirts and shorts.

"Well what now pecker hear!" I said in a rather annoyed tone.

"There's only one thing to do in a situation like this. We must take our clothes off and change into something that is clean."

"That does seem like the logical thing to do."

As we started stripping I couldn't help but get a little horny. We we had both taken everything expect our underwear off. I looked down and noticed he was feeling the same way.

"Looks like your friend is excited to see me." I said in a joking voice.

"Buddy...this guy is always excited to see you."

As I stood there laughing, he looked into my eyes. Something there told me he wasn't kidding.

"Tyler, we need to talk."

"Ok. What about?"

"About me. About us. Before I moved here I was in the dumps all the time. After mom died I withdrew from society. I didn't go out and have fun with friends. As soon as I met you that all changed. You really did save me life man. I was on the verge of giving up. I didn't think I could be happy again. Before my mom died I had a lot of stress on me. I have a few secrets that I haven't ever told another living soul. I hid it though. I was happy but there were times when it was too much. Then mom died and life went WAY down from there. I owe my life to you and you don't know how much that means to me. I guess I'm trying to say that I care a lot for you and I hope we can always be friends."

By this point my eyes were pouring out tears. I felt sorry for him. I wanted to protect him and make him happy. It made me so happy when he told him that he cared a lot for me and wanted to be friends forever.

"Andrew. I care a lot for you too. We will always be best friends. I'm sorry about your mom and I hope I can help you find happiness."

"Crap! I'm still not telling you the whole story. Its just that I'm afraid. I have never told anybody my secret. I don't want to lose you as a friend. Its just so hard to come out and say it."

"Andrew, relax. I love you and nothing will change that."

"Did you just say you loved me?"

"Umm...I uh.....yes I did. I love you. You're my best friend."

"That's just it. My secrect. I love you too. However, it's the way a man loves a woman. When I see you, no mater how bad my day is, you put a smile on my face and a wiggle in my shorts. Please...don't hate me. I just wanted you to know. I don't want to lie to you about how I feel, but I don't want to hurt you either."

"Andrew!" I said in a aggravated tone. He got a little teary eyed when I said it like that, but I was certainly gonna make up for it.

"W-whhat?" he was scared now.

"I said I love you too! So shut up and kiss me."

I fell in love with him all over again when he smiled and his eyes teared up. He looked so cute with tears of happiness rolling down his cheeks. I wish I could have filmed his expression when I told him that.

He didn't waste no time in kissing me. He rapped his arms around my waist and leaned in looking straight into me eyes and kissed me. Usually when you kiss your eyes are closed but we held ours open. It was so romantic yet so sexy at the same time. His lips were the best thing I had ever felt. Sparks went wild. I could fell what he was feeling also. I knew he felt the exact same way. At that moment we were the only two in the world. I could feel how big our love for each other was. I wanted to make love to him so bad, but I am so glad this first kiss was because of love and not lust. It was romantic. It was because we loved each other. Not because all we wanted to do was pound each others brains out. Although I knew we would eventually get to that.

"Tyler, there's something else I want to say."

"Ok. Shoot"

He grinned really big, held my hands and said

"I love you and I love you and I love you. You are the best thing to ever happen to me, and I want to be with you forever. Oh...and keep in mind that when we aren't busy being all mushy and romantic that you owe me for that Olivia cd. Come see me about that when your ready to bust a nut."

To be honest, I was ready to jump on his bone right there but our parents were around and that put a damper in that idea.

"Hey... mom and dad are going out of town tomorrow night for their wedding anniversary. Stay with me tomorrow nite and I'll give you something I've been saving for one special person. Just one. Not anybody else."

Again his eyes teared up and he rapped his arms around me tightly and we kissed. After kissing for what seemed like an hour, we let go of each other but kept our eyes locked together.

"I've been waited to give a gift to the person that I choose too. I finally found him. He's great. I want to be with him and give him myself."

"This guy sounds awesome Andrew. I bet he is great in bed."

"He is more than awesome. There aren't words to describe how great his is and how I truly feel about him."

Ok this boy was really making me tear up. He was soooooooo sweet and sincere. And did I mention he was the hottest guy I had ever laid my eyes on. "Screw it!" I said and went over to shut and lock the doors to the barn.

"We can't go all the way right here, but I'm gonna see what my man has under that underwear. Take it off!"

He looked at me and stripped. Leaving nothing but a smile on. I was right in guessing his measurement from what I had seen through his shorts. He was 5 inchs soft and uncut. A dick is a dick but to me his was the most beautiful of all. He then ripped mine off of me.

"Nice" we said at the same time.

I grabbed his 5 inches and stuck it in my mouth. The feeling was incredible. It didn't take long for him to expand all the way. He must have grown another 4 inches in my mouth. I loved licking my tounge around his head. From the looks of it he loved it too. Up and down, fast and slow I worked my mouth. At the same time I wrapped one hand around his smooth low hanging jock balls and caressed his stomach and nipples.

While servicing his head he reached down and started jacking me off. Soon we were rolling in the hay. Both of our dicks were trusting into one anothers mouth fast and furious. His a little more than average sized nuts were pulling up so I let go and told him that I wanted his first cum with me to be in my ass.

"This will be my first cum with any guy Tyler and as much as I want to bust a nut right now, I want my first cum to be in you even more. Never figured I`d be a bottom but I want a load of your hot jizz in me too."

"You mean you've never even fooled around with a guy?"

"Nope. I've looked at the guys in the locker room and I've jacked off with them in my mind but I've always been to chicken."

"Looks like we are both new to this. We get to learn and have our first experience together."

"You mean a hot cock like yours and you haven't had any heads bob up and down on you?"

"Nope. You're my first and I am so glad that you are. I love you."

We then put our underwear back on and ran into my bed room very carefully. I gave him some of my clothes to wear and a gentle kiss on the lips.


"Yeah?" He bust out in song with "Give me what you got, ready or not, OUR love is hot, its totally hot"

He planted another kiss on me and said I love you. I loved the view of him from behind just as much as the front. I couldn't wait to become one with him and to feel my cock slip into his love hole.

Andrew had not even walked out of the door before I started missing him. I was ready to get the day over and go to sleep. I wanted tomorrow to come as fast as possible. My parents would leave around 10 am and I would give him a call to come over as soon as they left.

I hope chapter two answered some of the questions about whether Tyler and Andrew would hook up or not. I must tell you that they about didn't. I had to rewrite half of chapter two about 3 times. My computer is messing up and keeps on shutting off. Losing a story like this 3 times isn't funny, but I wasn't going to stop writing until it was complete. Thanks for all the e-mails. I have really enjoyed reading all the comments. You guys are so sweet.

Initially, I thought this was going to be a one part sex story for you guys to jack off to. I have discovered that I like writing this stuff and its turned into more of a love story. I hope I didn't keep you waiting for the sex to long. HA HA. I havent thought about chapter three, but I'm sure it will be about Tyler and Andrew going off to college together. Will they continue to profess their love for each other after arriving at college, or will the hormones of two males with so many other temptations awaiting them prove to be stronger than what they feel for each other?

Next: Chapter 3

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