Tyler Shays Conquest

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Feb 23, 2023


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This is a story of fiction.

Chapter 2: The Straight Gym Bro

Tyler and Peter had been friends for a few months, ever since they first met in the university fitness center. They were both freshmen and shared a passion for physical fitness. Tyler had immediately noticed Peter when he'd first seen him doing curls with a barbel. He wasn't nearly as bulky as Tyler--almost looked skinny in clothes--but his frame belied his strength; the kid was shredded with lean muscles that popped as soon as he flexed. He wasn't short--about Tyler's own 5'10--and he had a long torso with nice broad shoulders that tapered down to a tiny waist. His tight glutes drew Tyler's eyes as well, but really got him were Peter's lips. They were full and pink and the way they curved and moved when he talked was mesmerizing. Tyler often found himself daydreaming about what those full lips might feel like wrapped around his cock. His fantasies were becoming more intense lately too; the thought of feeling that softness against him only made him crave it even more.

Peter was totally unaware of these fantasies of course. He was straight--zealously so--always ogling the ladies at the gym. As he'd gotten to know Tyler, he'd been shocked to realize that Tyler fucked men--someone as masculine and alpha male as him didn't fit Peter's preconceptions of a gay man. But he sorta got it; when Tyler would talk about some twink he'd fucked or point out a kid at the gym who looked almost effeminate, Peter found himself intrigued by the thought of dominating some bitch boy. Anyway, Peter quickly found he loved being around Tyler for the gymspiration--regardless of who he was fucking. They were bros; bros before hoes and homos. At least that's what Peter had thought.

One evening Peter was playing video games in Tyler's dorm room, with Peter lying on the floor and Tyler perched atop his bed. Tyler was beating him and it made him feel powerful, like he was really dominating this situation, just the way he liked it. He shifted his hips and, without realizing it himself, his cock slipped out from his shorts leg and lay there within eye-shot of Peter. Tyler felt a draft on his dick and was about to cover up when he wondered if this could be his opportunity to push things with Peter. He pretended he didn't notice his cock sneaking out and wondered if Peter would react, feeling a thrill of anticipation as the seconds passed. "Hey you really suck at this, bro," he said to catch his friend's attention. He took a quick glance at his friend as Peter looked over to clap back--just in time to see Peter's eyes widening with surprise before quickly looking back to the TV again--not saying a word.

Peter was taken aback by the sight of Tyler's big, soft cock out in the open. He had never seen another man's cock up close before, let alone one as heavy looking as Tyler's. His heart raced as he tried to process what he was seeing; despite being straight himself, Peter couldn't deny that there was something weirdly appealing about Tyler's manhood. Even soft it had made him feel inadequate. He felt a strange draw towards it and found his gaze lingering for just a bit longer than necessary before quickly looking away again.

Tyler continued pretending not to notice that he was exposed as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening at all. He kept his eyes trained on the TV screen and noticed that Peter's performance in the game was suddenly suffering even more. He smirked to himself and finally broke the silence, feigning shock and embarrassment. "Oh shit, sorry bro. I didn't realize my dick was out." He gave Peter a sheepish grin and shrugged his shoulders to make light of the situation.

Peter laughed nervously and shook his head before replying. "It happens! No worries man... it looks like you were enjoying kicking my ass so much that you just got lost in it for a second there!"

Tyler laughed, "Yeah, bro, for real he's got a life of his own. Been so horny lately..." He rubbed himself idly over his gym shorts.

Peter blushed and tried to make light of the situation, "Uh yeah, I can see that, bro! Maybe you need a break from all this gym time... or maybe someone else to take your mind off it?" Peter thought about all the times Tyler had told him stories about some gay twink he'd choked on his cock.

Tyler chuckled at Peter's suggestion before getting a serious look. His gaze became smoldering as he looked at his friend with his deep brown eyes. "For real, man, what I really need is a fucking nice sloppy blowjob." He bit his lip and ran his hand over his bulge.

Peter gulped nervously, feeling a strange combination of excitement and nerves. Tyler meant he needed a bj from some gay kid, right? Why was he looking at him like meat? He decided to play it off and laughed, looking up at him. "Yeah, bro, that'd be pretty sweet. Not gonna lie, I could use one about now too."

Tyler smirked and reached down to give Peter's shoulder an affectionate squeeze. "I'm sure we can arrange something," he said, his voice low and suggestive. Now Tyler was rubbing himself through the shorts in earnest; his arousal was clear. Peter felt a heat inside him, but was also stunned as he realized what he was implying. Wait... Tyler wants to... with me? He slowly sat up and turned to Tyler; he was still on the floor with his face at crotch level. 'What the fuck are we about to do?' He thought.

"Wait a minute bro, what `arrangement' are you talking about?" Peter said nervously. "Why don't I just go and you can call over one of your bitch boys?" He tried to look into Tyler's face but he kept getting distracted by the growing bulge in the muscular bro's shorts.

Tyler laughed and shook his head. There was no way he was gonna give up on this opportunity. He reached down with one hand and took Peter's chin, lifting it until their eyes met. "But I got you right here bro..." he said as if amused. "Come on, Petey, I'll get you back, no cap. I just need it so bad, right now. I can't wait for it, bro."

Peter felt his heart speed up as he looked into Tyler's deep brown eyes. He was straight. He was a ladies man. He had talked to girls exactly the way that Tyler was talking to him now. Now he was on the other end of it and he was reeling at how much it was affecting him. He had obviously never done anything like this before and he was scared, but at the same time, something about it excited him too. "I..." he paused for a long moment. "Okay," he said quietly. He then added, "Let's do it... You'll get me back though..."

Tyler smiled and nodded. "Of course bro, I got you." With that, Tyler leaned back against the wall, his messy hair sticking out around his head against the white cinderblock walls. He moved his hand off of his intimidating bulge and looked at Peter expectantly.

Peter slowly kneeled up so he was over Tyler's lap. "I don't know what to do, man," Peter whispered nervously. He could see the twitching hardness inside Tyler's shorts. It was big. Jesus fuck, what the hell had he just agreed to? 'He's getting you back, don't worry," he thought to himself as he put his hands on Tyler's ripped thighs.

Tyler's voice came over him deep and reassuring; "Just relax bro. Take your time and let it happen." He gently touched Peter's forehead, brushing his dirty blond hair back. Then he ran one hand down the side of Peter's face before curling his fingers around the nape of his neck in an almost tender gesture. Peter felt himself slowly melting into Tyler's touch as he closed his eyes to take everything in; this was a new position for him that he'd never imagined himself in, but somehow it didn't feel wrong. He focused on the calmness in Tyler's voice and the warmth that seemed to be radiating off Tyler's thighs like a soothing balm. Finally, Peter opened his eyes again and looked up at him. Tyler had his intense gaze locked onto him and ran his fingers through Peter's hair. He moaned despite himself at the sensation and slowly, trembling, reached for the waist of Tyler's shorts.

Peter slowly pulled them down, finally revealing Tyler's thick, uncut, vascular cock. It must have been over nine inches and it was throbbing, leaking precum as it flopped out in all its glory. Tyler lifted his hips to help Peter remove his shorts fully before leaning back against the wall, enjoying this moment. He looked down at Peter who stared wide-eyed at what lay before him; despite being solidly straight and never having done anything like this before, there was something about seeing Tyler's manhood that made him feel aroused. He ought to have been jealous--Tyler's cock was so much bigger than his own--but that realization actually made him horny. What a fucking cock! He kept staring at it, lost in thought.

It twitched and seemed to grow even harder as Peter looked at it. Tyler's heavy balls hung low and the thicket of curly brown hair at the base just added to the masculinity of it all. This was a real man, with a body that turned heads wherever he went; and here was Peter--no sissy himself--in awe of this display before him. He couldn't help but feel an intense desire to please this alpha male, to show his appreciation and give Tyler the pleasure he deserved. But he was frozen--what did all this mean? Were they really doing this? He was straight! As Tyler leaned back against the wall and watched Peter take him all in with hungry eyes, he noticed his friend's hesitancy and finally broke the silence between them.

"You ready for this, Petey?" he asked softly, his voice low and full of promise. Peter felt his heart rate skyrocket as he finally snapped out of his trance. Was he ready? His eyes were locked on that throbbing cock. He looked up into Tyler's eyes and nodded, a little unsure but also determined to go through with this.

"Yes," he said nervously, "I'm ready." Tyler smiled and watched as his friend slowly reached out to grasp Tyler's cock in both hands. It felt warm and heavy in his grip; he could almost feel its life-force pulsing through the shaft--an intoxicating virility that made him shiver with anticipation. Then he brought his face closer and--unthinking--took a deep breath; a musky scent filled his nostrils. This was the smell of a man. It made him almost lightheaded as he subconsciously nuzzled his face along its length.

Peter looked closely at the throbbing head of Tyler's cock, a gob of precum beading up on the tip. Tentatively licked it up, savoring the sweet taste as he felt another shiver run down his spine. He moaned softly, pressing his lips against the head of it and then moved down, exploring every inch with his tongue from base to tip. His heart raced in excitement but there was also confusion; why was he liking this so much? It didn't make sense--he had never been attracted to men before. But here he was, on his knees and enjoying his tongue on Tyler's cock as if it were second nature.

Tyler loved seeing Peter finally licking his cock; he could feel the desire building inside him as each second passed. Here was this shredded straight man on his knees for him. He wanted more--he wanted those full lips around him. He could tell Peter was holding back because he was unsure; nervous. Tyler ran his hands through Peter's hair and simply said in a low, dominant voice; "Come on Petey... you can do it... I know you want to... gimme those lips." Peter looked up into Tyler's dark eyes and took a deep breath before finally wrapping his plush lips around the head of Tyler's cock. His heart raced as he realized what he was doing.

'Oh my god, I'm sucking dick!' He thought to himself in disbelief. But there was no turning back now--he kept going, suckling on the head, but not daring to do any more. Tyler loved the feeling of those full lips he'd fantasized about finally sucking on him, but he could tell Peter was still holding back. He kept encouraging him, softly murmuring; "Come on Petey, more... you can do it." Finally Peter tried to push further down and take more of Tyler's massive cock in his mouth; but it was too much and he gagged immediately, quickly pulling away. Tyler smiled reassuringly at him and said; "It's alright Petey; just try again."

Peter nodded determinedly before trying once more; this time the gag reflex kicked in even sooner as Peter struggled to take Tyler's huge cock into his mouth. He pulled away again with a gasp, feeling embarrassed by both the act itself and also because he couldn't do what Tyler wanted from him.Tyler smiled reassuringly and started slowly stroking his cock. It towered in front of Peter like a monument as he kneeled there looking at him. Tyler knew how vulnerable this must make him feel--a straight jock like him at the mercy of another man's cock--but that only made Tyler want it more. He wanted to take control--to turn his confident straight fuckboy friend into a drooling slut for his cock. "Take a break bud; lick my balls," he said deeply.

Peter hesitated for a second and looked down at Tyler's balls. They hung low, practically resting on the bed, and were big like chicken eggs. Slowly he bent forward and started licking the wrinkled skin of Tyler's ballsack; it was salty and musky. Peter felt a sense of humiliation as Tyler's cock rested against the side of his face as he sucked one of his balls into his mouth. But as he did Peter felt something stirring deep inside him... This was turning him on! What the fuck?! He quickly pulled away again feeling embarrassed by what he'd just done. He was ready to tell Tyler he was finished; that it was his turn--but then his friend spoke up again.

"Get back up on this dick Petey..." Tyler commanded. "You need some more practice if you're gonna be able to give me what I really want." Peter felt his heart racing as he looked at Tyler's throbbing cock. He could feel himself getting harder in his jeans at Tyler's command and it made him more than a little confused. He'd tried to suck Tyler's cock. It was just too big. It was humiliating! But the sound of Tyler's voice; it made him want to try again; he didn't want to let Tyler down... he had to prove that he could do it. He slowly leaned forward again and wrapped his lips around Tyler's swollen head, running his tongue in the piss slit and swallowing some precum. Then as he tried to go just slightly deeper, he felt Tyler's hands grip in his hair. Not just a light touch, like before, but actually grabbing it and pushing his head deeper, making the cock push slightly into his throat. Peter gagged. He tried to pull off but then decided against it. He was almost choking, but not quite. And even if he did, he should probably gag on it for as long as he could. Tyler would like that... most guys did, right? Peter always loved it when girls struggled with his dick.

He tried to open his mouth wider as he struggled to get more of Tyler's cock into his mouth. He closed his eyes as they started to tear up, clearly struggling as he kept gagging on it. Tyler growled as he felt Peter's throat against him and forced his cock past the gag reflex. His grip tightened on Peter's hair as he held his cock deep in the other man's throat. Peter gagged and tried to cough, a thick spit emitting from his mouth around Tyler's cock as tears streamed down his cheeks. It was a hot and messy sight that only made Tyler harder. Here was his gym buddy--straight as an arrow--on his knees choking on his cock.

As Peter dry heaved around Tyler's cock he was afraid he might actually puke. He tapped hard on Tyler's thighs and used all his strength to pull his head back until finally Tyler released him. As he coughed and sputtered, trying to catch his breath, he looked through bleary eyes Tyler's wet and slimy dick, covered with his own thick throat spit--which was still attached to his lips, connecting them to Tyler's cock like a bridge of drool. He panted heavily and slurped the thick drool back into his mouth, swallowing it. What the fuck. That was brutal.

The sight of Peter's fucked-out face was so damn erotic to Tyler. His hooded eyes were red and watery, his sexy lips were a little puffy, and drool ran down the corners of his mouth. At that moment, any concept he'd had of Peter as a masculine competitive equal completely vanished. It was like a switch flipped in his head when he saw those strings of spit linking his cock to Peter's full lips. Tyler abruptly grabbed onto Peter's head with both hands and shoved his cock back into his mouth--the whole thing at once--with none of the patience and tenderness he'd displayed a few minutes before.

Peter gasped as Tyler shoved his hard cock in all the way. The sensation was too much for him, and he started to choke on it. He tried desperately to push away from Tyler's grip, but his hands were like iron clamps around Peter's head--there was no escape. His eyes began to water and tears ran down his face as he struggled against Tyler's hold; each time he gagged harder than before until finally a deep guttural moan escaped from his throat that seemed filled with both pleasure and pain at the same time.

Tyler grinned wickedly at this reaction, loving every second of it. This was exactly what he'd wanted--to see Peter struggling beneath him while still enjoying himself despite being choked by Tyler's huge dick! He kept pushing deeper into Peter's mouth until his pretty lips met his bush then pulled out, only to thrust back in making sure not an inch went untouched by those soft wet lips! He growled as he felt Peter's mouth slide up and down his cock. His grip on the back of Peter's head tightened, pushing him fully onto his dick with each thrust. He wanted to feel every inch of it being sucked; he wanted to hear those soft groans and slurps that escaped from Peter's lips as they worked their way around him.

"That's right Petey," Tyler said in a low, rough voice full of dominance and desire, "you're my little bitch boy now--my cocksucking cum slut." He held onto the back of Peter's head with both hands tightly as he spoke, thrusting his hips up with each word, totally ravishing his friend's throat.

Peter gurgled around Tyler's cock at hearing these names. He'd never been spoken to like this before-- if he had been, he would have beaten the guy. But here was Tyler calling him all sorts of dirty, degrading things while making them reality! It was incredible. Maybe it was the lack of oxygen or the feeling of Tyler's hands in his hair, but rather than be disgusted and angry by the taunting, it increased Peter's arousal, making him feel more aroused by their actions. In his haze, Peter wanted to prove that he could be everything Tyler wanted him to be. He started to bob his head up and down on Tyler's cock on his own, allowing Tyler to lessen his grip on his hair.

His throat seemed to be lubricated from all the saliva that had been produced by their session and Tyler could feel it open up to take him in. He moaned as his cock was engulfed by the tight throat walls around it. His hips thrust forward with each stroke, meeting Peter's soft lips as the smaller man tried desperately to accommodate all of Tyler's huge length. "You fucking love this, don't you faggot?" Tyler mocked as his friend bobbed up and down on his dong. "And that fucking fuckboy womanizer act... nah bitch, I bet you've wanted to choke on this cock ever since you met me."

Peter felt his heart racing as Tyler's words registered in his mind. It wasn't true; he was still straight. He did love fucking women! He'd admired Tyler but this definitely wasn't what he was into... but holy fuck was he loving it... He couldn't deny that the sensation of Tyler's cock inside him--the musky smell and taste of precum on his lips--was turning him on in a different way from anything else he'd ever done before. He tried to rationalize with himself; tried to convince himself that this didn't mean anything; it was just a momentary lapse in judgment due to being caught up in the heat of the moment. But as Peter kept bobbing up and down, feeling each inch slide past his tonsils and deeper into his throat, all thoughts melted away like butter under a hot sun until there were only sensations left: pleasure radiating from within and intense arousal tingling through every nerve ending in Peter's body.

He'd never experienced something like this before--an act so primal yet so intimate at the same time--he knew he should stop, but he found himself unable to resist or pull away from Tyler's cock buried in his throat. Peter's cock was painfully hard in his jeans and he found himself wanting to jerk it off. But didn't Tyler say he would take care of him after? That promise seemed so far away now as his throat burned from Tyler's powerful thrusts. How could something hurt but feel so good at the same time? Is this how girls felt when he skull fucked them? No... this must be even more intense because Tyler was that much bigger than him; that much more of an alpha male.

Peter gasped for air, his throat feeling raw and burning from Tyler's powerful thrusts. He tried to push away but found himself unable to resist or pull away from the sensation of Tyler's cock buried in his throat. His chest heaved desperately as he tapped hard on Tyler's thighs hoping that maybe it would give him some sort of break, anything at all! But instead pulling out, Tyler thrust in deep and held him there, his sweaty pubes in Peter's nose.

"That's it Petey, take it all in," Tyler said gruffly. His grip tightened on Peter's head as he felt the other man desperately trying to pull away. "Nope... nope, nope," he said, holding Peter's face firmly against his bush; his cock seated fully down his throat. "Be a good cock slut, baby. Breathe through your nose for me. You can do it."

Peter felt his throat spasm as Tyler's words registered in his mind. Had he called him baby? The fuck? That was a word that Peter never thought he'd ever hear from any man. But here it was coming from Tyler, and he could feel his own rock-hard cock pulse in response. His cheeks flushed at the realization of how aroused he felt by the situation. Resigned to his position he did as he was told, inhaling deeply into his nostrils--taking in all of Ty's musky man scent and feeling himself relax further. The feeling was overwhelming but strangely comforting; like being enveloped in a masculine embrace while still having enough space for Peter's own desires... which at this moment were focused entirely on pleasing Tyler.

It seemed like an eternity passed until finally Tyler released him from the grip of his strong hands. He pulled off the monster cock and gasped for air between coughs, thick drool dripping from his lips. He looked up at his friend with bleary eyes filled with both fear and arousal. He was trying to convey... what exactly? He wanted Tyler's respect as a man yet still wanting more of this degrading treatment. Somehow he needed more from this dominant male who'd just called him 'baby.' It wasn't at all what Peter had expected when they started their session. They were just going to exchange bro-jobs, but this had taken a sharp turn.

Tyler looked down at Peter with a smirk, admiring the sight of his friend's red and swollen lips. "You're such a sexy mess," he said in a low voice full of amusement as Peter blushed. Tyler rubbed those swollen lips with his thumb. "Get back on this dick, baby. Show me how much you've learned." Peter felt his heart race as he heard Tyler's words. There it was again! 'Baby...' His cock throbbed in his jeans. What the fuck was happening to him?

Despite his confusion about Tyler's sweet talk, he slowly leaned forward again, wrapping his lips again around Tyler's throbbing cock. Fuck, why did it taste so good? So right. He stretched his lips down the enormous shaft and slid down until his nose brushed into the thicket of curly pubes. Peter then realized that he hadn't gagged or choked; he'd just fully taken in Tyler's long thick cock all on his own. He heard himself gurgle in pleasure at the realization and Tyler moaned, seemingly pleased by Peter's progress. "That's right... up and down... nice and slow," said Tyler in a voice thick with desire. "Get it all covered in your drool, baby."

Peter did as instructed; bobbing up and down taking every inch of Ty's hot hard cock into his mouth while licking up the precum dripping from the tip until finally feeling his lips meet with the bush at its base again. He savored every inch of salty goodness along its length before pulling off for air just long enough for another round then going right back onto it. He sucked Tyler's cock like a pro; his eyes closed shut during each stroke as if trying to relish every second spent servicing the big dick even further. His own cock ached for release from the confines of his jeans and Peter stroked Tyler with one hand as he bobbed up and down and groped at himself with his other one.

Tyler smirked down at him. "You may as well take out your cock and jerk it, slut," he said. "I won't be returning the favor at this point." Peter felt his cheeks flush in embarrassment. As he kept slobbering on Tyler's cock he slowly realized that his friend had never intended to suck him back at all. He felt like an idiot but he understood now that Tyler had always been in complete control of this situation. He felt a mixture of shame, arousal and anger at the realization that he had been used as an object for Tyler's pleasure, but he knew it was too late to do anything about it now--he'd already invested this much time and energy in pleasing his friend; there was no turning back now. Slowly and reluctantly, Peter released himself from Tyler's cock and took out his own hard shaft from his jeans. He groaned in pleasure at the freedom and started stroking himself slowly while still kneeling before Tyler.

"You're not done yet, Petey," Tyler said in a low voice full of dominance. "You can't cum before I do." Peter felt his heart racing as he heard Tyler's words. He knew that this meant he'd have to keep going until Tyler was satisfied; an idea which both excited and scared him at the same time. He watched in awe as his friend stood up from the bed and started to stroke himself over him; he slapped his cock on Peter's face, leaving behind gobs of precum. "Make me cum, baby," Tyler said, rubbing his leaky cockhead over Peter's swollen lips. "Show me what a cock slut you are now."

Peter felt his arousal spike at Tyler's words. He didn't even care that he'd lied about returning the favor; he was too far gone and if he wanted to cum, he had no other choice but to do as instructed. He opened his mouth wide, allowing Tyler to thrust in deep once again while still jerking himself off with one hand. The feeling of being so thoroughly used by the man before him made it even more intense--it was like a drug coursing through Peter's veins, sending waves of pleasure through every inch of his body. Tyler grabbed Peter's hair again and started fucking his face hard; the sound of his hips slapping into his face was deafening. Peter felt like he was going to pass out from lack of air, but he kept bobbing up and down, trying desperately not to gag or choke on Tyler's huge dick. Thick drool dripped off his chin and Tyler's cock, flinging around the room in all directions with every thrust.

Tyler's balls began to tighten and his head swelled and he felt himself getting closer. Tyler groaned in pleasure, feeling the tightness of Peter's throat around him as he thrust harder and faster into his mouth. He gripped his friend's hair, his hips moving with a rhythm all their own now, pushing deep as Peter met his thrusts with hungry bobs of his head. Finally Tyler let out a deep guttural moan and released two thick shots down Peter's throat. He pulled his cock back and shot more onto his tongue; every muscle in Tyler's body tensed up as if frozen in place. Finally Tyler pulled out, spilling one more shot across Peter's lips before dropping to the bed behind him, satisfied.

Peter felt his body quiver as he lapped up Tyler's cum from his lips. His tongue was still tasting the distinctive flavor of the load. He furiously jerked his own cock until he finally let out a deep groan and shot a huge load all over himself, feeling every pleasure course through him with each pulse. He slumped forward in exhaustion, dropping his head onto the bed next to Tyler's thigh, breathing heavily. His throat was burning from the abuse and he wasn't sure if he could even talk clearly. Conflicting emotions swirled in his head as he tried to process how his gym-buddy had come to dominate him so thoroughly and turn him into a cocksucking slut.

Tyler lay back on the bed looking satisfied. Feeling Peter's collapse on the mattress next to him, he reached down and ran his fingers through Peter's hair, the gentleness of it surprising him after such rough treatment. "Good job, Petey," he said softly. There was a moment of silence as Tyler seemed to be reflecting on what had just happened before he finally broke it with a chuckle. "You know... I think you may have found your calling."

Peter lay there in a daze, reflecting on Tyler's words and the treatment he'd just endured. It was almost like his body had gone into autopilot; every time Tyler commanded him to do something, he found himself unable to resist or pull away from it as if this dominant side of Tyler had always been inside him waiting for someone with the strength and power to unlock it.

He thought about how staunchly heterosexual he'd always been--the number of times he'd made fun of boys who were even remotely interested in ripped guys like him--and yet here he was now after submitting himself willingly to Tyler. He felt embarrassed and confused but also strangely liberated--like maybe it didn't matter after all that he'd gotten off from getting throat fucked by a monster cock. He could still crave pussy if he enjoyed throating dick, right? It wasn't easy being honest with himself but Peter knew deep down that Tyler had changed something within him forever. It would take some getting used to, maybe it would never even happen again... but as he climbed on the bed and lay down on his back next to Tyler, he knew that he'd never forget this experience for as long as he lived.

Next: Chapter 3

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