Uc Hollywood

By clio cazzimiei

Published on Apr 30, 2008


First of all: sorry it took so long to write these two chapters!!! My computer screen caught on fire!!! Anyway, I don't know Justin Timberlake or any or the celebrities mentioned and yadda yadda yadda. Chapter six is coming up soon.

Dlin-dlon it's advertising time: Hey, if you like Uc Hollywood and you're an Angel's fan, checkout Angel season six, also written by me, and you'll find out hidden aspects of our favorite vampire's sexuality!!!

Episode 2 Consequences

Previously: Justin has slept with Wade after a party and Rihanna has met some sorority girls at the same party.

Chapter 4 Rihanna

Rihanna woke up in a really bad mood. She couldn't remember much of the night before and she had a terrible hang over. Well, she was wearing all her clothes. That was good. And she was in her bed. That was also really good. Her emo room mate was listening to a "Tokyo Hotel" song. Not so good.

-Turn that shit down.- managed to mumble Rihanna, still laying in bed.

-Oh look, the princess has woken up.- mocked her Avril, turning the music up.

-What happened last night?- asked Rihanna, trying to gather her strength to get up, but failed.

-Don't ask me. I was here last night.-

-Yeah, all alone, cutting yourself and listening to My Chemical Romance while chatting with your emo friends on Msn.-

-Actually, I was studying. We're in college, in case you haven't noticed. And then that Beyoncè chick brought you here and you were wasted. Really wasted. You vomited over my good shoes.-

-As if you have good shoes...-

Beyoncè! Yes, Rihanna remembered Beyoncè. She had introduced her to all the girls in the sorority... Then she and Fergie had started a drinking competition... and the rest of it was completely black. Then Rihanna noticed she was wearing a pink plastic bracelet.

-What the fuck?- she said. The bracelet had an inscription: "Teta Omega".

-Oh god...- said Rihanna in awe --I didn't just pledge to become an annoying pink slut!!!-

-I knew you had it in you.- grinned Avril --Can I call you Barbie?-

Justin woke up with Wade's morningwood pushing against his butt. Wade's arm was surrounding him.

"Oh god..." thought Justin "I just slept with Wade!!! Brit is going to kill me!!"

Then he thought of Ryan. What if he had come in the room and found him in his boxer briefs, in the arms of a just as undressed Wade? He hastily freed himself from Wade's grip, who didn't even wake up, and checked Ryan's bed. It was empty. Maybe Ryan seeing Justin and Wade together was so disgusted that he had left immediately. Then Justin noticed that he had received a message on his cell phone. It was from Ryan.

"I'm sleeping at Paris' and I'm not coming back tonight. So please lock the door when you leave the room."

Justin sighed in relief. Now there was just one problem: he had sucked his bestfriend's boyfriend!!!

What was he supposed to do? Tell Britney? Tell her that they were both drunk and that it had been a terrible mistake that was never, ever going to happen again? Justin guessed he should wait until Wade woke up. He grabbed a pair of jeans and was putting on, when Wade opened his eyes:

-What are you putting those on?- he smirked --I will have to take them off of you again.-

-Wade. You're awake.- blushed Justin, zipping up his pants.

Wade got up and walked to Justin, who stepped back until he hit the wall behind him. Wade smirked and got closer.

-What are you afraid of, Justin?- he asked, putting his hand on Justin's crotch and massaging it.

-Wade... What about Britney?- babbled Justin.

-What about her?- said Wade, unzipping Justin's trousers.

-Hello? She's your girlfriend!-

-But she won't put it out, and I've got needs.-

-So... I just take care of your needs? That's really romantic...-

-But I'll take care of yours too...- whispered Wade, kissing Justin's neck. Justin finally surrendered to Wade's avances. He started moaning as Wade started rubbing his package. But then suddenly, Wade's cell phone started ringing.

-Oh fuck...- he said grabbing the phone. --It's Britney.- He answered. --Oh, hi Britney... I spent the night at Justin's... Yeah, I'll meet you in ten minutes... `Kay.. Bye.-

-You're not going to tell her anything, are you?- asked Justin.

-Why would I?- said Wade --I have to go now.-

-Wait... Aren't we going to talk about... this?-

-There's nothing to say... It's just sex.- said Wade, then quickly dressed up and left. Justin didn't know what to say. He grabbed his cell phone and called the only person he knew he could talk about this with.

-Oh, Justin, I was just about to call you!!!- said Rihanna's voice.

-Ree... I've done something terrible...-

-Me too!!! I joined a sorority!-

-I sucked Wade last night.-

There was silence for a couple of seconds. Then Rihanna spoke.

-Well, yours is worse.-

-Oh Ree, what should I do?-

-How about we meet at the cafeteria and talk about this?-

-Okay. I'll be there in half an hour. I just need to take a shower.-

-All righty then. I'll see you there.-

Half an hour later, Rihanna and Justin were sitting at a table together, drinking coffee. There was an awkward silence between them at first.

-I always knew he was gay.- finally said Rihanna.

-He's not gay! He's just... Horny.-

-Horny hetero sexuals don't fuck their girlfriend's male best friend.-

-He didn't fuck me. And... Maybe he's bisexual.-

-Oh please. And Yetis walk in the street with fairies and leprechauns. There's no such thing as bisexuals.-

-Maybe it just... happened.-

-You said that he wants this thing to go on. C'mon! He's gayer than Elton John!-

-Whatever, that's not the point... The point is: should I tell Britney?-

-First you should tell that that jerk is such a gay bastard and then tell her to dump him, then you'll tell Britney that you were very drunk and what has happened. She'll understand... Probably... Maybe... Well, eventually. You could pretend to have a very big car accident so that she'll be afraid to lose you and you'll be friends again.-

-With what car?-

-Okay, the car idea sucks. You could threaten to kill yourself... It doesn't matter right now. Now let's talk about the important thing: me.-

-Oh, you joined a sorority. Big deal. A lot of girls would kill to be in your place.-

-But I don't wanna end up in a doll house, talking about my little boyfriends, and clothes, and other sorority shit.-

-For what I've seen, sororities and fraternities are more associations to party here. I actually think you could like it.-

-Living with all those girls? I would probably kill half of them before the semester is over.-

-then just say you don't wanna join the sorority! I can't see the problem!-

-The problem is that this way, I'd have the sorority against me, and nobody wants that. Haven't you seen The Skulls?-

-You watch way too much television. Anyway, today, I'll tell Wade it was a terrible mistake and that it is over, and you will tell the Teta Omegas the same. Deal?- Justin put his hand on the table.

-Deal.- sighed Rihanna, grabbing Justin's hand and shaking it.

-Now let's go to lesson. I think we're already late.-

Ten minutes afterwards, they entered the criminology room. It was the first lesson of the semester, and even though the students were all sitting there was no sign of the teacher. They looked at the crowded room looking for two seats, and Rihanna licked her lips, seeing a super hot hunk sitting down looking lost and worried.

-I already like this lesson...- she said --Let's go sit there. Look at him, he looks so lost, we should keep him company.-

-You're such a slut sometimes.- said Justin, finally agreeing, and he and Rihanna casually sat next to the boy.

-So.. Where's the professor?- asked Rihanna to the boy.

-Oh.. ehm... You're talking to me?- the boy blushed. --Oh... err... I don't know, it's my first time.-

-Oh honey, I can lead you...- sighed Rihanna without thinking.

-Really? Aren't you a freshman too?-

-Oh... yes.. I am... I wasn't thinking of classes, if you know what I mean.- said Rihanna with a sexy smile.

-No I don't. What did you mean?-

Justin couldn't stop from chuckling, and Rihanna kicked him under the chair.

-Anyway, what's your name?- asked the boy Rihanna. --I'm Rihanna. But you can call me whatever you want, as long as you call me. Do you want my cell number?-

The boy looked confused.

-Erm... My name is Chris. Chris Evans.-

-A nice name to scream.- said Rihanna, and put his hand on Chris' lap. Chris blushed and gently pushed the hand away.

-Oh... Sorry... I didn't know that you were... You know...- apologized Rihanna --Maybe you'd like to meet my friend Justin here.-

Justin kicked her under the chair.

-Are you crazy?- he whispered in her ear --I've been hiding my sexuality all my life and you give it away like that?

Chris looked more confused than ever.

-I'm what?- he asked.

-A fag.- answered Rihanna.

-A what?!!!- Chris looked shocked.

-A queer. Fairy. Homo. Gay. Celine Dion fan. Whatever you like to be called.-

-I'm straight.- he replied, now kind of scared.

-Don't listen to her- intervened Justin --She was only joking. She also says that I'm gay, while I'm a proud girl-fucker.-

-Isn't that the new Armani dress?-said Rihanna, pretending to look at a girl.

-Oh my god! Where?!- started screaming Justin in a high pitched voice --I so need to see it, I love Armani and...- he noticed Rihanna laughing and Chris looking at him with a weirded look on his face, and so started talking in a deep voice --I love Armani because I love staring at the ass of the girls wearing it. While watching the football game, and burping and farting and drinking beer like we straight guys do.-

Suddenly a guy entered the room and went to the teacher's desk.

Silence immediately fell into the class.

-Is that the professor?- asked Rihanna whispering to Justin.

-No. I know him. That's...-

-Chad Michael Murray.- said the guy. --I'm the professor's assistant.-

-Fuck me, I like this class more and more.- whispered Rihanna.

-That's evil Chad. The one I talked to you about.- said Justin.

-Who cares if he's evil with that ass?-

Chris, who heard all Rihanna was saying, got paler. Rihanna noticed this.

-I'm not a nympho. I just have a healthy sex appetite.-

-Like bunnies.- specified Justin.

-Anyway, class..- was saying Chad Michael Murray --The professor couldn't make it today, but he told me that you had to do a little... test.-

The whole class, surprised, started murmuring.

-Calm down.- said Chad loudly --It's not a written test. It's a little challenge the professor had prepared for you. It won't have any effect on your grades.-

-Oh thank god. I suck at tests!- said a voice, coming from far behind Rihanna and Justin. The two turned around and so the idiotic face of Paris staring back at them.

-But you're good at sucking.- said Rihanna --Weren't you Miss Fellatio 2006?

-Look who's talking. Everyone in Bio class called you the Gorilla. You know, cause you ate bananas.- replied Paris. Her friend Nicole chuckled.

-Anyway, what are you doing here? This is a class. With books. Can you even read?- said Ree.

-I've always dreamt to be a detective.-

-How are you going to do that? By paying people to commit crimes so you know it's them?-

-Hey! I'm good at solving mysteries! In "Hannibal" I knew that Hannibal was the killer from the very beginning.- she said proudly.

-Sherlock Holmes beware, Paris is coming up!- said ironically Rihanna.

-Ladies!- interrupted them Chad --This is a class, not the Oprah Winfrey show. Please just shut up and listen to me.- The two girls gave each other and annoyed look, then turned towards Chad and stopped talking.

-As I was saying... The Professor wants you to pass a little test. One of the students really isn't a student from this class. Find out who it is and tell me. You can accuse up to two people. After two wrong accuses, you're out of the game. By asking questions to each other, you'll have to find out who it is. The winner will automatically get an A. Start investigating.- explained Chad.

The students all look at each other a bit confused. They didn't know where to start.

-I'll pay whoever isn't a student three hundred bucks if he comes out!- said Paris. Nobody spoke. --Oh god, I'll have to actually investigate, won't I.- she turned to Rihanna -Rihanna, come here! Listen, you, me and Justin should probably investigate together. Because we already know we really are students.-

-This actually makes sense- said Rihanna. --That's weird.

-Wrong, Ree.- intervened Justin --We don't really know if Paris is a student from THIS class. She probably isn't, actually. The professor probably met her and asked her to come.-

-Are you accusing me?- asked Paris. --Tell Chad if you're really sure about it.-

-I'm not sure about it, you overgrown blonde chiwawa, I'm just saying we can't trust you. Okay... Do you even know the name of the book we use for this course?-

-Ehm.. Criminology for Dummies?...- said Paris unconvinced.

-No it's not. I'm accusing her.- smiled Justin. He walked to Chad, behind the teacher's desk.

-Oh, if it isn't Justin. I didn't see you at the Teta Beta's party. How are things going? Is Ryan okay? Has he been kicked out yet?- asked Chad, smirking evilly.

-I'm here for the test, not to chat.-

-That's a shame.- said Chad --We should really get to know each other better. We could become friends.-

-I don't like evil liars.-

-Oh, I'm the evil liar? I'm sure you wouldn't think that if Ryan had told you the full story...-

-What full story?- asked Justin.

-Hey. You're studying criminology. Why don't you try to find out yourself?- replied Chad.

-If there's something you want me to know, just tell me Chad. I don't like games.-

-That's too bad, `cause I'm a player.- grinned Chad, pulling Justin behind the teacher's desk.

-What are you doing?- asked Justin surprised.

-Oh please, don't act like you don't want it...- said Chad, putting his hand on Justin's crotch --I've seen you looking at Ryan... The adoration in your eyes...You fell under his charn too...-

-I... I don't know what you're talking about.- lied Justin, stepping back. When had College turned into Gay Heaven? But probably Chad wasn't even gay, he was just messing with him...

-I just want to tell that I think I know who the fake student is.- said Justin, keeping distance.

-Really? Who?-

-Paris Hilton.-

-I'm sorry, you lose. You still have one chance.-

-But... She doesn't even know the name of the book we use.-

-She probably can't even read, or she wouldn't be dating Ryan.-

Justin went back to Rihanna and Paris.

-It wasn't Paris.- he said.

-Told ya.- smiled Paris.

-Okay, let's split up!- suggested Rihanna --I'll interrogate all the boys. Well... All the football players and generally hunks. You two can ask questions to the nerds and the girls.-

-Hey! I want the hunks too!- whined Paris.

-You've got a boyfriend.- replied Rihanna.

-It's not like we're gonna get married, I have to look for someone else in case we split up.-

-Okay, fine, interrogate whoever you want, I decided I'm only going to concentrate on one person.- smiled Rihanna, seeing Chris walking shily between the chairs, looking for the fake students not too convinced.

-Hey Chris!- yelled Rihanna --Are you the fake student?-


-I don't believe you, just tell me everything about you.-

-Why should I? I have to look for the fake student.-

-Maybe it's me.- replied Rihanna --And I want to interrogate you. So... First question: would you take me on a date tomorrow night?-

-Erm... I...-

-I'll take it as a yes.-

Justin watched Rihanna hitting on Chris, who looked more scared than excited, and then turned to Paris.

-I know you're going to be perfectly useless, so just... Follow me and shut up.- he said.

After a whole hour, all the students looked completely lost. They had talked with practically everyone, and haven't found out a single thing, except that two of them, Chace Crawford and Michelle Trachtenberg, used to date back in Highschool, and that Sean Kingston, a fat freshman, had tried to kill himself after his ex-girlfriend, Christina Milian, had dumped him. The only one that didn't seem to mind the wasted hour was Rihanna, who was still chatting happily with Chris, who was looking like he was desperately looking for an excuse to run away.

-This is so boring...- sighed Paris, painting her nails. --I don't want to be a detective anymore, I want to become an astronaut.-

Chad was looking at the class with the satisfied grin on his cute (though evil) face.

-I got it!!!- yelled Justin.

-You got what?- asked Paris disinterested.

-I think I know who the fake student is.- said Justin, and walked to Chad... again.

-Oh, our incompetent version of Veronica Mars...- grinned Chad --Have you found the fake student, have you?-

-Yes, Chad. It's you. It is only logical. You said "a student that isn't from this course"... And you aren't.-

-Bravo, Justin.- said Chad clapping this hands --It does seem quite logical. But you're wrong. It isn't me. You missed your chance, Justin.-

-What? But... I was sure... Who is it then?-

-Can't tell you. There's some time left for the others to figure it out.-

-So, I joined this sorority and now I don't know how to quit.- was confessing Rihanna to Chris.

-Well... Just quit it.- suggested Chris.

-I don't know. It's hard.-

-Oh I get it.-


-You would actually like to join the sorority, but you couldn't, `cause you're one of those girls who's always made fun of sororities an girlies stuff.-

-What? No.-

-Then why won't you quit it?-

-Okay. Maybe you're right. What should I do?-

-Give it a chance. In College you can have the time of your life. It would be a shame to miss it `cause you're afraid to be judged. I was like that, at first, but then I learned to just let myself go...-

-What do you mean? You've only been here for two days.-

-Well... It's been a very intense couple of days. I've learned a lot.-

-Oh my!!! You're the fake student!!-

-What? No!-

-That's why you kept on refusing my advances!! No college guy would've done that!!-

-Vain much?-

-Oh please, I'm realistic.- smiled Rihanna, and went to the teacher's desk. --Chad... I know who the fake student is.-

-Really? Who?- asked Chad.

-Chris Evans over there.- said Rihanna. --No straight guy would resist my sex appeal, I'm sorry. Plus, he wears Armani code. Only people who are thirty or older do that.-

Suddenly, Chris started smiling, clapping his hands. He didn't seem shy at all now, but self-confident and cool.

-Thank you very much, miss...- he said walking to the desk. Everyone sat in their seats. -Rihanna. But you can call me Ree.- said Rihanna, smiling seductively.

-I already knew that. We were talking for an hour. I wanted to know your surname.-

-Oh... It's Feynne, but you can call me by name, Chris.-

-It's professor Evans.-

-Oh, you like it kinky... I'll be the naughty school girl...-said Rihanna.

-No, Ree, I'm professor Evans, teacher of criminology.- I was the one who set this challenge up. It was to demonstrate you that you have to pay attention to every detail... Even the parfume someone wears. Well done, Miss Feynne. You just earned you first A.-

-There's only one thing I don't understand...- said Rihanna --How old are you?-

-Twenty eight. Youngest professor on campus.- replied Evans.

In that moment the bell rang.

-Seems like our time is up. I'll see you tomorrow. Read chapter 1 from the book.- said professor Evans.

Once out of the class, Rihanna start muttering in Justin's ear.

-Oh god, I want him so bad...-

-He's our teacher!!- whispered back Justin.

-Even better. It means I'll also have good grades.- chuckled Rihanna.

Suddenly they saw the familiar figure of Britney waving at them in front of them.

-Hey guys!!! How was your first lesson?- asked Britney, hugging them.

-I got an A.- answered Rihanna.

-Woah, I so need an A as well, or else daddy isn't going to give me any money for that new outfit that I saw yesterday at the mall.- replied Britney. --Anyway, how was the party?-

Justin immediately went completely pale.

-Erm... Well... Nice...- he answered, swallowing hard.

-Wade told me what you did.- added Britney.

-He... he did?- asked Justin, surprised.

-Yes, thank you by the way.- said Britney with a grateful smile.

-Th... Thank me?- asked Justin, not sure he had heard right.

-You know, for taking him with you when he was drunk... - explained Britney.

-Oh... that. It was no problem really. Anyway, I really have to go now...- he said. He couldn't stay near Britney, he felt too guilty. God, he used to tell her everything, and he felt like such a shit for what he had done.

-Hey, at least be a gentleman and get us to the cafeteria. Wade is waiting for us there.- said Britney.

-I really have to go!- said Justin.

-Oh, c'mon, at least come and say hi.- said Britney grabbing him by the arm.

Justin looked at Rihanna in desperate need for help, but she just gave him a faint smile and shuddered.

Chapter 6 Wade and Justin

Britney, Rihanna, Justin and Rihanna were all sitting together. There was an awkward silence between the two boys. They had barely looked at each other for all the lunch. They just gave each other quick glances when the other wasn't looking. And they looked... distracted or something.

-Wow, Ree, you were great!- was saying Britney -- oh my god, maybe now you can help me find my ipod with your detective skills, I've been looking everywhere for it and I can't find it.-

-Brit, you don't have an ipod. You're father thinks they're instruments of the devil and wouldn't let you have one, remember?-

-Oh, holy cake, then it was only a dream...-

-Don't worry, me and Justin we'll get you one for your birthday. Right, Just?- asked Rihanna.

-Uh? What? I... erm... Sorry, I didn't hear you.- replied Justin.

-Stinky, is everything okay?- asked him Britney, using the nickname she had always called him since they were three. Justin felt a wave of affection towards her, ad that made him feel even more like a shit.

-Yeah... I... I just have to go to the bathroom.- said Justin --Wade, can you come with me?-

-Erm... Right, sure- answered Wade, following Justin and leaving Britney and Rihanna alone.

-What's up with them?- said Britney --They're acting weird.-

Rihanna didn't know how to answer, so she just said: -Boys. They're... funny beasts.-

-And I thought only girls went to the bathroom together.-

-Well, Justin's gay. He needs company as well probably.-

-Anyway, tell me more about the sorority... Are you really not going to join it? I mean, it would be my dream to get in one of those... But my dad thinks they're all Satanists who only have parties, orgies and practise witchcraft.-

In the bathroom, Justin pulled Wade inside one of the stalls.

-Listen... Wade... About last night...- said Justin.

-I know, it was a mistake. But still... Justin, I can't stop thinking about you, your ass, your cock...- said Wade getting closer and kissing softly Justin on the neck.

-But you love Britney. I love Britney. We can't do this to her.-

-I know, but ever since we had sex... I think... I think I might be gay.- admitted Wade.

Justin just stayed silent, and when Wade leaned in and kissed in, he didn't move away and kissed him back.

As he kept kissing Justin, Wade's hands got under Justin's shirt and he started feeling his pecs, then got lower and unzipped Justin's jeans. Then he put his hands in Justin's underwear, feeling his ass.

One finger reached the asshole and slipped in. Wade kept kissing Justin as he slowly fingered him.

Then he put his hand on Justin's hand and pushed him down, making him kneel in front of him.

Wade quickly unzipped his jeans and took out his cock in front of Justin, who didn't hesitate and put it in his mouth. He choked at first, but then managed to deepthroated it just before Wade started face-fuck him. The hot rod in his mouth and the smooth balls slapping his chin turned Justin on so much that he put his hands in his pants and started rubbing his own cock.

Then Justin took the cock out of his mouth and started licking the balls underneath it, making Wade moan.

Wade took Justin's head in his hands to keep it still and harshly pushed his cock down Justin's throat. Then he proceeded to slowly fed him his cock.

He looked down, watching his cock going in and out Justin's mouth, every time getting wetter with spit and precum. Justin looked so sweet and sexy at the same time... Wdae couldn't resist anymore and groaned as he came in Justin's mouth.

Justin diligently swallowed all the cum, and cleaned Wade's cock until it was soft again.

After the sexual frenzy was over, Wade blushed, feeling ashamed of what he had just done. He quickly pulled his trousers up and zipped up.

Then leaved, leaving Justin kneeling on the floor, his mouth still full of Wade's cum. Justin stoo there still for a couple of seconds, then readjusted himself, trying to remove what he had just done from his head, and got out of the bathroom. Neither of them noticed that there was someone in the stall next to theirs. Someone who had heard everything and was now smirking evilly. Chad Michael Murray.

Author's note: Thank you for all the feedback!!!!!!!!!!! Please send even more!!!! Anyway... From now on I'm going to post a chapter everytime I write one...

Next: Chapter 4

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