Uga Tales

By moc.loa@12remalFgiB

Published on Sep 22, 2001


I would like to start off this installment with a brief word from... me... In light of the recent tragedies in New York, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania, I just would like to say that my thoughts and prayers our with the victims, their families, the people working around the clock to clear away the rubble, and also to our government who will in the end rid this world of the people who are responsible for this attack. I believe that our nation will grow stronger in the weeks and months ahead, and I for one have my American flag flying high. God bless America, and God bless everyone.

Well guys, this is the fourth installment of the UGA Tales, thanks to all of you who have been reading since I began, and to all those who just started, I hope you read the first three before reading this one. Now for the disclaimers. Same rules still apply, if your not of age in your state, you need to leave now or things could get ugly. If you agree with Jerry Fallwell about anything, you should leave now. But for all of those who are still with me, sit back and enjoy.

UGA Tales 4:

Well, after i got back to my dorm room from my date with Zach, it was real early in the morning. I was so excited, I had just lost my virginity to a great guy that I had a really good time with. I don't think I could quit smiling. I didn't expect to see my roommate up when I got home, but when I turn the key to the door and opened it, there he was sitting on his computer.

"You didn't have to wait up." I said while making my way to my side of the room.

"I didn't, I have a paper due soon, and I wanted to get some research in, and this seemed like as good a time as any." he said while keeping his eyes mostly on the computer screen cause I was undressing on my side of the room. "How was your date?" he asked with what sounded like a half laugh.

"It was great I said, we had a really good time." I said not really caring that he knew it was a date.

"So, will you see him again?" he asked

"Sure, I guess, if he calls me that is." I said, and for the first time I realized that he might not ever call me, and that this could have been just a one night stand for him, and that he used me. But then I got to thinking that he was too good of a guy to do something like that, and that he would never use me, and then I started to perk back up again.

"Why didn't you tell me you were gay?" he asked, this time looking dead at me.

"You never asked." I said sarcastically.

"Well, its not that I mind or anything, I mean to each his own, but it would have been nice to know earlier that I was rooming with a gay guy." he said, then looked back at his computer.

"Look, I am not going to molest you in the middle of the night, I am not going to be checking you out all the time, and if you don't want to know anything about what I am doing when I am not here, I won't tell you. I want you to feel comfortable living with me, and I don't want there to be any tension between us." I said trying to make him feel better about my deception. "hey, I want to get to know you as a friend and a roommate, I mean we are stuck together at least until the end of the semester, we might as well make the most of it."

"Yeah, you are a really nice guy, and it could have been worse, I mean I could have been paired up with a real freak." he said looking back at me "this isn't going to change the friendship, but I just would have liked to have known before... you know." he said a little embarassed.

"What?, you mean the jerk off we had?, it was nothing, we were just two guys who wanted to get off at the same time, nothing wrong with that. Every guy does it, and it doesn't matter if your straight or gay, and doing with another guy in the room doesn't make you gay." I said hoping to make him feel better about the situation.

"Well, it is just that I have never done anything like that with anyone, and the fact that I did it with a gay guy just unnerves me thats all. I do want to know about what you are doing when you are not here though, I don't want us to be afraid to share things with each other. You can brag about all the guys you are banging, and I can come brag about all the classes I am failing, trust me, with this schedule of mine, I am not going to be able to get laid this entire semester, my excitement will have to come from your life." he said with what sounded like interest. "So, what happened tonight?"

"Well, we had dinner at Provinos, you know the restraunt down the street, the food was excellent, and the company was even better. After dinner, we went to Boneshakers, its the gay bar downtown, I was a little nervous at first, but after he got a few double shots in me, I loosened up. After we left the bar, we went to his place, and we had sex. It was my first time, and it was fantastic." I said with a little gleam in my eye.

"Wow, you had sex with a guy, did it hurt?" he asked really interested at this point

"At first, it hurt, but after he got all the way in, I got used to it, and it was great. I can still sort of feel him inside me, but for my first time, I wasn't dissapointed." I said answering his questions not making him too uncomfortable, but he did have to adjust himself, I could tell he was getting hard but I didn't focus on it.

"Man, he did wear a condom didn't he?" this came with real concern on his face, and I knew that he was really worried that I didn't have unprotected sex with this guy.

"Yes Mom, he wore a condom, I am not stupid you know." I said laughing

"I just wanted to make sure, don't need you coming down with anything." He said while he got up from the computer, and started to gather his things to go take a shower. I could see that he had a sizeable buldge in his pants, but he was doing everything to keep me from noticing. "Well, I am going to take a shower, and then go to bed, wanna join me?" he said laughing as he left the room, I knew he meant it as a joke, so I just laughed with him, and started preparing to go to bed myself. I figured he was going to the bathroom to jerk off, but I didn't let on that I knew anything was amiss.

Its funny that all this time, I was actually scared of coming out to anyone, especially the person that was randomly chosen to live with me for the next 9 months. Chris took it awfully well, I just hope that everyone takes it as well as he did. There may not be anymore hot sessions with him, but just the fact the he knows, and accepts who I am is enough for me, and if everything else fails, at least I'll have someone to talk to.

Three Days Later:

Well, it had been three days, and I still hadn't heard from Zach. I was worried that this would happen, he just met me, fucked me, and threw me to the curb. I was really depressed, and my depression was showing at work and at school. I didn't have his phone number, so I couldn't call him, and I didn't know well enough where he lived considering I was kinda preoccupied on the ride to his house. I had talked to Chris about what was going on, and he seemed very concerned with me, and how I was holding up. I had a huge paper coming up, and all of my spare time was spent working on it, so that tended to keep my mind off of the situation, but when I wasn't working on the paper, my mind would always wonder back to Zach, and I would get upset and pissed off all at the same time.

I was working on my paper when the phone rang. Chris got up and answered it, and I knew who it was, because when he handed the phone to me he had a kinda "It's him" look in his eye. I grabbed the phone from him, and said "Hello."

"Hey, its me, Zach, I'm sorry I haven't called in a couple of days, I have been really busy lately." He said sounding a bit apprehensive.

"Thats cool, I am really glad you called, I mean I had such a wonderful time the other night, and after you didn't call I got a little worried. Your forgiven." I said slightly smiling to myself for throwing a bit of flirtation into the conversation.

"Thanks, you remember me telling you about Scott my ex." He said still apprehensivly.

"Yeah, what about him?" I said worried at the drastic change in the conversation.

"Well, I don't really know how to say this but, we kinda got back together." He said this and my heart dropped. I couldn't believe this was happening how could he get back together with his exboyfriend less than three days after we hooked up. I was devestated. "Look, I am really sorry about this, it just kinda happened, I know this is sudden, but I did want to let you know that I really had no intention of hurting you, it just.....happened. Sorry." After he said this he hung up the phone, he didn't even give me a chance to say anything, he just hung up. I didn't know what to do, I just sat there holding the phone to my ear as if we were still talking, but all had heard was the operator telling me to hang up and dial again. I didn't take her advice until the annoying beeping sound started, and it was hurting my ear, so I hung up the phone, and then sat back down and acted as if everything was o.k., but Chris knew that everything wasn't o.k, he could tell by my depressed body language. I didn't even blink until he said "What happened?" I snapped around and looked at him, and I just stared a hole right through him, and that is when the tears started. Chris got up off his bed, and walked over to me, and put his arm around me, and just let me cry. After about 5 minutes of crying, I finally composed myself enough to tell Chris the entire conversation.

"That bastard, how could he do that to you?" He said tightening his grip around my shoulder.

"It was obviously easy enough for him, it was like he had it planned out, and he didn't even give me a chance to respond." I said still wiping away a few remaining tears.

"Sorry man, but at least he called, and now you can stop wondering, its probably for the best anyway, if he hadn't hurt you early, he would have hurt you in the end." This statement brought about more tears, he just continued to hold me until I got really tired, and just wanted to lay down and sleep. I got up, and got into my bed, and started to drift away, and the whole time, Chris was sitting on the side of his bed, and I guess he waited till I was asleep before he took his worried eyes off of me.

**Alright guys, that is the end of Chapter 4, I hope you enjoyed it. I am going to take a break from the regular story line, and the next couple of chapters are going to be more drama than anything. You will hear about my coming out to my best friends back home, and to certain members of my family.

I hope I don't bore you too much, but just stay with me, I think it will be worth it. Thanks to everyone who has written me with your appreciation of the stories, and I still hope to hear from more of you, its always great to hear what you have to say. So, until next time, goodbye.

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