Ultimate Muscle Hunk Challenge

By Alex O'donnell

Published on Nov 1, 2011


All the usual disclaimers apply:

*This story is a work of fiction and is not intended to depict any living person.

*Do not read this story if you live in an area where it is illegal to do so.

This story is partially inspired by a really good story a few years back on Nifty.org ("American Teen Muscle Challenge"), along with several current reality TV series, and my own vivid imagination.

My thanks to Terry for his encouragement and ideas, some of which I hope to incorporate into the story. Actually, thank you everyone for the encouragement and story ideas.


I'd been watching this incredibly sexy muscle competition on TV for the past 45 minutes. I couldn't believe what they were allowed to show on TV these days. Not that I had any real complaints. The four contestants, all sexy muscle hunks, were now stripped down to nothing more than skimpy pairs of posing trunks. The trunks were soaking wet and semi-transparent due to the men having just come from the pool.

One of the hosts of the show, Alex, was talking with Peter, who had won the swimming competition.

"Peter, congratulations on your victory in the 50 meter Freestyle. How did it feel when you touched the wall, knowing you had won that stage of the competition?"

"Well, it felt pretty good," Peter said. He was still dripping wet, and his darkly-tanned muscles glistened as he spoke. "I wasn't sure I could win, especially after running though the Stage One obstacle course. My pecs and arms were screaming at me to slow down. But I just powered through, I guess."

"Congratulations again," Alex said, and then turned to the left, where the nearly naked Jack stood, his hunky body also still dripping wet. His thick, powerful muscles stood out on his frame like slabs of beef. But it was his obscene posing trunks that my eyes were drawn to. Jack's posing trunks were white, and after the swim, they were mostly transparent. His thick cock and large balls were on display for everyone to see through a thin layer of white cloth.

"Jack, you came in third on this leg of the competition. What was going through your mind as you swam?"

"Well, I actually started off strong, and I was pretty confident I could pull off first or second place. My arms started cramping up halfway through, though, so I fell back to third. I thought to myself, 'Fuck, I'm going to lose'. I'm just glad I was able to finish."

The camera switched to Scott, the other host of the show, who was now standing between Rod and Dick. Rod had wrapped a towel around his waist, hiding his soaked red posing suit. Dick was wearing a skimpy gold posing suit. Their heavily-muscled bodies glistened under the hot studio lights.

"Rod, you came in second on this leg of the competition and earned 10 points. How important was it for you to catch up after coming in last on the Stage One obstacle course?" Scott asked.

"Well, I wanted to prove myself, and I think I did," Rod said. "I belong in this competition, and I intend to win."

"And Dick, you've been a leader throughout today's competition, but you had a problem with the Freestyle. Do you think that will affect your chances on winning the competition?"

"I'm not too concerned at this point, Scott," Dick replied. "I think I've done well, and it's just one small setback. We'll just have to see what the audience and the viewers at home decide."

The camera switched back to Alex, who then revealed what the next leg of the competition would be: "Coming up next is the Musclehunk Posedown. Each of our four competitors will compete against one another on stage in a bodybuilding competition. A panel of four judges will offer advice to each of our four men, but the studio audience will decide the men's final scores."

The studio audience cheered as Scott asked the men to take their positions on the stage. Peter, Rod, Jack, and Dick walked to a staircase that led up to a carpeted dais. As they walked up the stairs and began applying posing oil, the camera switched to the front of the stage, where three men and one woman in business attire were sitting. Scott introduced these people as the judges. All four were professional bodybuilding judges, and the announcers spent some time introducing them to the studio audience and the viewers at home.

"Now let's begin the competition," brunette host Alex said. "Scoring will be based on audience noise levels; the man who can rouse our studio audience the most will be declared the victor of this leg of the competition."

"Will Rod Dixon please step forward," Alex requested.

Rod stepped forward (happily now sans towel) and began his posing routine. He started with the eight mandatory poses required in any bodybuilding competition: front double biceps, front lat spread, side chest, side tricep, abdominal and thigh, rear double bicep, rear lat, and most muscular. The names of the poses appeared on the lower part of the screen as he posed, and the hosts provided commentary for each pose.

Rod was a competent poser, and his muscles were thick and very well developed. It was difficult to believe that this young man was only 18. He had well-developed pecs, abs, and obliques. His quads were pretty good. His arms were good but not great. The rear double bicep pose showcased his backside; Rod had nicely-developed glutes and a fairly well developed back. His calves were not well-developed. The hosts pointed out Rod's well-developed abs and obliques, but Scott was rather critical about Rod's pectoral development, and Alex pointed out Rod's rather weak legs.

As Rod posed, the studio audience cheered appreciatively at this handsome man's posing routine. A bar graphic in the corner of the screen measured the audience participation. Rod maxed out at a 7.

When he was finished with the routine, the judges weighed in. Unfortunately for Rod, they were scathing: the first judge pointed out Rod's weak legs; the second his biceps and triceps. The third judge urged Rod to work on his overall posing, and claimed that his legs, arms, pecs, and abs weren't ready for competition. "I urge you, Mr. Dixon, to work on your entire body. Your swimmer's build may look ok back in Podunk, Texas, but it won't fly in this competition."


Only the female judge offered any encouragement: "I liked what I saw, Rod, but you're going to have to beef up if you want to remain in this competition. Work on your legs, work on your pecs, and maybe... consider a smaller posing suit. It will make your body seem larger, and you need that advantage right now, going up against the bigger men."

Rod appeared to take all the judges' comments in stride. The camera then switched to Peter, who began his routine.

Like Rod, Peter stuck to all the mandatory poses: front double biceps, front lat spread, side chest, side tricep, abdominal and thigh, rear double bicep, rear lat, and finally most muscular. His muscles glistened with posing oil, and all in all, he was one hot specimen. This guy didn't have an ounce of fat on his body. The hosts, Alex and Scott, seemed impressed with Peter's overall musculature: his 50-inch chest and 20-inch arms. But they also point out his somewhat weak backside. The studio audience loved Peter's poses, and the graphic on the side of the screen registered an 8.

As Peter finishes his routine, the four judges make their comments. Again, the comments are harsh. The first judge tells Peter that he needs to work on his entire lower body, and that his arms need work (Need work? Those pythons are 20 inches!). The second judge claims he'd like to see more pectoral development, and more work on his lats and back. The third judge tells Peter that he liked the routine, but that he was distracted by Peter's skinny neck, something Peter "needs to work on".

The lady judge tells Peter that she "liked parts", but that overall, his posing was "underwhelming". She also claims that, like Rod, Peter needs to wear smaller posers when competing. (I thought to myself, "How could they get any smaller?!").

Jack is the third man to compete, and I almost spunk my shorts for the second time tonight just watching him. He's still wearing the soaked white posing trunks, but now his entire body glistens with oil. As he goes through his routine, the audience cheers loudly, and Jack's meter graphic reaches 9. The audience loves him. It's hard not to agree with them: Jack has an amazing, heavily-muscled body, and his sheer confidence and cockiness in posing in those see-through trunks on national TV keeps my trousers tented.

When he's finished posing, all the judges praise his routine. The third judge tells him to work on his delts and lats, but otherwise, they all liked it.

Finally, Dick takes center stage. Dick is a large man with a heavily-muscled frame and a sexy shaved head. As he goes through his posing routine, the audience is treated to an amazing display of hunkiness: huge, bowling ball-shaped pecs, thick beefy triceps, wide flaring lats, well-developed quads, and veiny 8-pack abs. It's an amazing show of muscle, but it cannot top Jack's cocky posedown in translucent posing trunks. The graphic on the side of the screen reaches 8.5 and no higher.

A close-up shot of Dick's handsome face shows the tension: he must know he hasn't beaten Jack's score. You can almost see the conflict in his face. He's got to win. He's a competitor.

Then, it happens when Dick goes into his rear double bicep. Instead of assuming the pose, Dick pulls the back of his posers down to below his glutes! Then he pulls a rear double bicep, flexing his striated glutes hard. The studio erupts in shock and awe as this amazing muscle hunk breaks a long-standing bodybuilding taboo. Here's a bodybuilder posing with the back of his skimpy posing trunks pulled down. The studio audience loves it!

The graphic in the corner of the screen hits 10 for about 20 seconds as Dick holds the pose for a few seconds, then goes into a rear lat spread. He turns around, pulls a most muscular, and then walks to the side of the stage, the back of his posing trunks still pulled down.

"Now let's hear what the judges have to say about Dick's posing," Alex segues.

The first judge admires Dick's posing routine: "It was slick, it was impressive, it was exactly what we're looking for in this competition. Nice musculature, nice posing, nice striations."

Judges #2 and #3 agree. The female judge calls it "hot," and hopes to see "more of the same". Is she egging him on?!

"Alright, now that the judges and the studio audience have had their say," says Alex,"it's time for the viewers at home to cast your votes. Who do you want to see continue in this competition? You can call, text, or e-mail your votes to our website. Be sure to tune in next week to see who will leave the competition and who will remain to compete for a chance at a $500,000 grand prize on Season Three's ULTIMATE MUSCLE HUNK CHALLENGE!"

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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