Ultimate Muscle Hunk Challenge

By Alex O'donnell

Published on Nov 20, 2011


All the usual disclaimers apply:

*This story is a work of fiction and is not intended to depict any living person.

*Do not read this story if you live in an area where it is illegal to do so.

This story is partially inspired by a really good story a few years back on Nifty.org ("American Teen Muscle Challenge"), along with several current reality TV series, and my own vivid imagination.

The Ultimate Muscle Hunk Challenge, Part 6

After the commercials, the competition continued. Alex, the hunky brunette co-host, explained to the audience that the next segment in the competition would "push the competitors' lower body to the ultimate limits."

"That's right, Alex," Scott, the hunky blond co-host, agreed. "Each man will compete head-to-head... or, rather, leg-to-leg... on three extreme lower-body workout machines. Whichever man does the most leg presses will win this round of the competition."

"The three workout machines are the Smith Machine, the Calf Sled, and the Leg Press. The weights are set to 200 pounds," Alex continued. "Gentlemen, come on out and we'll get started."

The four competitors came out on stage, as the studio audience cheered. First up was Peter. The camera zoomed in on him as he took his place at the Smith Machine. I gasped out loud when I saw what he was wearing. Peter had ditched his blue posing trunks in favor of a tiny blue string thong. The pouch was so small that it barely covered his dick and balls. His genitals bulged out obscenely in the skimpy thong.

Peter had taken his place at the Smith Machine, a large upright weight rack with a heavily-loaded barbell on it. Peter ducked under the barbell and lifted it onto his muscled shoulders. He squatted down with the barbell on his shoulders.

"Cox has begun his squats, and he's off to a strong start," Scott commented. "He knows he's going to have to do well on this stage if he's going to remain in the competition."

The camera zoomed in again on Peter, as he squatted down and then stood up again, the 200 pounds across his shoulders seemingly light. He looked really hot lifting all that weight while wearing nothing more than that skimpy blue thong. His legs flexed with the strain of the lift, but otherwise he seemed unfazed by the weight of the barbell.

Peter easily pulled off 10 squats, while the cameras panned around his stunning, muscled frame: his chisled chest, his wide lats, his bulging arms, and his well-developed quads. When the cameras reached his backside, I was amazed to see Peter's thong: it was a string affair, with only a thin string going up the crack of his ass.

"And, Alex, look at Cox's gluteal development. This is what the judges are looking for: well-developed upper leg muscles that enhance each man's overall muscular look."

"To me, his gluteals looks a bit weak, Scott. There's no sign of striation, those furrows that most pro bodybuilders will have on their rear ends. Cox will need more development in that area if he's to continue in the competition."

Peter was still squatting up and down, as the cameras zoomed in on his muscular ass, a tiny string the only thing between his ass crack and the rolling cameras. Peter finished 10 squats, then 20. But at 24, he began struggling. The cameras switched back to the front. You could see the strain in his face, and his legs started looking shaky. He stopped at 26.

"And Cox is wisely stopping now," Alex said, "He knows he's still got two machines left on this stage, and he knows he can't max out yet."

Peter moved from the Smith Machine to the Calf Sled. He sat down on it and raised his legs into position. This placed his barely-covered ass on display of the cameras again. The hosts made additional comments about his glutes as he began pumping out reps.

However, Peter was only able to do four or five leg presses before the weight started to get to him. He pressed on valiantly, but even with all his strength, he was only able to finish seven presses. He shook his head sadly as he rose from the machine.

"And a disapointing show for Cox on the Calf Sled," Alex said. "Cox probably should have paced himself on the first machine. Now he's moving to the final machine, the Leg Curl."

"Yes, but this isn't just any leg curl machine. Here on the Ultimate Muscle Hunk Challenge, we've loaded up 300 pounds. Cox will have to press that weight as many times as he can, helping to make up from his disastrous performance on the Calf Sled."

Peter sat down on the leg curl machine and began pumping out reps. His muscular legs bulged impressively as he flexed them. His face contorted with the strain of lifting the heavy weights. His muscular chest glistened with sweat as he attempted a tenth lift... but couldn't quite make it.

"And Cox is out after just nine lifts!" Scott exclaimed. "He's got to be disapointed at this showing, Alex."

"Well, he just doesn't have the leg muscles to really pull off this portion of the competition, Scott," Alex replied. "Next up, 18-year-old Rod Dixon."

The camera switched to Rod, who was already at the Smith Machine, preparing to begin his run. My jaw dropped when I saw what he was wearing: like Peter, he was wearing a low-cut thong. Unlike Peter's, his was red, but otherwise it was the same: the material barely covered his genitals, and as Rod began his squats and the camera focused on his backside, viewers were treated to an impressive display of his flexing ass muscles, the thin string of his thong only visible on the squat down. I noticed Rod was still wearing the gold chain with the golden cross around his neck. Aside from the skimpy red thong, it was all he was wearing.

"And Scott, one thing I really like about Dixon is his gluteal development. This young man has trained hard on his lower body, and it really shows on his rear. He's developed a muscular, chisled look to his backside, and it looks impressive in that thong."

"Well, I'll agree with you there, Alex. But I would say that although he's got well-developed glutes, he'll need to continue to work on them if he's going to remain in this competition. The next two challengers, both Hardman and Offerman, have a lot more experience, and they've had years of lower-body training."

As the hosts continued to comment on Rod's ass, Rod was continuing his lifts and squats on the Smith Machine, giving viewers in the studio audience and at home an incredibly erotic display of his muscled backside. The cameras zoomed in to capture every angle of Rod's ass as he flexed on the machine. A graphic in the lower corner of the screen kept viewers at home aware of Rod's lift count. Rod stopped at 28 and then moved to the Calf Sled.

As he sat down on the Calf Sled, viewers were treated to the first real view of Rod's hot front side in that tiny red thong. He looked gorgeous in the tiny pouch, his large muscles accentuated by the tiny size of the red thong. His dick and balls bulged obscenely in the miniscule material. And as he assumed the position on the Calf Sled, a position that put his crotch and ass on full display of the cameras, the tent in my trousers begged for release.

The cameras covered every angle of this flexing young man. As he began the calf presses, one camera panned across his flexing quads and calves from the side, while another zoomed in on his midsection from the top. A third captured a tight shot of Rod's straining face as he struggled to lift so much weight using his legs. The three cameras switched back and forth liberally, covering every inch of this muscled hunk. However, the weights proved to be too much, and Rod stopped after just eight lifts.

"Dixon moving on to the leg press now. You've got to wonder: after all the lifts he did on the first two machines, how long can his legs hold up?"

An obviously exhausted Rod got up from the Calf Sled and moved to the Leg Press. He looked unsteady on his feet, but assumed the position on the machine nonetheless. However, as soon as he started, I could tell there was a problem: Rod's legs were simply exhausted, and his legs couldn't press the weight even once. The studio audience let out a collective "awwww" as the hosts commented about how this could affect Rod's chances in the competition.

"Up next, 28-year-old longshoreman turned bodybuilder Jack Offerman," Scott announced.

Now Jack walked up the stage to take his position on the Smith Machine. Like the men before him, Jack was wearing a skimpy thong, his being white. He got into position and then began his reps, easily lifting the heavy bar two dozen times as the hosts chatted about his quads, glutes, and calves. Jack's amazing, muscular backside was on full display, only a thin white string keeping things decent as the cameras panned and zoomed in on his impressive body.

Then, on squat number 28, something amazing happened: the g-string on the left side of Jack's thong broke, pushed too far by Jack's flexing muscles. The flimsy thong obviously wasn't designed for weight lifting. Jack paused, unsure of what to do. His hands were holding up the bar and he couldn't fix his thong in that position. His cock started falling out of the thong. You could see it. It was large and circumsized. There was no attempt to cut to another camera. Nothing was blurred out. You could see it clearly.

"And Offerman now with a bit of a 'wardrobe malfunction'," laughed Alex.

Jack let go of the weight bar with his left hand and started to try to pull the material of his thong back up, but letting go of the bar put him off-balance and he started dropping the barbell. Realizing he wouldn't be able to continue on the Smith Machine if that happened, Jack re-gripped the barbell and then after pausing a few seconds, continued the lifts with his dick hanging out of his drawers!

"And Offerman wisely choosing to finish the course and ignore the wardrobe malfunction," Scott said. "He knows he could be eliminated if he doesn't continue the course, and that chance at a half a million dollars is at stake. He's not going to let a ripped pair of shorts become a distraction."

I couldn't believe it as I watched Jack on the Smith Machine squatting and lifting, his hunky, muscled body on full display, his dick hanging out of his thong on national TV, the cameras capturing everything and broadcasting it to an audience of millions!

At 33 lifts, Jack got off the Smith Machine. He grabbed the ends of the thong and tried to tie them together, but there wasn't enough material to tie it together. It looked like he was being waved on to continue the competition. After a few seconds delay, Jack moved on to the Calf Sled. Sitting on the bench with his legs up in the air, Jack began his reps, his big cock still on display. The material pulled even further to the right side as he continued, and soon his entire crotch could be seen: he had a large, thick cock, about 6 inches long, soft, and big round balls. His pubic area was shaved.

Jack stopped at 40 calf lifts and then moved to the third machine. His ripped white thong was falling down his leg now. Unfazed, Jack sat down on the Leg Press and began his reps. The naked hunk put on an amazing show as he easily lifted the 300 pounds with his legs a couple dozen times. He had amazingly well-developed quads, glutes, and calves, and seeing this naked fucker put on this amazing muscle show was incredible. The audience was cheering loudly as he put on this cocky display of beef... and sausage.

The camera switched now to co-hosts Alex and Scott on the stage, standing next to one another.

"And despite a minor distraction, Offerman finishes this leg of the competition with an impressive 33 Smith Machine lifts, 40 Calf Lifts, and 25 Leg Presses," Alex said. "This pushes him into first place tonight. You've got to wonder: can competitor Dick Hardman beat his score?"

The camera now switched to Dick, the 30-year-old actor-turned-bodybuilder. Dick was quickly becoming my favorite competitor; his heavily-muscled body and hot shaved head really turned me on. He had huge thick pecs, wide lats, big rounded bowling ball delts, eight-pack abs, giant quads, and amazing huge arms. This hot hunk was dressed in nothing but a tiny gold thong.

Dick was flexing his quads in anticipation of the competition. He had amazing legs, and just watching him was a huge turn-on. But then he did something that was even more of a turn-on: he PULLED DOWN HIS GOLD THONG!

"Hardman, not willing to risk a problem like Offerman experienced, is wisely choosing to opt out of that thong. He knows these thongs weren't really made for workout use, he's seen what a distraction that caused for Offerman, and he's hoping to avoid the same problem," Scott said.

Oh my god! I couldn't believe it!

Dick pulled the thong completely off and tossed it into the audience. With a cocky stride, he walked up to the Smith Machine to begin his reps.

"And Big Dick obviously lives up to his name, Scott," Alex joked.

I couldn't disagree. Dick's huge dick hung nearly halfway to his knees. It was very thick as well: maybe two inches in diameter. He, too, was circumsized. He had low-hangers, and, like his head, his cock and balls were completely shaved.

"Yes, Alex," Scott agreed. "Dick is a big man. He stands six feet four inches tall. His competition weight is 250 pounds, and, as you can see, it's all muscle."

Dick moved from machine to machine, putting on an incredible display of power and manliness as he flexed and lifted. He pushed out rep after rep, never seeming to care that he was completely naked on national television. The cameras captured it all, at every angle. I couldn't believe I was watching this!

Dick finished with 25 Smith Machine lifts, 42 calf lifts, and 30 leg presses. He rose from the Leg Press machine and saluted the audience, which went wild. They cheered this magnificent specimen of manhood who stood before them in all his naked, muscled glory.

"Don't go away; we'll be right back after these messages," Alex said.

As if I was going anywhere!

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 7

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