Ultimate X Men

By Jonathan

Published on Dec 12, 2002


The Ultimate X-Men: Chapter 2 12-12-2002 xmanpaul@hotmail.com Author: Jonathan

First off, I know nothing of the sexuality of any person mentioned in this story. And I don't know any of them and never will. Secondly, X-Men and all its characters are created by Stan Lee. Copyright of Marvel Comics and 20th Century Fox. Third, email if you want.:) xmanpaul@hotmail.com This story is based off The Ultimate X-Men comic strip. The story, however, will be quite different from the comic book. So read on if you want.

<Students, everyone come to the prep room as soon as possible. Which means now. Professor Xavier said telepathically to his students.

A few minutes later

"What is it Professor?" Jean Grey asked as she walked into the large prep room followed by the rest of the students. Scott filed in after her and Ororo, Peter, and Henry. Professor X turned from the large computer to see his students entering the room.

"A teenage mutant, who I have been monitoring, has suddenly begun using his powers immensely. His name is Paul Andrews and he's in North Carolina. He is not the only mutant signature that I picked up in that area. I picked up four other mutant signals and a very strange unknown reading. One of the four is definitely Sabertooth." the Professor stated at the dismay of his students, "The other three are local mutant from the area, one of which is Paul's twin brother. The unknown reading left the area shortly after appearing and it seems that the other three mutants left with that reading. I have a strange feeling that reading is Magneto, but I'm hoping that it is not. We're going down there to check things out and to talk with Paul. In the time that I've monitored him he hasn't used his abilities much at all, so this turn in events leads me to believe something is wrong. Jean and Peter, you will accompany me to North Carolina. Scott, you are in charge while we are gone. Ok, let's go."

After making sure that Sam was all right Paul decided that he would show up to work early since the principal had called school off for the rest of the day. When he finally got to work and sat down he realized how tired he actually was. It wasn't long before Mr. McKnight came in and walked over to Paul's desk.

"Why are you in so early today Paul? Is everything all right? You look a bit tired." Mr. McKnight asked.

Paul worked at a local recording studio answering the phone. Mr. McKnight was his boss and was a very good friend of his mother's before she died. He had given Paul this job out of the kindest of his heart and had been the only real father figure Paul had. Paul and Mr. McKnight got along while and were always joking with each other.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Some strange guys came to school and caused some problems. But no one got hurt. So the principal decided to gives us the rest of the day off." Paul replied.

"Well, ok. Just wanted to make sure. So are you on the clock?"

"Yeah, is that all right?"

"Yes it is. I was just wondering. Well, I'll be in my office. Having fun answering phones." Mr. McKnight said sarcastically as he walked away.

"Oh, I will." Paul responded in like tone.

A few hours went by and the phones had been relatively quite. Paul had spent most of the time reading over his notes for his last mid-term in the morning. He started to feel hungry so he decided that he would go and something to eat. Then he remember that Sam and Marie were working at the Cafe'. 'I can go visit them and eat. And make sure Sam is still coping well.' Paul thought. After the about 5 minute walk to the Cafe' Paul walked in and sat down at one of the booths. Marie walked over to the booth and sat down.

"Hey Marie, how are you?" asked Paul.

"Oh, I'm good. What was going at school today? Why did they call the rest of the day off? Oh, and how are you?" Marie replied with a sudden smile. She tended to talk quite a bit. Fortunately, Paul could understand that and it did bother him in the least.

"I don't really know. I heard something about a fight or something like that. And I'm fine thank you." Paul said.

"I heard that it involved mutants. Can you believe that? Mutants in our town. I hope that they don't kill anyone." stated Marie.

"No, I didn't hear that." Paul responded a little defensively. "Do you have a problems with mutants?"

"Well, I guess not. I haven't really meet one, but you always hear how they are destructive." Marie said.

"It does seem that some want to do nothing but be harmful, but I don't believe they are all like that." Paul said thinking back to his encounter with Magneto and Sabertooth. "Some of them definitely aren't working for the good-side."

"Yeah, I know that's true. Would you like something to eat?" asked Marie.

"Yeah, that would be great. By the way, where's Sam?" Paul responded.

"Oh, he called in and said he wasn't feeling well. So he did come in tonight." answered Marie.

"Oh, okay. Thanks."

"No problem. Your usual will be out in a few, so sit tight." said Marie.

"Thanks." Paul said as Marie walked away.

Marie brought out the food about five minutes later and Paul ate pretty quickly. He said his goodbyes and decided he should go over to Sam's to make sure he was all right. It didn't take long to get to Sam's house. It was pretty close to the Cafe' and it was a very nice day out so that made the walk seem shorter. When Paul got to the house he walked to Sam's bedroom window and knocked on it lightly. We always knocked on each other's windows when we had something important to talk about. After a minute of two he came to the window and opened it.

"Hey Paul. What's wrong?" Sam asked.

"I'm just a bit worried about you. I wanted to make sure you were all right after today's...uh...events." Paul said trying to find the right word.

"Well, yeah. I'm all right. I don't really understand what happened today, but I'm all right otherwise." Sam answered.

"Good, I just wanted to make sure. It has been bothering me all afternoon. Well, I guess I'll get going and let you get back to resting. Bye Sam. See you tomorrow." Paul said.

"Bye Paul. Have a good night and see you tomorrow to." Sam finished.

After that Paul walked back to work and finished up there. After about two hours he shutdown his computer and started his round. He had to make sure that all the computers were off and all the doors were locked. It didn't take him long to finish that up and he returned to the front and gathered his thing to together to leave. Then he heard the front door open and close.

"I'm sorry, but we're closed. Please come back tomorrow." Paul said without turning around to see who it was.

"Are you Mr. Paul Andrews?" said the unknown voice.

"Um, yes I am, but as I said we are closed. Sorry, you'll have to come back tomorrow." Paul answered.

"Good evening Paul. My name is Professor Charles Xavier and if you would allow I would like to talk with you. Not about anything to do with the studio, but with you." the Professor stated.

"Um. Hi. Okay, but do you mind if we walk, I mean...uh...head towards town?" Paul said feeling really stupid about what he just said. He didn't mean to insult the Professor being in a wheelchair. "I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to insult you."

"Oh, don't worry about it. I wasn't insulted in the least. Now let us walk." Professor X said with a smile.

As they exited the door Paul noticed two other people walking towards them. One was a young lady with red hair, and a quite attractive and rather big guy with jet-black hair.

"I would like to introduce you to two of my students. This is Jean Grey and Peter Rasputin. Now Paul, we have come here to talk to you about your mutation. I know that it may come as a shock and we don't expect you to take to it right off, be you are a mutant. All of us are. If you learn to deal with it you can use your gifts for the good of mankind." Prof. X stated.

"Excuse me Professor, but I know that I'm a mutant and I'm proud of it. I know that I haven't told many people, ok I haven't told anyone, but it still doesn't bother me." Paul said.

"I'm sorry Paul. I assumed that you were like most others and in denial about the fact that you are a mutant. With that, I would like to invite you to join my school for the gifted. It is a place for mutants to come and learned to control and use their gifts in a safe and caring environment. I have just established the school as merely the public face of a team of mutants that I'm putting together to combat those who oppose peace and freedom. Jean and Peter are some of the first students and also members of the team called the X-Men." Xavier said.

"I knew that I recognized ya'll from somewhere. Ya'll have been getting a lot of press lately." said Paul.

"Yes, we have. I know that you may need time to consider your decision, but our number one goal is to help you learn to use abilities safely." returned the Professor.

"Ok. Well, I've thought about and my answer is yes. I have always wanted to use my gifts for good." Paul said slightly excited.

"Shouldn't you talk to your parents first?" asked Jean added her first words to the conversation.

"Well, no. My mother died when I was twelve and my father isn't worth mentioning. Oh, wait. I need to talk to Sam and Marie first." Paul said.

"Who are they?" asked the Professor.

"Sam is my best-friend in the whole freakin' world and Marie is also a very good friend. They are pretty much the only family I have. Sam might take it kinda hard if I leave." Paul replied.

"I'm sure that they will understand that is beneficial for you and there for support you in going." answered the Professor.

"I think Sam will understand, but I haven't told Marie that I'm a mutant yet. I'm not ashamed of it, but I don't want to lose her friendship. I guess she'll find out now." Paul said with a sigh.

"Everything will work for the better Paul. It always does." Jean said patting Paul on the shoulder.

"No it doesn't." someone said from behind them. "You stupid X-men always seem to screw everything up some way or another."

Paul reacted almost immediately lifting a car the street ready to throw it at Sabertooth. "I thought I killed you. What are you doing here?" Paul questioned.

"Like I said before kid you can't hurt me. As they say I can take a lickin' and keep on tickin'." replied Sabertooth.

"Magneto must not have a intelligence requirement for henchmen with puns like that." Peter said very sarcastically.

"Get out of here Sabertooth. There nothing you can do here." Prof. X stated calmly.

"Yeah, I guess your right. Well, see ya later." With that Sabertooth turned and ran off into the darkness.

"Wow, I didn't figure him for the running type." Paul said while gentle setting the car back down onto the road.

"Sabertooth May look it, but he's not stupid. He knows when he is not able to do anything." the Professor explained.

"Well, I'm glad. Besides I thought I had killed him anyway. He most is one wickedly powerful mutant." Paul said.

"Yes. Let us get a move on. I want to get back to the mansion before to long." Prof. X said beginning to stroll down the sidewalk in his wheel chair. "Jean, you and Peter go and prep the jet. We'll be along shortly."

"Yes, sir" Jean answered.

"Um, I'm really glad that you have offered me the chance to come with you, but if it has to right now then I don't think that I can go with you. I still haven't talked to Sam yet, and I want to tell Marie to." Paul said.

"Ok, it doesn't have to be right this second, but I will need to be leaving soon. We can wait for to talk to your friends. And when you get to the school you won't be cut off from them. I wouldn't ever cut you off from your loves ones." replied Prof. Xavier.

"Still, I need to talk to Sam, so I'm going to go ever right now. Professor I really do want to join your school and feel that I belong to something." answered Paul.

"Ok, let's get to it." the Professor answered. Then they both turned and began to walk away.

When they arrived at Sam's house Paul asked the Professor to stay outside while he talked to Sam. As he walked up the sidewalk and on to the porch Paul heard a soft meow from Ralph, Sam's black and white cat. Paul extended his mind and gently picked the cat up into his arms. "Guess I won't be seeing you for awhile Ralph. Well, be good and don't drive those girl cats crazy or the boys cats." Paul shrugged and wondered, kinda smiling to himself while putting down the cat. Paul finally knocked on the door.

"Oh hi Paul, how are you doing?" asked Sam's mom waving him in.

"I'm doing well Mrs. Ledbetter. Can I talk to Sam?" Paul answered.

"Of course you can Paul. He's back in his room. Go own back." Mrs. Ledbetter replied shutting the door and heading back through another door.

"Thanks." Paul walked down the hall and stepped in front of the second door on the left. The door was slightly ajar, so Paul knocked softly and pushed open the door.

"Hey Sam. Oh hey Marie. I thought you were at work?" Paul said as he entered.

"I just got off and decided to come see Sam. I didn't get to see him at school today since we got out early." Marie replied.

"Hey?" Sam said with this expecting look on his face.

"Oh sorry. Hey, how's my little Sambo doing. Is he alright? I think I have a piece of gum somewhere." Paul said mockingly digging through his pockets.

"You know, I really hate it when you call me Sambo. I'm not a dog." Sam returned.

"Oh I know. That's why I do it." Paul answered smiling after sitting down on the bed with Marie and Sam. "I'm glad you both here cause there some stuff I need to tell you. Marie I know that we're best friends and that best friends are supposes to tell each other everything. But there is stuff that I haven't told you about me. I know that there is probably no good reason why I didn't tell you, but I just felt like I shouldn't. I didn't know how you would react." Marie just sat there with a pale look on her face waiting for Paul to continue. "Marie, I'm a mutant. I am a telekinetic. I can move things with my mind."

Marie seemed to be reacting well. At least she hadn't run for the room screaming. She just sat there calmly, waiting. "How long has Sam known?

"I just found out today. Paul asked me not to tell anyone so I said I won't." Sam put in.

"Why are you telling me now?" Marie asked.

"You know about Seth. Well Seth is a mutant to. His a telepathic mutant and he decided to get a couple of friends and try to kill me today at school. I had to defend myself and Sam was there and he saw me use my abilities." Paul explained.

"He did a little more than defend himself. He kicked ass!" Sam said enthusiastically patting Paul on the back.

"You both have heard of the X-Men right?" Both nodded and Paul continued. "Well, tonight Professor Xavier came down here and talked to me about joining them. To help me learn more about my abilities and to be in a place I can be more accepted. Their based out of New York and I really want to join them. I feel that I am suppose to do this. You guys are like my family and I do care what you think, but I know this is right. I have to do this."

"Hey, whatever you think is right for you is what you should do. I just what you to be happy. And I don't give a shit where you go as long as I hear from you at least once a week." Sam said smiling.

"Yeah, as long as you're happy, I'm happy." Marie replied. "When are you leaving?"

"Well, that's the thing. The Professor is outside. He wants me to go with him tonight."

"What, you're leaving tonight? How are we suppose to throw a going away party and get gifts and everything tonight?" Sam asked with mock panic jumping up off the bed.

"Well, your not gonna do that, but you can give me a hug goodbye for now. That's weird." Paul said looking around.

"What is it?" Marie asked.

"I feel this strange tugging on my mind, like I'm wanted somewhere else." Paul answered.


"Owww!" Paul said looking around everywhere.

<Paul, this is the Professor. I need to leave now, so if you are coming we must go.> the Professor said sounding very urgent.

"What, what!" Sam exclaimed.

"It's the Professor. He's talking to me telepathically. I have to go now. He says he has to leave now. Sorry guys, but I got to go." Paul said getting up.

"Wait, Paul. Don't I get a hug goodbye." Marie asked.

"Of course!" Paul said giving both of his best friends both long hugs. "I'll see ya'll soon, I promise."

"Hey Paul, you have fun and be safe. Oh and don't break any boys hearts, ok?" Sam said.

"Oh, I won't and I love ya'll. BYE!" Paul said as walked out of Sam's room and out of the house.

"What's wrong Professor?" Paul asked.

"I received a message from the Institute. New York City is under attack by Sentinels. Three members of my team are already on there way there, but they can't do it alone. They need Jean and Peter, and you if you what to help."

"Yes, I want to help, but I don't know how much I can offer." Paul answered.

"As long as there is a will there is a way. Let us go." The Professor said.

"Will we get there in time to help? New York is pretty far away."

"Oh, yes. Jean should be here with the jet pretty soon. Wait there she is now." the Professor replied

The X-Jet landed just in front of where Paul and Xavier were standing in the street and a landing ramp lower into place. Peter looked out and motioned them aboard. Paul followed the Professor aboard and took a seat next to Peter near the back.

"Well Paul, welcome to the X-Men." Peter said as he strapped himself in and the jet took off.


Next: Chapter 3

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