Ultimate X Men

By Jonathan

Published on Aug 20, 2003


Ok, First off, I know nothing of the sexuality of any person mentioned in this story. And I don't know any of them and never will. Secondly, Stan Lee created X-Men and all its characters. Copyright of Marvel Comics and 20th Century Fox. X-Men Evolution is owned by the WB network. Third, email if you want at: xmanpaul@hotmail.com This story is based off The Ultimate X-Men comic strip. The story, however, will be quite different from the comic book. So read on if you want.

I am so SORRY it this chapter took so long to get out. But it is longer than the other so I hope that helps a little. Well, hope y'all enjoy!

I'd like to thank Dash, Josh, and Larissa for reading over everything multiple times! Thanks guys!

'Indicates someone think to themselves' {Indicates communication over a comlink.}

Chapter 8

"Hey, babe." Paul smiled at Scott as he and Jean walked into the kitchen. Scott was sitting at the table reading something as he ate.

"Babe?" Scott asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"What?" Paul leaned down for a quick kiss before walking over to the refrigerator. "You don't like me callin' you that?"

"I guess its ok. Just don't call me honey-bun or something like that." Scott took a bite out of his sandwich before looking at Jean, who was giggling. "What? I'm totally serious about the honey-bun thing." Scott said shaking his book at Jean. "Do you know what a name like honey-bun could do to a team leader's reputation?"

Paul just laughed at his boyfriend and sat down at the table beside him. He hooked his leg around Scott's and settled into the chair. They were still in that 'can't-keep-their-hands-off-each-other' stage, and Paul was loving it. It was kind of difficult to get to Scott to do anything while around other people. Scott was totally against any kind of PDA, but Paul was working on him. And they had only been dating for almost three weeks so it was understandable Scott wasn't use to it yet.

A lot had happen in the two weeks that passed since that whole thing with Seth gone down. After performing a medical exam on Seth, Jean and Hank found some anomalies in Seth brain matter. Anomalies that they couldn't explain and they had to assume were caused by the experimentation that Magneto had done on Seth. But since Seth had never woken up from his coma they couldn't ask him what exactly Magento had done.

Paul had agreed, after some convincing from the Professor, to have Seth sent a facility in Scotland under the administration of Xavier's ex-wife, Dr. Moira Taggert. She operated a facility that specialized in helping mutants that could not control their own abilities. She was also one of the world's foremost genetic scientists. Xavier thought that she could help Seth.

The team had been doing a lot of training in the last two weeks. Paul was really getting to the swing on being a member of a team. Strangely, they hadn't any missions recently, but the Professor had grown confident of their abilities in combat for observing their training sessions.

"So where are you two heading now?" Scott asked leaning back and putting his arm around Paul's shoulder, a jester that pleased Paul a lot and he just leaned into Scott.

"Well, we're just getting some food then Paul's going to help me with my hand-to-hand skills." Jean raised form her chair to get something to eat.

"You know, I'm really liking this new teaching set up. I only have two students now. And Storm will complete the course soon. Then I'll only have Rebecca to teach." Scott smiled at Paul.

"Jean is very good student. Bobby is to, when he shows up for practice. Jean will be done with her trainin' pretty soon. It's gonna take Bobby a little longer, though." Paul took a swing of his drink and then screwed the lip back on it.

"I was thinkin'," Paul began, "I know that it's gonna be a white Christmas up here, seeing as how everything is already covered in snow, but I've always wanted to spend Christmas in the mountains. You know, go skyiin' and stuff. Do y'all think the Professor would let us get a house in the Catskills or something?" He said looking to Jean and then Scott hopefully.

"I don't see why he wouldn't. You should just ask him. I'd love to go there for Christmas." Jean answered popping a few grapes in her mouth.

"I know I wouldn't mind being snowed in a warm mountain cabin with you for a couple of days." Scott squeezed Paul's shoulder and smiled.

"Oh! Jean, you want to go shoppin' later today after the session? I need to get some Christmas stuff." Paul asked taking another sip from his drink.

"Why didn't you ask me?" Scott asked with almost a wounded look.

"Cause, you can't go because some of the gifts I'm getting' are for you." Paul patted Scott's knee in comfort. "See, I've already gotten Jean's so she can go." Paul smiled at his boyfriend.

"Oh, ok."

"Yeah, I can go. I actually need to get Scott's gift too. So that will work out just fine." Jean finally said.

"Great! Can we take your Explorer, Scott?" Paul asked cuddling up to Scott and offering the sweetest smile he could muster. Scott seemed to consider the request while looking for Paul to Jean.

"Yeah, sure. It's fine." He said finally.

"Thanks!" Paul reached and quickly kissed Scott on the cheek.

"We still on for tonight?" Scott asked a smiling Paul.

"We sure are. Can't wait! Our first official date. You know? Most people that have been together fer three weeks have already had a first date." Paul observed out loud.

"Yes, well we aren't most people." Scott said lightly.

"That's very true." Paul said standing up from the table. "Shall get on with your training, Jeanie?" Paul asked with an over exaggerated bow and a very bad English accent.

"Why yes, kind sir. We shall." With that, Paul kissed Scott again and the two telekinetics made their way out of the room.

"Ok, start with the combo we just went through. We'll begin at a slower speed then gradually speed up. Once you've got through them four times switch into freestyle. Go with whatever you want. And then we should be finished for the day." Paul explained to Jean. They stood in the middle of the Danger Room finishing up the hand-to-hand combat session.

"Ya ready?" Jean nodded. "Oh, and I know the whole fighting to music thing is a bit weird, but I'm a bit weird so, oh well. Ok, anyway! Computer, begin music, track four." Paul stated firmly. 'Signs' by Creed blared from the walls of the large and Jean began the sequence of moves they just went over.

She stared off slowly. First with a right jab, then a left punch to the face, and then a kick to the rib cage. All this stuff was becoming easier for her. To honest, it wasn't her thing, but she understood that in their line of work she needed to be able to protect herself.

She continued through the moves and reached the end of the series. She sped her attacks up and increased the amount of physical strength behind them. Paul was a pretty decent teacher. He didn't push her to hard or get angry when she didn't do something right.

Jean was so glad that Paul was a member of the team. They were quickly becoming very good friends. Paul had told her a lot about his past and she was amazed that he had gotten through some of the events in his life. Not everyone could have. She was glad, however, that Paul didn't let any of the get him down or depressed.

Paul was right. The music did help. Jean relaxed her mind into the music and let her body do the work. Paul had a very visible affected on Scott as well and Jean, as well as most of the others, was happy about that. Not that Scott had been difficult to get along with or unkind or anything. He had just been a bit ...boring. Yes, boring. But not anymore. Well, not as bad as before, anyway. She guessed Paul just had that effect on people. Peter was even more involved than he had been before. Paul got along with everyone.

After finishing the fourth sequence, Jean started into the freestyle portion of the training. Jumping into the air and executing a roundhouse kick, which Paul ducked under, Jean landed softly on the floor. She pulled a left a punch and then committed with her right, but Paul blocked.

Well, most everyone. Logan seemed to present some problems now and again. Jean assumed, though, that Paul's small spats with Logan stemmed more from the little testosterone battle that Scott and Logan seemed to be constantly locked in. Still, Paul made an effort to get along with Logan, and they did get along, for the most part.

"Well, that was a good session, Jean." Paul said wiping the sweat off his forehead with a towel. "Two more and you're done."

"Yup, and then I'm sure there will be some other class to take." Jean said back taking a swing of water from her bottle.

"Well, meet you in the garage in like twenty? We can go for there?" Paul asked.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be ready." Paul turned to leave the Danger Room. "Wait. Better make it thirty." Jean told him.

"Ok, see ya in thirty minutes."

Paul got back to his room in a little under a minute and started to gather his stuff to head for the shower. He pulled out some jeans and t-shirt. Then his boots. He started looking for his favorite sweatshirt. Ok, Scott's favorite sweatshirt, but Scott had more or less given it to him. And now he couldn't find it. 'I want to wear that shirt!' Paul thought to himself. 'Arrrrggggghhhhh! Where is it!?' It smelled like Scott therefore he must have it!

Paul started maliciously tearing his closet apart. Throwing clothes everywhere. Then it donned on him. He had left it in Scott's room last night. He'd been in there for a little above the belt extra-curricular activity. Yeah, they hadn't exactly 'sealed the deal' and that was something Paul was kind of happy about that. He wanted what they had to last, for the long run, and didn't want to rush it. All Paul knew was soon. Very, very soon.

Paul walked out of his room and up to Scott's door. He knocked twice and waited for Scott to let him in. No reply came so he knocked again. "Scott?" he said loud enough to heard through the door. This time he got a rough, "Yeah." And he opened the door and went inside.

Scott was standing in front of his window, fists clenched. He was fuming. His face was red and Paul could even see the veins on his neck pulsing from his place at the door. As Paul approached Scott he could feel the anger radiating off him in waves. Something had thoroughly pissed him off.

He started to try to relieve the tension in Scott by rubbing his shoulders. "What's wrong?" Paul asked softly.

"Nothing, I'm fine." Scott answered sharply. Paul's only reply was a 'hmmmph' that Scott knew was meant to say 'yeah, right!'

"So, you wanna talk about," Paul more stated than asked. He took by the shoulders and turned him around so they were facing each other.

"Honestly, not really." Scott answered and then tried to change the subject. "I thought you and Jean were going into to town?"

"We are, I just came to get the sweatshirt I left in here last night." Paul said walking over to where the shirt was hanging on a chair. He picked up the shirt and turned the chair around and sat down. Paul could probably guess who was responsible for his mood. "What'd he do this time?"

With a heavy sigh as plopped onto his bed, Scott finally started to talk. "He's just an asshole! I try to be nice to him, but he just won't have none of it. We were in Professor X's office talking about some of the training sessions we've had. And he kept making these comments that weren't directed at my command abilities out right, but I knew that's how he meant them. I don't even know why he was in there with us. He's the newest member of the team and Xavier's already asking his opinion about things."

"Well, he does supposedly have a lot of military experience. Xavier may have just wanted another opinion. He likes to cover all the bases Scott." Paul said trying to bring some logic to the situation. And Paul wasn't about to tell Scott that he thought Logan was hitting on him every chance he got. He could deal with that on his own. In a nice, civil manner.

"I know," another sigh. "I just wish he wouldn't act so arrogantly about it. And you know what's worse? He's got me questioning some of the decisions that I make during combat situations. And that is definitely something I don't need. It's like I know I'm right, but I still question my decisions. Why do I let him do that to me?"

"Just stop yourself from even thinking about what his opinion would be. Just do what you think is best and go with. And remember that people make mistakes." Paul said getting up and heading to the bed. "Everyone. Even the perfect ones." Paul said with a smile and a lingering kiss. "Just do what I do when people piss me off. Nice lil' sayin' that goes with the attitude. 'Fuck the dumb shit.' Works quite well for me." "Yeah, I guess it does." Scott said pulling Paul down to him by his t-shirt for a kiss. "Ok, I'll see you later and we're still going to tonight, right?" Scott seemed at least a little less angry.

"Yeahsureyoubetcha!" Paul needed to get ready to go, but now he had another stop he needed to make. "Oh! Keys?" Scott pointed to his dresser. Paul spotted the keys and plucked them from their spot on the dresser across the room. They landed in his hand neatly and he smiled to Scott then left.

The Professor had been doing a lot of training with Paul over the last few weeks. Particularly with his telempathic abilities. Paul could pretty easily sense other people emotions. Know what they were feeling and such. He could also sense the location and number of people within a certain distance around him. He was yet to be able to directly identify people or influence them emotionally, but that would come with time and practice.

Paul took a claming breath as he walked towards the stairs. He focused his mind and extended his empathic abilities. He felt that Scott was the only other person in this wing of the house and he trotted down the stairs en route for the elevator. Once he reached the bottom floor he stepped out and repeated his earlier exercise. The bottom for housed the main hangar bay. As well as the gym and lower level of the Danger Room, which took up two floors.

Paul sensed three other people on the level, all in the gym. His intended target was likely to be in the gym so headed there. When the metal doors slide apart he saw Storm running of one of the many treadmills. Peter was lifting free weights off in the corner and his goal was going at that the barbells pretty hard. Paul swiftly walked over to the man and stopped right in front of him, hands on his hips.

"There's some stuff we need to talk about, Logan." Paul said in a polite manner.

"Really?" Logan sat up from the weight bench and wiped the sweat from his brow. "Like what?"

"Like the fact that everyday you find some new inventive way to piss my boyfriend off. It's really getting' quite old." Paul said still using a civil tone. "Could you just please attempt to be nice to him? It can't be that hard. People suppress emotion all the time, even you. And trust me, I know. And its one thing to have spats with someone, but its getting' to point where your remarks are makin' him question himself. That, Logan is the last thing we, as a team, need to happen."

"Hey! It ain't my fault if your little pansy-ass boyfriend can't get his act together." Logan said raising his voice.

Now that really pissed Paul off. He wasn't one to be usually set off by words, but for some unknown reason Logan's word crossed some line in his mind. "Ok, I tend to try not to cuss AT people because I, myself, find it a little harsh. But..." Paul said with a humorless smile and not letting Logan get a word in, at all. "Back the fuck off, Logan. Leave Scott the hell alone. I know you're adept at dishin' out physical damage and from the looks of it you're pretty good at the emotionally kind as well. And that, in my book, is just as bad." Some much for being civil.

Logan sat coolly on the weight bench through Paul's little tirade. His facial expression not changing throughout.

"Cause if you mess with Scott you definitely mess with me. And trust me, if you hurt in way, shape, or form I will deal with you." Paul stared into Logan's eye for a moment before walking off. But before he got to far away he stopped and turned around. "Oh, and stop fuckin' starin' my ass every chance you can manage." Paul finished and headed out the metal doors.

Ororo had stopped her running almost immediately when she had heard Paul start yelling. Peter too had stopped what he was doing. Now they both stood in their respective spot surprised at what had just taken place.

Paul had taken a showered and dressed quickly after his visit to the gym. He made sure he securely bundled up in Scott's, oops his sweatshirt, and he met Jean in garage only about a minute after he had said he would. He could still feel the blood pumping through his body. He hadn't gotten that mad in a while. Especially over something so childish.

No. Not childish at all. Logan was debasing Scott and that should piss him off. He just hadn't figured it would so utterly piss him off. But it was over now.

What had he just told Scott? 'Fuck the dumb shit! You should listen to yourself, Paul.' He took a claming breath and smiled at Jean who was leaning against Scott's black 2003 Ford Explorer. "Ya ready?"

"Yup, sure am." She said climbing into the passenger side of the SUV. Paul walked round the front and climbed in as well.

"Any musical preferences?" Paul asked as he turned the key in the ignition and fastened his selt belt.

"Anything is fine." She answered. They were soon out of the garage and on their way down the interstate. They mostly listen to music and made sure the heat was on. The ride was pretty quite as far as conversation went, until Jean spoke up.

"I have a question to ask. And this may be completely off mark, but I have to ask someone." She said turning to look at Paul from the passenger's side seat.

"Ask away."

"Have you noticed, at all, Logan flirting or hitting on me?" She asked. Paul was a bit surprised to be honest. He hadn't expected a question like that.

"Are you serious?" He asked abruptly. Jean was a little taken back by the tone of Paul's question, and Paul noticed. She looked a little hurt and it took a second for Paul to figure out why. "No! I didn't mean it like that. Of course, I think Logan WOULD hit on you. I just thought that he's been hittin' on me. It's kinda annoyin' to be honest. I hope he does like you. But no, to answer your question, I haven't notice Logan hittin' on you."

"Well, every time I turn around I catch him staring at my ass. "

"Hey!" Paul said in agreement. "Me too."

"And he takes every chance he can get to touch me on the arm or the shoulder."

"Ok, he doesn't do that to me. Maybe he just likes butts." Paul said hopefully. This whole Logan ordeal was getting old already, and it hadn't been go on for but like a week! "Maybe he likes you!" Paul offered optimistically. "Do you like him?"

"Well, maybe." Jean said smiling a little.

"He is hot." Paul submits helpfully.

"And he can be slightly nice sometimes."


"Ok, yes he is nice." Paul agreed after receiving an incredulous look. "Sometimes." Paul settled. "I just wish Scott and him would get along better. I think I'm gonna try and get Scott to be a little more amicable." Paul said more to himself than Jean.

"Well, maybe I should just ask him out." Jean said scratching her ear.

"Why don't you just do your little mind readin' thing?" Paul asked her. He probably wouldn't if he could, but he didn't know Jean's position on the particular issue.

"I wouldn't read someone's mind to see if they liked me!" Jean said loudly. "That's just wrong!" Again with loudness. "And, plus, I've already tried. He has some kind of mind block thing going on." She said with an innocence smile. "So, the old fashion way it is."

"I think that way's probably better anyway." Paul said as he got onto the exit ramp of the interstate. He saw a large billboard for a sport store and then he remembered something. "Oh shit!"

"What?" Jean jumped at his exclamation.

"Me and Petie are s'pose to play in a rec soccer game today! In two and a half hours. I guess this shopping trip won't be as long as we thought. I can't believe I forgot. Ok, I can some of the stuff I need at the mall. What about you?" Paul said not taking a breath while thinking out loud.

"Yeah that mall's fine. You're playing soccer in this weather?"

"Oh yeah! And it's an indoor game. The mall it is."

They soon pulled into the mall and had problems finding a parking spot at all. They both got out and headed for the mall.

"Oh, Structure. We should head there." Jean said pulling Paul towards the store as soon as they entered the large mall doors.

"What you gotta get in here, Jeanie?" Paul asked.

"Well, I heard Peter and Hank saying something about this place and figured I could get them something from here."

"Ok, well. I got a Hank a sweater already. And Petie seems like more of an IZOD kinda guy to me." Paul said picking up a pair of jeans, looking them over, and putting them back on the shelf.

Jean looked around a little more and then purchased a few items and they headed out of the store. They decided since they didn't have a lot of time that they would split up and both headed their separate ways.

Paul hit a few stores and bought a few things, including a rather nice cowboy hat for Logan. Paul figured Logan would like it and he had to mend the fences somehow. And on the bright side, if Logan didn't like the hat Paul did. He also got these sexy pants, for himself, that he figured Scott just might consider as a gift.

After that, Paul headed for his final store, the Pet store. He'd always wanted a dog and figured now was as good of a time as any. He planned to kind of give it to Scott as a Christmas gift, but it wasn't completely for Scott. He didn't really know how this was gonna work, but this dog would be his too. Since, he was about some much money for it and all.

"Hi, how are you today?" asked the clerk at the front counter.

"I'm doin' good thanks." Paul answered with quite a bit of southern accent. "I'm lookin' for a male golden retriever. Ya got any?"

"Yes, sir. We sure do. Right this way." The young man answered.

Paul followed the clerk and soon had picked out his brand new puppy. While he was checking out he called Jean on his cell phone and told her he would me her at the car. Paul walked out of the store struggling to carry the dog, the supplies for the dog, and his other purchases. He could have easily carried the load telekinetically, but didn't want to attract unwanted attention.

Charlie, the puppy, wasn't making it any easier. He kept licking Paul in the face and on the neck. And he squirmed, a lot! He managed to get out of the mall and half way to the car before Charlie's incessant wiggling proved too much for Paul to handle and the dog jumped from his arms. Paul cushioned the dog's fall telekinetically and held in place until he was able to set a few of the other things down first.

Paul could see the explorer and Jean sitting right inside. Paul called out to her mentally. Nothing fancy just 'Hey, come help me please.' Jean quickly got out the car and after looking around briefly she came to Paul's aid. 'Hey, how'd she get in the car?' Paul thought to himself.

"How'd you get in the car?" Paul asked her when she got within ear-shot.

"You forgot to lock the car." She said with a smirk. "Oh my gosh, that's the cutest dog I've ever seen. Wait, you bought I dog?"

"Sure did. I've always wanted a dog." Paul said normally. "I kinda bought it for me and Scott. I hope I don't scare him off. Scott, I mean. I guess its not really gonna be Scott's dog considering I've already named him and if I don't sleep in Scott's room Charlie will be sleepin' with me." Paul smiled warmly. "You think Scott will think its weird?"


"Yeah, in memory of my first pet. He was a little gold fish and it took me four days to finally settle on the name Charlie for the fish. I was like eight years old at the time. Yeah, it was sad. The first four days of Charlie's life he was nameless. And then, two days later, he died."

"Oh, that's sad. And don't think Scott will think its weird, but you never know. You males sure are hard to predict sometimes. He'll be fine with it." Jean reassured Paul as she petted the little puppy. Paul pulled the leash from one of the bags and attached it to the collar that was already on the dog. Charlie yapped at Jean a few times and licked her face as well.

With Jean carrying pretty much only the dog, Paul picked up the rest of his bags and headed for the explorer. They packed away the bags then packed themselves into the car and went on their way. Jean held Charlie on her lap for the ride home. Which was spent with both mutants laughing at the canine. They arrived at the mansion not to long there after and pulled into the garage.

"Ok, I'll come back and get me stuff in a minute. I want to introduce Charlie to his half owner first." Paul said and grabbed Charlie and headed into the house. Paul got lucky. The first person he met was the Professor.

"Hey Professor, I'd like you to meet Charlie." Paul said holding the dog where Xavier could easily see and pet Charlie if he wanted to. Then in it donned on him. The Professor first name is Charles. 'Is he gonna think I named my dog after him?'

"Well, nice to meet you Charlie." Xavier said scratching the dog behind he's right ear. "He's quite a beautiful dog.'

"Yes he is, sir." 'He seems to be fine with the name' "Um, do you know where Scott is by any chance?"

"Yes, he is working on your new fighter design in the hanger bay with Hank." Professor X nodded.

"You mean Hanks new design." Paul stated. "I didn't do much more than provide helpful comments."

"That's not what I understood." He said. "But yes, Scott is there."

"Thanks." Paul and Charlie got on the elevator and headed for the hangar bay. He met Ororo on the way to the hangar who did the 'oh, how cute' thing about the dog again. It wasn't long before they made it to the hangar. The metal doors slid smoothly open.

Paul spotted his two teammates digging through the guts of very small plane. Beast hung upside-down from a bar as he tinkered with something or another, with his shirt off. 'Beast has a nice body, if you're into short and stocky.' Paul thought to himself. Scott walked out from behind the fighter also shirtless. Paul's eyed Scott questioningly as they walked towards each other.

"Woof!" Paul yelled playful walking towards Scott, Charlie following. "Why exactly do y'all have your shirts off? Its not really hot or even warm in here." Paul took full advantage of Scott's shirtlessness and ran his fingers over Scott's abs on their way to his waist. Paul hooked his arm behind Scott and pulled him into a long, lingering kiss. "Not that I'm complaining or anything."

"Grease is easier to clean off skin than fabric. And who's this?" Scott asked kneeling down to pet Charlie.

"This is Charlie. He's kinda like a Christmas gift for you and me. I mean, kinda like a gift I bought for myself and you. Not that you need to take care of him or anything. I just always wanted a dog and you seem like a dog person to me." Paul rambled out kneeling as well.

"That's cool. I've always wanted a dog too. Never had one growing up." Scott leaned forward and kissed Paul quickly. "He's really cute."

"I'm glad you don't mind my weirdness." Paul answered and unhooked Charlie from his leash. The puppy ran out from under Paul's feet and then took off towards Hank, who had just climbed out from the inside of the new plane. Charlie yapped at Hank's huge feet until Beast scooped him up in his arm.

"Well, I got to run and grab Pete so we won't be late for our soccer game." Paul said glancing down at his watch. "I gotta feed Charlie too. I was gonna take him with us."

"You have a soccer game in this weather?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, it's indoor."

"Well, I'd like to come if you don't mind." Scott returned.

"Me too." Hank smiled at Charlie while he licked his nose.

"Well great! We gotta leave soon, so if y'all wanna ride with us you better hurry." He said as he walked to Hank and pulled Charlie into his arms.

"Maybe we can just leave for our date after your game. Is there a shower there?" Scott asked with hopeful smile. "It will cut down on time."

"Yeah that would be great!" Paul agreed. "Snap to it boys! You got like five minutes here!" Paul said with a chuckle as he left.

The game went really well. The six-man team that Paul and Peter were on pretty much slaughtered the other team. Paul was kind of surprised that all the X-Men were in attendance at the soccer game. Including Logan, which was weird to Paul but not a big deal at all. He was happy to put pettiness aside and move on.

Paul walked out of the men's locker room dressed to the nines. His tan ribbed, v-neck sweater fit him snuggly and went well with his black chinos. He loved the black Rockport shoes he was wearing, which he should love since he paid a LOT of money for them. He had taken thirty seconds to gel his hair and then pulled on his leather jacket.

The others had left already and Scott was waiting for him at his explorer. The gym door shut behind Paul with a click and his breath fogged in the cold winter air. Pulling his coat around more tightly and tucked his bare hands under his arm pits as he headed towards the single vehicle in the parking lot, the snow crunching underfoot.

Scott was leaning against his car looking pretty good in his dark blue shirt, gray pants, and his own leather coat. Paul slid his arms on the inside of Scott's coat and affectively wrapped himself around Scott. The winter air was chilling and Paul didn't like to be cold. He put his head down on Scott's shoulder and sighed heavily.

"Hey." Paul said with almost a chattering sound following.

"Hey, you ready to go?" Scott asked softly as he tightened his arms around Paul.

"Yeahsureyoubetcha." Paul could feel Scott's smile against his hair. Paul unlatched himself from Scott and headed towards the passenger's side of the car. With a thought the door opened.

"Hey, I was gonna do that." Scott protested standing by the car as Paul got inside.

"It's the thought that matters." Paul said with his best innocent smile. Scott just smiled back and jogged around the car to hop in. "So what extravagant plans do you have for us to do in the, what?" Paul said looking down at his watch, "Two and a half hours that we have before that mission briefing thingy."

"I figured we'd just go get something to eat. I know this really nice place I'd like to take you. You like Chinese food? I'm talkin' about real Chinese food, not the kind you eat in fifteen minutes." Scott said pulling out of the parking lot and getting on the interstate.

"Oh yeah, I love most all the Chinese food I've ever had." Paul laced the fingers of his left hand into Scott's, heaved a content sigh, and snuggled himself as close to Scott and as far into the leather seat as he possibly could. Paul just laid back enjoying the ride and the companionable silence that came with it.

They pulled into the parking lot of what looked like a pretty old building and Scott parked the explorer in one of the few vacant spots. Paul sat up and looked at Scott who held up a single finger telling Paul to wait. Scott extracted himself from the car and trotted around to the other door and pulled it open.

"Thank you." Paul smiled to Scott and turned towards the restaurant. Scott fell in beside Paul. Paul almost had a heart attack when Scott took his hand. Scott was against the whole PDA thing. Display of affection was something that Paul had practically forced on him. Even when they were just around their teammates. He looked at Scott.

"Everything all right?" Paul asked suspiciously, eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, fine." Scott said with a smile and a squeeze of Paul's hand. "Just have fun, ok?"

"Oh, I'm havin' fun!" Paul assured.

Scott chuckled as he started to open the door, but Paul was quicker. "My turn." Paul said as he pulled open the door for Scott.

The host walked up to them and asked for the name. Scott answered him and they were asked to follow. Scott underestimated the restaurant a little by saying it was nice. Paul would have said something more like amazing. There were large, dark columns of wood every few feet that extended to the ceiling. What looked like a smokey colored marble, to Paul at least, running in the between the columns. The floor was white marble as well and there was soft classic music flowing easily across the room. There were a few tables sat out in the open, but most of the tables were tucked in little niches. Almost completely private.

Scott and Paul were directed to a booth and took their respective seats on the large pillows that lined everything. Paul set both of their coats in the corner of the booth. The booth itself had a soft, romantic ambience to it. The host handed them their menus and left discreetly. Mere moments later a young woman appeared and asked for there drink orders. They gave them and she disappeared as quickly as she came.

"So, you like it?" Scott asked hopefully. "This place, I mean."

"This restaurant is amazing. How'd you find it?"

"I've been here before. I really liked it then and I like it now." Scott smiled sweetly to Paul and again took his hand, running his thumb tentatively over Paul's palm.

"I'm really tired for some reason." Paul said scooting closer to Scott on the huge pillows. He pulled Scott's arm around his shoulder and settle himself into Scott's shoulder comfortably.

"Well, you probably won't get to rest that much anytime soon." Scott said with regret in his voice. "We have the briefing in an hour and a half. And then mission for the senator begins." Scott pulled Paul in a little closer.

"Yeah, I know. At least it has been pretty quite lately. So, I'm not complainin'." Just then the waitress returned with their drinks and offered a smile as she entered the booth. Paul could feel Scott tense a little when he realized they were no longer alone. Paul decided he'd be nice and sat up. He thanked the waitress for his drink and she asked if they were ready to order.

They proceeded to order. Paul getting the Lemon Pepper Shrimp and Scott getting something Paul didn't even pretend he could pronounce. As they waited it was pretty quite. They just sat and talked about nothing in particular. The conversation remained light and unimportant throughout the meal. Just the way it should be. They just enjoyed each other's company.

"Lay down." Paul simply once he was sure Scott was finished eatng. "On your stomach."

"What? Why?" Scott asked doubtfully.

"Just do it. Trust me." Paul smiled and reluctantly Scott complied. Once Scott was where Paul wanted him Paul straddled his back. Sitting lightly on Scott's butt he began to massage all tension out of his muscle. Paul started with his shoulders and worked his hands out and down Scott's body, slowly. Scott made encouraging noises and seemed to like what Paul was doing.

Paul liked the feeling of his hands working over his boyfriend's taut muscles. He fought hard not to take the massage to a place they really couldn't go in a public place. So he took what he could get and finished up the massage just as the waitress came back to leave the check. They had just enough time to get back to the mansion for the briefing. They gathered their coats and Scott insisted on paying, which Paul protested at first but finally gave in for the sake of time.

Paul waited by the passenger side door with a smile, and Scott just rolled his eyes as he opened the door for him. Paul didn't feel so tired anymore and decide he was in the mood for something loud. After looking through Scott's cd selection he decided on the newest Fuel album and turned it to 'Hemorrhage'. Pumping the volume up and smile at Scott they were off to the mansion.

They weren't on the interstate long before the traffic came almost a complete stop. Scott stretched up but couldn't see over the van in front of them. "We really don't time for this." He continued to try and ascertain the cause of the delay. He didn't notice the Paul's tightening grip on the door handle or the terrified look on his face. He finally looked when Paul said something so softly he didn't hear him clearly. "What?"

"Something's wrong." He said more plainly, but with just as much trepidation. Scott hadn't seen him this scared before and he barely had time to react when Paul practically jumped from the car. Standing there, Paul looked fatigued and exhausted. His shoulder slumped and using the car for support.

"Where are you going?" Scott asked. "What's wrong? Why are you so scared?" He asked quickly.

"I'm not scared." Paul said quietly. He sounded normal again. He stood upright now and his face no longer held the emotional panic it had moments ago. "They are. I have to help them."

Paul felt a rush of sheer terror as the explorer came to a stop on the crowded interstate. He'd never felt such a fear. It felt like it was trying to crush him. His hand tightened around the handle of door until his knuckles were white and, for a moment, he stopped breathing.

There was a flash and suddenly he wasn't in the car with anymore. He was standing near a bridge passing over the interstate. There was a trailer of a transfer truck slipping over the edge of the bridge. A small, red car fell over the side of the bridge and crashed into the cement of interstate. He heard someone scream and abruptly back inside the explorer again. Paul shook his head in an attempt to clear the confusion away. "Something's wrong." He said, almost under his breath.

Paul repeated himself when Scott said something and quickly got out of the car. He had to pull himself together if was going to help this people. The emotions he was feeling were overwhelming, though. He could he the fear in his bones. It was strange to feel this much panic. He felt tired again, but more so than before. He had to block out the emotion he was feeling. Had to. Or he would be useless.

"I'm not scared. They are. I have to help them."

Pulling into himself and focusing his energies Paul closed his eyes. He swiftly felt the calmness returning to him. He straightened himself out and headed towards the bridge. He picked Scott up into the air also tucked him in securely at his side as Paul moved them through the cold night sky.

Paul surveyed the scene as they drew closer. The trailer hung from the bridge by, what looked like, barely anything at all. There was a van perched on the edge and seemed ready to fall. Paul was only twenty or so meters away now and he soon reached five meters as the green van began to fall. He reached out with his mind caught the van just as in was to slam into the cars below. Moving it to the grassy area beside the interstate he turned it over properly and set the van down. The family inside looked shocked and relieved at the same time.

Just as turned his attention back to the trailer it began to fall. Paul threw out his hand slowing, but not completely stopping its descent. He told Scott to get the people out from under the trailer he could as he set them down to the ground. Paul wasn't sure he could completely stop the trailer.

The trailer was still moving at a decent rate of speed, but Paul weaved his way through the car and under the trailer to push up with all his might. Both hands extended up and focusing all the energy he could he pushed at the object. Paul estimated the trailer easily weighted at least eight tons. Something that Paul should be able to stop, no questions asked.

But with the strain of the all the heavy emotions weighing on his mind it was all he could do to stop the trailer's fall. He could see Scott hurrying people out of the way and a few police officers helping as well.

Paul now stood directly under the falling trailer and he could feel the pressure building in his head. He knew the feeling well. He felt this way every time he was started to over-extend his abilities. But, right now, he didn't have much of a choice. The trailer slowed and stop only inches above Paul's fingertips. Sweat was beading down his forehead as he moved the trailer into grass-covered median.

Paul braced himself against one of cars he was standing by for a moment. Letting his head stop throbbing some. After a few moments, he lifted himself straight up through the air until he was level with the bridge.

It definitely looked there had been a wreck, but the trailer looked more ripped away from the truck than something that could have happened as a result of the accident. It certainly didn't look like it had happen by accident. The metal was jagged and bent unnaturally. He didn't have time worry about it now. He quickly bent the metal railing back into place as best he could and headed back down to Scott.

"Everyone ok?" Paul asked as he landed gently on asphalt.

"Yeah, they all seem to be fine. Well, at least the one you were able to help." Scott said walking around the parked cars to get to Paul. "There were a few cars that fell before we got here. And you're all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little head-ache." Paul smiled. "Are you?"

"Mm-hmm." Scott said squeezing Paul shoulder in support. "What happened back there?"

"I think. No, I know, that it had something to do with my telempathic powers. They went all wacky with all the emotion the people in the area were feeling, I guess. But, I'm good." Paul reassured.

"Good, we should head back. We're already late." Scott slid his arm around Paul as they headed back to the explorer. But they didn't get far before Paul stopped in his tracks. He paused for a second then jerked his body around. He barely had time to block the object that was thrown at them. He looked in the direction that the chuck of car debris came from to see a very angry man standing there.

"You damn mutants should go back to where ever you came from!" The man yelled as he picked up another piece of debris and hurled it them. Scott lifted his glasses slightly and knocked the object out of the way.

Paul felt as rush of anger and hatred sweep over him this time, mingling with the fear he felt. He felt as if wanted to rip anything in sight apart. He knew, though, that it was his power taking hold of him again. He knew that wasn't how he really felt.

"We don't want your kind around! Leave!" A woman from the crowd that was forming screamed. Several of the people were now screaming at the two mutants. Paul erected a telekinetic sheild to block the debris that was being flung at them.

"I can't believe this! We just saved some of your lives and this how you thank us?" Paul yelled at the crowd. Hearing these things from people he'd just saved enraged him. Paul knew they hadn't done anything to anger this people. Well, except maybe be born. 'Why can't they leave us alone?' Paul thought.

"We didn't ask for your help and do we want it!" Someone shouted.

"We don't have to hate each other. We can live in peace, but you people have to know that we want to help you not hurt you. I helped the people the wreck tonight because I knew it was my responsibility to." Paul pleaded them.

"You mutants are no better than vermin." A man roared from his vehicle. He was sitting in a dump truck in the same lane as Scott and Paul stood. There were only two cars between them and the truck. "KILL THE MUTANTS!" The man threw the truck into gear and slammed into the car in front of him. He began pushing the cars towards Paul and Scott.

Paul stretched out with his mind to push against the oncoming vehicles. Picking up the dump truck would have been no problem had it been sitting still. But with at the momentum behind it Paul had to down the shield that was protecting Scott and himself to focus all his energies on the truck. With a few gestures of his hands and a significant amount of telekinetic power Paul tipped the truck over. He careful cushioned the fall of the truck causing as little damage as possible. The driver scrambled from the truck and ran off.

Paul watched the carefully as he ran making sure that he caused no more harm. Paul could hear Scott talking to him and the yelling around continued to grow. "I think we should probably get out of here before something really bad happens." Scott suggested.

But while Paul had his attention on the fleeing man the crowd began to throw things again. Paul could hear Scott blasting objects into bits and piece. He turned to see a piece of debris that Scott missed fly into his head. Scott fell to ground and Paul thought he had been knocked unconscious, but he hadn't. Paul ran over to him. Scott rubbed the back of his head and Paul helped him sit up.

Paul kept any debris from hitting while he made sure Scott was all right. And tried to calm himself down. Hurting him was one thing, but messing with Scott was something totally different. "You're not bleeding. Do you feel all right?" 'Wow, that was a stupid question.' Paul thought as soon as it left his mouth.

"Yeah, fine. Let's getting out of here." But Paul wasn't listening. The rage he was feeling from the crowd was slowing seeping through the mental barrier he'd set up to block and the fact that they'd hurt Scott took over. Paul stood and walked towards the largest group of dissenters. They had grown in number and continued to hurl things at both of them. Paul was about fifteen meters away from Scott now, but stayed close enough to keep a shield around him.

Paul swept out both of his hand to his side and the four vehicle there slid across the pavement sideways. Metal shrieking and glass cracking as the car slammed into each other. He raised his hand to the group of people with the intention of knocking them all down. Nothing that would seriously hurt any of them but it would definitely get their attention. Scott grabbed his hand just as was getting ready to let loose the energy. "We need to go." He said softly.

Paul nodded and they both lifted easily into the air. They flew back towards the explorer and Paul picked it up quickly. Paul flew passed the still stagnant traffic with Scott and his explorer in tow.

As he set the car down he felt Scott's had slip onto his waist. He turned to face him. "Are you sure you're all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Paul answered quickly, as if his thoughts were somewhere else. Scott didn't look very convinced with Paul answer, but he let it drop as he opened the car door for Paul. Paul smiled weakly as he climbed into the explorer. His minded focused on the anger that still resonated in him. The hate that he had felt from those people, and his own fear and malice against them for not accepting him for he was. A person that wanted to help whoever he could.

Ok, I know that's a really weird place to end this chapter, but it worked for me. Once again I apologize that it took so long to get this chapter and I hope the next won't be as long. If y'all have any comment, questions, or suggestion please send 'em my way. Thanks!

Next: Chapter 9

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