
By Xing How

Published on Aug 13, 2002


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Part Two


I had been staying at The Raoul for almost two weeks. A week and a half of Toms' babying, nagging and consoling had left me calm and not quite as vengeful. I hadn't been accepting calls on my mobile from Trey and Toms wouldn't tell him where I was when he called. Toms just told Trey that I was fine and that I would see him when I was ready. Trey's calls had tapered off to about once a day when he showed up at my door.

I had been lying in the bath, on the phone with Kat, watching 'Haley' a shock block talk show full of swears, surprises and flying furniture. The host, now ancient, had been a child star in the early '00's; but after years of drugs and rehab could only get this trashy 'Mute-Gen' relationship show on the 'TV-net'. I was just having a thought free hour. When in he walked. Just walked in, without a knock or a hello. He walked into the bathroom to find me up to the neck in bubble bath with a half bottle of 'Moet' sitting on the steps up to the tub.

"I'll call you back, Kat."

"I mean that guy is sooo obviously a man!" She continued. "Huh? What? Why? What's going on?"

"Ok, I'll talk to you later" I said, falsely cheerful.

"Is it him?" she whispered.


"Gotchya, Give him hell, ay" She said as she hung up.

She must have been excited, she never allows Canadian-isms into her speech.

He stood in the doorway to the bathroom; one side of his mouth turned down, an eyebrow hitched up in amusement.

"So, Toms sold me out, did he?" I said.

"Nooo, I just waited for Credit card statement." He said smugly. "Nice total at 'Cartier' by the way"

"Thanks . . . What do you want?" I said, standing up letting the lukewarm water sluice the bubbles off my golden skin. I half hoped that the sight of me naked and wet would get a reaction from Trey. But, he just walked out of the room as I picked up a towel so I could dry off.

The towels were lightly scented with 'adzuki'. The toothy, green scent brought back memories of the last vacation Trey and I had spent together.

Looking back on our trip to Japan I see now that Trey had loved me, but any spark left over from the bonfire of our first 3 years was already guttering out.

It had been our fourth anniversary and Trey had asked me to plan a big trip. As usual he was in a work related panic and wouldn't have time to help me. He had mentioned something about seeing Europe but I thought that traveling in armed personnel carriers and walking down the Champs-Elysees wearing a bio-agent monitor might be a little less than fun.

Some thirty years later, the entire planet was still recovering from the '08 nuclear firefight in the Mid-East. Throughout the rest of the noughts the retaliatory bio warfare in the North-Eastern United States had yet to be fully felt but the US was a diplomatic pariah.

At the travel agent's I saw a lovely 'vid/synth' brochure about an all Asia tour, it was called 'The Empire of Nippon; An Opening Lotus'. Empress Aiko herself did the narration.

I had spent my early twenties in Australasia but had been unable to visit Nippon and her colonies because the Empire was still rather a turbulent place at the time.

Now, however, was a perfect time to go. The Empire had consolidated its holdings and peace flourished under the 'Rising Sun'.

War had ranged all over the European continent and the Middle East but Eastern Asia had been almost completely spared the ravages of war. Although their economies did sustain some heavy hits. Nippon was one of the first on its feet. Its dependence on nuclear power came in handy. They had 20,000 nuclear warheads ready to go by 2012. So in April of that year, while my parents sailed on the maiden voyage of Titanic II, Nippon invaded eastern China from Beijing to Shanghai. They threat of nuclear annihilation convinced China to capitulate quickly and quietly. By July Taiwan, newly British Hong Kong, Thailand, Laos, The Kingdom of Burma, and the Islamic State of Malaysia were colonised. Korea and Indonesia were taken by force in August. By September of 2012, all of Asia excluding the Indian subcontinent was under the control of the Emperor of Nippon.

Now Nippon reigned supreme over matters ranging from diplomacy to fashion. I knew the trip would be extraordinarily expensive, since we would have to pay in Yen. On the other hand, the vacation would be relatively all-inclusive, from the Supersonic from Dallas to New Edo as well as the cruise up the Mekong River. Not to mention the fact that the trip seemed like it would be romantic and exciting.

All had been well until we reached Thailand. A week at The Four Seasons Resort on Koh Samui was the last leg of our tour. We were staying in a lovely bungalow, complete with full-freon AC, a private chef, domestic service, and a small 'grotto' pool.

"Isn't this lovely Trey?" I said while being handed a Gin and Tonic by a gorgeous Thai youth in a sarong.

"If you don't mind how it got here" He said sipping his drink, the sweating Lalique refracted mini-rainbows.

I looked over at Trey and thought I detected new emotions swimming in his gold speckled eyes: contempt and annoyance.

I was getting a little angry; Trey had been a little standoffish since we sailed by Korea. With its deforested and denuded mountains, its lack of electricity starkly visible at night, as well as the biohazard masks the captain made everyone wear while outdoors; everyone aboard felt a little taken aback. We had all read about the brutal take over of Korea. The Nipponese had used anything and everything to subdue the Koreans. Finally, deciding to keep most of them miserable in a pre-industrial, subsistence hell and the strong and able bodied into slaves. Seeing such a miserable country from even our distance was unnerving.

"Trey, I'm not stupid. I lived in Asia . . .well, Australasia . . . for four years."

"I just can't believe you allowed us to be booked here." Trey said

"I gave you the brochures. If you had bothered to look at them you could have said something. But as usual I had to do it all myself." I said.

I sat down at the dining table, its edges carved to resemble bamboo, and looked out the louvered window towards the pool expecting him to apologize.

"Whatever, I guess you can do something else . . .by yourself . . .tonight." He said walking past the holographic stone lions with angrily toothed faces guarding the entrance to the bungalow and went out the door.

Trey didn't come back until the following morning. Slathered in Bloc100 I was sitting on our veranda having a croissant on a paper-thin bone china plate with lightly scalloped edges you could almost see through and some coffee in matching cup. I crossed my legs loving the Thai silk sarong I had bought the other day. It was pink and embroidered with orange elephants. I found the fabric rippling against my skin in the warm morning breeze decidedly sensual.

I could see a shadow coming upon me from behind. Before I turned my head towards the gentle archway from the sitting room Trey spoke.

"Look, I'm sorry about the way I behaved yesterday. It's just that travelling always stresses me out and everyone here looks at you so hungrily." Said Trey. "I guess I was feeling angry"

"Don't be silly, no one looks at an old man like me." I said and blushed.

I had noticed that many men had given me looks throughout our trip. There had been a large percentage of gay passengers on the cruises; I would dodge one come-on only to be faced with another.

"Do you forgive me?" Trey asked.

"Are you really really sorry?" I asked smiling.

He laughed and lifted me out of my chair one-handed with a grunt. He shrugged me up to his shoulders in a fireman's carry; my hips on his shoulder, my legs down his chest and his hand holding my ass.

"Stop it, the help are watching" I giggled as he carried me into the pale green bedroom.

"Not anymore" He said sliding the mahogany door shut.

He dumped me on the bed and crawled towards me from the foot of it. I watched his smooth shoulders rotate as he crawled, his lips curled into a cocky smile. His strong hands grabbed my ankles and slid me a bit closer towards him. He slid between my legs and spread them with his giant thighs while covering my face in kisses. I took his tongue into my mouth as he untied my sarong.

"I guess I forgive you" I said as my sarong fell open.

"Good" said Trey

He reared back and pulled off his shirt before coming down again and kissing me. Trey's hands slid down my smooth side. He was kneeling between my thighs and slid his hands along their smooth and sensitive tops. He looked me in the eyes as his hands slid between my legs. His thumbs pressed into that sensitive space where my thighs met my hips, behind my balls, while his fingers tickled my hipbones.

He lowered himself half on and half off of me. Our legs tangled and the arm not propping him up next to me traced itself from my armpit to my knee. His broad chest atop mine felt powerful and hot. I slid my hands down his back as his lips slid along my neck to my ear.

He slid his hand around my cock and jacked it a few times. Then he cupped my balls gently squeezing them in their smooth sac. I parted my legs and he dragged his fingers along my perineum before lightly teasing my hole. I started to moan in anticipation.

He lifted himself up on his elbow and slid his knees between my thighs again. He rose up and looked down at me his eyes sparking with desire. He leant down and lifted me up to his chest so I was straddling him and he dragged his cock along the length of his cock.

I reached over to the bedside table then behind my back and slicked Treys formidable weapon with lube. He positioned his mushroom head at the entrance to my sensitive hole.

I groaned loudly as he slid his familiar length inside me.

We kissed for a while as he gently rocked me back and forth on his cock. His pubic hair deliciously tickled my sensitive geesh.

He lowered me back to the bed and started to use longer and longer thrusts. He slid out of me almost completely and would slide all the way in hitting my prostate and filling me up.

Our moans filled the bedroom.

He lifted and spread my legs giving him greater access to my chute. We began fucking with wild abandon. I would gasp as I rose up to meet his thrusts and squeeze his cock tight with my ass. His washboard stomach was a tsunami of motion as we neared our climax.

I started frigging my cock, as Trey got closer to his orgasm. My precum coated my fingers. My orgasm came upon me quickly.

"ohh . . . ohhhh . . . ahhhhhh" I came fiercely. I splashed my neck and chest with cum.

"Oh Zar!!" I could feel Trey coating my ass with his orgasm. I felt spent and satisfied as I felt Trey pull out of me.

Trey went right to the shower. That was something he never did. He always stayed for pillow talk and we usually stewed in our juices sharing love-whispers for hours; even after three years.

My post orgasmic afterglow was short lived. I fell asleep before Trey got out of the shower.

That had been the beginning of the end.

I put on a blue and white kimono that Trey had bought for me in New Edo.

"We need to figure out what we want to do, Zar." Trey said as I walked in.

"Well, I could say you broke into my room and I had to shoot you in self-defense." I smiled.

"Look, I didn't come here to be flirted with." Trey was serious.

His brow furrowed and, maybe this was wishful thinking on my part, a look of regret came into his eyes.

"I've set up a meeting with our lawyers for next Monday."

Guess it was wishful thinking.

With that, he turned on his heel and started for the door.

"So that's it, then?" I said quietly.

The emotions that my time at the Raoul had tamped down, now rose up and caught somewhere in the back of my throat.

"Like father, like son; I guess you're finished with me and moving on to the next one." My voice was rising.

I was mortified. I had planned on being an ice-queen and he couldn't even pretend to care.

"Zar, I didn't plan this. It just happened. I really do care about you. I'm going to be there for you . . . .you know, financially."

His voice was flat. It all sounded rehearsed.

"I know you gave up things . . .so did I." he said

"You? You gave up things? When did you ever give up anything? I think the only reason you kept me around was to be the pretty guy on your arm, huh. Fuck! I did everything you wanted me to. I mean, really. And where do you get off saying you didn't plan this? What is this . . . a 'net-soap'? Is that supposed to make it OK? Should we de-execute President Bush to check to see if he planned the nuclear war in the Mid-East?"

I was frantically rubbing the slickly soft chocolate velvet of the sofa with one hand; with the other I clutched a Wedgwood blue mohair pillow to my chest. I was getting hysterical.

"I gave up my career for you. I turned into a housewife for you. I chair that stupid charity of your mother's for you."

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks.

"For the past five years, I have devoted my life to you and your, no . . . our, success! And this is what I get? 'I didn't plan this.' Great. Thanks a lot."

I took a deep breath. I was standing at this last and felt my knees get weak. I sat back down and looked at Trey who had taken a seat for my little speech.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I still care for you. You're an important part of my life. I mean . . .I still love you . . . its just that I'm . . ."

" If you fucking say 'I'm just not in love with you' I will fucking vomit" I interrupted.

"Must you swear?" He sighed. "It's so common."

"Yes, I must fucking swear. What do you care, anyway? You are so worried about what other people think of you. I wonder how you decide what to wear without running it by a goddamn focus group."

My head was pounding.

"Just go. I'll see you Monday." I said, beginning to cry.

Authors Note:

Sorry it took so long to write part two . . . part three is almost finished so it shouldn't be such a long wait. Thanks to Ian and James for being supportive I hope they read this late chapter.

Send comments or criticism to xeric75@yahoo.co.uk

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