Umm Whatever

By moc.loa@527meihK

Published on Aug 8, 2000


"Umm... Whatever!"

I'm really sorry for taking such a long-ass time on this. I just got lazy. And I know this isn't really good but deal with it. =)

Shout outs to the authors: Gabriella - "My Surprise Romance"

Fred - "One More Try" Harrison - "N Sync - Old Friends" Rick - "The One"

Y'all are the coolest. I think y'all should all vote for them, if it's not too late. But vote for me first! I really want to get nominated for best comedy thingy... the whole Carson Daly thing, okay? ; ) That's all I really want to win. Please vote for me? =)

Don't read this unless you want to, okay? It's fiction and stuff.

I want email. Just email me. Alrighty?

Chapter 5

Okay. So maybe I kinda was over reacting. I dunno. JC just upped and hugged me out of nowhere. And y'all know how sensitive one is when they get a full body sunburn. My blood-curdling scream totally freaked JC out. He quickly let go, dropping me onto the bed.

"What?! What is it?" He said, kinda shocked. I was laying flat on my back, trying to calm down the burning.

"Oh! Umm... nothing. I just..." I was cut off by Jack appearing at the door.

"What happened? Khiem, what's wrong?" He came in practically yelling. He grabbed me by the arm. It took all my strength to stifle my scream.

"I'm fine Jack. Me and JC were just talking and stuff. That's all." I said.

"Then why'd you scream?" Jack asked.

"Because I... uh... I saw a spider on the floor. It was coming close to JC and like, I kinda over reacted and stuff. Sorry to scary you like that, Jackie." I said.

"Oh my God! There's a spider? Where? Where? Kill it!" JC said, jumping up the bed. I looked over at JC as if he was crazy. I wanted Jack to fall for it, but not JC. I guess I really AM a good actor.

"Oh God." Jack sighed. "I'm sure it's just some harmless little spider. Get over it. 'It's more scared of you..."

"Than you are of it.' Yes I know. But that's total bullshit! Spiders can kill. What if it was a black widow or something? I say that Khiem should sleep in my room for now." JC said with a big grin on his face. I was wonderin' whether that benefited me or him more...

"For real?" I mean, I knew that there was no spider. But what JC said totally got me paranoid of them.

"Yeah! I was watching National Geographic and..." JC began explaining. It was so like me to believe my own lies and stuff. I made up the whole spider thing, but I was now ultra scared of spiders. Genuinely scared... or stupidly scared. Whatever.

"Kiddo, are you all right?" Jack cutted in.

"Yeah. Why?" I asked him.

"You're all red!" He said, coming over and placing a hand on my forehead. "Are you sick?" I winced at his touch on my super sensitive skin. I pushed his hand away quickly.

"I'm fine! Really. I'm just... scared. Yeah! All this spider talk is making me all queasy and stuff."

"Aren't you hot? It's almost a hundred degrees right now and you're wearing a long sleeve shirt." JC said, pulling at the bottom of my shirt. "I've never seen you wear long pants." He laughed, looking down at my pants.

"You're kinda warm, Khiem. I'm gonna go call the nurse. She'll give you some medicine or something." Jack said. Immediately, I protested.

"No! Please don't. I'm not sick, Jack. Maybe I am a little hot. I'll go change right now." I said, getting off the bed and heading for the closet.

"Take a nap okay Khiem? We aren't gonna do anything for a few hours." Jack said.

"Okay. No medicine though." I said, entering the bathroom.

After rubbing some aloe Vera all over my body to cool the itching and stuff, I changed into a tangtop and peeked outside the bathroom. Seeing no one, I quickly ran and jumped on the bed and under the covers in case someone came in. And indeed they did. "Hey, buddy." Lance said. I pulled the covers up to my neck and smiled at him. "Getting ready to sleep?" He asked, coming over and laying beside me. I was glad that it wasn't JC. If Jack hadn't barged in here, I dunno what would've happened. "Yeah." I said, yawning. "Plane rides make me sleepy. My ears are still popped." "Ugh. I know how that feels. Here... I'll help you." Lance climbed on top of me and held my face in his hands.. He just sat there for a while, smiling down at me. I smiled back at him, waiting patiently. But see, I'm kind of an impatient person. "Umm... Lance? This isn't really working. My ears are still popped." I said softly and giggled. He looked at me, blushed, and smiled. "I haven't done anything yet, stupid! Just wait." He said. And so I did. He grabbed the sides of my jaw and then pulled or something. I dunno what he did but I heard a little pop and then my ears were back to normal. It was a weird thingy. "Wow! How'd you do that?" I asked him, trying to sit up. "That is so cool! Thanks Lance!" I said, hugging him. I'm not usually affectionate with people this way, but with Lance, it just seemed natural. Like he was the big brother I never had or something like that. "My pleasure." He laughed, climbing off me and off the bed. "Go to sleep. I'll see you later." He said, closing the bathroom door and the closet door. I stared at him the whole time. He must have noticed cause he looked over and gave me a goofy grin. "It's my thing." "It's mine too. We're so cool like that." I said, smiling at him. "It all started when I was about seven or something. Back then, my mom used to have to work late at night and I would go to sleep by myself. Back then, I believed in the Boogie Man and stuff and so I thought that if I left my closet door opened, he'd come and get me." "You don't still believe in the Boogie Man, do you?" He laughed. I just blushed. "No comment." I said, pulling the blanket over my head. Okay, so I did, sort of. But I've always believed in ghost and stuff. The Boogie Man was no different. "Oh my God! You still do? That is so cute, Khiem." Lance said. I just had to laugh. "You are so gay, Lance." I said, laughing at him some more. His grin turned into an impish smile, but I didn't notice much. "I like it when guys say 'cute'. It sounds so funny. Especially when you say it." I smiled at him. "Now you must die!" Lance said, jumping onto the bed. He was about to wrestle me. "No! Please don't!" I said, totally serious. Lance stopped. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Well... Don't tell anyone. Okay?" I asked him. He nodded and crossed his heart. "I went to the beach yesterday when y'all were gone. And I played volleyball and stuff. I kinda forgot to wear any sunblock." "Shit!" He laughed. "Jack's gonna ground you so so badly for going out without tellin' him." "He doesn't have to know." I said. "Well. I really hate to keep secrets from him." Lance joked. "Are you black mailing me, Mr. Bass?" I smiled at him. "You're smarter than you look." He said, making himself comfortable on the bed. "Thank God for that! Wouldn't want everyone to think I'm some airhead now would I?" I laughed. We just laid there for a while. The cool a/c blowing on my hot skin. "You can't black mail me." "And why is that? I can make you my slave." He turned his head to face me and winked. I just laughed. "I like you Lance." I said out of no where. "Well. I like you too. A whole lotta." He said. I smiled at him. "You're just the coolest person I know. And you're nice to me. It's like I can tell you stuff that I can't tell other people. Cause like, I totally trust you. Maybe with my life even." I said. He looked into my eyes, probably to see if I was meaning it or not. I was. "You can always trust me, Khiem. I'm always here for you, kid." He said. "I know. That's why like, I told you about sneaking out and stuff. Although you plan to black mail me and make me your sex slave." I said, laughing. "I never said sex slave! Although..." Lance said before I cut him off. "Lance." I said. "You're my best friend, right?" I asked. He nodded, rolling over onto his side. "Well. Like, I wanted to tell you something." "What is it?" He said, playing with my hair. "Well. I think I'm gay." I said. "I already knew. And?" He said. "What? How'd you know?" I asked him. "I just do. And...?" He asked. "And... well, I like someone." I said softly, laying down on my side parallel to him. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. He smiled widely. "And who's that?" He asked, smiling more widely than before. It was like he was happy for me or something. I dunno. "Well. He's older than me. Taller than me too. He's got pretty eyes and short hair. He's really sweet and stuff. Nice and caring. Funny." I started listing. "Oh! And he's got a big nose too." I laughed. So did he. "Are you gonna tell him?" Lance asked. "I want to." I smiled. "I think I like him. But I don't know for sure if he likes me." "He does." Lance said, scooting closer to me and putting a hand on the side of my tummy. I laughed. "How do you know?" I asked him. "And stop that! It tickles." I slapped his hand. "It's like that feeling you get, you know?" I just nodded. "It's like, you can see it in the eyes and stuff. That sparkle or whatever." He said. "Believe me. He likes you." Lance scooted up closer to me. He was blocking the light with his body but I could still see that big wide smile plastered on his face. I don't know why he was so happy but I guess he was happy for me. "That's so cool to hear. Cause I like him too. Maybe something will happen. I'm hopin' that he makes the first move and stuff. Cause like, I don't know where to begin." I said. Lance smiled and ran his hand up my tummy. I started gigglin'. "I told you I'm ticklish! Stop it!" I smiled at him. "Wow..." was all I could say. I guess I was thinking too much cause like, I didn't notice that Lance was practically straddling me. He was hoverin' over me and I had no clue why. "Lance. Get off me. You're really heavy. I think you need to go on a butt diet or something." I smiled at him. "Why you little..." He started to do a total ticklin' attack on me. I was squirming all over the place and trying to throw him off me but he's really heavy. Really! He is! You know that moment in the movies where everything is all quiet and stuff and two people start to stare into each others eyes and stuff? Well... this was that kinda moment sort of. Ya know, me and Lance just stopped laughing and messing around and just looked at each other. He leaned forward and his face was really really close to mine. I could feel his breath of my cheek. The weird thing was that it wasn't at all uncomfortable or anything like that. We were both breathing kinda hard I guess from all the messing around we just did. Our breaths were the only things audible. Lance inched closer and closer to my face and then... "So umm... when did JC tell you all this?" I asked him. Lance bolted upright again and looked at me. "Tell me what?" He asked, obviously confused. "Well. Tell you that he likes me and stuff. You said you knew." I said, sitting Indian style on the bed. "Uhhh... well... JC? Huh?" Lance said. So obviously there was some miscommunication between us or something cause we both were totally confused. "You said that you knew about JC liking me and stuff... right? You weren't lying to me were you?" I asked him. "Uhh... oh. JC..." He whispered, looking all sad and stuff. It's funny how moody guys can get. I guess it's male PMS or something. "Duh, JC! Who else would I be talking about, Lance?" I laughed and poked him in the stomach. "Yeah... who else." I heard his mumble. I just guess he used too much bleach and it finally soaked to his brain. That's why he was acting so weird. "Are you okay, Lance?" I said, putting my hand on his forehead just like Jack did. "You're really chilled and stuff." I was worried about him. He seemed just fine a minute ago. "Yeah. I'm fine." He managed a smile. He pulled my hand away from his face and held it in his own. "Don't worry about me, Khiem. I guess I just got the chills like you said or something. Wow... you and JC would make a totally great couple. Y'all would. And I know he likes you. Who wouldn't?" Lance smiled at me. I noticed it wasn't as genuine as before. He seemed kinda out of it. Depressed almost. "You should go to sleep. You look pretty out of it too, dude." "Well, I was about to go to sleep when 'someone' came in." I said, yawning. "Maybe when I wake up, you can take me to the zoo or something. Oh! I know! Let's go to Central Park and stuff. I wanna feel dangerous." I said, laying down and tucking myself in. Lance turned around from the doorway and gave me a thumbs up sign which I thought was kinda corny. But it's Lance so it's okay.

Apparently the guys had left me by myself again cause when I woke up, there was a note taped to my forehead. One of Chris' doing I suppose. But it said that they'd be out for awhile and that I should dress up for dinner which was gonna be at six and stuff. I looked over at the clock on the wall and it was four or so in the afternoon already. It was only four so that meant that I had two hours to get ready. I pulled out the clothes I decided to wear. The note said that it was formal and stuff so that meant that I couldn't wear sandals.

"I hate dress shoes." I said to myself as I rummaged through my collection of shoes. Jack took me shopping before the tour started and we spent like three thousand bucks! Of course I didn't tell my dad. I was gonna let the credit card company break the news to him. I finally found my Kenneth Cole shoes and placed them under the bed.

The coolest thing about having the master bedroom and stuff is that I get to use the Jacuzzi. This thing was huge! So I filled up the water and undressed, waiting patiently. There were at least ten pretty colored bottles laying around the edge of the pool/Jacuzzi. I just wanted the one that said bubble bath on it. But I really couldn't tell the difference from all of them, so I just decided to pour all of them in. The water turned off by itself and the bubbles were pilin' high! It was at least half a foot above the top.

I just swam around in there for at least half an hour. The bath bead and stuff and the soap was really soothing for my sun burns. I was just spinning around and splashing water everywhere when I noticed these buttons on one side of the Jacuzzi.

"What the hell." I said. So I just pushed every button to see what it would do. All of a sudden, I heard a motor running. "What the hells that?" I got kinda freaked out. Then, I felt this really strong current and all the jets were on.

"Wow... this is the life." I said. I pressed another button and the jets were on full blast. "Ohhhhh... that's good... hmmm..." I noticed a mini fridge right next to the tub. It was filled with really cute bottles of wine and liquor and stuff. I was gonna have myself a lil' tea party.

"Khiem? Khiem?" I heard a voice from the other side of the bathroom door. I guess it was the numerous bottles of alcohol (just one really) or because the jets were just hitting me in the right places, but I was feeling kinda kinky. "Come in. The doors opened." I yelled. Lance opened the door and walked in all dressed up in a suit and stuff. "Hey Khiem. You aren't dressed yet." He said to me. "Opps. I forgot I guess. Take off your shoes. It's wet in here. You wouldn't want to ruin such good shoes now would you?" I said in my most seductive voice. "Umm... okay. Come on. Everyone's waiting down there for you. Lance said, grabbing a robe from the rack and handing it to me. That evil grin was still on my face. I grabbed his hand and pulled myself up. It was like an "American Beauty" moment. The bubbles just covered all the right places. "Hey... ho... now..." Lance said, turning his head away. "Umm... Khiem. You're naked." Lance stated the obvious. "Well, duh! I'm not gonna take a bath in my clothes." I said. I had one foot out of the tub and was about to get out when I slipped and fell right into Lance's arms. He's pretty strong. "Opps. I'm a little tipsy." I laughed. "Are you drunk?" He asked. "I can smell it on you." Lance said. "I'm drunk with Passion, Lance!" I said. Okay, so it's really corny. But at the time, I thought it was really romantic and stuff. Me covered in bubbles. Him covered in my bubbles. "Oh look. I got your suit all soapy. Come on. Let's take it off." I said, pulling at his sleeves. "I'll be fine, Khiem. Come on. Let's get you sobered and outta here." Lance said, wrapping the robe around me. I just shrugged it off. "No! I don't wanna! Lance! I'm throwing myself at you. Literally too! And you're just blowing me off." I said, feeling kinda dizzy. I don't know where all this came from, but he couldn't respond. Literally. Cause I had my lips around his in a very drunken kiss. After a few seconds, we let go. "No. I can't, Khiem." He said, pushing me to shoulder length. I gave him an evil grin and hugged him tight, grinding myself into him. I practically jumped him right there and gave him another hot and heavy kiss. I guess I took him by surprise. I'm not that light, ya know. It was like slow motion, really. Him, trying to catch his balance. Me, trying to suck his mouth dry. I could feel the air rush past my naked body as we both splashed into the Jacuzzi. "Ahhh..." was all I could hear throught his sealed lips... Finally, right? =) End of Chapter Five.

Next: Chapter 6

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