Uncle Grunge and Love

By Tom

Published on Nov 27, 2021


UNCLE, GRUNGE & LOVE: Chapter Nine

My phone woke us up the next morning, too early.

I mean - it wasn't too early for me. I had to get to work. But it seemed too early for Jayson.

I tried to creep out of bed, hoping he wasn't awake, but his arms wrapped around me, real tight. He held me still.

"Where you going?" he whispered. His breath was hot - everything about him smelled good to me, even his morning breath.

"Gotta go to work," I said, quietly.

He stabbed his hard cock at my ass and I pushed back into it. He found the hole and pushed in. I gasped - shocked and excited. Just like that he was halfway inside me.

"You're so fucking big," I said, breathless. "So thick - feels so good."

He pushed a little deeper. I moaned. It was good - too good.

"If I ordered you to stay in bed, you would, wouldn't you?"

"Yes, Sir," I said. It was that simple. As far as I was concerned, he was in charge.

"That is so fucking hot to me," he grunted, pushing all the way into me, balls deep.

"It is to me, too."

We just stayed like that for a few seconds - maybe a short minute.

"But - not gonna do that, kid. Not this morning. Not now. You got a job to do."

"I don't want to leave - "

"I know. And buddy - you're not gonna leave until I piss. Gotta piss real bad."

"Awww Jesus," I said, clutching his cock with my throbbing hole.

"Calm down, Stewart - and listen to me - listen good."

"I want you home right after work. We're going to the gym today - and tomorrow - like we talked about. Next week is gonna be hell for me, kid - I'm way behind with work, so I'm not gonna have the time to do training with you next week - "

"You're gonna train me?"

"Yeah - that's what you wanted, isn't it?"

"I guess -"

"Well you better be more certain than that, kid. Cuz I don't fuck around with athletics -"

"Never been much of an athlete, Dad," I said, quietly.

"Kid - you got a great core - and guys develop at different speeds - I developed early. I'm thinking you're a later developing kind of guy. You got a hard-assed body and are tough as nails. I think you're gonna love this shit - I think you're gonna get results faster than you realize - as long as you know what you're doing."

I felt like I was being held by the father I never had. Yeah - his cock was rammed right up my guts and flexing like it was a fist - but otherwise this was the kind of talk I never had with my asshole dad.

"It's what I want, Jayson," I said, firmly. "I'm just not sure how good I'm gonna be -"

"Let me be the one that figures that out, sport," he said, kissing my head. Then he pushed even deeper in me and I grabbed at the pillow, flinching. "You been pretty good so far."

It was a joke and it made me smile. I could feel his smile from behind me. But even as he made the joke his cock pushed into that area that no man had ever touched. It simultaneously hurt me and aroused me to the limit.

"So - shut up - let me talk - I got a plan."

"Yessir," I said, quietly.

"Get home quick. Find a notebook - Imma need you to take notes cuz next week you're on your own. Get some water, too - and be hydrated when you get here. Gonna work you hard."

I nodded. I loved taking orders from him.

"You're gonna be hurtin by tomorrow - and the next day - but it'll be good hurt. And once we start loading my shit out of That Bitch's place, your muscles will be fine - you'll work out the pain in no time.

"Okay -" I said. I was scared of the workout, but so comforted by him my fear didn't matter.

"One other thing - I made a decision about something else. You and I ain't gonna cum for the rest of the week - not today, Friday or Saturday. We may play - we may edge - but no cumming. That's an order. I want us wound up on Saturday - and I want us REALLY wound up on Sunday."

"Okay," I whispered, as he fucked me nice and slow. "Can I ask why? Sir?"

"Sure can, kid," he said, clutching my hips, halting his movement and my own. "Hold still though - here it comes."

There were two gentle flexes of his cock and I felt the urine enter into me. I couldn't help but moan. I loved when he drained in me - in either end. I loved his piss more than anything in the world and when I thought about that, I wondered if - over time - if ever - I could learn to love his shit the same way.

Then he flooded into me, letting out a long slow growl as his bladder released.

"Fuck I love this," he whispered. "Love just letting it loose in you - love not having to get outta bed - love that you love it so much."

"I do, Jay," I said, quietly, as my guts filled with his urine. "God, I do."

As he drained out, pushing the last remaining spurts of a very full piss-load in me, he leaned in, kissing my ear.

"I want to get dirty on Sunday, son," he said, as his cock lessened in size, surrounded by his fluid. "I want to get REAL dirty. And the hornier we are, the better that's gonna be - the easier it's gonna be to break it down and be disgusting."

I just shuddered - full body - my whole being quaking with desire.

"Yes, Sir. I understand, Sir."

"So - no cumming - not for the rest of the week."

"No cumming - yes Sir."

"Now - get the fuck outta bed and get to work."

He pulled out quickly. I was barely ready for it but we were getting better at this - at our fetish. I held it in as he pushed me away from him.

"I'm going back to sleep - see ya this afternoon."

"Yes, Daddy," I said, tossing on a shirt.

"You gonna let that go?" He was talking about the piss - as I pulled on my coveralls.

"Gonna see how long I can hold it in me," I said.

"Fucking freak."

"Takes one to know one."

I leaned down and picked up my boots - everything shifted. "Fuck, Jay - so much in me."

He just nodded, arms over his head, eyes closed.

I snuck out the door but as I did he growled at me.

"Stewart," he said, one eye open. I looked at him. He motioned to me with one finger. "Give me a fucking kiss, asshole, " he said. It was gruff - but meaningful. I leaned in, my lips touching his, tasting his essence. "And have a good day," he said, then he turned over, back to me, and seemed to fall asleep in an instant.

I went to the kitchen - looking around. I thought about making him coffee but decided against it. I wondered about whether or not I could actually hold his piss for the ten minute bus ride and then I willed myself to do it.

If he was serious about training then I was serious about serving. I walked out the apartment and down the stairs, carefully negotiating the descent, full of joy that I was full of his morning piss.


I'm not gonna bore you with the details of these two days of the week - Thursday and Friday. But, there are some highlights - one in particular.

When I got home from work Jay was waiting - dressed in his gym gear and ready to go.

"Come on, Sport - time's wasting."

I hadn't expected we'd go right away, but I threw on an old grungy jock (that he appreciated with a wink) and some sweats and a tee and was ready to go. I'd grabbed a notebook and a pen from work, like he'd told me to, and we headed out the apartment and down the stairs. But rather than turning to the garage he blasted out of the door -

"Aren't we going to drive?"

"Fuck no, pussy. We're running."

And then he took off. Fast. I could barely keep up but he slowed, eventually, smiling his ass off at me like I was his new project and he was the fucking coach.

"It's about to get too cold for this, kid," he huffed, easily pacing along while I struggled a bit. "Once that happens it's half hour on the tread mill when you get to the gym. I'll give you levels when you get there. But for now - you run, got it?"

"Yessir," I huffed, letting him lead, which was perfect for me - I got to stay focused on his mesmerizing ass. And he got to display it.

At the gym he was all business and while I tried to catch him checking out the other dudes, clearly our earlier conversation had an impact, because he kept his eyes fixed on me. Either that or he took his job seriously - probably a combination of both. In any event, he was tough, patient, focused and smelled like a fucking bull in heat. I could barely think straight as his sweat began to build even as he made a point that he was barely pushing himself, because we only had"two days in the gym and you're gonna get this shit right."

But you know what else?

What else is this - it was two hours of the dad I never had and damned if a couple of times I nearly started crying. He was hard on me - barking orders and encouragement - but there was an aura of support that I had never experienced in another man - particularly in the realm of gym jocks and coaches. (In school I'd always been the runt - the uncoordinated kid who got picked last for everything - and who finally found his home in the theatre department, away from the sullen stares and unsubtle laughs of the athletic kids and their coaches.)

But now my body had come into its own - I was eager to become more athletic - to become a stronger man and here was a looming stud with the patience and care to mold me with kindness and cock.

"There ya go, kid - just like that - perfect -"

"You got this Stewart - you know you do."

And the hands - the soft, strong touch of his fingers as he shaped my form - the strength of his arms as I struggled on one last rep and he supported my completion. His closeness - the look in his eyes as he appraised me and approved of my focus and fitness.

"You're in great shape, kid - all that work on the loading dock has given you a helluva core. This is gonna be easy if you're willing to do the work."

I was dripping sweat by then - mouth open - muscles shaking. He looked at me - waiting -

"You gonna do the work, Stewart?" he asked, unsatisfied with my silence. I was still unfamiliar with the "Call and Response" of coaching. I guess I was supposed to say something.

"Yessir - fuck yes, Dad," I said, looking up at him. He loomed over me - his own body glistening and tight. I was moving beyond love to worship. "Wanna make you proud, Daddy," I whispered, so no one would hear.

He smiled - nodding. Then, damn him, he patted me on the head, grabbing my arm and pulling me off the weight bench. Then the fucker, he slapped my ass like they do in fucking football and I swear to God, my life was complete.

"Let me check your notes - go get some water, kid. You gotta hydrate like a motherfucker."

I did - when I returned he frowned slightly. "Can hardly read this shit - we're gonna work on this when we get home - come on - time to split."

I wanted to stay a bit - hang out and cruise - we had already caused more than our fair share of commotion, but he was having none of it. And - he was in charge. Out the door the cool afternoon air confronted us - it felt good. I was buzzing - tired, but couldn't remember when I'd been happier or my head had been more clear.

Uncle Jay looked down the street - toward home.

"Run or walk, kid - you decide."

He was standing tall - chest out, muscles worked. It was hard to imagine him looking even BETTER than this, but he insisted this was a light work-out for him and I couldn't wait to see him really slam the weights - and see what happened to his body after he had done so. More bate-material -

"Kid - snap out of it."

He'd caught me staring - caught me all goony. That look came over his face - the one that was understanding - the one that saw me for what I was and was beginning to appreciate me for it, too. The one that liked being worshipped and that liked making me hard and tongue-tied. The one that offered him the opportunity of sex ... at ALL times.

"Sorry - what was the question?"

"That was a good work out, Stewart. So - run or walk. You get to decide."

I stared at him, blankly, then figured it out - figured out his game.

"I don't want to decide, Dad," I said, still huffing from the gym. "That's the point. I want you to decide." And then he fucking beamed - beamed like an actual father at an actual game, but this beam was the beam of our shared deviance.

"Fuck yes, son - you just passed the test."

"The test?"

"The test, Stewart."

"But - I don't want to get tested," I almost-whined and he stepped into me, pointing a finger at my chest.

"Life is a test, Stewie - every day is a test - all I do, all day long, when I'm working, is test shit out - test to see if it's strong enough - to see if it passes the fucking test -"

I gulped - I could smell his breath - feel his heat. I was dizzy with his intention and power.

"And kid," he said - leaning in to me, nearly lip-to-lip - "You just passed. With flying colors. Now come on - we're running."

And we did. Run.

But not really. It was an easy jog and he pointed that out as we went along.

"This is good for your muscles - it keeps them working so they don't tighten up. Good for your lungs, too - and heart - but mostly, good for your head. Clears your head. You got a lot going on up there, Stewie - me, too, since I met your ass - running helps shake out the shit and see the core."

And so we jogged.

In the end, he encouraged me to pick up pace - pushing us both.

"Come on, kid. You can do it - I KNOW you can do this, Stew - you're a strong little fucker - keep up, kid."

And we stormed up the stairs, whooping now, pumping our legs - laughing as we crashed into the door, covered with sweat.

Once inside I collapsed on the floor. It was something like three hours later - I'd never done such an extended workout and I was high - high on endorphins and adrenaline and love and lust - hi that he'd tested me and that I'd passed. He wanted to see - to truly see - if I was willing to subsume my desires and decisions to him and the answer, continuously, was "yes".

"You really kicked as, son," he smiling at me. "Fuckin impressed - what can I get ya - water - Gatorade -"

"You know what I want, Unc -" I said, still flat on my back.

"No, kid - what?" He was smiling - we both were - but he caught my tone, I think.

"You know what I want?" I asked more directly this time, looking at him -

"Tell me -"

"I want to lick your sweaty ass - I want to get up in there - so bad - right now, too - "

"Right now?" he asked, standing.

"Right now - right now."

And then he pulled down his shorts - stepping out of them with practiced ease. His jock swelled with heaviness.

"I want to eat your jock butt right now, Jayson," I said, closing my eyes, grabbing my crotch - licking my lips - getting ready to fulfill yet another fantasy. The horny theatre kid gets to lick the sweaty, worked-out jock ass, immediately after a workout...

And then he stepped over me, looking at me with lizard eyes.

"Fuck yeah, freak," he said, and squatted on my face, sitting hard on me, muscles supporting his bulk. I fed on his butt like I'd never fed before, grabbing his haunches and licking up and down the trench. My full-body-response said it all - the taste as sharp and salty. The sweat had mixed with his musk and his lips puckered out, giving me access, which I feasted on. He reached under my head and grabbed it - pushing it into his butt.

"Fuck yeah - fuck YEAH that feels so good - " and we stayed like that - me writhing in the floor, him periodically snuffing out my air as his ass covered my whole face, him undulating up and down, doing controlled squats on my face that only drove me deeper in desire.

"Just like this, Stewart," he whispered near the end of our gluttony. "It's gonna be just like this."

"Oh fuck I know," I moaned, nodding my head, eyes closing, then opening, watching him watch my shame. "Gonna squat on your face just like this - when I want to - and then I'm gonna fill you up -"

And as he said that he pushed out and my mouth covered him completely, sucking him in, stabbing into his depths. Our eyes met - our stare was harsh and knowing - me, mouth open, covering his asshole, him, squatting over me, pushing out the lips, making quiet, grunting sounds.

I half expected him to do it right then and there but he was too careful of a lover, I think. He would bring me to my moment of greatest depravity with patience and care, or when I was ready, or when the moment was right. So, I just lay on my back and grunged up into his hole, snorting and lapping - no words were spoken by me as he continued his litany - I had nothing to actually say - I only had to listen and prepare myself for the inevitable.

"It's gonna slide out of there and right into your mouth and you know what you're gonna do? You're gonna swallow it, like a good boy. Nice, deep swallows - like you swallow my piss - swallow my cum - and then all of me will be inside of you - where it belongs."

I groaned - my cock so hard I thought it would shoot on its own.

Then he rose, looking down on me. I was gasping - tasting and smelling his scent on me.

"It's gonna be a beautiful day - a beautiful, beautiful day."

"Uh huh -" I breathed out, eyes watering. "Oh God yes."

I was beside myself with lust and shame, willfully worshipping him and letting him see my worship - letting him know just how far I would go for him.

For Him.

"Get up, baby - I got a present for you."

"Ohhhhhoooowwww," I moaned, knowing what came next. He flipped down his soiled jock and his cock flopped out - the impressive size still overwhelmed me. He was nearly rigid, but not quite.

"Gotta keep you hydrated - remember?"

"Yessir," I said, nodding. "Hydration is important," I said, repeating words he'd drilled into me at the gym, sexualizing them like a slut.

I opened my mouth and he put it inside. We were practiced now. This was normal now. I gently held his beautiful, cock, lapping at it lovingly, cleaning out under his foreskin, covering the first third with my saliva.

"So good - you are so good to my cock," he said, and then I stilled myself as he gently took hold of my head. There was no longer any tentative beginning - short spurts of preparation. I felt his legs relax, then his whole body, and then he shuddered, issuing a sigh from his depths, as his bladder released its juice. The pour was intense and focused - and long - but as I said, we were practiced. I began gulping immediately, eyes looking up at his, gulping and gulping as he poured his own three bottles of processed and digested workout water into my stomach.

It felt like it lasted forever - it felt like it could - it should. Everything was right about this moment. I had found my place in the world and it was at His feet. And He knew it. Understood it. He drained his entire bladder full of piss in me and I didn't flinch, didn't choke, didn't panic, didn't spill a drop - I just was what he needed me to be, His urinal.

Finally his flow ebbed and stopped and he let out a long, whistling sigh that ended in deep content. I made love to him a bit more, mouthing his spongy heft, but he gently pulled out.

"Time to get dinner, baby," he said. "It's been a damn fine day."

At that he squirted out one last shot, which hit me in the eyes - and laughed like a dickhead - shaking his cock and tucking it back into the damp jock. Then he pulled up his shorts and headed to the kitchen. I stayed like that - on the floor - for some time. Then stood, stripped, put the workout clothes in the laundry basket that held his socks and jocks (and my dreams) - and headed to the kitchen to keep my eyes on my prize.


Dinner that night was Chicken and Rice.

There was a certain freedom to being controlled by my Uncle - and to diving down our depraved rabbit hole. I didn't have to think about eating - I just ate. He shoveled the rice on my plate and I consumed it hungrily, smothering it with gravy and butter. The fiber tablets were part of the regimen, too, four now to keep me regular and hard. Everything was coming together for our fetish. What remained unspoken was the bond that was forming and deepening.

"Good work out today, kid," he said, having his own time with a large plate of food. I was beginning to realize that our food budget would have to be expanded.

"Thanks. It was hard. But I really loved it, Unc. No one's ever taken the time for me like that - like, ever."

He looked at me, eyes steely.

"Not your Dad?"

"Dad never had time for that - we wasn't - you know - ever into me."

"Fucker," he growled, cutting up the chicken like it was a criminal to be punished. "I told my sister that man was an asshole - but she was in her "I'm not listening to men" phase, and she's had a hard time admitting she was wrong ever since."

"I think she's coming around," I said, not willing to denigrate my Moms - even though I had as much resentment of her as I had of my dad - well, I had more for my dad, but you know what I mean. She'd put up with his bullshit for too long and that was on her - but I'm not going down that road - not here.

"Maybe I'll have a talk with her over the holidays."

"She's gonna want to know what's up with us, Unc -"

"I know," he said, gruffly, unwilling, it appeared, to touch that third rail just yet. He quickly changed the subject. "You got natural ability - you're gonna get bigger if you put in the work."

I nodded. "I just wanted to thank you for today - make sure you heard it - it made me feel special."

He kept eating.

"You know," I said, between bites, "I get a discount at Whole Foods - if we ever want to do shopping or something."

He looked at me, smiling. "Didn't know that."

"I'm thinking we might go through a lot of food."

"Uh huh," he said, winking at me.

"We'll see - maybe tomorrow night - maybe this weekend - but we got a lot going on this weekend - and I got a lot going on next week."

"I know," I said. "Or - maybe you can make a list and I can get it done."

"There ya go, Sport - perfect solution. I'll give you some money - you get it done. Can you pick up some stuff tomorrow after work?"

"Yup -"

"That'll hold us over - next weekend we can do a big shop together - it's a good way to start teaching you how to cook."

I just fucking beamed.

During this conversation his thigh had rubbed up against my own. I pressed back. We stayed like that, touching, while we finished our meal.

"So - got a question, kid," he said. I looked at him, welcoming it. "I know you were watching me at the gym - to see if I was checking out the dudes. And you know I wasn't - I was focused on you - "

He just smiled this shit-eating grin, like he'd pulled one over on me. I nearly spit my rice out, he looked so dorky, but also totally dude-like.

"But - what I hadn't noticed, before, was how many guys were looking at us - at you - "

"They are mostly looking at you, Jayson," I said.

"You think so?" he asked, naively, but also getting the answer he hoped for.

"I KNOW so - I mean - some of the dudes - like, know I'm gay, so -"

"How do they know?"

"They've fucked me - or we've played around - "

"Wait a minute - guys at that gym - you've fucked around with?"

"Hell yeah - it's a pick-up spot, Unc - and with Grindr it's easy to figure out who's who and what's what - "

"What the fuck?"

"You jealous?"

"Yeah, I'm fucking jealous," he said, kind of joking, but kind of not - it made me flush with heat. "But mostly I'm jealous cuz - is it - like - that easy for y'all?"

There was this long pause while I looked at him like he was actually stupid - but then I realized he was just ignorant.

"Um - it's guys, Jay - I mean, we're gay guys, but we're still guys. Guys are horny. We hook up. Like - a lot."

The look in his face was priceless. It was akin to Einstein figuring out the Theory of Relativity - all full of shock and awe and understanding.

"So - let me get this straight - no pun intended -" he added, as he saw me smirk. "Those guys looking at me - they -"

"Want to suck your cock - or, you could fuck them - pretty much all of those guys you could fuck if you wanted to."

"What the fuck?" he said again, like yet another theory had just been made plain - maybe gravity this time.

"Seriously Jayson - you don't realize how hot you are? SERIOUSLY?"

There was this long pause. He was at war with himself again - because I know he knew his body was rocking - but again - the ladies had done a number on him. Add to that the relative newness of gay sex and gay culture and so whatever was going on inside of him was this weird vortex that was astonishing to witness, and real.

"I mean -"

"Let me lay it out for you, stud," I said, pushing back my empty plate. "You are hot as shit. They see you working out with me so NOW they think they have a clue. They know I'm a bottom, and a Top that looks like you and is packing what you pack - that's a rare commodity and a HOT commodity. They were probably looking at you before and probably thinking you were straight even if you were giving off some kind of vibe because you were checking them out -"

When I said that he became all guy-like again, but this was a field of play I was confident upon, and I wasn't gonna take his shit, particularly on this subject, so I stopped him, which always seemed to surprise him but which - despite our shifting power dynamic, he always respected. Always.

"So, now they link you to me - now they see YOU all into ME, all focused on me - and they know I'm a bit of a slut - "

At that he smiled, a little - but not much -

"And so now YOU are fair game. Total fair game. And they're gonna come for you, Jayson. You could have had three or four of those dudes today. Easy. Just like that."

I snapped my fingers for emphasis and then loaded up some salad.

He just stared at me - like I was Moses with the tablets or something - but then I made my own truth clear.

"But ... Uncle Jay - you aren't the only one that might get jealous," I said, and meant it, even though it violated my submission. Still, it was important for me to say. "I mean - you're in charge - you seriously are - you want to tag some of that, you can. And you probably should, but if you're gonna play around, we should talk about safety and shit - and Tops that fuck every bottom and don't take care of their own business - well, they don't last long in this community - "

"Shut it, kid," he said, eyeing me dangerously. "I'm a fucking pervert but I'm not a slut, like you."

That stopped me - and shamed me - but no matter what he said to me, there was always love in his eyes, and so I listened. "You're the one for me - ONLY."

"You say that now -"

And then he reached over and grabbed my neck.

"This is a conversation for another day and another time - and it may be that I'll want to play the field and if that's the case, we'll fucking talk about it, okay?"

I just nodded, eyes getting big, as his bulk imposed itself on me. Then, he released me.

He went back to his food, looking at it sternly, controlling his breathing. He was so fucking sexy when he was dangerous. I literally almost came in my pants.

"Look," he said, taking a deep breath. "Right now it's you and me, kid - that's it. I'm just - I'm just trying get a handle on my new life. So don't jump to conclusions and also - keep answering my questions 'cuz I need your help, okay?"

"Sorry," I whispered.

"Don't be sorry for having feelings, Stewart. But don't make assumptions about me, either. Or about my own feelings."


We ate in silence thereafter, me getting all worried that I'd fucked something up and him just staring off into space the way he did. Finally, he said: "All my life I been thinking about fucking ALL the time and here it is - right in front of me - and it's been here ALL the time - and I never saw it. I could have been fucking ALL the time, like I wanted to - and I wasn't. That's fucked up."

He shook his head. I didn't really know what to say and so I didn't say anything, but I did put my hand down on his thigh - and I did try to touch him in a way that was real. Strong and caring, you know, but not too - fuck, I don't know - not too gay.

FUCK this was weird.

He turned, looking at me. The smile was back in his eyes - as was the sex fiend.

"Seriously - I could have fucked some of those guys?"

"Uh huh - did you see that one - the small, blond one - "

"Looks like a gymnast?"

"Him - and yeah, he was a gymnast. You could have fucked him in the shower."

"Fuck," he just said, glugging on his beer and serving himself salad.

"Like - if we brought one of those guys over here - could we BOTH fuck them?"

"Oh yeah - easy," I said, smiling, letting go of my jealousy and trying to be his friend again. "They'd love that - guys love to get two-timed."

"Do you?"

"Yeah - I mean - it's never been as good as the sex with you but if you're into cock, like me, having two is double the fun."

"Makes sense," he said, obviously, and I had to stop myself from laughing at him. Still, I covered my mouth and he was like -


"Nothing - you're just cute when you're dumb, Jay. Heck - most of those guys would love to be double-fucked, too."

"Wait - what does that mean - oh...whoaaaa," he said, a loud deep dawning realization. "You can do that?"

"You can do just about anything."

"You ever done that?"

"Naw - but I've wanted to. Fuck - to have another guy as hung as you - as rough as you - both of you banging me at the same time - both of you inside me - I'd love that."

He just looked at me.

"The question," I said, looking him right in the eye, "is would you love it?"

He looked at me long and hard. This was the problem with not talking about our feelings for each other, I thought - there were no ground rules and suddenly everything felt dangerous.

But he wasn't stupid - and he was perceptive - and he was catching on, too.

"Here's what I think, Stewart," he said, and he reached down and grabbed his dick, obviously, but we did that in the household now and we liked showing each other our hards - he was hard - I was, too. No matter the danger, the conversation was also hot as fuck. "I think if I knew you would totally groove on it - that it was like one of your fantasies -"

I nodded -

"And if I was in charge - like I should be - "

"Like you need to be," I said, which made him stop and smile -

"And I got to be the dude that picked the guy - maybe with your input - maybe because I knew him from somewhere - or had gotten to know him - well, that would be hot as fuck. Both of us inside of you." His eyes lost focus as he considered the fantasy. Then, he smiled. "But I would need to be the guy who set it up."

He looked at me - we were horned the fuck up - he was playing with his cock like he did, this time through his pants - absently. I held mine. I was about to cum so I couldn't work it, because he'd ordered me - us - not to cum. So, of course I wouldn't. Of course I wouldn't.

We sat there, holding our cocks under the dinner table, like little kids.

"Would you like that, Stewart," he whispered.

"You know I love it when you're in charge, Sir," I said, simply.

He nodded. The air was thick with possibility. So, I went on.

"And here's what I can tell you, Sir - I know you have a high sex drive. I know that. And I know you need to fuck - a lot - so it wouldn't bother me if you brought some dude home to fuck - or told me you were gonna - and hell yes I'd like to play, too - or watch - but if you're in charge, Sir - then what you say, goes."

He looked at me long and hard. Then he said the unexpected.

"Including me telling you to suck my load out of a stranger's hole," he said, as if that was the most normal dinner-table statement in the world.

Of course, I said, "Yessir."


After a long pause he pushed away from the table, cock obscenely bulging from his loose sweats.

"Fuck - I'm horny as fuck," he growled, clearing his plate. I followed his lead, standing up. "I'm wondering if not cumming is a good idea," he said, thoughtfully.

"That's up to you," I said, and he turned, towering over me, looking down.

"And see - that's the problem with me bein' in charge - you get off the hook," he said. His manner was gruff - he was considering the downsides to his new position. I was scared, suddenly, but I was learning that my fear of him was erotic fear and erotic fear was fun.

"Do you want my opinion, Sir?"

"Yes. I want your opinion, son," he said.

We stood, holding our plates, cocks urgent in the short distance between us.

"I'm not sure what it's like to be you, Dad," I said, whispering, staring at his cock which - at times - appeared massive to me. Now was one of those times. "So I can't speak for you. And yeah - right now I'm horny as fuck, too. But if we're gonna do what I think we're gonna do on Sunday - and work as hard as I think we're gonna work between now and then - I'm okay with letting it ride. Each hour I get more horny - each hour our stank gets deeper - "

I turned slightly, putting the plate back on the table - then used my hands to touch him - touch a hard thigh - bring my hands up to his chest.

"You turn me on so much, Daddy," I whispered. "I'd do anything for you. So it's easy - not really, but kind of it is - it's easy to not cum 'cuz that's what you told me to do and I love doing things you tell me to do."

He was breathing hard. He felt like this dangerous beast standing before me and I felt like he was liable to rape me right there, which I would have been okay with.

"But - I don't know what it's like being you right now, Dad. I know how horny you get so I'm wondering if this is driving you crazy or not."

He stood still.

"Tell ya the truth, son," he said, whispering. I was looking at his cock not his eyes and for some reason - since it was the truth he was about to speak - I figured I'd keep my eyes on his cock so his own eyes could be free to express themselves as they looked at me from above.

"I'm not sure what it's like for me to be me right now, either - because the me I am right now is a me that's new. But it's the best me I've ever been - I know that - "

He put his plate aside on the counter, then raised up his right arm and snorted in his stank - then he pulled my head into that sweaty darkness and let me enjoy what he'd just enjoyed. I moaned in pleasure as my body molded to his - reveling in his musk.

"And I know I'm here - being me - because of you." He ground his body into mine. His cock was hard as rock - I was shaking. "And it used to be that when I didn't cum I got all fucking wound up and angry and frustrated but this is the first time in my life I've chosen NOT to cum and I've made that choice because I KNOW I could cum all the time. Like - I KNOW I could fuck you right here, son. I know I could shove my cock down your throat right now and blast you so full of sperm you'd start crying like a baby -"

"Yes," I said, as he kept going -

"I know I could bend you over that table and fuck you right this minute, fuck you so hard you couldn't walk straight - and since I KNOW that - since I KNOW I can use you ANYTIME I want, any WAY I want - NOT using you is hot as fuck. I'm wound up by choice - for like - the first time in my life - and so holding off is making me feel strong and powerful and more nasty than I ever been in my life."

He just held me. My nose was in his pit. The aphrodisiac was powerful. I was floating on arousal and adrenaline.

"So yeah," he finally whispered, kissing my head. "It's driving me crazy. But it's good crazy, not bad crazy, and it's gonna carry me through tomorrow - and Saturday, which may suck, but which I can deal with because you're gonna be there with me - and thinking about Sunday - what we're gonna do in that storage shed - I'm thinking it will all be worth it. And - son," he said, pulling away and looking down on me - I looked up now, for the first time, eyes glazed.

"I hope you're ready."

"Gonna do my best, Daddy," I said, lips wet.

"That's all I ask."

He kissed me then. Deeply.

Now I knew where we were going - we weren't gonna play here - weren't gonna get dirty here. We were gonna play in a cold, concrete storage space - alone in the dark, horned up like beasts in estrus - fuck was that hot.

Our hearts pounded together. He pushed me away, shaking his head. Even if being horny was good - for both of us - there was still the pain of blue balls and the desires of men that were being held in check. And it would only get worse .... or better ... depending on your perspective.

"Clean up this kitchen - I'm gonna go play video games," he said, the words an invitation to the rest of the evening.

And, of course, I did what I was told.


A little while later I joined Uncle on the couch - he had a new game up and I sucked at it. He tried to give me pointers but you know how it is with new games - it takes time to get used to. He was laughing at me: "You suck at this, kid!"

But really, I was just tired - physically and emotionally. This had been a roller coaster, and Unc had kicked my ass at the gym. Eventually I just kind of lamed-out on the game and then Jayson looked at me, concerned?

"You okay, Stewie?"

"Just tired, I think."

Jay lifted up his arm - which gave me another powerful whiff - and patted his thigh. "Here, kid - lay down. You worked your ass off today. Take a chill."

I did what he suggested. His thigh was muscular and warm - he kept playing the game, but periodically touched me - with his arm or hand or something, and it felt so good to me. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

I don't know how long it was after that - but suddenly I was getting picked up. I don't know how did it. I'm not a really small guy but the next thing I knew I was in his arms and he was carrying me down the hall.

"Worked you too hard, baby," he whispered, but I whispered - 'no' - and then he lay me down in the bed. Then my pants were being pulled off - and my shirt - and he was straddling me, pulling off his shirt. He chest seemed so big.

"Such a pretty boy," he said, eyes twinkling in the darkness. He pulled down his sweats and his cock sprung out, glistening.

"Daddy," I said, softly, my throat dry - I pushed myself up, groggy, to take him in my mouth. It was instinct. His cock - like that - deserved to be serviced. But he pushed me back, gently.

"Not now, baby - this weekend, remember?"

"Uh-huh," I said, and then he swung out of the bed and pushed down his sweats. His ass was right there - the dark trench beckoning to me. I'm sure he only figured out he'd given me that view after he'd done it, so now he stretched his muscles, letting me feast my eyes on one of the new centers of my universe.

And then he turned, fiddling with his phone and crawling into bed beside me. He thrust his cock between my legs and I opened to him, letting him stab through and push my sweaty balls aside - come to rest against the base of my own cock. I clutched his cock tightly with my thighs and he held me tightly. I felt so protected - cared for - it was overwhelming.

Our breathing modulated. We lay there for a while. I had come awake a bit and now my sex organs (brain, balls, butt, blaster) were awake, too. I felt his breath on my neck, then on my ear. His cock throbbed....

"You awake, buddy?"

"Yessir," I said, quietly.

"This feels good."

"Yessir," is all I said, pushing back into him. He held me tighter. I felt his cock flex and felt the dampness leak out of the head, coating the underside of my cock. He smelled SO good.

"You know, kid - this is all new to me. All of it. I mean - not the fantasies - they've been around forever. But - doing them - that's another thing. And the gay stuff. And - you know - just being able to have sex whenever I want."

I just nodded so he knew I was listening, but I'd learned enough by now to know that sometimes it was best for me to just shut up and listen.

"But you don't have to worry about me - about us. Not now, at least. It's just you and me, kid, and it's just gonna be you and me - for a while. Maybe a long time. I don't know - you don't know either - but -

Then he paused, held me even harder, stuck his nose in my neck and breathed in my own scent. I got the sense that if he could have in that moment, he would have eaten me right up. Just devoured me to get me inside of him - even closer to him.

"But - those fags at the gym - can I call them fags?"

I felt his smile behind me, even though I didn't see it.

"You can call them fags, Unc - they are fags. They want to fag on your cock - "

"Well - they ain't getting' none of this, not for a while anyway. You and I got too much to do together, too much to figure out. And I ain't that kind of horn-dog. I'm a horn-dog - a huge horn- dog - but I ain't an asshole. I left my asshole days behind me."

"I get it," I said, eventually.

"Do you?"

"I do - I think I do, anyway. I get it, Unc."

"Good," he said, slowly relaxing his grip, snuggling into me now, more gently.

"And - it makes me feel good to hear you say it. Thank you, Uncle."

"You're welcome, Stewart. I mean it."

Then, just as his breathing was starting to even out - just as he was slipping into sleep - I spoke my duel truth.

"I don't want to lose you, Unc - but I'm not gonna lie - the thought of you fucking those fags - or me watching - or all the other stuff you can do with ... you know ... more dudes - kind of turns me on, too."

There was a soft, deep chuckle as his arms tightened back up again.

"Little fucking pig."

"Oink, oink," I whispered.

"All in good time, baby. All in good time." And then he was asleep - and then I followed him there, to the darkness.


I awoke far too early the next morning to the sound of one of those iPhone alarm tones - but it wasn't my own. It was Jayson's and then his big hand grabbed his phone, swiped it off and he sat up in bed.

"What the -" I said. It was far too early - it wasn't even light yet. "What time is it?" I mumbled, grabbing at him. He pushed me away, on my stomach, and then was up, quickly, and straddling me from above.

"Shut up - it's four a.m."

"But I don't get up -"

"Until five - I know. Surprise. Just relax, baby," he said, and then he slid down my body and was at my feet. Then his hands started working down there, first my soles, then my ankles and calves. I couldn't believe how "up" he was - focused and alert after both of us had just been so stone- dead-asleep.

"Long day at work on your feet, son," he said, voice all gravely and full of care - but there was arousal in it, too. I could sense it - feel the reverberations. "Then your old man kicked your ass at the gym - gonna massage some of that pain out of you - get you ready for the day."

And then he did just that. He slowly worked his way up my legs, giving each full attention. In no time he was sweating, and the sweat dripped on my skin - wetting his hands as they did their work. It was intense - often painful -

"If it hurts, say so - but it's supposed to hurt - just relax -" and so I did, breathing out, which he instructed me to do - and then encouraging my moans and my pain-reactions.

"Fuck - Dad - "

"There ya go, son - that's it -"

And then he was over my ass and his hands were working - really working - my glutes. I pushed up into him but this was not sexual - not yet - and his thick fingers worked my muscles and my flesh. The pain would come in waves and I writhed through it, letting myself go completely now, as his exertions picked up steam. He focused on one ass cheek - then another - his fingers flicking over and across my hole - sometimes pushing in. My moans became more fevered and sexual, even as the massage was anything but.

Then - surprisingly - he spread open my butt and dove into it - eating and chewing, letting out great huffs of sniffing and snorts, shoving his tongue into me. I rose up, crying out -

"AWWWGAWD DAD," and he responded, pushing his tongue deep, exploring, but more than that he kept horking up snort and spew, spitting in my trench multiple times. Soon I was soaking back there and then he rose up, pushing his wet cock head against my slot.

"Get ready," was all he said, and by now I was - I pushed out and the slimy slit allowed his slick entry. Still it was an invasion, but it was morning, too, so I was relaxed, and suddenly his cock was entirely inside me, resting in it's new home.

"AWWwwwooohhhhhunnnnnhhh," I groaned, undulating my ass, but he just kept it inside me, not moving, and continuing on with his massage - even more forceful now. His breath was getting heavier, more ragged. He did NOT fuck me - he just held steady, his rigidity pulsing and flexing in my hot center as my anal canal worked its own intentional and explicit massage.

Now it was his time to respond vocally -

"Fuck - so hot and tight - nuthin - FUCK - nuthin ever felt better - " but he didn't stop - his cock kept pulsing within me, but he worked up my back, focusing on my spine, then outward, working my lats, and, slowly, eventually, moving to my shoulders - then arms - then shoulders again. Each muscle received his strong attention - each tightness unlocked more passion and pain - my body responding in full. He pulled my arms back, strongly, and stretched them - elongating my contracting muscles.

Soon I didn't know where his body ended and mine began. I tried - several times - enticing him away from his task by shoving back on his missile, but each time his larger frame and more muscled limbs took control of our moment in time.

Finally, him dripping sweat on me, and me - a puddle of relaxed mass beneath him - halted. He regained his breath. Then slowly - elegantly - he removed his cock from my hole, as I moaned about my impending emptiness.

"Ohhhhhnnnnoooooo Daddy," I squeaked, but he was relentless in his control, and then he was out, and I was empty, and he was up on his knees.

"Turn over," is all he said. I felt the need to look at the clock but I kept my focus on him, and then I shifted around. He loomed over me as the faint day came into our room. His cock glistened - it was clean - but even if it hadn't been I am certain he would have continued his task. There was also a look in his eyes - unknowing. Something ELSE was happening but I didn't know what it was.

My eyes shone at him - offering as much gratitude as possible in silence - and that was enough. Then he flipped around, putting his back to me - letting me see his incredible ass, and he began again, this time focusing on my thighs. We had done deep squats and other press-lifts. He worked each thigh and I cried out - sometimes nearly giggling - but mostly in pain, as his arms and hands periodically touched against my raging, rigid penis. As his hands worked up my legs to where they connected with my thighs, his fingers found my hole, toying with its wetness. At one point he grabbed my nuts, keeping them tight in his grip, then pulling them away from my body. Here was another new exploration - an intense curiosity of another man's most sensitive place, and he focused on it with intention and expertise. By now I was a gurgling mess.

"Ummmmnnnnhhhhummmunnnn," I groaned, but he was not stopping.

Then he shifted back. My breathing increased. His butt was right in front of my face. I could smell it's locality - more than that, my mouth watered at the nearness of his trench - the most male of his maleness. I was soon nearly blind with desire as his hands roamed my rib-cage. They threatened to tickle, but did not, and then I relaxed as he lifted up, took a deep breath, shifted back, and then planted his ass on my face. As he did he reached back, pulling apart his globes, and then let them fall on either side of my own cheeks. I started by devouring him, sucking and licking, but his hand on my chest quieted me.

"Shhhhhhh," was all I heard. "Shhhhhh, baby," he whispered, and he played lightly with my nipples, then working out on each pec, continuing his massage. He focused on my pecs, which hurt particularly after yesterday's workout, and I quieted as he directed, relaxing into the pillow, taking air when I could, and slowly working my lips around his hole, trying to become used to this position which - for us - held such meaning.

He continued the massage.

Then, he slowed. As he did my tongue snaked inside of him. Then there was quiet. I felt him still. It was just the dawn of morning - just the faintest light - but that light was blocked by his immense muscular ass and more than that, it was blocked by his stillness.

"Put it in," he said, and I knew what he meant. I reached up and gently took hold of his ass, then spread it apart and pushed my tongue in. As I did I felt a slight relaxation - which, I understood in the next moment, took an enormous amount of control. "Deeper," he whispered, and I knew what he meant - knew what he wanted.

He opened just a twitch more and then my tongue was on it - caressing it. There was hardness there - a full presence. My heart raced - skipping - my body tensed, but his bulk on me relaxed me and I went with him.

"Touch it - lick it -" he growled - a quiet, husky vocalization. I pushed my tongue up into him as far as I could go and caressed the end of the long, hard piece that was lodged there. It nearly felt like rock - in that way it felt like him - but there was a moisture and I added my own to it, caressing it with my tongue. I tasted nothing - smelled nothing - was consumed by arousal.

Then he quickly slammed shut - perhaps involuntarily.

"Daddy," I whimpered.

"I know, son."

"Oh fuck Dad -"

"Shhhhhhh...." he said, adjusting himself, getting more comfortable. "Just us men - early in the morning."

"Dad - oh Dad - " I said, almost crying, but also staying fully and completely present. My cock throbbed - he had to have seen it - had to have known my complete engagement.

In my head I had imagined a different lead up to this ... moment we were about to share. I am sure he had, too, but there was something so expert about his loving that I also understood this was the perfect time - the perfect place - after so much deep, dark evening intimacy, here we were, pushing beyond the boundaries in the faint morning light.

"Be a good boy," is all he said, encouragingly and lovingly, and then he relaxed back on me, and he opened up - he didn't push, exactly, he just let gravity take its course. My tongue snaked back up inside of him and there it was again - closer to me this time, and I lathed it more lovingly, aggressively, making sure he understood I was doing my duty to this great and profound gift.

It didn't exit - it crowned - and as it did he instructed me again, as a Father would: "Kiss it, baby," he said, and I did, putting my mouth over the end and tonguing it like a cock, then putting my lips over it and sucking gently - so gently - scared - so scared - but fully available and aroused and showing my dedication to our filthy vision of love.

"Oh baby - oh Daddy's good boy," he said, caressing my chest ... and then it pulled back inside.

At this I moaned in sadness.

"OhhhhDad - oh no - " but then I lapped after it, feverishly licking his asslips, cleaning him, tasting him, urging him to complete me. Again he sat up, putting his hands on my chest, quieting me.

"Shhhhhhhh," he said. "Shhhhhhhh."

And I did, nodding, but keeping my mouth on his hole.

There was a long pause. He was controlling himself internally - I could tell - the sweat was dripping off his body and his muscles trembled with arousal and intention.

"Not the whole thing," he said, outlining the parameters. I consented my understanding physically with a nod, both relieved AND disappointed, but willing to be lead down our dark path.

"This time," he said, pushing back on my face, relaxing into our posture and position - "This time, just bite it, son. Bite it off. Then taste it. Then swallow."

I shook with barely controlled frenzy, nearly ready to cum, but fearful, too.

"You can do it - I know you can - "

"Ummmhmmmm," I groaned, eyes closed, entire being focused on the task, hands caressing his muscled thighs in consent.

"Make Daddy proud," he said as he opened back up - and there it was - back again. It rested at the crown - at the edge - as I mouthed my hungry lips around it - and then it entered my mouth -

"Bite now, baby. Bite now or you're taking it all."

And of course, I did what he told me to do. I bit down. It was hard. It was soft. As soon as I bit he yanked it back into his body. My mouth held the piece - it was large, but not overly large - a perfect bite-sized chunk and for a moment - just an instant - there was a revulsive reaction, but then my passion overcame and I mouthed it, tasting it. I loved how it tasted. It was so sharp and acrid - it was so him ... all him - hard and intense and singular - and then I swallowed. I took it all down my throat and blasted out a contented gasp of fulfillment.

I had done it.

"Uggghmmmmmmaaaahhhhh," I said, opening my mouth as I ransacked his hole with my tongue, proud of myself for becoming the toilet that I had always imagined. His shit was inside of me, travelling down my throat, and all I wanted was more.

And then, he was on me, pushing my legs back, shoving his cock in my hole, mouth covering my own, tongue tasting his filth on my inner cheeks, devouring me with his kiss as he speared me with his cock. The kiss lasted - then broke - his face hovered over me, eyes blazing. We looked at each other. Nothing was said but his eyes accused me of my raunch and I pridefully accepted the accusation.

Finally: "You did it."

"Awww fuck," I said, eyes wide, shocked, probably.

"You fucking did it, son."

"Fuck, Dad."

"You ate my shit, baby," he said. His face was a mix of emotion and intensity and sexual deviance and disgust.

"I did it, Daddy -"

"I can smell your shit on my breath," he said. His nose was close to my mouth - we were lips to nips and the feral vision of him was unique - like an animal sniffing a trail of scat, and that's precisely what it was.

"I want more, Dad," I said, beginning to shake now, closing my eyes, unwilling to look at his eyes as I revealed my disgusting desires.

"You're Daddy's toilet now, son," he said, lips touching mine.

"It tasted good, Daddy," I barely whispered to him, wishing I could withhold my shame, but unwilling and unable to do so against his large presence and even larger will.

"I know, baby. I know."

"I loved it, Dad," I said, beginning to cry now. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, burying my face in his neck, demanding that he hold me with all of his strength, which he did, for a long moment.

And then he kissed me again, tenderly, holding me as a few brief sobs of passion and desire and despair shook through me. And it was despair, of a kind, because I was hooked, now.

I could never go back.

Every time he looked at me he would see me for what I was - every time I looked at him I would remember this precise moment - the moment when he surprised me one morning, with love and tenderness and massaging care, and then sat over my face and allowed me to eat directly from his ass.

I would never - ever - be the same.


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